예제 #1
def test_auto_topomap_coords():
    """Test mapping of coordinates in 3D space to 2D"""
    info = Raw(fif_fname).info.copy()
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=False, eeg=True, eog=False, stim=False)

    # Remove extra digitization point, so EEG digitization points match up
    # with the EEG channels
    del info['dig'][85]

    # Remove head origin from channel locations, so mapping with digitization
    # points yields the same result
    _, origin_head, _ = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds, units='m')
    for ch in info['chs']:
        ch['loc'][:3] -= origin_head

    # Use channel locations
    l0 = _auto_topomap_coords(info, picks)

    # Remove electrode position information, use digitization points from now
    # on.
    for ch in info['chs']:

    l1 = _auto_topomap_coords(info, picks)
    assert_allclose(l1, l0, atol=1e-3)

    # Test plotting mag topomap without channel locations: it should fail
    mag_picks = pick_types(info, meg='mag')
    assert_raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, mag_picks)

    # Test function with too many EEG digitization points: it should fail
    info['dig'].append({'r': [1, 2, 3], 'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG})
    assert_raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Test function with too little EEG digitization points: it should fail
    info['dig'] = info['dig'][:-2]
    assert_raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Electrode positions must be unique
    assert_raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Test function without EEG digitization points: it should fail
    info['dig'] = [d for d in info['dig'] if d['kind'] != FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG]
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Test function without any digitization points, it should fail
    info['dig'] = None
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)
    info['dig'] = []
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)
예제 #2
def test_auto_topomap_coords():
    """Test mapping of coordinates in 3D space to 2D."""
    info = read_info(fif_fname)
    picks = pick_types(info, meg=False, eeg=True, eog=False, stim=False)

    # Remove extra digitization point, so EEG digitization points match up
    # with the EEG channels
    del info['dig'][85]

    # Remove head origin from channel locations, so mapping with digitization
    # points yields the same result
    _, origin_head, _ = fit_sphere_to_headshape(info, dig_kinds, units='m')
    for ch in info['chs']:
        ch['loc'][:3] -= origin_head

    # Use channel locations
    l0 = _auto_topomap_coords(info, picks)

    # Remove electrode position information, use digitization points from now
    # on.
    for ch in info['chs']:

    l1 = _auto_topomap_coords(info, picks)
    assert_allclose(l1, l0, atol=1e-3)

    # Test plotting mag topomap without channel locations: it should fail
    mag_picks = pick_types(info, meg='mag')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, mag_picks)

    # Test function with too many EEG digitization points: it should fail
    info['dig'].append({'r': [1, 2, 3], 'kind': FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG})
    pytest.raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Test function with too little EEG digitization points: it should fail
    info['dig'] = info['dig'][:-2]
    pytest.raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Electrode positions must be unique
    pytest.raises(ValueError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Test function without EEG digitization points: it should fail
    info['dig'] = [d for d in info['dig'] if d['kind'] != FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EEG]
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)

    # Test function without any digitization points, it should fail
    info['dig'] = None
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)
    info['dig'] = []
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, _auto_topomap_coords, info, picks)
예제 #3
    def build_cmd(self,
                  origin='0 0 40',
        """Build a NeuroMag MaxFilter command for later execution.

        See the Maxfilter manual for details on the different options!

        Things to implement
        * check that cal-file matches date in infile!
        * check that maxfilter binary is OK

        in_fname : str
            Input file name
        out_fname : str
            Output file name
        n_threads : int
            Number of parallel threads to execute on (default: 4)
        maxfilter_bin : str
            Full path to the maxfilter-executable
        logfile : str
            Full path to the output logfile
        force : bool
            Overwrite existing output (default: False)
        origin : array-like or str
            Head origin in mm. If None it will be estimated from headshape
        frame : str ('device' or 'head')
            Coordinate frame for head center
        bad : str, list (or None)
            List of static bad channels. Can be a list with channel names, or a
            string with channels (with or without the preceding 'MEG')
        autobad : string ('on', 'off', 'n')
            Sets automated bad channel detection on or off
        skip : string or a list of float-tuples (or None)
            Skips raw data sequences, time intervals pairs in sec,
            e.g.: 0 30 120 150
        force : bool
            Ignore program warnings
        st : bool
            Apply the time-domain SSS extension (tSSS)
        st_buflen : float
            tSSS buffer length in sec (disabled if st is False)
        st_corr : float
            tSSS subspace correlation limit (disabled if st is False)
        movecomp : bool (or 'inter')
            Estimates and compensates head movements in continuous raw data.
        trans : str(filename or 'default') (or None)
            Transforms the data into the coil definitions of in_fname,
            or into the default frame. If None, and movecomp is True,
            data will be movement compensated to initial head position.
        headpos : bool
            Estimates and stores head position parameters, but does not
            compensate movements
        hp : string (or None)
            Stores head position data in an ascii file
        hpistep : float (or None)
            Sets head position update interval in ms
        hpisubt : str('amp', 'base', 'off') (or None)
            Subtracts hpi signals: sine amplitudes, amp + baseline, or switch
        hpicons : bool
            Check initial consistency isotrak vs hpifit
        linefreq : int (50, 60) (or None)
            Sets the basic line interference frequency (50 or 60 Hz)
            (None: do not use line filter)
        cal : str
            Path to calibration file
        ctc : str
            Path to Cross-talk compensation file
        mx_args : str
            Additional command line arguments to pass to MaxFilter
        if not check_source_readable(in_fname):
            raise IOError('Input file {} not readable!'.format(in_fname))
        if check_destination_exists(out_fname):
            if not force:
                raise IOError('Output file {} exists, use force=True to '
        elif not check_destination_writable(out_fname):
            raise IOError('Output file {} not writable!'.format(out_fname))
        output_dir = op.dirname(out_fname)

        # determine the head origin if necessary
        if origin is None:
            self.logger.info('Estimating head origin from headshape points..')
            raw = Raw(in_fname, preload=False)
            with warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=RuntimeWarning):
                r, o_head, o_dev = fit_sphere_to_headshape(raw.info,

            self.logger.info('Fitted sphere: r = {.1f} mm'.format(r))
                'Origin head coordinates: {.1f} {.1f} {.1f} mm'.format(
                    o_head[0], o_head[1], o_head[2]))
                'Origin device coordinates: {.1f} {.1f} {.1f} mm'.format(
                    o_dev[0], o_dev[1], o_dev[2]))

            if frame == 'head':
                origin = o_head
            elif frame == 'device':
                origin = o_dev
                RuntimeError('invalid frame for origin')

        # Start building command
        cmd = (maxfilter_bin +
               ' -f {:s} -o {:s} -v '.format(in_fname, out_fname))

        if isinstance(origin, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
            origin = '{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(origin[0], origin[1],
        elif not isinstance(origin, str):
            raise (ValueError('origin must be list-like or string'))

        cmd += ' -frame {:s} -origin {:s} -v '.format(frame, origin)

        if bad is not None:
            # format the channels
            if isinstance(bad, str):
                bad = bad.split()
            bad += self.info['bad']  # combine the two
            bad = self.info['bad']

        # NB add check here that all bads in list actually exist in raw!
        if len(bad) > 0:
            # now assume we have a list of str with channel names
            bad_logic = [ch[3:] if ch.startswith('MEG') else ch for ch in bad]
            bad_str = ' '.join(bad_logic)

            cmd += '-bad {:s} '.format(bad_str)

        cmd += '-autobad {:s} '.format(autobad)

        if skip is not None:
            if isinstance(skip, list):
                skip = ' '.join(
                    ['{:.3f} {:.3f}'.format(s[0], s[1]) for s in skip])
            cmd += '-skip {:s} '.format(skip)

        if force:
            cmd += '-force '

        if st:
            cmd += '-st '
            cmd += ' {:.0f} '.format(st_buflen)
            cmd += '-corr {:.4f} '.format(st_corr)

        if trans is not None:
            cmd += '-trans {:s} '.format(trans)

        if movecomp:
            cmd += '-movecomp '
            if movecomp == 'inter':
                cmd += ' inter '

        if headpos:
            if movecomp:
                raise RuntimeError('movecomp and headpos mutually exclusive')
            cmd += '-headpos '

        if hp is not None:
            cmd += '-hp {:s} '.format(hp)

        if hpisubt is not None:
            cmd += 'hpisubt {:s} '.format(hpisubt)

        if hpicons:
            cmd += '-hpicons '

        if linefreq is not None:
            cmd += '-linefreq {:d} '.format(linefreq)

        if cal is not None:
            cmd += '-cal {:s} '.format(cal)

        if ctc is not None:
            cmd += '-ctc {:s} '.format(ctc)

        cmd += mx_args

        if logfile:
            cmd += ' | tee ' + logfile

        # NB maxfilter.q hard-coded here, remember to change if cluster changes
        self.info['io_mapping'] += [dict(input=in_fname, output=out_fname)]
예제 #4
파일: _simulate.py 프로젝트: staulu/mnefun
def simulate_movement(raw, pos, stc, trans, src, bem, cov='simple',
                      mindist=1.0, interp='linear', random_state=None,
                      n_jobs=1, verbose=None):
    """Simulate raw data with head movements

    raw : instance of Raw
        The raw instance to use. The measurement info, including the
        head positions, will be used to simulate data.
    pos : str | dict | None
        Name of the position estimates file. Should be in the format of
        the files produced by maxfilter-produced. If dict, keys should
        be the time points and entries should be 4x3 ``dev_head_t``
        matrices. If None, the original head position (from
        ``raw.info['dev_head_t']``) will be used.
    stc : instance of SourceEstimate
        The source estimate to use to simulate data. Must have the same
        sample rate as the raw data.
    trans : dict | str
        Either a transformation filename (usually made using mne_analyze)
        or an info dict (usually opened using read_trans()).
        If string, an ending of `.fif` or `.fif.gz` will be assumed to
        be in FIF format, any other ending will be assumed to be a text
        file with a 4x4 transformation matrix (like the `--trans` MNE-C
    src : str | instance of SourceSpaces
        If string, should be a source space filename. Can also be an
        instance of loaded or generated SourceSpaces.
    bem : str
        Filename of the BEM (e.g., "sample-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif").
    cov : instance of Covariance | 'simple' | None
        The sensor covariance matrix used to generate noise. If None,
        no noise will be added. If 'simple', a basic (diagonal) ad-hoc
        noise covariance will be used.
    mindist : float
        Minimum distance between sources and the inner skull boundary
        to use during forward calculation.
    interp : str
        Either 'linear' or 'zero', the type of forward-solution
        interpolation to use between provided time points.
    random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
        To specify the random generator state.
    n_jobs : int
        Number of jobs to use.
    verbose : bool, str, int, or None
        If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose).

    raw : instance of Raw
        The simulated raw file.

    Events coded with the number of the forward solution used will be placed
    in the raw files in the trigger channel STI101 at the t=0 times of the

    The resulting SNR will be determined by the structure of the noise
    covariance, and the amplitudes of the SourceEstimate. Note that this
    will vary as a function of position.
    if isinstance(raw, string_types):
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
            raw = Raw(raw, allow_maxshield=True, preload=True, verbose=False)
        raw = raw.copy()

    if not isinstance(stc, _BaseSourceEstimate):
        raise TypeError('stc must be a SourceEstimate')
    if not np.allclose(raw.info['sfreq'], 1. / stc.tstep):
        raise ValueError('stc and raw must have same sample rate')
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    if interp not in ('linear', 'zero'):
        raise ValueError('interp must be "linear" or "zero"')

    if pos is None:  # use pos from file
        dev_head_ts = [raw.info['dev_head_t']] * 2
        offsets = np.array([0, raw.n_times])
        interp = 'zero'
        if isinstance(pos, string_types):
            pos = get_chpi_positions(pos, verbose=False)
        if isinstance(pos, tuple):  # can be an already-loaded pos file
            transs, rots, ts = pos
            ts -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']  # MF files need reref
            dev_head_ts = [np.r_[np.c_[r, t[:, np.newaxis]], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]]
                           for r, t in zip(rots, transs)]
            del transs, rots
        elif isinstance(pos, dict):
            ts = np.array(list(pos.keys()), float)
            dev_head_ts = [pos[float(tt)] for tt in ts]
            raise TypeError('unknown pos type %s' % type(pos))
        if not (ts >= 0).all():  # pathological if not
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot have t < 0 in transform file')
        tend = raw.times[-1]
        assert not (ts < 0).any()
        assert not (ts > tend).any()
        if ts[0] > 0:
            ts = np.r_[[0.], ts]
            dev_head_ts.insert(0, raw.info['dev_head_t']['trans'])
        dev_head_ts = [{'trans': d, 'to': raw.info['dev_head_t']['to'],
                        'from': raw.info['dev_head_t']['from']}
                       for d in dev_head_ts]
        if ts[-1] < tend:
            ts = np.r_[ts, [tend]]
        offsets = raw.time_as_index(ts)
        offsets[-1] = raw.n_times  # fix for roundoff error
        assert offsets[-2] != offsets[-1]
        del ts
    if isinstance(cov, string_types):
        assert cov == 'simple'
        cov = make_ad_hoc_cov(raw.info, verbose=False)
    assert np.array_equal(offsets, np.unique(offsets))
    assert len(offsets) == len(dev_head_ts)
    approx_events = int((raw.n_times / raw.info['sfreq']) /
                        (stc.times[-1] - stc.times[0]))
    logger.info('Provided parameters will provide approximately %s event%s'
                % (approx_events, '' if approx_events == 1 else 's'))

    # get HPI freqs and reorder
    hpi_freqs = np.array([x['custom_ref'][0]
                          for x in raw.info['hpi_meas'][0]['hpi_coils']])
    n_freqs = len(hpi_freqs)
    order = [x['number'] - 1 for x in raw.info['hpi_meas'][0]['hpi_coils']]
    assert np.array_equal(np.unique(order), np.arange(n_freqs))
    hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[order]
    hpi_order = raw.info['hpi_results'][0]['order'] - 1
    assert np.array_equal(np.unique(hpi_order), np.arange(n_freqs))
    hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[hpi_order]

    # extract necessary info
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=True)  # for simulation
    meg_picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False)  # for CHPI
    fwd_info = pick_info(raw.info, picks)
    fwd_info['projs'] = []
    logger.info('Setting up raw data simulation using %s head position%s'
                % (len(dev_head_ts), 's' if len(dev_head_ts) != 1 else ''))

    if isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
        verts = [stc.vertices]
        verts = stc.vertices
    src = _restrict_source_space_to(src, verts)

    # figure out our cHPI, ECG, and EOG dipoles
    dig = raw.info['dig']
    assert all([d['coord_frame'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
                for d in dig if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI])
    chpi_rrs = [d['r'] for d in dig if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI]
    R, r0 = fit_sphere_to_headshape(raw.info, verbose=False)[:2]
    R /= 1000.
    r0 /= 1000.
    ecg_rr = np.array([[-R, 0, -3 * R]])
    eog_rr = [d['r'] for d in raw.info['dig']
              if d['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION][0]
    eog_rr = eog_rr - r0
    eog_rr = (eog_rr / np.sqrt(np.sum(eog_rr * eog_rr)) *
              0.98 * R)[np.newaxis, :]
    eog_rr += r0
    eog_bem = make_sphere_model(r0, head_radius=R, relative_radii=(0.99, 1.),
                                sigmas=(0.33, 0.33), verbose=False)
    # let's oscillate between resting (17 bpm) and reading (4.5 bpm) rate
    # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9399231
    blink_rate = np.cos(2 * np.pi * 1. / 60. * raw.times)
    blink_rate *= 12.5 / 60.
    blink_rate += 4.5 / 60.
    blink_data = rng.rand(raw.n_times) < blink_rate / raw.info['sfreq']
    blink_data = blink_data * (rng.rand(raw.n_times) + 0.5)  # vary amplitudes
    blink_kernel = np.hanning(int(0.25 * raw.info['sfreq']))
    eog_data = np.convolve(blink_data, blink_kernel, 'same')[np.newaxis, :]
    eog_data += rng.randn(eog_data.shape[1]) * 0.05
    eog_data *= 100e-6
    del blink_data,

    max_beats = int(np.ceil(raw.times[-1] * 70. / 60.))
    cardiac_idx = np.cumsum(rng.uniform(60. / 70., 60. / 50., max_beats) *
    cardiac_idx = cardiac_idx[cardiac_idx < raw.n_times]
    cardiac_data = np.zeros(raw.n_times)
    cardiac_data[cardiac_idx] = 1
    cardiac_kernel = np.concatenate([
        2 * np.hanning(int(0.04 * raw.info['sfreq'])),
        -0.3 * np.hanning(int(0.05 * raw.info['sfreq'])),
        0.2 * np.hanning(int(0.26 * raw.info['sfreq']))], axis=-1)
    ecg_data = np.convolve(cardiac_data, cardiac_kernel, 'same')[np.newaxis, :]
    ecg_data += rng.randn(ecg_data.shape[1]) * 0.05
    ecg_data *= 3e-4
    del cardiac_data

    # Add to data file, then rescale for simulation
    for data, scale, exg_ch in zip([eog_data, ecg_data],
                                   [1e-3, 5e-4],
                                   ['EOG062', 'ECG063']):
        ch = pick_channels(raw.ch_names, [exg_ch])
        if len(ch) == 1:
            raw._data[ch[0], :] = data
        data *= scale

    evoked = EvokedArray(np.zeros((len(picks), len(stc.times))), fwd_info,
                         stc.tmin, verbose=False)
    stc_event_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(stc.times))
    event_ch = pick_channels(raw.info['ch_names'], ['STI101'])[0]
    used = np.zeros(raw.n_times, bool)
    stc_indices = np.arange(raw.n_times) % len(stc.times)
    raw._data[event_ch, ].fill(0)
    hpi_mag = 25e-9
    last_fwd = last_fwd_chpi = last_fwd_eog = last_fwd_ecg = src_sel = None
    for fi, (fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi) in \
            fwd_info, trans, src, bem, eog_bem, dev_head_ts, mindist,
            chpi_rrs, eog_rr, ecg_rr, n_jobs)):
        # must be fixed orientation
        fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd, surf_ori=True,
                                       force_fixed=True, verbose=False)
        # just use one arbitrary direction
        fwd_eog = fwd_eog['sol']['data'][:, ::3]
        fwd_ecg = fwd_ecg['sol']['data'][:, ::3]
        fwd_chpi = fwd_chpi[:, ::3]

        if src_sel is None:
            src_sel = _stc_src_sel(fwd['src'], stc)
            if isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
                verts = [stc.vertices]
                verts = stc.vertices
            diff_ = sum([len(v) for v in verts]) - len(src_sel)
            if diff_ != 0:
                warnings.warn('%s STC vertices omitted due to fwd calculation'
                              % (diff_,))
        if last_fwd is None:
            last_fwd, last_fwd_eog, last_fwd_ecg, last_fwd_chpi = \
                fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi
        n_time = offsets[fi] - offsets[fi-1]

        time_slice = slice(offsets[fi-1], offsets[fi])
        assert not used[time_slice].any()
        stc_idxs = stc_indices[time_slice]
        event_idxs = np.where(stc_idxs == stc_event_idx)[0] + offsets[fi-1]
        used[time_slice] = True
        logger.info('  Simulating data for %0.3f-%0.3f sec with %s event%s'
                    % (tuple(offsets[fi-1:fi+1] / raw.info['sfreq']) +
                       (len(event_idxs), '' if len(event_idxs) == 1 else 's')))

        # simulate brain data
        stc_data = stc.data[:, stc_idxs][src_sel]
        data = _interp(last_fwd['sol']['data'], fwd['sol']['data'],
                       stc_data, interp)
        simulated = EvokedArray(data, evoked.info, 0)
        if cov is not None:
            noise = generate_noise_evoked(simulated, cov, [1, -1, 0.2], rng)
            simulated.data += noise.data
        assert simulated.data.shape[0] == len(picks)
        assert simulated.data.shape[1] == len(stc_idxs)
        raw._data[picks, time_slice] = simulated.data

        # add ECG, EOG, and CHPI traces
        raw._data[picks, time_slice] += \
            _interp(last_fwd_eog, fwd_eog, eog_data[:, time_slice], interp)
        raw._data[meg_picks, time_slice] += \
            _interp(last_fwd_ecg, fwd_ecg, ecg_data[:, time_slice], interp)
        this_t = np.arange(offsets[fi-1], offsets[fi]) / raw.info['sfreq']
        sinusoids = np.zeros((n_freqs, n_time))
        for fi, freq in enumerate(hpi_freqs):
            sinusoids[fi] = 2 * np.pi * freq * this_t
            sinusoids[fi] = hpi_mag * np.sin(sinusoids[fi])
        raw._data[meg_picks, time_slice] += \
            _interp(last_fwd_chpi, fwd_chpi, sinusoids, interp)

        # add events
        raw._data[event_ch, event_idxs] = fi

        # prepare for next iteration
        last_fwd, last_fwd_eog, last_fwd_ecg, last_fwd_chpi = \
            fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi
    assert used.all()
    return raw
예제 #5
파일: _simulate.py 프로젝트: staulu/mnefun
def simulate_movement(raw,
    """Simulate raw data with head movements

    raw : instance of Raw
        The raw instance to use. The measurement info, including the
        head positions, will be used to simulate data.
    pos : str | dict | None
        Name of the position estimates file. Should be in the format of
        the files produced by maxfilter-produced. If dict, keys should
        be the time points and entries should be 4x3 ``dev_head_t``
        matrices. If None, the original head position (from
        ``raw.info['dev_head_t']``) will be used.
    stc : instance of SourceEstimate
        The source estimate to use to simulate data. Must have the same
        sample rate as the raw data.
    trans : dict | str
        Either a transformation filename (usually made using mne_analyze)
        or an info dict (usually opened using read_trans()).
        If string, an ending of `.fif` or `.fif.gz` will be assumed to
        be in FIF format, any other ending will be assumed to be a text
        file with a 4x4 transformation matrix (like the `--trans` MNE-C
    src : str | instance of SourceSpaces
        If string, should be a source space filename. Can also be an
        instance of loaded or generated SourceSpaces.
    bem : str
        Filename of the BEM (e.g., "sample-5120-5120-5120-bem-sol.fif").
    cov : instance of Covariance | 'simple' | None
        The sensor covariance matrix used to generate noise. If None,
        no noise will be added. If 'simple', a basic (diagonal) ad-hoc
        noise covariance will be used.
    mindist : float
        Minimum distance between sources and the inner skull boundary
        to use during forward calculation.
    interp : str
        Either 'linear' or 'zero', the type of forward-solution
        interpolation to use between provided time points.
    random_state : None | int | np.random.RandomState
        To specify the random generator state.
    n_jobs : int
        Number of jobs to use.
    verbose : bool, str, int, or None
        If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose).

    raw : instance of Raw
        The simulated raw file.

    Events coded with the number of the forward solution used will be placed
    in the raw files in the trigger channel STI101 at the t=0 times of the

    The resulting SNR will be determined by the structure of the noise
    covariance, and the amplitudes of the SourceEstimate. Note that this
    will vary as a function of position.
    if isinstance(raw, string_types):
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
            raw = Raw(raw, allow_maxshield=True, preload=True, verbose=False)
        raw = raw.copy()

    if not isinstance(stc, _BaseSourceEstimate):
        raise TypeError('stc must be a SourceEstimate')
    if not np.allclose(raw.info['sfreq'], 1. / stc.tstep):
        raise ValueError('stc and raw must have same sample rate')
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)
    if interp not in ('linear', 'zero'):
        raise ValueError('interp must be "linear" or "zero"')

    if pos is None:  # use pos from file
        dev_head_ts = [raw.info['dev_head_t']] * 2
        offsets = np.array([0, raw.n_times])
        interp = 'zero'
        if isinstance(pos, string_types):
            pos = get_chpi_positions(pos, verbose=False)
        if isinstance(pos, tuple):  # can be an already-loaded pos file
            transs, rots, ts = pos
            ts -= raw.first_samp / raw.info['sfreq']  # MF files need reref
            dev_head_ts = [
                np.r_[np.c_[r, t[:, np.newaxis]], [[0, 0, 0, 1]]]
                for r, t in zip(rots, transs)
            del transs, rots
        elif isinstance(pos, dict):
            ts = np.array(list(pos.keys()), float)
            dev_head_ts = [pos[float(tt)] for tt in ts]
            raise TypeError('unknown pos type %s' % type(pos))
        if not (ts >= 0).all():  # pathological if not
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot have t < 0 in transform file')
        tend = raw.times[-1]
        assert not (ts < 0).any()
        assert not (ts > tend).any()
        if ts[0] > 0:
            ts = np.r_[[0.], ts]
            dev_head_ts.insert(0, raw.info['dev_head_t']['trans'])
        dev_head_ts = [{
            'trans': d,
            'to': raw.info['dev_head_t']['to'],
            'from': raw.info['dev_head_t']['from']
        } for d in dev_head_ts]
        if ts[-1] < tend:
            ts = np.r_[ts, [tend]]
        offsets = raw.time_as_index(ts)
        offsets[-1] = raw.n_times  # fix for roundoff error
        assert offsets[-2] != offsets[-1]
        del ts
    if isinstance(cov, string_types):
        assert cov == 'simple'
        cov = make_ad_hoc_cov(raw.info, verbose=False)
    assert np.array_equal(offsets, np.unique(offsets))
    assert len(offsets) == len(dev_head_ts)
    approx_events = int(
        (raw.n_times / raw.info['sfreq']) / (stc.times[-1] - stc.times[0]))
    logger.info('Provided parameters will provide approximately %s event%s' %
                (approx_events, '' if approx_events == 1 else 's'))

    # get HPI freqs and reorder
    hpi_freqs = np.array(
        [x['custom_ref'][0] for x in raw.info['hpi_meas'][0]['hpi_coils']])
    n_freqs = len(hpi_freqs)
    order = [x['number'] - 1 for x in raw.info['hpi_meas'][0]['hpi_coils']]
    assert np.array_equal(np.unique(order), np.arange(n_freqs))
    hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[order]
    hpi_order = raw.info['hpi_results'][0]['order'] - 1
    assert np.array_equal(np.unique(hpi_order), np.arange(n_freqs))
    hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[hpi_order]

    # extract necessary info
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=True)  # for simulation
    meg_picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False)  # for CHPI
    fwd_info = pick_info(raw.info, picks)
    fwd_info['projs'] = []
    logger.info('Setting up raw data simulation using %s head position%s' %
                (len(dev_head_ts), 's' if len(dev_head_ts) != 1 else ''))

    if isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
        verts = [stc.vertices]
        verts = stc.vertices
    src = _restrict_source_space_to(src, verts)

    # figure out our cHPI, ECG, and EOG dipoles
    dig = raw.info['dig']
    assert all([
        d['coord_frame'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD for d in dig
        if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI
    chpi_rrs = [d['r'] for d in dig if d['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI]
    R, r0 = fit_sphere_to_headshape(raw.info, verbose=False)[:2]
    R /= 1000.
    r0 /= 1000.
    ecg_rr = np.array([[-R, 0, -3 * R]])
    eog_rr = [
        d['r'] for d in raw.info['dig']
        if d['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION
    eog_rr = eog_rr - r0
    eog_rr = (eog_rr / np.sqrt(np.sum(eog_rr * eog_rr)) * 0.98 *
              R)[np.newaxis, :]
    eog_rr += r0
    eog_bem = make_sphere_model(r0,
                                relative_radii=(0.99, 1.),
                                sigmas=(0.33, 0.33),
    # let's oscillate between resting (17 bpm) and reading (4.5 bpm) rate
    # http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9399231
    blink_rate = np.cos(2 * np.pi * 1. / 60. * raw.times)
    blink_rate *= 12.5 / 60.
    blink_rate += 4.5 / 60.
    blink_data = rng.rand(raw.n_times) < blink_rate / raw.info['sfreq']
    blink_data = blink_data * (rng.rand(raw.n_times) + 0.5)  # vary amplitudes
    blink_kernel = np.hanning(int(0.25 * raw.info['sfreq']))
    eog_data = np.convolve(blink_data, blink_kernel, 'same')[np.newaxis, :]
    eog_data += rng.randn(eog_data.shape[1]) * 0.05
    eog_data *= 100e-6
    del blink_data,

    max_beats = int(np.ceil(raw.times[-1] * 70. / 60.))
    cardiac_idx = np.cumsum(
        rng.uniform(60. / 70., 60. / 50., max_beats) *
    cardiac_idx = cardiac_idx[cardiac_idx < raw.n_times]
    cardiac_data = np.zeros(raw.n_times)
    cardiac_data[cardiac_idx] = 1
    cardiac_kernel = np.concatenate([
        2 * np.hanning(int(0.04 * raw.info['sfreq'])),
        -0.3 * np.hanning(int(0.05 * raw.info['sfreq'])),
        0.2 * np.hanning(int(0.26 * raw.info['sfreq']))
    ecg_data = np.convolve(cardiac_data, cardiac_kernel, 'same')[np.newaxis, :]
    ecg_data += rng.randn(ecg_data.shape[1]) * 0.05
    ecg_data *= 3e-4
    del cardiac_data

    # Add to data file, then rescale for simulation
    for data, scale, exg_ch in zip([eog_data, ecg_data], [1e-3, 5e-4],
                                   ['EOG062', 'ECG063']):
        ch = pick_channels(raw.ch_names, [exg_ch])
        if len(ch) == 1:
            raw._data[ch[0], :] = data
        data *= scale

    evoked = EvokedArray(np.zeros((len(picks), len(stc.times))),
    stc_event_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(stc.times))
    event_ch = pick_channels(raw.info['ch_names'], ['STI101'])[0]
    used = np.zeros(raw.n_times, bool)
    stc_indices = np.arange(raw.n_times) % len(stc.times)
    raw._data[event_ch, ].fill(0)
    hpi_mag = 25e-9
    last_fwd = last_fwd_chpi = last_fwd_eog = last_fwd_ecg = src_sel = None
    for fi, (fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi) in \
            fwd_info, trans, src, bem, eog_bem, dev_head_ts, mindist,
            chpi_rrs, eog_rr, ecg_rr, n_jobs)):
        # must be fixed orientation
        fwd = convert_forward_solution(fwd,
        # just use one arbitrary direction
        fwd_eog = fwd_eog['sol']['data'][:, ::3]
        fwd_ecg = fwd_ecg['sol']['data'][:, ::3]
        fwd_chpi = fwd_chpi[:, ::3]

        if src_sel is None:
            src_sel = _stc_src_sel(fwd['src'], stc)
            if isinstance(stc, VolSourceEstimate):
                verts = [stc.vertices]
                verts = stc.vertices
            diff_ = sum([len(v) for v in verts]) - len(src_sel)
            if diff_ != 0:
                    '%s STC vertices omitted due to fwd calculation' %
                    (diff_, ))
        if last_fwd is None:
            last_fwd, last_fwd_eog, last_fwd_ecg, last_fwd_chpi = \
                fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi
        n_time = offsets[fi] - offsets[fi - 1]

        time_slice = slice(offsets[fi - 1], offsets[fi])
        assert not used[time_slice].any()
        stc_idxs = stc_indices[time_slice]
        event_idxs = np.where(stc_idxs == stc_event_idx)[0] + offsets[fi - 1]
        used[time_slice] = True
        logger.info('  Simulating data for %0.3f-%0.3f sec with %s event%s' %
                    (tuple(offsets[fi - 1:fi + 1] / raw.info['sfreq']) +
                     (len(event_idxs), '' if len(event_idxs) == 1 else 's')))

        # simulate brain data
        stc_data = stc.data[:, stc_idxs][src_sel]
        data = _interp(last_fwd['sol']['data'], fwd['sol']['data'], stc_data,
        simulated = EvokedArray(data, evoked.info, 0)
        if cov is not None:
            noise = generate_noise_evoked(simulated, cov, [1, -1, 0.2], rng)
            simulated.data += noise.data
        assert simulated.data.shape[0] == len(picks)
        assert simulated.data.shape[1] == len(stc_idxs)
        raw._data[picks, time_slice] = simulated.data

        # add ECG, EOG, and CHPI traces
        raw._data[picks, time_slice] += \
            _interp(last_fwd_eog, fwd_eog, eog_data[:, time_slice], interp)
        raw._data[meg_picks, time_slice] += \
            _interp(last_fwd_ecg, fwd_ecg, ecg_data[:, time_slice], interp)
        this_t = np.arange(offsets[fi - 1], offsets[fi]) / raw.info['sfreq']
        sinusoids = np.zeros((n_freqs, n_time))
        for fi, freq in enumerate(hpi_freqs):
            sinusoids[fi] = 2 * np.pi * freq * this_t
            sinusoids[fi] = hpi_mag * np.sin(sinusoids[fi])
        raw._data[meg_picks, time_slice] += \
            _interp(last_fwd_chpi, fwd_chpi, sinusoids, interp)

        # add events
        raw._data[event_ch, event_idxs] = fi

        # prepare for next iteration
        last_fwd, last_fwd_eog, last_fwd_ecg, last_fwd_chpi = \
            fwd, fwd_eog, fwd_ecg, fwd_chpi
    assert used.all()
    return raw
예제 #6
    def build_maxfilter_cmd(self, in_fname, out_fname, origin='0 0 40',
                            frame='head', bad=None, autobad='off', skip=None,
                            force=False, st=False, st_buflen=16.0,
                            st_corr=0.96, trans=None, movecomp=False,
                            headpos=False, hp=None, hpistep=None,
                            hpisubt=None, hpicons=True, linefreq=None,
                            cal=None, ctc=None, mx_args='',

        """Build a NeuroMag MaxFilter command for later execution.

        See the Maxfilter manual for details on the different options!

        Things to implement
        * check that cal-file matches date in infile!
        * check that maxfilter binary is OK

        in_fname : str
            Input file name
        out_fname : str
            Output file name
        maxfilter_bin : str
            Full path to the maxfilter-executable
        logfile : str
            Full path to the output logfile
        force : bool
            Overwrite existing output (default: False)
        origin : array-like or str
            Head origin in mm. If None it will be estimated from headshape
        frame : str ('device' or 'head')
            Coordinate frame for head center
        bad : str, list (or None)
            List of static bad channels. Can be a list with channel names, or a
            string with channels (with or without the preceding 'MEG')
        autobad : string ('on', 'off', 'n')
            Sets automated bad channel detection on or off
        skip : string or a list of float-tuples (or None)
            Skips raw data sequences, time intervals pairs in sec,
            e.g.: 0 30 120 150
        force : bool
            Ignore program warnings
        st : bool
            Apply the time-domain SSS extension (tSSS)
        st_buflen : float
            tSSS buffer length in sec (disabled if st is False)
        st_corr : float
            tSSS subspace correlation limit (disabled if st is False)
        movecomp : bool (or 'inter')
            Estimates and compensates head movements in continuous raw data.
        trans : str(filename or 'default') (or None)
            Transforms the data into the coil definitions of in_fname,
            or into the default frame. If None, and movecomp is True,
            data will be movement compensated to initial head position.
        headpos : bool
            Estimates and stores head position parameters, but does not
            compensate movements
        hp : string (or None)
            Stores head position data in an ascii file
        hpistep : float (or None)
            Sets head position update interval in ms
        hpisubt : str('amp', 'base', 'off') (or None)
            Subtracts hpi signals: sine amplitudes, amp + baseline, or switch
        hpicons : bool
            Check initial consistency isotrak vs hpifit
        linefreq : int (50, 60) (or None)
            Sets the basic line interference frequency (50 or 60 Hz)
            (None: do not use line filter)
        cal : str
            Path to calibration file
        ctc : str
            Path to Cross-talk compensation file
        mx_args : str
            Additional command line arguments to pass to MaxFilter
        # determine the head origin if necessary
        if origin is None:
            self.logger.info('Estimating head origin from headshape points..')
            raw = Raw(in_fname, preload=False)
            with warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=RuntimeWarning):
                r, o_head, o_dev = fit_sphere_to_headshape(raw.info,

            self.logger.info('Fitted sphere: r = {.1f} mm'.format(r))
            self.logger.info('Origin head coordinates: {.1f} {.1f} {.1f} mm'.
                             format(o_head[0], o_head[1], o_head[2]))
            self.logger.info('Origin device coordinates: {.1f} {.1f} {.1f} mm'.
                             format(o_dev[0], o_dev[1], o_dev[2]))

            if frame == 'head':
                origin = o_head
            elif frame == 'device':
                origin = o_dev
                RuntimeError('invalid frame for origin')

        # Start building command
        cmd = (maxfilter_bin + ' -f {:s} -o {:s} -v '.format(in_fname,

        if isinstance(origin, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
            origin = '{:.1f} {:.1f} {:.1f}'.format(origin[0],
                                                   origin[1], origin[2])
        elif not isinstance(origin, str):
            raise(ValueError('origin must be list-like or string'))

        cmd += ' -frame {:s} -origin {:s} -v '.format(frame, origin)

        if bad is not None:
            # format the channels
            if isinstance(bad, str):
                bad = bad.split()
            bad += self.info['bad']  # combine the two
            bad = self.info['bad']

        if len(bad) > 0:
            # now assume we have a list of str with channel names
            bad_logic = [ch[3:] if ch.startswith('MEG') else ch for ch in bad]
            bad_str = ' '.join(bad_logic)

            cmd += '-bad {:s} '.format(bad_str)

        cmd += '-autobad {:s} '.format(autobad)

        if skip is not None:
            if isinstance(skip, list):
                skip = ' '.join(['{:.3f} {:.3f}'.format(s[0], s[1])
                                for s in skip])
            cmd += '-skip {:s} '.format(skip)

        if force:
            cmd += '-force '

        if st:
            cmd += '-st '
            cmd += ' {:.0f} '.format(st_buflen)
            cmd += '-corr {:.4f} '.format(st_corr)

        if trans is not None:
            cmd += '-trans {:s} '.format(trans)

        if movecomp:
            cmd += '-movecomp '
            if movecomp == 'inter':
                cmd += ' inter '

        if headpos:
            if movecomp:
                raise RuntimeError('movecomp and headpos mutually exclusive')
            cmd += '-headpos '

        if hp is not None:
            cmd += '-hp {:s} '.format(hp)

        if hpisubt is not None:
            cmd += 'hpisubt {:s} '.format(hpisubt)

        if hpicons:
            cmd += '-hpicons '

        if linefreq is not None:
            cmd += '-linefreq {:d} '.format(linefreq)

        if cal is not None:
            cmd += '-cal {:s} '.format(cal)

        if ctc is not None:
            cmd += '-ctc {:s} '.format(ctc)

        cmd += mx_args

        if logfile:
            cmd += ' | tee ' + logfile

        self.info['cmd'] += [cmd]
        self.info['io_mapping'] += [dict(input=in_fname, output=out_fname)]
예제 #7
def push_raw_files(p, subjects, run_indices):
    """Push raw files to SSS workstation"""
    from ._sss import calc_median_hp
    if len(subjects) == 0:
    print('  Pushing raw files to SSS workstation...')
    # do all copies at once to avoid multiple logins
    shutil.copy2(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), 'run_sss.sh'), p.work_dir)
    includes = ['--include', op.sep + 'run_sss.sh']
    if not isinstance(p.trans_to, str):
        raise TypeError(' Illegal head transformation argument to MaxFilter.')
    elif p.trans_to not in ('default', 'median'):
        includes += ['--include', op.sep + p.trans_to]
    for si, subj in enumerate(subjects):
        subj_dir = op.join(p.work_dir, subj)
        raw_dir = op.join(subj_dir, p.raw_dir)

        out_pos = op.join(raw_dir, subj + '_center.txt')
        if not op.isfile(out_pos):
            print('    Determining head center for %s... ' % subj, end='')
            in_fif = op.join(
                safe_inserter(p.run_names[0], subj) + p.raw_fif_tag)
            if p.dig_with_eeg:
                dig_kinds = (FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA, FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_LPA,
                             FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION, FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_RPA,
                dig_kinds = (FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA, )
            origin_head = fit_sphere_to_headshape(read_info(in_fif),
            out_string = ' '.join(
                ['%0.0f' % np.round(number) for number in origin_head])
            with open(out_pos, 'w') as fid:

        med_pos = op.join(raw_dir, subj + '_median_pos.fif')
        if not op.isfile(med_pos):
            calc_median_hp(p, subj, med_pos, run_indices[si])
        root = op.sep + subj
        raw_root = op.join(root, p.raw_dir)
        includes += [
            '--include', root, '--include', raw_root, '--include',
            op.join(raw_root, op.basename(out_pos)), '--include',
            op.join(raw_root, op.basename(med_pos))
        prebad_file = _prebad(p, subj)
        includes += ['--include', op.join(raw_root, op.basename(prebad_file))]
        fnames = get_raw_fnames(p, subj, 'raw', True, True, run_indices[si])
        assert len(fnames) > 0
        for fname in fnames:
            assert op.isfile(fname), fname
            includes += ['--include', op.join(raw_root, op.basename(fname))]
    assert ' ' not in p.sws_dir
    assert ' ' not in p.sws_ssh
    cmd = (['rsync', '-aLve',
            'ssh -p %s' % p.sws_port, '--partial'] + includes +
           ['--exclude', '*'])
    cmd += ['.', '%s:%s' % (p.sws_ssh, op.join(p.sws_dir, ''))]