def findTargets(self, imdata, targetlist): imdata_id = imdata.dbid # convert to float image2 = imdata['image'] image = numpy.asarray(image2,dtype=numpy.float) self.setImage(image, 'Image') if self.handle is None: self.handle = pymat.put(self.handle, 'image', image) pymat.put(self.handle, 'image_id',imdata_id) self.matlabFindTargets() if self.settings['user check']: # user now clicks on targets self.notifyUserSubmit() self.userpause.clear() self.setStatus('user input') self.userpause.wait() self.setStatus('processing') pymat.put(self.handle, 'image', []) pymat.put(self.handle, 'focus', []) pymat.put(self.handle, 'acquisition', []) self.publishTargets(imdata, 'focus', targetlist) self.publishTargets(imdata, 'acquisition', targetlist)'Targets have been submitted')
def targetTestImage(self): usercheck = self.settings['user check'] self.settings['user check'] = False filename = self.settings['test image'] try: image2 = image = numpy.asarray(image2,dtype=numpy.float) except: self.logger.error('Failed to load test image') raise return self.setImage(image, 'Image') if self.handle is None: self.handle = pymat.put(self.handle, 'image', image) imdata_id = 0 pymat.put(self.handle, 'image_id',imdata_id) self.matlabFindTargets() self.settings['user check'] = usercheck
def matlabFindTargets(self): pymat.put(self.handle, 'focus', []) pymat.put(self.handle, 'acquisition', []) d, f = os.path.split(self.settings['module path']) if d: pymat.eval(self.handle, 'path(path, \'%s\')' % d) if not f[:-2]: raise RuntimeError pymat.eval(self.handle, '[acquisition, focus] = %s(image,image_id)' % f[:-2]) focus = pymat.get(self.handle, 'focus') acquisition = pymat.get(self.handle, 'acquisition') self.setTargets(acquisition, 'acquisition') self.setTargets(focus, 'focus') import time time.sleep(1) if self.settings['user check']: self.panel.foundTargets()
def __call__(self): print 'loading model' if self.chunk_size is not None: dataset_family = self.dataset_family which_set = self.which_set dataset_descriptor = self.dataset_family[which_set][size] d = serial.load(self.dict_file) self.W = d['dictionary'].T M.put(s, 'dictionary', d['dictionary']) M.put(s, 'lambda', self.lamda) self.size = 6 num_examples = dataset_descriptor.num_examples assert num_examples % self.chunk_size == 0 self.chunk_id = 0 for i in xrange(0,num_examples, self.chunk_size): self.restrict = (i, i + self.chunk_size) self._execute() self.chunk_id += 1 else: self._execute()
def transform_points(self, points): mlabraw.put(self.handle, "points", points) mlabraw.eval(self.handle,""" points_result = tps_eval(points, params); """) points_result = mlabraw.get(self.handle, "points_result") return points_result
def _set(self, name, value): r"""Directly set a variable `name` in matlab space to `value`. This should normally not be used in user code.""" if isinstance(value, MlabObjectProxy): mlabraw.eval(self._session, "%s = %s;" % (name, value._name)) else: ## mlabraw.put(self._session, name, self._as_mlabable_type(value)) mlabraw.put(self._session, name, value)
def branch_points(bw): initialize() mlabraw.put(MATLAB, "bw",bw) mlabraw.eval(MATLAB, """ bp = bwmorph(bw,'branchpoints') bp_d = double(bp); """) bp_d = mlabraw.get(MATLAB, "bp_d") bp = bp_d.astype('uint8') return bp
def fit_transformation(self, points0, points1): assert len(points0) == len(points1) mlabraw.put(self.handle, "points0", points0) mlabraw.put(self.handle, "points1", points1) mlabraw.eval(self.handle, """ opts = opts_fit; opts.reg = .01; params = tps_fit(points0, points1, opts); save('/tmp/after_fitting.mat'); """)
def branch_points(bw): initialize() mlabraw.put(MATLAB, "bw", bw) mlabraw.eval( MATLAB, """ bp = bwmorph(bw,'branchpoints') bp_d = double(bp); """) bp_d = mlabraw.get(MATLAB, "bp_d") bp = bp_d.astype('uint8') return bp
def _set(self, name, value): r"""Directly set a variable `name` in matlab space to `value`. This should normally not be used in user code.""" if isinstance(value, MlabObjectProxy): mlabraw.eval(self._session, "%s = %s;" % (name, value._name)) else: ## mlabraw.put(self._session, name, self._as_mlabable_type(value)) if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray): value = value.copy() # XXX: mlabraw seems to badly handle strides. mlabraw.put(self._session, name, value)
def transform_poses(self, points, rots): mlabraw.put(self.handle, "points", points) put3d(self.handle, "rots", rots) mlabraw.eval(self.handle,""" [points_result, rots_result] = tps_eval_frames(points, rots, params); """) points_result = mlabraw.get(self.handle,"points_result") rots_result = get3d(self.handle, "rots_result") return points_result, rots_result
def fit_transformation_icp(self, points0, points1): mlabraw.put(self.handle, "points0", points0) mlabraw.put(self.handle, "points1", points1) mlabraw.eval(self.handle, """ opts = opts_icp; opts.n_iter=6; opts.lines_from_orig=1; opts.corr_opts.method='bipartite'; opts.fit_opts.reg = .01; %opts.plot_grid = 1; opts.corr_opts.bipartite_opts.deficient_col_penalty=1; opts.corr_opts.bipartite_opts.deficient_row_penalty=1; params = tps_rpm(points0, points1, opts); save('/tmp/after_fitting.mat'); """)
def remove_holes(labels,min_size): initialize() mlabraw.put(MATLAB, "L",labels) mlabraw.put(MATLAB, "min_size",min_size) mlabraw.eval(MATLAB, """ max_label = max(L(:)); good_pix = L==0; for label = 1:max_label good_pix = good_pix | bwareaopen(L==label,min_size,4); end bad_pix = ~logical(good_pix); [~,I] = bwdist(good_pix,'Chessboard'); NewL = L; NewL(bad_pix) = L(I(bad_pix)); NewL_d = double(NewL); """) NewL_d = mlabraw.get(MATLAB, "NewL_d") return NewL_d.astype('uint8')
def remove_holes(labels, min_size): initialize() mlabraw.put(MATLAB, "L", labels) mlabraw.put(MATLAB, "min_size", min_size) mlabraw.eval( MATLAB, """ max_label = max(L(:)); good_pix = L==0; for label = 1:max_label good_pix = good_pix | bwareaopen(L==label,min_size,4); end bad_pix = ~logical(good_pix); [~,I] = bwdist(good_pix,'Chessboard'); NewL = L; NewL(bad_pix) = L(I(bad_pix)); NewL_d = double(NewL); """) NewL_d = mlabraw.get(MATLAB, "NewL_d") return NewL_d.astype('uint8')
def _set(self, name, value): if isinstance(value, MlabObjectProxy): mlabraw.eval(self._session, "%s = %s;" % (name, value._name)) else: ## mlabraw.put(self._session, name, self._as_mlabable_type(value)) mlabraw.put(self._session, name, value)
def put(name, array): mlabraw.put(MATLAB, name, array)
def put(name,array): mlabraw.put(MATLAB, name, array)
def set(self, name, value): if DEBUG: print "setting '%s' to %s"%(name, `value`) mlabraw.put(self._engine, name, value)
def _do(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): """Semi-raw execution of a matlab command. Smartly handle calls to matlab, figure out what to do with `args`, and when to use function call syntax and not. If no `args` are specified, the ``cmd`` not ``result = cmd()`` form is used in Matlab -- this also makes literal Matlab commands legal (eg. cmd=``get(gca, 'Children')``). If ``nout=0`` is specified, the Matlab command is executed as procedure, otherwise it is executed as function (default), nout specifying how many values should be returned (default 1). **Beware that if you use don't specify ``nout=0`` for a `cmd` that never returns a value will raise an error** (because assigning a variable to a call that doesn't return a value is illegal in matlab). ``cast`` specifies which typecast should be applied to the result (e.g. `int`), it defaults to none. XXX: should we add ``parens`` parameter? """ handle_out = kwargs.get('handle_out', _flush_write_stdout) #self._session = self._session or # HACK if self._autosync_dirs: mlabraw.eval(self._session, "cd('%s');" % os.getcwd().replace("'", "''")) nout = kwargs.get('nout', 1) #XXX what to do with matlab screen output argnames = [] tempargs = [] try: for count, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, MlabObjectProxy): argnames.append(arg._name) else: nextName = 'arg%d__' % count argnames.append(nextName) tempargs.append(nextName) # have to convert these by hand ## try: ## arg = self._as_mlabable_type(arg) ## except TypeError: ## raise TypeError("Illegal argument type (%s.:) for %d. argument" % ## (type(arg), type(count))) mlabraw.put(self._session, argnames[-1], arg) if args: cmd = "%s(%s)%s" % (cmd, ", ".join(argnames), ('',';')[kwargs.get('show',0)]) # got three cases for nout: # 0 -> None, 1 -> val, >1 -> [val1, val2, ...] if nout == 0: handle_out(mlabraw.eval(self._session, cmd)) return # deal with matlab-style multiple value return resSL = ((["RES%d__" % i for i in range(nout)])) handle_out(mlabraw.eval(self._session, '[%s]=%s;' % (", ".join(resSL), cmd))) res = self._get_values(resSL) if nout == 1: res = res[0] else: res = tuple(res) if kwargs.has_key('cast'): if nout == 0: raise TypeError("Can't cast: 0 nout") return kwargs['cast'](res) else: return res finally: if len(tempargs) and self._clear_call_args: mlabraw.eval(self._session, "clear('%s');" % "','".join(tempargs))
def _execute(self): batch_size = self.batch_size pooling_region_counts = self.pooling_region_counts dataset_family = self.dataset_family which_set = self.which_set size = self.size nan = 0 dataset_descriptor = dataset_family[which_set][size] dataset = dataset_descriptor.dataset_maker() expected_num_examples = dataset_descriptor.num_examples full_X = dataset.get_design_matrix() num_examples = full_X.shape[0] assert num_examples == expected_num_examples if self.restrict is not None: assert self.restrict[1] <= full_X.shape[0] print 'restricting to examples ',self.restrict[0],' through ',self.restrict[1],' exclusive' full_X = full_X[self.restrict[0]:self.restrict[1],:] assert self.restrict[1] > self.restrict[0] #update for after restriction num_examples = full_X.shape[0] assert num_examples > 0 dataset.X = None dataset.design_loc = None dataset.compress = False patchifier = ExtractGridPatches( patch_shape = (size,size), patch_stride = (1,1) ) pipeline = serial.load(dataset_descriptor.pipeline_path) assert isinstance(pipeline.items[0], ExtractPatches) pipeline.items[0] = patchifier print 'defining features' Z = T.matrix('Z') if self.one_sided: feat = abs(Z) else: pos = T.clip(Z,0.,1e30) neg = T.clip(-Z,0.,1e30) feat = T.concatenate((pos, neg), axis=1) print 'compiling theano function' f = function([Z],feat) nfeat = self.W.shape[1] * (2 - self.one_sided) if not (nfeat == 1600 or nfeat == 3200): print nfeat assert False if config.device.startswith('gpu') and nfeat >= 4000: f = halver(f, nfeat) topo_feat_var = T.TensorType(broadcastable = (False,False,False,False), dtype='float32')() region_features = function([topo_feat_var], topo_feat_var.mean(axis=(1,2)) ) def average_pool( stride ): def point( p ): return p * ns / stride rval = np.zeros( (topo_feat.shape[0], stride, stride, topo_feat.shape[3] ) , dtype = 'float32') for i in xrange(stride): for j in xrange(stride): rval[:,i,j,:] = region_features( topo_feat[:,point(i):point(i+1), point(j):point(j+1),:] ) return rval outputs = [ np.zeros((num_examples,count,count,nfeat),dtype='float32') for count in pooling_region_counts ] assert len(outputs) > 0 fd = DenseDesignMatrix(X = np.zeros((1,1),dtype='float32'), view_converter = DefaultViewConverter([1, 1, nfeat] ) ) ns = 32 - size + 1 depatchifier = ReassembleGridPatches( orig_shape = (ns, ns), patch_shape=(1,1) ) if len(range(0,num_examples-batch_size+1,batch_size)) <= 0: print num_examples print batch_size for i in xrange(0,num_examples-batch_size+1,batch_size): print i t1 = time.time() d = copy.copy(dataset) d.set_design_matrix(full_X[i:i+batch_size,:]) t2 = time.time() #print '\tapplying preprocessor' d.apply_preprocessor(pipeline, can_fit = False) X2 = d.get_design_matrix() t3 = time.time() M.put(s,'batch',X2) M.eval(s, 'Z = sparse_codes(batch, dictionary, lambda)') Z = M.get(s, 'Z') feat = f(np.cast['float32'](Z)) t4 = time.time() assert feat.dtype == 'float32' feat_dataset = copy.copy(fd) if np.any(np.isnan(feat)): nan += np.isnan(feat).sum() feat[np.isnan(feat)] = 0 feat_dataset.set_design_matrix(feat) #print '\treassembling features' feat_dataset.apply_preprocessor(depatchifier) #print '\tmaking topological view' topo_feat = feat_dataset.get_topological_view() assert topo_feat.shape[0] == batch_size t5 = time.time() #average pooling for output, count in zip(outputs, pooling_region_counts): output[i:i+batch_size,...] = average_pool(count) t6 = time.time() print (t6-t1, t2-t1, t3-t2, t4-t3, t5-t4, t6-t5) for output, save_path in zip(outputs, self.save_paths): if self.chunk_size is not None: assert save_path.endswith('.npy') save_path_pieces = save_path.split('.npy') assert len(save_path_pieces) == 2 assert save_path_pieces[1] == '' save_path = save_path_pieces[0] + '_' + chr(ord('A')+self.chunk_id)+'.npy',output) if nan > 0: warnings.warn(str(nan)+' features were nan')
def _do(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): """Semi-raw execution of a matlab command. Smartly handle calls to matlab, figure out what to do with `args`, and when to use function call syntax and not. If no `args` are specified, the ``cmd`` not ``result = cmd()`` form is used in Matlab -- this also makes literal Matlab commands legal (eg. cmd=``get(gca, 'Children')``). If ``nout=0`` is specified, the Matlab command is executed as procedure, otherwise it is executed as function (default), nout specifying how many values should be returned (default 1). **Beware that if you use don't specify ``nout=0`` for a `cmd` that never returns a value will raise an error** (because assigning a variable to a call that doesn't return a value is illegal in matlab). ``cast`` specifies which typecast should be applied to the result (e.g. `int`), it defaults to none. XXX: should we add ``parens`` parameter? """ handle_out = kwargs.get('handle_out', _flush_write_stdout) #self._session = self._session or # HACK if self._autosync_dirs: mlabraw.eval(self._session, "cd('%s');" % os.getcwd().replace("'", "''")) nout = kwargs.get('nout', 1) #XXX what to do with matlab screen output argnames = [] tempargs = [] try: for count, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, MlabObjectProxy): argnames.append(arg._name) else: nextName = 'arg%d__' % count argnames.append(nextName) tempargs.append(nextName) # have to convert these by hand ## try: ## arg = self._as_mlabable_type(arg) ## except TypeError: ## raise TypeError("Illegal argument type (%s.:) for %d. argument" % ## (type(arg), type(count))) mlabraw.put(self._session, argnames[-1], arg) if args: cmd = "%s(%s)%s" % (cmd, ", ".join(argnames), ('', ';')[kwargs.get('show', 0)]) # got three cases for nout: # 0 -> None, 1 -> val, >1 -> [val1, val2, ...] if nout == 0: handle_out(mlabraw.eval(self._session, cmd)) return # deal with matlab-style multiple value return resSL = ((["RES%d__" % i for i in range(nout)])) handle_out( mlabraw.eval(self._session, '[%s]=%s;' % (", ".join(resSL), cmd))) res = self._get_values(resSL) if nout == 1: res = res[0] else: res = tuple(res) if kwargs.has_key('cast'): if nout == 0: raise TypeError("Can't cast: 0 nout") return kwargs['cast'](res) else: return res finally: if len(tempargs) and self._clear_call_args: mlabraw.eval(self._session, "clear('%s');" % "','".join(tempargs))
def put3d(handle, name, array): mlabraw.put(handle, "flat_array", array.flatten("F")) mlabraw.eval(handle, "%s = reshape(flat_array, %i, %i, %i);"%(name, array.shape[0], array.shape[1], array.shape[2]))