예제 #1
    def test_categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm_sequence_of_words(self):
        Check that categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm function does not fail with sequences of word (in a single
        embedding_size = 32
        encoding_size = 64
        feature_info = {
            "name": "categorical_variable",
            "feature_layer_info": {
                "type": "numeric",
                "fn": "categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm",
                "args": {
                    "encoding_type": "bilstm",
                    "encoding_size": encoding_size,
                    "embedding_size": embedding_size,
                    "dropout_rate": 0.2,
            "tfrecord_type": SequenceExampleTypeKey.CONTEXT,

        string_tensor = tf.constant([[["AAA", "BBB", "out_of_vocabulary"]]])

            string_tensor, feature_info, self.file_io)
예제 #2
    def test_categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm_file_truncation(self):
        Asserts the conversion of a string tensor to its corresponding sequence encoding
        obtained through the categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm function
        Works by converting each string into a bytes sequence and then
        passing it through a biLSTM.

        The embedding and encoding dimensions are controlled by the feature_info
        max_length = 2
        embedding_size = 128
        encoding_size = 512
        feature_info = {
            "name": "categorical_variable",
            "feature_layer_info": {
                "type": "numeric",
                "fn": "categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm",
                "args": {
                    "encoding_type": "bilstm",
                    "encoding_size": encoding_size,
                    "embedding_size": embedding_size,
                    "max_length": max_length,
            "tfrecord_type": SequenceExampleTypeKey.CONTEXT,

        # Define an input string tensor
        string_tensor = tf.constant([[["AAA"]], [["BBB"]], [["AAA"]],
                                     [["CCC"]], [["out_of_vocabulary"]]])
        sequence_encoding = categorical_fns.categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm(
            string_tensor, feature_info, self.file_io)

        # Assert the right shapes of the resulting encoding based on the feature_info
        assert sequence_encoding.shape[0] == len(string_tensor)
        assert sequence_encoding.shape[1] == 1
        assert sequence_encoding.shape[2] == encoding_size

        assert tf.reduce_all(
            tf.equal(sequence_encoding[0], sequence_encoding[2]))
        assert not tf.reduce_all(
            tf.equal(sequence_encoding[0], sequence_encoding[1]))
        assert tf.reduce_all(
            tf.equal(sequence_encoding[3], sequence_encoding[4]))
        assert not tf.reduce_all(
            tf.equal(sequence_encoding[1], sequence_encoding[4]))
예제 #3
    def test_categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm_oov_mapping_with_dropout(
        Asserts "out of vocabulary" words are mapped to the same value when dropout_rate is used,
        while word "in vocabulary" are mapped to their own embeddings.
        embedding_size = 128
        encoding_size = 512
        vocabulary_file = (

        feature_info = {
            "name": "categorical_variable",
            "feature_layer_info": {
                "type": "numeric",
                "fn": "categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm",
                "args": {
                    "vocabulary_file": vocabulary_file,
                    "encoding_type": "bilstm",
                    "encoding_size": encoding_size,
                    "embedding_size": embedding_size,
                    "dropout_rate": 0.2,
            "tfrecord_type": SequenceExampleTypeKey.CONTEXT,

        df_vocabulary = self.file_io.read_df(vocabulary_file)
        vocabulary = df_vocabulary.values.flatten().tolist()

        # Define a batch where each row is a single word from the vocabulary (so that we can later compare each word
        # encoding)
        words = vocabulary + ["out_of_vocabulary", "out_of_vocabulary2"]
        string_tensor = tf.constant([[[word]] for word in words])

        # If the embedding lookup input dimension were computed incorrectly, the following call would fail with:
        # tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: indices[0,0,7] = 8 is not in [0, 8)
        sequence_encoding = categorical_fns.categorical_embedding_to_encoding_bilstm(
            string_tensor, feature_info, self.file_io)

        # Strings 1 and 2 should result in the same embedding because they are both OOV
        # Check that each word, except the OOV ones are mapped to different encodings (actually different embeddings,
        # but the encoding on top should be equivalent as each row is a single word).
        for word1_position in range(0, len(vocabulary)):
            # +1 to include one OOV word
            for word2_position in range(word1_position + 1,
                                        len(vocabulary) + 1):
                if tf.reduce_all(
                    word1, word2 = words[word1_position], words[word2_position]
                        "Check that non-OOV words map to different encodings, and not also not to OOV:"
                        "{} vs. {}".format(word1, word2),

                tf.equal(sequence_encoding[-1], sequence_encoding[-2])),
            msg="Check that OOV words map to the same encodings",
        assert not tf.reduce_all(
            tf.equal(sequence_encoding[0], sequence_encoding[1]))