def get_model(self, suffix=''): model_file, self.model_spec, extra_dataitems = get_model( self.model_dir, suffix) if self.model_spec and self.model_spec.parameters: for key, value in self.model_spec.parameters.items(): self._params[key] = value return model_file, extra_dataitems
def xgb_test( context, models_path: DataItem, test_set: DataItem, label_column: str, plots_dest: str = "plots", default_model: str = "model.pkl", ) -> None: """Test one or more classifier models against held-out dataset Using held-out test features, evaluates the peformance of the estimated model Can be part of a kubeflow pipeline as a test step that is run post EDA and training/validation cycles :param context: the function context :param models_path: model artifact to be tested :param test_set: test features and labels :param label_column: column name for ground truth labels :param plots_dest: dir for test plots :param default_model: 'model.pkl', default model artifact file name """ xtest = test_set.as_df() ytest = xtest.pop(label_column) try: model_file, model_obj, _ = get_model(models_path.url, suffix=".pkl") model_obj = load(open(model_file, "rb")) except Exception as a: raise Exception("model location likely misspecified") eval_metrics = eval_model_v2(context, xtest, ytest.values, model_obj)
def test_classifier( context, models_path: DataItem, test_set: DataItem, label_column: str, score_method: str = "micro", plots_dest: str = "", model_evaluator=None, default_model: str = "model.pkl", predictions_column: str = "yscore", model_update=True, ) -> None: """Test one or more classifier models against held-out dataset Using held-out test features, evaluates the peformance of the estimated model Can be part of a kubeflow pipeline as a test step that is run post EDA and training/validation cycles :param context: the function context :param models_path: artifact models representing a file or a folder :param test_set: test features and labels :param label_column: column name for ground truth labels :param score_method: for multiclass classification :param plots_dest: dir for test plots :param model_evaluator: NOT IMPLEMENTED: specific method to generate eval, passed in as string or available in this folder :param predictions_column: column name for the predictions column on the resulted artifact :param model_update: (True) update model, when running as stand alone no need in update """ xtest = test_set.as_df() ytest = xtest.pop(label_column) try: model_file, model_obj, _ = get_model(models_path, suffix=".pkl") model_obj = load(open(model_file, "rb")) except Exception as a: raise Exception("model location likely specified") extra_data = eval_model_v2(context, xtest, ytest.values, model_obj) if model_obj and model_update == True: update_model( models_path, extra_data=extra_data, metrics=context.results, key_prefix="validation-", ) y_hat = model_obj.predict(xtest) if y_hat.ndim == 1 or y_hat.shape[1] == 1: score_names = [predictions_column] else: score_names = [ f"{predictions_column}_" + str(x) for x in range(y_hat.shape[1]) ] df = pd.concat( [xtest, ytest, pd.DataFrame(y_hat, columns=score_names)], axis=1) context.log_dataset("test_set_preds", df=df, format="parquet", index=False)
def cox_test( context, models_path: DataItem, test_set: DataItem, label_column: str, plots_dest: str = "plots", model_evaluator=None, ) -> None: """Test one or more classifier models against held-out dataset Using held-out test features, evaluates the peformance of the estimated model Can be part of a kubeflow pipeline as a test step that is run post EDA and training/validation cycles :param context: the function context :param model_file: model artifact to be tested :param test_set: test features and labels :param label_column: column name for ground truth labels :param score_method: for multiclass classification :param plots_dest: dir for test plots :param model_evaluator: WIP: specific method to generate eval, passed in as string or available in this folder """ xtest = test_set.as_df() ytest = xtest.pop(label_column) model_file, model_obj, _ = get_model(models_path.url, suffix=".pkl") model_obj = load(open(str(model_file), "rb")) try: if not model_evaluator: eval_metrics = eval_class_model(context, xtest, ytest, model_obj) model_plots = eval_metrics.pop("plots") model_tables = eval_metrics.pop("tables") for plot in model_plots: context.log_artifact(plot, local_path=f"{plots_dest}/{plot.key}.html") for tbl in model_tables: context.log_artifact(tbl, local_path=f"{plots_dest}/{plot.key}.csv") context.log_results(eval_metrics) except: context.log_dataset("cox-test-summary", df=model_obj.summary, index=True, format="csv")"cox tester not implemented")
def validation(context: MLClientCtx, model: DataItem) -> None: """Model validation. Dummy validation function. :param context: The runtime context object. :param model: The extimated model object. """ # access input metadata, values, files, and secrets (passwords) print(f"Run: {} (uid={context.uid})")"started validation") # get the model file, class (metadata), and extra_data (dict of key: DataItem) model_file, model_obj, _ = get_model(model) # update model object elements and data update_model(model_obj, parameters={"one_more": 5}) print(f"path to local copy of model file - {model_file}") print("parameters:", model_obj.parameters) print("metrics:", model_obj.metrics) context.log_artifact("validation", body=b"<b> validated </b>", format="html")
def permutation_importance( context: MLClientCtx, model: DataItem, dataset: DataItem, labels: str, figsz=(10, 5), plots_dest: str = "plots", fitype: str = "permute", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """calculate change in metric type 'permute' uses a pre-estimated model type 'dropcol' uses a re-estimates model :param context: the function's execution context :param model: a trained model :param dataset: features and ground truths, regression targets :param labels name of the ground truths column :param figsz: matplotlib figure size :param plots_dest: path within artifact store : """ model_file, model_data, _ = get_model(model.url, suffix=".pkl") model = load(open(str(model_file), "rb")) X = dataset.as_df() y = X.pop(labels) header = X.columns metric = _oob_classifier_accuracy baseline = metric(model, X, y) imp = [] for col in X.columns: if fitype is "permute": save = X[col].copy() X[col] = np.random.permutation(X[col]) m = metric(model, X, y) X[col] = save imp.append(baseline - m) elif fitype is "dropcol": X_ = X.drop(col, axis=1) model_ = clone(model) #model_.random_state = random_state, y) o = model_.oob_score_ imp.append(baseline - o) else: raise ValueError( "unknown fitype, only 'permute' or 'dropcol' permitted") zipped = zip(imp, header) feature_imp = pd.DataFrame(sorted(zipped), columns=["importance", "feature"]) feature_imp.sort_values(by="importance", ascending=False, inplace=True) plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=figsz) sns.barplot(x="importance", y="feature", data=feature_imp) plt.title(f"feature importances-{fitype}") plt.tight_layout() context.log_artifact( PlotArtifact(f"feature importances-{fitype}", body=plt.gcf()), local_path=f"{plots_dest}/feature-permutations.html", ) context.log_dataset(f"feature-importances-{fitype}-tbl", df=feature_imp, index=False)
def create_or_patch(access_key: str, model_endpoint: ModelEndpoint): """ Creates or patch a KV record with the given model_endpoint record :param access_key: V3IO access key for managing user permissions :param model_endpoint: An object representing a model endpoint """ if model_endpoint.spec.model_uri or model_endpoint.status.feature_stats: "Getting feature metadata", project=model_endpoint.metadata.project, model=model_endpoint.spec.model, function=model_endpoint.spec.function_uri, model_uri=model_endpoint.spec.model_uri, ) # If model artifact was supplied, grab model meta data from artifact if model_endpoint.spec.model_uri: "Getting model object, inferring column names and collecting feature stats" ) model_obj: tuple = get_model(model_endpoint.spec.model_uri) model_obj: ModelArtifact = model_obj[1] if not model_endpoint.status.feature_stats: model_endpoint.status.feature_stats = model_obj.feature_stats if not model_endpoint.spec.label_names: model_label_names = [ _clean_feature_name( for f in model_obj.outputs ] model_endpoint.spec.label_names = model_label_names if not model_endpoint.spec.algorithm: model_endpoint.spec.algorithm = model_obj.algorithm # If feature_stats was either populated by model_uri or by manual input, make sure to keep the names # of the features. If feature_names was supplied, replace the names set in feature_stats, otherwise - make # sure to keep a clean version of the names if model_endpoint.status.feature_stats:"Feature stats found, cleaning feature names") if model_endpoint.spec.feature_names: if len(model_endpoint.status.feature_stats) != len( model_endpoint.spec.feature_names): raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError( f"feature_stats and feature_names have a different number of names, while expected to match" f"feature_stats({len(model_endpoint.status.feature_stats)}), " f"feature_names({len(model_endpoint.spec.feature_names)})" ) clean_feature_stats = {} clean_feature_names = [] for i, (feature, stats) in enumerate( model_endpoint.status.feature_stats.items()): if model_endpoint.spec.feature_names: clean_name = _clean_feature_name( model_endpoint.spec.feature_names[i]) else: clean_name = _clean_feature_name(feature) clean_feature_stats[clean_name] = stats clean_feature_names.append(clean_name) model_endpoint.status.feature_stats = clean_feature_stats model_endpoint.spec.feature_names = clean_feature_names "Done preparing feature names and stats", feature_names=model_endpoint.spec.feature_names, ) # If none of the above was supplied, feature names will be assigned on first contact with the model monitoring # system"Updating model endpoint", endpoint_id=model_endpoint.metadata.uid) write_endpoint_to_kv( access_key=access_key, endpoint=model_endpoint, update=True, )"Model endpoint updated", endpoint_id=model_endpoint.metadata.uid) return model_endpoint