예제 #1
파일: _inverse.py 프로젝트: nordme/mnefun
def combine_medial_labels(labels, subject='fsaverage', surf='white',
                          dist_limit=0.02, subjects_dir=None):
    """Combine medial labels."""
    from mne.surface import _compute_nearest
    subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(subjects_dir, raise_error=True)
    rrs = dict((hemi, read_surface(op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'surf',
                                           % (hemi, surf)))[0] / 1000.)
               for hemi in ('lh', 'rh'))
    use_labels = list()
    used = np.zeros(len(labels), bool)
    logger.info('Matching medial regions for %s labels on %s %s, d=%0.1f mm'
                % (len(labels), subject, surf, 1000 * dist_limit))
    for li1, l1 in enumerate(labels):
        if used[li1]:
        used[li1] = True
        use_label = l1.copy()
        rr1 = rrs[l1.hemi][l1.vertices]
        for li2 in np.where(~used)[0]:
            l2 = labels[li2]
            same_name = (l2.name.replace(l2.hemi, '') ==
                         l1.name.replace(l1.hemi, ''))
            if l2.hemi != l1.hemi and same_name:
                rr2 = rrs[l2.hemi][l2.vertices]
                mean_min = np.mean(_compute_nearest(
                    rr1, rr2, return_dists=True)[1])
                if mean_min <= dist_limit:
                    use_label += l2
                    used[li2] = True
                    logger.info('  Matched: ' + l1.name)
    logger.info('Total %d labels' % (len(use_labels),))
    return use_labels
예제 #2
def _compute_depth(dip, fname_bem, fname_trans, subject, subjects_dir):
    """Compute dipole depth."""
    trans = _get_trans(fname_trans)[0]
    bem = read_bem_solution(fname_bem)
    surf = _bem_find_surface(bem, 'inner_skull')
    points = surf['rr']
    points = apply_trans(trans['trans'], points)
    depth = _compute_nearest(points, dip.pos, return_dists=True)[1][0]
    return np.ravel(depth)
예제 #3
def _compute_depth(dip, fname_bem, fname_trans, subject, subjects_dir):
    """Compute dipole depth."""
    trans = _get_trans(fname_trans)[0]
    bem = read_bem_solution(fname_bem)
    surf = _bem_find_surface(bem, 'inner_skull')
    points = surf['rr']
    points = apply_trans(trans['trans'], points)
    depth = _compute_nearest(points, dip.pos, return_dists=True)[1][0]
    return np.ravel(depth)
예제 #4
def test_compute_nearest():
    """Test nearest neighbor searches"""
    x = np.random.randn(500, 3)
    x /= np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, axis=1))[:, None]
    nn_true = np.random.permutation(np.arange(500, dtype=np.int))[:20]
    y = x[nn_true]

    nn1 = _compute_nearest(x, y, use_balltree=False)
    nn2 = _compute_nearest(x, y, use_balltree=True)
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn1)
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn2)

    # test distance support
    nnn1 = _compute_nearest(x, y, use_balltree=False, return_dists=True)
    nnn2 = _compute_nearest(x, y, use_balltree=True, return_dists=True)
    assert_array_equal(nnn1[0], nn_true)
    assert_array_equal(nnn1[1], np.zeros_like(nn1))  # all dists should be 0
    assert_equal(len(nnn1), len(nnn2))
    for nn1, nn2 in zip(nnn1, nnn2):
        assert_array_equal(nn1, nn2)
예제 #5
파일: _atlas.py 프로젝트: nordme/mnefun
def get_atlas_roi_mask(stc, roi, atlas='IXI', atlas_subject=None,
    """Get ROI mask for a given subject/atlas.

    stc : instance of mne.SourceEstimate or mne.VectorSourceEstimate
        The source estimate.
    roi : str
        The ROI to obtain a mask for.
    atlas : str
        The atlas to use. Must be "IXI" or "LBPA40".
    atlas_subject : str | None
        Atlas subject to process. Must be one of the (unwarped) subjects
        "ANTS3-0Months3T", "ANTS6-0Months3T", or "ANTS12-0Months3T".
        If None, it will be inferred from the number of vertices.

    mask : ndarray, shape (n_vertices,)
        The mask.
    import nibabel as nib
    from mne.utils import _validate_type
    from mne.surface import _compute_nearest
    _validate_type(stc, (VolSourceEstimate, VolVectorSourceEstimate), 'stc')
    subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(subjects_dir, raise_error=True)
    if atlas_subject is None:
        atlas_subject = _VERT_COUNT_MAP[len(stc.vertices)]
    fname_src = op.join(subjects_dir, atlas_subject, 'bem', '%s-vol5-src.fif'
                        % (atlas_subject,))
    src = read_source_spaces(fname_src)
    mri = op.join(subjects_dir, atlas_subject, 'mri',
                  '%s_brain_ANTS_%s_atlas.mgz' % (atlas_subject, atlas))
    if not np.in1d(stc.vertices, src[0]['vertno']).all():
        raise RuntimeError('stc does not appear to be created from %s '
                           'volumetric source space' % (atlas_subject,))
    rr = src[0]['rr'][stc.vertices]
    mapping = get_atlas_mapping(atlas)
    vol_id = mapping[roi]
    mgz = nib.load(mri)
    mgz_data = mgz.get_fdata()
    vox_bool = mgz_data == vol_id
    vox_ijk = np.array(np.where(vox_bool)).T
    vox_mri_t = mgz.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    vox_mri_t *= np.array([[1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1]]).T
    rr_voi = apply_trans(vox_mri_t, vox_ijk)
    dists = _compute_nearest(rr_voi, rr, return_dists=True)[1]
    maxdist = np.linalg.norm(vox_mri_t[:3, :3].sum(0) / 2.)
    mask = (dists <= maxdist)
    return mask
예제 #6
def test_compute_nearest():
    """Test nearest neighbor searches."""
    x = rng.randn(500, 3)
    x /= np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, axis=1))[:, None]
    nn_true = rng.permutation(np.arange(500, dtype=np.int))[:20]
    y = x[nn_true]

    nn1 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='BallTree')
    nn2 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cKDTree')
    nn3 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cdist')
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn1)
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn2)
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn3)

    # test distance support
    nnn1 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='BallTree', return_dists=True)
    nnn2 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cKDTree', return_dists=True)
    nnn3 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cdist', return_dists=True)
    assert_array_equal(nnn1[0], nn_true)
    assert_array_equal(nnn1[1], np.zeros_like(nn1))  # all dists should be 0
    assert_equal(len(nnn1), len(nnn2))
    for nn1, nn2, nn3 in zip(nnn1, nnn2, nnn3):
        assert_array_equal(nn1, nn2)
        assert_array_equal(nn1, nn3)
예제 #7
def test_compute_nearest():
    """Test nearest neighbor searches."""
    x = rng.randn(500, 3)
    x /= np.sqrt(np.sum(x ** 2, axis=1))[:, None]
    nn_true = rng.permutation(np.arange(500, dtype=np.int))[:20]
    y = x[nn_true]

    nn1 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='BallTree')
    nn2 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cKDTree')
    nn3 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cdist')
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn1)
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn2)
    assert_array_equal(nn_true, nn3)

    # test distance support
    nnn1 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='BallTree', return_dists=True)
    nnn2 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cKDTree', return_dists=True)
    nnn3 = _compute_nearest(x, y, method='cdist', return_dists=True)
    assert_array_equal(nnn1[0], nn_true)
    assert_array_equal(nnn1[1], np.zeros_like(nn1))  # all dists should be 0
    assert_equal(len(nnn1), len(nnn2))
    for nn1, nn2, nn3 in zip(nnn1, nnn2, nnn3):
        assert_array_equal(nn1, nn2)
        assert_array_equal(nn1, nn3)
예제 #8
def _nearest_vol_ind(fwd_vol, fwd, vertices, source_ind):
    return _compute_nearest(