def create_gmm(D, codebook_name=None): from libraries.yael.yael import ynumpy k = settings.codebook_size if codebook_name is not None: # Try to load a previously trained codebook try: gmm = io.load_object(codebook_name) except (IOError, EOFError): gmm = ynumpy.gmm_learn(np.float32(D), k) # Store the model with the provided name io.save_object(gmm, codebook_name) else: gmm = ynumpy.gmm_learn(np.float32(D), k) return gmm
def create_codebook(X, codebook_name=None, k_means_init='random'): k = settings.codebook_size batch_size = 20 * k if X.shape[0] > 20 * k else X.shape[0] / 10 codebook = cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=k, verbose=False, batch_size=batch_size, compute_labels=False, reassignment_ratio=10**-4, init=k_means_init) if codebook_name is not None: # Try to load a previously trained codebook try: codebook = io.load_object(codebook_name) except (IOError, EOFError): # Store the model with the provided name io.save_object(codebook, codebook_name) else: return codebook
def train_pyramid_svm(X, y, C=1, standardize=True, dim_reduction=None, save_scaler=False, save_pca=False, model_name=None): # Standardize the data before classification if necessary std_scaler = None if standardize: std_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler() X_std = std_scaler.transform(X) else: X_std = X clf = svm.SVC(kernel=kernels.pyramid_kernel, C=C, probability=True) if model_name is not None: # Instance of SVM classifier # Try to load a previously trained model try: clf = io.load_object(model_name) except (IOError, EOFError):, y) # Store the model with the provided name io.save_object(clf, model_name) else:, y) if save_scaler: io.save_object(std_scaler, save_scaler) return clf, std_scaler, None
def train_poly_svm(X, y, C=1, degree=3, gamma='auto', coef0=0.0, standardize=True, dim_reduction=None, save_scaler=False, save_pca=False, model_name=None): # PCA for dimensionality reduction if necessary pca = None if dim_reduction is not None and dim_reduction > 0: pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=dim_reduction) X = pca.transform(X) # Standardize the data before classification if necessary std_scaler = None if standardize: std_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler() X_std = std_scaler.transform(X) else: X_std = X # Instance of SVM classifier clf = svm.SVC(kernel='poly', C=C, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, probability=True) if model_name is not None: # Try to load a previously trained model try: clf = io.load_object(model_name) except (IOError, EOFError):, y) # Store the model with the provided name io.save_object(clf, model_name) else:, y) if save_scaler: io.save_object(std_scaler, save_scaler) if save_pca: io.save_object(pca, save_pca) return clf, std_scaler, pca
def train_linear_svm(X, y, C=1, standardize=True, dim_reduction=23, save_scaler=False, save_pca=False, model_name=None, liblinear=False): # PCA for dimensionality reduction if necessary pca = None if dim_reduction is not None and dim_reduction > 0: pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=dim_reduction) X = pca.transform(X) # Standardize the data before classification if necessary std_scaler = None if standardize: std_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler() X_std = std_scaler.transform(X) else: X_std = X # Instance of SVM classifier clf = svm.LinearSVC(C=C, max_iter=5000, tol=1e-4) if liblinear else svm.SVC( kernel='linear', C=C, probability=True) if model_name is not None: # Try to load a previously trained model try: clf = io.load_object(model_name) except (IOError, EOFError):, y) # Store the model with the provided name io.save_object(clf, model_name) else:, y) if save_scaler: io.save_object(std_scaler, save_scaler) if save_pca: io.save_object(pca, save_pca) return clf, std_scaler, pca
return_counts=True) predicted_class = values[np.argmax(counts)] if predicted_class == test_labels[i]: num_correct += 1 print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() # Compute results Accuracy.append((num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames))) Time.append((temp - start)) if sweep_mode == 'cost': Cost.append(p1) elif sweep_mode == 'params': if kernel == 'poly': D.append(p1) R.append(p2) elif kernel == 'rbf': Gamma.append(p1) elif kernel == 'sigmoid': Gamma.append(p1) R.append(p2) # Save the results results = [] if sweep_mode == 'cost': results = [Cost, Accuracy, Time] elif sweep_mode == 'params': results = [Gamma, D, R, Accuracy, Time] io.save_object(results, 'resultsSVM_{}_{}'.format(kernel, sweep_mode))
# Feature extraction with surf, prediction with SVM and aggregation to obtain final class print('Predicting test data...') result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=N_JOBS, backend='threading')( joblib.delayed(parallel_testing)(test_image, test_label, lin_svm, std_scaler, None) for test_image, test_label in zip(test_images_filenames, test_labels)) correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result if i[0] is not False] expected = [i[2] for i in result if i[0] is not False] num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() # Compute accuracy accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=lin_svm.classes_) # Plot normalized confusion matrix plotConfusionMatrix(conf, classes=lin_svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object(conf, 'final_surf_30_cm') # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('\nTOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))
start = time.time() if calculate_results==1: # Read the training set train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() print('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # Feature extraction with sift print('Obtaining dense sift features...') try: D, L, I = io.load_object('train_dense_descriptors', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_labels', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_indices', ignore=True) except IOError: D, L, I, _ = feature_extraction.parallel_dense(train_images_filenames, train_labels, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=N_JOBS) io.save_object(D, 'train_dense_descriptors', ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_dense_labels', ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_dense_indices', ignore=True) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) temp = time.time() print('Creating codebook with {} visual words'.format(K)) codebook = bovw.create_codebook(D, codebook_name='dense_codebook') print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Getting visual words from training set...') vis_words, labels = bovw.visual_words(D, L, I, codebook) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time()
def train(): best_accuracy = 0 best_params = {} cv_results = {} # load VGG model base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet') # crop the model up to a certain layer model = Model(input=base_model.input, output=base_model.get_layer('block5_conv2').output) # aggregating features with max-pooling # inputs = Input(shape=[14, 14, 512]) # x = MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='max_pooling_layer')(inputs) # model_agg = Model(inputs, x, name='agg_features') # get train and test images train_images_filenames = cPickle.load( open('./dataset/train_images_filenames.dat', 'r')) train_labels = cPickle.load(open('./dataset/train_labels.dat', 'r')) io.log('\nLoaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # read and process training images print 'Getting features from training images' Train_descriptors = [] Train_label_per_descriptor = [] for i in range(len(train_images_filenames)): img = image.load_img(train_images_filenames[i], target_size=(224, 224)) x = image.img_to_array(img) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) x = preprocess_input(x) # get the features from images features_ = model.predict(x) features = features_[0, :, :, :] descriptor = features.reshape(features.shape[0] * features.shape[1], features.shape[2]) # aggregate features # max value (can be different filters) #descriptor_agg=descriptor.max(axis=1) # sum value (of all layers) #descriptor_agg=np.sum(descriptor,axis=1) # max value of just one filter energy = descriptor.max(axis=0) descriptor_agg = descriptor[:, np.argmax(energy)] descriptor_agg = np.reshape(descriptor_agg, [descriptor_agg.shape[0], 1]) Train_descriptors.append(descriptor_agg) Train_label_per_descriptor.append(train_labels[i]) # Put all descriptors in a numpy array to compute PCA and GMM size_descriptors = Train_descriptors[0].shape[1] #size_descriptors=1 Desc = np.zeros( (np.sum([len(p) for p in Train_descriptors]), size_descriptors), dtype=np.uint8) startingpoint = 0 for i in range(len(Train_descriptors)): Desc[startingpoint:startingpoint + len(Train_descriptors[i])] = Train_descriptors[i] startingpoint += len(Train_descriptors[i]) for k in codebook_size: print('Computing gmm with ' + str(k) + ' centroids') gmm = ynumpy.gmm_learn(np.float32(Desc), k) # io.save_object(gmm, 'gmm_NN_agg_features_max') # Compute the fisher vectors of the training images print('Computing fisher vectors') fisher = np.zeros((len(Train_descriptors), k * 1 * 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in xrange(len(Train_descriptors)): descriptor = Train_descriptors[i] # descriptor = np.float32(pca.transform(descriptor)) aux = ynumpy.fisher(gmm, descriptor, include=['mu', 'sigma']) fisher[i, :] = np.reshape(aux, [1, aux.shape[0]]) #fisher[i,:]=aux # L2 normalization - reshape to avoid deprecation warning, checked that the result is the same fisher[i, :] = preprocessing.normalize(fisher[i, :].reshape(1, -1), norm='l2') # CV in SVM training io.log('Scaling features...') std_scaler = StandardScaler().fit(fisher) vis_words = std_scaler.transform(fisher) io.log('Optimizing SVM hyperparameters...') svm = SVC(kernel='precomputed') random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm, params_distribution, n_iter=n_iter, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=1, refit=False, cv=3, verbose=1) # Precompute Gram matrix gram = kernels.intersection_kernel(vis_words, vis_words), train_labels) # Convert MaskedArrays to ndarrays to avoid unpickling bugs results = random_search.cv_results_ results['param_C'] = results['param_C'].data # Appending all parameter-scores combinations cv_results.update({(k): { 'cv_results': results, }}) io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures_aggregate_energy', ignore=True) # Obtaining the parameters which yielded the best accuracy if random_search.best_score_ > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = random_search.best_score_ best_params = random_search.best_params_ best_params.update({'k': k}) io.log('-------------------------------\n') io.log('\nSaving best parameters...') io.save_object(best_params, 'best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures_aggregate_energy', ignore=True) best_params_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures_aggregate_energy.pickle' ) io.log('Saved at {}'.format(best_params_file)) io.log('\nSaving all cross-validation values...') io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures_aggregate_energy', ignore=True) cv_results_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/intersection_svm_CNNfeatures_aggregate_energy.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(cv_results_file)) io.log('\nBEST PARAMS') io.log('k={}, C={} --> accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(best_params['k'], best_params['C'], best_accuracy))
# Read the training set train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() print('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # Feature extraction with sift print('Obtaining sift features...') try: D, L, I, Kp_pos = io.load_object('train_dense_descriptors', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_labels', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_indices', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_keypoints', ignore=True) except IOError: print('error') D, L, I, Kp = feature_extraction.parallel_dense(train_images_filenames, train_labels, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=N_JOBS) io.save_object(D, 'train_dense_descriptors', ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_dense_labels', ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_dense_indices', ignore=True) Kp_pos = np.array([Kp[i].pt for i in range(0, len(Kp))], dtype=np.float64) io.save_object(Kp_pos, 'train_dense_keypoints', ignore=True) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) temp = time.time() print('Creating codebook with {} visual words'.format(K)) codebook = bovw.create_codebook(D, codebook_name='default_codebook') print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Getting visual words from training set...') vis_words, labels = bovw.visual_words(D, L, I, codebook, spatial_pyramid=True)
train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() print('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # Feature extraction with sift print('Obtaining sift features...') try: D, L, I, Kp_pos = io.load_object('train_sift_descriptors', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_sift_labels', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_sift_indices', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_sift_keypoints', ignore=True) except IOError: D, L, I, Kp = feature_extraction.parallel_sift(train_images_filenames, train_labels, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=N_JOBS) io.save_object(D, 'train_sift_descriptors', ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_sift_labels', ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_sift_indices', ignore=True) Kp_pos = np.array([Kp[i].pt for i in range(0, len(Kp))], dtype=np.float64) io.save_object(Kp_pos, 'train_sift_keypoints', ignore=True) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) temp = time.time() print('Creating codebook with {} visual words'.format(K)) codebook = bovw.create_codebook(D, codebook_name='default_codebook') print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Getting visual words from training set...')
def train(): start = time.time() # Read the training set train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() print('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # Feature extraction with sift print('Obtaining sift features...') try: D, L, I = io.load_object('train_sift_descriptors', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_sift_labels', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_sift_indices', ignore=True) except IOError: D, L, I, _ = feature_extraction.parallel_sift(train_images_filenames, train_labels, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=N_JOBS) io.save_object(D, 'train_sift_descriptors', ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_sift_labels', ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_sift_indices', ignore=True) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) # Start hyperparameters optimization print('\nSTARTING HYPERPARAMETER OPTIMIZATION FOR RBF SVM') codebook_k_values = [2**i for i in range(7, 16)] params_distribution = { 'C': np.logspace(-4, 1, 10**3), 'gamma': np.logspace(-3, 1, 10**3) } n_iter = 100 best_accuracy = 0 best_params = {} cv_results = {} # Iterate codebook values for k in codebook_k_values: temp = time.time() print('Creating codebook with {} visual words'.format(k)) D = D.astype(np.uint32) codebook = bovw.create_codebook(D, codebook_name='codebook_{}'.format(k)) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Getting visual words from training set...') vis_words, labels = bovw.visual_words(D, L, I, codebook, normalization='l1') print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Scaling features...') std_scaler = StandardScaler().fit(vis_words) vis_words = std_scaler.transform(vis_words) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Optimizing SVM hyperparameters...') svm = SVC(kernel='rbf') random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm, params_distribution, n_iter=n_iter, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=N_JOBS, refit=False, verbose=1, cv=4), labels) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) # Convert MaskedArrays to ndarrays to avoid unpickling bugs results = random_search.cv_results_ results['param_C'] = results['param_C'].data results['param_gamma'] = results['param_gamma'].data # Appending all parameter-scores combinations cv_results.update({k: results}) io.save_object(cv_results, 'rbf_svm_optimization_norml1') # Obtaining the parameters which yielded the best accuracy if random_search.best_score_ > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = random_search.best_score_ best_params = random_search.best_params_ best_params.update({'k': k}) print('-------------------------------\n') print('\nBEST PARAMS') print('k={}, C={} , gamma={} --> accuracy: {:.3f}'.format( best_params['k'], best_params['C'], best_params['gamma'], best_accuracy)) print('Saving all cross-validation values...') io.save_object(cv_results, 'rbf_svm_optimization_norml1') print('Done')
def train(): best_accuracy = 0 best_params = {} cv_results = {} base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet') # crop the model up to a certain layer model = Model(input=base_model.input, output=base_model.get_layer('fc2').output) # Read the training set train_images_filenames = cPickle.load( open('./dataset/train_images_filenames.dat', 'r')) test_images_filenames = cPickle.load( open('./dataset/test_images_filenames.dat', 'r')) train_labels = cPickle.load(open('./dataset/train_labels.dat', 'r')) test_labels = cPickle.load(open('./dataset/test_labels.dat', 'r')) io.log('\nLoaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) io.log('\nLoaded {} test images.'.format(len(test_images_filenames))) # read and process training images print 'Getting features from training images' start_feature = time.time() first = 1 for i in range(len(train_images_filenames)): img = image.load_img(train_images_filenames[i], target_size=(224, 224)) x = image.img_to_array(img) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) x = preprocess_input(x) # get the features from images features = model.predict(x) features = features[0, :] if first == 1: Desc = features first = 0 else: Desc = np.vstack((Desc, features)) feature_time = time.time() - start_feature io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(feature_time)) io.log('Scaling features...') start_scaler = time.time() stdSlr = StandardScaler().fit(Desc) D_scaled = stdSlr.transform(Desc) scaler_time = time.time() - start_scaler io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(scaler_time)) io.log('Optimizing SVM hyperparameters...') start_crossvalidation = time.time() svm = SVC(kernel='precomputed', probability=True) random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm, params_distribution, n_iter=n_iter, scoring='accuracy', refit=False, cv=3, verbose=1) # Precompute Gram matrix gram = kernels.intersection_kernel(D_scaled, D_scaled), train_labels) crossvalidation_time = time.time() - start_crossvalidation io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(crossvalidation_time)) # Convert MaskedArrays to ndarrays to avoid unpickling bugs results = random_search.cv_results_ results['param_C'] = results['param_C'].data # Appending all parameter-scores combinations cv_results.update({ 'cv_results': results, 'feature_time': feature_time, 'scaler_time': scaler_time, 'crossvalidation_time': crossvalidation_time, 'total_time': feature_time + scaler_time + crossvalidation_time }) io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) print('Best accuracy ' + str(random_search.best_score_)) # Obtaining the parameters which yielded the best accuracy if random_search.best_score_ > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = random_search.best_score_ best_params = random_search.best_params_ io.log('-------------------------------\n') io.log('\nSaving best parameters...') io.save_object(best_params, 'best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) best_params_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(best_params_file)) io.log('\nSaving all cross-validation values...') io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) cv_results_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/intersection_svm_CNNfeatures.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(cv_results_file)) io.log('\nBEST PARAMS') io.log('C={} --> accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(best_params['C'], best_accuracy))
# Put all descriptors in a numpy array to compute PCA and GMM size_descriptors = Train_descriptors[0].shape[1] Desc = np.zeros((np.sum([len(p) for p in Train_descriptors]), size_descriptors), dtype=np.uint8) startingpoint = 0 for i in range(len(Train_descriptors)): Desc[startingpoint:startingpoint + len(Train_descriptors[i])] = Train_descriptors[i] startingpoint += len(Train_descriptors[i]) print('Computing PCA') pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=pca_reduction) Desc = np.float32(pca.transform(Desc)) print('Computing gmm with ' + str(k) + ' centroids') gmm = ynumpy.gmm_learn(np.float32(Desc), k) io.save_object(gmm, 'gmm_NN_pca256') # Compute the fisher vectors of the training images print('Computing fisher vectors') fisher = np.zeros((len(Train_descriptors), k * pca_reduction * 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in xrange(len(Train_descriptors)): descriptor = Train_descriptors[i] descriptor = np.float32(pca.transform(descriptor)) fisher[i, :] = ynumpy.fisher(gmm, descriptor, include=['mu', 'sigma']) # L2 normalization - reshape to avoid deprecation warning, checked that the result is the same fisher[i, :] = preprocessing.normalize(fisher[i, :].reshape(1,-1), norm='l2') # Train an SVM classifier stdSlr = StandardScaler().fit(fisher)
print('Loaded {} test images.'.format(len(test_images_filenames))) # Feature extraction with sift, prediction with SVM and aggregation to obtain final class print('Predicting test data...') result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=N_JOBS, backend='threading')( joblib.delayed(parallel_testing)(test_image, test_label, lin_svm, std_scaler, None) for test_image, test_label in zip(test_images_filenames, test_labels)) correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result] expected = [i[2] for i in result] num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() # Compute accuracy accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=lin_svm.classes_) # Plot normalized confusion matrix #plot_confusion_matrix(conf, classes=lin_svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object(conf, 'final_noprob_sift_all_cm') # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('\nTOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))
for i in range(len(train_images_filenames)): img = image.load_img(train_images_filenames[i], target_size=(224, 224)) x = image.img_to_array(img) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) x = preprocess_input(x) # get the features from images features = model.predict(x) features = features[0, :] if first == 1: Desc = features first = 0 else: Desc = np.vstack((Desc, features)) io.save_object(Desc, 'train_descriptors') # Train a linear SVM classifier stdSlr = StandardScaler().fit(Desc) D_scaled = stdSlr.transform(Desc) print 'Training the SVM classifier...' clf = svm.SVC(kernel=kernels.intersection_kernel, C=C, probability=True).fit(D_scaled, train_labels) io.save_object(clf, 'clf_T3') #clf = io.load_object('clf_T3_pca256',ignore=False) # get all the test data and predict their labels features_test = np.zeros( (len(test_images_filenames), model.output_shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(len(test_images_filenames)): img = image.load_img(test_images_filenames[i], target_size=(224, 224))
correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result] expected = [i[2] for i in result] # Compute accuracy num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('TOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) print('------------------------------') # Store it in object results.append( [fe_name, num_samples, dim_red_option, accuracy]) # Confusion matrix conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=svm.classes_) # Plot normalized confusion matrix # plot_confusion_matrix(conf, classes=svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object( conf, 'conf_matrix_svm_{}_{}s_{}c'.format( fe_name, num_samples if num_samples > -1 else 'all', dim_red_option if dim_red_option is not None else 'all'))
size_descriptors = Train_descriptors[0].shape[1] #size_descriptors=1 Desc = np.zeros((np.sum([len(p) for p in Train_descriptors]), size_descriptors), dtype=np.uint8) startingpoint = 0 for i in range(len(Train_descriptors)): Desc[startingpoint:startingpoint + len(Train_descriptors[i])] = Train_descriptors[i] startingpoint += len(Train_descriptors[i]) print('Computing PCA') # pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=pca_reduction) # # Desc = np.float32(pca.transform(Desc)) print('Computing gmm with ' + str(k) + ' centroids') gmm = ynumpy.gmm_learn(np.float32(Desc), k) io.save_object(gmm, 'gmm_NN_agg_features_max') # Compute the fisher vectors of the training images print('Computing fisher vectors') fisher = np.zeros((len(Train_descriptors), k * 1 * 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in xrange(len(Train_descriptors)): descriptor = Train_descriptors[i] # descriptor = np.float32(pca.transform(descriptor)) aux=ynumpy.fisher(gmm, descriptor, include=['mu', 'sigma']) fisher[i, :] = np.reshape(aux, [1, aux.shape[0]]) # L2 normalization - reshape to avoid deprecation warning, checked that the result is the same fisher[i, :] = preprocessing.normalize(fisher[i, :].reshape(1,-1), norm='l2') # Train an SVM classifier
# Feature extraction with sift, prediction with SVM and aggregation to obtain final class print('Predicting test data...') result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=N_JOBS, backend='threading')( joblib.delayed(parallel_testing)(test_image, test_label, lin_svm, std_scaler, pca) for test_image, test_label in zip(test_images_filenames, test_labels)) correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result] expected = [i[2] for i in result] num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() # Compute accuracy accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=lin_svm.classes_) # Plot normalized confusion matrix plot_confusion_matrix(conf, classes=lin_svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object(conf, 'final_sift_all_cmPCA') # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('\nTOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))
def train(): best_accuracy = 0 best_params = {} cv_results = {} """ SETTINGS """ settings.n_jobs = 1 # Read the training set train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() io.log('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # Parameter sweep for dense SIFT for ds in dense_sampling_density: io.log('Obtaining dense features with sampling parameter {}...'.format( ds)) start_sift = time.time() settings.dense_sampling_density = ds try: D, L, I = io.load_object('train_dense_descriptors_{}'.format(settings.dense_sampling_density), ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_labels_{}'.format(settings.dense_sampling_density), ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_indices_{}'.format(settings.dense_sampling_density), ignore=True) except IOError: D, L, I, _ = feature_extraction.parallel_dense( train_images_filenames, train_labels, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=settings.n_jobs) io.save_object(D, 'train_dense_descriptors_{}'.format( settings.dense_sampling_density), ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_dense_labels_{}'.format( settings.dense_sampling_density), ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_dense_indices_{}'.format( settings.dense_sampling_density), ignore=True) sift_time = time.time() - start_sift io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(sift_time)) # Parameter sweep for PCA for dim_red in pca_reduction: io.log('Applying PCA (dim = {})...'.format(dim_red)) start_pca = time.time() settings.pca_reduction = dim_red pca, D_pca = feature_extraction.pca(D) pca_time = time.time() - start_pca io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(pca_time)) # Parameter sweep for codebook size for k in codebook_size: io.log('Creating GMM model (k = {})'.format(k)) start_gmm = time.time() settings.codebook_size = k gmm = bovw.create_gmm( D_pca, 'gmm_{}_dense_{}_pca_{}'.format(k, ds, dim_red)) gmm_time = time.time() - start_gmm io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(gmm_time)) io.log('Getting Fisher vectors from training set...') start_fisher = time.time() fisher, labels = bovw.fisher_vectors(D_pca, L, I, gmm, normalization='l2') fisher_time = time.time() - start_fisher io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(fisher_time)) io.log('Scaling features...') start_scaler = time.time() std_scaler = StandardScaler().fit(fisher) vis_words = std_scaler.transform(fisher) scaler_time = time.time() - start_scaler io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(scaler_time)) io.log('Optimizing SVM hyperparameters...') start_crossvalidation = time.time() svm = SVC(kernel='precomputed') random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm, params_distribution, n_iter=n_iter, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=settings.n_jobs, refit=False, cv=3, verbose=1) # Precompute Gram matrix gram = kernels.intersection_kernel(vis_words, vis_words), labels) crossvalidation_time = time.time() - start_crossvalidation io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(crossvalidation_time)) # Convert MaskedArrays to ndarrays to avoid unpickling bugs results = random_search.cv_results_ results['param_C'] = results['param_C'].data # Appending all parameter-scores combinations cv_results.update({ (k, dim_red, ds): { 'cv_results': results, 'sift_time': sift_time, 'pca_time': pca_time, 'gmm_time': gmm_time, 'fisher_time': fisher_time, 'scaler_time': scaler_time, 'crossvalidation_time': crossvalidation_time, 'total_time': sift_time + pca_time + gmm_time + fisher_time + scaler_time + crossvalidation_time } }) io.save_object( cv_results, 'intersection_svm_optimization_fisher_vectors_l2', ignore=True) # Obtaining the parameters which yielded the best accuracy if random_search.best_score_ > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = random_search.best_score_ best_params = random_search.best_params_ best_params.update({'k': k, 'pca': dim_red, 'ds': ds}) io.log('-------------------------------\n') io.log('\nSaving best parameters...') io.save_object( best_params, 'best_params_intersection_svm_optimization_fisher_vectors_l2', ignore=True) best_params_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/best_params_intersection_svm_optimization_fisher_vectors_l2.pickle' ) io.log('Saved at {}'.format(best_params_file)) io.log('\nSaving all cross-validation values...') io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_optimization_fisher_vectors_l2', ignore=True) cv_results_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/intersection_svm_optimization_fisher_vectors_l2.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(cv_results_file)) io.log('\nBEST PARAMS') io.log('k={}, C={}, dim_red={}, dense_grid={} --> accuracy: {:.3f}'.format( best_params['k'], best_params['C'], best_params['pca'], best_params['ds'], best_accuracy))
print('Loss: {:.2f} \t Accuracy: {:.2f} %'.format(result[0], result[1] * 100)) print('\n--------------------------------') print('EVALUATING PERFORMANCE ON VALIDATION SET (STORED WEIGHTS)') print('--------------------------------\n') new_model = load_model('./weights/{}.hdf5'.format(results_name)) result = new_model.evaluate_generator(validation_generator, val_samples=test_samples) print('Loss: {:.2f} \t Accuracy: {:.2f} %'.format(result[0], result[1] * 100)) print('\n--------------------------------') print('STORING LOSS AND ACCURACY PLOTS') print('--------------------------------\n') # Store history io.save_object(history.history, results_name, ignore=True) # Plot plt.plot(history.history['acc']) plt.plot(history.history['val_acc']) plt.title('Accuracy') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylim((0, 1)) plt.legend(['train', 'validation'], loc='lower right') plt.savefig('./results/{}_accuracy.jpg'.format(results_name)) plt.close() plt.plot(history.history['loss']) plt.plot(history.history['val_loss']) plt.title('Categorical cross-entropy (loss)')
def train(): best_accuracy = 0 best_params = {} cv_results = {} """ SETTINGS """ settings.n_jobs = 1 # Read the training set train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() io.log('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) k = 64 io.log('Obtaining dense CNN features...') start_feature = time.time() try: D, L, I = io.load_object('train_CNN_descriptors', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_CNN_labels', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_CNN_indices', ignore=True) except IOError: # load VGG model base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet') # io.save_object(base_model, 'base_model', ignore=True) # visualize topology in an image plot(base_model, to_file='modelVGG16.png', show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True) # crop the model up to a certain layer model = Model(input=base_model.input, output=base_model.get_layer('block5_conv2').output) D, L, I = feature_extraction.parallel_CNN_features( train_images_filenames, train_labels, model, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=settings.n_jobs) io.save_object(D, 'train_CNN_descriptors', ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_CNN_labels', ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_CNN_indices', ignore=True) feature_time = time.time() - start_feature io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(feature_time)) for dim_red in pca_reduction: io.log('Applying PCA ... ') start_pca = time.time() settings.pca_reduction = D.shape[1] * dim_red pca, D_pca = feature_extraction.pca(D) pca_time = time.time() - start_pca io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(pca_time)) for k in codebook_size: io.log('Creating GMM model (k = {})'.format(k)) start_gmm = time.time() settings.codebook_size = k gmm = bovw.create_gmm( D_pca, 'gmm_{}_pca_{}_CNNfeature'.format(k, settings.pca_reduction)) gmm_time = time.time() - start_gmm io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(gmm_time)) io.log('Getting Fisher vectors from training set...') start_fisher = time.time() fisher, labels = bovw.fisher_vectors(D_pca, L, I, gmm, normalization='l2') fisher_time = time.time() - start_fisher io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(fisher_time)) io.log('Scaling features...') start_scaler = time.time() std_scaler = StandardScaler().fit(fisher) vis_words = std_scaler.transform(fisher) scaler_time = time.time() - start_scaler io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(scaler_time)) io.log('Optimizing SVM hyperparameters...') start_crossvalidation = time.time() svm = SVC(kernel='precomputed') random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm, params_distribution, n_iter=n_iter, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=settings.n_jobs, refit=False, cv=3, verbose=1) # Precompute Gram matrix gram = kernels.intersection_kernel(vis_words, vis_words), labels) crossvalidation_time = time.time() - start_crossvalidation io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(crossvalidation_time)) # Convert MaskedArrays to ndarrays to avoid unpickling bugs results = random_search.cv_results_ results['param_C'] = results['param_C'].data # Appending all parameter-scores combinations cv_results.update({ (k): { 'cv_results': results, 'feature_time': feature_time, 'pca_time': pca_time, 'gmm_time': gmm_time, 'fisher_time': fisher_time, 'scaler_time': scaler_time, 'crossvalidation_time': crossvalidation_time, 'total_time': feature_time + pca_time + gmm_time + fisher_time + scaler_time + crossvalidation_time } }) io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) # Obtaining the parameters which yielded the best accuracy if random_search.best_score_ > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = random_search.best_score_ best_params = random_search.best_params_ best_params.update({'k': k, 'pca': dim_red}) io.log('-------------------------------\n') io.log('\nSaving best parameters...') io.save_object(best_params, 'best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) best_params_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(best_params_file)) io.log('\nSaving all cross-validation values...') io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) cv_results_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/intersection_svm_CNNfeatures.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(cv_results_file)) io.log('\nBEST PARAMS') io.log('k={}, dim_red={}, C={} --> accuracy: {:.3f}'.format( best_params['k'], best_params['pca'], best_params['C'], best_accuracy))
# Feature extraction with surf, prediction with SVM and aggregation to obtain final class print('Predicting test data...') result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=N_JOBS, backend='threading')( joblib.delayed(parallel_testing)(test_image, test_label, lin_svm, std_scaler, pca) for test_image, test_label in zip(test_images_filenames, test_labels)) correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result] expected = [i[2] for i in result] num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() # Compute accuracy accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=lin_svm.classes_) # Plot normalized confusion matrix #plot_confusion_matrix(conf, classes=lin_svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object(conf, 'final_surf_all_cm') # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('\nTOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))
def train(): best_accuracy = 0 best_params = {} cv_results = {} base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet') # crop the model up to a certain layer model = Model(input=base_model.input, output=base_model.get_layer('block5_conv2').output) # Read the training set train_images_filenames = cPickle.load( open('./dataset/train_images_filenames.dat', 'r')) test_images_filenames = cPickle.load( open('./dataset/test_images_filenames.dat', 'r')) train_labels = cPickle.load(open('./dataset/train_labels.dat', 'r')) test_labels = cPickle.load(open('./dataset/test_labels.dat', 'r')) io.log('\nLoaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) io.log('\nLoaded {} test images.'.format(len(test_images_filenames))) # read and process training images print 'Getting features from training images' start_feature = time.time() Train_descriptors = [] Train_label_per_descriptor = [] for i in range(len(train_images_filenames)): img = image.load_img(train_images_filenames[i], target_size=(224, 224)) x = image.img_to_array(img) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) x = preprocess_input(x) # get the features from images features = model.predict(x) features = features[0, :, :, :] descriptor = features.reshape(features.shape[0] * features.shape[1], features.shape[2]) Train_descriptors.append(descriptor) Train_label_per_descriptor.append(train_labels[i]) # Put all descriptors in a numpy array to compute PCA and GMM size_descriptors = Train_descriptors[0].shape[1] Desc = np.zeros( (np.sum([len(p) for p in Train_descriptors]), size_descriptors), dtype=np.uint8) startingpoint = 0 for i in range(len(Train_descriptors)): Desc[startingpoint:startingpoint + len(Train_descriptors[i])] = Train_descriptors[i] startingpoint += len(Train_descriptors[i]) feature_time = time.time() - start_feature io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(feature_time)) for dim_red in pca_reduction: io.log('Applying PCA ... ') start_pca = time.time() reduction = * Desc.shape[1]) pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=reduction) Desc_pca = np.float32(pca.transform(Desc)) pca_time = time.time() - start_pca io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(pca_time)) for k in codebook_size: io.log('Creating GMM model (k = {})'.format(k)) start_gmm = time.time() gmm = ynumpy.gmm_learn(np.float32(Desc_pca), k) io.save_object(gmm, 'gmm_NN_pca_{}_k_{}'.format(reduction, k)) gmm_time = time.time() - start_gmm io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(gmm_time)) io.log('Getting Fisher vectors from training set...') start_fisher = time.time() fisher = np.zeros((len(Train_descriptors), k * reduction * 2), dtype=np.float32) for i in xrange(len(Train_descriptors)): descriptor = Train_descriptors[i] descriptor = np.float32(pca.transform(descriptor)) fisher[i, :] = ynumpy.fisher(gmm, descriptor, include=['mu', 'sigma']) # L2 normalization - reshape to avoid deprecation warning, checked that the result is the same fisher[i, :] = preprocessing.normalize(fisher[i, :].reshape( 1, -1), norm='l2') fisher_time = time.time() - start_fisher io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(fisher_time)) io.log('Scaling features...') start_scaler = time.time() stdSlr = StandardScaler().fit(fisher) D_scaled = stdSlr.transform(fisher) scaler_time = time.time() - start_scaler io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(scaler_time)) io.log('Optimizing SVM hyperparameters...') start_crossvalidation = time.time() svm = SVC(kernel='precomputed') random_search = RandomizedSearchCV(svm, params_distribution, n_iter=n_iter, scoring='accuracy', refit=False, cv=3, verbose=1) # Precompute Gram matrix gram = kernels.intersection_kernel(D_scaled, D_scaled), train_labels) crossvalidation_time = time.time() - start_crossvalidation io.log('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(crossvalidation_time)) # Convert MaskedArrays to ndarrays to avoid unpickling bugs results = random_search.cv_results_ results['param_C'] = results['param_C'].data # Appending all parameter-scores combinations cv_results.update({ (k): { 'cv_results': results, 'feature_time': feature_time, 'pca_time': pca_time, 'gmm_time': gmm_time, 'fisher_time': fisher_time, 'scaler_time': scaler_time, 'crossvalidation_time': crossvalidation_time, 'total_time': feature_time + pca_time + gmm_time + fisher_time + scaler_time + crossvalidation_time } }) io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) # Obtaining the parameters which yielded the best accuracy if random_search.best_score_ > best_accuracy: best_accuracy = random_search.best_score_ best_params = random_search.best_params_ best_params.update({'k': k, 'pca': dim_red}) io.log('-------------------------------\n') io.log('\nSaving best parameters...') io.save_object(best_params, 'best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) best_params_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/best_params_intersection_svm_CNNfeatures.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(best_params_file)) io.log('\nSaving all cross-validation values...') io.save_object(cv_results, 'intersection_svm_CNNfeatures', ignore=True) cv_results_file = os.path.abspath( './ignore/intersection_svm_CNNfeatures.pickle') io.log('Saved at {}'.format(cv_results_file)) io.log('\nBEST PARAMS') io.log('k={}, dim_red={}, C={} --> accuracy: {:.3f}'.format( best_params['k'], best_params['pca'], best_params['C'], best_accuracy))
svm = io.load_object(SESSION1['model']) std_scaler = io.load_object(SESSION1['scaler']) pca = io.load_object(SESSION1['pca']) # Feature extraction with sift, prediction with SVM and aggregation to obtain final class print('Predicting test data...') result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=SESSION1['n_jobs'], backend='threading')( joblib.delayed(parallel_testing)(test_image, test_label, svm, std_scaler, pca) for test_image, test_label in zip(test_images_filenames, test_labels)) correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result] expected = [i[2] for i in result] num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) temp = time.time() # Compute accuracy accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) # Plot and save normalized confusion matrix conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=svm.classes_) plot_confusion_matrix(conf, classes=svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object(conf, SESSION1['conf_matrix']) # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('\nTOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))
# Read the training set train_images_filenames, train_labels = io.load_training_set() print('Loaded {} train images.'.format(len(train_images_filenames))) # Feature extraction with sift print('Obtaining dense features...') try: D, L, I = io.load_object('train_dense_descriptors', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_labels', ignore=True), \ io.load_object('train_dense_indices', ignore=True) except IOError: D, L, I, _ = feature_extraction.parallel_dense(train_images_filenames, train_labels, num_samples_class=-1, n_jobs=settings.n_jobs) io.save_object(D, 'train_dense_descriptors', ignore=True) io.save_object(L, 'train_dense_labels', ignore=True) io.save_object(I, 'train_dense_indices', ignore=True) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start)) temp = time.time() print('Applying PCA...') pca, D = feature_extraction.pca(D) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() print('Creating GMM model with {} Gaussians'.format(settings.codebook_size)) gmm = bovw.create_gmm(D, codebook_name='gmm_{}_dense_pca_{}'.format(settings.codebook_size, settings.pca_reduction)) print('Elapsed time: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time()
# Feature extraction with sift, prediction with SVM and aggregation to obtain final class print('Predicting test data...') result = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=N_JOBS, backend='threading')( joblib.delayed(parallel_testing)(test_image, test_label, lin_svm, std_scaler, None) for test_image, test_label in zip(test_images_filenames, test_labels)) correct_class = [i[0] for i in result] predicted = [i[1] for i in result] expected = [i[2] for i in result] num_correct = np.count_nonzero(correct_class) print('Time spend: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - temp)) temp = time.time() # Compute accuracy accuracy = num_correct * 100.0 / len(test_images_filenames) conf = metrics.confusion_matrix(expected, predicted, labels=lin_svm.classes_) # Plot normalized confusion matrix plot_confusion_matrix(conf, classes=lin_svm.classes_, normalize=True) io.save_object(conf, 'final_sift_30_pca23_cm') # Show results and timing print('\nACCURACY: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) print('\nTOTAL TIME: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - start))