예제 #1
def test_read_raw_curry_rfDC(fname, tol):
    """Test reading CURRY files."""
    # check data
    bti_rfDC = read_raw_bti(pdf_fname=bti_rfDC_file, head_shape_fname=None)
    raw = read_raw_curry(fname)

    # test on the eeg chans, since these were not renamed by curry
    eeg_names = [ch["ch_name"] for ch in raw.info["chs"]
                 if ch["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_EEG_CH]

                    bti_rfDC.get_data(eeg_names), rtol=tol)
예제 #2
def test_read_raw_curry_rfDC(fname, tol, mock_dev_head_t, tmpdir):
    """Test reading CURRY files."""
    if mock_dev_head_t:
        if 'Curry 7' in fname:  # not supported yet
        # copy files to tmpdir
        base = op.splitext(fname)[0]
        for ext in ('.cdt', '.cdt.dpa'):
            src = base + ext
            dst = op.join(tmpdir, op.basename(base) + ext)
            copyfile(src, dst)
            if ext == '.cdt.dpa':
                with open(dst, 'a') as fid:
        fname = op.join(tmpdir, op.basename(fname))
        with open(fname + '.hpi', 'w') as fid:

    # check data
    bti_rfDC = read_raw_bti(pdf_fname=bti_rfDC_file, head_shape_fname=None)
    with catch_logging() as log:
        raw = read_raw_curry(fname, verbose=True)
    log = log.getvalue()
    if mock_dev_head_t:
        assert 'Composing device' in log
        assert 'Leaving device' in log
        assert 'no landmark' in log

    # test on the eeg chans, since these were not renamed by curry
    eeg_names = [
        ch["ch_name"] for ch in raw.info["chs"]
        if ch["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_EEG_CH

    assert bti_rfDC.info['dev_head_t'] is not None  # XXX probably a BTI bug
    if mock_dev_head_t:
        assert raw.info['dev_head_t'] is not None
        assert_allclose(raw.info['dev_head_t']['trans'], WANT_TRANS, atol=1e-5)
        assert raw.info['dev_head_t'] is None

    # check that most MEG sensors are approximately oriented outward from
    # the device origin
    n_meg = n_eeg = n_other = 0
    pos = list()
    nn = list()
    for ch in raw.info['chs']:
        if ch['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_MEG_CH:
            assert ch['coil_type'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COIL_CTF_GRAD
            t = _loc_to_coil_trans(ch['loc'])
            pos.append(t[:3, 3])
            nn.append(t[:3, 2])
            assert_allclose(np.linalg.norm(nn[-1]), 1.)
            n_meg += 1
        elif ch['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_EEG_CH:
            assert ch['coil_type'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COIL_EEG
            n_eeg += 1
            assert ch['coil_type'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COIL_NONE
            n_other += 1
    assert n_meg == 148
    assert n_eeg == 31
    assert n_other == 15
    pos = np.array(pos)
    nn = np.array(nn)
    rad, origin = _fit_sphere(pos, disp=False)
    assert 0.11 < rad < 0.13
    pos -= origin
    pos /= np.linalg.norm(pos, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    angles = np.abs(np.rad2deg(np.arccos((pos * nn).sum(-1))))
    assert (angles < 20).sum() > 100