예제 #1
def process(command):

    command.actions.addProcessor("Mixer Processor")

    current_track = mixer.trackNumber()

    # Faders
    if command.type == eventconsts.TYPE_FADER:

    # Knobs
    if command.type == eventconsts.TYPE_KNOB:

    # Mixer Buttons - mute/solo tracks
    if command.type == eventconsts.TYPE_FADER_BUTTON:

    # Other

    # Arms current mixer track when shifted
    if command.id == eventconsts.TRANSPORT_RECORD and command.is_lift and internal.shifts[
        command.handle("Arm current mixer track")
    def handle_rec_press(self, event, rec):
        """ Put rec press code here.
        # Mixer Mode
        if ui.getFocused(0) == 1:
            selectedTrack = mixer.trackNumber()
            self.output = "Mixer: Armed track: " + helpers.getMixerTrackName(

        # Default Mode
            if transport.isRecording() == 1:
                self.output = "Transport: Recording Enabled"
                self.output = "Transport: Recording Disabled"

        print("Pressed rec button.")

        event.handled = True
예제 #3
	def OnMidiMsg(self, event):

		#print('senderId', event.senderId)
		if (event.midiId == midi.MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE):
			if (event.midiChan == 0):
				event.inEv = event.data2
				if event.inEv >= 0x40:
					event.outEv = -(event.inEv - 0x40)
					event.outEv = event.inEv

					# knobs
				if event.data1 in [0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17]:
					r = utils.KnobAccelToRes2(event.outEv)  #todo outev signof
					Res = r * (1 / (40 * 2.5))
					self.SetKnobValue(event.data1 - 0x10, event.outEv, Res)
					event.handled = True
					event.handled = False # for extra CCs in emulators
				event.handled = False # for extra CCs in emulators

		elif event.midiId == midi.MIDI_PITCHBEND: # pitch bend (faders)

			if event.midiChan <= 8:
				event.inEv = event.data1 + (event.data2 << 7)
				event.outEv = (event.inEv << 16) // 16383
				event.inEv -= 0x2000

				if self.ColT[event.midiChan].SliderEventID >= 0:
					# slider (mixer track volume)
					event.handled = True
					mixer.automateEvent(self.ColT[event.midiChan].SliderEventID, self.AlphaTrack_SliderToLevel(event.inEv + 0x2000), midi.REC_MIDIController, self.SmoothSpeed)
					# hint
					n = mixer.getAutoSmoothEventValue(self.ColT[event.midiChan].SliderEventID)
					s = mixer.getEventIDValueString(self.ColT[event.midiChan].SliderEventID, n)
					if s != '':
						s = ': ' + s
					self.OnSendTempMsg(self.ColT[event.midiChan].SliderName + s, 500)

		elif (event.midiId == midi.MIDI_NOTEON) | (event.midiId == midi.MIDI_NOTEOFF):  # NOTE
			if event.midiId == midi.MIDI_NOTEON:
				if (event.pmeFlags & midi.PME_FromScript != 0):
					if event.data1 == 0x7F:
				# slider hold
				if event.data1 in [0x68, 0x69, 0x70]:
					self.SliderHoldCount += -1 + (int(event.data2 > 0) * 2)

				if (event.pmeFlags & midi.PME_System != 0):
					if (event.data1 == 0x2E) | (event.data1 == 0x2F): # mixer bank
						if event.data2 > 0:
							self.SetFirstTrack(self.FirstTrackT[self.FirstTrack] - 8 + int(event.data1 == 0x2F) * 16)
					elif (event.data1 == 0x30) | (event.data1 == 0x31):
						if event.data2 > 0:
							self.SetFirstTrack(self.FirstTrackT[self.FirstTrack] - 1 + int(event.data1 == 0x31) * 2)
					elif event.data1 == 0x32: # self.Flip
						if event.data2 > 0:
							self.Flip = not self.Flip
					elif event.data1 in [0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27]: # knob reset
						if event.data2 > 0:
							n = event.data1 - 0x20
							self.SetKnobValue(n, midi.MaxInt)

				if (event.pmeFlags & midi.PME_System_Safe != 0):
					if event.data1 == 0x47: # link selected channels to current mixer track
						if event.data2 > 0:
							if self.Shift:
					elif (event.data1 >= 0x18) & (event.data1 <= 0x1F): # select mixer track
						if event.data2 > 0:
							i = event.data1 - 0x18
							mixer.setTrackNumber(self.ColT[i].TrackNum, midi.curfxScrollToMakeVisible | midi.curfxMinimalLatencyUpdate)

					elif (event.data1 >= 0x8) & (event.data1 <= 0xF): # solo
						if event.data2 > 0:
							i = event.data1 - 0x8
							self.ColT[i].solomode = midi.fxSoloModeWithDestTracks
							if self.Shift:
								Include(self.ColT[i].solomode, midi.fxSoloModeWithSourceTracks)
							mixer.soloTrack(self.ColT[i].TrackNum, midi.fxSoloToggle, self.ColT[i].solomode)
							mixer.setTrackNumber(self.ColT[i].TrackNum, midi.curfxScrollToMakeVisible)

					elif (event.data1 >= 0x10) & (event.data1 <= 0x17): # mute
						if event.data2 > 0:
							mixer.enableTrack(self.ColT[event.data1 - 0x10].TrackNum)

					elif (event.data1 >= 0x0) & (event.data1 <= 0x7): # arm
						if event.data2 > 0:
							if mixer.isTrackArmed(self.ColT[event.data1].TrackNum):
								self.OnSendTempMsg(mixer.getTrackName(self.ColT[event.data1].TrackNum) + ' recording to ' + mixer.getTrackRecordingFileName(self.ColT[event.data1].TrackNum), 2500)
								self.OnSendTempMsg(mixer.getTrackName(self.ColT[event.data1].TrackNum) + ' unarmed')

					event.handled = True
					event.handled = False
				event.handled = False
예제 #4
    def actionButton(self, event, FoundButton):
        #Action to Button (wiht my Index FoundButton[2])
        global goTo
        global Tog_TP
        global Tog_Steps
        global StepsPerTick
        global lsSPT_Values
        global SPT_IDX
        snapVal = 7

        def goRight(steps):
            #Selection go steps to the rigeht sight of Mixer
            sEnd = " "
            global goTo  #Warum hier global und in goSteps nicht?
            lastgoTo = goTo
            if goTo + NK_NrOf_ControlGr + steps < FL_TR_COUNT_MAX:
                goTo = goTo + steps  #print("right")
                goTo = FL_TR_COUNT_MAX - NK_NrOf_ControlGr
                sEnd = "END of Mixer (right)! - "  #wird mir goTo nie überschritten
            sHi_MixTR_Range = sEnd + "Mix-Tracks " + str(goTo) + "-" + str(
                NK_NrOf_ControlGr + goTo - 1)  #activ HintMsg Track area
            if lastgoTo != goTo: resetTrackName(event, lastgoTo)
            event.handled = True

        def goLeft(steps):
            #Selection go steps to the left sight of Mixer
            sEnd = " "
            global goTo
            lastgoTo = goTo
            if goTo > steps - 1: goTo = goTo - steps  #print("left")
                goTo = 0
                sEnd = "END of Mixer (left)! - "
            sHi_MixTR_Range = sEnd + "Mix-Tracks " + str(goTo) + "-" + str(
                NK_NrOf_ControlGr + goTo - 1)  #activ HintMsg Track area
            if lastgoTo != goTo: resetTrackName(event, lastgoTo)

        if FoundButton[2] == 2:  #8 to left

        elif FoundButton[2] == 3:  #8 to right

        elif FoundButton[2] == 4:  #reset
            event.handled = True  #sonst knallt es

        elif FoundButton[2] == 5:  #set stepswide
            ### Könnte ich dazu verwenden um einen Track fest zu zu ordnen
            if Tog_Steps and SPT_IDX < len(lsSPT_Values):
                SPT_IDX += 1
                if SPT_IDX == (len(lsSPT_Values) - 1):
                    Tog_Steps = not Tog_Steps  #max 7 per Ticker, Toggel betwenn Up/down
            elif SPT_IDX > 0:
                SPT_IDX -= 1
                if SPT_IDX == 0: Tog_Steps = not Tog_Steps  #max 7 per Ticker
            else: print("Error: Step-Counter")
            StepsPerTick = lsSPT_Values[SPT_IDX]
            ui.setHintMsg("set " + str(lsSPT_Values[SPT_IDX]) + " steps")
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] == 6:  #StepsPerTick) to left

        elif FoundButton[2] == 7:  #StepsPerTick) to right

        elif FoundButton[2] == 8:  #TP Rew
            if Tog_TP: transport.rewind(2)
            else: transport.rewind(0)
            Tog_TP = not Tog_TP
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] == 9:  #TP FF
            if Tog_TP: transport.fastForward(2)
            else: transport.fastForward(0)
            Tog_TP = not Tog_TP
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] == 10:  #TP stop
            if Tog_TP: transport.fastForward(2)
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] == 11:  #TP play
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] == 12:  #TP rec
            if bPrintAction:
                print("TP rec ", FoundButton[1], " Wert: ", FoundButton[4])
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] in lsKnob:  #Paning
            nMixTrIndex = FoundButton[3] - (NK_CC_Knob_First
                                            )  #36to43-35=MixTrackIdx in FL
            nMixTrPan = (1 / 64) * (FoundButton[4] - 63
                                    )  # max Pan. FL=-1.0 - 1.0 (0-127 steps)
            FL_Pan = int(mixer.getTrackPan(nMixTrIndex + goTo) * 64)

            #Only change the value if the position of the controller matches the FL value. To avoid jumps
            if FoundButton[4] - 63 in range(FL_Pan - snapVal,
                                            FL_Pan + snapVal) and Reg_Snap:
                mixer.setTrackPan(nMixTrIndex + goTo, nMixTrPan)  #Set Paning
            if Reg_Snap == False:
                mixer.setTrackPan(nMixTrIndex + goTo, nMixTrPan)  #Set Paning
            selectActivMixTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] in lsSld:  #Volume
            nMixTrIndex = FoundButton[3] - (NK_CC_SLider_First
                                            )  #36to43-35=MixTrackIdx in FL
            nMixTrVolu = (1 / 127) * FoundButton[
                4]  # max Vol. FL=1.0 / max Vol. nK2=127, event.data2=Value from nK2-Slider
            FL_Vol = int(mixer.getTrackVolume(nMixTrIndex + goTo) * 127)
            #Only change the value if the position of the controller matches the FL value. To avoid jumps
            if FoundButton[4] in range(FL_Vol - snapVal,
                                       FL_Vol + snapVal) and Reg_Snap:
                mixer.setTrackVolume(nMixTrIndex + goTo, nMixTrVolu)  #Set Vol
            if Reg_Snap == False:
                mixer.setTrackVolume(nMixTrIndex + goTo, nMixTrVolu)  #Set Vol
            selectActivMixTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] in lsSoloB:  #Solo-Button
            nMixTrIndex = FoundButton[3] + NK_Solo_But_First
            selectActivMixTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)
            mixer.soloTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)  #
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] in lsMuteB:  #Mute-Button
            nMixTrIndex = FoundButton[3] - (NK_Mute_But_First
                                            )  #36to43-35=MixTrackIdx in FL
            mixer.muteTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)  #
            selectActivMixTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)
            event.handled = True

        elif FoundButton[2] in lsRecB:  #Rec-Button
            nMixTrIndex = FoundButton[3] - (NK_Rec_But_First
                                            )  #72to73-71=MixTrackIdx in FL
            mixer.armTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)  #
            selectActivMixTrack(nMixTrIndex + goTo)
            event.handled = True
예제 #5
	def switch_moment(event):
		"""handles momentary witch midi events"""
		if event.data1 == button["pad_mode_toggle"]:				# This Rotates through pad modes - standard, step sequencer, pad to channel		
			Switch.mode_toggle += 1
			if Switch.mode_toggle == 4:
				Switch.mode_toggle = 0
			print('Pad Mode: ' + mode[Switch.mode_toggle])

		elif event.midiId == 224: 								# pitch wheel
			Switch.pitch_num = event.data2	
			if Switch.shift_status == True:
				print(data.notes_list[int(mapvalues(Switch.pitch_num, 0, 11, 0, 244))])

		elif event.data1 == button["play"]:			
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["offset_range"]:
			Switch.offset_iter += 1
			if Switch.offset_iter == 2:     								# 2 here will limit to 32 steps, knobs. Changing to 4 will allow up to 64 steps, knobs. 
				Switch.offset_iter = 0
			ui.setHintMsg("Offset Range: " + str(Switch.offset_iter))
		elif event.data1 == button["stop"]:
			event.handled = True						
		elif event.data1 == button["record"]:			
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["pattern_down"]:
			if ui.getFocused(5):
				print("Previous Preset")
				print('Pattern Down')
				transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_PatternJog, -1)
				event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["pattern_up"]:
			if ui.getFocused(5):
				print("Next Preset")
				print('Pattern Up')
				transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_PatternJog, 1)
				event.handled = True
																	# Set mod wheel to control channels when channels focused and tracks when mixer
		elif event.data1 == button["mod_wheel"]:					
			if ui.getFocused(0):
				mixer.setTrackNumber(int(mapvalues(event.data2, 0, 64, 0, 127)))
				ui.scrollWindow(midi.widMixer, mixer.trackNumber())
			elif ui.getFocused(1):
				print("Channel Number: " + str(channels.selectedChannel()))
				channels.selectOneChannel(int(round(mapvalues(event.data2, channels.channelCount()-1, 0, 0, 127), 0)))				

		elif event.data1 == 72:
			Switch.color_num += 1
			if Switch.color_num == len(colors):
				Switch.color_num = 0
			if ui.getFocused(1):
				channels.setChannelColor(channels.selectedChannel(), colors[Switch.color_num])
			elif ui.getFocused(0):
				mixer.setTrackColor(mixer.trackNumber(), colors[Switch.color_num])
			event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["enter"]:
			if ui.getFocused(4):
				print("Select Browser Item")
				event.handled = True
			elif ui.getFocused(1):
				print("Mute Channel")
			elif ui.getFocused(0):
				print("Mute Track")
				event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 in range(59, 64) and config.PATTERN_JUMP_ON:						# Sets jump to pattern
			patterns.jumpToPattern(event.data1 - 58)
			event.handled = True		

		elif event.data1 in range(75, 80) and config.PATTERN_JUMP_ON:
			patterns.jumpToPattern(event.data1 - 69)
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["solo"]:
			if ui.getFocused(0):
			elif ui.getFocused(1):

		elif event.data1 == button["view_plugin_picker"]:
			print('View Plugin Picker')
			transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_F8, 67)
			event.handled = True	
		elif event.data1 == button["song_mode_toggle"]:			
			print('Toggle Song and Pattern Mode')
			event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["view_playlist"]:			
			print('View Playlist')
			transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_F5, 65)
			event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["view_piano_roll"]:
			print('View Piano Roll')
			transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_F7, 66)
			event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["view_channel_rack"]:
			print('View Channel Rack')
			transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_F6, 65)
			event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["view_mixer"]:
			print('View Mixer')
			transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_F9, 68)
			event.handled = True
																	# Toggle through step parameter options - pitch, pan etc. No Shift control right now. 
		elif event.data1 == button["step_parameter"]:
			if ui.getFocused(1) and Switch.mode_toggle == 1:
				print('Toggle Step Parameter')
				Switch.parameter += 1
				if Switch.parameter == 7:
					Switch.parameter = 0

			elif ui.getFocused(0):
				Switch.mixer_num += 1
				if Switch.mixer_num == 2:
					Switch.mixer_num = 0
				print('Mixer Mode: ' + str(Switch.mixer_num))
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["open_channel_sampler"]:			
			print('Open Sampler Channel')
			channels.showCSForm(channels.channelNumber(), -1)
			event.handled = True					
		elif event.data1 == button["left"]:							
			event.handled = True	
		elif event.data1 == button["down"]:							
			event.handled = True				
		elif event.data1 == button["right"]:						
			event.handled = True			

		elif event.data1 == button["save"]:
			transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_Save, 92)
																	# If mixer is open and mute mode selected, top row will mute respective track 
		elif event.data1 == button["undo"]:					
				transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_Undo, 20)
				device.midiOutMsg(144, 1, 63, 80)
				event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["escape"]:
			event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["up"]:
			event.handled = True			

		elif event.data1 == button["rotate_window"]:				
			print('Rotate Window')
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["browser"]:				
			if Switch.shift_status == False:
				if ui.getFocused(4):
					event.handled = True
					event.handled = True
		elif event.data1 == button["step_rec"]:	
			if ui.getFocused(0):
				print("Toggle Track Rec")
				transport.globalTransport(midi.FPT_StepEdit, 114)
				print('Step Record')
				event.handled = True							

		elif event.data1 == button["quantize"]:
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["link_chan"]:
			print('link channel')

		elif event.data1 == button["rand_steps"]:
			print(f'Pitch Bend: {event.pitchBend}')
			for i in range(patterns.getPatternLength(patterns.patternNumber())):
				channels.setGridBit(channels.channelNumber(), i, 0)
			for z in range (patterns.getPatternLength(patterns.patternNumber())):
				y = num_gen()
				if y > ( Switch.pitch_num * 516):
					channels.setGridBit(channels.channelNumber(), z, 1)
			event.handled = True

		elif event.data1 == button["rand_notes"]:
			print("Randomize Notes")
			event.handled = True
    def OnMidiMsg(self, event):

        print("On Midi Msg")
        #print("CC: ", event.controlNum, " Value: ", event.controlVal, " Chan: ", event.midiChan)

        i = mixer.trackNumber()

        if (event.midiChan == self.CHN.KNOB):

            event.handled = False

            if event.controlNum == self.KNOB.VOL:
                sVol = self.scaleValue(event.controlVal, 127, 1)
                mixer.setTrackVolume(mixer.trackNumber(), sVol)
                event.handled = True

            if event.controlNum == self.KNOB.PAN:
                sPan = (self.scaleValue(event.controlVal, 127, 2) - 1)
                if (abs(sPan) < 0.008):
                    sPan = 0
                mixer.setTrackPan(mixer.trackNumber(), sPan)
                event.handled = True

        elif (event.midiChan == self.CHN.BTN):

            event.handled = False

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.PLAY) & (event.controlVal == 127):
                event.handled = True

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.STOP) & (event.controlVal == 127):
                event.handled = True

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.RECORD) & (event.controlVal
                                                        == 127):
                event.handled = True

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.LOOP_MODE) & (event.controlVal
                                                           == 127):
                event.handled = True

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.MUTE) & (event.controlVal == 127):
                event.handled = True

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.SOLO) & (event.controlVal == 127):
                event.handled = True

            if (event.controlNum == self.BTN.TRACK_ARM) & (event.controlVal
                                                           == 127):
                event.handled = True


            event.handled = False
def OnMidiMsg(event):
    global trackOffset, soloStates
    event.handled = False
    #print(event.midiId, event.data1, event.data2, event.status, event.note, event.progNum, event.controlNum, event.controlVal)
    if event.midiId == potInput:

        if event.data1 in faderInputs:
            trackNum = faderInputs.index(event.data1) + trackOffset
            if trackNum <= realTrackCount:
                                     constrain(event.data2, 0.8, 127))
            #print("fader input")
            event.handled = True

        elif event.data1 == masterFader:
            mixer.setTrackVolume(0, constrain(event.data2, 0.8, 127))
            #print("master input")
            event.handled = True

        elif event.data1 in panInputs:
            trackNum = panInputs.index(event.data1) + trackOffset
            if trackNum <= realTrackCount:
                mixer.setTrackPan(trackNum, constrainPan(event.data2))
            #print("pan input")
            event.handled = True

        elif event.data1 == LEDknob:
            if event.data2 in LED1s:
                print("LEDmode 1")

            elif event.data2 in LED2s:
                print("LEDmode 2")

            elif event.data2 in LED3s:
                print("LEDmode 3")

            elif event.data2 in LED4s:
                print("LEDmode 4")

    elif event.midiId == buttonPress:

        # process input
        if event.data1 == bankLeft:
            device.midiOutMsg(midi.MIDI_NOTEON + (25 << 8) + (0 << 16))
            event.handled = True
            if trackOffset > 1:
                trackOffset = trackOffset - 8
                #print("left", trackOffset)

        elif event.data1 == bankRight:
            device.midiOutMsg(midi.MIDI_NOTEON + (26 << 8) + (0 << 16))
            event.handled = True
            if trackOffset < (realTrackCount - (realTrackCount % 8) + 1):
                trackOffset = trackOffset + 8
                #print("right", trackOffset)

        elif event.data1 in muteButtons:
            trackNum = muteButtons.index(event.data1) + trackOffset
            if trackNum <= realTrackCount:
            event.handled = True

        elif event.data1 in soloButtons:
            if useNormalSolo:
                trackNum = soloButtons.index(event.data1) + trackOffset
                if trackNum <= realTrackCount:
                event.handled = True
                index = soloButtons.index(event.data1)
                if soloStates[index] == 1:
                    event.midiId = potInput
                    event.status = potInput
                    event.velocity = 0
                    event.controlVal = 0
                    soloStates[index] = 0
                    event.midiId = potInput
                    event.status = potInput
                    event.velocity = 127
                    event.controlVal = 127
                    soloStates[index] = 1
                event.handled = False

        elif event.data1 in armButtons:
            trackNum = armButtons.index(event.data1) + trackOffset
            if trackNum <= realTrackCount:
            event.handled = True

        elif event.data1 == soloSwitch:
            event.handled = True

    # visual feedback
    elif event.midiId == buttonPress:
        event.handled = True
        if event.data1 == bankLeft:
            device.midiOutMsg(midi.MIDI_NOTEON + (25 << 8) + (127 << 16))
        elif event.data1 == bankRight:
            device.midiOutMsg(midi.MIDI_NOTEON + (26 << 8) + (127 << 16))
예제 #8
    def OnMidiIn(self, event):
        # print ("Event: {:X} {:X} {:2X} {} {:2X}".format(event.status, event.data1, event.data2,  EventNameT[(event.status - 0x80) // 16] + ': '+  utils.GetNoteName(event.data1), int(hex(event.data2), 16)))

        # Create output string
        output = ""

        event.handled = False
        global loopDown
        global loopInterrupt

        # Set has snapped flag
        hasSnapped = False

        # Process Long Presses:

        # Stop Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2E):
            global stop_PressTime
            global stop_LiftTime

            # Press - Start timer
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                stop_PressTime = time.perf_counter()
            # Lift - Stop timer
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                stop_LiftTime = time.perf_counter()
                if (stop_LiftTime - stop_PressTime) >= LONG_PRESS_TIME:
                    output += "UI: Escape"
                    event.handled = True

        if event.handled is True:

        # In popup
        if ui.isInPopupMenu() is 1 and loopDown is False:
            output += "[In popup menu] "
            # Currently this is always inactive?

        if event.handled is True:

        # In Playlist
        if ui.getFocused(2) is 1 and loopDown is False:

            # Forward Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x30):
                # Press - No action if markers exist
                if event.data2 is 0x7F and arrangement.getMarkerName(
                        0) is not "":
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Skip to next marker, only if markers exist
                elif event.data2 is 0x00 and arrangement.getMarkerName(
                        0) is not "":
                    output += "Transport: Jump to next marker"
                    event.handled = True

            # Back Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2F):
                # Press - No action if markers exist
                if event.data2 is 0x7F and arrangement.getMarkerName(
                        0) is not "":
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Skip to previous marker, only if markers exist
                elif event.data2 is 0x00 and arrangement.getMarkerName(
                        0) is not "":
                    output += "Transport: Jump to previous marker"
                    event.handled = True

        if event.handled is True:

        # In Mixer
        if ui.getFocused(0) is 1 and loopDown is False:
            selectedTrack = mixer.trackNumber()

            # Record Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2C):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Toggle track arm
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    if mixer.isTrackArmed(selectedTrack) is 1:
                        output += "Mixer: Armed track: " + getMixerTrackName(
                        output += "Mixer: Disarmed track: " + getMixerTrackName(
                    event.handled = True

            # Forward Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x30):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Next track
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Mixer: Selected next track: " + getMixerTrackName(
                        selectedTrack + 1)

                    event.handled = True

            # Back Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2F):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Previous track
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Mixer: Selected previous track: " + getMixerTrackName(
                        selectedTrack - 1)

                    event.handled = True

            # Fader, knob and buttons #9 act on the selected track

            # Upper button 9
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1F or event.data1 is 0x4B
                 or event.data1 is 0x73)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or event.status is 0xB8:
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(selectedTrack)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 9
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x29 or event.data1 is 0x54
                 or event.data1 is 0x7C)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or event.status is 0xB8:
                    output += mixerToggleMute(selectedTrack)
                    event.handled = True

            # Fader 9 - Selected volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x0D or event.data1 is 0x38
                 or event.data1 is 0x5D)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(selectedTrack, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 9 - Selected pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x16 or event.data1 is 0x42
                 or event.data1 is 0x6A)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(selectedTrack, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Faders, knobs and buttons #1-8 act on tracks 1-8 respectively

            # Upper button 1
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x17 or event.data1 is 0x43
                 or event.data1 is 0x6B)) or (event.status is 0xB0
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB0
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10
                                           and event.data2 is 0x7F):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(1)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 1
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x21 or event.data1 is 0x4C
                 or event.data1 is 0x74)) or (event.status is 0xB0
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB0
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11
                                           and event.data2 is 0x7F):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(1)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 2
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x18 or event.data1 is 0x44
                 or event.data1 is 0x6C)) or (event.status is 0xB1
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB1
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(2)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 2
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x22 or event.data1 is 0x4D
                 or event.data1 is 0x75)) or (event.status is 0xB1
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB2
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(2)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 3
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x19 or event.data1 is 0x45
                 or event.data1 is 0x6D)) or (event.status is 0xB2
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB2
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(3)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 3
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x23 or event.data1 is 0x4E
                 or event.data1 is 0x76)) or (event.status is 0xB2
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB2
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(3)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 4
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1A or event.data1 is 0x46
                 or event.data1 is 0x6E)) or (event.status is 0xB3
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB3
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(4)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 4
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x24 or event.data1 is 0x4F
                 or event.data1 is 0x77)) or (event.status is 0xB3
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB3
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(4)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 5
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1B or event.data1 is 0x47
                 or event.data1 is 0x6F)) or (event.status is 0xB4
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB4
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(5)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 5
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x25 or event.data1 is 0x50
                 or event.data1 is 0x78)) or (event.status is 0xB4
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB4
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(5)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 6
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1C or event.data1 is 0x48
                 or event.data1 is 0x70)) or (event.status is 0xB5
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB5
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(6)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 6
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x26 or event.data1 is 0x51
                 or event.data1 is 0x79)) or (event.status is 0xB5
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB5
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(6)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 7
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1D or event.data1 is 0x49
                 or event.data1 is 0x71)) or (event.status is 0xB6
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB6
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(7)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 7
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x27 or event.data1 is 0x52
                 or event.data1 is 0x7A)) or (event.status is 0xB6
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB6
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(7)
                    event.handled = True

            # Upper button 8
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1E or event.data1 is 0x4A
                 or event.data1 is 0x72)) or (event.status is 0xB7
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB7
                                           and event.data1 is 0x10):
                    output += mixerToggleSolo(8)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 8
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x28 or event.data1 is 0x53
                 or event.data1 is 0x7B)) or (event.status is 0xB7
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or (event.status is 0xB7
                                           and event.data1 is 0x11):
                    output += mixerToggleMute(8)
                    event.handled = True

            # Fader 1 - Track 1 volume
            if event.status is 0xB0 and (event.data1 is 0x02
                                         or event.data1 is 0x2A
                                         or event.data1 is 0x55
                                         or event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(1, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 1 - Track 1 pan
            if event.status is 0xB0 and (event.data1 is 0x0E
                                         or event.data1 is 0x39
                                         or event.data1 is 0x5E
                                         or event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(1, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 2 - Track 2 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x03 or event.data1 is 0x2B
                 or event.data1 is 0x56)) or (event.status is 0xB1
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(2, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 2 - Track 2 pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x0F or event.data1 is 0x3A
                 or event.data1 is 0x5F)) or (event.status is 0xB1
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(2, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 3 - Track 3 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x04 or event.data1 is 0x32
                 or event.data1 is 0x57)) or (event.status is 0xB2
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(3, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 3 - Track 3 pan
            if ((event.status is 0xB0 and
                 (event.data1 is 0x10 or event.data1 is 0x3B
                  or event.data1 is 0x60)) or
                (event.status is 0xB2
                 and event.data1 is 0x0A)) and event.handled is False:
                output += mixerAdjustPan(3, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 4 - Track 4 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x05 or event.data1 is 0x33
                 or event.data1 is 0x58)) or (event.status is 0xB3
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(4, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 4 - Track 4 pan
            if ((event.status is 0xB0 and
                 (event.data1 is 0x11 or event.data1 is 0x3C
                  or event.data1 is 0x61)) or
                (event.status is 0xB3
                 and event.data1 is 0x0A)) and event.handled is False:
                output += mixerAdjustPan(4, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 5 - Track 5 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x06 or event.data1 is 0x34
                 or event.data1 is 0x59)) or (event.status is 0xB4
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(5, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 5 - Track 5 pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x12 or event.data1 is 0x3D
                 or event.data1 is 0x66)) or (event.status is 0xB4
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(5, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 6 - Track 6 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x08 or event.data1 is 0x35
                 or event.data1 is 0x5A)) or (event.status is 0xB5
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(1, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 6 - Track 6 pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x13 or event.data1 is 0x3E
                 or event.data1 is 0x67)) or (event.status is 0xB5
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(6, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 7 - Track 7 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x09 or event.data1 is 0x36
                 or event.data1 is 0x5B)) or (event.status is 0xB6
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(1, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 7 - Track 7 pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x14 or event.data1 is 0x3F
                 or event.data1 is 0x68)) or (event.status is 0xB6
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(7, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Fader 8 - Track 8 volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x0C or event.data1 is 0x37
                 or event.data1 is 0x5C)) or (event.status is 0xB7
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += mixerAdjustFader(1, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 8 - Track 8 pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x15 or event.data1 is 0x41
                 or event.data1 is 0x69)) or (event.status is 0xB7
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += mixerAdjustPan(8, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

        if event.handled is True:

        # In Channel rack
        if ui.getFocused(1) is 1 and loopDown is False:
            selectedChannel = channels.channelNumber()

            # Forward Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x30):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Next track
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Channel rack: Select next track: " + getChannelName(

                    event.handled = True

            # Back Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2F):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Previous track
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Channel rack: Select previous track: " + getChannelName(

                    event.handled = True

            # Fader, knob and buttons #9 act on the selected channel

            # Upper button 9
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x1F or event.data1 is 0x4B
                 or event.data1 is 0x73)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x10):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Solo channel (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or event.status is 0xB8:
                    output += channelToggleSolo(selectedChannel)
                    event.handled = True

            # Lower button 9
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x29 or event.data1 is 0x54
                 or event.data1 is 0x7C)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x11):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Mute track (in scene 4, the buttons toggle automatically)
                if event.data2 is 0x00 or event.status is 0xB8:
                    output += channelToggleMute(selectedChannel)
                    event.handled = True

            # Fader 9 - Selected volume
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x0D or event.data1 is 0x38
                 or event.data1 is 0x5D)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x07):
                output += channelAdjustVolume(selectedChannel, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Knob 9 - Selected pan
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and
                (event.data1 is 0x16 or event.data1 is 0x42
                 or event.data1 is 0x6A)) or (event.status is 0xB8
                                              and event.data1 is 0x0A):
                output += channelAdjustPan(selectedChannel, event.data2)
                event.handled = True

            # Maybe include step editor here (when I figure out lights)

        if event.handled is True:

        # In Browser
        if ui.getFocused(4) is 1 and loopDown is False:

            # Play Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2D):
                # Press - Play sample/expand menu
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    output += "Browser: Select"
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - No action
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    event.handled = True

            # Forward Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x30):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Next item
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Browser: Next"

                    event.handled = True

            # Back Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2F):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Previous item
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Browser: Previous"

                    event.handled = True

            # Stop Button
            if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2E):
                # Press - No action
                if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                    event.handled = True
                # Lift - Collapse menu
                elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                    output += "Browser: Collapse"

                    event.handled = True

        if event.handled is True:

        # Default Actions:

        # Play Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2D):
            loopInterrupt = True
            # Press - No action
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                event.handled = True
            # Lift - Play/Pause
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                if transport.isPlaying() is 1: output += "Transport: Play"
                else: output += "Transport: Pause"

                event.handled = True

        # Stop Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2E):
            loopInterrupt = True
            # Press - No action
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                event.handled = True
            # Lift - Stop
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                output += "Transport: Stop"

                event.handled = True

        # Forward Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x30):
            loopInterrupt = True
            # Press - Start FF
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                event.handled = True
                output += "Transport: Fast Forward: Begin"
            # Lift - End FF
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                output += "Transport: Fast Forward: End"
                event.handled = True

        # Back Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2F):
            # Press - Start Rew
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                event.handled = True
                output += "Transport: Rewind: Begin"
            # Lift - End Rew
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                output += "Transport: Rewind: End"
                event.handled = True

        # Record Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x2C):
            loopInterrupt = True
            # Press - No action
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                event.handled = True
            # Lift - Toggle Recording
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                if transport.isRecording() is 1:
                    output += "Transport: Recording Enabled"
                    output += "Transport: Recording Disabled"
                event.handled = True

        # Loop Button
        if (event.status is 0xB0 and event.data1 is 0x31):
            # Press - Set Loop flags
            if event.data2 is 0x7F:
                # Set flags for loop modifier commands
                loopDown = True
                loopInterrupt = False
                event.handled = True

            # Lift - Toggle Loop if no action taken
            elif event.data2 is 0x00:
                event.handled = True
                loopDown = False
                if loopInterrupt is False:
                    if transport.getLoopMode() is 1:
                        output += "Transport: Loop Mode: Song"
                        output += "Transport: Loop Mode: Pattern"

        # Scene Change
		if event.status is 0xF0:
			global scene
			scene += 1
			if scene is 5:
				scene = 1

			windowToShow = -1
			if scene is 1: 
				windowToShow = 2 # Playlist
				output += "Scene: Playlist"
			if scene is 2: 
				windowToShow = 1 # Channel Rack
				output += "Scene: Channel Rack"
			if scene is 3: 
				windowToShow = 3 # Piano roll
				output += "Scene: Piano Roll"
			if scene is 4: 
				windowToShow = 0 # Mixer
				output += "Scene: Mixer"

			event.handled = True

        if event.handled is True:

        # Event not recognised
        if event.handled is False:
            print("Unknown Event: {:X} {:X} {:2X} {} {:2X}".format(
                event.status, event.data1, event.data2,
                EventNameT[(event.status - 0x80) // 16] + ': ' +
                utils.GetNoteName(event.data1), int(hex(event.data2), 16)))