def get_dark_frame(self): ''' takes however many dark files that are specified in the pipe.yml and computes the counts/pixel/sec for the sum of all the dark obs. This creates a stitched together long dark obs from all of the smaller obs given. This is useful for legacy data where there may not be a specified dark observation but parts of observations where the filter wheel was closed. If self.use_wavecal is True then a dark is not subtracted off since this just takes into account total counts and not energy information :return: expected dark counts for each pixel over a flat observation ''' if not self.dark_h5_file_names: dark_frame = np.zeros_like(self.spectralCubes[0][:, :, 0]) else: self.dark_start = [self.cfg.flatcal.dark_data['start_times']] self.dark_int = [self.cfg.flatcal.dark_data['int_times']] self.dark_h5_file_names = [ os.path.join(self.h5_directory, str(t) + '.h5') for t in self.dark_start ] frames = np.zeros((140, 146, len(self.dark_start))) getLogger(__name__).info('Loading dark frames for Laser flat') for i, file in enumerate(self.dark_h5_file_names): obs = Photontable(file) frame = obs.getPixelCountImage( integrationTime=self.dark_int[i])['image'] frames[:, :, i] = frame total_counts = np.sum(frames, axis=2) total_int_time = float(np.sum(self.dark_int)) counts_per_sec = total_counts / total_int_time dark_frame = counts_per_sec return dark_frame
def fetchimg(ob, kwargs): of = Photontable(ob.h5) if kwargs['nwvl'] > 1: im = of.getSpectralCube(hdu=True, **kwargs) else: kwargs.pop('wvlN', None) im = of.getPixelCountImage(hdu=True, **kwargs) del of #TODO move to photontable and fetch it from an import im.headerh['PIXELA'] = 10.0**2 return im
def determine_mean_photperRID(self): ret = {} # return {d:1 for d in self.datasets} for d in self.datasets: if d in self.count_images: cnt_img = self.count_images[d] else: res = list(self.query_iter((SHORTT_QUERY), dataset=d)) i = np.array([r.queryt for r in res]).argmin() fast_file = res[i].file print('This might take a while: {:.0f} s'.format( res[i].queryt)) of = Photontable(fast_file) cnt_img = of.getPixelCountImage(firstSec=30, integrationTime=5)['image'] cnt_img *=['expTime'] / 5 del of self.count_images[d] = cnt_img ret[d] = cnt_img.sum() / (cnt_img > 0).sum() return ret
planet_photons = np.array(planet_photons).T.astype(np.float32) planet_photons = np.insert(planet_photons, obj=1, values=cam.phase_cal(ap.wvl_range[0]), axis=0) planet_photons[0] = (planet_photons[0] + abs_step) * sp.sample_time photons = np.concatenate((star_photons, planet_photons), axis=1) # cam.save_photontable(photonlist=photons, index=None, populate_subsidiaries=False) stem = cam.arange_into_stem(photons.T, (cam.array_size[1], cam.array_size[0])) stem = list(map(list, zip(*stem))) stem = cam.remove_close(stem) photons = cam.ungroup(stem) photons = photons[[0, 1, 3, 2]] # grid(cam.rebin_list(photons), show=False) cam.populate_photontable(photons=photons, finalise=False) cam.populate_photontable(photons=[], finalise=True) grid(cam.rebin_list(photons), show=False) # to look at the photontable obs = Photontable(iop.photonlist) print(obs.photonTable) # to plot an image of all the photons on the array image = obs.getPixelCountImage(integrationTime=None)['image'] quick2D(image, show=False, title='Const planet photons')
def mask_hot_pixels(file, method='hpm_flux_threshold', step=30, startt=0, stopt=None, ncpu=1, **methodkw): """ This routine is the main code entry point of the bad pixel masking code. Takes an obs. file as input and writes a 'bad pixel table' to that h5 file where each entry is an indicator of whether the pixel was good, dead, hot, or cold. Defaults should be somewhat reasonable for a typical on-sky image. HPCut method is interchangeable with any of the methods listed here. The HOT and DEAD masks are combined into a single BAD mask at the end Required Input: :param obsfile: user passes an obsfile instance here :param startt Scalar Integer. Timestamp at which to begin bad pixel masking, default = 0 :param stopt Scalar Integer. Timestamp at which to finish bad pixel masking, default = -1 (run to the end of the file) :param step Scalar Integer. Number of seconds to do the bad pixel masking over (should be an integer number of steps through the obsfile), default = 30 :param hpcutmethod String. Method to use to detect hot pixels. Options are: hpm_median_movingbox hpm_flux_threshold hpm_laplacian hpm_cps_cut Other Input: Appropriate args and kwargs that go into the chosen hpcut function :return: Applies relevant pixelflags - see """ obs = Photontable(file) if['isBadPixMasked']: getLogger(__name__).info('{} is already bad pixel calibrated'.format( obs.fileName)) return if stopt is None: stopt = obs.getFromHeader('expTime') assert startt < stopt if step > stopt - startt: getLogger(__name__).warning(( 'Hot pixel step time longer than exposure time by {:.0f} s, using full ' 'exposure').format(abs(stopt - startt - step))) step = stopt - startt step_starts = np.arange( startt, stopt, step, dtype=int) # Start time for each step (in seconds). step_ends = step_starts + int(step) # End time for each step step_ends[step_ends > stopt] = int( stopt ) # Clip any time steps that run over the end of the requested time range. # Initialise stack of masks, one for each time step hot_masks = np.zeros([obs.nXPix, obs.nYPix, step_starts.size], dtype=bool) cold_masks = np.zeros([obs.nXPix, obs.nYPix, step_starts.size], dtype=bool) func = globals()[method] # Generate a stack of bad pixel mask, one for each time step for i, each_time in enumerate(step_starts): getLogger(__name__).info('Processing time slice: {} - {} s'.format( each_time, each_time + step)) raw_image_dict = obs.getPixelCountImage( firstSec=each_time, integrationTime=step, applyWeight=True, applyTPFWeight=True, scaleByEffInt=method == 'hpm_cps_cut') bad_pixel_solution = func(raw_image_dict['image'], **methodkw) hot_masks[:, :, i] = bad_pixel_solution['hot_mask'] cold_masks[:, :, i] = bad_pixel_solution['cold_mask'] unstable_mask = np.zeros((obs.nXPix, obs.nYPix), dtype=bool) for x in range(obs.nXPix): for y in range(obs.nYPix): vals = np.zeros(len(hot_masks[x, y, :]), dtype=bool) for i, mask in enumerate(hot_masks[x, y, :]): vals[i] = mask if not all(vals) or all(vals): unstable_mask[x, y] = False else: unstable_mask[x, y] = True # Combine the bad pixel masks into a master mask obs.enablewrite() obs.applyBadPixelMask(np.all(hot_masks, axis=-1), np.all(cold_masks, axis=-1), unstable_mask) obs.disablewrite()
def get_transforms(ditherfile, datadir, wvl_start=None, wvl_stop=None, fwhm_guess=3.0, fit_power=1, CONEX_ERROR=0.0001, plot=False): dither = MKIDDitheredObservation(os.path.basename(ditherfile), ditherfile, None, None) obs_files = [ os.path.join(datadir, '{}.h5'.format(o.start)) for o in dither.obs ] box_size = fwhm_guess * 10 debug_images = [] pixel_positions = [] source_est = [] for file in obs_files: obs = Photontable(file) data = obs.getPixelCountImage(applyWeight=False, exclude_flags=pixelflags.PROBLEM_FLAGS, wvlStart=wvl_start, wvlStop=wvl_stop)['image'] data = np.transpose(data) debug_images.append(data) mean, median, std = stats.sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, mask_value=0) mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) mask[data == 0] = True sources = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm_guess, threshold=5. * std)(data - median, mask=mask) source = sources[sources['flux'].argmax()] source_est.append((source['xcentroid'], source['ycentroid'])) position = centroids.centroid_sources(data, source['xcentroid'], source['ycentroid'], box_size=int(box_size), centroid_func=centroid_2dg, mask=mask) pixel_positions.append((position[0][0], position[1][0])) pixel_positions = np.array(pixel_positions) conex_positions = np.array(dither.pos) xform_con2pix = tf.estimate_transform('polynomial', conex_positions, pixel_positions, order=fit_power) xform_pix2con = tf.estimate_transform('polynomial', pixel_positions, conex_positions, order=fit_power) if plot: axis = int(round(np.sqrt(len(obs_files)), 0)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(axis, axis, figsize=(20, 15)) i = 0 j = 0 for index, image in enumerate(debug_images[:-1]): axs[i, j].imshow(image, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', cmap='viridis') axs[i, j].add_patch( Rectangle( (source_est[index][0] - (box_size / 2), source_est[index][1] - (box_size / 2)), box_size, box_size, linewidth=1, edgecolor='r', fill=None)) marker = '+' ms, mew = 30, 2. axs[i, j].plot(source_est[index][0], source_est[index][1], color='red', marker=marker, ms=ms, mew=mew) axs[i, j].plot(pixel_positions[index][0], pixel_positions[index][1], color='blue', marker=marker, ms=ms, mew=mew) axs[i, j].set_title( 'Red + = Estimate, Blue + = Centroid for Dither Pos %i' % index) if (index + 1) % axis == 0 and (index + 1) != len(obs_files): i += 1 j = 0 elif index != len(obs_files) - 1: j += 1 _plotresiduals(xform_con2pix, conex_positions, pixel_positions) return xform_con2pix, xform_pix2con