def host_netblock_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_netblock. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') form = forms.AddHostNetblockForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): host_netblock = model.HostNetblock() SESSION.add(host_netblock) host_netblock.host_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_netblock) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host netblock added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this as there is no unique constraint in the # table. So the only situation where it could fail is a failure # at the DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add netblock to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add netblock to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_netblock_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_view(host_id): """ Create a new host. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') form = forms.AddHostForm(obj=hostobj) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(obj=hostobj) hostobj.bandwidth_int = int(hostobj.bandwidth_int) hostobj.asn = None if not hostobj.asn else int(hostobj.asn) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host updated') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this because the code updates data therefore # the only situation where it could fail is a failure at the # DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not update the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not update the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_drop(host_id): """ Drop a given site. """ topic = 'host.deleted' hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Site not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') site_id = form = forms.ConfirmationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): message = dict(site_id=hostobj.site_id, host_id=host_id, bandwidth=hostobj.bandwidth_int, asn=hostobj.asn) SESSION.delete(hostobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host dropped') fedmsg_publish(topic, message) except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete this host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete this host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('site_view', site_id=site_id))
def host_asn_delete(host_id, host_asn_id): """ Delete a host_peer_asn. """ form = forms.ConfirmationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hostasnobj = mmlib.get_host_peer_asn(SESSION, host_asn_id) if hostasnobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host Peer ASN not found') else: SESSION.delete(hostasnobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host Peer ASN deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We check everything before deleting so the only error we could # run in is DB server related, and that we can't fake in our # tests SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete Peer ASN of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete Peer ASN of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id))
def host_category_delete(host_id, hc_id): """ Delete a host_category. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') else: for url in hcobj.urls: SESSION.delete(url) for dirs in hcobj.dirs: SESSION.delete(dirs) SESSION.delete(hcobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host Category deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete Category of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete Category of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id))
def host_category_url_delete(host_id, hc_id, host_category_url_id): """ Delete a host_category_url. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') hostcaturlobj = mmlib.get_host_category_url(SESSION, host_category_url_id) if hostcaturlobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host category URL not found') else: SESSION.delete(hostcaturlobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host category URL deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete category URL of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete category URL of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('host_category',,
def host_asn_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_peer_asn. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') form = forms.AddHostAsnForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): host_asn = model.HostPeerAsn() SESSION.add(host_asn) host_asn.host_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_asn) host_asn.asn = int(host_asn.asn) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Peer ASN added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Peer ASN to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Peer ASN to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_asn_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_asn_delete(host_id, host_asn_id): """ Delete a host_peer_asn. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hostasnobj = mmlib.get_host_peer_asn(SESSION, host_asn_id) if hostasnobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host Peer ASN not found') else: SESSION.delete(hostasnobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host Peer ASN deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete Peer ASN of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete Peer ASN of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id))
def host_acl_ip_delete(host_id, host_acl_ip_id): """ Delete a host_acl_ip. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hostaclobj = mmlib.get_host_acl_ip(SESSION, host_acl_ip_id) if hostaclobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host ACL IP not found') else: SESSION.delete(hostaclobj) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host ACL IP deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add ACL IP to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add ACL IP to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id))
def host_country_delete(host_id, host_country_id): """ Delete a host_country. """ form = forms.ConfirmationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') hostcntobj = mmlib.get_host_country(SESSION, host_country_id) if hostcntobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host Country not found') else: SESSION.delete(hostcntobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host Country deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We check everything before deleting so the only error we could # run in is DB server related, and that we can't fake in our # tests SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete Country of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete Country of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id))
def host_drop(host_id): """ Drop a given site. """ topic = 'host.deleted' hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Site not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') site_id = form = forms.ConfirmationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): message = dict( site_id=hostobj.site_id, host_id=host_id, bandwidth=hostobj.bandwidth_int, asn=hostobj.asn) SESSION.delete(hostobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host dropped') fedmsg_publish(topic, message) except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete this host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete this host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('site_view', site_id=site_id))
def host_view(host_id): """ Create a new host. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') form = forms.AddHostForm(obj=hostobj) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(obj=host) host.bandwidth_int = int(host.bandwidth_int) host.asn = None if not host.asn else int(host.asn) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host updated') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not update the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not update the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_category_url_new(host_id, hc_id): """ Create a new host_category_url. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') host_cat_ids = [ for cat in hostobj.categories] if not in host_cat_ids: flask.abort(404, 'Category not associated with this host') categories = mmlib.get_categories(SESSION) form = forms.AddHostCategoryUrlForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): host_category_u = model.HostCategoryUrl() host_category_u.host_category_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_category_u) url = if url.endswith('/'): url = url[:-1] host_category_u.url = url SESSION.add(host_category_u) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Category URL added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Category URL to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Category URL to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('host_category', host_id=host_id, hc_id=hc_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_category_url_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, hostcategory=hcobj, )
def host_view(host_id): """ Create a new host. """ topic = 'host.updated' hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') form = forms.AddHostForm(obj=hostobj) if form.validate_on_submit(): admin_active = hostobj.admin_active private = hostobj.private form.populate_obj(obj=hostobj) hostobj.bandwidth_int = int(hostobj.bandwidth_int) hostobj.asn = None if not hostobj.asn else int(hostobj.asn) # If the user is *not* an admin, keep the current admin_active flag if not is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user): hostobj.admin_active = admin_active # If the private flag has been changed, invalidate mirrors if hostobj.private != private: hostobj.set_not_up2date(SESSION) message = dict( site_id=hostobj.site_id, host_id=host_id, bandwidth=hostobj.bandwidth_int, asn=hostobj.asn) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host updated') fedmsg_publish(topic, message) except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this because the code updates data therefore # the only situation where it could fail is a failure at the # DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not update the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not update the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_category(host_id, hc_id): """ View a host_category. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') host_cat_ids = [ for cat in hostobj.categories] if not in host_cat_ids: flask.abort(404, 'Category not associated with this host') categories = mmlib.get_categories(SESSION) form = forms.EditHostCategoryForm(obj=hcobj) if form.validate_on_submit() and is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user): form.populate_obj(obj=hcobj) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Category updated') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this because the code check before updating # and therefore the only situation where it could fail is a # failure at the DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not update Category to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not update Category to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('host_category',, return flask.render_template( 'host_category.html', form=form, host=hostobj, hostcategory=hcobj, )
def host_view(host_id): """ Create a new host. """ topic = 'host.updated' hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') form = forms.AddHostForm(obj=hostobj) if form.validate_on_submit(): admin_active = hostobj.admin_active private = hostobj.private form.populate_obj(obj=hostobj) hostobj.bandwidth_int = int(hostobj.bandwidth_int) hostobj.asn = None if not hostobj.asn else int(hostobj.asn) # If the user is *not* an admin, keep the current admin_active flag if not is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user): hostobj.admin_active = admin_active # If the private flag has been changed, invalidate mirrors if hostobj.private != private: hostobj.set_not_up2date(SESSION) message = dict( site_id=hostobj.site_id, host_id=host_id, bandwidth=hostobj.bandwidth_int, asn=hostobj.asn) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host updated') fedmsg_publish(topic, message) except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this because the code updates data therefore # the only situation where it could fail is a failure at the # DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not update the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not update the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_category_url_delete(host_id, hc_id, host_category_url_id): """ Delete a host_category_url. """ form = forms.ConfirmationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') host_cat_ids = [ for cat in hostobj.categories] if not in host_cat_ids: flask.abort(404, 'Category not associated with this host') hostcaturlobj = mmlib.get_host_category_url_by_id( SESSION, host_category_url_id) if hostcaturlobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host category URL not found') host_cat_url_ids = [ for url in hcobj.urls] if not in host_cat_url_ids: flask.abort(404, 'Category URL not associated with this host') else: SESSION.delete(hostcaturlobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host category URL deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We check everything before deleting so the only error we could # run in is DB server related, and that we can't fake in our # tests SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete category URL of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete category URL of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('host_category', host_id=host_id, hc_id=hc_id))
def host_category_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_category. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') categories = mmlib.get_categories(SESSION) form = forms.AddHostCategoryForm(categories=categories) if flask.request.method == 'POST': try: = int( except ValueError: pass if form.validate_on_submit(): host_category = model.HostCategory() host_category.host_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_category) host_category.category_id = int(host_category.category_id) SESSION.add(host_category) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host Category added') return flask.redirect( flask.url_for( 'host_category',, except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Category to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Category to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.render_template( 'host_category_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_country_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_country. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') form = forms.AddHostCountryForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): country_name = country = mmlib.get_country_by_name(SESSION, country_name) if country is None: flask.flash('Invalid country code') return flask.render_template( 'host_country_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, ) host_country = model.HostCountry() host_country.host_id = host_country.country_id = SESSION.add(host_country) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Country added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this as there is no unique constraint in the # table. So the only situation where it could fail is a failure # at the DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Country to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Country to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_country_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_category_url_new(host_id, hc_id): """ Create a new host_category_url. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') categories = mmlib.get_categories(SESSION) form = forms.AddHostCategoryUrlForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): host_category_u = model.HostCategoryUrl() host_category_u.host_category_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_category_u) SESSION.add(host_category_u) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Category URL added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Category URL to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Category URL to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('host_category', host_id=host_id, hc_id=hc_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_category_url_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, hostcategory=hcobj, )
def host_country_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_country. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') form = forms.AddHostCountryForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): country_name = country = mmlib.get_country_by_name(SESSION, country_name) if country is None: flask.flash('Invalid country code') return flask.render_template( 'host_country_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, ) host_country = model.HostCountry() host_country.host_id = host_country.country_id = SESSION.add(host_country) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Country added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Country to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Country to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_country_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_category(host_id, hc_id): """ View a host_category. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') categories = mmlib.get_categories(SESSION) form = forms.EditHostCategoryForm(obj=hcobj) if form.validate_on_submit(): form.populate_obj(obj=hcobj) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Category updated') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not update Category to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not update Category to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect( flask.url_for('host_category',, return flask.render_template( 'host_category.html', form=form, host=hostobj, hostcategory=hcobj, )
def host_asn_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_peer_asn. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') form = forms.AddHostAsnForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): host_asn = model.HostPeerAsn() SESSION.add(host_asn) host_asn.host_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_asn) host_asn.asn = int(host_asn.asn) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host Peer ASN added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We cannot check this as there is no unique constraint in the # table. So the only situation where it could fail is a failure # at the DB server level itself. SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add Peer ASN to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add Peer ASN to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_asn_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )
def host_category_delete(host_id, hc_id): """ Delete a host_category. """ form = forms.ConfirmationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') hcobj = mmlib.get_host_category(SESSION, hc_id) if hcobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host/Category not found') host_cat_ids = [ for cat in hostobj.categories] if not in host_cat_ids: flask.abort(404, 'Category not associated with this host') else: for url in hcobj.urls: SESSION.delete(url) for dirs in hcobj.directories: SESSION.delete(dirs) SESSION.delete(hcobj) try: SESSION.commit() flask.flash('Host Category deleted') except SQLAlchemyError as err: # pragma: no cover # We check everything before deleting so the only error we could # run in is DB server related, and that we can't fake in our # tests SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not delete Category of the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not delete Category of the host') APP.logger.exception(err) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id))
def host_acl_ip_new(host_id): """ Create a new host_acl_ip. """ hostobj = mmlib.get_host(SESSION, host_id) if hostobj is None: flask.abort(404, 'Host not found') if not (is_site_admin(flask.g.fas_user, or is_mirrormanager_admin(flask.g.fas_user)): flask.abort(403, 'Access denied') form = forms.AddHostAclIpForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): host_acl = model.HostAclIp() SESSION.add(host_acl) host_acl.host_id = form.populate_obj(obj=host_acl) try: SESSION.flush() flask.flash('Host ACL IP added') except SQLAlchemyError as err: SESSION.rollback() flask.flash('Could not add ACL IP to the host') APP.logger.debug('Could not add ACL IP to the host') APP.logger.exception(err) SESSION.commit() return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('host_view', host_id=host_id)) return flask.render_template( 'host_acl_ip_new.html', form=form, host=hostobj, )