예제 #1
 def load(self, key, dtype):
     if dtype == 'read':
         abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key)
             with open(abs_path, 'rb') as f:
                 return f.decode('utf-8')
         except FileNotFoundError as e:
             return None
     elif dtype == 'read_text':
         abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key)
             with open(abs_path, 'r') as f:
                 return f.decode('utf-8')
         except FileNotFoundError as e:
             return None
     elif dtype == 'read_pkl':
         from ml_logger.helpers import load_from_pickle
         abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key)
             return list(load_from_pickle(abs_path))
         except FileNotFoundError as e:
             return None
     elif dtype == 'read_np':
         import numpy
         abs_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, key)
             return numpy.load(abs_path)
         except FileNotFoundError as e:
             return None
     elif dtype == 'read_image':
         raise NotImplemented('reading images is not implemented.')
예제 #2
async def get_path(request, file_path=""):

    as_records = request.args.get('records')
    as_json = request.args.get('json')
    as_log = request.args.get('log')
    as_attachment = int(request.args.get('download', '0'))
    is_recursive = request.args.get('recursive')
    show_hidden = request.args.get('hidden')
    query = request.args.get('query', "*").strip()

    _start = request.args.get('start', None)
    _stop = request.args.get('stop', None)
    start = None if _start is None else int(_start)
    stop = None if _stop is None else int(_stop)

    reservoir_k = int(request.args.get('reservoir', '200'))

    # limit for the search itself.
    search_limit = 500

    path = os.path.join(config.Args.logdir, file_path)
    print("=============>", [query], [path], os.path.isdir(path))

    if os.path.isdir(path):
        from itertools import islice
        with cwd(path):
            print(os.getcwd(), query, is_recursive)
            file_paths = list(islice(iglob(query, recursive=is_recursive), start or 0, stop or 200))
            files = map(file_stat, file_paths)
            res = response.json(files, status=200)
    elif os.path.isfile(path):
        if as_records:
            from ml_logger.helpers import load_pickle_as_dataframe
            df = load_pickle_as_dataframe(path, reservoir_k)
            res = response.text(df.to_json(orient="records"), status=200, content_type='application/json')
        elif as_log:
            from ml_logger.helpers import load_pickle_as_dataframe
            df = load_pickle_as_dataframe(path, reservoir_k)
            res = response.text(df.to_json(orient="records"), status=200, content_type='application/json')
        elif as_json:
            from ml_logger.helpers import load_from_pickle
            data = [_ for _ in load_from_pickle(path)]
            res = response.json(data, status=200, content_type='application/json')
        elif type(start) is int or type(stop) is int:
            from itertools import islice
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                text = ''.join([l for l in islice(f, start, stop)])
            res = response.text(text, status=200)
            # todo: check the file handling here. Does this use correct mimeType for text files?
            res = await response.file(path)
            if as_attachment:
                res.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment'
        res = response.text('Not found', status=404)
    return res
예제 #3
async def batch_get_path(request):
        data = request.json

        file_paths = data['paths']
        options = data['options']

        batch_res_data = dict()

        if options.get('json', False):
            for path in file_paths:
                from ml_logger.helpers import load_from_pickle
                batch_res_data[path] = [_ for _ in load_from_pickle(path)]

            res = response.json(batch_res_data, status=200, content_type='application/json')
            return res

    except Exception as e:
        print('Exception: ', e)
        res = response.text('Internal Error' + str(e), status=502)
        return res
예제 #4
def read_json(path):
    from ml_logger.helpers import load_from_pickle
    data = [_ for _ in load_from_pickle(path)]
    return data
예제 #5
def read_pickle_for_json(path):
    """convert non JSON serializable types to string"""
    from ml_logger.helpers import load_from_pickle, regularize_for_json
    data = [regularize_for_json(_) for _ in load_from_pickle(path)]
    return data