def retire_lcs(name, ip, # It's safe to cache this because a proxy will take at least 24h # since the time it's recycled (and thus new server IDs can be # entered for it) and the time it's destroyed. To be more # precise, 24h must elapse since the time it's been _split_. For # this to work, it's crucial to remove the # /home/lantern/server_split flag file whenever we recycle # proxies. byip=util.Cache(timeout=60*60, update_fn=srv_cfg_by_ip)): cm = cm_by_name(name) region = region_by_name(name) srvs = byip.get().get(ip, (None, []))[1] txn = redis_shell.pipeline() if srvs: scores = [redis_shell.zscore(region + ':slices', srv) for srv in srvs] pairs = {"<empty:%s>" % int(score): score for score in scores if score} if pairs: txn.zadd(region + ":slices", **pairs) txn.zrem(region + ":slices", *srvs) txn.hdel('srv->cfg', *srvs) txn.incr('srvcount') else: print "No configs left to delete for %s." % name # Check whether this server is in the queue (because of recycling). for cfg in redis_shell.lrange(region + ':srvq', 0, -1): if cfg.split('|')[0] == ip: txn.lrem(region + ':srvq', cfg) txn.lrem(cm + ':vpss', name) txn.incr(cm + ':vpss:version') txn.execute()
def destroy_vps(name, server_cache=util.Cache(timeout=60*60, update_fn=lambda: vultr.server_list(None).values())): for d in server_cache.get(): if d['label'] == name: vultr.server_destroy(d['SUBID']) break time.sleep(10) os.system('salt-key -yd ' + name)
def destroy_vps(name, server_cache=util.Cache( timeout=60 * 60, update_fn=lambda: retrying_server_list().values())): server_list = server_cache.get() for d in server_list[:]: if d['label'] == name: try: try_vultr_cmd(vultr.server_destroy, d['SUBID']) except VultrError as e: if not e.message.lower().strip().startswith('invalid server'): raise print "Subid %s with name %r not there anymore; ignoring..." % ( d['SUBID'], name) server_list.remove(d) time.sleep(2) # We don't `break` here because it's sadly possible, due to a bug, # that there is more than one VPS with the same name. time.sleep(10) os.system('salt-key -yd ' + name)
def retire_lcs(name, ip, cfgcache=util.Cache(timeout=60*60, update_fn=lambda: redis_shell.hgetall('cfgbysrv'))): if name.startswith('fp-jp-'): dc = 'vltok1' elif name.startswith('fp-nl-'): dc = 'doams3' else: assert False srvs = [srv for srv, cfg in cfgcache.get().iteritems() if yaml.load(cfg).values()[0]['addr'].split(':')[0] == ip] if srvs: redis_shell.hdel('cfgbysrv', *srvs) redis_shell.incr('srvcount') else: "No configs left to delete for %s." % name redis_shell.lrem(dc + ':vpss', name) redis_shell.incr(dc + ':vpss:version')
def retire_lcs(name, ip, byip=util.Cache(timeout=60 * 60, update_fn=srv_cfg_by_ip)): cm = cm_by_name(name) region = region_by_name(name) srvs = byip.get().get(ip, (None, []))[1] txn = redis_shell.pipeline() if srvs: scores = [redis_shell.zscore(region + ':slices', srv) for srv in srvs] pairs = {"<empty:%s>" % int(score): score for score in scores if score} if pairs: txn.zadd(region + ":slices", **pairs) txn.zrem(region + ":slices", *srvs) txn.hdel('srv->cfg', *srvs) txn.incr('srvcount') else: print "No configs left to delete for %s." % name # Check whether this server is in the queue (because of recycling). for cfg in redis_shell.lrange(region + ':srvq', 0, -1): if cfg.split('|')[0] == ip: txn.lrem(region + ':srvq', cfg) txn.lrem(cm + ':vpss', name) txn.incr(cm + ':vpss:version') txn.execute()
if not vps_util.highstate_pid(name): print("Highstate not running yet; waiting for a bit just in case...") time.sleep(10) while vps_util.highstate_pid(name): print("Highstate still running...") time.sleep(10) print("Highstate done!") return vps_util.hammer_the_damn_thing_until_it_proxies( name, ssh_tmpl % ip, fetchaccessdata_tmpl % ip) def droplets_by_name(): return { d for d in do.get_all_droplets()} dbn_cache = misc_util.Cache(timeout=60 * 60, update_fn=droplets_by_name) def destroy_vps(name): try: droplet = dbn_cache.get()[name] # We use the DO API directly and not salt-cloud here because the latter # takes forever and generates lots of API requests, which may make us run # out of our per-hour quota in busy times. requests.delete('' %, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + do_token}) except KeyError: print >> sys.stderr, "Droplet not found:", name os.system('salt-key -yd' + name)