def read_image_from_url_cv2(url): import_cv2()"Read cv2 image from: {0}".format(url)) return cv2.imdecode( np.asarray(bytearray( urlopen(Request(url=url, headers=headers), timeout=100).read()), dtype="uint8"), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
def upload_bytes(self, bytes_data, key, bucket_name=None, overwrite=False, encrypt=False, acl=None): """ Uploads bytes to S3 This is provided as a convenience to drop a string in S3. It uses the boto infrastructure to ship a file to s3. Args: bytes_data: `bytes`. bytes to set as content for the key. key: `str`. S3 key that will point to the file. bucket_name: `str`. Name of the bucket in which to store the file. overwrite: `bool`. A flag to decide whether or not to overwrite the key if it already exists. encrypt: `bool`. If True, the file will be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored in an encrypted form while at rest in S3. acl: `str`. ACL to use for uploading, e.g. "public-read". """ if not bucket_name: bucket_name = self.bucket if bucket_name is None: raise MlChainError("bucket can't be None", code="S000", status_code=500) filelike_buffer = BytesIO(bytes_data) try: self.client.upload_fileobj(filelike_buffer, bucket_name, key) except Exception as ex: raise MlChainError(str(ex), code="S006", status_code=500)
def load(self): original_cuda_variable = os.environ.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES') if original_cuda_variable is None: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(next(gpus)) else: f"Skipping automatic GPU selection for gunicorn worker since CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable is already set to {original_cuda_variable}" ) serve_model = get_model(entry_file, serve_model=True) if serve_model is None: raise Exception( f"Can not init model class from {entry_file}. Please check mlconfig.yaml or {entry_file} or mlchain run -m {{mode}}!" ) if isinstance(serve_model, ServeModel): if (not self.autofrontend) and model_id is not None: from mlchain.server.autofrontend import register_autofrontend register_autofrontend(model_id, serve_model=serve_model, version=version, endpoint=os.getenv('NGROK_URL')) self.autofrontend = True if self.server == 'flask': from mlchain.server.flask_server import FlaskServer app = FlaskServer(serve_model, name=name, api_format=api_format, version=version, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder) app.register_swagger() if cors: from flask_cors import CORS CORS( return if self.server == 'quart': from mlchain.server.quart_server import QuartServer app = QuartServer(serve_model, name=name, api_format=api_format, version=version, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder) app.register_swagger() if cors: from quart_cors import cors as CORS CORS( return return None
def delete(self, path, bucket=None): bucket = bucket or self.bucket if bucket is None: raise MlChainError("bucket can't be None", code="S000", status_code=500) try: self.client.remove_object(bucket, path) except Exception as ex: raise MlChainError(str(ex), code="S011", status_code=500)
def listdir(self, path, bucket=None): bucket = bucket or self.bucket if bucket is None: raise MlChainError("bucket can't be None", code="S000", status_code=500) try: results = self.list(bucket_name=bucket, prefix=path) return {'files': results['keys'], 'dirs': results['prefixes']} except Exception as ex: raise MlChainError(str(ex), code="S010", status_code=500)
def register_autofrontend(model_id, serve_model, version='latest', endpoint=None): mlchain_management = os.getenv('MLCHAIN_URL', None) if endpoint is None: endpoint = '' autofrontend_template = AutofrontendConfig() if serve_model.config is not None: out_configs = serve_model.config else: out_configs = {} for name, func in serve_model.get_all_func().items(): if name in out_configs: out_config = out_configs[name] if 'config' in out_config: config = out_config['config'] else: config = None else: config = None autofrontend_template.add_endpoint(func, f'{endpoint}/call/{name}', output_config=config) if os.path.exists(""): description = open("", encoding='utf-8').read() else: description = "" if os.path.exists(""): changelog = open("", encoding='utf-8').read() else: changelog = "" if mlchain_management and model_id is not None: config_version = { "model_id": model_id, "version": version, "input_config": autofrontend_template.input_config, "output_config": autofrontend_template.output_config, 'endpoint': endpoint, 'readme': description, 'changelog': changelog } try: import requests res ='{mlchain_management}/version/create', json=config_version) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex)
def upload_cv2(self, img, key, bucket_name=None, overwrite=False, quality=95, img_fmt='.jpg', acl=None): """ Uploads bytes to S3 This is provided as a convenience to drop a string in S3. It uses the boto infrastructure to ship a file to s3. Args: bytes_data: `bytes`. bytes to set as content for the key. key: `str`. S3 key that will point to the file. bucket_name: `str`. Name of the bucket in which to store the file. overwrite: `bool`. A flag to decide whether or not to overwrite the key if it already exists. encrypt: `bool`. If True, the file will be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored in an encrypted form while at rest in S3. acl: `str`. ACL to use for uploading, e.g. "public-read". """ if not bucket_name: bucket_name = self.bucket if bucket_name is None: raise MlChainError("bucket can't be None", code="S000", status_code=500) try: jpg_formats = ['.JPG', '.JPEG'] png_formats = ['.PNG'] encode_params = None img_fmt = '.{0}'.format(img_fmt.strip('.')).upper() cv2 = import_cv2() if img_fmt in jpg_formats: encode_params = [cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, quality] elif img_fmt in png_formats: encode_params = [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, quality] ret, buf = cv2.imencode(img_fmt, img, encode_params) filelike_buffer = BytesIO(buf.tostring()) self.client.upload_fileobj(filelike_buffer, bucket_name, key) except Exception as ex: raise MlChainError(str(ex), code="S007", status_code=500)
def upload_dir(self, dir_path, prefix, bucket_name=None): bucket_name = bucket_name or self.bucket if bucket_name is None: raise MlChainError("bucket can't be None", code="S000", status_code=500) try: for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir_path, '*'), recursive=True): file_name = file[len(dir_path):].replace('\\', '/') if file_name.startswith('/'): file_name = file_name[1:] key = os.path.join(prefix, file_name).replace('\\', '/') if os.path.isfile(file): self.upload_file(file, key, bucket_name) else: self.upload_dir(file, key, bucket_name) except Exception as ex: raise MlChainError(str(ex), code="S008", status_code=500)
def read_image_from_url_pil(url):"Read pil image from: {0}".format(url)) file = BytesIO( urlopen(Request(url=url, headers=headers), timeout=100).read()) img = return img
def run_command(entry_file, host, port, bind, wrapper, server, workers, config, name, mode, api_format, ngrok, kws): kws = list(kws) if isinstance(entry_file, str) and not os.path.exists(entry_file): kws = [f'--entry_file={entry_file}'] + kws entry_file = None from mlchain import config as mlconfig default_config = False if config is None: default_config = True config = 'mlconfig.yaml' config_path = copy.deepcopy(config) if os.path.isfile(config_path) and os.path.exists(config_path): config = mlconfig.load_file(config_path) if config is None: raise SystemExit( "Config file {0} are not supported".format(config_path)) else: if not default_config: raise SystemExit("Can't find config file {0}".format(config_path)) else: raise SystemExit( "Can't find mlchain config file. Please double check your current working directory. Or use `mlchain init` to initialize a new ones here." ) if 'mode' in config and 'env' in config['mode']: if mode in config['mode']['env']: config['mode']['default'] = mode elif mode is not None: available_mode = list(config['mode']['env'].keys()) available_mode = [ each for each in available_mode if each != 'default' ] raise SystemExit( f"No {mode} mode are available. Found these mode in config file: {available_mode}" ) mlconfig.load_config(config) for kw in kws: if kw.startswith('--'): tokens = kw[2:].split('=', 1) if len(tokens) == 2: key, value = tokens mlconfig.mlconfig.update({key: value}) else: raise AssertionError("Unexpected param {0}".format(kw)) else: raise AssertionError("Unexpected param {0}".format(kw)) model_id = mlconfig.get_value(None, config, 'model_id', None) entry_file = mlconfig.get_value(entry_file, config, 'entry_file', '') if entry_file.strip() == '': raise SystemExit(f"Entry file cannot be empty") if not os.path.exists(entry_file): raise SystemExit( f"Entry file {entry_file} not found in current working directory.") host = mlconfig.get_value(host, config, 'host', 'localhost') port = mlconfig.get_value(port, config, 'port', 5000) server = mlconfig.get_value(server, config, 'server', 'flask') if len(bind) == 0: bind = None bind = mlconfig.get_value(bind, config, 'bind', []) wrapper = mlconfig.get_value(wrapper, config, 'wrapper', None) if wrapper == 'gunicorn' and == 'nt': logger.warning( 'Gunicorn warper are not supported on Windows. Switching to None instead.' ) wrapper = None workers = None if 'gunicorn' in config: workers = mlconfig.get_value(workers, config['gunicorn'], 'workers', None) if workers is None and 'hypercorn' in config.keys(): workers = mlconfig.get_value(workers, config['hypercorn'], 'workers', None) workers = int(workers) if workers is not None else 1 name = mlconfig.get_value(name, config, 'name', None) cors = mlconfig.get_value(None, config, 'cors', False) static_folder = mlconfig.get_value(None, config, 'static_folder', None) static_url_path = mlconfig.get_value(None, config, 'static_url_path', None) template_folder = mlconfig.get_value(None, config, 'template_folder', None) version = mlconfig.get_value(None, config, 'version', '0.0') version = str(version) api_format = mlconfig.get_value(api_format, config, 'api_format', None) api_keys = os.getenv('API_KEYS', None) if api_keys is not None: api_keys = api_keys.split(';') api_keys = mlconfig.get_value(api_keys, config, 'api_keys', None) if api_keys is None: authentication = None else: authentication = Authentication(api_keys) import logging logging.root = logging.getLogger(name) logger.debug( dict(entry_file=entry_file, host=host, port=port, bind=bind, wrapper=wrapper, server=server, workers=workers, name=name, mode=mode, api_format=api_format, kws=kws)) bind = list(bind) if ngrok: from pyngrok import ngrok as pyngrok endpoint = pyngrok.connect(port=port)"Ngrok url: {0}".format(endpoint)) os.environ['NGROK_URL'] = endpoint if server == 'grpc': from mlchain.server.grpc_server import GrpcServer app = get_model(entry_file, serve_model=True) if app is None: raise Exception( "Can not init model class from {0}. Please check mlconfig.yaml or {0} or mlchain run -m {{mode}}!" .format(entry_file)) app = GrpcServer(app, name=name), port) elif wrapper == 'gunicorn': from import BaseApplication gpus = select_gpu() class GunicornWrapper(BaseApplication): def __init__(self, server_, **kwargs): assert server_.lower() in ['quart', 'flask'] self.server = server_.lower() self.options = kwargs self.autofrontend = False super(GunicornWrapper, self).__init__() def load_config(self): config = { key: value for key, value in self.options.items() if key in self.cfg.settings and value is not None } for key, value in config.items(): self.cfg.set(key.lower(), value) from mlchain.base.gunicorn_config import post_worker_init self.cfg.set("post_worker_init", post_worker_init) def load(self): original_cuda_variable = os.environ.get('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES') if original_cuda_variable is None: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(next(gpus)) else: f"Skipping automatic GPU selection for gunicorn worker since CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable is already set to {original_cuda_variable}" ) serve_model = get_model(entry_file, serve_model=True) if serve_model is None: raise Exception( f"Can not init model class from {entry_file}. Please check mlconfig.yaml or {entry_file} or mlchain run -m {{mode}}!" ) if isinstance(serve_model, ServeModel): if (not self.autofrontend) and model_id is not None: from mlchain.server.autofrontend import register_autofrontend register_autofrontend(model_id, serve_model=serve_model, version=version, endpoint=os.getenv('NGROK_URL')) self.autofrontend = True if self.server == 'flask': from mlchain.server.flask_server import FlaskServer app = FlaskServer(serve_model, name=name, api_format=api_format, version=version, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder) app.register_swagger() if cors: from flask_cors import CORS CORS( return if self.server == 'quart': from mlchain.server.quart_server import QuartServer app = QuartServer(serve_model, name=name, api_format=api_format, version=version, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder) app.register_swagger() if cors: from quart_cors import cors as CORS CORS( return return None if host is not None and port is not None: bind.append('{0}:{1}'.format(host, port)) bind = list(set(bind)) gunicorn_config = config.get('gunicorn', {}) gunicorn_env = ['worker_class', 'threads', 'workers'] if workers is not None: gunicorn_config['workers'] = workers for k in gunicorn_env: if get_env(k) in os.environ: gunicorn_config[k] = os.environ[get_env(k)] if server == 'flask' and 'worker_class' in gunicorn_config: if 'uvicorn' in gunicorn_config['worker_class']: logger.warning( "Can't use flask with uvicorn. change to gthread") gunicorn_config['worker_class'] = 'gthread' GunicornWrapper(server, bind=bind, **gunicorn_config).run() elif wrapper == 'hypercorn' and server == 'quart': from mlchain.server.quart_server import QuartServer app = get_model(entry_file, serve_model=True) if app is None: raise Exception( "Can not init model class from {0}. Please check mlconfig.yaml or {0} or mlchain run -m {{mode}}!" .format(entry_file)) app = QuartServer(app, name=name, version=version, api_format=api_format, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder), port, bind=bind, cors=cors, gunicorn=False, hypercorn=True, **config.get('hypercorn', {}), model_id=model_id) app = get_model(entry_file) if app is None: raise Exception( "Can not init model class from {0}. Please check mlconfig.yaml or {0} or mlchain run -m {{mode}}!" .format(entry_file)) if isinstance(app, MLServer): if app.__class__.__name__ == 'FlaskServer':, port, cors=cors, gunicorn=False) elif app.__class__.__name__ == 'QuartServer':, port, cors=cors, gunicorn=False, hypercorn=False) elif app.__class__.__name__ == 'GrpcServer':, port) elif isinstance(app, ServeModel): if server not in ['quart', 'grpc']: server = 'flask' if server == 'flask': from mlchain.server.flask_server import FlaskServer app = FlaskServer(app, name=name, api_format=api_format, version=version, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder), port, cors=cors, gunicorn=False, model_id=model_id, threads=workers > 1) elif server == 'quart': from mlchain.server.quart_server import QuartServer app = QuartServer(app, name=name, api_format=api_format, version=version, authentication=authentication, static_url_path=static_url_path, static_folder=static_folder, template_folder=template_folder), port, cors=cors, gunicorn=False, hypercorn=False, model_id=model_id, workers=workers) elif server == 'grpc': from mlchain.server.grpc_server import GrpcServer app = GrpcServer(app, name=name), port)
def list(self, bucket_name=None, prefix='', delimiter='/', page_size=None, max_items=None, keys=True, prefixes=True): """ Lists prefixes and contents in a bucket under prefix. Args: bucket_name: `str`. the name of the bucket prefix: `str`. a key prefix delimiter: `str`. the delimiter marks key hierarchy. page_size: `str`. pagination size max_items: `int`. maximum items to return keys: `bool`. if it should include keys prefixes: `boll`. if it should include prefixes """ if not bucket_name: bucket_name = self.bucket if bucket_name is None: raise MlChainError("bucket can't be None", code="S000", status_code=500) config = { 'PageSize': page_size, 'MaxItems': max_items, } try: paginator = self.client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') response = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket_name, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter=delimiter, PaginationConfig=config) def get_keys(contents): list_keys = [] for cont in contents: list_keys.append(cont['Key'][len(prefix):]) return list_keys def get_prefixes(page_prefixes): list_prefixes = [] for pref in page_prefixes: list_prefixes.append(pref['Prefix'][len(prefix):-1]) return list_prefixes results = {'keys': [], 'prefixes': []} for page in response: if prefixes: results['prefixes'] += get_prefixes( page.get('CommonPrefixes', [])) if keys: results['keys'] += get_keys(page.get('Contents', [])) return results except Exception as ex: raise MlChainError(str(ex), code="S009", status_code=500)