예제 #1
파일: ml_dt.py 프로젝트: markzy/MLCLAS
    def predict(self, x):
        if self.learned is False:
            raise Exception('this tree has not been fitted')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, norm=self.normalize, axis=self.axis)
        samples, features = x.shape

        if features != self.features:
            raise Exception('inconsistent attribute number')

        results = []
        for index in range(samples):
            values = x[index]
            treenode = self.root
            # traverse the tree until reach the end
            while not treenode.is_leaf:
                attr_index, split_value = treenode.split_info
                if values[attr_index] <= split_value:
                    treenode = treenode.left
                    treenode = treenode.right

        return results
예제 #2
파일: dt_models.py 프로젝트: markzy/MLCLAS
    def initialize(self, x, y):
        x = check_feature_input(x)
        y = check_target_input(y)

        self.samples, self.features = x.shape
        self.classes = y.shape[1]
        self.all_attributes = x
        self.bin_labels = y
        self.instances = np.array([i for i in range(self.samples)])

        # pure tests: check if all the samples belong to same label set
        y_list = y.tolist()
        self.pure = y_list.count(y_list[0]) == len(y_list)
예제 #3
파일: bpmll.py 프로젝트: markzy/MLCLAS
    def fit(self, x, y):
        """Fit underlying estimators.

        x : (sparse) array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]

        y : (sparse) array-like, shape = [n_samples, ], [n_samples, n_classes]
            Multi-Label targets.


        # if self.trained is True:
        #     raise Exception('this classifier has already been trained, please create a new classifier')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        y = check_target_input(y)

        self.features = x.shape[1]
        self.classes = y.shape[1]

        self.dataset = self.prepare_data(x, y)

        self.samples = len(self.dataset)

        if self.samples < self.features:
            raise Exception("Your must have more instances than features")

        self.neural_num = int(self.features * self.neural_percent)

        # weights between the hidden layer and the output layer
        self.wsj_matrix = np.random.random_sample(
            (self.neural_num, self.classes)) - 0.5
        # weights between the input layer and the hidden layer
        self.vhs_matrix = np.random.random_sample(
            (self.features, self.neural_num)) - 0.5

        # bias between the hidden layer and the output layer
        self.bias_b = np.ones((1, self.classes))
        # bias between the input layer and the hidden layer
        self.bias_a = np.ones((1, self.neural_num))


        self.trained = True
        return self
예제 #4
파일: bpmll.py 프로젝트: markzy/MLCLAS
    def fit(self, x, y):
        """Fit underlying estimators.

        x : (sparse) array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]

        y : (sparse) array-like, shape = [n_samples, ], [n_samples, n_classes]
            Multi-Label targets.


        # if self.trained is True:
        #     raise Exception('this classifier has already been trained, please create a new classifier')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        y = check_target_input(y)

        self.features = x.shape[1]
        self.classes = y.shape[1]

        self.dataset = self.prepare_data(x, y)

        self.samples = len(self.dataset)

        if self.samples < self.features:
            raise Exception("Your must have more instances than features")

        self.neural_num = int(self.features * self.neural_percent)

        # weights between the hidden layer and the output layer
        self.wsj_matrix = np.random.random_sample((self.neural_num, self.classes)) - 0.5
        # weights between the input layer and the hidden layer
        self.vhs_matrix = np.random.random_sample((self.features, self.neural_num)) - 0.5

        # bias between the hidden layer and the output layer
        self.bias_b = np.ones((1, self.classes))
        # bias between the input layer and the hidden layer
        self.bias_a = np.ones((1, self.neural_num))


        self.trained = True
        return self
예제 #5
파일: bpmll.py 프로젝트: markzy/MLCLAS
    def predict(self, x, rank_results=False):
        predict process
        :param x: feature matrix
        :param rank_results: decide whether return RankResults object or the actual output
        :return: result: RankResults
        if self.trained is False:
            raise Exception('this classifier has not been trained')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        samples, features = x.shape

        if features != self.features:
            raise Exception("inconsistent feature dimension")

        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, norm=self.normalize, axis=self.axis)

        result = RankResults()

        for sample_index in range(samples):
            sample_result = []

            c = self.forward_propagation(x[sample_index])[1][0]
            threshold = self.threshold.compute_threshold(c)

            top_label = None
            max_value = 0
            count = 0
            for j in range(self.classes):
                if c[j] >= threshold:
                    count += 1
                if c[j] > max_value:
                    top_label = j
                    max_value = c[j]

            # append the top label if no label satisfies the threshold value
            if count == 0:

            result.add(sample_result, top_label, c)

        if rank_results is False:
            result = result.predictedLabels

        return result
예제 #6
파일: bpmll.py 프로젝트: markzy/MLCLAS
    def predict(self, x, rank_results=False):
        predict process
        :param x: feature matrix
        :param rank_results: decide whether return RankResults object or the actual output
        :return: result: RankResults
        if self.trained is False:
            raise Exception('this classifier has not been trained')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        samples, features = x.shape

        if features != self.features:
            raise Exception("inconsistent feature dimension")

        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, norm=self.normalize, axis=self.axis)

        result = RankResults()

        for sample_index in range(samples):
            sample_result = []

            c = self.forward_propagation(x[sample_index])[1][0]
            threshold = self.threshold.compute_threshold(c)

            top_label = None
            max_value = 0
            count = 0
            for j in range(self.classes):
                if c[j] >= threshold:
                    count += 1
                if c[j] > max_value:
                    top_label = j
                    max_value = c[j]

            # append the top label if no label satisfies the threshold value
            if count == 0:

            result.add(sample_result, top_label, c)

        if rank_results is False:
            result = result.predictedLabels

        return result
예제 #7
    def predict(self, x, rank_results=False):
        if self.trained is False:
            raise Exception('this classifier has not been trained')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, self.normalize, self.axis)
        sample_num, feature_num = x.shape
        class_num = self.w.shape[0]

        if feature_num != self.w.shape[1] - 1:
            raise Exception(
                'testing samples have inconsistent shape of training samples!')

        x_extend = np.concatenate((x, np.array([np.ones(sample_num)]).T),
        threshold = self.threshold
        outputs = np.dot(x_extend, self.w.T)

        result = RankResults()

        for index in range(sample_num):
            sample_result = []
            op = outputs[index]
            th = threshold.compute_threshold(op)

            top_label = None
            max_value = float('-inf')
            count = 0
            for j in range(class_num):
                if op[j] >= th:
                    count += 1
                if op[j] > max_value:
                    top_label = j
                    max_value = op[j]

            if count == 0:

            result.add(sample_result, top_label, op)

        if rank_results is False:
            result = result.predictedLabels

        return result
예제 #8
    def predict(self, x, rank_results=False):
        if self.trained is False:
            raise Exception('this classifier has not been trained')

        x = check_feature_input(x)
        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, self.normalize, self.axis)
        sample_num, feature_num = x.shape
        class_num = self.w.shape[0]

        if feature_num != self.w.shape[1] - 1:
            raise Exception('testing samples have inconsistent shape of training samples!')

        x_extend = np.concatenate((x, np.array([np.ones(sample_num)]).T), axis=1)
        threshold = self.threshold
        outputs = np.dot(x_extend, self.w.T)

        result = RankResults()

        for index in range(sample_num):
            sample_result = []
            op = outputs[index]
            th = threshold.compute_threshold(op)

            top_label = None
            max_value = float('-inf')
            count = 0
            for j in range(class_num):
                if op[j] >= th:
                    count += 1
                if op[j] > max_value:
                    top_label = j
                    max_value = op[j]

            if count == 0:

            result.add(sample_result, top_label, op)

        if rank_results is False:
            result = result.predictedLabels

        return result
예제 #9
    def fit(self, x, y, c_factor):
        x = check_feature_input(x)
        y = check_target_input(y)

        self.features = x.shape[1]

        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, self.normalize, self.axis)

        sample_num, feature_num = x.shape
        class_num = y.shape[1]
        class_info = AllLabelInfo()
        """ Franke and Wolfe Method applied on the optimization problem """

        # organize labels for preparation
        for sample_index in range(sample_num):
            sample_y = y[sample_index]
            labels = []
            not_labels = []
            for label_index in range(class_num):
                if sample_y[label_index] == 1:
            class_info.append(labels, not_labels)
        Alpha ought to have 3-dimensions. For convenience, it is flattened into a list.
        It's length is sum(yi*nyi) for i in range(samle_num)
        alpha = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        alpha_var = cvx.Variable(class_info.totalProduct)
        C has 4 dimensions, which is hard to present.
        In this program it has 2 dimensions, which is i(sample index) and k(class index).
        Each c[i][k] contains a yi*nyi array, which is initialized according to the original paper.
        c = [[0 for k in range(class_num)] for i in range(sample_num)]
        for i in range(sample_num):
            sample_shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(i, True)
            for k in range(class_num):
                matrix = np.zeros(sample_shape)
                if k in labels:
                    index = labels.index(k)
                    matrix[index, :] = 1
                    index = not_labels.index(k)
                    matrix[:, index] = -1
                c[i][k] = matrix.flatten()
        c = np.array(c)

        beta = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))
        beta_new = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))
        wx_inner = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))

        # TODO: this can cut half of the running time
        x_inner = np.array([[np.inner(x[i], x[j]) for j in range(sample_num)]
                            for i in range(sample_num)])
        g_ikl = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        """ prepare for the first linear programming """
        c_i = class_info.eachProduct
        bnds = []
        for i in range(sample_num):
            bnds += [c_factor / c_i[i] for j in range(c_i[i])]
        bnds = np.array(bnds)

        zeros = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        A_lp = []
        for k in range(1, class_num):
            A_lp.append(np.concatenate(c[:, k]).tolist())
        A_lp = np.array(A_lp)
        b_lp = np.zeros(class_num - 1)

        cons = [
            zeros <= alpha_var, alpha_var <= bnds, A_lp * alpha_var == b_lp

        converge = False
        iteration_count = 0
        # iterate training until converge
        while not converge:
            iteration_count += 1
            # compute beta
            for i in range(sample_num):
                alpha_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                alpha_piece = alpha[alpha_range[0]:alpha_range[1]]
                c_list = c[i]
                for k in range(class_num):
                    beta[k][i] = np.inner(c_list[k], alpha_piece)

            # compute <w_k, x_j>
            for k in range(class_num):
                beta_list = beta[k]
                for j in range(sample_num):
                    x_innerlist = x_inner[:, j]
                    wx_inner[k][j] = np.inner(beta_list, x_innerlist)

            # compute g_ikl
            for i in range(sample_num):
                g_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(i, True)
                wx_list = wx_inner[:, i]
                g_ikl[g_range[0]:g_range[1]] = np.repeat(
                    wx_list[labels], shape[1]) - np.tile(
                        wx_list[not_labels], shape[0]) - 1
            optimization problem 1:
            solve min<g, alpha_new> with corresponding constraints

            if self.print_procedure:
                print('iteration %d...' % iteration_count)
            cvxopt.solvers.lp Solves a pair of primal and dual LPs

            minimize    c'*x
            subject to  G*x + s = h
                        A*x = b
                        s >= 0

            maximize    -h'*z - b'*y
            subject to  G'*z + A'*y + c = 0
                        z >= 0.

            cvxopt.solvers.lp(c, G, h[, A, b[, solver[, primalstart[, dualstart]]]])

            obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(g_ikl * alpha_var))
            prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cons)

            alpha_new = np.array(alpha_var.value).T[0]
            """ now the problem collapse into a really simple qp problem """
            # compute beta_new
            for i in range(sample_num):
                alpha_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                alpha_piece = alpha_new[alpha_range[0]:alpha_range[1]]
                c_list = c[i]
                for k in range(class_num):
                    beta_new[k][i] = np.inner(c_list[k], alpha_piece)
            We need to find lambda which will make W(alpha + lambda*alpha_new) be maximum
            and alpha + lambda*alpha_new satisfies the previous constraints.

            After calculating the formula, it is now:
            new_W = old_W + [sum formula of beta_new and beta] + [sum formula of beta and beta_new]
            + [sum formula of beta_new and beta_new] + [sum of the new alpha]

            old_W is fixed and has no effect on the choice of the lambda during the maximum process.
            Then we can calculate the coeffient of lambda. The final problem will look like:

            maximize    a*lambda_square + b*lambda
                        c <= lambda <= d

            It is apparently easy to solve.
            # init coeffient of lambda
            lambda_11 = np.sum(beta_new.T.dot(beta) * x_inner)
            lambda_12 = np.sum(beta.T.dot(beta_new) * x_inner)
            lambda_13 = np.sum(alpha_new)
            # coefficient of lambda
            lambda_1 = lambda_13 - lambda_11 / 2 - lambda_12 / 2
            # coefficient of lambda square
            lambda_2 = np.sum(beta_new.T.dot(beta_new) * x_inner) / (-2)

            # prepare constraints
            left_vec = -alpha
            right_vec = bnds - alpha
            left = float('-inf')
            right = float('inf')
            for alpha_index in range(class_info.totalProduct):
                if not alpha_new[alpha_index] == 0:
                    left = max(left_vec[alpha_index] / alpha_new[alpha_index],
                    right = min(
                        right_vec[alpha_index] / alpha_new[alpha_index], right)

            optifunc = lambda z: lambda_2 * z * z + lambda_1 * z

            # decide lambda's value
            if lambda_2 < 0:
                opti_lambda = -lambda_1 / (lambda_2 * 2)
                if opti_lambda < left:
                    final_lambda = left
                elif opti_lambda > right:
                    final_lambda = right
                    final_lambda = opti_lambda
            elif lambda_2 == 0:
                if lambda_1 >= 0:
                    final_lambda = right
                    final_lambda = left
                worst_lambda = -lambda_1 / (lambda_2 * 2)
                if worst_lambda < left:
                    final_lambda = right
                elif worst_lambda > right:
                    final_lambda = left
                    final_lambda = left if optifunc(left) >= optifunc(
                        right) else right

            if self.print_procedure:
                print("final lambda: " + str(final_lambda))
                print("optifunc: " + str(optifunc(final_lambda)))

            # converge condition
            if optifunc(final_lambda) <= 1 or final_lambda <= 1e-3:
                converge = True
                alpha += final_lambda * alpha_new
        """ compute w and b via KKT conditions """
        w = [0 for i in range(class_num)]
        for k in range(class_num):
            beta_vec = np.asarray([beta[k]])
            w[k] = beta_vec.dot(x)[0]

        w = np.array(w)
        b = np.zeros(class_num)

        # use x[0] to compute differences of b
        x_list = x[0]
        shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(0, True)
        We know that once the differences between each element and the first element is known
        we can get all the values of the list.
        As the classification system is based on ranking, we can make any element 0 as a start of calculation,
        which will not affect the final ranking.
        # make the first label's b=0, it won't affect the fianl ranking
        for l in not_labels:
            b[l] = np.inner(w[labels[0]] - w[l], x_list) - 1

        # then use b[falselabels[0]] to compute b[actuallabels[1:]]
        falselabelb = b[not_labels[0]]
        falselabel_index = not_labels[0]
        for labelIndex in range(1, len(labels)):
            b[labels[labelIndex]] = 1 + falselabelb - np.inner(
                w[labels[labelIndex]] - w[falselabel_index], x_list)

        # build threshold for labeling
        x_extend = np.concatenate((x, np.array([np.ones(sample_num)]).T),
        w_extend = np.concatenate((w, np.array([b]).T), axis=1)
        model_outputs = np.dot(x_extend, w_extend.T)
        self.threshold = ThresholdFunction(model_outputs, y)
        self.w = w_extend

        self.trained = True
        return self
예제 #10
    def fit(self, x, y, c_factor):
        x = check_feature_input(x)
        y = check_target_input(y)

        self.features = x.shape[1]

        x = Normalizer.normalize(x, self.normalize, self.axis)

        sample_num, feature_num = x.shape
        class_num = y.shape[1]
        class_info = AllLabelInfo()

        """ Franke and Wolfe Method applied on the optimization problem """

        # organize labels for preparation
        for sample_index in range(sample_num):
            sample_y = y[sample_index]
            labels = []
            not_labels = []
            for label_index in range(class_num):
                if sample_y[label_index] == 1:
            class_info.append(labels, not_labels)

        Alpha ought to have 3-dimensions. For convenience, it is flattened into a list.
        It's length is sum(yi*nyi) for i in range(samle_num)
        alpha = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        alpha_var = cvx.Variable(class_info.totalProduct)
        C has 4 dimensions, which is hard to present.
        In this program it has 2 dimensions, which is i(sample index) and k(class index).
        Each c[i][k] contains a yi*nyi array, which is initialized according to the original paper.
        c = [[0 for k in range(class_num)] for i in range(sample_num)]
        for i in range(sample_num):
            sample_shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(i, True)
            for k in range(class_num):
                matrix = np.zeros(sample_shape)
                if k in labels:
                    index = labels.index(k)
                    matrix[index, :] = 1
                    index = not_labels.index(k)
                    matrix[:, index] = -1
                c[i][k] = matrix.flatten()
        c = np.array(c)

        beta = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))
        beta_new = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))
        wx_inner = np.zeros((class_num, sample_num))

        # TODO: this can cut half of the running time
        x_inner = np.array([[np.inner(x[i], x[j]) for j in range(sample_num)] for i in range(sample_num)])
        g_ikl = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)

        """ prepare for the first linear programming """
        c_i = class_info.eachProduct
        bnds = []
        for i in range(sample_num):
            bnds += [c_factor / c_i[i] for j in range(c_i[i])]
        bnds = np.array(bnds)

        zeros = np.zeros(class_info.totalProduct)
        A_lp = []
        for k in range(1, class_num):
            A_lp.append(np.concatenate(c[:, k]).tolist())
        A_lp = np.array(A_lp)
        b_lp = np.zeros(class_num - 1)

        cons = [zeros <= alpha_var, alpha_var <= bnds, A_lp * alpha_var == b_lp]

        converge = False
        iteration_count = 0
        # iterate training until converge
        while not converge:
            iteration_count += 1
            # compute beta
            for i in range(sample_num):
                alpha_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                alpha_piece = alpha[alpha_range[0]:alpha_range[1]]
                c_list = c[i]
                for k in range(class_num):
                    beta[k][i] = np.inner(c_list[k], alpha_piece)

            # compute <w_k, x_j>
            for k in range(class_num):
                beta_list = beta[k]
                for j in range(sample_num):
                    x_innerlist = x_inner[:, j]
                    wx_inner[k][j] = np.inner(beta_list, x_innerlist)

            # compute g_ikl
            for i in range(sample_num):
                g_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(i, True)
                wx_list = wx_inner[:, i]
                g_ikl[g_range[0]:g_range[1]] = np.repeat(wx_list[labels], shape[1]) - np.tile(wx_list[not_labels], shape[0]) - 1

            optimization problem 1:
            solve min<g, alpha_new> with corresponding constraints

            if self.print_procedure:
                print('iteration %d...' % iteration_count)

            cvxopt.solvers.lp Solves a pair of primal and dual LPs

            minimize    c'*x
            subject to  G*x + s = h
                        A*x = b
                        s >= 0

            maximize    -h'*z - b'*y
            subject to  G'*z + A'*y + c = 0
                        z >= 0.

            cvxopt.solvers.lp(c, G, h[, A, b[, solver[, primalstart[, dualstart]]]])

            obj = cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_entries(g_ikl * alpha_var))
            prob = cvx.Problem(obj, cons)

            alpha_new = np.array(alpha_var.value).T[0]

            """ now the problem collapse into a really simple qp problem """
            # compute beta_new
            for i in range(sample_num):
                alpha_range = class_info.get_range(i)
                alpha_piece = alpha_new[alpha_range[0]:alpha_range[1]]
                c_list = c[i]
                for k in range(class_num):
                    beta_new[k][i] = np.inner(c_list[k], alpha_piece)

            We need to find lambda which will make W(alpha + lambda*alpha_new) be maximum
            and alpha + lambda*alpha_new satisfies the previous constraints.

            After calculating the formula, it is now:
            new_W = old_W + [sum formula of beta_new and beta] + [sum formula of beta and beta_new]
            + [sum formula of beta_new and beta_new] + [sum of the new alpha]

            old_W is fixed and has no effect on the choice of the lambda during the maximum process.
            Then we can calculate the coeffient of lambda. The final problem will look like:

            maximize    a*lambda_square + b*lambda
                        c <= lambda <= d

            It is apparently easy to solve.
            # init coeffient of lambda
            lambda_11 = np.sum(beta_new.T.dot(beta) * x_inner)
            lambda_12 = np.sum(beta.T.dot(beta_new) * x_inner)
            lambda_13 = np.sum(alpha_new)
            # coefficient of lambda
            lambda_1 = lambda_13 - lambda_11 / 2 - lambda_12 / 2
            # coefficient of lambda square
            lambda_2 = np.sum(beta_new.T.dot(beta_new) * x_inner) / (-2)

            # prepare constraints
            left_vec = - alpha
            right_vec = bnds - alpha
            left = float('-inf')
            right = float('inf')
            for alpha_index in range(class_info.totalProduct):
                if not alpha_new[alpha_index] == 0:
                    left = max(left_vec[alpha_index] / alpha_new[alpha_index], left)
                    right = min(right_vec[alpha_index] / alpha_new[alpha_index], right)

            optifunc = lambda z: lambda_2 * z * z + lambda_1 * z

            # decide lambda's value
            if lambda_2 < 0:
                opti_lambda = -lambda_1 / (lambda_2 * 2)
                if opti_lambda < left:
                    final_lambda = left
                elif opti_lambda > right:
                    final_lambda = right
                    final_lambda = opti_lambda
            elif lambda_2 == 0:
                if lambda_1 >= 0:
                    final_lambda = right
                    final_lambda = left
                worst_lambda = -lambda_1 / (lambda_2 * 2)
                if worst_lambda < left:
                    final_lambda = right
                elif worst_lambda > right:
                    final_lambda = left
                    final_lambda = left if optifunc(left) >= optifunc(right) else right

            if self.print_procedure:
                print("final lambda: " + str(final_lambda))
                print("optifunc: " + str(optifunc(final_lambda)))

            # converge condition
            if optifunc(final_lambda) <= 1 or final_lambda <= 1e-3:
                converge = True
                alpha += final_lambda * alpha_new

        """ compute w and b via KKT conditions """
        w = [0 for i in range(class_num)]
        for k in range(class_num):
            beta_vec = np.asarray([beta[k]])
            w[k] = beta_vec.dot(x)[0]

        w = np.array(w)
        b = np.zeros(class_num)

        # use x[0] to compute differences of b
        x_list = x[0]
        shape, labels, not_labels = class_info.get_shape(0, True)

        We know that once the differences between each element and the first element is known
        we can get all the values of the list.
        As the classification system is based on ranking, we can make any element 0 as a start of calculation,
        which will not affect the final ranking.
        # make the first label's b=0, it won't affect the fianl ranking
        for l in not_labels:
            b[l] = np.inner(w[labels[0]] - w[l], x_list) - 1

        # then use b[falselabels[0]] to compute b[actuallabels[1:]]
        falselabelb = b[not_labels[0]]
        falselabel_index = not_labels[0]
        for labelIndex in range(1, len(labels)):
            b[labels[labelIndex]] = 1 + falselabelb - np.inner(w[labels[labelIndex]] - w[falselabel_index], x_list)

        # build threshold for labeling
        x_extend = np.concatenate((x, np.array([np.ones(sample_num)]).T), axis=1)
        w_extend = np.concatenate((w, np.array([b]).T), axis=1)
        model_outputs = np.dot(x_extend, w_extend.T)
        self.threshold = ThresholdFunction(model_outputs, y)
        self.w = w_extend

        self.trained = True
        return self