예제 #1
 def test_info(self):
     if not torch.cuda.is_available():
     from mmcv.ops import get_compiler_version, get_compiling_cuda_version
     cv = get_compiler_version()
     ccv = get_compiling_cuda_version()
     assert cv is not None
     assert ccv is not None
예제 #2
def collect_env():
    """Collect the information of the running environments."""
    env_info = {}
    env_info['sys.platform'] = sys.platform
    env_info['Python'] = sys.version.replace('\n', '')

    cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available()
    env_info['CUDA available'] = cuda_available

    if cuda_available:
        if mmcv.__version__ < '1.3.11':
            from mmcv.utils.parrots_wrapper import CUDA_HOME
            from mmcv.utils.parrots_wrapper import _get_cuda_home
            CUDA_HOME = _get_cuda_home()

        env_info['CUDA_HOME'] = CUDA_HOME

        if CUDA_HOME is not None and osp.isdir(CUDA_HOME):
                nvcc = osp.join(CUDA_HOME, 'bin/nvcc')
                nvcc = subprocess.check_output(
                    '"{}" -V | tail -n1'.format(nvcc), shell=True)
                nvcc = nvcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
            except subprocess.SubprocessError:
                nvcc = 'Not Available'
            env_info['NVCC'] = nvcc

        devices = defaultdict(list)
        for k in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
        for devname, devids in devices.items():
            env_info['GPU ' + ','.join(devids)] = devname

    gcc = subprocess.check_output('gcc --version | head -n1', shell=True)
    gcc = gcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
    env_info['GCC'] = gcc

    env_info['PyTorch'] = torch.__version__
    env_info['PyTorch compiling details'] = get_build_config()

    env_info['TorchVision'] = torchvision.__version__

    env_info['OpenCV'] = cv2.__version__

    env_info['MMCV'] = mmcv.__version__
    env_info['MMGen'] = f'{ mmgen.__version__ }+{get_git_hash()[:7]}'
        from mmcv.ops import get_compiler_version, get_compiling_cuda_version
        env_info['MMCV Compiler'] = get_compiler_version()
        env_info['MMCV CUDA Compiler'] = get_compiling_cuda_version()
    except ImportError:
        env_info['MMCV Compiler'] = 'n/a'
        env_info['MMCV CUDA Compiler'] = 'n/a'

    return env_info
예제 #3
파일: collect_env.py 프로젝트: wyddmw/eqlv2
def collect_env():
    """Collect the information of the running environments."""
    env_info = {}
    env_info['sys.platform'] = sys.platform
    env_info['Python'] = sys.version.replace('\n', '')

    cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available()
    env_info['CUDA available'] = cuda_available

    if cuda_available:
        from torch.utils.cpp_extension import CUDA_HOME
        env_info['CUDA_HOME'] = CUDA_HOME

        if CUDA_HOME is not None and osp.isdir(CUDA_HOME):
                nvcc = osp.join(CUDA_HOME, 'bin/nvcc')
                nvcc = subprocess.check_output(
                    f'"{nvcc}" -V | tail -n1', shell=True)
                nvcc = nvcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
            except subprocess.SubprocessError:
                nvcc = 'Not Available'
            env_info['NVCC'] = nvcc

        devices = defaultdict(list)
        for k in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
        for name, devids in devices.items():
            env_info['GPU ' + ','.join(devids)] = name

    gcc = subprocess.check_output('gcc --version | head -n1', shell=True)
    gcc = gcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
    env_info['GCC'] = gcc

    env_info['PyTorch'] = torch.__version__
    env_info['PyTorch compiling details'] = get_build_config()

    env_info['TorchVision'] = torchvision.__version__

    env_info['OpenCV'] = cv2.__version__

    env_info['MMCV'] = mmcv.__version__
    env_info['MMDetection'] = mmdet.__version__,
    from mmcv.ops import get_compiler_version, get_compiling_cuda_version
    env_info['MMDetection Compiler'] = get_compiler_version()
    env_info['MMDetection CUDA Compiler'] = get_compiling_cuda_version()
    return env_info
예제 #4
def collect_env():
    """Collect the information of the running environments.

        dict: The environment information. The following fields are contained.

            - sys.platform: The variable of ``sys.platform``.
            - Python: Python version.
            - CUDA available: Bool, indicating if CUDA is available.
            - GPU devices: Device type of each GPU.
            - CUDA_HOME (optional): The env var ``CUDA_HOME``.
            - NVCC (optional): NVCC version.
            - GCC: GCC version, "n/a" if GCC is not installed.
            - PyTorch: PyTorch version.
            - PyTorch compiling details: The output of \
            - TorchVision (optional): TorchVision version.
            - OpenCV: OpenCV version.
            - MMCV: MMCV version.
            - MMCV Compiler: The GCC version for compiling MMCV ops.
            - MMCV CUDA Compiler: The CUDA version for compiling MMCV ops.
    env_info = {}
    env_info['sys.platform'] = sys.platform
    env_info['Python'] = sys.version.replace('\n', '')

    cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available()
    env_info['CUDA available'] = cuda_available

    if cuda_available:
        devices = defaultdict(list)
        for k in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
        for name, device_ids in devices.items():
            env_info['GPU ' + ','.join(device_ids)] = name

        from mmcv.utils.parrots_wrapper import CUDA_HOME
        env_info['CUDA_HOME'] = CUDA_HOME

        if CUDA_HOME is not None and osp.isdir(CUDA_HOME):
                nvcc = osp.join(CUDA_HOME, 'bin/nvcc')
                nvcc = subprocess.check_output(f'"{nvcc}" -V | tail -n1',
                nvcc = nvcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
            except subprocess.SubprocessError:
                nvcc = 'Not Available'
            env_info['NVCC'] = nvcc

        gcc = subprocess.check_output('gcc --version | head -n1', shell=True)
        gcc = gcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
        env_info['GCC'] = gcc
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:  # gcc is unavailable
        env_info['GCC'] = 'n/a'

    env_info['PyTorch'] = torch.__version__
    env_info['PyTorch compiling details'] = get_build_config()

        import torchvision
        env_info['TorchVision'] = torchvision.__version__
    except ModuleNotFoundError:

    env_info['OpenCV'] = cv2.__version__

    env_info['MMCV'] = mmcv.__version__

        from mmcv.ops import get_compiler_version, get_compiling_cuda_version
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        env_info['MMCV Compiler'] = 'n/a'
        env_info['MMCV CUDA Compiler'] = 'n/a'
        env_info['MMCV Compiler'] = get_compiler_version()
        env_info['MMCV CUDA Compiler'] = get_compiling_cuda_version()

    return env_info
예제 #5
!pip install Pillow==7.0.0

# kiểm tra xem việc thiết lập có ok hay chưa

# Check Pytorch installation
import torch, torchvision
print(torch.__version__, torch.cuda.is_available())

# Check MMDetection installation
import mmdet

# Check mmcv installation
from mmcv.ops import get_compiling_cuda_version, get_compiler_version

import copy
import os.path as osp
import mmcv
import numpy as np
import pickle
from mmcv import Config
from mmdet.apis import set_random_seed
from mmdet.datasets.builder import DATASETS
from mmdet.datasets.custom import CustomDataset
from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, init_detector, show_result_pyplot
from mmdet.datasets import build_dataset
from mmdet.models import build_detector
from mmdet.apis import train_detector
예제 #6
def collect_env():
    """Collect the information of the running environments.

        dict: The environment information. The following fields are contained.

            - sys.platform: The variable of ``sys.platform``.
            - Python: Python version.
            - CUDA available: Bool, indicating if CUDA is available.
            - GPU devices: Device type of each GPU.
            - CUDA_HOME (optional): The env var ``CUDA_HOME``.
            - NVCC (optional): NVCC version.
            - GCC: GCC version, "n/a" if GCC is not installed.
            - MSVC: Microsoft Virtual C++ Compiler version, Windows only.
            - PyTorch: PyTorch version.
            - PyTorch compiling details: The output of \
            - TorchVision (optional): TorchVision version.
            - OpenCV: OpenCV version.
            - MMCV: MMCV version.
            - MMCV Compiler: The GCC version for compiling MMCV ops.
            - MMCV CUDA Compiler: The CUDA version for compiling MMCV ops.
    env_info = {}
    env_info['sys.platform'] = sys.platform
    env_info['Python'] = sys.version.replace('\n', '')

    cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available()
    env_info['CUDA available'] = cuda_available

    if cuda_available:
        devices = defaultdict(list)
        for k in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
        for name, device_ids in devices.items():
            env_info['GPU ' + ','.join(device_ids)] = name

        from mmcv.utils.parrots_wrapper import _get_cuda_home
        CUDA_HOME = _get_cuda_home()
        env_info['CUDA_HOME'] = CUDA_HOME

        if CUDA_HOME is not None and osp.isdir(CUDA_HOME):
                nvcc = osp.join(CUDA_HOME, 'bin/nvcc')
                nvcc = subprocess.check_output(f'"{nvcc}" -V', shell=True)
                nvcc = nvcc.decode('utf-8').strip()
                release = nvcc.rfind('Cuda compilation tools')
                build = nvcc.rfind('Build ')
                nvcc = nvcc[release:build].strip()
            except subprocess.SubprocessError:
                nvcc = 'Not Available'
            env_info['NVCC'] = nvcc

        # Check C++ Compiler.
        # For Unix-like, sysconfig has 'CC' variable like 'gcc -pthread ...',
        # indicating the compiler used, we use this to get the compiler name
        import sysconfig
        cc = sysconfig.get_config_var('CC')
        if cc:
            cc = osp.basename(cc.split()[0])
            cc_info = subprocess.check_output(f'{cc} --version', shell=True)
            env_info['GCC'] = cc_info.decode('utf-8').partition(
            # on Windows, cl.exe is not in PATH. We need to find the path.
            # distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler() returns a msvccompiler
            # object and after initialization, path to cl.exe is found.
            import locale
            from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler
            ccompiler = new_compiler()
            cc = subprocess.check_output(f'{ccompiler.cc}',
            encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]
            env_info['MSVC'] = cc.decode(encoding).partition('\n')[0].strip()
            env_info['GCC'] = 'n/a'
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        env_info['GCC'] = 'n/a'

    env_info['PyTorch'] = torch.__version__
    env_info['PyTorch compiling details'] = get_build_config()

        import torchvision
        env_info['TorchVision'] = torchvision.__version__
    except ModuleNotFoundError:

    env_info['OpenCV'] = cv2.__version__

    env_info['MMCV'] = mmcv.__version__

        from mmcv.ops import get_compiler_version, get_compiling_cuda_version
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        env_info['MMCV Compiler'] = 'n/a'
        env_info['MMCV CUDA Compiler'] = 'n/a'
        env_info['MMCV Compiler'] = get_compiler_version()
        env_info['MMCV CUDA Compiler'] = get_compiling_cuda_version()

    return env_info
logger = mmcv.utils.get_logger(name=__file__, log_level=logging.DEBUG)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Check Pytorch installation
import torch, torchvision
print(torch.__version__, torch.cuda.is_available())

# Check MMDetection installation
import mmdet

# Check mmcv installation
from mmcv.ops import get_compiling_cuda_version, get_compiler_version
from pprint import pprint, pformat
from mmdet.datasets import build_dataset
from mmdet.apis import train_detector
from mmcv import Config
from mmdet.apis import set_random_seed
from pathlib import Path
import os.path as osp
import os
import mmcv
from mmcv.runner import load_checkpoint

from mmdet.apis import inference_detector, show_result_pyplot
from mmdet.models import build_detector