def determineRelPathToSdk(appDir, framework_dir, options): relPath = '' if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match( r'^\.{1,2}\/', appDir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(appDir), framework_dir) elif re.match( r'^/cygdrive\b', appDir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(appDir, framework_dir) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(appDir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(appDir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(appDir, relPath)): console.error("Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) if options.type == "contribution": #relPath = os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, "qooxdoo", QOOXDOO_VERSION) #relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) pass return relPath
def determineRelPathToSdk(appDir, framework_dir, options): relPath = '' if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match(r'^\.{1,2}\/', appDir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(appDir), framework_dir) elif re.match(r'^/cygdrive\b', appDir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(appDir, framework_dir) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(appDir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(appDir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(appDir, relPath)): console.error( "Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) return relPath
def from_doc_root_to_app_root(jobconf, confObj, doc_root): japp_root = jobconf.get("compile-options/paths/app-root", "source") app_root = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(confObj.absPath(japp_root), 'index.html')) # as soon as app_root and doc_root have a drive letter, the next might fail due to capitalization _, _, url_path = Path.getCommonPrefix(doc_root, app_root) url_path = Path.posifyPath(url_path) return url_path
def from_doc_root_to_app_root(jobconf, confObj, doc_root): japp_root = jobconf.get("compile-options/paths/app-root", "source") app_root = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(confObj.absPath(japp_root), 'index.html')) # as soon as app_root and doc_root have a drive letter, the next might fail due to capitalization _, _, url_path = Path.getCommonPrefix(doc_root, app_root) url_path = Path.posifyPath(url_path) return url_path
def patchSkeleton(dir, framework_dir, options): absPath = normalizePath(framework_dir) if absPath[-1] == "/": absPath = absPath[:-1] if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match( r'^\.{1,2}\/', dir ): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), framework_dir) elif re.match( r'^/cygdrive\b', dir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(dir, framework_dir) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) else: relPath = os.path.relpath(framework_dir, dir) #relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, relPath)): console.error("Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) if options.type == "contribution": relPath = os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, "qooxdoo", QOOXDOO_VERSION) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: split = file.split(".") if len(split) >= 3 and split[-2] == "tmpl": outFile = os.path.join(root, ".".join(split[:-2] + split[-1:])) inFile = os.path.join(root, file) console.log("Patching file '%s'" % outFile) #config = MyTemplate(open(inFile).read()) config = Template(open(inFile).read()) out = open(outFile, "w") out.write( config.substitute({ "Name":, "Namespace": options.namespace, "NamespacePath" : (options.namespace).replace('.', '/'), "REL_QOOXDOO_PATH": relPath, "ABS_QOOXDOO_PATH": absPath, "QOOXDOO_VERSION": QOOXDOO_VERSION, "Cache" : options.cache, }).encode('utf-8') ) out.close() os.remove(inFile) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in [file for file in files if file.endswith(".py")]: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), (stat.S_IRWXU |stat.S_IRGRP |stat.S_IXGRP |stat.S_IROTH |stat.S_IXOTH)) # 0755
def getImageId(imagePath, prefixSpec): prefix, altprefix = extractFromPrefixSpec(prefixSpec) imageId = imagePath # init _, imageId, _ = Path.getCommonPrefix(imagePath, prefix) # assume: imagePath = prefix "/" imageId if altprefix: imageId = altprefix + "/" + imageId imageId = Path.posifyPath(imageId) return imageId
def patchSkeleton(dir, framework_dir, options): absPath = normalizePath(framework_dir) if absPath[-1] == "/": absPath = absPath[:-1] if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match( r'^\.{1,2}\/', dir ): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), framework_dir) elif re.match( r'^/cygdrive\b', dir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(dir, framework_dir) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, relPath)): console.error("Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) if options.type == "contribution": # TODO: in a final release the following "trunk" would need to be changed # to an actual version number like "0.8.3" relPath = os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, "qooxdoo", "0.8.3") relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: split = file.split(".") if len(split) >= 3 and split[1] == "tmpl": outFile = os.path.join(root, split[0] + "." + ".".join(split[2:])) inFile = os.path.join(root, file) console.log("Patching file '%s'" % outFile) config = Template(open(inFile).read()) out = open(outFile, "w") out.write( config.substitute({ "Name":, "Namespace": options.namespace, "REL_QOOXDOO_PATH": relPath, "ABS_QOOXDOO_PATH": absPath, "QOOXDOO_VERSION": "0.8.3", "Cache" : options.cache, }).encode('utf-8') ) out.close() os.remove(inFile) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in [file for file in files if file.endswith(".py")]: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), (stat.S_IRWXU |stat.S_IRGRP |stat.S_IXGRP |stat.S_IROTH |stat.S_IXOTH)) # 0755
def patchSkeleton(dir, framework_dir, options): absPath = normalizePath(framework_dir) if absPath[-1] == "/": absPath = absPath[:-1] if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match( r'^\.{1,2}\/', dir ): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), framework_dir) elif re.match( r'^/cygdrive\b', dir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(dir, framework_dir) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(framework_dir)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, relPath)): console.error("Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) if options.type == "contribution": relPath = os.path.join(os.pardir, os.pardir, "qooxdoo", QOOXDOO_VERSION) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: split = file.split(".") if len(split) >= 3 and split[1] == "tmpl": outFile = os.path.join(root, split[0] + "." + ".".join(split[2:])) inFile = os.path.join(root, file) console.log("Patching file '%s'" % outFile) config = Template(open(inFile).read()) out = open(outFile, "w") out.write( config.substitute({ "Name":, "Namespace": options.namespace, "NamespacePath" : (options.namespace).replace('.', '/'), "REL_QOOXDOO_PATH": relPath, "ABS_QOOXDOO_PATH": absPath, "QOOXDOO_VERSION": QOOXDOO_VERSION, "Cache" : options.cache, }).encode('utf-8') ) out.close() os.remove(inFile) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in [file for file in files if file.endswith(".py")]: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), (stat.S_IRWXU |stat.S_IRGRP |stat.S_IXGRP |stat.S_IROTH |stat.S_IXOTH)) # 0755
def normalizeImgUri(uriFromMetafile, trueCombinedUri, combinedUriFromMetafile): # normalize paths (esp. "./x" -> "x") (uriFromMetafile, trueCombinedUri, combinedUriFromMetafile) = map(os.path.normpath, (uriFromMetafile, trueCombinedUri, combinedUriFromMetafile)) # get the "wrong" left part of the combined image, as used in the .meta file (in mappedUriPrefix) trueUriPrefix, mappedUriPrefix, _ = Path.getCommonSuffix(trueCombinedUri, combinedUriFromMetafile) # ...and strip it from clipped image, to get a correct image id (in uriSuffix) _, _, uriSuffix = Path.getCommonPrefix(mappedUriPrefix, uriFromMetafile) # ...then compose the correct prefix with the correct suffix normalUri = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(trueUriPrefix, uriSuffix)) return normalUri
def patchSkeleton(dir, name, namespace): absPath = normalizePath(FRAMEWORK_DIR) if absPath[-1] == "/": absPath = absPath[:-1] if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match(r'^\.{1,2}\/', dir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), FRAMEWORK_DIR) elif re.match(r'^/cygdrive\b', dir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(dir, FRAMEWORK_DIR) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(FRAMEWORK_DIR)) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(FRAMEWORK_DIR)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, relPath)): console.error( "Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: split = file.split(".") if len(split) >= 3 and split[1] == "tmpl": outFile = os.path.join(root, split[0] + "." + ".".join(split[2:])) inFile = os.path.join(root, file) console.log("Patching file '%s'" % outFile) config = Template(open(inFile).read()) out = open(outFile, "w") out.write( config.substitute({ "Name": name, "Namespace": namespace, "REL_QOOXDOO_PATH": relPath, "ABS_QOOXDOO_PATH": absPath, "QOOXDOO_VERSION": "0.8" })) out.close() os.remove(inFile) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in [file for file in files if file.endswith(".py")]: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), 0755)
def patchSkeleton(dir, name, namespace): absPath = normalizePath(FRAMEWORK_DIR) if absPath[-1] == "/": absPath = absPath[:-1] if sys.platform == 'cygwin': if re.match( r'^\.{1,2}\/', dir ): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), FRAMEWORK_DIR) elif re.match( r'^/cygdrive\b', dir): relPath = Path.rel_from_to(dir, FRAMEWORK_DIR) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(FRAMEWORK_DIR)) else: relPath = Path.rel_from_to(normalizePath(dir), normalizePath(FRAMEWORK_DIR)) relPath = re.sub(r'\\', "/", relPath) if relPath[-1] == "/": relPath = relPath[:-1] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, relPath)): console.error("Relative path to qooxdoo directory is not correct: '%s'" % relPath) sys.exit(1) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: split = file.split(".") if len(split) >= 3 and split[1] == "tmpl": outFile = os.path.join(root, split[0] + "." + ".".join(split[2:])) inFile = os.path.join(root, file) console.log("Patching file '%s'" % outFile) config = Template(open(inFile).read()) out = open(outFile, "w") out.write( config.substitute({ "Name": name, "Namespace": namespace, "REL_QOOXDOO_PATH": relPath, "ABS_QOOXDOO_PATH": absPath, "QOOXDOO_VERSION": "0.8.1" }) ) out.close() os.remove(inFile) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in [file for file in files if file.endswith(".py")]: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), 0755)
def _computeResourceUri(self, lib, resourcePath, rType="class", appRoot=None): if 'uri' in lib: libBaseUri = Uri(lib['uri']) elif appRoot: libBaseUri = Uri(Path.rel_from_to(self._config.absPath(appRoot), lib['path'])) else: raise RuntimeError, "Need either lib['uri'] or appRoot, to calculate final URI" #libBaseUri = Uri(libBaseUri.toUri()) if rType in lib: libInternalPath = OsPath(lib[rType]) else: raise RuntimeError, "No such resource type: \"%s\"" % rType # process the second part of the target uri uri = libInternalPath.join(resourcePath) uri = Uri(uri.toUri()) libBaseUri.ensureTrailingSlash() uri = libBaseUri.join(uri) # strip dangling "/", e.g. when we have no resourcePath uri.ensureNoTrailingSlash() return uri
def _computeResourceUri(self, lib, resourcePath, rType="class", appRoot=None): '''computes a complete resource URI for the given resource type rType, from the information given in lib and, if lib doesn't provide a general uri prefix for it, use appRoot and lib path to construct one''' if 'uri' in lib: libBaseUri = Uri(lib['uri']) elif appRoot: libBaseUri = Uri(Path.rel_from_to(self._config.absPath(appRoot), lib['path'])) else: raise RuntimeError, "Need either lib['uri'] or appRoot, to calculate final URI" #libBaseUri = Uri(libBaseUri.toUri()) if rType in lib: libInternalPath = OsPath(lib[rType]) else: raise RuntimeError, "No such resource type: \"%s\"" % rType # process the second part of the target uri uri = libInternalPath.join(resourcePath) uri = Uri(uri.toUri()) libBaseUri.ensureTrailingSlash() uri = libBaseUri.join(uri) return uri
def runCopyFiles(jobconf, confObj): # Copy application files if not jobconf.get("copy-files/files", False): return console = Context.console filePatts = jobconf.get("copy-files/files", []) if filePatts: buildRoot = jobconf.get("copy-files/target", "build") buildRoot = confObj.absPath(buildRoot) sourceRoot = jobconf.get("copy-files/source", "source") sourceRoot = confObj.absPath(sourceRoot)"Copying application files...") console.indent() for patt in filePatts: appfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourceRoot, patt)) for srcfile in appfiles: console.debug("copying %s" % srcfile) srcfileSuffix = Path.getCommonPrefix(sourceRoot, srcfile)[2] destfile = os.path.join(buildRoot, srcfileSuffix) if (os.path.isdir(srcfile)): destdir = destfile else: destdir = os.path.dirname(destfile) _copyResources(srcfile, destdir) console.outdent()
def _scanResourcePath(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("The given resource path does not exist: %s" % path) self._console.debug("Scanning resource folder...") path = os.path.abspath(path) lib_prefix_len = len(path) if not path.endswith(os.sep): lib_prefix_len += 1 for root, dirs, files in filetool.walk(path): # filter ignored directories for dir in dirs: if self._ignoredDirectories.match(dir): dirs.remove(dir) for file in files: fpath = os.path.join(root, file) fpath = os.path.normpath(fpath) if Image.isImage(fpath): if CombinedImage.isCombinedImage(fpath): res = CombinedImage(fpath) else: res = Image(fpath) res.analyzeImage() else: res = Resource(fpath) = Path.posifyPath(fpath[lib_prefix_len:]) res.library= self self.resources.add(res) return
def update_helper(char_name, move_nodes): print('updating moves for', char_name) char = Database.Characters(char_name) start = Database.raw_moves[char] count = 0 if True: (key_in, key_out) = -1, 0 key_to_val = { str(i.move_id) for i in move_nodes} else: (key_in, key_out) = 0, -1 key_to_val = {str(i.move_id): for i in move_nodes} for row in start[1:]: val_in = row[key_in].split(',') val_out = ','.join( [j for j in [key_to_val.get(i) for i in val_in] if j]) check_out = row[key_out] if check_out != val_out: count += 1 row[key_out] = val_out print('diff', count) if count > 0: csv_content = '\n'.join(['\t'.join(i) for i in start]) + '\n' path = Path.path('./database/%s.csv' % with open(path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fh: fh.write(csv_content) print('done')
def filter(respath): respath = Path.posifyPath(respath) for res in self._resList: mo = # this might need a better 'match' algorithm if mo: return True return False
def runCopyFiles(jobconf, confObj): # Copy application files if not jobconf.get("copy-files/files", False): return console = Context.console filePatts = jobconf.get("copy-files/files", []) if filePatts: buildRoot = jobconf.get("copy-files/target", "build") buildRoot = confObj.absPath(buildRoot) sourceRoot = jobconf.get("copy-files/source", "source") sourceRoot = confObj.absPath(sourceRoot)"Copying application files...") console.indent() for patt in filePatts: appfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourceRoot, patt)) for srcfile in appfiles: console.debug("copying %s" % srcfile) srcfileSuffix = Path.getCommonPrefix(sourceRoot, srcfile)[2] destfile = os.path.join(buildRoot, srcfileSuffix) if os.path.isdir(srcfile): destdir = destfile else: destdir = os.path.dirname(destfile) _copyResources(srcfile, destdir) console.outdent()
def generateBootScript(bootPackage=""): def packagesOfFiles(fileUri, packages): # returns list of lists, each containing destination file name of the corresp. part # npackages = [['script/gui-0.js'], ['script/gui-1.js'],...] npackages = [] file = os.path.basename(fileUri) for packageId in range(len(packages)): packageFileName = self._resolveFileName(file, variants, settings, packageId) npackages.append((packageFileName,)) return npackages"Generating boot script...") bootBlocks = [] # For resource list resourceUri = compConf.get('uris/resource', 'resource') resourceUri = Path.posifyPath(resourceUri) globalCodes = self.generateGlobalCodes(libs, translationMaps, settings, variants, format, resourceUri, scriptUri) filesPackages = packagesOfFiles(fileUri, packages) bootBlocks.append(self.generateBootCode(parts, filesPackages, boot, variants, settings, bootPackage, globalCodes, "build", format)) if format: bootContent = "\n\n".join(bootBlocks) else: bootContent = "".join(bootBlocks) return bootContent
def getSavePath(self, urlRoot, fileRoot, currUrl): savePath = pathFrag = "" # pathFrag = currUrl - urlRoot; assert currUrl > urlRoot assert currUrl.startswith(urlRoot) # only consider urls from the same root (pre,sfx1,sfx2) = Path.getCommonPrefix(urlRoot, currUrl) pathFrag = sfx2 savePath = os.path.join(fileRoot, pathFrag) return savePath
def assetIdFromPath(self, resource, lib): def extractAssetPart(libresuri, imguri): pre,libsfx,imgsfx = Path.getCommonPrefix(libresuri, imguri) # split libresuri from imguri if imgsfx[0] == os.sep: imgsfx = imgsfx[1:] # strip leading '/' return imgsfx # use the bare img suffix as its asset Id librespath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(lib['path'], lib['resource'])) assetId = extractAssetPart(librespath, resource) assetId = Path.posifyPath(assetId) return assetId
def getSavePath(self, urlRoot, fileRoot, currUrl): savePath = pathFrag = "" # pathFrag = currUrl - urlRoot; assert currUrl > urlRoot assert currUrl.startswith( urlRoot) # only consider urls from the same root (pre, sfx1, sfx2) = Path.getCommonPrefix(urlRoot, currUrl) pathFrag = sfx2 savePath = os.path.join(fileRoot, pathFrag) return savePath
def resourceValue(r): # create a pair res = [path, uri] for this resource... rsource = os.path.normpath(r) # normalize "./..." relpath = (Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, rsource))[2] if relpath[0] == os.sep: # normalize "/..." relpath = relpath[1:] ruri = (self._genobj._computeResourceUri(lib, relpath, rType='resource', appRoot=self._genobj.approot)) return (rsource, ruri)
def populate_character(character_name): existing = [i for i in database.keys() if i[0] == character_name] for i in existing: del database[i] path = Path.path('./database/%s.csv' % character_name) with open(path, encoding='UTF-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t') data = [i for i in reader if i] raw_moves[Characters[character_name]] = data header = data[0] for move in data[1:]: populate_move(character_name, header, move)
def init_tk(self): self.wm_title("dcep93/TekkenBot") self.iconbitmap(Path.path('./img/tekken_bot_close.ico')) self.text = t_tkinter.Text(self, wrap="word") stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = TextRedirector(self.text, stdout, "stdout") stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = TextRedirector(self.text, stderr, "stderr") self.text.tag_configure("stderr", foreground="#b22222") self.text.pack(fill=t_tkinter.BOTH) self.geometry('1200x420+0+0')
def _scanResourcePath(self): resources = set() if self.resourcePath is None: return resources if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path, self.resourcePath)):"Lib<%s>: Skipping non-existing resource path" % self.namespace) return resources path = os.path.join(self.path, self.resourcePath) self._console.debug("Scanning resource folder...") path = os.path.abspath(path) lib_prefix_len = len(path) if not path.endswith(os.sep): lib_prefix_len += 1 for root, dirs, files in filetool.walk(path): # filter ignored directories for dir in dirs: if self._ignoredDirEntries.match(dir): dirs.remove(dir) for file in files: if self._ignoredDirEntries.match(file): continue fpath = os.path.join(root, file) fpath = os.path.normpath(fpath) if Image.isImage(fpath): if CombinedImage.isCombinedImage(fpath): res = CombinedImage(fpath) else: res = Image(fpath) res.analyzeImage() elif FontMap.isFontMap(fpath): res = FontMap(fpath) else: res = Resource(fpath) res.set_id(Path.posifyPath(fpath[lib_prefix_len:])) res.library = self resources.add(res) self._console.indent() self._console.debug("Found %s resources" % len(resources)) self._console.outdent() return resources
def _scanResourcePath(self): resources = set() if self.resourcePath is None: return resources if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path,self.resourcePath)):"Lib<%s>: Skipping non-existing resource path" % self.namespace) return resources path = os.path.join(self.path,self.resourcePath) self._console.debug("Scanning resource folder...") path = os.path.abspath(path) lib_prefix_len = len(path) if not path.endswith(os.sep): lib_prefix_len += 1 for root, dirs, files in filetool.walk(path): # filter ignored directories for dir in dirs: if self._ignoredDirEntries.match(dir): dirs.remove(dir) for file in files: if self._ignoredDirEntries.match(file): continue fpath = os.path.join(root, file) fpath = os.path.normpath(fpath) if Image.isImage(fpath): if CombinedImage.isCombinedImage(fpath): res = CombinedImage(fpath) else: res = Image(fpath) res.analyzeImage() elif FontMap.isFontMap(fpath): res = FontMap(fpath) else: res = Resource(fpath) res.set_id(Path.posifyPath(fpath[lib_prefix_len:])) res.library= self resources.add(res) self._console.indent() self._console.debug("Found %s resources" % len(resources)) self._console.outdent() return resources
def findLibResources(self, lib, filter=None): def getCache(lib): cacheId = "resinlib-%s" % lib._path liblist =, dependsOn=None, memory=True) return liblist, cacheId def isSkipFile(f): if [x for x in map(lambda x:, f), ignoredFiles) if x!=None]: return True else: return False # - Main -------------------------------------------------------------- cacheList = [] # to poss. populate cache cacheId = "" # will be filled in getCache() ignoredFiles = [r'\.meta$',] # files not considered as resources # create wrapper object libObj = Library(lib, self._genobj._console) # retrieve list of library resources libList, cacheId = getCache(libObj) if libList: inCache = True else: libList = libObj.scanResourcePath() inCache = False # go through list of library resources and add suitable for resource in libList: # scanResourcePath() yields absolute paths to a resource, but # we only want to match against the 'resource' part of it resourcePart = Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, resource)[2] if not inCache: cacheList.append(resource) if isSkipFile(resource): continue elif (filter and not filter(resourcePart)): continue else: yield resource if not inCache: # cache write self._genobj._cache.write(cacheId, cacheList, memory=True, writeToFile=False) return
def analyseResource(resource, lib): ## # compute the resource value of an image for the script def imgResVal(resource): imgId = resource # Cache or generate if (imgId in imgLookupTable and imgLookupTable[imgId ]["time"] > os.stat(imgId ).st_mtime): imageInfo = imgLookupTable[imgId ]["content"] else: imageInfo = self._imageInfo.getImageInfo(imgId , assetId) imgLookupTable[imgId ] = {"time": time.time(), "content": imageInfo} # Now process the image information # use an ImgInfoFmt object, to abstract from flat format imgfmt = ImgInfoFmt() imgfmt.lib = lib['namespace'] if not 'type' in imageInfo: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get image info from file: %s" % imgId imgfmt.type = imageInfo['type'] # Add this image # imageInfo = {width, height, filetype} if not 'width' in imageInfo or not 'height' in imageInfo: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get image info from file: %s" % imgId imgfmt.width = imageInfo['width'] imgfmt.height = imageInfo['height'] imgfmt.type = imageInfo['type'] return imgfmt # ---------------------------------------------------------- imgpatt = re.compile(r'\.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$', re.I) librespath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(lib['path'], lib['resource'])) assetId = extractAssetPart(librespath, resource) assetId = Path.posifyPath(assetId) if # handle images resvalue = imgResVal(resource) else: # handle other resources resvalue = lib['namespace'] return assetId, resvalue
def _scanResourcePath(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError("The given resource path does not exist: %s" % path) self._console.debug("Scanning resource folder...") path = os.path.abspath(path) lib_prefix_len = len(path) if not path.endswith(os.sep): lib_prefix_len += 1 self.resources = set() for root, dirs, files in filetool.walk(path): # filter ignored directories for dir in dirs: if self._ignoredDirEntries.match(dir): dirs.remove(dir) for file in files: if self._ignoredDirEntries.match(file): continue fpath = os.path.join(root, file) fpath = os.path.normpath(fpath) if Image.isImage(fpath): if CombinedImage.isCombinedImage(fpath): res = CombinedImage(fpath) else: res = Image(fpath) res.analyzeImage() else: res = Resource(fpath) res.set_id(Path.posifyPath(fpath[lib_prefix_len:])) res.library = self self.resources.add(res) self._console.indent() self._console.debug("Found %s resources" % len(self.resources)) self._console.outdent() return
def analyseResource(self, resource): ## # compute the resource value of an image for the script def imgResVal(resource, assetId): imageInfo = self._imageInfoObj.getImageInfo(resource, assetId) # Now process the image information # use an ImgInfoFmt object, to abstract from flat format imgfmt = ImgInfoFmt() imgfmt.lib = self.namespace if not "type" in imageInfo: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get image info from file: %s" % resource imgfmt.type = imageInfo["type"] # Add this image # imageInfo = {width, height, filetype} if not "width" in imageInfo or not "height" in imageInfo: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get image info from file: %s" % resource imgfmt.width = imageInfo["width"] imgfmt.height = imageInfo["height"] imgfmt.type = imageInfo["type"] return imgfmt # ---------------------------------------------------------- imgpatt = re.compile(r"\.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$", re.I) librespath = os.path.normpath(self._resourcePath) lib_prefix_len = len(librespath) if not librespath.endswith(os.sep): lib_prefix_len += 1 assetId = resource[lib_prefix_len:] assetId = Path.posifyPath(assetId) if # handle images resvalue = imgResVal(resource, assetId) else: # handle other resources resvalue = self.namespace return assetId, resvalue
def processCombinedImg(data, meta_fname, combinedImageUri, combinedImageShortUri, combinedImageObject): # make sure lib and type info for the combined image are present assert combinedImageObject.lib, combinedImageObject.type # see if we have cached the contents (json) of this .meta file cacheId = "imgcomb-%s" % meta_fname imgDict =, meta_fname) if imgDict == None: mfile = open(meta_fname) imgDict = simplejson.loads( mfile.close() self._cache.write(cacheId, imgDict) # now loop through the dict structure from the .meta file for imagePath, imageSpec_ in imgDict.items(): # sort of like this: imagePath : [width, height, type, combinedUri, off-x, off-y] imageObject = ImgInfoFmt(imageSpec_) # turn this into an ImgInfoFmt object, to abstract from representation in .meta file and loader script # have to normalize the uri's from the meta file #imageUri = normalizeImgUri(imagePath, combinedImageUri, imageObject.mappedId) imageUri = imagePath ## replace lib uri with lib namespace in imageUri imageShortUri = extractAssetPart(librespath, imageUri) imageShortUri = Path.posifyPath(imageShortUri) # now put all elements of the image object together imageObject.mappedId = combinedImageShortUri # correct the mapped uri of the combined image imageObject.lib = combinedImageObject.lib imageObject.mtype = combinedImageObject.type imageObject.mlib = combinedImageObject.lib # and store it in the data structure data[imageShortUri] = imageObject.flatten() # this information takes precedence over existing return
def analyseResource(self, resource): ## # compute the resource value of an image for the script def imgResVal(resource, assetId): imageInfo = self._imageInfoObj.getImageInfo(resource, assetId) # Now process the image information # use an ImgInfoFmt object, to abstract from flat format imgfmt = ImgInfoFmt() imgfmt.lib = self.namespace if not 'type' in imageInfo: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get image info from file: %s" % resource imgfmt.type = imageInfo['type'] # Add this image # imageInfo = {width, height, filetype} if not 'width' in imageInfo or not 'height' in imageInfo: raise RuntimeError, "Unable to get image info from file: %s" % resource imgfmt.width = imageInfo['width'] imgfmt.height = imageInfo['height'] imgfmt.type = imageInfo['type'] return imgfmt # ---------------------------------------------------------- imgpatt = re.compile(r'\.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$', re.I) librespath = os.path.normpath(self._resourcePath) lib_prefix_len = len(librespath) if not librespath.endswith(os.sep): lib_prefix_len += 1 assetId = resource[lib_prefix_len:] assetId = Path.posifyPath(assetId) if # handle images resvalue = imgResVal(resource, assetId) else: # handle other resources resvalue = self.namespace return assetId, resvalue
def _computeResourceUri(self, lib_, resourcePath, rType="class", appRoot=None): # i still use dict-type lib representation to create _output_ pseudo-lib if isinstance(lib_, generator.resource.Library.Library): lib = { 'class' : lib_.classPath, 'uri' : lib_.uri, 'path' : lib_.path, 'resource' : lib_.resourcePath, } else: lib = lib_ if 'uri' in lib and lib['uri'] is not None: libBaseUri = Uri(lib['uri']) elif appRoot: libBaseUri = Uri(Path.rel_from_to(self._config.absPath(appRoot), lib['path'])) else: raise RuntimeError, "Need either lib.uri or appRoot, to calculate final URI" #libBaseUri = Uri(libBaseUri.toUri()) if rType in lib: libInternalPath = OsPath(lib[rType]) else: raise RuntimeError, "No such resource type: \"%s\"" % rType # process the second part of the target uri uri = libInternalPath.join(resourcePath) uri = Uri(uri.toUri()) libBaseUri.ensureTrailingSlash() uri = libBaseUri.join(uri) # strip dangling "/", e.g. when we have no resourcePath uri.ensureNoTrailingSlash() return uri
def runCompiled(self, script, treeCompiler, version="build"): def getOutputFile(compileType): filePath = compConf.get("paths/file") if not filePath: filePath = os.path.join(compileType, "script", script.namespace + ".js") return filePath def getFileUri(scriptUri): appfile = os.path.basename(fileRelPath) fileUri = os.path.join(scriptUri, appfile) # make complete with file name fileUri = Path.posifyPath(fileUri) return fileUri ## # returns the Javascript code for the initial ("boot") script as a string, # using the loader.tmpl template and filling its placeholders def generateBootCode(parts, packages, boot, script, compConf, variants, settings, bootCode, globalCodes, version="source", decodeUrisFile=None, format=False): ## # create a map with part names as key and array of package id's and # return as string def partsMap(script): partData = {} packages = script.packagesSortedSimple() #print "packages: %r" % packages for part in partData[part] =[part].packagesAsIndices(packages) #print "part '%s': %r" % (part,[part].packages) partData = json.dumpsCode(partData) return partData def fillTemplate(vals, template): # Fill the code template with various vals templ = MyTemplate(template) result = templ.safe_substitute(vals) return result def packageUrisToJS1(packages, version, namespace=None): # Translate URI data to JavaScript allUris = [] for packageId, package in enumerate(packages): packageUris = [] for fileId in package: if version == "build": # TODO: gosh, the next is an ugly hack! #namespace = self._resourceHandler._genobj._namespaces[0] # all name spaces point to the same paths in the libinfo struct, so any of them will do if not namespace: namespace = script.namespace # all name spaces point to the same paths in the libinfo struct, so any of them will do relpath = OsPath(fileId) else: namespace = self._classes[fileId]["namespace"] relpath = OsPath(self._classes[fileId]["relpath"]) shortUri = Uri(relpath.toUri()) packageUris.append("%s:%s" % (namespace, shortUri.encodedValue())) allUris.append(packageUris) return allUris ## # Translate URI data to JavaScript # using Package objects def packageUrisToJS(packages, version): allUris = [] for packageId, package in enumerate(packages): packageUris = [] if package.file: # build namespace = "__out__" fileId = package.file relpath = OsPath(fileId) shortUri = Uri(relpath.toUri()) packageUris.append("%s:%s" % (namespace, shortUri.encodedValue())) else: # "source" : for clazz in package.classes: namespace = self._classes[clazz]["namespace"] relpath = OsPath(self._classes[clazz]["relpath"]) shortUri = Uri(relpath.toUri()) packageUris.append("%s:%s" % (namespace, shortUri.encodedValue())) allUris.append(packageUris) return allUris def loadTemplate(bootCode): # try custom loader templates loaderFile = compConf.get("paths/loader-template", None) if not loaderFile: # use default templates if version=="build": #loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader-build.tmpl.js") # TODO: test-wise using generic template loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader.tmpl.js") else: #loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader-source.tmpl.js") loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader.tmpl.js") template = return template # --------------------------------------------------------------- if not parts: return "" result = "" vals = {} packages = script.packagesSortedSimple() loader_with_boot = self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True) # stringify data in globalCodes for entry in globalCodes: globalCodes[entry] = json.dumpsCode(globalCodes[entry]) # undo damage done by simplejson to raw strings with escapes \\ -> \ globalCodes[entry] = globalCodes[entry].replace('\\\\\\', '\\').replace(r'\\', '\\') # " gets tripple escaped, therefore the first .replace() vals.update(globalCodes) if version=="build": vals["Resources"] = json.dumpsCode({}) # TODO: undo Resources from globalCodes!!! vals["Boot"] = '"%s"' % boot if version == "build": vals["BootPart"] = bootCode else: vals["BootPart"] = "" # fake package data for key, package in enumerate(packages): vals["BootPart"] += "qx.$$packageData['%d']={};\n" % key # Translate part information to JavaScript vals["Parts"] = partsMap(script) # Translate URI data to JavaScript #vals["Uris"] = packageUrisToJS1(packages, version) vals["Uris"] = packageUrisToJS(packages, version) vals["Uris"] = json.dumpsCode(vals["Uris"]) # Add potential extra scripts vals["UrisBefore"] = [] if self._job.get("add-script", False): additional_scripts = self._job.get("add-script",[]) for additional_script in additional_scripts: vals["UrisBefore"].append(additional_script["uri"]) vals["UrisBefore"] = json.dumpsCode(vals["UrisBefore"]) # Whether boot package is inline if version == "source": vals["BootIsInline"] = json.dumpsCode(False) else: vals["BootIsInline"] = json.dumpsCode(loader_with_boot) # Closure package information cParts = {} if version == "build": for part in if not loader_with_boot or part != "boot": cParts[part] = True vals["ClosureParts"] = json.dumpsCode(cParts) # Package Hashes vals["PackageHashes"] = {} for key, package in enumerate(packages): if package.hash: vals["PackageHashes"][key] = package.hash else: vals["PackageHashes"][key] = "%d" % key # fake code package hashes in source ver. vals["PackageHashes"] = json.dumpsCode(vals["PackageHashes"]) # Script hook for qx.$$loader.decodeUris() function vals["DecodeUrisPlug"] = "" if decodeUrisFile: plugCode = # let it bomb if file can't be read vals["DecodeUrisPlug"] = plugCode.strip() # Enable "?nocache=...." for script loading? vals["NoCacheParam"] = "true" if self._job.get("compile-options/uris/add-nocache-param", True) else "false" # Locate and load loader basic script template = loadTemplate(bootCode) # Fill template gives result result = fillTemplate(vals, template) return result ## # shallow layer above generateBootCode(), and its only client def generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, bootPackage="", compileType="build"):"Generating boot script...") if not self._job.get("packages/i18n-with-boot", True): # remove I18N info from globalCodes, so they don't go into the loader globalCodes["Translations"] = {} globalCodes["Locales"] = {} else: if compileType == "build": # also remove them here, as this info is now with the packages globalCodes["Translations"] = {} globalCodes["Locales"] = {} plugCodeFile = compConf.get("code/decode-uris-plug", False) if compileType == "build": filepackages = [(x.file,) for x in packages] bootContent = generateBootCode(parts, filepackages, boot, script, compConf, variants, settings, bootPackage, globalCodes, compileType, plugCodeFile, format) else: filepackages = [x.classes for x in packages] bootContent = generateBootCode(parts, filepackages, boot, script, compConf, variants={}, settings={}, bootCode=None, globalCodes=globalCodes, version=compileType, decodeUrisFile=plugCodeFile, format=format) return bootContent def getPackageData(package): data = {} data["resources"] = data["translations"] = data["locales"] = data = json.dumpsCode(data) data += ';\n' return data def compilePackage(packageIndex, package):"Compiling package #%s:" % packageIndex, False) self._console.indent() # Compile file content pkgCode = self._treeCompiler.compileClasses(package.classes, variants, optimize, format) pkgData = getPackageData(package) hash = sha.getHash(pkgData + pkgCode)[:12] # first 12 chars should be enough isBootPackage = packageIndex == 0 if isBootPackage: compiledContent = ("qx.$$packageData['%s']=" % hash) + pkgData + pkgCode else: compiledContent = u'''qx.$$packageData['%s']=%s\n''' % (hash, pkgData) compiledContent += u'''qx.Part.$$notifyLoad("%s", function() {\n%s\n});''' % (hash, pkgCode) # package.hash = hash # to fill qx.$$loader.packageHashes in generateBootScript() self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(compiledContent)) self._console.outdent() return compiledContent ## # takes an array of (po-data, locale-data) dict pairs # merge all po data and all cldr data in a single dict each def mergeTranslationMaps(transMaps): poData = {} cldrData = {} for pac_dat, loc_dat in transMaps: for loc in pac_dat: if loc not in poData: poData[loc] = {} poData[loc].update(pac_dat[loc]) for loc in loc_dat: if loc not in cldrData: cldrData[loc] = {} cldrData[loc].update(loc_dat[loc]) return (poData, cldrData) # -- Main - runCompiled ------------------------------------------------ # Early return compileType = self._job.get("compile/type", "") if compileType not in ("build", "source"): return packages = script.packagesSortedSimple() parts = boot = script.boot variants = script.variants libraries = script.libraries self._treeCompiler = treeCompiler self._variants = variants self._script = script"Generate %s version..." % compileType) self._console.indent() # - Evaluate job config --------------------- # Compile config compConf = self._job.get("compile-options") compConf = ExtMap(compConf) # Whether the code should be formatted format = compConf.get("code/format", False) script.scriptCompress = compConf.get("paths/gzip", False) # Read in settings settings = self.getSettings() script.settings = settings # Read libraries libs = self._job.get("library", []) # Get translation maps locales = compConf.get("code/locales", []) translationMaps = self.getTranslationMaps(packages, variants, locales) # Read in base file name fileRelPath = getOutputFile(compileType) filePath = self._config.absPath(fileRelPath) script.baseScriptPath = filePath if compileType == "build": # read in uri prefixes scriptUri = compConf.get('uris/script', 'script') scriptUri = Path.posifyPath(scriptUri) fileUri = getFileUri(scriptUri) # for resource list resourceUri = compConf.get('uris/resource', 'resource') resourceUri = Path.posifyPath(resourceUri) else: # source version needs place where the app HTML ("index.html") lives self.approot = self._config.absPath(compConf.get("paths/app-root", "")) resourceUri = None scriptUri = None # Get global script data (like qxlibraries, qxresources,...) globalCodes = {} globalCodes["Settings"] = settings globalCodes["Variants"] = self.generateVariantsCode(variants) globalCodes["Libinfo"] = self.generateLibInfoCode(libs, format, resourceUri, scriptUri) # add synthetic output lib if scriptUri: out_sourceUri= scriptUri else: out_sourceUri = self._computeResourceUri({'class': ".", 'path': os.path.dirname(script.baseScriptPath)}, OsPath(""), rType="class", appRoot=self.approot) out_sourceUri = os.path.normpath(out_sourceUri.encodedValue()) globalCodes["Libinfo"]['__out__'] = { 'sourceUri': out_sourceUri } globalCodes["Resources"] = self.generateResourceInfoCode(script, settings, libraries, format) globalCodes["Translations"],\ globalCodes["Locales"] = mergeTranslationMaps(translationMaps) # Potentally create dedicated I18N packages i18n_as_parts = not self._job.get("packages/i18n-with-boot", True) if i18n_as_parts: script = self.generateI18NParts(script, globalCodes) self.writePackages([p for p in script.packages if getattr(p, "__localeflag", False)], script) if compileType == "build": # - Specific job config --------------------- # read in compiler options optimize = compConf.get("code/optimize", []) self._treeCompiler.setOptimize(optimize) # - Generating packages ---------------------"Generating packages...") self._console.indent() bootPackage = "" for packageIndex, package in enumerate(packages): package.compiled = compilePackage(packageIndex, package) self._console.outdent() if not len(packages): raise RuntimeError("No valid boot package generated.") # - Put loader and packages together ------- loader_with_boot = self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True) # handle loader and boot package if not loader_with_boot: loadPackage = Package(0) # make a dummy Package for the loader packages.insert(0, loadPackage) # attach file names (do this before calling generateBootScript) for package, fileName in zip(packages, self.packagesFileNames(script.baseScriptPath, len(packages))): package.file = os.path.basename(fileName) if self._job.get("compile-options/paths/scripts-add-hash", False): package.file = self._fileNameWithHash(package.file, package.hash) # generate and integrate boot code if loader_with_boot: # merge loader code with first package bootCode = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, packages[0].compiled) packages[0].compiled = bootCode else: loaderCode = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script) packages[0].compiled = loaderCode # write packages self.writePackages(packages, script) # ---- 'source' version ------------------------------------------------ else: sourceContent = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, bootPackage="", compileType=compileType) # Construct file name resolvedFilePath = self._resolveFileName(filePath, variants, settings) # Save result file, sourceContent) if compConf.get("paths/gzip"): filetool.gzip(resolvedFilePath, sourceContent) self._console.outdent() self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(sourceContent)) self._console.outdent() self._console.outdent() return # runCompiled()
def getFileUri(scriptUri): appfile = os.path.basename(fileRelPath) fileUri = os.path.join(scriptUri, appfile) # make complete with file name fileUri = Path.posifyPath(fileUri) return fileUri
def get_path(file_name=RAW_PATH): return Path.path('./record/%s' % file_name)
def runCompiled(self, script, treeCompiler, version="build"): def getOutputFile(compileType): filePath = compConf.get("paths/file") if not filePath: filePath = os.path.join(compileType, "script", script.namespace + ".js") return filePath def getFileUri(scriptUri): appfile = os.path.basename(fileRelPath) fileUri = os.path.join(scriptUri, appfile) # make complete with file name fileUri = Path.posifyPath(fileUri) return fileUri ## # returns the Javascript code for the initial ("boot") script as a string, # using the loader.tmpl template and filling its placeholders def generateBootCode(parts, packages, boot, script, compConf, variants, settings, bootCode, globalCodes, version="source", decodeUrisFile=None, format=False): ## # create a map with part names as key and array of package id's and # return as string def partsMap(script): partData = {} packages = script.packagesSortedSimple() #print "packages: %r" % packages for part in partData[part] =[part].packagesAsIndices(packages) #print "part '%s': %r" % (part,[part].packages) partData = json.dumpsCode(partData) return partData def fillTemplate(vals, template): # Fill the code template with various vals templ = MyTemplate(template) result = templ.safe_substitute(vals) return result def packageUrisToJS1(packages, version, namespace=None): # Translate URI data to JavaScript allUris = [] for packageId, package in enumerate(packages): packageUris = [] for fileId in package: if version == "build": # TODO: gosh, the next is an ugly hack! #namespace = self._resourceHandler._genobj._namespaces[0] # all name spaces point to the same paths in the libinfo struct, so any of them will do if not namespace: namespace = script.namespace # all name spaces point to the same paths in the libinfo struct, so any of them will do relpath = OsPath(fileId) else: namespace = self._classes[fileId]["namespace"] relpath = OsPath(self._classes[fileId]["relpath"]) shortUri = Uri(relpath.toUri()) packageUris.append("%s:%s" % (namespace, shortUri.encodedValue())) allUris.append(packageUris) return allUris ## # Translate URI data to JavaScript # using Package objects def packageUrisToJS(packages, version): allUris = [] for packageId, package in enumerate(packages): packageUris = [] if package.file: # build namespace = "__out__" fileId = package.file relpath = OsPath(fileId) shortUri = Uri(relpath.toUri()) packageUris.append("%s:%s" % (namespace, shortUri.encodedValue())) else: # "source" : for clazz in package.classes: namespace = self._classes[clazz]["namespace"] relpath = OsPath(self._classes[clazz]["relpath"]) shortUri = Uri(relpath.toUri()) packageUris.append("%s:%s" % (namespace, shortUri.encodedValue())) allUris.append(packageUris) return allUris def loadTemplate(bootCode): # try custom loader templates loaderFile = compConf.get("paths/loader-template", None) if not loaderFile: # use default templates if version=="build": #loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader-build.tmpl.js") # TODO: test-wise using generic template loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader.tmpl.js") else: #loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader-source.tmpl.js") loaderFile = os.path.join(filetool.root(), os.pardir, "data", "generator", "loader.tmpl.js") template = return template # --------------------------------------------------------------- if not parts: return "" result = "" vals = {} packages = script.packagesSortedSimple() loader_with_boot = self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True) # stringify data in globalCodes for entry in globalCodes: globalCodes[entry] = json.dumpsCode(globalCodes[entry]) # undo damage done by simplejson to raw strings with escapes \\ -> \ globalCodes[entry] = globalCodes[entry].replace('\\\\\\', '\\').replace(r'\\', '\\') # " gets tripple escaped, therefore the first .replace() vals.update(globalCodes) if version=="build": vals["Resources"] = json.dumpsCode({}) # TODO: undo Resources from globalCodes!!! vals["Boot"] = '"%s"' % boot if version == "build": vals["BootPart"] = bootCode else: vals["BootPart"] = "" # fake package data for key, package in enumerate(packages): vals["BootPart"] += "qx.$$packageData['%d']={};\n" % key # Translate part information to JavaScript vals["Parts"] = partsMap(script) # Translate URI data to JavaScript #vals["Uris"] = packageUrisToJS1(packages, version) vals["Uris"] = packageUrisToJS(packages, version) vals["Uris"] = json.dumpsCode(vals["Uris"]) # Add potential extra scripts vals["UrisBefore"] = [] if self._job.get("add-script", False): additional_scripts = self._job.get("add-script",[]) for additional_script in additional_scripts: vals["UrisBefore"].append(additional_script["uri"]) vals["UrisBefore"] = json.dumpsCode(vals["UrisBefore"]) # Whether boot package is inline if version == "source": vals["BootIsInline"] = json.dumpsCode(False) else: vals["BootIsInline"] = json.dumpsCode(loader_with_boot) # Closure package information cParts = {} if version == "build": for part in if not loader_with_boot or part != "boot": cParts[part] = True vals["ClosureParts"] = json.dumpsCode(cParts) # Package Hashes vals["PackageHashes"] = {} for key, package in enumerate(packages): if package.hash: vals["PackageHashes"][key] = package.hash else: vals["PackageHashes"][key] = "%d" % key # fake code package hashes in source ver. vals["PackageHashes"] = json.dumpsCode(vals["PackageHashes"]) # Script hook for qx.$$loader.decodeUris() function vals["DecodeUrisPlug"] = "" if decodeUrisFile: plugCode = # let it bomb if file can't be read vals["DecodeUrisPlug"] = plugCode.strip() # Enable "?nocache=...." for script loading? vals["NoCacheParam"] = "true" if self._job.get("compile-options/uris/add-nocache-param", True) else "false" # Add build details vals["Build"] = int(time.time()*1000) vals["Type"] = version # Locate and load loader basic script template = loadTemplate(bootCode) # Fill template gives result result = fillTemplate(vals, template) return result ## # shallow layer above generateBootCode(), and its only client def generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, bootPackage="", compileType="build"):"Generating boot script...") if not self._job.get("packages/i18n-with-boot", True): # remove I18N info from globalCodes, so they don't go into the loader globalCodes["Translations"] = {} globalCodes["Locales"] = {} else: if compileType == "build": # also remove them here, as this info is now with the packages globalCodes["Translations"] = {} globalCodes["Locales"] = {} plugCodeFile = compConf.get("code/decode-uris-plug", False) if compileType == "build": filepackages = [(x.file,) for x in packages] bootContent = generateBootCode(parts, filepackages, boot, script, compConf, variants, settings, bootPackage, globalCodes, compileType, plugCodeFile, format) else: filepackages = [x.classes for x in packages] bootContent = generateBootCode(parts, filepackages, boot, script, compConf, variants={}, settings={}, bootCode=None, globalCodes=globalCodes, version=compileType, decodeUrisFile=plugCodeFile, format=format) return bootContent def getPackageData(package): data = {} data["resources"] = data["translations"] = data["locales"] = data = json.dumpsCode(data) data += ';\n' return data def compilePackage(packageIndex, package):"Compiling package #%s:" % packageIndex, False) self._console.indent() # Compile file content pkgCode = self._treeCompiler.compileClasses(package.classes, variants, optimize, format) pkgData = getPackageData(package) hash = sha.getHash(pkgData + pkgCode)[:12] # first 12 chars should be enough isBootPackage = packageIndex == 0 if isBootPackage: compiledContent = ("qx.$$packageData['%s']=" % hash) + pkgData + pkgCode else: compiledContent = u'''qx.$$packageData['%s']=%s\n''' % (hash, pkgData) compiledContent += u'''qx.Part.$$notifyLoad("%s", function() {\n%s\n});''' % (hash, pkgCode) # package.hash = hash # to fill qx.$$loader.packageHashes in generateBootScript() self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(compiledContent)) self._console.outdent() return compiledContent ## # takes an array of (po-data, locale-data) dict pairs # merge all po data and all cldr data in a single dict each def mergeTranslationMaps(transMaps): poData = {} cldrData = {} for pac_dat, loc_dat in transMaps: for loc in pac_dat: if loc not in poData: poData[loc] = {} poData[loc].update(pac_dat[loc]) for loc in loc_dat: if loc not in cldrData: cldrData[loc] = {} cldrData[loc].update(loc_dat[loc]) return (poData, cldrData) # -- Main - runCompiled ------------------------------------------------ # Early return compileType = self._job.get("compile/type", "") if compileType not in ("build", "source"): return packages = script.packagesSortedSimple() parts = boot = script.boot variants = script.variants libraries = script.libraries self._treeCompiler = treeCompiler self._variants = variants self._script = script"Generate %s version..." % compileType) self._console.indent() # - Evaluate job config --------------------- # Compile config compConf = self._job.get("compile-options") compConf = ExtMap(compConf) # Whether the code should be formatted format = compConf.get("code/format", False) script.scriptCompress = compConf.get("paths/gzip", False) # Read in settings settings = self.getSettings() script.settings = settings # Read libraries libs = self._job.get("library", []) # Get translation maps locales = compConf.get("code/locales", []) translationMaps = self.getTranslationMaps(packages, variants, locales) # Read in base file name fileRelPath = getOutputFile(compileType) filePath = self._config.absPath(fileRelPath) script.baseScriptPath = filePath if compileType == "build": # read in uri prefixes scriptUri = compConf.get('uris/script', 'script') scriptUri = Path.posifyPath(scriptUri) fileUri = getFileUri(scriptUri) # for resource list resourceUri = compConf.get('uris/resource', 'resource') resourceUri = Path.posifyPath(resourceUri) else: # source version needs place where the app HTML ("index.html") lives self.approot = self._config.absPath(compConf.get("paths/app-root", "")) resourceUri = None scriptUri = None # Get global script data (like qxlibraries, qxresources,...) globalCodes = {} globalCodes["Settings"] = settings globalCodes["Variants"] = self.generateVariantsCode(variants) globalCodes["Libinfo"] = self.generateLibInfoCode(libs, format, resourceUri, scriptUri) # add synthetic output lib if scriptUri: out_sourceUri= scriptUri else: out_sourceUri = self._computeResourceUri({'class': ".", 'path': os.path.dirname(script.baseScriptPath)}, OsPath(""), rType="class", appRoot=self.approot) out_sourceUri = os.path.normpath(out_sourceUri.encodedValue()) globalCodes["Libinfo"]['__out__'] = { 'sourceUri': out_sourceUri } globalCodes["Resources"] = self.generateResourceInfoCode(script, settings, libraries, format) globalCodes["Translations"],\ globalCodes["Locales"] = mergeTranslationMaps(translationMaps) # Potentally create dedicated I18N packages i18n_as_parts = not self._job.get("packages/i18n-with-boot", True) if i18n_as_parts: script = self.generateI18NParts(script, globalCodes) self.writePackages([p for p in script.packages if getattr(p, "__localeflag", False)], script) if compileType == "build": # - Specific job config --------------------- # read in compiler options optimize = compConf.get("code/optimize", []) self._treeCompiler.setOptimize(optimize) # - Generating packages ---------------------"Generating packages...") self._console.indent() bootPackage = "" for packageIndex, package in enumerate(packages): package.compiled = compilePackage(packageIndex, package) self._console.outdent() if not len(packages): raise RuntimeError("No valid boot package generated.") # - Put loader and packages together ------- loader_with_boot = self._job.get("packages/loader-with-boot", True) # handle loader and boot package if not loader_with_boot: loadPackage = Package(0) # make a dummy Package for the loader packages.insert(0, loadPackage) # attach file names (do this before calling generateBootScript) for package, fileName in zip(packages, self.packagesFileNames(script.baseScriptPath, len(packages))): package.file = os.path.basename(fileName) if self._job.get("compile-options/paths/scripts-add-hash", False): package.file = self._fileNameWithHash(package.file, package.hash) # generate and integrate boot code if loader_with_boot: # merge loader code with first package bootCode = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, packages[0].compiled) packages[0].compiled = bootCode else: loaderCode = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script) packages[0].compiled = loaderCode # write packages self.writePackages(packages, script) # ---- 'source' version ------------------------------------------------ else: sourceContent = generateBootScript(globalCodes, script, bootPackage="", compileType=compileType) # Construct file name resolvedFilePath = self._resolveFileName(filePath, variants, settings) # Save result file, sourceContent) if compConf.get("paths/gzip"): filetool.gzip(resolvedFilePath, sourceContent) self._console.outdent() self._console.debug("Done: %s" % self._computeContentSize(sourceContent)) self._console.outdent() self._console.outdent() return # runCompiled()
def from_doc_root_to_app_root(jobconf, confObj, doc_root): japp_root = jobconf.get("compile-options/paths/app-root", "source") app_root = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(confObj.absPath(japp_root), 'index.html')) _, _, url_path = Path.getCommonPrefix(doc_root, app_root) url_path = Path.posifyPath(url_path) return url_path
def extractAssetPart(libresuri, imguri): pre,libsfx,imgsfx = Path.getCommonPrefix(libresuri, imguri) # split libresuri from imguri if imgsfx[0] == os.sep: imgsfx = imgsfx[1:] # strip leading '/' return imgsfx # use the bare img suffix as its asset Id
def file2package(fname, rootname): fileid = Path.getCommonPrefix(rootname, fname)[2] fileid = os.path.splitext(fileid)[0] # strip .py return fileid.replace(os.sep, '.')
ax1.plot(log_dict['gen'], log_dict['min'], color='g', label="Minimum Fitness") ax1.plot(log_dict['gen'], log_dict['max'], color='b', label="Maximum Fitness") ax1.legend() save_file_path = get_save_file_path(log_dir_path, 'graph.png') plt.savefig(str(save_file_path)) if __name__ == "__main__": args = _get_args() optimize_dir_path = get_save_dir_path( root_optimize_dir_path, args.user_name, f'{args.image_name}/{args.image_number}') image_dir = root_image_dir_path/args.image_name/args.image_number image_path = list(image_dir.glob('*.*'))[0] enhancer = ResizableEnhancer(str(image_path), IMAGE_SIZE) model = RankNet(IMAGE_SHAPE) model.load(args.weights_file_path) image_generator = EnhanceGenerator(enhancer) best_param_list, _ = Optimizer(model, image_generator, EnhanceDecorder()).optimize(20) for index, best_param in enumerate(best_param_list): save_path = str(Path(optimize_dir_path)/f'best_{index}.png') enhancer.enhance(best_param).save(save_path)
def flatten(self): a = [self.width, self.height, self.type, self.lib] if self.mappedId: a.extend([Path.posifyPath(self.mappedId), self.left,]) return a
def replaceWithNamespace(imguri, liburi, libns): pre,libsfx,imgsfx = Path.getCommonPrefix(liburi, imguri) if imgsfx[0] == os.sep: imgsfx = imgsfx[1:] # strip leading '/' imgshorturi = os.path.join("${%s}" % libns, imgsfx) return imgshorturi
def findAllResources(self, libraries, filter=None): """Find relevant resources/assets, implementing shaddowing of resources. Returns a list of resources, each a pair of [file_path, uri]""" # - Helpers ----------------------------------------------------------- def getCache(lib): cacheId = "resinlib-%s" % lib._path liblist =, dependsOn=None, memory=True) return liblist, cacheId def isSkipFile(f): if [x for x in map(lambda x:, f), ignoredFiles) if x!=None]: return True else: return False def resourceValue(r): # create a pair res = [path, uri] for this resource... rsource = os.path.normpath(r) # normalize "./..." relpath = (Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, rsource))[2] if relpath[0] == os.sep: # normalize "/..." relpath = relpath[1:] ruri = (self._genobj._computeResourceUri(lib, relpath, rType='resource', appRoot=self._genobj.approot)) return (rsource, ruri) # - Main -------------------------------------------------------------- result = [] cacheList = [] # to poss. populate cache cacheId = "" # will be filled in getCache() ignoredFiles = [r'\.meta$',] # files not considered as resources libs = libraries[:] #libs.reverse() # this is to search the 'important' libs first # go through all libs (weighted) and collect necessary resources for lib in libs: # create wrapper object libObj = LibraryPath(lib, self._genobj._console) # retrieve list of library resources libList, cacheId = getCache(libObj) if libList: inCache = True else: libList = libObj.scanResourcePath() inCache = False # go through list of library resources and add suitable for resource in libList: # scanResourcePath() yields absolute paths to a resource, but # we only want to match against the 'resource' part of it resourcePart = Path.getCommonPrefix(libObj._resourcePath, resource)[2] if not inCache: cacheList.append(resource) if isSkipFile(resource): continue elif (filter and not filter(resourcePart)): continue else: result.append(resource) if not inCache: # cache write self._genobj._cache.write(cacheId, cacheList, memory=True, writeToFile=False) return result