예제 #1
def get_light_buffer(obj):
    light = obj.data
    light_type_name = light.type
    light_type = common.LightType.SUN
    if light_type_name == "POINT":
        light_type = common.LightType.POINT
    elif light_type_name == "SPOT":
        light_type = common.LightType.SPOT
    elif light_type_name == "SUN":
        light_type = common.LightType.SUN
    elif light_type_name == "AREA":
        light_type = common.LightType.AREA
        return None
    color = light.color
    power = light.energy
    if bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "CYCLES":
        shadow = light.cycles.cast_shadow
        shadow = light.use_shadow

    spot_blend = 10.0
    spot_size = 0.0
    if light_type == common.LightType.SPOT:
        spot_size = light.spot_size
        spot_blend = light.spot_blend

    return (common.encode_string(get_object_path(obj)) +
            common.encode_string(light.name_full) +
            common.encode_int(light_type.value) + common.encode_int(shadow) +
            common.encode_color(color) + common.encode_float(power) +
            common.encode_float(spot_size) + common.encode_float(spot_blend))
예제 #2
 def send_camera_attributes(self, obj):
     buffer = (common.encode_string(obj.name_full) +
               common.encode_float(obj.data.lens) +
               common.encode_float(obj.data.dof.aperture_fstop) +
         common.Command(MessageType.CAMERA_ATTRIBUTES, buffer, 0))
예제 #3
파일: client.py 프로젝트: ElonGame/mixer
 def send_light_attributes(self, obj):
     buffer = (
         + common.encode_float(obj.data.energy)
         + common.encode_color(obj.data.color)
     self.add_command(common.Command(MessageType.LIGHT_ATTRIBUTES, buffer, 0))
예제 #4
파일: camera.py 프로젝트: nondejus/mixer
def get_camera_buffer(obj):
    cam = obj.data
    focal = cam.lens
    front_clip_plane = cam.clip_start
    far_clip_plane = cam.clip_end
    aperture = cam.dof.aperture_fstop
    sensor_fit_name = cam.sensor_fit
    sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.AUTO
    if sensor_fit_name == "AUTO":
        sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.AUTO
    elif sensor_fit_name == "HORIZONTAL":
        sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.HORIZONTAL
    elif sensor_fit_name == "VERTICAL":
        sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.VERTICAL
    sensor_width = cam.sensor_width
    sensor_height = cam.sensor_height

    path = get_object_path(obj)
    return (
        + common.encode_string(obj.name_full)
        + common.encode_float(focal)
        + common.encode_float(front_clip_plane)
        + common.encode_float(far_clip_plane)
        + common.encode_float(aperture)
        + common.encode_int(sensor_fit.value)
        + common.encode_float(sensor_width)
        + common.encode_float(sensor_height)
예제 #5
def get_camera_buffer(obj):
    cam = obj.data
    focal = cam.lens
    front_clip_plane = cam.clip_start
    far_clip_plane = cam.clip_end
    dof_enabled = cam.dof.use_dof
    aperture = cam.dof.aperture_fstop
    colimator_name = cam.dof.focus_object.name_full if cam.dof.focus_object is not None else ""
    sensor_fit_name = cam.sensor_fit
    sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.AUTO
    if sensor_fit_name == "AUTO":
        sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.AUTO
    elif sensor_fit_name == "HORIZONTAL":
        sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.HORIZONTAL
    elif sensor_fit_name == "VERTICAL":
        sensor_fit = common.SensorFitMode.VERTICAL
    sensor_width = cam.sensor_width
    sensor_height = cam.sensor_height

    path = get_object_path(obj)
    return (common.encode_string(path) + common.encode_string(obj.name_full) +
            common.encode_float(focal) +
            common.encode_float(front_clip_plane) +
            common.encode_float(far_clip_plane) +
            common.encode_bool(dof_enabled) + common.encode_float(aperture) +
            common.encode_string(colimator_name) +
            common.encode_int(sensor_fit.value) +
            common.encode_float(sensor_width) +
예제 #6
def send_grease_pencil_time_offset(client: Client, obj):
    grease_pencil = obj.data
    buffer = common.encode_string(grease_pencil.name_full)

    for modifier in obj.grease_pencil_modifiers:
        if modifier.type != "GP_TIME":
        offset = modifier.offset
        scale = modifier.frame_scale
        custom_range = modifier.use_custom_frame_range
        frame_start = modifier.frame_start
        frame_end = modifier.frame_end
        buffer += (common.encode_int(offset) + common.encode_float(scale) +
                   common.encode_bool(custom_range) +
                   common.encode_int(frame_start) +
                           buffer, 0))
예제 #7
파일: mesh.py 프로젝트: tscrypter/mixer
def encode_base_mesh(obj):

    # Temporary for curves and other objects that support to_mesh()
    # #todo Implement correct base encoding for these objects
    mesh_data = obj.data if obj.type == "MESH" else obj.to_mesh()
    if mesh_data is None:
        # This happens for empty curves
        # This is temporary, when curves will be fully implemented we will encode something
        return bytes()

    binary_buffer = encode_base_mesh_geometry(mesh_data)

    # Shape keys
    # source https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/111661/creating-shape-keys-using-python
    if mesh_data.shape_keys is None:
        binary_buffer += common.encode_int(0)  # Indicate 0 key blocks
        logger.debug("Writing %d shape keys",

        binary_buffer += common.encode_int(len(
        # Encode names
        for key_block in mesh_data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
            binary_buffer += common.encode_string(key_block.name)
        # Encode vertex group names
        for key_block in mesh_data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
            binary_buffer += common.encode_string(key_block.vertex_group)
        # Encode relative key names
        for key_block in mesh_data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
            binary_buffer += common.encode_string(key_block.relative_key.name)
        # Encode data
        shape_keys_buffer = []
        fmt_str = ""
        for key_block in mesh_data.shape_keys.key_blocks:
                (key_block.mute, key_block.value, key_block.slider_min,
                 key_block.slider_max, len(key_block.data)))
            fmt_str += f"1I1f1f1f1I{(3 * len(key_block.data))}f"
            for i in range(len(key_block.data)):
        binary_buffer += struct.pack(f"{fmt_str}", *shape_keys_buffer)

        binary_buffer += common.encode_bool(mesh_data.shape_keys.use_relative)

    # Vertex Groups
    verts_per_group = {}
    for vertex_group in obj.vertex_groups:
        verts_per_group[vertex_group.index] = []

    for vert in mesh_data.vertices:
        for vg in vert.groups:
            verts_per_group[vg.group].append((vert.index, vg.weight))

    binary_buffer += common.encode_int(len(obj.vertex_groups))
    for vertex_group in obj.vertex_groups:
        binary_buffer += common.encode_string(vertex_group.name)
        binary_buffer += common.encode_bool(vertex_group.lock_weight)
        binary_buffer += common.encode_int(
        for vg_elmt in verts_per_group[vertex_group.index]:
            binary_buffer += common.encode_int(vg_elmt[0])
            binary_buffer += common.encode_float(vg_elmt[1])

    # Normals
    binary_buffer += common.encode_bool(mesh_data.use_auto_smooth)
    binary_buffer += common.encode_float(mesh_data.auto_smooth_angle)
    binary_buffer += common.encode_bool(mesh_data.has_custom_normals)

    if mesh_data.has_custom_normals:
        )  # Required otherwise all normals are (0, 0, 0)
        normals = []
        for loop in mesh_data.loops:
            normals.extend((*loop.normal, ))
        binary_buffer += struct.pack(f"{len(normals)}f", *normals)

    # UV Maps
    for uv_layer in mesh_data.uv_layers:
        binary_buffer += common.encode_string(uv_layer.name)
        binary_buffer += common.encode_bool(uv_layer.active_render)

    # Vertex Colors
    for vertex_colors in mesh_data.vertex_colors:
        binary_buffer += common.encode_string(vertex_colors.name)
        binary_buffer += common.encode_bool(vertex_colors.active_render)

    if obj.type != "MESH":

    return binary_buffer
예제 #8
def get_material_buffer(client: Client, material):
    name = material.name_full
    buffer = common.encode_string(name)
    principled = None
    diffuse = None
    # Get the nodes in the node tree
    if material.node_tree:
        nodes = material.node_tree.nodes
        # Get a principled node
        if nodes:
            for n in nodes:
                if n.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED":
                    principled = n
                if n.type == "BSDF_DIFFUSE":
                    diffuse = n
        # principled = next(n for n in nodes if n.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED')
    if principled is None and diffuse is None:
        base_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
        metallic = 0.0
        roughness = 0.5
        opacity = 1.0
        emission_color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        buffer += common.encode_float(opacity) + common.encode_string("")
        buffer += common.encode_color(base_color) + common.encode_string("")
        buffer += common.encode_float(metallic) + common.encode_string("")
        buffer += common.encode_float(roughness) + common.encode_string("")
        buffer += common.encode_string("")
        buffer += common.encode_color(emission_color) + common.encode_string("")
        return buffer
    elif diffuse:
        opacity = 1.0
        opacity_texture = None
        metallic = 0.0
        metallic_texture = None
        emission = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        emission_texture = None

        # Get the slot for 'base color'
        # Or principled.inputs[0]
        base_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        base_color_texture = None
        base_color_input = diffuse.inputs.get("Color")
        # Get its default value (not the value from a possible link)
        if base_color_input:
            base_color = base_color_input.default_value
            base_color_texture = client.get_texture(base_color_input)

        roughness = 1.0
        roughness_texture = None
        roughness_input = diffuse.inputs.get("Roughness")
        if roughness_input:
            roughness_texture = client.get_texture(roughness_input)
            if len(roughness_input.links) == 0:
                roughness = roughness_input.default_value

        normal_texture = None
        norma_input = diffuse.inputs.get("Normal")
        if norma_input:
            if len(norma_input.links) == 1:
                normal_map = norma_input.links[0].from_node
                if "Color" in normal_map.inputs:
                    color_input = normal_map.inputs["Color"]
                    normal_texture = client.get_texture(color_input)

        opacity = 1.0
        opacity_texture = None
        opacity_input = principled.inputs.get("Transmission")
        if opacity_input:
            if len(opacity_input.links) == 1:
                invert = opacity_input.links[0].from_node
                if "Color" in invert.inputs:
                    color_input = invert.inputs["Color"]
                    opacity_texture = client.get_texture(color_input)
                opacity = 1.0 - opacity_input.default_value

        # Get the slot for 'base color'
        # Or principled.inputs[0]
        base_color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        base_color_texture = None
        base_color_input = principled.inputs.get("Base Color")
        # Get its default value (not the value from a possible link)
        if base_color_input:
            base_color = base_color_input.default_value
            base_color_texture = client.get_texture(base_color_input)

        metallic = 0.0
        metallic_texture = None
        metallic_input = principled.inputs.get("Metallic")
        if metallic_input:
            metallic_texture = client.get_texture(metallic_input)
            if len(metallic_input.links) == 0:
                metallic = metallic_input.default_value

        roughness = 1.0
        roughness_texture = None
        roughness_input = principled.inputs.get("Roughness")
        if roughness_input:
            roughness_texture = client.get_texture(roughness_input)
            if len(roughness_input.links) == 0:
                roughness = roughness_input.default_value

        normal_texture = None
        norma_input = principled.inputs.get("Normal")
        if norma_input:
            if len(norma_input.links) == 1:
                normal_map = norma_input.links[0].from_node
                if "Color" in normal_map.inputs:
                    color_input = normal_map.inputs["Color"]
                    normal_texture = client.get_texture(color_input)

        emission = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        emission_texture = None
        emission_input = principled.inputs.get("Emission")
        if emission_input:
            # Get its default value (not the value from a possible link)
            emission = emission_input.default_value
            emission_texture = client.get_texture(emission_input)

    buffer += common.encode_float(opacity)
    if opacity_texture:
        buffer += common.encode_string(opacity_texture)
        buffer += common.encode_string("")
    buffer += common.encode_color(base_color)
    if base_color_texture:
        buffer += common.encode_string(base_color_texture)
        buffer += common.encode_string("")

    buffer += common.encode_float(metallic)
    if metallic_texture:
        buffer += common.encode_string(metallic_texture)
        buffer += common.encode_string("")

    buffer += common.encode_float(roughness)
    if roughness_texture:
        buffer += common.encode_string(roughness_texture)
        buffer += common.encode_string("")

    if normal_texture:
        buffer += common.encode_string(normal_texture)
        buffer += common.encode_string("")

    buffer += common.encode_color(emission)
    if emission_texture:
        buffer += common.encode_string(emission_texture)
        buffer += common.encode_string("")

    return buffer