if "plot limits" in arcdata[image_name]:
        # Use previously stored value if present
        vmin = arcdata[image_name]["plot limits"]["min"]
        minfactor = MINFACTOR_DEFAULT
    minfactor = cmd_args.minfactor
if vmin is None:
    vmin = avbg - minfactor*dbg
    plot_limits_modified = True

# Now update the db if necessary
if plot_limits_modified:
    arcdata[image_name]["plot limits"] = {"max": vmax, "min": vmin}
        "Plot limits modified for " + image_name + " " + run_info())
    arcdata["help"]["brightness"]["plot limits"] \
        = "Minimum and maximum brightness for *-images.pdf"
    update_json_file(arcdata, dbfile)
instrument = " ".join([arcdata[image_name][k] 
                       for k in ["camera", "filter", "date"] 
                       if k in arcdata[image_name]])
# Plot image of the FITS array of this object
f = plt.figure(figsize=(18,9))

ax1 = aplpy.FITSFigure(hdu, figure=f, subplot=(1, 2, 1), north=True)
ax1.recenter(ra0, dec0, 2*Rc)
ax1.show_grayscale(invert=True, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    ymin = avbg - 2*wbg 
    ymax = avsh + 2*wsh

    print("BG trimean = {:.2f}, iqr = {:.2f}".format(avbg, wbg))
    print("Shell trimean = {:.2f}, iqr = {:.2f}".format(avsh, wsh))
    print("Adopting plot range of {:.2f} to {:.2f}".format(ymin, ymax))

    # Save brightness statistics to a new JSON file
    arcdata[image_name]["background"] = {"value": float(avbg), "delta": float(wbg),
                                         "N": int(nbg)}
    arcdata[image_name]["shell"] = {"value": float(avsh), "delta": float(wsh),
                                    "N": int(nsh)}
    arcdata[image_name]["shell center"] = {"value": float(avshc), "delta": float(wshc),
                                           "N": int(nshc)}
    arcdata["info"]["history"].append("Shell data for " + image_name + " added/modified by " + run_info())

    # Save brightness statistics in the help section
    help_brightness = {"shell":"Trimean brightness and interquartile (difference between quartiles) of shell",
                       "shell center":"Trimean brightness and interquartile (difference between quartiles) of shell center",
                       "background":"Trimean brightness and interquartile (difference between quartiles) of background"}


    # Calculate average binned profiles versus theta
    NTH = 25
    need_to_bin_profiles = True
    while need_to_bin_profiles: 
        th_edges = np.linspace(-60.0, 60.0, NTH)
        th_centers = 0.5*(th_edges[:-1] + th_edges[1:])
예제 #3
    print("Unknown shell type")
shell = Shell(beta,cmd_args.type)
R = shell.radius(theta)
R_in = inner(R,theta,cmd_args.mach)
R_com,theta_com = mirror(R_in,theta)

arcdata = {
        "Description": "CRW theoretical stationary bowshocks",
        "history":["Initially created by "+ run_info()],
        "beta": beta,
        "inner wind type": cmd_args.type
        "M": "Mach number of inner wind",
        "beta":"Two-winds momentum ratio",
        "i": "Rotation angle between proplyd reference frame and observer reference frame",
        "inner wind type": "Angular variation of density's inner wind",
        "x": "(list) x-coordinates of the outer shell normalized with distance",
        "y": "(list) y-coordinates of the outer shell normalized with distance"
for inc in [0.0,15.0,30.0,45.0,60.0]:
    xp,yp = rotate(np.radians(inc),R_com,theta_com) 
          print("Fixing EQUINOX from string or zero value")
     outhdu.header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0
     hdu.header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0

## TODO: copy over more keywords from the original FITS header
## E.g., filter, camera, etc

## Save the small image
outfile = "-".join([cmd_args.source, image_name, "extract.fits"])
outhdu.writeto(outfile, output_verify="fix", clobber=True)

## Update the JSON database with information about the image

# Always overwrite an existing section with the same name
db[image_name] = {
    "original FITS file": misc_utils.contract_fits_path(fits_path),
    "extracted FITS file": outfile,
db["info"]["history"].append("Image " + image_name + " added by " + misc_utils.run_info())

misc_utils.update_json_file(db, dbfile)

                    help="Name of source")
parser.add_argument("--savefig", action="store_true",
                    help="Save a figure showing the fit")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true",
                    help="Print out verbose debugging info")

cmd_args = parser.parse_args()
dbfile = cmd_args.source + "-arcdata.json"

db = json.load(open(dbfile))

for arc in "inner", "outer":
    if arc in db:

db["info"]["history"].append("Circle fits added by " + run_info())

update_json_file(db, dbfile)

region_file = dbfile.replace("-arcdata.json", "-arcfits.reg")
with open(region_file, "w") as f:
      f.writelines([s + "\n" for s in create_arc_regions(db)])

if cmd_args.savefig:
    plotfile = dbfile.replace("-arcdata.json", "-arcfits.pdf")
    plt.plot(0.0, 0.0, 'o')

db = json.load(open(infile))

if "beta" in infile:
    f = plt.figure()
    for i,inc in enumerate([0.0,15.0,30.0,45.0,60.0]):
            ax = f.add_subplot(2,3,i+1)
        except KeyError:
            #print "inclination not available",inc
    for arc in "inner", "outer":

db["info"]["history"].append("Conic fits added by " + run_info())

# save database to the same name: *-arcdata.json
outfile = infile
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
        'w', dir=os.path.dirname(outfile), delete=False) as tf:
    json.dump(db, tf, indent=4)
    tempname = tf.name
os.rename(tempname, outfile)

if cmd_args.savefig:
    plotfile = infile.replace("-arcdata.json", "-conic-fits.pdf")
    if "beta" in infile:
                    help="User@system ID use for guessing paths")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true",
                    help="Print out verbose debugging info")

cmd_args = parser.parse_args()

dbfile = cmd_args.source + "-arcdata.json"

db = json.load(open(dbfile))

for secname, section in db.items():
    if "original FITS file" in section:
        oldpath = section["original FITS file"]
        newpath = misc_utils.contract_fits_path(oldpath, user=cmd_args.user)
        if cmd_args.debug:
            print("Contracting full paths in", secname)
            print("From", oldpath, "to", newpath)
        section["original FITS file"] = newpath

db["info"]["history"].append("Paths corrected by " + misc_utils.run_info())

misc_utils.update_json_file(db, dbfile)