예제 #1
def test_add_patch_info():
    """Test adding patch info to source space."""
    # let's setup a small source space
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_small)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(fname_small)
    for s in src_new:
        s['nearest'] = None
        s['nearest_dist'] = None
        s['pinfo'] = None

    # test that no patch info is added for small dist_limit
        add_source_space_distances(src_new, dist_limit=0.00001)
    except RuntimeError:  # what we throw when scipy version is wrong
        assert all(s['nearest'] is None for s in src_new)
        assert all(s['nearest_dist'] is None for s in src_new)
        assert all(s['pinfo'] is None for s in src_new)

    # now let's use one that works

    for s1, s2 in zip(src, src_new):
        assert_array_equal(s1['nearest'], s2['nearest'])
        assert_allclose(s1['nearest_dist'], s2['nearest_dist'], atol=1e-7)
        assert_equal(len(s1['pinfo']), len(s2['pinfo']))
        for p1, p2 in zip(s1['pinfo'], s2['pinfo']):
            assert_array_equal(p1, p2)
예제 #2
def test_add_patch_info():
    """Test adding patch info to source space"""
    # let's setup a small source space
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_small)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(fname_small)
    for s in src_new:
        s['nearest'] = None
        s['nearest_dist'] = None
        s['pinfo'] = None

    # test that no patch info is added for small dist_limit
        add_source_space_distances(src_new, dist_limit=0.00001)
    except RuntimeError:  # what we throw when scipy version is wrong
        assert_true(all(s['nearest'] is None for s in src_new))
        assert_true(all(s['nearest_dist'] is None for s in src_new))
        assert_true(all(s['pinfo'] is None for s in src_new))

    # now let's use one that works

    for s1, s2 in zip(src, src_new):
        assert_array_equal(s1['nearest'], s2['nearest'])
        assert_allclose(s1['nearest_dist'], s2['nearest_dist'], atol=1e-7)
        assert_equal(len(s1['pinfo']), len(s2['pinfo']))
        for p1, p2 in zip(s1['pinfo'], s2['pinfo']):
            assert_array_equal(p1, p2)
예제 #3
def test_crop():
    """Test cropping raw files
    # split a concatenated file to test a difficult case
    raw = Raw([fif_fname, fif_fname], preload=False)
    split_size = 10.  # in seconds
    sfreq = raw.info['sfreq']
    nsamp = (raw.last_samp - raw.first_samp + 1)

    # do an annoying case (off-by-one splitting)
    tmins = np.r_[1., np.round(np.arange(0., nsamp - 1, split_size * sfreq))]
    tmins = np.sort(tmins)
    tmaxs = np.concatenate((tmins[1:] - 1, [nsamp - 1]))
    tmaxs /= sfreq
    tmins /= sfreq
    raws = [None] * len(tmins)
    for ri, (tmin, tmax) in enumerate(zip(tmins, tmaxs)):
        raws[ri] = raw.crop(tmin, tmax, True)
    all_raw_2 = concatenate_raws(raws, preload=False)
    assert_equal(raw.first_samp, all_raw_2.first_samp)
    assert_equal(raw.last_samp, all_raw_2.last_samp)
    assert_array_equal(raw[:, :][0], all_raw_2[:, :][0])

    tmins = np.round(np.arange(0., nsamp - 1, split_size * sfreq))
    tmaxs = np.concatenate((tmins[1:] - 1, [nsamp - 1]))
    tmaxs /= sfreq
    tmins /= sfreq

    # going in revere order so the last fname is the first file (need it later)
    raws = [None] * len(tmins)
    for ri, (tmin, tmax) in enumerate(zip(tmins, tmaxs)):
        raws[ri] = raw.copy()
        raws[ri].crop(tmin, tmax, False)
    # test concatenation of split file
    all_raw_1 = concatenate_raws(raws, preload=False)

    all_raw_2 = raw.crop(0, None, True)
    for ar in [all_raw_1, all_raw_2]:
        assert_equal(raw.first_samp, ar.first_samp)
        assert_equal(raw.last_samp, ar.last_samp)
        assert_array_equal(raw[:, :][0], ar[:, :][0])

    # test shape consistency of cropped raw
    data = np.zeros((1, 1002001))
    info = create_info(1, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    for tmin in range(0, 1001, 100):
        raw1 = raw.crop(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmin + 2, copy=True)
        assert_equal(raw1[:][0].shape, (1, 2001))
예제 #4
def test_crop():
    """Test cropping raw files
    # split a concatenated file to test a difficult case
    raw = Raw([fif_fname, fif_fname], preload=False)
    split_size = 10.  # in seconds
    sfreq = raw.info['sfreq']
    nsamp = (raw.last_samp - raw.first_samp + 1)

    # do an annoying case (off-by-one splitting)
    tmins = np.r_[1., np.round(np.arange(0., nsamp - 1, split_size * sfreq))]
    tmins = np.sort(tmins)
    tmaxs = np.concatenate((tmins[1:] - 1, [nsamp - 1]))
    tmaxs /= sfreq
    tmins /= sfreq
    raws = [None] * len(tmins)
    for ri, (tmin, tmax) in enumerate(zip(tmins, tmaxs)):
        raws[ri] = raw.crop(tmin, tmax, True)
    all_raw_2 = concatenate_raws(raws, preload=False)
    assert_equal(raw.first_samp, all_raw_2.first_samp)
    assert_equal(raw.last_samp, all_raw_2.last_samp)
    assert_array_equal(raw[:, :][0], all_raw_2[:, :][0])

    tmins = np.round(np.arange(0., nsamp - 1, split_size * sfreq))
    tmaxs = np.concatenate((tmins[1:] - 1, [nsamp - 1]))
    tmaxs /= sfreq
    tmins /= sfreq

    # going in revere order so the last fname is the first file (need it later)
    raws = [None] * len(tmins)
    for ri, (tmin, tmax) in enumerate(zip(tmins, tmaxs)):
        raws[ri] = raw.copy()
        raws[ri].crop(tmin, tmax, False)
    # test concatenation of split file
    all_raw_1 = concatenate_raws(raws, preload=False)

    all_raw_2 = raw.crop(0, None, True)
    for ar in [all_raw_1, all_raw_2]:
        assert_equal(raw.first_samp, ar.first_samp)
        assert_equal(raw.last_samp, ar.last_samp)
        assert_array_equal(raw[:, :][0], ar[:, :][0])

    # test shape consistency of cropped raw
    data = np.zeros((1, 1002001))
    info = create_info(1, 1000)
    raw = RawArray(data, info)
    for tmin in range(0, 1001, 100):
        raw1 = raw.crop(tmin=tmin, tmax=tmin + 2, copy=True)
        assert_equal(raw1[:][0].shape, (1, 2001))
예제 #5
def test_drop_epochs_mult():
    """Test that subselecting epochs or making less epochs is equivalent"""
    for preload in [True, False]:
        epochs1 = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1, 'b': 2},
                         tmin, tmax, picks=picks, reject=reject,
        epochs2 = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1},
                         tmin, tmax, picks=picks, reject=reject,

        if preload:
            # In the preload case you cannot know the bads if already ignored
            assert_equal(len(epochs1.drop_log), len(epochs2.drop_log))
            for d1, d2 in zip(epochs1.drop_log, epochs2.drop_log):
                if d1 == ['IGNORED']:
                    assert_true(d2 == ['IGNORED'])
                if d1 != ['IGNORED'] and d1 != []:
                    assert_true((d2 == d1) or (d2 == ['IGNORED']))
                if d1 == []:
                    assert_true(d2 == [])
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.events, epochs2.events)
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.selection, epochs2.selection)
            # In the non preload is should be exactly the same
            assert_equal(epochs1.drop_log, epochs2.drop_log)
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.events, epochs2.events)
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.selection, epochs2.selection)
예제 #6
def test_add_source_space_distances_limited():
    """Test adding distances to source space with a dist_limit."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(fname)
    del src_new[0]['dist']
    del src_new[1]['dist']
    n_do = 200  # limit this for speed
    src_new[0]['vertno'] = src_new[0]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    src_new[1]['vertno'] = src_new[1]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    out_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
        add_source_space_distances(src_new, dist_limit=0.007)
    except RuntimeError:  # what we throw when scipy version is wrong
        raise SkipTest('dist_limit requires scipy > 0.13')
    write_source_spaces(out_name, src_new)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(out_name)

    for so, sn in zip(src, src_new):
        assert_array_equal(so['dist_limit'], np.array([-0.007], np.float32))
        assert_array_equal(sn['dist_limit'], np.array([0.007], np.float32))
        do = so['dist']
        dn = sn['dist']

        # clean out distances > 0.007 in C code
        do.data[do.data > 0.007] = 0

        # make sure we have some comparable distances
        assert np.sum(do.data < 0.007) > 400

        # do comparison over the region computed
        d = (do - dn)[:sn['vertno'][n_do - 1]][:, :sn['vertno'][n_do - 1]]
        assert_allclose(np.zeros_like(d.data), d.data, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
예제 #7
def test_subject_info():
    """Test reading subject information
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 1, False)
    assert_true(raw.info['subject_info'] is None)
    # fake some subject data
    keys = ['id', 'his_id', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'birthday', 'sex',
    vals = [1, 'foobar', 'bar', 'foo', (1901, 2, 3), 0, 1]
    subject_info = dict()
    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        subject_info[key] = val
    raw.info['subject_info'] = subject_info
    out_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_subj_info_raw.fif')
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for key in keys:
        assert_equal(subject_info[key], raw_read.info['subject_info'][key])
    assert_equal(raw.info['meas_date'], raw_read.info['meas_date'])
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for this_raw in (raw, raw_read):
        assert_true(this_raw.info.get('subject_info') is None)
        assert_equal(this_raw.info['meas_date'], [0, 0])
    assert_equal(raw.info['file_id']['secs'], 0)
    assert_equal(raw.info['meas_id']['secs'], 0)
    # When we write out with raw.save, these get overwritten with the
    # new save time
    assert_true(raw_read.info['file_id']['secs'] > 0)
    assert_true(raw_read.info['meas_id']['secs'] > 0)
예제 #8
def test_subject_info():
    """Test reading subject information
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 1, False)
    assert_true(raw.info['subject_info'] is None)
    # fake some subject data
    keys = ['id', 'his_id', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'birthday', 'sex',
    vals = [1, 'foobar', 'bar', 'foo', (1901, 2, 3), 0, 1]
    subject_info = dict()
    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        subject_info[key] = val
    raw.info['subject_info'] = subject_info
    out_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_subj_info_raw.fif')
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for key in keys:
        assert_equal(subject_info[key], raw_read.info['subject_info'][key])
    assert_true(raw_read.info.get('subject_info') is None)
    out_fname_anon = op.join(tempdir, 'test_subj_info_anon_raw.fif')
    raw_read.save(out_fname_anon, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname_anon)
    assert_true(raw_read.info.get('subject_info') is None)
예제 #9
def test_evoked_standard_error():
    """Test calculation and read/write of standard error
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:4], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=picks,
                    baseline=(None, 0))
    evoked = [epochs.average(), epochs.standard_error()]
    io.write_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), evoked)
    evoked2 = read_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), [0, 1])
    evoked3 = [read_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), 'Unknown'),
               read_evokeds(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), 'Unknown',
    for evoked_new in [evoked2, evoked3]:
        assert_true(evoked_new[0]._aspect_kind ==
        assert_true(evoked_new[0].kind == 'average')
        assert_true(evoked_new[1]._aspect_kind ==
        assert_true(evoked_new[1].kind == 'standard_error')
        for ave, ave2 in zip(evoked, evoked_new):
            assert_array_almost_equal(ave.data, ave2.data)
            assert_array_almost_equal(ave.times, ave2.times)
            assert_equal(ave.nave, ave2.nave)
            assert_equal(ave._aspect_kind, ave2._aspect_kind)
            assert_equal(ave.kind, ave2.kind)
            assert_equal(ave.last, ave2.last)
            assert_equal(ave.first, ave2.first)
예제 #10
def test_subject_info():
    """Test reading subject information
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 1, copy=False)
    assert_true(raw.info['subject_info'] is None)
    # fake some subject data
    keys = [
        'id', 'his_id', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'birthday', 'sex', 'hand'
    vals = [1, 'foobar', 'bar', 'foo', (1901, 2, 3), 0, 1]
    subject_info = dict()
    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        subject_info[key] = val
    raw.info['subject_info'] = subject_info
    out_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_subj_info_raw.fif')
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for key in keys:
        assert_equal(subject_info[key], raw_read.info['subject_info'][key])
    assert_equal(raw.info['meas_date'], raw_read.info['meas_date'])
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for this_raw in (raw, raw_read):
        assert_true(this_raw.info.get('subject_info') is None)
        assert_equal(this_raw.info['meas_date'], [0, 0])
    assert_equal(raw.info['file_id']['secs'], 0)
    assert_equal(raw.info['meas_id']['secs'], 0)
    # When we write out with raw.save, these get overwritten with the
    # new save time
    assert_true(raw_read.info['file_id']['secs'] > 0)
    assert_true(raw_read.info['meas_id']['secs'] > 0)
예제 #11
def test_volume_source_space():
    """Test setting up volume source spaces
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_vol)
    temp_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem, s_id=FIFF.FIFFV_BEM_SURF_ID_BRAIN)
    surf['rr'] *= 1e3  # convert to mm
    # The one in the testing dataset (uses bem as bounds)
    for bem, surf in zip((fname_bem, None), (None, surf)):
        src_new = setup_volume_source_space('sample',
        src[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'  # XXX: to make comparison pass
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
        del src_new
        src_new = read_source_spaces(temp_name)
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
        surface='foo',  # bad surf
    assert_equal(repr(src), repr(src_new))
    assert_equal(src.kind, 'volume')
예제 #12
def test_subject_info():
    """Test reading subject information
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw = Raw(fif_fname)
    raw.crop(0, 1, False)
    assert_true(raw.info['subject_info'] is None)
    # fake some subject data
    keys = ['id', 'his_id', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'birthday', 'sex',
    vals = [1, 'foobar', 'bar', 'foo', (1901, 2, 3), 0, 1]
    subject_info = dict()
    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        subject_info[key] = val
    raw.info['subject_info'] = subject_info
    out_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_subj_info_raw.fif')
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for key in keys:
        assert_equal(subject_info[key], raw_read.info['subject_info'][key])
    assert_true(raw_read.info.get('subject_info') is None)
    out_fname_anon = op.join(tempdir, 'test_subj_info_anon_raw.fif')
    raw_read.save(out_fname_anon, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname_anon)
    assert_true(raw_read.info.get('subject_info') is None)
예제 #13
def test_add_source_space_distances_limited():
    """Test adding distances to source space with a dist_limit"""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(fname)
    del src_new[0]['dist']
    del src_new[1]['dist']
    n_do = 200  # limit this for speed
    src_new[0]['vertno'] = src_new[0]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    src_new[1]['vertno'] = src_new[1]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    out_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
        add_source_space_distances(src_new, dist_limit=0.007)
    except RuntimeError:  # what we throw when scipy version is wrong
        raise SkipTest('dist_limit requires scipy > 0.13')
    write_source_spaces(out_name, src_new)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(out_name)

    for so, sn in zip(src, src_new):
        assert_array_equal(so['dist_limit'], np.array([-0.007], np.float32))
        assert_array_equal(sn['dist_limit'], np.array([0.007], np.float32))
        do = so['dist']
        dn = sn['dist']

        # clean out distances > 0.007 in C code
        do.data[do.data > 0.007] = 0

        # make sure we have some comparable distances
        assert_true(np.sum(do.data < 0.007) > 400)

        # do comparison over the region computed
        d = (do - dn)[:sn['vertno'][n_do - 1]][:, :sn['vertno'][n_do - 1]]
        assert_allclose(np.zeros_like(d.data), d.data, rtol=0, atol=1e-6)
예제 #14
def test_volume_source_space():
    """Test setting up volume source spaces."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_vol)
    temp_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem, s_id=FIFF.FIFFV_BEM_SURF_ID_BRAIN)
    surf['rr'] *= 1e3  # convert to mm
    # The one in the testing dataset (uses bem as bounds)
    for bem, surf in zip((fname_bem, None), (None, surf)):
        src_new = setup_volume_source_space(
            'sample', pos=7.0, bem=bem, surface=surf, mri='T1.mgz',
        write_source_spaces(temp_name, src_new, overwrite=True)
        src[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'  # XXX: to make comparison pass
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
        del src_new
        src_new = read_source_spaces(temp_name)
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
    pytest.raises(IOError, setup_volume_source_space, 'sample',
                  pos=7.0, bem=None, surface='foo',  # bad surf
                  mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    assert repr(src) == repr(src_new)
    assert src.kind == 'volume'
    # Spheres
    sphere = make_sphere_model(r0=(0., 0., 0.), head_radius=0.1,
                               relative_radii=(0.9, 1.0), sigmas=(0.33, 1.0))
    src = setup_volume_source_space(pos=10)
    src_new = setup_volume_source_space(pos=10, sphere=sphere)
    _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='exact')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, setup_volume_source_space, sphere='foo')
    # Need a radius
    sphere = make_sphere_model(head_radius=None)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, setup_volume_source_space, sphere=sphere)
예제 #15
def test_volume_source_space():
    """Test setting up volume source spaces."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_vol)
    temp_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem, s_id=FIFF.FIFFV_BEM_SURF_ID_BRAIN)
    surf['rr'] *= 1e3  # convert to mm
    # The one in the testing dataset (uses bem as bounds)
    for bem, surf in zip((fname_bem, None), (None, surf)):
        src_new = setup_volume_source_space(
            'sample', pos=7.0, bem=bem, surface=surf, mri='T1.mgz',
        write_source_spaces(temp_name, src_new, overwrite=True)
        src[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'  # XXX: to make comparison pass
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
        del src_new
        src_new = read_source_spaces(temp_name)
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
    pytest.raises(IOError, setup_volume_source_space, 'sample',
                  pos=7.0, bem=None, surface='foo',  # bad surf
                  mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    assert repr(src) == repr(src_new)
    assert src.kind == 'volume'
    # Spheres
    sphere = make_sphere_model(r0=(0., 0., 0.), head_radius=0.1,
                               relative_radii=(0.9, 1.0), sigmas=(0.33, 1.0))
    src = setup_volume_source_space(pos=10)
    src_new = setup_volume_source_space(pos=10, sphere=sphere)
    _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='exact')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, setup_volume_source_space, sphere='foo')
    # Need a radius
    sphere = make_sphere_model(head_radius=None)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, setup_volume_source_space, sphere=sphere)
예제 #16
def test_evoked_standard_error():
    """Test calculation and read/write of standard error
    epochs = Epochs(raw,
                    baseline=(None, 0))
    evoked = [epochs.average(), epochs.standard_error()]
    fiff.write_evoked(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), evoked)
    evoked2 = read_evoked(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), [0, 1])
    evoked3 = [
        read_evoked(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'), 'Unknown'),
        read_evoked(op.join(tempdir, 'evoked.fif'),
    for evoked_new in [evoked2, evoked3]:
            evoked_new[0]._aspect_kind == fiff.FIFF.FIFFV_ASPECT_AVERAGE)
        assert_true(evoked_new[0].kind == 'average')
            evoked_new[1]._aspect_kind == fiff.FIFF.FIFFV_ASPECT_STD_ERR)
        assert_true(evoked_new[1].kind == 'standard_error')
        for ave, ave2 in zip(evoked, evoked_new):
            assert_array_almost_equal(ave.data, ave2.data)
            assert_array_almost_equal(ave.times, ave2.times)
            assert_equal(ave.nave, ave2.nave)
            assert_equal(ave._aspect_kind, ave2._aspect_kind)
            assert_equal(ave.kind, ave2.kind)
            assert_equal(ave.last, ave2.last)
            assert_equal(ave.first, ave2.first)
예제 #17
def test_make_field_map_meeg():
    """Test making a M/EEG field map onto helmet & head."""
    evoked = read_evokeds(evoked_fname, baseline=(-0.2, 0.0))[0]
    picks = pick_types(evoked.info, meg=True, eeg=True)
    picks = picks[::10]
    evoked.pick_channels([evoked.ch_names[p] for p in picks])
    maps = make_field_map(evoked,
    assert_equal(maps[0]['data'].shape, (642, 6))  # EEG->Head
    assert_equal(maps[1]['data'].shape, (304, 31))  # MEG->Helmet
    # reasonable ranges
    maxs = (1.2, 2.0)  # before #4418, was (1.1, 2.0)
    mins = (-0.8, -1.3)  # before #4418, was (-0.6, -1.2)
    assert_equal(len(maxs), len(maps))
    for map_, max_, min_ in zip(maps, maxs, mins):
        assert_allclose(map_['data'].max(), max_, rtol=5e-2)
        assert_allclose(map_['data'].min(), min_, rtol=5e-2)
    # calculated from correct looking mapping on 2015/12/26
        19.0903,  # 16.6088,
        19.4748,  # 20.1245,
예제 #18
def test_drop_epochs_mult():
    """Test that subselecting epochs or making less epochs is equivalent"""
    for preload in [True, False]:
        epochs1 = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1, 'b': 2},
                         tmin, tmax, picks=picks, reject=reject,
        epochs2 = Epochs(raw, events, {'a': 1},
                         tmin, tmax, picks=picks, reject=reject,

        if preload:
            # In the preload case you cannot know the bads if already ignored
            assert_equal(len(epochs1.drop_log), len(epochs2.drop_log))
            for d1, d2 in zip(epochs1.drop_log, epochs2.drop_log):
                if d1 == ['IGNORED']:
                    assert_true(d2 == ['IGNORED'])
                if d1 != ['IGNORED'] and d1 != []:
                    assert_true((d2 == d1) or (d2 == ['IGNORED']))
                if d1 == []:
                    assert_true(d2 == [])
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.events, epochs2.events)
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.selection, epochs2.selection)
            # In the non preload is should be exactly the same
            assert_equal(epochs1.drop_log, epochs2.drop_log)
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.events, epochs2.events)
            assert_array_equal(epochs1.selection, epochs2.selection)
def test_morphed_source_space_return():
    """Test returning a morphed source space to the original subject"""
    # let's create some random data on fsaverage
    data = rng.randn(20484, 1)
    tmin, tstep = 0, 1.
    src_fs = read_source_spaces(fname_fs)
    stc_fs = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in src_fs],
                            tmin, tstep, 'fsaverage')

    # Create our morph source space
    src_morph = morph_source_spaces(src_fs, 'sample',

    # Morph the data over using standard methods
    stc_morph = stc_fs.morph('sample', [s['vertno'] for s in src_morph],
                             smooth=1, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # We can now pretend like this was real data we got e.g. from an inverse.
    # To be complete, let's remove some vertices
    keeps = [np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(v)))[:len(v) - 10])
             for v in stc_morph.vertices]
    stc_morph = SourceEstimate(
        [v[k] for v, k in zip(stc_morph.vertices, keeps)], tmin, tstep,

    # Return it to the original subject
    stc_morph_return = stc_morph.to_original_src(
        src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # Compare to the original data
    stc_morph_morph = stc_morph.morph('fsaverage', stc_morph_return.vertices,
    assert_equal(stc_morph_return.subject, stc_morph_morph.subject)
    for ii in range(2):
    # These will not match perfectly because morphing pushes data around
    corr = np.corrcoef(stc_morph_return.data[:, 0],
                       stc_morph_morph.data[:, 0])[0, 1]
    assert_true(corr > 0.99, corr)

    # Degenerate cases
    stc_morph.subject = None  # no .subject provided
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    stc_morph.subject = 'sample'
    del src_fs[0]['subject_his_id']  # no name in src_fsaverage
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'fsaverage'  # name mismatch
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='foo', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)  # wrong source space
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
예제 #20
def test_morphed_source_space_return():
    """Test returning a morphed source space to the original subject"""
    # let's create some random data on fsaverage
    data = rng.randn(20484, 1)
    tmin, tstep = 0, 1.
    src_fs = read_source_spaces(fname_fs)
    stc_fs = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in src_fs],
                            tmin, tstep, 'fsaverage')

    # Create our morph source space
    src_morph = morph_source_spaces(src_fs, 'sample',

    # Morph the data over using standard methods
    stc_morph = stc_fs.morph('sample', [s['vertno'] for s in src_morph],
                             smooth=1, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # We can now pretend like this was real data we got e.g. from an inverse.
    # To be complete, let's remove some vertices
    keeps = [np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(v)))[:len(v) - 10])
             for v in stc_morph.vertices]
    stc_morph = SourceEstimate(
        [v[k] for v, k in zip(stc_morph.vertices, keeps)], tmin, tstep,

    # Return it to the original subject
    stc_morph_return = stc_morph.to_original_src(
        src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # Compare to the original data
    stc_morph_morph = stc_morph.morph('fsaverage', stc_morph_return.vertices,
    assert_equal(stc_morph_return.subject, stc_morph_morph.subject)
    for ii in range(2):
    # These will not match perfectly because morphing pushes data around
    corr = np.corrcoef(stc_morph_return.data[:, 0],
                       stc_morph_morph.data[:, 0])[0, 1]
    assert_true(corr > 0.99, corr)

    # Degenerate cases
    stc_morph.subject = None  # no .subject provided
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    stc_morph.subject = 'sample'
    del src_fs[0]['subject_his_id']  # no name in src_fsaverage
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'fsaverage'  # name mismatch
    assert_raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='foo', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)  # wrong source space
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
예제 #21
def test_crop():
    """Test cropping raw files
    # split a concatenated file to test a difficult case
    raw = Raw([fif_fname, fif_fname], preload=False)
    split_size = 10.0  # in seconds
    sfreq = raw.info["sfreq"]
    nsamp = raw.last_samp - raw.first_samp + 1

    # do an annoying case (off-by-one splitting)
    tmins = np.r_[1.0, np.round(np.arange(0.0, nsamp - 1, split_size * sfreq))]
    tmins = np.sort(tmins)
    tmaxs = np.concatenate((tmins[1:] - 1, [nsamp - 1]))
    tmaxs /= sfreq
    tmins /= sfreq
    raws = [None] * len(tmins)
    for ri, (tmin, tmax) in enumerate(zip(tmins, tmaxs)):
        raws[ri] = raw.crop(tmin, tmax, True)
    all_raw_2 = concatenate_raws(raws, preload=False)
    assert_equal(raw.first_samp, all_raw_2.first_samp)
    assert_equal(raw.last_samp, all_raw_2.last_samp)
    assert_array_equal(raw[:, :][0], all_raw_2[:, :][0])

    tmins = np.round(np.arange(0.0, nsamp - 1, split_size * sfreq))
    tmaxs = np.concatenate((tmins[1:] - 1, [nsamp - 1]))
    tmaxs /= sfreq
    tmins /= sfreq

    # going in revere order so the last fname is the first file (need it later)
    raws = [None] * len(tmins)
    for ri, (tmin, tmax) in enumerate(zip(tmins, tmaxs)):
        raws[ri] = raw.copy()
        raws[ri].crop(tmin, tmax, False)
    # test concatenation of split file
    all_raw_1 = concatenate_raws(raws, preload=False)

    all_raw_2 = raw.crop(0, None, True)
    for ar in [all_raw_1, all_raw_2]:
        assert_equal(raw.first_samp, ar.first_samp)
        assert_equal(raw.last_samp, ar.last_samp)
        assert_array_equal(raw[:, :][0], ar[:, :][0])
예제 #22
def test_legendre_val():
    """Test Legendre polynomial (derivative) equivalence."""
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    # check table equiv
    xs = np.linspace(-1., 1., 1000)
    n_terms = 100

    # True, numpy
    vals_np = legendre.legvander(xs, n_terms - 1)

    # Table approximation
    for nc, interp in zip([100, 50], ['nearest', 'linear']):
        lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('eeg', n_coeff=nc, force_calc=True)
        lut_fun = interp1d(np.linspace(-1, 1, lut.shape[0]),
        vals_i = lut_fun(xs)
        # Need a "1:" here because we omit the first coefficient in our table!
        assert_allclose(vals_np[:, 1:vals_i.shape[1] + 1],

        # Now let's look at our sums
        ctheta = rng.rand(20, 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
        beta = rng.rand(20, 30) * 0.8
        c1 = _comp_sum_eeg(beta.flatten(), ctheta.flatten(), lut_fun, n_fact)
        c1.shape = beta.shape

        # compare to numpy
        n = np.arange(1, n_terms, dtype=float)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        coeffs = np.zeros((n_terms, ) + beta.shape)
        coeffs[1:] = (np.cumprod([beta] * (n_terms - 1), axis=0) *
                      (2.0 * n + 1.0) * (2.0 * n + 1.0) / n)
        # can't use tensor=False here b/c it isn't in old numpy
        c2 = np.empty((20, 30))
        for ci1 in range(20):
            for ci2 in range(30):
                c2[ci1, ci2] = legendre.legval(ctheta[ci1, ci2], coeffs[:, ci1,
        assert_allclose(c1, c2, 1e-2, 1e-3)  # close enough...

    # compare fast and slow for MEG
    ctheta = rng.rand(20 * 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
    beta = rng.rand(20 * 30) * 0.8
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=10, force_calc=True)
    fun = interp1d(np.linspace(-1, 1, lut.shape[0]), lut, 'nearest', axis=0)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=20, force_calc=True)
    fun = interp1d(np.linspace(-1, 1, lut.shape[0]), lut, 'linear', axis=0)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
예제 #23
def test_triangle_neighbors():
    """Test efficient vertex neighboring triangles for surfaces"""
    this = read_source_spaces(fname)[0]
    this["neighbor_tri"] = [list() for _ in range(this["np"])]
    for p in range(this["ntri"]):
        verts = this["tris"][p]
    this["neighbor_tri"] = [np.array(nb, int) for nb in this["neighbor_tri"]]

    neighbor_tri = _triangle_neighbors(this["tris"], this["np"])
    assert_true(np.array_equal(nt1, nt2) for nt1, nt2 in zip(neighbor_tri, this["neighbor_tri"]))
예제 #24
def test_vertex_to_mni():
    """Test conversion of vertices to MNI coordinates
    # obtained using "tksurfer (sample/fsaverage) (l/r)h white"
    vertices = [100960, 7620, 150549, 96761]
    coords_s = np.array([[-60.86, -11.18, -3.19], [-36.46, -93.18, -2.36],
                         [-38.00, 50.08, -10.61], [47.14, 8.01, 46.93]])
    coords_f = np.array([[-41.28, -40.04, 18.20], [-6.05, 49.74, -18.15],
                         [-61.71, -14.55, 20.52], [21.70, -60.84, 25.02]])
    hemis = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    for coords, subject in zip([coords_s, coords_f], ['sample', 'fsaverage']):
        coords_2 = vertex_to_mni(vertices, hemis, subject, subjects_dir)
        # less than 1mm error
        assert_allclose(coords, coords_2, atol=1.0)
예제 #25
def test_triangle_neighbors():
    """Test efficient vertex neighboring triangles for surfaces."""
    this = read_source_spaces(fname)[0]
    this['neighbor_tri'] = [list() for _ in range(this['np'])]
    for p in range(this['ntri']):
        verts = this['tris'][p]
    this['neighbor_tri'] = [np.array(nb, int) for nb in this['neighbor_tri']]

    neighbor_tri = _triangle_neighbors(this['tris'], this['np'])
    assert all(np.array_equal(nt1, nt2)
               for nt1, nt2 in zip(neighbor_tri, this['neighbor_tri']))
예제 #26
def test_vertex_to_mni():
    """Test conversion of vertices to MNI coordinates
    # obtained using "tksurfer (sample/fsaverage) (l/r)h white"
    vertices = [100960, 7620, 150549, 96761]
    coords_s = np.array([[-60.86, -11.18, -3.19], [-36.46, -93.18, -2.36],
                         [-38.00, 50.08, -10.61], [47.14, 8.01, 46.93]])
    coords_f = np.array([[-41.28, -40.04, 18.20], [-6.05, 49.74, -18.15],
                         [-61.71, -14.55, 20.52], [21.70, -60.84, 25.02]])
    hemis = [0, 0, 0, 1]
    for coords, subject in zip([coords_s, coords_f], ['sample', 'fsaverage']):
        coords_2 = vertex_to_mni(vertices, hemis, subject, subjects_dir)
        # less than 1mm error
        assert_allclose(coords, coords_2, atol=1.0)
def test_legendre_val():
    """Test Legendre polynomial (derivative) equivalence
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    # check table equiv
    xs = np.linspace(-1., 1., 1000)
    n_terms = 100

    # True, numpy
    vals_np = legendre.legvander(xs, n_terms - 1)

    # Table approximation
    for fun, nc in zip([_get_legen_lut_fast, _get_legen_lut_accurate],
                       [100, 50]):
        lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('eeg', n_coeff=nc, force_calc=True)
        vals_i = fun(xs, lut)
        # Need a "1:" here because we omit the first coefficient in our table!
        assert_allclose(vals_np[:, 1:vals_i.shape[1] + 1], vals_i,
                        rtol=1e-2, atol=5e-3)

        # Now let's look at our sums
        ctheta = rng.rand(20, 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
        beta = rng.rand(20, 30) * 0.8
        lut_fun = partial(fun, lut=lut)
        c1 = _comp_sum_eeg(beta.flatten(), ctheta.flatten(), lut_fun, n_fact)
        c1.shape = beta.shape

        # compare to numpy
        n = np.arange(1, n_terms, dtype=float)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        coeffs = np.zeros((n_terms,) + beta.shape)
        coeffs[1:] = (np.cumprod([beta] * (n_terms - 1), axis=0) *
                      (2.0 * n + 1.0) * (2.0 * n + 1.0) / n)
        # can't use tensor=False here b/c it isn't in old numpy
        c2 = np.empty((20, 30))
        for ci1 in range(20):
            for ci2 in range(30):
                c2[ci1, ci2] = legendre.legval(ctheta[ci1, ci2],
                                               coeffs[:, ci1, ci2])
        assert_allclose(c1, c2, 1e-2, 1e-3)  # close enough...

    # compare fast and slow for MEG
    ctheta = rng.rand(20 * 30) * 2.0 - 1.0
    beta = rng.rand(20 * 30) * 0.8
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=10, force_calc=True)
    fun = partial(_get_legen_lut_fast, lut=lut)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
    lut, n_fact = _get_legen_table('meg', n_coeff=20, force_calc=True)
    fun = partial(_get_legen_lut_accurate, lut=lut)
    coeffs = _comp_sums_meg(beta, ctheta, fun, n_fact, False)
예제 #28
def test_output_formats():
    """Test saving and loading raw data using multiple formats
    formats = ["short", "int", "single", "double"]
    tols = [1e-4, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-15]

    # let's fake a raw file with different formats
    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    raw.crop(0, 1, copy=False)

    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, "raw.fif")
    for ii, (format, tol) in enumerate(zip(formats, tols)):
        # Let's test the overwriting error throwing while we're at it
        if ii > 0:
            assert_raises(IOError, raw.save, temp_file, format=format)
        raw.save(temp_file, format=format, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(temp_file)
        raw2_data = raw2[:, :][0]
        assert_allclose(raw2_data, raw._data, rtol=tol, atol=1e-25)
        assert_true(raw2.orig_format == format)
예제 #29
def test_output_formats():
    """Test saving and loading raw data using multiple formats
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    formats = ['short', 'int', 'single', 'double']
    tols = [1e-4, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-15]

    # let's fake a raw file with different formats
    raw = Raw(test_fif_fname).crop(0, 1, copy=False)

    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'raw.fif')
    for ii, (fmt, tol) in enumerate(zip(formats, tols)):
        # Let's test the overwriting error throwing while we're at it
        if ii > 0:
            assert_raises(IOError, raw.save, temp_file, fmt=fmt)
        raw.save(temp_file, fmt=fmt, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(temp_file)
        raw2_data = raw2[:, :][0]
        assert_allclose(raw2_data, raw[:, :][0], rtol=tol, atol=1e-25)
        assert_equal(raw2.orig_format, fmt)
예제 #30
def test_output_formats():
    """Test saving and loading raw data using multiple formats
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    formats = ['short', 'int', 'single', 'double']
    tols = [1e-4, 1e-7, 1e-7, 1e-15]

    # let's fake a raw file with different formats
    raw = Raw(test_fif_fname).crop(0, 1, copy=False)

    temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'raw.fif')
    for ii, (fmt, tol) in enumerate(zip(formats, tols)):
        # Let's test the overwriting error throwing while we're at it
        if ii > 0:
            assert_raises(IOError, raw.save, temp_file, fmt=fmt)
        raw.save(temp_file, fmt=fmt, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(temp_file)
        raw2_data = raw2[:, :][0]
        assert_allclose(raw2_data, raw[:, :][0], rtol=tol, atol=1e-25)
        assert_equal(raw2.orig_format, fmt)
def test_volume_source_space():
    """Test setting up volume source spaces
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_vol)
    temp_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem, s_id=FIFF.FIFFV_BEM_SURF_ID_BRAIN)
    surf['rr'] *= 1e3  # convert to mm
    # The one in the testing dataset (uses bem as bounds)
    for bem, surf in zip((fname_bem, None), (None, surf)):
        src_new = setup_volume_source_space('sample', temp_name, pos=7.0,
                                            bem=bem, surface=surf,
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
        del src_new
        src_new = read_source_spaces(temp_name)
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
    assert_raises(IOError, setup_volume_source_space, 'sample', temp_name,
                  pos=7.0, bem=None, surface='foo',  # bad surf
                  mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
예제 #32
def test_add_source_space_distances():
    """Test adding distances to source space."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(fname)
    del src_new[0]['dist']
    del src_new[1]['dist']
    n_do = 19  # limit this for speed
    src_new[0]['vertno'] = src_new[0]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    src_new[1]['vertno'] = src_new[1]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    out_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    n_jobs = 2
    assert n_do % n_jobs != 0
    add_source_space_distances(src_new, n_jobs=n_jobs)
    write_source_spaces(out_name, src_new)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(out_name)

    # iterate over both hemispheres
    for so, sn in zip(src, src_new):
        v = so['vertno'][:n_do]
        assert_array_equal(so['dist_limit'], np.array([-0.007], np.float32))
        assert_array_equal(sn['dist_limit'], np.array([np.inf], np.float32))
        do = so['dist']
        dn = sn['dist']

        # clean out distances > 0.007 in C code (some residual), and Python
        ds = list()
        for d in [do, dn]:
            d.data[d.data > 0.007] = 0
            d = d[v][:, v]

        # make sure we actually calculated some comparable distances
        assert np.sum(ds[0].data < 0.007) > 10

        # do comparison
        d = ds[0] - ds[1]
        assert_allclose(np.zeros_like(d.data), d.data, rtol=0, atol=1e-9)
예제 #33
def test_add_source_space_distances():
    """Test adding distances to source space"""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(fname)
    del src_new[0]['dist']
    del src_new[1]['dist']
    n_do = 19  # limit this for speed
    src_new[0]['vertno'] = src_new[0]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    src_new[1]['vertno'] = src_new[1]['vertno'][:n_do].copy()
    out_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    n_jobs = 2
    assert_true(n_do % n_jobs != 0)
    add_source_space_distances(src_new, n_jobs=n_jobs)
    write_source_spaces(out_name, src_new)
    src_new = read_source_spaces(out_name)

    # iterate over both hemispheres
    for so, sn in zip(src, src_new):
        v = so['vertno'][:n_do]
        assert_array_equal(so['dist_limit'], np.array([-0.007], np.float32))
        assert_array_equal(sn['dist_limit'], np.array([np.inf], np.float32))
        do = so['dist']
        dn = sn['dist']

        # clean out distances > 0.007 in C code (some residual), and Python
        ds = list()
        for d in [do, dn]:
            d.data[d.data > 0.007] = 0
            d = d[v][:, v]

        # make sure we actually calculated some comparable distances
        assert_true(np.sum(ds[0].data < 0.007) > 10)

        # do comparison
        d = ds[0] - ds[1]
        assert_allclose(np.zeros_like(d.data), d.data, rtol=0, atol=1e-9)
예제 #34
def test_volume_source_space():
    """Test setting up volume source spaces."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_vol)
    temp_name = op.join(tempdir, 'temp-src.fif')
    surf = read_bem_surfaces(fname_bem, s_id=FIFF.FIFFV_BEM_SURF_ID_BRAIN)
    surf['rr'] *= 1e3  # convert to mm
    # The one in the testing dataset (uses bem as bounds)
    for bem, surf in zip((fname_bem, None), (None, surf)):
        src_new = setup_volume_source_space(
            'sample', pos=7.0, bem=bem, surface=surf, mri='T1.mgz',
        write_source_spaces(temp_name, src_new, overwrite=True)
        src[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'  # XXX: to make comparison pass
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
        del src_new
        src_new = read_source_spaces(temp_name)
        _compare_source_spaces(src, src_new, mode='approx')
    assert_raises(IOError, setup_volume_source_space, 'sample',
                  pos=7.0, bem=None, surface='foo',  # bad surf
                  mri=fname_mri, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    assert_equal(repr(src), repr(src_new))
    assert_equal(src.kind, 'volume')
예제 #35
def test_compensation_raw_mne():
    """Test Raw compensation by comparing with MNE
    tempdir = _TempDir()

    def compensate_mne(fname, grad):
        tmp_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'mne_ctf_test_raw.fif')
        cmd = ['mne_process_raw', '--raw', fname, '--save', tmp_fname,
               '--grad', str(grad), '--projoff', '--filteroff']
        return Raw(tmp_fname, preload=True)

    for grad in [0, 2, 3]:
        raw_py = Raw(ctf_comp_fname, preload=True, compensation=grad)
        raw_c = compensate_mne(ctf_comp_fname, grad)
        assert_allclose(raw_py._data, raw_c._data, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-17)
        assert_equal(raw_py.info['nchan'], raw_c.info['nchan'])
        for ch_py, ch_c in zip(raw_py.info['chs'], raw_c.info['chs']):
            for key in ('ch_name', 'coil_type', 'scanno', 'logno', 'unit',
                        'coord_frame', 'kind'):
                assert_equal(ch_py[key], ch_c[key])
            for key in ('loc', 'unit_mul', 'range', 'cal'):
                assert_allclose(ch_py[key], ch_c[key])
예제 #36
def test_make_field_map_meeg():
    """Test making a M/EEG field map onto helmet & head."""
    evoked = read_evokeds(evoked_fname, baseline=(-0.2, 0.0))[0]
    picks = pick_types(evoked.info, meg=True, eeg=True)
    picks = picks[::10]
    evoked.pick_channels([evoked.ch_names[p] for p in picks])
    maps = make_field_map(evoked, trans_fname, subject='sample',
                          subjects_dir=subjects_dir, n_jobs=1, verbose='debug')
    assert_equal(maps[0]['data'].shape, (642, 6))  # EEG->Head
    assert_equal(maps[1]['data'].shape, (304, 31))  # MEG->Helmet
    # reasonable ranges
    maxs = (1.2, 2.0)  # before #4418, was (1.1, 2.0)
    mins = (-0.8, -1.3)  # before #4418, was (-0.6, -1.2)
    assert_equal(len(maxs), len(maps))
    for map_, max_, min_ in zip(maps, maxs, mins):
        assert_allclose(map_['data'].max(), max_, rtol=5e-2)
        assert_allclose(map_['data'].min(), min_, rtol=5e-2)
    # calculated from correct looking mapping on 2015/12/26
    assert_allclose(np.sqrt(np.sum(maps[0]['data'] ** 2)), 19.0903,  # 16.6088,
                    atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
    assert_allclose(np.sqrt(np.sum(maps[1]['data'] ** 2)), 19.4748,  # 20.1245,
                    atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-3)
예제 #37
def test_subject_info():
    """Test reading subject information
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 1, False)
    assert_true(raw.info["subject_info"] is None)
    # fake some subject data
    keys = ["id", "his_id", "last_name", "first_name", "birthday", "sex", "hand"]
    vals = [1, "foobar", "bar", "foo", (1901, 2, 3), 0, 1]
    subject_info = dict()
    for key, val in zip(keys, vals):
        subject_info[key] = val
    raw.info["subject_info"] = subject_info
    out_fname = op.join(tempdir, "test_subj_info_raw.fif")
    raw.save(out_fname, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname)
    for key in keys:
        assert_equal(subject_info[key], raw_read.info["subject_info"][key])
    assert_true(raw_read.info.get("subject_info") is None)
    out_fname_anon = op.join(tempdir, "test_subj_info_anon_raw.fif")
    raw_read.save(out_fname_anon, overwrite=True)
    raw_read = Raw(out_fname_anon)
    assert_true(raw_read.info.get("subject_info") is None)
예제 #38
def test_morphed_source_space_return():
    """Test returning a morphed source space to the original subject."""
    # let's create some random data on fsaverage
    data = rng.randn(20484, 1)
    tmin, tstep = 0, 1.
    src_fs = read_source_spaces(fname_fs)
    stc_fs = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in src_fs],
                            tmin, tstep, 'fsaverage')

    # Create our morph source space
    src_morph = morph_source_spaces(src_fs, 'sample',

    # Morph the data over using standard methods
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='vertices not included'):
        stc_morph = SourceMorph(subject_to='sample', subject_from='fsaverage',
                                spacing=[s['vertno'] for s in src_morph],
                                smooth=1, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)(stc_fs)

    # We can now pretend like this was real data we got e.g. from an inverse.
    # To be complete, let's remove some vertices
    keeps = [np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(v)))[:len(v) - 10])
             for v in stc_morph.vertices]
    stc_morph = SourceEstimate(
        [v[k] for v, k in zip(stc_morph.vertices, keeps)], tmin, tstep,

    # Return it to the original subject
    stc_morph_return = stc_morph.to_original_src(
        src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # Compare to the original data
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='vertices not included'):
        stc_morph_morph = SourceMorph(subject_to='fsaverage',

    assert_equal(stc_morph_return.subject, stc_morph_morph.subject)
    for ii in range(2):
    # These will not match perfectly because morphing pushes data around
    corr = np.corrcoef(stc_morph_return.data[:, 0],
                       stc_morph_morph.data[:, 0])[0, 1]
    assert corr > 0.99, corr

    # Explicitly test having two vertices map to the same target vertex. We
    # simulate this by having two vertices be at the same position.
    src_fs2 = src_fs.copy()
    vert1, vert2 = src_fs2[0]['vertno'][:2]
    src_fs2[0]['rr'][vert1] = src_fs2[0]['rr'][vert2]
    stc_morph_return = stc_morph.to_original_src(
        src_fs2, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # test to_original_src method result equality
    for ii in range(2):

    # These will not match perfectly because morphing pushes data around
    corr = np.corrcoef(stc_morph_return.data[:, 0],
                       stc_morph_morph.data[:, 0])[0, 1]
    assert corr > 0.99, corr

    # Degenerate cases
    stc_morph.subject = None  # no .subject provided
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    stc_morph.subject = 'sample'
    del src_fs[0]['subject_his_id']  # no name in src_fsaverage
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'fsaverage'  # name mismatch
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='foo', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)  # wrong source space
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
예제 #39
def _compare_source_spaces(src0, src1, mode='exact'):
    """Compare two source spaces

    Note: this function is also used by forward/tests/test_make_forward.py
    for s0, s1 in zip(src0, src1):
        for name in ['nuse', 'ntri', 'np', 'type', 'id']:
            assert_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
        for name in ['subject_his_id']:
            if name in s0 or name in s1:
                assert_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
        for name in ['interpolator']:
            if name in s0 or name in s1:
                diffs = (s0['interpolator'] - s1['interpolator']).data
                if len(diffs) > 0:
                    assert_true(np.sqrt(np.mean(diffs ** 2)) < 0.05)  # 5%
        for name in ['nn', 'rr', 'nuse_tri', 'coord_frame', 'tris']:
            if s0[name] is None:
                assert_true(s1[name] is None)
                if mode == 'exact':
                    assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
                elif mode == 'approx':
                    assert_allclose(s0[name], s1[name], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4)
                    raise RuntimeError('unknown mode')
        if mode == 'exact':
            for name in ['inuse', 'vertno', 'use_tris']:
                assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
            # these fields will exist if patch info was added, these are
            # not tested in mode == 'approx'
            for name in ['nearest', 'nearest_dist']:
                if s0[name] is None:
                    assert_true(s1[name] is None)
                    assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
            for name in ['dist_limit']:
                assert_true(s0[name] == s1[name])
            for name in ['dist']:
                if s0[name] is not None:
                    assert_equal(s1[name].shape, s0[name].shape)
                    assert_true(len((s0['dist'] - s1['dist']).data) == 0)
            for name in ['pinfo']:
                if s0[name] is not None:
                    assert_true(len(s0[name]) == len(s1[name]))
                    for p1, p2 in zip(s0[name], s1[name]):
                        assert_true(all(p1 == p2))
        elif mode == 'approx':
            # deal with vertno, inuse, and use_tris carefully
            assert_array_equal(s0['vertno'], np.where(s0['inuse'])[0])
            assert_array_equal(s1['vertno'], np.where(s1['inuse'])[0])
            assert_equal(len(s0['vertno']), len(s1['vertno']))
            agreement = np.mean(s0['inuse'] == s1['inuse'])
            assert_true(agreement > 0.99)
            if agreement < 1.0:
                # make sure mismatched vertno are within 1.5mm
                v0 = np.setdiff1d(s0['vertno'], s1['vertno'])
                v1 = np.setdiff1d(s1['vertno'], s0['vertno'])
                dists = cdist(s0['rr'][v0], s1['rr'][v1])
                assert_allclose(np.min(dists, axis=1), np.zeros(len(v0)),
            if s0['use_tris'] is not None:  # for "spacing"
                assert_array_equal(s0['use_tris'].shape, s1['use_tris'].shape)
                assert_true(s1['use_tris'] is None)
            assert_true(np.mean(s0['use_tris'] == s1['use_tris']) > 0.99)
    # The above "if s0[name] is not None" can be removed once the sample
    # dataset is updated to have a source space with distance info
    for name in ['working_dir', 'command_line']:
        if mode == 'exact':
            assert_equal(src0.info[name], src1.info[name])
        elif mode == 'approx':
            if name in src0.info:
                assert_true(name in src1.info)
                assert_true(name not in src1.info)
예제 #40
def test_io_raw():
    """Test IO for raw data (Neuromag + CTF + gz)
    # test unicode io
    for chars in [b"\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6\xc3\xa9", b"a"]:
        with Raw(fif_fname) as r:
            desc1 = r.info["description"] = chars.decode("utf-8")
            temp_file = op.join(tempdir, "raw.fif")
            r.save(temp_file, overwrite=True)
            with Raw(temp_file) as r2:
                desc2 = r2.info["description"]
            assert_equal(desc1, desc2)

    # Let's construct a simple test for IO first
    raw = Raw(fif_fname, preload=True)
    raw.crop(0, 3.5)
    # put in some data that we know the values of
    data = np.random.randn(raw._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[1])
    raw._data[:, :] = data
    # save it somewhere
    fname = op.join(tempdir, "test_copy_raw.fif")
    raw.save(fname, buffer_size_sec=1.0)
    # read it in, make sure the whole thing matches
    raw = Raw(fname)
    assert_true(np.allclose(data, raw[:, :][0], 1e-6, 1e-20))
    # let's read portions across the 1-sec tag boundary, too
    inds = raw.time_as_index([1.75, 2.25])
    sl = slice(inds[0], inds[1])
    assert_true(np.allclose(data[:, sl], raw[:, sl][0], 1e-6, 1e-20))

    # now let's do some real I/O
    fnames_in = [fif_fname, fif_gz_fname, ctf_fname]
    fnames_out = ["raw.fif", "raw.fif.gz", "raw.fif"]
    for fname_in, fname_out in zip(fnames_in, fnames_out):
        fname_out = op.join(tempdir, fname_out)
        raw = Raw(fname_in)

        nchan = raw.info["nchan"]
        ch_names = raw.info["ch_names"]
        meg_channels_idx = [k for k in range(nchan) if ch_names[k][0] == "M"]
        n_channels = 100
        meg_channels_idx = meg_channels_idx[:n_channels]
        start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 5])
        data, times = raw[meg_channels_idx, start : (stop + 1)]
        meg_ch_names = [ch_names[k] for k in meg_channels_idx]

        # Set up pick list: MEG + STI 014 - bad channels
        include = ["STI 014"]
        include += meg_ch_names
        picks = pick_types(
            raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True, misc=True, ref_meg=True, include=include, exclude="bads"

        # Writing with drop_small_buffer True
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=4, buffer_size_sec=3, drop_small_buffer=True, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(fname_out, preload=True)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]
        assert_true(times2.max() <= 3)

        # Writing
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=5, overwrite=True)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + ".gz":
            assert_true(len(raw.info["dig"]) == 146)

        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]

        assert_true(np.allclose(data, data2, 1e-6, 1e-20))
        assert_allclose(times, times2)
        assert_allclose(raw.info["sfreq"], raw2.info["sfreq"], rtol=1e-5)

        # check transformations
        for trans in ["dev_head_t", "dev_ctf_t", "ctf_head_t"]:
            if raw.info[trans] is None:
                assert_true(raw2.info[trans] is None)
                assert_array_equal(raw.info[trans]["trans"], raw2.info[trans]["trans"])

                # check transformation 'from' and 'to'
                if trans.startswith("dev"):
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                if trans[4:8] == "head":
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                for raw_ in [raw, raw2]:
                    assert_true(raw_.info[trans]["from"] == from_id)
                    assert_true(raw_.info[trans]["to"] == to_id)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + ".gz":
            assert_allclose(raw.info["dig"][0]["r"], raw2.info["dig"][0]["r"])

    # test warnings on bad filenames
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        raw_badname = op.join(tempdir, "test-bad-name.fif.gz")
    assert_true(len(w) > 0)  # len(w) should be 2 but Travis sometimes has more
예제 #41
def test_io_raw():
    """Test IO for raw data (Neuromag + CTF + gz)
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # test unicode io
    for chars in [b'\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6\xc3\xa9', b'a']:
        with Raw(fif_fname) as r:
            assert_true('Raw' in repr(r))
            assert_true(op.basename(fif_fname) in repr(r))
            desc1 = r.info['description'] = chars.decode('utf-8')
            temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'raw.fif')
            r.save(temp_file, overwrite=True)
            with Raw(temp_file) as r2:
                desc2 = r2.info['description']
            assert_equal(desc1, desc2)

    # Let's construct a simple test for IO first
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 3.5, False)
    # put in some data that we know the values of
    data = rng.randn(raw._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[1])
    raw._data[:, :] = data
    # save it somewhere
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_copy_raw.fif')
    raw.save(fname, buffer_size_sec=1.0)
    # read it in, make sure the whole thing matches
    raw = Raw(fname)
    assert_allclose(data, raw[:, :][0], rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)
    # let's read portions across the 1-sec tag boundary, too
    inds = raw.time_as_index([1.75, 2.25])
    sl = slice(inds[0], inds[1])
    assert_allclose(data[:, sl], raw[:, sl][0], rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)

    # now let's do some real I/O
    fnames_in = [fif_fname, test_fif_gz_fname, ctf_fname]
    fnames_out = ['raw.fif', 'raw.fif.gz', 'raw.fif']
    for fname_in, fname_out in zip(fnames_in, fnames_out):
        fname_out = op.join(tempdir, fname_out)
        raw = Raw(fname_in)

        nchan = raw.info['nchan']
        ch_names = raw.info['ch_names']
        meg_channels_idx = [k for k in range(nchan)
                            if ch_names[k][0] == 'M']
        n_channels = 100
        meg_channels_idx = meg_channels_idx[:n_channels]
        start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 5])
        data, times = raw[meg_channels_idx, start:(stop + 1)]
        meg_ch_names = [ch_names[k] for k in meg_channels_idx]

        # Set up pick list: MEG + STI 014 - bad channels
        include = ['STI 014']
        include += meg_ch_names
        picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=True, eeg=False, stim=True,
                           misc=True, ref_meg=True, include=include,

        # Writing with drop_small_buffer True
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=4, buffer_size_sec=3,
                 drop_small_buffer=True, overwrite=True)
        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]
        assert_true(times2.max() <= 3)

        # Writing
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=5, overwrite=True)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + '.gz':
            assert_equal(len(raw.info['dig']), 146)

        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]

        assert_allclose(data, data2, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)
        assert_allclose(times, times2)
        assert_allclose(raw.info['sfreq'], raw2.info['sfreq'], rtol=1e-5)

        # check transformations
        for trans in ['dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t']:
            if raw.info[trans] is None:
                assert_true(raw2.info[trans] is None)

                # check transformation 'from' and 'to'
                if trans.startswith('dev'):
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                if trans[4:8] == 'head':
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                for raw_ in [raw, raw2]:
                    assert_equal(raw_.info[trans]['from'], from_id)
                    assert_equal(raw_.info[trans]['to'], to_id)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + '.gz':
            assert_allclose(raw.info['dig'][0]['r'], raw2.info['dig'][0]['r'])

    # test warnings on bad filenames
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        raw_badname = op.join(tempdir, 'test-bad-name.fif.gz')
    assert_naming(w, 'test_raw_fiff.py', 2)
예제 #42
def test_morphed_source_space_return():
    """Test returning a morphed source space to the original subject."""
    # let's create some random data on fsaverage
    data = rng.randn(20484, 1)
    tmin, tstep = 0, 1.
    src_fs = read_source_spaces(fname_fs)
    stc_fs = SourceEstimate(data, [s['vertno'] for s in src_fs],
                            tmin, tstep, 'fsaverage')
    n_verts_fs = sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in src_fs)

    # Create our morph source space
    src_morph = morph_source_spaces(src_fs, 'sample',
    n_verts_sample = sum(len(s['vertno']) for s in src_morph)
    assert n_verts_fs == n_verts_sample

    # Morph the data over using standard methods
    stc_morph = compute_source_morph(
        src_fs, 'fsaverage', 'sample',
        spacing=[s['vertno'] for s in src_morph], smooth=1,
        subjects_dir=subjects_dir, warn=False).apply(stc_fs)
    assert stc_morph.data.shape[0] == n_verts_sample

    # We can now pretend like this was real data we got e.g. from an inverse.
    # To be complete, let's remove some vertices
    keeps = [np.sort(rng.permutation(np.arange(len(v)))[:len(v) - 10])
             for v in stc_morph.vertices]
    stc_morph = SourceEstimate(
        [v[k] for v, k in zip(stc_morph.vertices, keeps)], tmin, tstep,

    # Return it to the original subject
    stc_morph_return = stc_morph.to_original_src(
        src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # This should fail (has too many verts in SourceMorph)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='vertices not included'):
        morph = compute_source_morph(
            src_morph, subject_from='sample',
            spacing=stc_morph_return.vertices, smooth=1,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='vertices do not match'):

    # Compare to the original data
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='vertices not included'):
        stc_morph_morph = compute_source_morph(
            src=stc_morph, subject_from='sample',
            spacing=stc_morph_return.vertices, smooth=1,

    assert_equal(stc_morph_return.subject, stc_morph_morph.subject)
    for ii in range(2):
    # These will not match perfectly because morphing pushes data around
    corr = np.corrcoef(stc_morph_return.data[:, 0],
                       stc_morph_morph.data[:, 0])[0, 1]
    assert corr > 0.99, corr

    # Explicitly test having two vertices map to the same target vertex. We
    # simulate this by having two vertices be at the same position.
    src_fs2 = src_fs.copy()
    vert1, vert2 = src_fs2[0]['vertno'][:2]
    src_fs2[0]['rr'][vert1] = src_fs2[0]['rr'][vert2]
    stc_morph_return = stc_morph.to_original_src(
        src_fs2, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)

    # test to_original_src method result equality
    for ii in range(2):

    # These will not match perfectly because morphing pushes data around
    corr = np.corrcoef(stc_morph_return.data[:, 0],
                       stc_morph_morph.data[:, 0])[0, 1]
    assert corr > 0.99, corr

    # Degenerate cases
    stc_morph.subject = None  # no .subject provided
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='fsaverage', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    stc_morph.subject = 'sample'
    del src_fs[0]['subject_his_id']  # no name in src_fsaverage
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'fsaverage'  # name mismatch
    pytest.raises(ValueError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src_fs, subject_orig='foo', subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
    src_fs[0]['subject_his_id'] = 'sample'
    src = read_source_spaces(fname)  # wrong source space
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, stc_morph.to_original_src,
                  src, subjects_dir=subjects_dir)
예제 #43
def test_io_raw():
    """Test IO for raw data (Neuromag + CTF + gz)
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # test unicode io
    for chars in [b'\xc3\xa4\xc3\xb6\xc3\xa9', b'a']:
        with Raw(fif_fname) as r:
            assert_true('Raw' in repr(r))
            assert_true(op.basename(fif_fname) in repr(r))
            desc1 = r.info['description'] = chars.decode('utf-8')
            temp_file = op.join(tempdir, 'raw.fif')
            r.save(temp_file, overwrite=True)
            with Raw(temp_file) as r2:
                desc2 = r2.info['description']
            assert_equal(desc1, desc2)

    # Let's construct a simple test for IO first
    raw = Raw(fif_fname).crop(0, 3.5)
    # put in some data that we know the values of
    data = rng.randn(raw._data.shape[0], raw._data.shape[1])
    raw._data[:, :] = data
    # save it somewhere
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_copy_raw.fif')
    raw.save(fname, buffer_size_sec=1.0)
    # read it in, make sure the whole thing matches
    raw = Raw(fname)
    assert_allclose(data, raw[:, :][0], rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)
    # let's read portions across the 1-sec tag boundary, too
    inds = raw.time_as_index([1.75, 2.25])
    sl = slice(inds[0], inds[1])
    assert_allclose(data[:, sl], raw[:, sl][0], rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)

    # now let's do some real I/O
    fnames_in = [fif_fname, test_fif_gz_fname, ctf_fname]
    fnames_out = ['raw.fif', 'raw.fif.gz', 'raw.fif']
    for fname_in, fname_out in zip(fnames_in, fnames_out):
        fname_out = op.join(tempdir, fname_out)
        raw = Raw(fname_in)

        nchan = raw.info['nchan']
        ch_names = raw.info['ch_names']
        meg_channels_idx = [k for k in range(nchan) if ch_names[k][0] == 'M']
        n_channels = 100
        meg_channels_idx = meg_channels_idx[:n_channels]
        start, stop = raw.time_as_index([0, 5])
        data, times = raw[meg_channels_idx, start:(stop + 1)]
        meg_ch_names = [ch_names[k] for k in meg_channels_idx]

        # Set up pick list: MEG + STI 014 - bad channels
        include = ['STI 014']
        include += meg_ch_names
        picks = pick_types(raw.info,

        # Writing with drop_small_buffer True
        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]
        assert_true(times2.max() <= 3)

        # Writing
        raw.save(fname_out, picks, tmin=0, tmax=5, overwrite=True)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + '.gz':
            assert_equal(len(raw.info['dig']), 146)

        raw2 = Raw(fname_out)

        sel = pick_channels(raw2.ch_names, meg_ch_names)
        data2, times2 = raw2[sel, :]

        assert_allclose(data, data2, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-20)
        assert_allclose(times, times2)
        assert_allclose(raw.info['sfreq'], raw2.info['sfreq'], rtol=1e-5)

        # check transformations
        for trans in ['dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t']:
            if raw.info[trans] is None:
                assert_true(raw2.info[trans] is None)

                # check transformation 'from' and 'to'
                if trans.startswith('dev'):
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_DEVICE
                    from_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                if trans[4:8] == 'head':
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD
                    to_id = FIFF.FIFFV_MNE_COORD_CTF_HEAD
                for raw_ in [raw, raw2]:
                    assert_equal(raw_.info[trans]['from'], from_id)
                    assert_equal(raw_.info[trans]['to'], to_id)

        if fname_in == fif_fname or fname_in == fif_fname + '.gz':
            assert_allclose(raw.info['dig'][0]['r'], raw2.info['dig'][0]['r'])

    # test warnings on bad filenames
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        raw_badname = op.join(tempdir, 'test-bad-name.fif.gz')
    assert_naming(w, 'test_raw_fiff.py', 2)
예제 #44
def _compare_source_spaces(src0, src1, mode='exact'):
    """Compare two source spaces

    Note: this function is also used by forward/tests/test_make_forward.py
    for s0, s1 in zip(src0, src1):
        for name in ['nuse', 'ntri', 'np', 'type', 'id']:
            assert_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
        for name in ['subject_his_id']:
            if name in s0 or name in s1:
                assert_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
        for name in ['interpolator']:
            if name in s0 or name in s1:
                diffs = (s0['interpolator'] - s1['interpolator']).data
                if len(diffs) > 0:
                    assert_true(np.sqrt(np.mean(diffs**2)) < 0.05)  # 5%
        for name in ['nn', 'rr', 'nuse_tri', 'coord_frame', 'tris']:
            if s0[name] is None:
                assert_true(s1[name] is None)
                if mode == 'exact':
                    assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
                elif mode == 'approx':
                    assert_allclose(s0[name], s1[name], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4)
                    raise RuntimeError('unknown mode')
        if mode == 'exact':
            for name in ['inuse', 'vertno', 'use_tris']:
                assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
            # these fields will exist if patch info was added, these are
            # not tested in mode == 'approx'
            for name in ['nearest', 'nearest_dist']:
                if s0[name] is None:
                    assert_true(s1[name] is None)
                    assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
            for name in ['dist_limit']:
                assert_true(s0[name] == s1[name])
            for name in ['dist']:
                if s0[name] is not None:
                    assert_equal(s1[name].shape, s0[name].shape)
                    assert_true(len((s0['dist'] - s1['dist']).data) == 0)
            for name in ['pinfo']:
                if s0[name] is not None:
                    assert_true(len(s0[name]) == len(s1[name]))
                    for p1, p2 in zip(s0[name], s1[name]):
                        assert_true(all(p1 == p2))
        elif mode == 'approx':
            # deal with vertno, inuse, and use_tris carefully
            assert_array_equal(s0['vertno'], np.where(s0['inuse'])[0])
            assert_array_equal(s1['vertno'], np.where(s1['inuse'])[0])
            assert_equal(len(s0['vertno']), len(s1['vertno']))
            agreement = np.mean(s0['inuse'] == s1['inuse'])
            assert_true(agreement > 0.99)
            if agreement < 1.0:
                # make sure mismatched vertno are within 1.5mm
                v0 = np.setdiff1d(s0['vertno'], s1['vertno'])
                v1 = np.setdiff1d(s1['vertno'], s0['vertno'])
                dists = cdist(s0['rr'][v0], s1['rr'][v1])
                assert_allclose(np.min(dists, axis=1),
            if s0['use_tris'] is not None:  # for "spacing"
                assert_array_equal(s0['use_tris'].shape, s1['use_tris'].shape)
                assert_true(s1['use_tris'] is None)
            assert_true(np.mean(s0['use_tris'] == s1['use_tris']) > 0.99)
    # The above "if s0[name] is not None" can be removed once the sample
    # dataset is updated to have a source space with distance info
    for name in ['working_dir', 'command_line']:
        if mode == 'exact':
            assert_equal(src0.info[name], src1.info[name])
        elif mode == 'approx':
            if name in src0.info:
                assert_true(name in src1.info)
                assert_true(name not in src1.info)
예제 #45
def _compare_source_spaces(src0, src1, mode="exact"):
    """Compare two source spaces

    Note: this function is also used by forward/tests/test_make_forward.py
    for s0, s1 in zip(src0, src1):
        for name in ["nuse", "ntri", "np", "type", "id"]:
            assert_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
        for name in ["subject_his_id"]:
            if name in s0 or name in s1:
                assert_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
        for name in ["interpolator"]:
            if name in s0 or name in s1:
                diffs = (s0["interpolator"] - s1["interpolator"]).data
                assert_true(np.sqrt(np.mean(diffs ** 2)) < 0.05)  # 5%
        for name in ["nn", "rr", "nuse_tri", "coord_frame", "tris"]:
            if s0[name] is None:
                assert_true(s1[name] is None)
                if mode == "exact":
                    assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
                elif mode == "approx":
                    assert_allclose(s0[name], s1[name], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-4)
                    raise RuntimeError("unknown mode")
        if mode == "exact":
            for name in ["inuse", "vertno", "use_tris"]:
                assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
            # these fields will exist if patch info was added, these are
            # not tested in mode == 'approx'
            for name in ["nearest", "nearest_dist"]:
                if s0[name] is None:
                    assert_true(s1[name] is None)
                    assert_array_equal(s0[name], s1[name])
            for name in ["dist_limit"]:
                assert_true(s0[name] == s1[name])
            for name in ["dist"]:
                if s0[name] is not None:
                    assert_equal(s1[name].shape, s0[name].shape)
                    assert_true(len((s0["dist"] - s1["dist"]).data) == 0)
            for name in ["pinfo"]:
                if s0[name] is not None:
                    assert_true(len(s0[name]) == len(s1[name]))
                    for p1, p2 in zip(s0[name], s1[name]):
                        assert_true(all(p1 == p2))
        elif mode == "approx":
            # deal with vertno, inuse, and use_tris carefully
            assert_array_equal(s0["vertno"], np.where(s0["inuse"])[0])
            assert_array_equal(s1["vertno"], np.where(s1["inuse"])[0])
            assert_equal(len(s0["vertno"]), len(s1["vertno"]))
            agreement = np.mean(s0["inuse"] == s1["inuse"])
            assert_true(agreement > 0.99)
            if agreement < 1.0:
                # make sure mismatched vertno are within 1.5mm
                v0 = np.setdiff1d(s0["vertno"], s1["vertno"])
                v1 = np.setdiff1d(s1["vertno"], s0["vertno"])
                dists = cdist(s0["rr"][v0], s1["rr"][v1])
                assert_allclose(np.min(dists, axis=1), np.zeros(len(v0)), atol=1.5e-3)
            if s0["use_tris"] is not None:  # for "spacing"
                assert_array_equal(s0["use_tris"].shape, s1["use_tris"].shape)
                assert_true(s1["use_tris"] is None)
            assert_true(np.mean(s0["use_tris"] == s1["use_tris"]) > 0.99)
    # The above "if s0[name] is not None" can be removed once the sample
    # dataset is updated to have a source space with distance info
    for name in ["working_dir", "command_line"]:
        if mode == "exact":
            assert_equal(src0.info[name], src1.info[name])
        elif mode == "approx":
            if name in src0.info:
                assert_true(name in src1.info)
                assert_true(name not in src1.info)