def train300_mlperf_coco(args): global torch from coco import COCO # Check that GPUs are actually available use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() args.distributed = False if use_cuda: try: from apex.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 except: raise ImportError( "Please install APEX from") local_seed = args.seed os.environ['USE_CUDA'] = str(use_cuda) if args.world_size > 1: args.distributed = True if args.distributed: # necessary pytorch imports import import torch.distributed as dist print('Distributed training with DDP') if args.no_cuda: device = torch.device('cpu') os.environ['RANK'] = str(os.environ.get('PMI_RANK', args.rank)) os.environ['WORLD_SIZE'] = str( os.environ.get('PMI_SIZE', args.world_size)) os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = args.master_addr os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = args.port # Initialize the process group with ccl backend if args.backend == 'ccl': import torch_ccl dist.init_process_group(backend=args.backend) else: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) device = torch.device('cuda') dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://') # set seeds properly args.seed = broadcast_seeds(args.seed, device) local_seed = (args.seed + dist.get_rank()) % 2**32 mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.SEED, value=local_seed) # Refer to torch.manual_seed(local_seed) # Set PyTorch seed np.random.seed(seed=local_seed) # Set Numpy seed random.seed(local_seed) # Set the Python seed args.rank = dist.get_rank() if args.distributed else args.local_rank print("args.rank = {}".format(args.rank)) print("local rank = {}".format(args.local_rank)) print("distributed={}".format(args.distributed)) dboxes = dboxes300_coco() encoder = Encoder(dboxes) input_size = 300 train_trans = SSDTransformer( dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False, num_cropping_iterations=args.num_cropping_iterations) val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) val_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") val_coco_root = os.path.join(, "val2017") train_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_train2017.json") train_coco_root = os.path.join(, "train2017") cocoGt = COCO(annotation_file=val_annotate) train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.TRAIN_SAMPLES, value=len(train_coco)) mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.EVAL_SAMPLES, value=len(val_coco)) if args.distributed: train_sampler = train_coco) else: train_sampler = None train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_coco, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=(train_sampler is None), sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=0) # set shuffle=True in DataLoader # Leslie: here is the workaround: dist.broadcast will fail on other rank. we will run evalution on all the ranks val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_coco, batch_size=args.val_batch_size or args.batch_size, shuffle=False, sampler=None, num_workers=0) ssd300 = SSD300(train_coco.labelnum, model_path=args.pretrained_backbone) ssd300.train() if use_cuda: ssd300.cuda() loss_func = Loss(dboxes) if use_cuda: loss_func.cuda() if args.distributed: N_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: N_gpu = 1 global_batch_size = N_gpu * args.batch_size mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE, value=global_batch_size) # Reference doesn't support group batch norm, so bn_span==local_batch_size mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=args.batch_size) current_lr = * (global_batch_size / 32) assert args.batch_size % args.batch_splits == 0, "--batch-size must be divisible by --batch-splits" fragment_size = args.batch_size // args.batch_splits if args.batch_splits != 1: print("using gradient accumulation with fragments of size {}".format( fragment_size)) # Model to NHWC ssd300 = current_momentum = 0.9 optim = torch.optim.SGD(ssd300.parameters(), lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_BASE_LR, value=current_lr) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_WEIGHT_DECAY, value=args.weight_decay) iter_num = args.iteration avg_loss = 0.0 inv_map = {v: k for k, v in val_coco.label_map.items()} success = torch.zeros(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if args.warmup: nonempty_imgs = len(train_coco) wb = int(args.warmup * nonempty_imgs / (N_gpu * args.batch_size)) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_WARMUP_STEPS, value=wb) warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: lr_warmup( optim, wb, iter_num, current_lr, args) else: warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: None ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_WARMUP_FACTOR, value=args.warmup_factor) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_DECAY_BOUNDARY_EPOCHS, value=args.lr_decay_schedule) mllogger.start(key=mllog_const.BLOCK_START, metadata={ mllog_const.FIRST_EPOCH_NUM: 1, mllog_const.EPOCH_COUNT: args.epochs }) if args.performance_only: train_time = AverageMeter('TrainTime', ':6.3f') progress = ProgressMeter(args.train_iteration, [train_time], prefix='Train: ') # Restore the model and optim from checkpoint if args.checkpoint is not None: print("loading model checkpoint", args.checkpoint) od = torch.load(args.checkpoint) ssd300.load_state_dict(od["model"]) optim.load_state_dict(od['optim']) # Model Prepack if use_ipex: if args.autocast: ssd300, optim = ipex.optimize(ssd300, dtype=torch.bfloat16, optimizer=optim) else: ssd300, optim = ipex.optimize(ssd300, dtype=torch.float32, optimizer=optim) # parallelize if args.distributed: device_ids = None ssd300 = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( ssd300, device_ids=device_ids) optim.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) for epoch in range(args.epochs): mllogger.start(key=mllog_const.EPOCH_START, metadata={mllog_const.EPOCH_NUM: epoch}) # set the epoch for the sampler if args.distributed: train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) if epoch in args.lr_decay_schedule: current_lr *= 0.1 print("") print("lr decay step #{num}".format( num=args.lr_decay_schedule.index(epoch) + 1)) for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr for nbatch, (img, img_id, img_size, bbox, label) in enumerate(train_dataloader): naive_train_case = True # img.shape[0] == fragment_size if naive_train_case: # Naive train case fimg, gloc, glabel, mask, pos_num, neg_num, num_mask = data_preprocess( img, bbox, label, loss_func, args.autocast) if args.performance_only and iter_num >= args.warmup_iterations: start_time = time.time() if args.profile and args.performance_only and iter_num == 30: # Profile Mode with torch.profiler.profile( on_trace_ready=trace_handler) as prof: with torch.cpu.amp.autocast(enabled=args.autocast): ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel, mask, pos_num, neg_num, num_mask, args.autocast) loss.backward() warmup_step(iter_num, current_lr) optim.step() optim.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) else: # Non Profile Mode with torch.cpu.amp.autocast(enabled=args.autocast): ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel, mask, pos_num, neg_num, num_mask, args.autocast) loss.backward() warmup_step(iter_num, current_lr) optim.step() optim.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) else: # Train case: when split input to several fragment size print("Not support input with several fragment size yet.") exit(-1) # current_batch_size = img.shape[0] # # Split batch for gradient accumulation # img = torch.split(img, fragment_size) # bbox = torch.split(bbox, fragment_size) # label = torch.split(label, fragment_size) # if args.performance_only and iter_num >= args.warmup_iterations: # start_time=time.time() # for (fimg, fbbox, flabel) in zip(img, bbox, label): # current_fragment_size = fimg.shape[0] # trans_bbox = fbbox.transpose(1,2).contiguous() # if use_cuda: # fimg = fimg.cuda() # trans_bbox = trans_bbox.cuda() # flabel = flabel.cuda() # fimg = Variable(fimg, requires_grad=True) # gloc, glabel = Variable(trans_bbox, requires_grad=False), \ # Variable(flabel, requires_grad=False) # gloc = loss_func._loc_vec(gloc) # mask = glabel > 0 # pos_num = mask.sum(dim=1) # neg_num = torch.clamp(3*pos_num, max=mask.size(1)).unsqueeze(-1) # num_mask = (pos_num > 0).float() # # image to NHWC # fimg = fimg.contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last) # if use_ipex: # with ipex.amp.autocast(enabled=args.autocast, configure=ipex.conf.AmpConf(torch.bfloat16)): # ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) # loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel, mask, pos_num, neg_num, num_mask) # else: # ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) # loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel, mask, pos_num, neg_num, num_mask) # loss = loss * (current_fragment_size / current_batch_size) # weighted mean # loss.backward() # warmup_step(iter_num, current_lr) # optim.step() # optim.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) if args.performance_only and iter_num >= args.warmup_iterations: train_time.update(time.time() - start_time) if args.performance_only and iter_num % args.print_freq == 0: progress.display(iter_num) if not np.isinf(loss.item()): avg_loss = 0.999 * avg_loss + 0.001 * loss.item() if args.log_interval and not iter_num % args.log_interval: print("Iteration: {:6d}, Loss function: {:5.8f}, Average Loss: {:.8f}"\ .format(iter_num, loss.item(), avg_loss)) iter_num += 1 if args.performance_only and iter_num >= args.train_iteration: break if args.performance_only and iter_num >= args.train_iteration: break if (args.val_epochs and (epoch+1) in args.val_epochs) or \ (args.val_interval and not (epoch+1) % args.val_interval): if args.distributed: world_size = float(dist.get_world_size()) for bn_name, bn_buf in ssd300.module.named_buffers( recurse=True): if ('running_mean' in bn_name) or ('running_var' in bn_name): dist.all_reduce(bn_buf, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) bn_buf /= world_size ssd_print(key=mllog_const.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=bn_buf.cpu().detach().numpy()) if args.rank == 0 or True: # Leslie: here is the workaround: dist.broadcast will fail on other rank. we will run evalution on all the ranks if not args.no_save: print("") print("saving model...") { "model": ssd300.state_dict(), "label_map": train_coco.label_info, "optim": optim.state_dict() }, "./models/iter_{}.pt".format(iter_num)) if coco_eval(ssd300, val_dataloader, cocoGt, encoder, inv_map, args.threshold, epoch + 1, iter_num, log_interval=args.log_interval, nms_valid_thresh=args.nms_valid_thresh, use_autocast=args.autocast): success = torch.ones(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() # Leslie: same Workaround: since we run evalution on all ranks, we don't need to broadcast the evalutation result # if args.distributed: # dist.broadcast(success, 0) if success[0]: return True mllogger.end(key=mllog_const.EPOCH_STOP, metadata={mllog_const.EPOCH_NUM: epoch}) mllogger.end(key=mllog_const.BLOCK_STOP, metadata={ mllog_const.FIRST_EPOCH_NUM: 1, mllog_const.EPOCH_COUNT: args.epochs }) if args.performance_only: batch_size = args.batch_size latency = train_time.avg / batch_size * 1000 perf = batch_size / train_time.avg print('train latency %.2f ms' % latency) print('train performance %.2f fps' % perf) print("Throughput: {:.3f} fps".format(perf)) return False
def train300_mlperf_coco(args): global torch from coco import COCO # Check that GPUs are actually available use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() args.distributed = False if use_cuda: try: from apex.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 except: raise ImportError("Please install APEX from") local_seed = args.seed if args.distributed: # necessary pytorch imports import import torch.distributed as dist if args.no_cuda: device = torch.device('cpu') else: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) device = torch.device('cuda') dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://') # set seeds properly args.seed = broadcast_seeds(args.seed, device) local_seed = (args.seed + dist.get_rank()) % 2**32 mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.SEED, value=local_seed) torch.manual_seed(local_seed) np.random.seed(seed=local_seed) args.rank = dist.get_rank() if args.distributed else args.local_rank print("args.rank = {}".format(args.rank)) print("local rank = {}".format(args.local_rank)) print("distributed={}".format(args.distributed)) dboxes = dboxes300_coco() encoder = Encoder(dboxes) input_size = 300 train_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False, num_cropping_iterations=args.num_cropping_iterations) val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) val_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") val_coco_root = os.path.join(, "val2017") train_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_train2017.json") train_coco_root = os.path.join(, "train2017") cocoGt = COCO(annotation_file=val_annotate) train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.TRAIN_SAMPLES, value=len(train_coco)) mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.EVAL_SAMPLES, value=len(val_coco)) if args.distributed: train_sampler = else: train_sampler = None train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_coco, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=(train_sampler is None), sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=4) # set shuffle=True in DataLoader if args.rank==0: val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_coco, batch_size=args.val_batch_size or args.batch_size, shuffle=False, sampler=None, num_workers=4) else: val_dataloader = None ssd300 = SSD300(train_coco.labelnum, model_path=args.pretrained_backbone) if args.checkpoint is not None: print("loading model checkpoint", args.checkpoint) od = torch.load(args.checkpoint) ssd300.load_state_dict(od["model"]) ssd300.train() if use_cuda: ssd300.cuda() loss_func = Loss(dboxes) if use_cuda: loss_func.cuda() if args.distributed: N_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: N_gpu = 1 # parallelize if args.distributed: ssd300 = DDP(ssd300) global_batch_size = N_gpu * args.batch_size mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE, value=global_batch_size) # Reference doesn't support group batch norm, so bn_span==local_batch_size mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=args.batch_size) current_lr = * (global_batch_size / 32) assert args.batch_size % args.batch_splits == 0, "--batch-size must be divisible by --batch-splits" fragment_size = args.batch_size // args.batch_splits if args.batch_splits != 1: print("using gradient accumulation with fragments of size {}".format(fragment_size)) current_momentum = 0.9 optim = torch.optim.SGD(ssd300.parameters(), lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_BASE_LR, value=current_lr) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_WEIGHT_DECAY, value=args.weight_decay) iter_num = args.iteration avg_loss = 0.0 inv_map = {v:k for k,v in val_coco.label_map.items()} success = torch.zeros(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if args.warmup: nonempty_imgs = len(train_coco) wb = int(args.warmup * nonempty_imgs / (N_gpu*args.batch_size)) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_WARMUP_STEPS, value=wb) warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: lr_warmup(optim, wb, iter_num, current_lr, args) else: warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: None ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_WARMUP_FACTOR, value=args.warmup_factor) ssd_print(key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_DECAY_BOUNDARY_EPOCHS, value=args.lr_decay_schedule) mllogger.start( key=mllog_const.BLOCK_START, metadata={mllog_const.FIRST_EPOCH_NUM: 1, mllog_const.EPOCH_COUNT: args.epochs}) optim.zero_grad() for epoch in range(args.epochs): mllogger.start( key=mllog_const.EPOCH_START, metadata={mllog_const.EPOCH_NUM: epoch}) # set the epoch for the sampler if args.distributed: train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) if epoch in args.lr_decay_schedule: current_lr *= 0.1 print("") print("lr decay step #{num}".format(num=args.lr_decay_schedule.index(epoch) + 1)) for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr for nbatch, (img, img_id, img_size, bbox, label) in enumerate(train_dataloader): current_batch_size = img.shape[0] # Split batch for gradient accumulation img = torch.split(img, fragment_size) bbox = torch.split(bbox, fragment_size) label = torch.split(label, fragment_size) for (fimg, fbbox, flabel) in zip(img, bbox, label): current_fragment_size = fimg.shape[0] trans_bbox = fbbox.transpose(1,2).contiguous() if use_cuda: fimg = fimg.cuda() trans_bbox = trans_bbox.cuda() flabel = flabel.cuda() fimg = Variable(fimg, requires_grad=True) ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) gloc, glabel = Variable(trans_bbox, requires_grad=False), \ Variable(flabel, requires_grad=False) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) loss = loss * (current_fragment_size / current_batch_size) # weighted mean loss.backward() warmup_step(iter_num, current_lr) optim.step() optim.zero_grad() if not np.isinf(loss.item()): avg_loss = 0.999*avg_loss + 0.001*loss.item() if args.rank == 0 and args.log_interval and not iter_num % args.log_interval: print("Iteration: {:6d}, Loss function: {:5.3f}, Average Loss: {:.3f}"\ .format(iter_num, loss.item(), avg_loss)) iter_num += 1 if (args.val_epochs and (epoch+1) in args.val_epochs) or \ (args.val_interval and not (epoch+1) % args.val_interval): if args.distributed: world_size = float(dist.get_world_size()) for bn_name, bn_buf in ssd300.module.named_buffers(recurse=True): if ('running_mean' in bn_name) or ('running_var' in bn_name): dist.all_reduce(bn_buf, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) bn_buf /= world_size ssd_print(key=mllog_const.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=bn_buf) if args.rank == 0: if not args.no_save: print("") print("saving model..."){"model" : ssd300.state_dict(), "label_map": train_coco.label_info}, "./models/iter_{}.pt".format(iter_num)) if coco_eval(ssd300, val_dataloader, cocoGt, encoder, inv_map, args.threshold, epoch + 1, iter_num, log_interval=args.log_interval, nms_valid_thresh=args.nms_valid_thresh): success = torch.ones(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if args.distributed: dist.broadcast(success, 0) if success[0]: return True mllogger.end( key=mllog_const.EPOCH_STOP, metadata={mllog_const.EPOCH_NUM: epoch}) mllogger.end( key=mllog_const.BLOCK_STOP, metadata={mllog_const.FIRST_EPOCH_NUM: 1, mllog_const.EPOCH_COUNT: args.epochs}) return False
def train300_mlperf_coco(args): global torch from coco import COCO # Check that GPUs are actually available use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() args.distributed = False if use_cuda: try: from apex.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 except: raise ImportError( "Please install APEX from") if args.distributed: # necessary pytorch imports import import torch.distributed as dist # ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.RUN_SET_RANDOM_SEED) if args.no_cuda: device = torch.device('cpu') else: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) device = torch.device('cuda') dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://') # set seeds properly args.seed = broadcast_seeds(args.seed, device) local_seed = (args.seed + dist.get_rank()) % 2**32 print(dist.get_rank(), "Using seed = {}".format(local_seed)) torch.manual_seed(local_seed) np.random.seed(seed=local_seed) dboxes = dboxes300_coco() encoder = Encoder(dboxes) input_size = 300 train_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False) val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.INPUT_SIZE, value=input_size) val_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") val_coco_root = os.path.join(, "val2017") train_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_train2017.json") train_coco_root = os.path.join(, "train2017") cocoGt = COCO(annotation_file=val_annotate) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) #print("Number of labels: {}".format(train_coco.labelnum)) if args.distributed: train_sampler = train_coco) else: train_sampler = None train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_coco, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=(train_sampler is None), sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=4) # set shuffle=True in DataLoader ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.INPUT_SHARD, value=None) ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.INPUT_ORDER) ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.INPUT_BATCH_SIZE, value=args.batch_size) ssd300 = SSD300(train_coco.labelnum) if args.checkpoint is not None: print("loading model checkpoint", args.checkpoint) od = torch.load(args.checkpoint) ssd300.load_state_dict(od["model"]) ssd300.train() if use_cuda: ssd300.cuda() loss_func = Loss(dboxes) if use_cuda: loss_func.cuda() if args.distributed: N_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: N_gpu = 1 # parallelize if args.distributed: ssd300 = DDP(ssd300) global_batch_size = N_gpu * args.batch_size current_lr = * (global_batch_size / 32) current_momentum = 0.9 current_weight_decay = 5e-4 optim = torch.optim.SGD(ssd300.parameters(), lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=current_weight_decay) ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.OPT_NAME, value="SGD") ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.OPT_LR, value=current_lr) ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.OPT_MOMENTUM, value=current_momentum) ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.OPT_WEIGHT_DECAY, value=current_weight_decay) eval_points = args.evaluation print("epoch", "nbatch", "loss") iter_num = args.iteration avg_loss = 0.0 inv_map = {v: k for k, v in val_coco.label_map.items()} success = torch.zeros(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if args.warmup: nonempty_imgs = len(train_coco) wb = int(args.warmup * nonempty_imgs / (N_gpu * args.batch_size)) warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: lr_warmup( optim, wb, iter_num, current_lr, args) else: warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: None for epoch in range(args.epochs): ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.TRAIN_EPOCH, value=epoch) # set the epoch for the sampler if args.distributed: train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) if epoch in args.lr_decay_schedule: current_lr *= 0.1 print("") print("lr decay step #{num}".format( num=args.lr_decay_schedule.index(epoch) + 1)) for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr ssd_print(key=mlperf_log.OPT_LR, value=current_lr) for nbatch, (img, img_size, bbox, label) in enumerate(train_dataloader): if use_cuda: img = img.cuda() img = Variable(img, requires_grad=True) ploc, plabel = ssd300(img) trans_bbox = bbox.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() if use_cuda: trans_bbox = trans_bbox.cuda() label = label.cuda() gloc, glabel = Variable(trans_bbox, requires_grad=False), \ Variable(label, requires_grad=False) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) if not np.isinf(loss.item()): avg_loss = 0.999 * avg_loss + 0.001 * loss.item() print("Iteration: {:6d}, Loss function: {:5.3f}, Average Loss: {:.3f}"\ .format(iter_num, loss.item(), avg_loss), end="\r") optim.zero_grad() loss.backward() warmup_step(iter_num, current_lr) optim.step() iter_num += 1 if epoch + 1 in eval_points: rank = dist.get_rank() if args.distributed else args.local_rank if args.distributed: world_size = float(dist.get_world_size()) for bn_name, bn_buf in ssd300.module.named_buffers( recurse=True): if ('running_mean' in bn_name) or ('running_var' in bn_name): dist.all_reduce(bn_buf, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) bn_buf /= world_size if rank == 0: if not args.no_save: print("") print("saving model...") { "model": ssd300.state_dict(), "label_map": train_coco.label_info }, "./models/iter_{}.pt".format(iter_num)) if coco_eval(ssd300, val_coco, cocoGt, encoder, inv_map, args.threshold, epoch + 1, iter_num): success = torch.ones(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if args.distributed: dist.broadcast(success, 0) if success[0]: return True return False
def train300_mlperf_coco(args): global torch from coco import COCO # Check that GPUs are actually available use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() args.distributed = False if args.use_hpu: if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 args.world_size = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) print("world_size = {}".format(args.world_size)) print("distributed={}".format(args.distributed)) if use_cuda: try: from apex.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP if 'WORLD_SIZE' in os.environ: args.distributed = int(os.environ['WORLD_SIZE']) > 1 except: raise ImportError( "Please install APEX from") use_hpu = args.use_hpu hpu_channels_last = args.hpu_channels_last hpu_lazy_mode = args.hpu_lazy_mode is_hmp = args.is_hmp device = torch.device('cpu') data_loader_type = DataLoader if use_hpu: device = torch.device('hpu') if args.distributed: os.environ["MAX_WAIT_ATTEMPTS"] = "90" if hpu_lazy_mode: os.environ["PT_HPU_LAZY_MODE"] = "1" else: os.environ["PT_HPU_LAZY_MODE"] = "2" if is_hmp: if not args.hmp_bf16: raise IOError("Please provide list of BF16 ops") if not args.hmp_fp32: raise IOError("Please provide list of FP32 ops") from habana_frameworks.torch.hpex import hmp hmp.convert(opt_level=args.hmp_opt_level, bf16_file_path=args.hmp_bf16, fp32_file_path=args.hmp_fp32, isVerbose=args.hmp_verbose) from habana_frameworks.torch.utils.library_loader import load_habana_module load_habana_module() # TODO - add dataloader local_seed = args.seed if args.distributed: # necessary pytorch imports import import torch.distributed as dist if use_hpu: args.dist_backend = 'hccl' import habana_frameworks.torch.core.hccl os.environ["ID"] = os.environ["RANK"] dist.init_process_group(args.dist_backend, init_method='env://') # set seeds properly args.seed = broadcast_seeds(args.seed, device, use_hpu=True) local_seed = (args.seed + dist.get_rank()) % 2**32 elif args.no_cuda: device = torch.device('cpu') else: torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) device = torch.device('cuda') dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='env://') # set seeds properly args.seed = broadcast_seeds(args.seed, device) local_seed = (args.seed + dist.get_rank()) % 2**32 mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.SEED, value=local_seed) torch.manual_seed(local_seed) np.random.seed(seed=local_seed) random.seed(local_seed) # amorgenstern torch.cuda.manual_seed(local_seed) # amorgenstern args.rank = dist.get_rank() if args.distributed else args.local_rank print("args.rank = {}".format(args.rank)) print("local rank = {}".format(args.local_rank)) print("distributed={}".format(args.distributed)) if use_hpu and is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): dboxes = dboxes300_coco() encoder = Encoder(dboxes) else: dboxes = dboxes300_coco() encoder = Encoder(dboxes) input_size = 300 if use_hpu and is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): train_trans = SSDTransformer( dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False, num_cropping_iterations=args.num_cropping_iterations) val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) else: train_trans = SSDTransformer( dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=False, num_cropping_iterations=args.num_cropping_iterations) val_trans = SSDTransformer(dboxes, (input_size, input_size), val=True) val_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_val2017.json") val_coco_root = os.path.join(, "val2017") train_annotate = os.path.join(, "annotations/instances_train2017.json") train_coco_root = os.path.join(, "train2017") if use_hpu and is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): cocoGt = COCO(annotation_file=val_annotate) train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) else: cocoGt = COCO(annotation_file=val_annotate) train_coco = COCODetection(train_coco_root, train_annotate, train_trans) val_coco = COCODetection(val_coco_root, val_annotate, val_trans) mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.TRAIN_SAMPLES, value=len(train_coco)) mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.EVAL_SAMPLES, value=len(val_coco)) if args.distributed: train_sampler = train_coco) else: train_sampler = None if use_hpu: # patch torch cuda functions that are being unconditionally invoked # in the multiprocessing data loader torch.cuda.current_device = lambda: None torch.cuda.set_device = lambda x: None train_dataloader = data_loader_type(train_coco, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=(train_sampler is None), sampler=train_sampler, num_workers=args.num_workers) # set shuffle=True in DataLoader if args.rank == 0: val_dataloader = data_loader_type(val_coco, batch_size=args.val_batch_size or args.batch_size, shuffle=False, sampler=None, num_workers=args.num_workers) else: val_dataloader = None ssd300 = SSD300(train_coco.labelnum, model_path=args.pretrained_backbone) if args.checkpoint is not None: print("loading model checkpoint", args.checkpoint) od = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) ssd300.load_state_dict(od["model"]) ssd300.train() if use_cuda: ssd300.cuda() if use_hpu and is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): loss_func = Loss(dboxes, use_hpu=use_hpu, hpu_device=device) else: loss_func = Loss(dboxes, use_hpu=use_hpu, hpu_device=device) if use_cuda: loss_func.cuda() if use_hpu: if args.distributed: N_gpu = torch.distributed.get_world_size() else: N_gpu = 1 global_batch_size = N_gpu * args.batch_size mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.GLOBAL_BATCH_SIZE, value=global_batch_size) # Reference doesn't support group batch norm, so bn_span==local_batch_size mllogger.event(key=mllog_const.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=args.batch_size) current_lr = * (global_batch_size / 32) assert args.batch_size % args.batch_splits == 0, "--batch-size must be divisible by --batch-splits" fragment_size = args.batch_size // args.batch_splits if args.batch_splits != 1: print("using gradient accumulation with fragments of size {}".format( fragment_size)) current_momentum = 0.9 sgd_optimizer = torch.optim.SGD if use_hpu and hpu_lazy_mode: from habana_frameworks.torch.hpex.optimizers import FusedSGD sgd_optimizer = FusedSGD optim = sgd_optimizer(ssd300.parameters(), lr=current_lr, momentum=current_momentum, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) if use_hpu: permute_params(model=ssd300, to_filters_last=True, lazy_mode=hpu_lazy_mode) permute_momentum(optimizer=optim, to_filters_last=True, lazy_mode=hpu_lazy_mode) ssd_print(device=device, use_hpu=use_hpu, key=mllog_const.OPT_BASE_LR, value=current_lr) ssd_print(device=device, use_hpu=use_hpu, key=mllog_const.OPT_WEIGHT_DECAY, value=args.weight_decay) # parallelize if args.distributed: if use_hpu: ssd300 = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( ssd300, bucket_cap_mb=100, broadcast_buffers=False, gradient_as_bucket_view=True) else: ssd300 = DDP(ssd300) iter_num = args.iteration end_iter_num = args.end_iteration if end_iter_num: print("--end-iteration set to: {}".format(end_iter_num)) assert end_iter_num > iter_num, "--end-iteration must have a value > --iteration" avg_loss = 0.0 if use_hpu: loss_iter = list() inv_map = {v: k for k, v in val_coco.label_map.items()} success = torch.zeros(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if use_hpu: success = if args.warmup: nonempty_imgs = len(train_coco) wb = int(args.warmup * nonempty_imgs / (N_gpu * args.batch_size)) ssd_print(device=device, use_hpu=use_hpu, key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_WARMUP_STEPS, value=wb) warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: lr_warmup( optim, wb, iter_num, current_lr, args) else: warmup_step = lambda iter_num, current_lr: None ssd_print(device=device, use_hpu=use_hpu, key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_WARMUP_FACTOR, value=args.warmup_factor) ssd_print(device=device, use_hpu=use_hpu, key=mllog_const.OPT_LR_DECAY_BOUNDARY_EPOCHS, value=args.lr_decay_schedule) mllogger.start(key=mllog_const.BLOCK_START, metadata={ mllog_const.FIRST_EPOCH_NUM: 1, mllog_const.EPOCH_COUNT: args.epochs }) optim.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) if use_hpu: start = time.time() for epoch in range(args.epochs): mllogger.start(key=mllog_const.EPOCH_START, metadata={mllog_const.EPOCH_NUM: epoch}) # set the epoch for the sampler if args.distributed: train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) if epoch in args.lr_decay_schedule: current_lr *= 0.1 print("") print("lr decay step #{num}".format( num=args.lr_decay_schedule.index(epoch) + 1)) for param_group in optim.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = current_lr for nbatch, (img, img_id, img_size, bbox, label) in enumerate(train_dataloader): current_batch_size = img.shape[0] # Split batch for gradient accumulation img = torch.split(img, fragment_size) bbox = torch.split(bbox, fragment_size) label = torch.split(label, fragment_size) for (fimg, fbbox, flabel) in zip(img, bbox, label): current_fragment_size = fimg.shape[0] if not use_hpu: trans_bbox = fbbox.transpose(1, 2).contiguous() if use_cuda: fimg = fimg.cuda() trans_bbox = trans_bbox.cuda() flabel = flabel.cuda() if use_hpu: fimg = if hpu_channels_last: fimg = fimg.contiguous( memory_format=torch.channels_last) if hpu_lazy_mode: mark_step() if is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): #TODO revert after SW-58188 is fixed trans_bbox = 1, 2).contiguous() flabel = else: #TODO revert after SW-58188 is fixed trans_bbox = 1, 2).contiguous() flabel = fimg = Variable(fimg, requires_grad=True) if args.lowp: # amorgenstern import lowp with lowp.Lowp(mode='BF16', warn_patched=True, warn_not_patched=True): ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) gloc, glabel = Variable(trans_bbox, requires_grad=False), \ Variable(flabel, requires_grad=False) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) else: ploc, plabel = ssd300(fimg) if use_hpu and is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): gloc, glabel = Variable(trans_bbox, requires_grad=False), \ Variable(flabel, requires_grad=False) loss = loss_func(ploc.float(), plabel.float(), gloc, glabel) else: gloc, glabel = Variable(trans_bbox, requires_grad=False), \ Variable(flabel, requires_grad=False) loss = loss_func(ploc, plabel, gloc, glabel) loss = loss * (current_fragment_size / current_batch_size ) # weighted mean if use_hpu and hpu_lazy_mode and args.distributed: mark_step() loss.backward() if use_hpu and hpu_lazy_mode: mark_step() warmup_step(iter_num, current_lr) if use_hpu and is_hmp: with hmp.disable_casts(): optim.step() else: optim.step() optim.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) if use_hpu: loss_iter.append(loss.clone().detach()) else: if not np.isinf(loss.item()): avg_loss = 0.999 * avg_loss + 0.001 * loss.item() if use_hpu and hpu_lazy_mode: mark_step() if use_hpu: if args.log_interval and not iter_num % args.log_interval: cur_loss = 0.0 for i, x in enumerate(loss_iter): cur_loss = x.cpu().item() if not np.isinf(cur_loss): avg_loss = 0.999 * avg_loss + 0.001 * cur_loss if args.rank == 0: print("Rank: {:6d}, Iteration: {:6d}, Loss function: {:5.3f}, Average Loss: {:.3f}"\ .format(args.rank, iter_num, cur_loss, avg_loss)) loss_iter = list() else: if args.rank == 0 and args.log_interval and not iter_num % args.log_interval: print("Iteration: {:6d}, Loss function: {:5.3f}, Average Loss: {:.3f}"\ .format(iter_num, loss.item(), avg_loss)) iter_num += 1 if use_hpu and iter_num == 50: start = time.time() if end_iter_num and iter_num >= end_iter_num: if use_hpu: print("Training Ended, total time: {:.2f} s".format( time.time() - start)) break if (args.val_epochs and (epoch+1) in args.val_epochs) or \ (args.val_interval and not (epoch+1) % args.val_interval): if args.distributed: world_size = float(dist.get_world_size()) for bn_name, bn_buf in ssd300.module.named_buffers( recurse=True): if ('running_mean' in bn_name) or ('running_var' in bn_name): dist.all_reduce(bn_buf, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) bn_buf /= world_size ssd_print(device=device, use_hpu=use_hpu, key=mllog_const.MODEL_BN_SPAN, value=bn_buf) if args.rank == 0: if use_hpu: print("Training Ended, total time: {:.2f} s".format( time.time() - start)) if not args.no_save: print("") print("saving model...") if use_hpu: permute_params(model=ssd300, to_filters_last=False, lazy_mode=hpu_lazy_mode) ssd300_copy = SSD300( train_coco.labelnum, model_path=args.pretrained_backbone) if args.distributed: ssd300_copy.load_state_dict( ssd300.module.state_dict()) else: ssd300_copy.load_state_dict(ssd300.state_dict()) { "model": ssd300_copy.state_dict(), "label_map": train_coco.label_info }, "./models/iter_{}.pt".format(iter_num)) permute_params(model=ssd300, to_filters_last=True, lazy_mode=hpu_lazy_mode) else: { "model": ssd300.state_dict(), "label_map": train_coco.label_info }, "./models/iter_{}.pt".format(iter_num)) if coco_eval(ssd300, val_dataloader, cocoGt, encoder, inv_map, args.threshold, epoch + 1, iter_num, log_interval=args.log_interval, use_cuda=use_cuda, use_hpu=use_hpu, hpu_device=device, is_hmp=is_hmp, hpu_channels_last=hpu_channels_last, hpu_lazy_mode=hpu_lazy_mode, nms_valid_thresh=args.nms_valid_thresh): success = torch.ones(1) if use_cuda: success = success.cuda() if use_hpu: success = if args.distributed: dist.broadcast(success, 0) if success[0]: return True mllogger.end(key=mllog_const.EPOCH_STOP, metadata={mllog_const.EPOCH_NUM: epoch}) mllogger.end(key=mllog_const.BLOCK_STOP, metadata={ mllog_const.FIRST_EPOCH_NUM: 1, mllog_const.EPOCH_COUNT: args.epochs }) return False