def __init__(self, pdb_hierarchy, params, map_coeffs=None, difference_map_coeffs=None, ccp4_map=None, unit_cell=None, grid_spacing=0.2, sampling_method="linear", n_chi_max=4, log=None): if (log is None): log = sys.stdout adopt_init_args(self, locals()) models = pdb_hierarchy.models() if (len(models) > 1): raise Sorry("Multi-model PDB files not supported.") self.sigma = self.real_map = self.difference_map = None if (map_coeffs is not None): self.unit_cell = map_coeffs.unit_cell() if (params.sampling_method == "direct"): self.map_coeffs = self.map_coeffs.expand_to_p1() if (not map_coeffs.anomalous_flag()): self.map_coeffs = self.map_coeffs.generate_bijvoet_mates() if (sampling_method != "direct") or (params.scaling == "sigma"): fft_map = self.map_coeffs.fft_map( resolution_factor=grid_spacing) if (params.scaling == "sigma"): self.sigma = fft_map.statistics().sigma() fft_map.apply_sigma_scaling() else: fft_map.apply_volume_scaling() self.real_map = fft_map.real_map_unpadded() else: assert (ccp4_map is not None) print >> self.log, "CCP4 map statistics:" ccp4_map.show_summary(out=self.log, prefix=" ") self.real_map = # XXX assume that the map is already scaled properly (in the original # unit cell) self.sigma = 1 #ccp4_map.statistics().sigma() # XXX the unit cell that we need for the non-crystallographic # interpolation is not what comes out of the map - it's the self.unit_cell = ccp4_map.grid_unit_cell() if (difference_map_coeffs is not None): if (sampling_method == "direct"): self.difference_map_coeffs = self.difference_map_coeffs.expand_to_p1( ) if (not difference_map_coeffs.anomalous_flag()): self.difference_map_coeffs = \ self.difference_map_coeffs.generate_bijvoet_mates() if (sampling_method != "direct") or (params.scaling == "sigma"): fft_map = self.difference_map_coeffs.fft_map( resolution_factor=params.grid_spacing) if (params.scaling == "sigma"): fft_map.apply_sigma_scaling() else: fft_map.apply_volume_scaling() self.difference_map = fft_map.real_map_unpadded() results = [] from mmtbx.rotamer import sidechain_angles self.angle_lookup = sidechain_angles.SidechainAngles(False) self.sites_cart = pdb_hierarchy.atoms().extract_xyz() self.residue_groups = [] for chain in models[0].chains(): self.residue_groups.extend(chain.residue_groups()) if (params.nproc in [None, Auto]) or (params.nproc > 1): # this will be a list of lists results_ = easy_mp.pool_map(processes=params.nproc, fixed_func=self.__sample_density, args=range(len(self.residue_groups))) # now flatten it out self.results = [] for result_list in results_: self.results.extend(result_list) else: self.results = [] for i_res in range(len(self.residue_groups)): self.results.extend(self.__sample_density(i_res, verbose=True))
# correlations between residues in one ensemble a la MutInf... # # Started by Daniel Keedy in May 2013 # ############################################################## import sys import os import iotbx.pdb.hierarchy from mmtbx.rotamer import rotamer_eval from mmtbx.rotamer import sidechain_angles import iotbx.pdb.amino_acid_codes # These scorers are global variables since they hog memory (I think?) rotamer_scorer = rotamer_eval.RotamerEval() sc_angles_measurer = sidechain_angles.SidechainAngles(show_errs=True) aa_resnames = iotbx.pdb.amino_acid_codes.one_letter_given_three_letter class StructureEnsemble(): def __init__(self, nm): = nm self.conf_ensems = {} # CNIT --> ConformerEnsemble def add_structures(self, dirname): for filename in os.listdir(dirname): self.add_structure(filename) def add_structure(self, filename): pdb = iotbx.pdb.hierarchy.input(file_name=filename)
def __init__ (self, pdb_hierarchy, params, map_coeffs=None, crystal_symmetry_model=None, difference_map_coeffs=None, ccp4_map=None, unit_cell=None, grid_spacing=0.2, sampling_method="linear", n_chi_max=4, log=None) : if (log is None) : log = sys.stdout adopt_init_args(self, locals()) models = pdb_hierarchy.models() if (len(models) > 1) : raise Sorry("Multi-model PDB files not supported.") self.sigma = self.real_map = self.difference_map = None if (map_coeffs is not None) : self.unit_cell = map_coeffs.unit_cell() if (params.sampling_method == "direct") : self.map_coeffs = self.map_coeffs.expand_to_p1() if (not map_coeffs.anomalous_flag()) : self.map_coeffs = self.map_coeffs.generate_bijvoet_mates() if (sampling_method != "direct") or (params.scaling == "sigma") : fft_map = self.map_coeffs.fft_map(resolution_factor=grid_spacing) if (params.scaling == "sigma") : self.sigma = fft_map.statistics().sigma() fft_map.apply_sigma_scaling() else : fft_map.apply_volume_scaling() self.real_map = fft_map.real_map_unpadded() else : assert (ccp4_map is not None) print >> self.log, "CCP4 map statistics:" ccp4_map.show_summary(out=self.log, prefix=" ") space_group_number = ccp4_map.space_group_number from cctbx import crystal crystal_symmetry_map = crystal.symmetry(ccp4_map.unit_cell().parameters(), space_group_number) if not crystal_symmetry_model: print >> self.log, """Warning: the model does not contain symmetry information. Using map information.""" elif not crystal_symmetry_map.is_similar_symmetry(crystal_symmetry_model): print >> self.log, """Warning: The map and model appear to have different crystal symmetry information. EMRinger will assume the map symmetry data is correct and process.""" # If map space group is P1, then check that model space group is also either not present or is P1. # If both are p1 or model symmetry is not present, then do the shift. Otherwise, no shift. if space_group_number == 1 and not (crystal_symmetry_model and crystal_symmetry_model.space_group() and crystal_symmetry_model.space_group().info().type().number() != 1): import mmtbx.utils shift_manager = mmtbx.utils.shift_origin( map_data =, pdb_hierarchy = pdb_hierarchy, crystal_symmetry = crystal_symmetry_map) if not shift_manager.shift_cart == None: print >> self.log, "Warning: Model and Map use different origin. Applying origin shift to compensate." pdb_hierarchy = shift_manager.pdb_hierarchy # gives you shifted model self.real_map = shift_manager.map_data # gives you shifted map else: print >> self.log, """Warning: Structure is not P1, so automatic origin shifts cannot currently be applied""" self.real_map = # XXX assume that the map is already scaled properly (in the original # unit cell) models = pdb_hierarchy.models() self.sigma = 1 #ccp4_map.statistics().sigma() # XXX the unit cell that we need for the non-crystallographic # interpolation is not what comes out of the map - it's the self.unit_cell = ccp4_map.grid_unit_cell() if (difference_map_coeffs is not None) : if (sampling_method == "direct") : self.difference_map_coeffs = self.difference_map_coeffs.expand_to_p1() if (not difference_map_coeffs.anomalous_flag()) : self.difference_map_coeffs = \ self.difference_map_coeffs.generate_bijvoet_mates() if (sampling_method != "direct") or (params.scaling == "sigma") : fft_map = self.difference_map_coeffs.fft_map( resolution_factor=params.grid_spacing) if (params.scaling == "sigma") : fft_map.apply_sigma_scaling() else : fft_map.apply_volume_scaling() self.difference_map = fft_map.real_map_unpadded() results = [] from mmtbx.rotamer import sidechain_angles self.angle_lookup = sidechain_angles.SidechainAngles(False) self.sites_cart = pdb_hierarchy.atoms().extract_xyz() self.residue_groups = [] for chain in models[0].chains() : self.residue_groups.extend(chain.residue_groups()) if (params.nproc in [None,Auto]) or (params.nproc > 1) : # this will be a list of lists results_ = easy_mp.pool_map( processes=params.nproc, fixed_func=self.__sample_density, args=range(len(self.residue_groups))) # now flatten it out self.results = [] for result_list in results_ : self.results.extend(result_list) else : self.results = [] for i_res in range(len(self.residue_groups)) : self.results.extend(self.__sample_density(i_res, verbose=True)) if len(self.results) == 0: raise Sorry("""No residues could be scanned by EMRinger, so scores cannot be generated. There are a few problems that can lead to this, including not having modeled side chains (poly-A or poly-G models), mismatches between the map and model grid, or corrupted map density values. These problems can often be assessed with molecular graphics tools such as pymol or coot.""")