def assign(self, bboxes, gt_bboxes, gt_bboxes_ignore=None, gt_labels=None): """Assign gt to bboxes. This method assign a gt bbox to every bbox (proposal/anchor), each bbox will be assigned with -1, 0, or a positive number. -1 means don't care, 0 means negative sample, positive number is the index (1-based) of assigned gt. The assignment is done in following steps, the order matters. 1. assign every bbox to -1 2. assign proposals whose iou with all gts < neg_iou_thr to 0 3. for each bbox, if the iou with its nearest gt >= pos_iou_thr, assign it to that bbox 4. for each gt bbox, assign its nearest proposals (may be more than one) to itself Args: bboxes (Tensor): Bounding boxes to be assigned, shape(n, 4). gt_bboxes (Tensor): Groundtruth boxes, shape (k, 4). gt_bboxes_ignore (Tensor, optional): Ground truth bboxes that are labelled as `ignored`, e.g., crowd boxes in COCO. gt_labels (Tensor, optional): Label of gt_bboxes, shape (k, ). Returns: :obj:`AssignResult`: The assign result. """ if bboxes.shape[0] == 0 or gt_bboxes.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError('No gt or bboxes') bboxes = bboxes[:, :4] ## constructing effective gt areas gt_eff = scale_boxes( gt_bboxes, self.pos_area_thr) # effective bboxes, i.e. center 0.2 part bbox_centers = (bboxes[:, 2:4] + bboxes[:, 0:2] + 1) / 2 is_bbox_in_gt = is_located_in( bbox_centers, gt_bboxes) # the center points lie within the gt boxes bbox_and_gt_eff_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(bboxes, gt_eff, mode='iof') is_bbox_in_gt_eff = is_bbox_in_gt & ( bbox_and_gt_eff_overlaps > self.min_pos_iof) # shape (n, k) # the center point of effective priors should be within the gt box ## constructing ignored gt areas gt_ignore = scale_boxes(gt_bboxes, self.neg_area_thr) is_bbox_in_gt_ignore = (bbox_overlaps(bboxes, gt_ignore, mode='iof') > self.min_pos_iof) is_bbox_in_gt_ignore &= (~is_bbox_in_gt_eff ) # rule out center effective pixels gt_areas = bboxes_area(gt_bboxes) _, sort_idx = gt_areas.sort( descending=True) # smaller instances can overlay larger ones assign_result = self.assign_wrt_areas(is_bbox_in_gt_eff, is_bbox_in_gt_ignore, gt_labels, gt_priority=sort_idx) return assign_result
def nms_resampling_linear(self, proposals, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, thresh): assert any(gt_labels > 0) iou = bbox_overlaps(proposals[:, :4], gt_bboxes) max_iou, gt_assignment = iou.max(dim=1) proposals_labels = gt_labels[gt_assignment] # proposal is considered as background when its iou with gt < 0.3 proposals_labels[max_iou < 0.3] = 0 proposals_labels = proposals_labels.cpu().numpy() t = thresh[proposals_labels] keep = self.nms_py(proposals.cpu().numpy(), t) keep = np.array(keep) return proposals[keep, :]
def forward(self, img, gtbboxes, proposals, label): backbonefeat, backbonefeat_ = self.backbone(img) # 14 *14 #print(backbonefeat.shape) #print(backbonefeat_.shape) #print(backbonefeat) #print('backbonefeat shape {}'.format(backbonefeat.shape)) #print('out222 \n{}'.format(backbonefeat.shape)) #print('out333 \n{}'.format(backbonefeat_.shape)) globalfeat = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(backbonefeat_, (1, 1)) globalfeat = globalfeat.view(globalfeat.shape[0], -1) # proposal gtbboxes 都是 list 里面是tensor #print('globalfeat \n {}'.format(globalfeat.shape)) # 筛选proposal #print('before {}'.format(proposals[0].shape)) #print('gtbox {}'.format(gtbboxes[0].shape)) for ii in range(len(gtbboxes)): tem_proposal = [] iofs = bbox_overlaps(proposals[ii][:, :4].double(), gtbboxes[ii].double(), mode='iof', is_aligned=False) # iofs = iofs.sum(1) for jj, iof in enumerate(iofs): if iof >= 0.2: tem_proposal.append(proposals[ii][jj]) if tem_proposal: proposals[ii] = torch.stack(tem_proposal, 0) #print(proposals[ii].shape) assert proposals[ii].dim() == 2 else: proposals[ii] = (gtbboxes[ii], torch.zeros( (gtbboxes[ii].size(0), 1)).cuda()), 1) # 如果没有符合要求的proposal,就让person box作为 proposal proposals[ii] = proposals[ii].double() #print('after{}'.format(proposals[0].shape)) #list 中的proposal可以是5列或者4列 都可以转换一样的roi proposals = bbox2roi( proposals ) #(list[Tensor]) --》Tensor: shape (n, 5), [batch_ind, x1, y1, x2, y2] proposals = proposals.cuda().float() idxs = proposals[:, 0].data.cpu().numpy() #print('proposal shape {}'.format(proposals.shape)) bbox_feat = self.roiextract([backbonefeat.float()], proposals) #只有一个尺度无FPN,所以list里面只有一个尺度的feat #print('bbox feat shape {}'.format(bbox_feat.shape)) #print(torch.sum(bbox_feat[0])) split_bbox_feat = [] start = 0 for ii, index in enumerate(idxs): if ii != len(idxs) - 1 and index == idxs[ii + 1]: continue else: end = ii + 1 mean_proposal = bbox_feat[start:end].sum(0) split_bbox_feat.append(mean_proposal) start = ii + 1 #print(index) #print((split_bbox_feat)) bbox_feat = torch.stack(split_bbox_feat, 0) # B , c ,7 ,7 bbox_feat = self.conv1(bbox_feat) bbox_feat = self.conv2(bbox_feat) #print(bbox_feat.shape) bbox_feat = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(bbox_feat, (1, 1)) #B , c ,1 ,1 #print('bboxfeat \n{}'.format(bbox_feat.shape)) #print(bbox_feat.shape) assert bbox_feat.shape[1] == 2048 bbox_feat = bbox_feat.view(bbox_feat.size(0), -1) end_feat =, bbox_feat), 1) output = self.fc(end_feat) return output
def nms_resampling_discrete(self, proposals, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, a_r, a_c, a_f): assert any(gt_labels > 0) # proposal is considered as background when its iou with gt < 0.3 select_thresh = 0.3 out = [] rare, common, frequent = self.get_category_frequency(gt_labels.device) rare_gtbox = torch.zeros((2000, 4), device=gt_labels.device) rare_gtbox_idx = 0 common_gtbox = torch.zeros((2000, 4), device=gt_labels.device) common_gtbox_idx = 0 frequent_gtbox = torch.zeros((2000, 4), device=gt_labels.device) frequent_gtbox_idx = 0 for gt_bbox, gt_label in zip(gt_bboxes, gt_labels): if gt_label in rare: rare_gtbox[rare_gtbox_idx, ...] = gt_bbox rare_gtbox_idx += 1 elif gt_label in common: common_gtbox[common_gtbox_idx, ...] = gt_bbox common_gtbox_idx += 1 else: frequent_gtbox[frequent_gtbox_idx, ...] = gt_bbox frequent_gtbox_idx += 1 rare_gtbox = rare_gtbox[:rare_gtbox_idx, ...] common_gtbox = common_gtbox[:common_gtbox_idx, ...] frequent_proposals, _ = nms(proposals, a_f) if len(rare_gtbox) > 0: rare_proposals, _ = nms(proposals, a_r) rare_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(rare_gtbox, rare_proposals[:, :4]) rare_max_overlaps, rare_argmax_overlaps = rare_overlaps.max(dim=0) rare_pos_inds = rare_max_overlaps >= select_thresh rare_proposals = rare_proposals[rare_pos_inds, :] out.append(rare_proposals) frequent_rare_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(rare_gtbox, frequent_proposals[:, :4]) frequent_rare_max_overlaps, frequent_rare_argmax_overlaps = frequent_rare_overlaps.max( dim=0) valid_inds = frequent_rare_max_overlaps < select_thresh frequent_proposals = frequent_proposals[valid_inds, :] if len(common_gtbox) > 0: common_proposals, _ = nms(proposals, a_c) common_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(common_gtbox, common_proposals[:, :4]) common_max_overlaps, common_argmax_overlaps = common_overlaps.max( dim=0) common_pos_inds = common_max_overlaps >= select_thresh common_proposals = common_proposals[common_pos_inds, :] out.append(common_proposals) frequent_common_overlaps = bbox_overlaps(common_gtbox, frequent_proposals[:, :4]) frequent_common_max_overlaps, frequent_common_argmax_overlaps = frequent_common_overlaps.max( dim=0) valid_inds = frequent_common_max_overlaps < select_thresh frequent_proposals = frequent_proposals[valid_inds, :] out.append(frequent_proposals) if len(out) > 1: out_proposals =, 0) else: out_proposals = frequent_proposals return out_proposals