예제 #1
def getRandomCSIMixture_conditionalDists(G,

    #    if seed:
    #        random.seed(seed)
    #        mixture._C_mixextend.set_gsl_rng_seed(seed)
    #        #print '*** seed=',seed
    #    else: # XXX debug
    #        seed = random.randint(1,9999999)
    #        mixture._C_mixextend.set_gsl_rng_seed(seed)
    #        random.seed(seed)
    #        #print '*** seed=',seed

    if disc_sampling_dist == None:
        discSamp = mixture.DirichletPrior(M, [1.0] * M)  # uniform sampling
        discSamp = disc_sampling_dist

    min_sigma = 0.3  # minimal std for Normal
    max_sigma = 5.0  # maximal std for Normal
    min_mu = -25.0  # minimal mean
    max_mu = 25.0  # maximal mean

    assert dtypes in ['disc', 'gauss', 'discgauss']

    if dtypes == 'disc':
        featureTypes = [0] * p
    elif dtypes == 'gauss':
        featureTypes = [1] * p
    elif dtypes == 'discgauss':
        # discrete or Normal features for now, chosen uniformly
        # 0 discrete, 1 Normal
        featureTypes = [random.choice((0, 1)) for i in range(p)]
        raise TypeError

    #print featureTypes

    # generate random CSI structures

    if G < 15:
        P = setPartitions.generate_all_partitions(
            G)  # XXX too slow for large G
    #print P

    C = []

    leaders = []
    groups = []
    for j in range(p):
        c_j = {}

        leaders_j = []
        groups_j = {}

        if fullstruct == True:
            struct_j = [(i, ) for i in range(G)]

        elif G < 15:
            struct_j = random.choice(P)
            print 'WARNING: improper structure sampling !'
            struct_j = setPartitions.get_random_partition(G)

        #print '\nstruct',j,struct_j

        for i, grp in enumerate(struct_j):

            lg = list(grp)

            #print lg

            lgj = lg.pop(0)

            #print lgj

            groups_j[lgj] = lg

            max_tries = 100000
            tries = 0

            if featureTypes[j] == 0:
                acc = 0

                while acc == 0:
                    cand = discSamp.sample()

                    #print 'Cand:', cand

                    acc = 1
                    for d in c_j:
                        KL_dist = mixture.sym_kl_dist(c_j[d], cand)

                        #print c_j[d],cand, KL_dist

                        if KL_dist > KL_upper or KL_dist < KL_lower:
                            acc = 0
                            tries += 1

                    if tries >= max_tries:
                        raise RuntimeError, 'Failed to find separated parameters !'

                for cind in grp:
                    c_j[cind] = cand

            elif featureTypes[j] == 1:
                acc = 0
                while acc == 0:
                    mu = random.uniform(min_mu, max_mu)
                    sigma = random.uniform(min_sigma, max_sigma)
                    cand = mixture.NormalDistribution(mu, sigma)
                    acc = 1

                    for d in c_j:
                        KL_dist = mixture.sym_kl_dist(c_j[d], cand)
                        if KL_dist > KL_upper or KL_dist < KL_lower:
                            acc = 0
                            tries += 1

                    if tries >= max_tries:
                        raise RuntimeError

                #    print '.',

                for cind in grp:
                    c_j[cind] = cand




    comps = []
    for i in range(G):
        comps.append(mixture.ProductDistribution([C[j][i] for j in range(p)]))

    pi = get_random_pi(G, 0.3 / G)
    #print '** pi =',pi

    # create prior
    piprior = mixture.DirichletPrior(G, [2.0] * G)

    cprior = []
    for j in range(p):
        if featureTypes[j] == 0:
            cprior.append(mixture.DirichletPrior(M, [1.02] * M))

        elif featureTypes[j] == 1:
                0, 0, 0, 0))  # dummy parameters, to be set later


    mprior = mixture.MixtureModelPrior(0.1, 0.1, piprior, cprior)

    m = mixture.BayesMixtureModel(G, pi, comps, mprior, struct=1)
    m.leaders = leaders
    m.groups = groups

    #print m

    return m
예제 #2
# creating component distributions
c1 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n11, n12, d13, d14])
c2 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n21, n22, d23, d24])

# setting up a Dirichlet mixture prior with two components
piPr = mixture.DirichletPrior(
    2, [1.0, 1.0])  # uniform prior of mixture coefficients
dPrior = [
    mixture.DirichletPrior(4, [1.3, 1.6, 1.1, 4.0]),
    mixture.DirichletPrior(4, [3.1, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0])
dmixPrior = mixture.DirichletMixturePrior(2, 4, [0.5, 0.5], dPrior)

# assembling the model prior
compPrior = [
    mixture.NormalGammaPrior(1.5, 0.1, 3.0, 1.0),
    mixture.NormalGammaPrior(-2.0, 0.1, 3.0, 1.0), dmixPrior, dmixPrior

# putting together the prior for the whole mixture
prior = mixture.MixtureModelPrior(0.03, 0.03, piPr, compPrior)

# intializing Bayesian mixture model
pi = [0.4, 0.6]
m = mixture.BayesMixtureModel(2, pi, [c1, c2], prior)
print "Initial parameters"
print m
# Now that the model is complete we can start using it.

# sampling data
data = m.sampleDataSet(600)
예제 #3
n32 = mixture.NormalDistribution(-3.0, 0.5)
d33 = mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7])
d34 = mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, [0.6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1])

# creating component distributions
c1 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n11, n12, d13, d14])
c2 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n21, n22, d23, d24])
c3 = mixture.ProductDistribution([n31, n32, d33, d34])

# setting up the mixture prior
piPr = mixture.DirichletPrior(
    3, [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])  # uniform prior of mixture coefficients

# conjugate priors over the atomar distributions - Normal-Gamma for Normal distribution, Dirichlet for the discrete distribution
compPrior = [
    mixture.NormalGammaPrior(1.5, 0.01, 3.0, 1.0),
    mixture.NormalGammaPrior(-2.0, 0.01, 3.0, 1.0),
    mixture.DirichletPrior(4, [1.01, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01]),
    mixture.DirichletPrior(4, [1.01, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01])

# putting together the mixture prior
prior = mixture.MixtureModelPrior(0.03, 0.03, piPr, compPrior)
N = 400
prior.structPriorHeuristic(0.01, N)

# intializing Bayesian mixture model
pi = [0.3, 0.3, 0.4]
m = labeledBayesMixture.labeledBayesMixtureModel(3,
                                                 pi, [c1, c2, c3],
예제 #4
td44 = mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, [0.25] * 4)

tc4 = mixture.ProductDistribution([tn41, tn42, tn43, td44])

tn51 = mixture.NormalDistribution(4.0, 0.5)
tn52 = mixture.NormalDistribution(-6.0, 0.5)
tn53 = mixture.NormalDistribution(1.0, 0.5)
td54 = mixture.DiscreteDistribution(4, [0.25] * 4)

tc5 = mixture.ProductDistribution([tn51, tn52, tn53, td54])

tpi = [0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1]

# the hyperparameter of the NormalGamma distributions are
# estimated heuristically in .setParams(...)
sp1 = mixture.NormalGammaPrior(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
sp1.setParams(data.getInternalFeature(0), 5)
sp2 = mixture.NormalGammaPrior(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
sp2.setParams(data.getInternalFeature(1), 5)
sp3 = mixture.NormalGammaPrior(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
sp3.setParams(data.getInternalFeature(2), 5)

sp4 = mixture.DirichletPrior(4, [1.02] * 4)
pipr = mixture.DirichletPrior(5, [1.0] * 5)

# the hyperparameter alpha is chosen based on the heuristic below
delta = 0.1
structPrior = 1.0 / (1.0 + delta)**data.N

# creating the model prior
prior = mixture.MixtureModelPrior(structPrior, 0.03, pipr,