예제 #1
def test_set_dig_montage():
    """Test applying DigMontage to inst."""
    # Extensive testing of applying `dig` to info is done in test_meas_info
    # with `test_make_dig_points`.
    names = ["nasion", "lpa", "rpa", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
    hsp_points = _read_dig_points(hsp)
    elp_points = _read_dig_points(elp)
    nasion, lpa, rpa = elp_points[:3]
    nm_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(nasion, lpa, rpa)
    elp_points = apply_trans(nm_trans, elp_points)
    nasion, lpa, rpa = elp_points[:3]
    hsp_points = apply_trans(nm_trans, hsp_points)

    montage = read_dig_montage(hsp, hpi, elp, names, transform=True, dev_head_t=True)
    temp_dir = _TempDir()
    fname_temp = op.join(temp_dir, "test.fif")
    montage_read = read_dig_montage(fif=fname_temp)
    for use_mon in (montage, montage_read):
        info = create_info(["Test Ch"], 1e3, ["eeg"])
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # test ch pos not set
            _set_montage(info, use_mon)
        assert_true(all("not set" in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
        hs = np.array([p["r"] for i, p in enumerate(info["dig"]) if p["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA])
        nasion_dig = np.array(
                for p in info["dig"]
                if all([p["ident"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION, p["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])
        lpa_dig = np.array(
                for p in info["dig"]
                if all([p["ident"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_LPA, p["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])
        rpa_dig = np.array(
                for p in info["dig"]
                if all([p["ident"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_RPA, p["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])
        hpi_dig = np.array([p["r"] for p in info["dig"] if p["kind"] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI])
        assert_allclose(hs, hsp_points, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(nasion_dig.ravel(), nasion, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(lpa_dig.ravel(), lpa, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(rpa_dig.ravel(), rpa, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(hpi_dig, elp_points[3:], atol=1e-7)
def test_fit_matched_points():
    """Test fit_matched_points: fitting two matching sets of points"""
    tgt_pts = np.random.uniform(size=(6, 3))

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(2, 6, 3)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, translate=False, out="trans")
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with " "rotation")

    # rotation & scaling
    trans = np.dot(rotation(2, 6, 3), scaling(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, translate=False, scale=1, out="trans")
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with " "rotation and scaling.")

    # rotation & translation
    trans = np.dot(translation(2, -6, 3), rotation(2, 6, 3))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, out="trans")
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with " "rotation and translation.")

    # rotation & translation & scaling
    trans = reduce(np.dot, (translation(2, -6, 3), rotation(1.5, 0.3, 1.4), scaling(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_matched_points(src_pts, tgt_pts, scale=1, out="trans")
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    assert_array_almost_equal(tgt_pts, est_pts, 2, "fit_matched_points with " "rotation, translation and scaling.")

    # test exceeding tolerance
    tgt_pts[0, :] += 20
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, fit_matched_points, tgt_pts, src_pts, tol=10)
예제 #3
파일: viz.py 프로젝트: mne-tools/mne-hcp
def plot_coregistration(subject, subjects_dir, hcp_path, recordings_path,
                        info_from=(('data_type', 'rest'), ('run_index', 0)),
                        view_init=(('azim', 0), ('elev', 0))):
    """A diagnostic plot to show the HCP coregistration

    subject : str
        The subject
    subjects_dir : str
        The path corresponding to MNE/freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR (to be created)
    hcp_path : str
        The path where the HCP files can be found.
    recordings_path : str
        The path to converted data (including the head<->device transform).
    info_from : tuple of tuples | dict
        The reader info concerning the data from which sensor positions
        should be read.
        Must not be empty room as sensor positions are in head
        coordinates for 4D systems, hence not available in that case.
        Note that differences between the sensor positions across runs
        are smaller than 12 digits, hence negligible.
    view_init : tuple of tuples | dict
        The initival view, defaults to azimuth and elevation of 0,
        a simple lateral view

    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The figure object.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  #  noqa

    if isinstance(info_from, tuple):
        info_from = dict(info_from)
    if isinstance(view_init, tuple):
        view_init = dict(view_init)

    head_mri_t = read_trans(
        op.join(recordings_path, subject,

    info = read_info(subject=subject, hcp_path=hcp_path, **info_from)

    info = pick_info(info, _pick_data_channels(info, with_ref_meg=False))
    sens_pnts = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    sens_pnts = apply_trans(head_mri_t, sens_pnts)
    sens_pnts *= 1e3  # put in mm scale

    pnts, tris = read_surface(
        op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'bem', 'inner_skull.surf'))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(*sens_pnts.T, color='purple', marker='o')
    ax.scatter(*pnts.T, color='green', alpha=0.3)
    return fig
예제 #4
def _compute_depth(dip, fname_bem, fname_trans, subject, subjects_dir):
    """Compute dipole depth."""
    trans = _get_trans(fname_trans)[0]
    bem = read_bem_solution(fname_bem)
    surf = _bem_find_surface(bem, 'inner_skull')
    points = surf['rr']
    points = apply_trans(trans['trans'], points)
    depth = _compute_nearest(points, dip.pos, return_dists=True)[1][0]
    return np.ravel(depth)
def test_fit_point_cloud():
    """Test fit_point_cloud: fitting a set of points to a point cloud"""
    # evenly spaced target points on a sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)

    x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)).reshape((-1, 1)) * 3

    tgt_pts = np.hstack((x, y, z))
    tgt_pts = _decimate_points(tgt_pts, .05)

    # pick some points to fit
    some_tgt_pts = tgt_pts[::362]

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(1.5, .3, -0.4)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=0, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation.")

    # rotation and translation
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), translation(.3, .2, -.2))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=True,
                                scale=0, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and "

    # rotation and 1 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=1, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 1 scaling "

    # rotation and 3 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.7, 1.1))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts, tgt_pts, rotate=True, translate=False,
                                scale=3, out='trans')
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 3 scaling "
예제 #6
def test_hsp_elp():
    """Test KIT usage of *.elp and *.hsp files against *.txt files."""
    raw_txt = read_raw_kit(sqd_path, mrk_path, elp_txt_path, hsp_txt_path)
    raw_elp = read_raw_kit(sqd_path, mrk_path, elp_path, hsp_path)

    # head points
    pts_txt = np.array([dig_point['r'] for dig_point in raw_txt.info['dig']])
    pts_elp = np.array([dig_point['r'] for dig_point in raw_elp.info['dig']])
    assert_array_almost_equal(pts_elp, pts_txt, decimal=5)

    # transforms
    trans_txt = raw_txt.info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    trans_elp = raw_elp.info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    assert_array_almost_equal(trans_elp, trans_txt, decimal=5)

    # head points in device space
    pts_txt_in_dev = apply_trans(linalg.inv(trans_txt), pts_txt)
    pts_elp_in_dev = apply_trans(linalg.inv(trans_elp), pts_elp)
    assert_array_almost_equal(pts_elp_in_dev, pts_txt_in_dev, decimal=5)
예제 #7
def test_set_dig_montage():
    """Test applying DigMontage to inst."""
    # Extensive testing of applying `dig` to info is done in test_meas_info
    # with `test_make_dig_points`.
    names = ['nasion', 'lpa', 'rpa', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
    hsp_points = _read_dig_points(hsp)
    elp_points = _read_dig_points(elp)
    nasion, lpa, rpa = elp_points[:3]
    nm_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(nasion, lpa, rpa)
    elp_points = apply_trans(nm_trans, elp_points)
    nasion, lpa, rpa = elp_points[:3]
    hsp_points = apply_trans(nm_trans, hsp_points)

    montage = read_dig_montage(hsp, hpi, elp, names, transform=True,
    temp_dir = _TempDir()
    fname_temp = op.join(temp_dir, 'test.fif')
    montage_read = read_dig_montage(fif=fname_temp)
    for use_mon in (montage, montage_read):
        info = create_info(['Test Ch'], 1e3, ['eeg'])
        with pytest.warns(None):  # warns on one run about not all positions
            _set_montage(info, use_mon)
        hs = np.array([p['r'] for i, p in enumerate(info['dig'])
                       if p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA])
        nasion_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                               if all([p['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION,
                                       p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])
        lpa_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                            if all([p['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_LPA,
                                    p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])])
        rpa_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                            if all([p['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_RPA,
                                    p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])])
        hpi_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                            if p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI])
        assert_allclose(hs, hsp_points, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(nasion_dig.ravel(), nasion, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(lpa_dig.ravel(), lpa, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(rpa_dig.ravel(), rpa, atol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(hpi_dig, elp_points[3:], atol=1e-7)
예제 #8
def test_get_ras_to_neuromag_trans():
    """Test the coordinate transformation from ras to neuromag"""
    # create model points in neuromag-like space
    anterior = [0, 1, 0]
    left = [-1, 0, 0]
    right = [0.8, 0, 0]
    up = [0, 0, 1]
    rand_pts = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (3, 3))
    pts = np.vstack((anterior, left, right, up, rand_pts))

    # change coord system
    rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz = np.random.uniform(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 6)
    trans = np.dot(translation(tx, ty, tz), rotation(rx, ry, rz))
    pts_changed = apply_trans(trans, pts)

    # transform back into original space
    nas, lpa, rpa = pts_changed[:3]
    hsp_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(nas, lpa, rpa)
    pts_restored = apply_trans(hsp_trans, pts_changed)

    err = "Neuromag transformation failed"
    assert_array_almost_equal(pts_restored, pts, 6, err)
예제 #9
def test_set_dig_montage():
    """Test applying DigMontage to inst

    Extensive testing of applying `dig` to info is done in test_meas_info
    with `test_make_dig_points`.
    names = ['nasion', 'lpa', 'rpa', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
    hsp_points = _read_dig_points(hsp)
    elp_points = _read_dig_points(elp)
    hpi_points = read_mrk(hpi)
    p0, p1, p2 = elp_points[:3]
    nm_trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(p0, p1, p2)
    elp_points = apply_trans(nm_trans, elp_points)
    nasion_point, lpa_point, rpa_point = elp_points[:3]
    hsp_points = apply_trans(nm_trans, hsp_points)

    montage = read_dig_montage(hsp, hpi, elp, names, unit='m', transform=True)
    info = create_info(['Test Ch'], 1e3, ['eeg'])
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    hs = np.array([p['r'] for i, p in enumerate(info['dig'])
                   if p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_EXTRA])
    nasion_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                           if all([p['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_NASION,
                                   p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])])
    lpa_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                        if all([p['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_LPA,
                                p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])])
    rpa_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                        if all([p['ident'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_RPA,
                                p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_CARDINAL])])
    hpi_dig = np.array([p['r'] for p in info['dig']
                        if p['kind'] == FIFF.FIFFV_POINT_HPI])
    assert_array_equal(hs, hsp_points)
    assert_array_equal(nasion_dig.ravel(), nasion_point)
    assert_array_equal(lpa_dig.ravel(), lpa_point)
    assert_array_equal(rpa_dig.ravel(), rpa_point)
    assert_array_equal(hpi_dig, hpi_points)
    assert_array_equal(montage.dev_head_t, info['dev_head_t']['trans'])
예제 #10
def test_head_to_mni():
    """Test conversion of aseg vertices to MNI coordinates."""
    # obtained using freeview
    coords = np.array([[22.52, 11.24, 17.72], [22.52, 5.46, 21.58],
                       [16.10, 5.46, 22.23], [21.24, 8.36, 22.23]])

    xfm = _read_talxfm('sample', subjects_dir)
    coords_MNI = apply_trans(xfm['trans'], coords)

    trans = read_trans(trans_fname)  # head->MRI (surface RAS)
    mri_head_t = invert_transform(trans)  # MRI (surface RAS)->head matrix

    # obtained from sample_audvis-meg-oct-6-mixed-fwd.fif
    coo_right_amygdala = np.array([[0.01745682,  0.02665809,  0.03281873],
                                   [0.01014125,  0.02496262,  0.04233755],
                                   [0.01713642,  0.02505193,  0.04258181],
                                   [0.01720631,  0.03073877,  0.03850075]])
    coords_MNI_2 = head_to_mni(coo_right_amygdala, 'sample', mri_head_t,
    # less than 1mm error
    assert_allclose(coords_MNI, coords_MNI_2, atol=10.0)
예제 #11
def test_coregister_fiducials():
    """Test coreg.coregister_fiducials()."""
    # prepare head and MRI fiducials
    trans = Transform('head', 'mri',
                      rotation(.4, .1, 0).dot(translation(.1, -.1, .1)))
    coords_orig = np.array([[-0.08061612, -0.02908875, -0.04131077],
                            [0.00146763, 0.08506715, -0.03483611],
                            [0.08436285, -0.02850276, -0.04127743]])
    coords_trans = apply_trans(trans, coords_orig)

    def make_dig(coords, cf):
        return ({'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 1, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[0]},
                {'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 2, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[1]},
                {'coord_frame': cf, 'ident': 3, 'kind': 1, 'r': coords[2]})

    mri_fiducials = make_dig(coords_trans, FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI)
    info = {'dig': make_dig(coords_orig, FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD)}

    # test coregister_fiducials()
    trans_est = coregister_fiducials(info, mri_fiducials)
    assert trans_est.from_str == trans.from_str
    assert trans_est.to_str == trans.to_str
    assert_array_almost_equal(trans_est['trans'], trans['trans'])
예제 #12
def _interpolate_bads_meg(inst, mode='accurate', origin=None, verbose=None):
    """Interpolate bad channels from data in good channels.

    inst : mne.io.Raw, mne.Epochs or mne.Evoked
        The data to interpolate. Must be preloaded.
    mode : str
        Either `'accurate'` or `'fast'`, determines the quality of the
        Legendre polynomial expansion used for interpolation. `'fast'` should
        be sufficient for most applications.
    origin : None | list
        If None, origin is set to sensor center of mass, otherwise use the
        coordinates provided as origin. The old standard value is (0., 0., 0.04)
    verbose : bool, str, int, or None
        If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose`
        and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more).
    picks_meg = pick_types(inst.info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=[])
    picks_good = pick_types(inst.info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude='bads')
    meg_ch_names = [inst.info['ch_names'][p] for p in picks_meg]
    bads_meg = [ch for ch in inst.info['bads'] if ch in meg_ch_names]

    # select the bad meg channel to be interpolated
    if len(bads_meg) == 0:
        picks_bad = []
        picks_bad = pick_channels(inst.info['ch_names'], bads_meg, exclude=[])

    # return without doing anything if there are no meg channels
    if len(picks_meg) == 0 or len(picks_bad) == 0:
    info_from = pick_info(inst.info, picks_good)
    info_to = pick_info(inst.info, picks_bad)

    if origin is None:

        posvec = np.array([inst.info['chs'][p]['loc'][0:3] for p in picks_meg])
        norvec = np.array(
            [inst.info['chs'][p]['loc'][9:12] for p in picks_meg])
        cogpos = np.mean(posvec, axis=0)
        norsum = np.mean(norvec, axis=0)
        anorm = np.sqrt(np.dot(norsum, norsum.T))
        ndir = norsum / anorm
        # push the position slightly (4cm) away from the helmet:
        altpos = cogpos - 0.04 * ndir
        print(">_interpolate_bads_meg\\DBG> cog(sens) = [%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f]" % \
              (cogpos[0], cogpos[1], cogpos[2]))
        print(">_interpolate_bads_meg\\DBG> alt(sens) = [%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f]" % \
              (altpos[0], altpos[1], altpos[2]))
        cogposhd = apply_trans(inst.info['dev_head_t']['trans'],
        altposhd = apply_trans(inst.info['dev_head_t']['trans'],
        print(">_interpolate_bads_meg\\DBG> cog(hdcs) = [%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f]" % \
              (cogposhd[0], cogposhd[1], cogposhd[2]))
        print(">_interpolate_bads_meg\\DBG> alt(hdcs) = [%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f]" % \
              (altposhd[0], altposhd[1], altposhd[2]))
        print(">_interpolate_bads_meg\\DBG> calling _map_meg_channels(..., origin=(%8.5f  %8.5f  %8.5f))" % \
              (altposhd[0], altposhd[1], altposhd[2]))

        origin = (altposhd[0], altposhd[1], altposhd[2])

        origin = origin

    mapping = _map_meg_channels(info_from, info_to, mode=mode, origin=origin)
    _do_interp_dots(inst, mapping, picks_good, picks_bad)
예제 #13
def test_scale_mri():
    """Test creating fsaverage and scaling it."""
    # create fsaverage using the testing "fsaverage" instead of the FreeSurfer
    # one
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    fake_home = testing.data_path()
    create_default_subject(subjects_dir=tempdir, fs_home=fake_home,
    assert _is_mri_subject('fsaverage', tempdir), "Creating fsaverage failed"

    fid_path = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-fiducials.fif')
    create_default_subject(update=True, subjects_dir=tempdir,
    assert op.exists(fid_path), "Updating fsaverage"

    # copy MRI file from sample data (shouldn't matter that it's incorrect,
    # so here choose a small one)
    path_from = op.join(testing.data_path(), 'subjects', 'sample', 'mri',
    path_to = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    copyfile(path_from, path_to)

    # remove redundant label files
    label_temp = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'label', '*.label')
    label_paths = glob(label_temp)
    for label_path in label_paths[1:]:

    # create source space
    print('Creating surface source space')
    path = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-%s-src.fif')
    src = mne.setup_source_space('fsaverage', 'ico0', subjects_dir=tempdir,
    write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src)
    mri = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    print('Creating volume source space')
    vsrc = mne.setup_volume_source_space(
        'fsaverage', pos=50, mri=mri, subjects_dir=tempdir,
    write_source_spaces(path % 'vol-50', vsrc)

    # scale fsaverage
    for scale in (.9, [1, .2, .8]):
        os.environ['_MNE_FEW_SURFACES'] = 'true'
        scale_mri('fsaverage', 'flachkopf', scale, True, subjects_dir=tempdir,
        del os.environ['_MNE_FEW_SURFACES']
        assert _is_mri_subject('flachkopf', tempdir), "Scaling failed"
        spath = op.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'bem', 'flachkopf-%s-src.fif')

        assert op.exists(spath % 'ico-0'), "Source space ico-0 was not scaled"
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'surf',
        vsrc_s = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'vol-50')
        pt = np.array([0.12, 0.41, -0.22])
            apply_trans(vsrc_s[0]['src_mri_t'], pt * np.array(scale)),
            apply_trans(vsrc[0]['src_mri_t'], pt))
        scale_labels('flachkopf', subjects_dir=tempdir)

        # add distances to source space
        src.save(path % 'ico-0', overwrite=True)

        # scale with distances
        os.remove(spath % 'ico-0')
        scale_source_space('flachkopf', 'ico-0', subjects_dir=tempdir)
        ssrc = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'ico-0')
        assert ssrc[0]['dist'] is not None
def transform_voxels_to_RAS(aseg_hdr, pts):
    # Transform data to RAS coordinates
    trans = aseg_hdr.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    pts = apply_trans(trans, pts)
    return pts
예제 #15
def make_mne_anatomy(subject, subjects_dir, recordings_path=None,
                     hcp_path=op.curdir, outputs=('label', 'mri', 'surf')):
    """Extract relevant anatomy and create MNE friendly directory layout

    The function will create the following outputs by default:


    These can then be set as $SUBJECTS_DIR and as MEG directory, consistent
    with MNE examples.

    subject : str
        The subject name.
    subjects_dir : str
        The path corresponding to MNE/freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR (to be created)
    hcp_path : str
        The path where the HCP files can be found.
    outputs : {'label', 'mri', 'stats', 'surf', 'touch'}
        The outputs of the freesrufer pipeline shipped by HCP. Defaults to
        ('mri', 'surf'), the minimum needed to extract MNE-friendly anatomy
        files and data.
    if hcp_path == op.curdir:
        hcp_path = op.realpath(hcp_path)
    if not op.isabs(subjects_dir):
        subjects_dir = op.realpath(subjects_dir)

    this_subjects_dir = op.join(subjects_dir, subject)
    if not op.isabs(recordings_path):
        recordings_path = op.realpath(recordings_path)

    this_recordings_path = op.join(recordings_path, subject)

    if not op.exists(this_recordings_path):

    for output in outputs:
        if not op.exists(op.join(this_subjects_dir, output)):
            os.makedirs(op.join(this_subjects_dir, output))
        if output == 'mri':
            for suboutput in ['orig', 'transforms']:
                if not op.exists(
                        op.join(this_subjects_dir, output, suboutput)):
                    os.makedirs(op.join(this_subjects_dir, output, suboutput))

        files = get_file_paths(
            subject=subject, data_type='freesurfer', output=output,
        for source in files:
            match = [match for match in re.finditer(subject, source)][-1]
            split_path = source[:match.span()[1] + 1]
            target = op.join(this_subjects_dir, source.split(split_path)[-1])
            if (not op.isfile(target) and not op.islink(target) and
                    op.exists(source)):  # don't link if it's not there.
                if sys.platform != 'win32':
                    os.symlink(source, target)
                    shutil.copyfile(source, target)

    logger.info('reading extended structural processing ...')

    # Step 1 #################################################################
    # transform head models to expected coordinate system

    # make hcp trans
    transforms_fname = get_file_paths(
        subject=subject, data_type='meg_anatomy', output='transforms',
    transforms_fname = [k for k in transforms_fname if
    hcp_trans = _read_trans_hcp(fname=transforms_fname, convert_to_meter=False)

    # get RAS freesurfer trans
    c_ras_trans_fname = get_file_paths(
        subject=subject, data_type='freesurfer', output='mri',
    c_ras_trans_fname = [k for k in c_ras_trans_fname if
    logger.info('reading RAS freesurfer transform')
    # ceci n'est pas un .mat file ...

    with open(op.join(subjects_dir, c_ras_trans_fname)) as fid:
        ras_trans = np.array([
            r.split() for r in fid.read().split('\n') if r],

    logger.info('Combining RAS transform and coregistration')
    ras_trans_m = linalg.inv(ras_trans)  # and the inversion

    logger.info('extracting head model')
    head_model_fname = get_file_paths(
        subject=subject, data_type='meg_anatomy', output='head_model',
    pnts, faces = _get_head_model(head_model_fname=head_model_fname)

    logger.info('coregistring head model to MNE-HCP coordinates')
    pnts = apply_trans(ras_trans_m.dot(hcp_trans['bti2spm']), pnts)

    tri_fname = op.join(this_subjects_dir, 'bem', 'inner_skull.surf')
    if not op.exists(op.dirname(tri_fname)):
    write_surface(tri_fname, pnts, faces)

    # Step 2 #################################################################
    # write corresponding device to MRI transform

    logger.info('extracting coregistration')
    # now convert to everything meter too here
    ras_trans_m[:3, 3] *= 1e-3
    bti2spm = hcp_trans['bti2spm']
    bti2spm[:3, 3] *= 1e-3
    head_mri_t = Transform(  # we're lying here for a good purpose
        'head', 'mri', np.dot(ras_trans_m, bti2spm))  # it should be 'ctf_head'
                        '%s-head_mri-trans.fif' % subject), head_mri_t)
예제 #16
def test_nirx_15_2_short():
    """Test reading NIRX files."""
    raw = read_raw_nirx(fname_nirx_15_2_short, preload=True)

    # Test data import
    assert raw._data.shape == (26, 145)
    assert raw.info['sfreq'] == 12.5
    assert raw.info['meas_date'] == dt.datetime(2019,

    # Test channel naming
    assert raw.info['ch_names'][:4] == [
        "S1_D1 760", "S1_D1 850", "S1_D9 760", "S1_D9 850"
    assert raw.info['ch_names'][24:26] == ["S5_D13 760", "S5_D13 850"]

    # Test frequency encoding
    assert raw.info['chs'][0]['loc'][9] == 760
    assert raw.info['chs'][1]['loc'][9] == 850

    # Test info import
    assert raw.info['subject_info'] == dict(sex=1,
                                            birthday=(2014, 8, 23))

    # Test distance between optodes matches values from
    # nirsite https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/51
    # step 4 figure 2
    allowed_distance_error = 0.0002
    distances = source_detector_distances(raw.info)
    assert_allclose(distances[::2], [
        0.0304, 0.0078, 0.0310, 0.0086, 0.0416, 0.0072, 0.0389, 0.0075, 0.0558,
        0.0562, 0.0561, 0.0565, 0.0077

    # Test which channels are short
    # These are the ones marked as red at
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/51 step 4 figure 2
    is_short = short_channels(raw.info)
    assert_array_equal(is_short[:9:2], [False, True, False, True, False])
    is_short = short_channels(raw.info, threshold=0.003)
    assert_array_equal(is_short[:3:2], [False, False])
    is_short = short_channels(raw.info, threshold=50)
    assert_array_equal(is_short[:3:2], [True, True])

    # Test trigger events
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.description, ['3.0', '2.0', '1.0'])

    # Test location of detectors
    # The locations of detectors can be seen in the first
    # figure on this page...
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/51
    # And have been manually copied below
    # These values were reported in mm, but according to this page...
    # https://mne.tools/stable/auto_tutorials/intro/plot_40_sensor_locations.html
    # 3d locations should be specified in meters, so that's what's tested below
    # Detector locations are stored in the third three loc values
    allowed_dist_error = 0.0002
    locs = [ch['loc'][6:9] for ch in raw.info['chs']]
    head_mri_t, _ = _get_trans('fsaverage', 'head', 'mri')
    mni_locs = apply_trans(head_mri_t, locs)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][0][3:5] == 'D1'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[0], [-0.0841, -0.0464, -0.0129],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][4][3:5] == 'D3'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[4], [0.0846, -0.0142, -0.0156],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][8][3:5] == 'D2'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[8], [0.0207, -0.1062, 0.0484],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][12][3:5] == 'D4'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[12], [-0.0196, 0.0821, 0.0275],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][16][3:5] == 'D5'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[16], [-0.0360, 0.0276, 0.0778],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][19][3:5] == 'D6'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[19], [0.0352, 0.0283, 0.0780],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][21][3:5] == 'D7'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[21], [0.0388, -0.0477, 0.0932],
예제 #17
def test_snirf_nirsport2_w_positions():
    """Test reading SNIRF files with known positions."""
    raw = read_raw_snirf(nirx_nirsport2_103_2, preload=True,

    # Test data import
    assert raw._data.shape == (40, 128)
    assert_almost_equal(raw.info['sfreq'], 10.2, decimal=1)

    # Test channel naming
    assert raw.info['ch_names'][:4] == ['S1_D1 760', 'S1_D1 850',
                                        'S1_D6 760', 'S1_D6 850']
    assert raw.info['ch_names'][24:26] == ['S6_D4 760', 'S6_D4 850']

    # Test frequency encoding
    assert raw.info['chs'][0]['loc'][9] == 760
    assert raw.info['chs'][1]['loc'][9] == 850

    assert sum(short_channels(raw.info)) == 16

    # Test distance between optodes matches values from
    # nirsite https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/86
    # figure 3
    allowed_distance_error = 0.005
    distances = source_detector_distances(raw.info)
                    [0.0304, 0.0411, 0.008, 0.0400, 0.008, 0.0310, 0.0411,
                     0.008, 0.0299, 0.008, 0.0370, 0.008, 0.0404, 0.008],

    # Test location of detectors
    # The locations of detectors can be seen in the first
    # figure on this page...
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/86
    allowed_dist_error = 0.0002
    locs = [ch['loc'][6:9] for ch in raw.info['chs']]
    head_mri_t, _ = _get_trans('fsaverage', 'head', 'mri')
    mni_locs = apply_trans(head_mri_t, locs)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][0][3:5] == 'D1'
        mni_locs[0], [-0.0841, -0.0464, -0.0129], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][2][3:5] == 'D6'
        mni_locs[2], [-0.0841, -0.0138, 0.0248], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][34][3:5] == 'D5'
        mni_locs[34], [0.0845, -0.0451, -0.0123], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    # Test location of sensors
    # The locations of sensors can be seen in the second
    # figure on this page...
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/86
    allowed_dist_error = 0.0002
    locs = [ch['loc'][3:6] for ch in raw.info['chs']]
    head_mri_t, _ = _get_trans('fsaverage', 'head', 'mri')
    mni_locs = apply_trans(head_mri_t, locs)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][0][:2] == 'S1'
        mni_locs[0], [-0.0848, -0.0162, -0.0163], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][9][:2] == 'S2'
        mni_locs[9], [-0.0, -0.1195, 0.0142], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][34][:2] == 'S8'
        mni_locs[34], [0.0828, -0.046, 0.0285], atol=allowed_dist_error)
예제 #18
def plot_visualize_mft_sources(fwdmag, stcdata, tmin, tstep, subject,
    Plot the MFT sources at time point of peak.
    fwdmag:  forward solution
    stcdata: stc with ||cdv|| (point sequence as in fwdmag['source_rr'])
    tmin, tstep, subject: passed to mne.SourceEstimate()
    print("##### Attempting to plot:")
    # cf. decoding/plot_decoding_spatio_temporal_source.py
    vertices = [s['vertno'] for s in fwdmag['src']]
    if len(vertices) == 1:
        vertices = [
            [fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno']][:, 0] <= -0.],
                fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno']][:, 0] > -0.]
    elif len(vertices) > 2:
            'plot_visualize_mft_sources(): Cannot handle more than two sources spaces'

    stc_feat = SourceEstimate(stcdata,
    itmaxsum = np.argmax(np.sum(stcdata, axis=0))
    twmin = tmin + tstep * float(itmaxsum - stcdata.shape[1] / 20)
    twmax = tmin + tstep * float(itmaxsum + stcdata.shape[1] / 20)
    for ihemi, hemi in enumerate(['lh', 'rh', 'both']):
        brain = stc_feat.plot(surface='white',
        # use peak getter to move visualization to the time point of the peak
        print("Restricting peak search to [%fs, %fs]" % (twmin, twmax))
        if hemi == 'both':
            vertno_max, time_idx = stc_feat.get_peak(hemi=None,
            vertno_max, time_idx = stc_feat.get_peak(hemi=hemi,
        print("hemi=%s: setting time_idx=%d" % (hemi, time_idx))
        if hemi == 'lh' or hemi == 'rh':
            # draw marker at maximum peaking vertex

        if len(fwdmag['src']) > ihemi:
            fwds = fwdmag['src'][ihemi]
            comax = fwds['rr'][vertno_max]
            print("hemi=%s: vertno_max=%d, time_idx=%d fwdmag['src'][%d]['rr'][vertno_max] = " % \
                  (hemi, vertno_max, time_idx, ihemi), comax)

            offsets = np.append([0], [s['nuse'] for s in fwdmag['src']])
            if hemi == 'lh':
                ifoci = [
                        stcdata[0:offsets[1], time_idx] >=
                        0.25 * np.max(stcdata[:, time_idx])
            elif len(fwdmag['src']) > 1:
                ifoci = [
                        stcdata[offsets[1]:, time_idx] >=
                        0.25 * np.max(stcdata[:, time_idx])
            vfoci = fwds['vertno'][ifoci[0][0]]
            cfoci = fwds['rr'][vfoci]
            print("Coords  of %d sel. vfoci: " % cfoci.shape[0])
            print("vfoci: ")
            print("brain.geo[%s].coords[vfoci] : " % hemi)

            mrfoci = np.zeros(cfoci.shape)
            invmri_head_t = invert_transform(fwdmag['info']['mri_head_t'])
            mrfoci = apply_trans(invmri_head_t['trans'], cfoci, move=True)
            print("mrfoci: ")

            # Just some blops along the coordinate axis:
            # This will not yield reasonable results w an inflated brain.
            # bloblist = np.zeros((300,3))
            # for i in xrange(100):
            #    bloblist[i,0] = float(i)
            #    bloblist[i+100,1] = float(i)
            #    bloblist[i+200,2] = float(i)
            # mrblobs = apply_trans(invmri_head_t['trans'], bloblist, move=True)
            # brain.add_foci(mrblobs, coords_as_verts=False, hemi=hemi, color='yellow', scale_factor=0.3)
        brain.save_image('testfig_map_%s.png' % hemi)
예제 #19
def write_anat(bids_root,
    """Put anatomical MRI data into a BIDS format.

    Given a BIDS directory and a T1 weighted MRI scan for a certain subject,
    format the MRI scan to be in BIDS format and put it into the correct
    location in the bids_dir. If a transformation matrix is supplied, a
    sidecar JSON file will be written for the T1 weighted data.

    bids_root : str
        Path to root of the BIDS folder
    subject : str
        Subject label as in 'sub-<label>', for example: '01'
    t1w : str | nibabel image object
        Path to a T1 weighted MRI scan of the subject. Can be in any format
        readable by nibabel. Can also be a nibabel image object of a T1
        weighted MRI scan. Will be written as a .nii.gz file.
    session : str | None
        The session for `t1w`. Corresponds to "ses"
    acquisition: str | None
        The acquisition parameters for `t1w`. Corresponds to "acq"
    raw : instance of Raw | None
        The raw data of `subject` corresponding to `t1w`. If `raw` is None,
        `trans` has to be None as well
    trans : instance of mne.transforms.Transform | str | None
        The transformation matrix from head coordinates to MRI coordinates. Can
        also be a string pointing to a .trans file containing the
        transformation matrix. If None, no sidecar JSON file will be written
        for `t1w`
    deface : bool | dict
        If False, no defacing is performed.
        If True, deface with default parameters.
        `trans` and `raw` must not be `None` if True.
        If dict, accepts the following keys:
            `inset`: how far back in millimeters to start defacing
                     relative to the nasion (default 20)
            `theta`: is the angle of the defacing shear in degrees relative
                     to the normal to the plane passing through the anatomical
                     landmarks (default 35).
    overwrite : bool
        Whether to overwrite existing files or data in files.
        Defaults to False.
        If overwrite is True, any existing files with the same BIDS parameters
        will be overwritten with the exception of the `participants.tsv` and
        `scans.tsv` files. For these files, parts of pre-existing data that
        match the current data will be replaced.
        If overwrite is False, no existing data will be overwritten or
    verbose : bool
        If verbose is True, this will print a snippet of the sidecar files. If
        False, no content will be printed.

    anat_dir : str
        Path to the anatomical scan in the `bids_dir`

    if not has_nibabel():  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
    import nibabel as nib

    if deface and (trans is None or raw is None):
        raise ValueError('The raw object, trans and raw must be provided to '
                         'deface the T1')

    # Make directory for anatomical data
    anat_dir = op.join(bids_root, 'sub-{}'.format(subject))
    # Session is optional
    if session is not None:
        anat_dir = op.join(anat_dir, 'ses-{}'.format(session))
    anat_dir = op.join(anat_dir, 'anat')
    if not op.exists(anat_dir):

    # Try to read our T1 file and convert to MGH representation
    if isinstance(t1w, str):
        t1w = nib.load(t1w)
    elif type(t1w) not in nib.all_image_classes:
        raise ValueError('`t1w` must be a path to a T1 weighted MRI data file '
                         ', or a nibabel image object, but it is of type '

    t1w = nib.Nifti1Image(t1w.dataobj, t1w.affine)
    # XYZT_UNITS = NIFT_UNITS_MM (10 in binary or 2 in decimal)
    # seems to be the default for Nifti files
    # https://nifti.nimh.nih.gov/nifti-1/documentation/nifti1fields/nifti1fields_pages/xyzt_units.html
    if t1w.header['xyzt_units'] == 0:
        t1w.header['xyzt_units'] = np.array(10, dtype='uint8')

    # Now give the NIfTI file a BIDS name and write it to the BIDS location
    t1w_basename = make_bids_basename(subject=subject,

    # Check if we have necessary conditions for writing a sidecar JSON
    if trans is not None:

        # get trans and ensure it is from head to MRI
        trans, _ = _get_trans(trans, fro='head', to='mri')

        if not isinstance(raw, BaseRaw):
            raise ValueError('`raw` must be specified if `trans` is not None')

        # Prepare to write the sidecar JSON
        # extract MEG landmarks
        coords_dict = _extract_landmarks(raw.info['dig'])
        meg_landmarks = np.asarray(
            (coords_dict['LPA'], coords_dict['NAS'], coords_dict['RPA']))

        # Transform MEG landmarks into MRI space, adjust units by * 1e3
        mri_landmarks = apply_trans(trans, meg_landmarks, move=True) * 1e3

        # Get landmarks in voxel space, using the mgh version of our T1 data
        t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1w.dataobj, t1w.affine)
        vox2ras_tkr = t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
        ras2vox_tkr = np.linalg.inv(vox2ras_tkr)
        mri_landmarks = apply_trans(ras2vox_tkr, mri_landmarks)  # in vox

        # Write sidecar.json
        t1w_json = dict()
        t1w_json['AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates'] = \
            {'LPA': list(mri_landmarks[0, :]),
             'NAS': list(mri_landmarks[1, :]),
             'RPA': list(mri_landmarks[2, :])}
        fname = t1w_basename.replace('.nii.gz', '.json')
        if op.isfile(fname) and not overwrite:
            raise IOError(
                'Wanted to write a file but it already exists and '
                '`overwrite` is set to False. File: "{}"'.format(fname))
        _write_json(fname, t1w_json, overwrite, verbose)

        if deface:
            t1w = _deface(t1w, mri_landmarks, deface, trans, raw)

    # Save anatomical data
    if op.exists(t1w_basename):
        if overwrite:
            raise IOError(
                'Wanted to write a file but it already exists and '
                '`overwrite` is set to False. File: "{}"'.format(t1w_basename))

    nib.save(t1w, t1w_basename)

    return anat_dir
예제 #20
def test_ieeg_elec_locate_gui_display(_locate_ieeg, _fake_CT_coords):
    """Test that the intracranial location GUI displays properly."""
    raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_path, preload=True)
    ch_dict = {
        'EEG 001': 'LAMY 1',
        'EEG 002': 'LAMY 2',
        'EEG 003': 'LSTN 1',
        'EEG 004': 'LSTN 2'
    raw.set_channel_types({name: 'seeg' for name in raw.ch_names})
    aligned_ct, coords = _fake_CT_coords
    trans = mne.read_trans(fname_trans)

    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='`pial` surface not found'):
        gui = _locate_ieeg(raw.info,

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='read-only'):
        gui._ras[:] = coords[0]  # start in the right position
    assert not gui._lines and not gui._lines_2D  # no lines for one contact
    for ci, coord in enumerate(coords[1:], 1):
        coord_vox = apply_trans(gui._ras_vox_t, coord)
        with use_log_level('debug'):

    # ensure a 3D line was made for each group
    assert len(gui._lines) == 2

    # test snap to center
    gui._ch_index = 0
    gui._set_ras(coords[0])  # move to first position
    assert_allclose(coords[0], gui._chs['LAMY 1'], atol=0.2)
    assert gui._snap_button.text() == 'Off'
    # now make sure no snap happens
    gui._ch_index = 0
    gui._set_ras(coords[1] + 1)
    assert_allclose(coords[1] + 1, gui._chs['LAMY 1'], atol=0.01)
    # check that it turns back on
    assert gui._snap_button.text() == 'On'

    # test remove
    gui._ch_index = 1
    assert np.isnan(gui._chs['LAMY 2']).all()

    # check that raw object saved
    assert not np.isnan(raw.info['chs'][0]['loc'][:3]).any()  # LAMY 1
    assert np.isnan(raw.info['chs'][1]['loc'][:3]).all()  # LAMY 2 (removed)

    # move sliders
    assert gui._ch_alpha == 0.75
    assert gui._radius == 5
    ct_sum_before = np.nansum(gui._images['ct'][0].get_array().data)
    assert np.nansum(gui._images['ct'][0].get_array().data) < ct_sum_before

    # test buttons
    assert 'mri' in gui._images
    assert 'local_max' not in gui._images
    assert 'local_max' in gui._images
    assert 'mip' not in gui._images
    assert 'mip' in gui._images
    assert 'mip_chs' in gui._images
    assert len(gui._lines_2D) == 1  # LAMY only has one contact
def create_volume(subjects_dir, subject, src_space, corr_file, corr_vol):

    sources = []
    src_space = mne.read_source_spaces(src_space)
    # lh_surf_coord = src_space[0]['rr']     					# Triangle Mesh coordinates
    # lh_triangle_idx = src_space[0]['tris'] 					# traingular mesh face of 3 vertices
    t1_fname = os.path.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'mri', 'T1.mgz')
    t1 = nib.load(t1_fname)
    vox_mri_t = t1.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    mri_vox_t = np.linalg.inv(vox_mri_t)
    for src_ in src_space:
        points = src_['rr'][src_['inuse'].astype(bool)]
        sources.append(apply_trans(mri_vox_t, points * 1e3))
        sources = np.concatenate(sources, axis=0)
    sources = np.round(sources)

    img = np.zeros([256, 256, 256])
    corr_data = np.load(corr_file)
    # print(len(sources), corr_data.shape)
    for idx, val in enumerate(sources):
        i, j, k = int(val[0]), int(val[1]), int(val[2])
        img[i][j][k] = corr_data[idx]
    img[img < 0.0] = sys.float_info.epsilon

    # Fill neiboring voxels

    fill_neighbor = True
    if fill_neighbor:
        found = np.argwhere(img > 0.0)
        for a1, b1, c1 in found:
            neighbor = list(neighbors((a1, b1, c1)))
            for i, j, k in neighbor:
                img[i][j][k] = img[a1][b1][c1]

        found = np.argwhere(img > 0.0)
        for a1, b1, c1 in found:
            neighbor = list(neighbors((a1, b1, c1)))
            for i, j, k in neighbor:
                img[i][j][k] = img[a1][b1][c1]

        found = np.argwhere(img > 0.0)
        for a1, b1, c1 in found:
            neighbor = list(neighbors((a1, b1, c1)))
            for i, j, k in neighbor:
                img[i][j][k] = img[a1][b1][c1]

        found = np.argwhere(img > 0.0)
        for a1, b1, c1 in found:
            neighbor = list(neighbors((a1, b1, c1)))
            for i, j, k in neighbor:
                img[i][j][k] = img[a1][b1][c1]

    #---------------------- Convolution Nearest Neighbor-------------------------#

    convolution = True
    if convolution:
        print(f'Convolve 2-dimensional array')
        final_list = []  # Axial
        for dim_0_slice in img:
            output = eight_neighbor_average_convolve2d(dim_0_slice)
        img = np.dstack(final_list)

        final_list = []  # Coronal
        img = np.swapaxes(img, 0, 1)
        for dim_0_slice in img:
            output = eight_neighbor_average_convolve2d(dim_0_slice)
        img = np.dstack(final_list)

        final_list = []  # Sagittal
        img = np.swapaxes(img, 0, 2)
        for dim_0_slice in img:
            output = eight_neighbor_average_convolve2d(dim_0_slice)
        img = np.dstack(final_list)

    affine = t1.affine
    hdr = t1.header
    result_img = nib.Nifti1Image(img, affine, header=hdr)

예제 #22
def plot_coregistration(subject,
                        info_from=(('data_type', 'rest'), ('run_index', 0)),
                        view_init=(('azim', 0), ('elev', 0))):
    """A diagnostic plot to show the HCP coregistration

    subject : str
        The subject
    subjects_dir : str
        The path corresponding to MNE/freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR (to be created)
    hcp_path : str
        The path where the HCP files can be found.
    recordings_path : str
        The path to converted data (including the head<->device transform).
    info_from : tuple of tuples | dict
        The reader info concerning the data from which sensor positions
        should be read.
        Must not be empty room as sensor positions are in head
        coordinates for 4D systems, hence not available in that case.
        Note that differences between the sensor positions across runs
        are smaller than 12 digits, hence negligible.
    view_init : tuple of tuples | dict
        The initival view, defaults to azimuth and elevation of 0,
        a simple lateral view

    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The figure object.
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  #  noqa

    if isinstance(info_from, tuple):
        info_from = dict(info_from)
    if isinstance(view_init, tuple):
        view_init = dict(view_init)

    head_mri_t = read_trans(
        op.join(recordings_path, subject,

    info = read_info(subject=subject, hcp_path=hcp_path, **info_from)

    info = pick_info(info, _pick_data_channels(info, with_ref_meg=False))
    sens_pnts = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    sens_pnts = apply_trans(head_mri_t, sens_pnts)
    sens_pnts *= 1e3  # put in mm scale

    pnts, tris = read_surface(
        op.join(subjects_dir, subject, 'bem', 'inner_skull.surf'))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.scatter(*sens_pnts.T, color='purple', marker='o')
    ax.scatter(*pnts.T, color='green', alpha=0.3)
    return fig
예제 #23
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: kylemath/pyoptical
def boxy2mne(*, boxy_file=None, mtg_file=None, coord_file=None):

    # =============================================================================
    #     ready raw data from boxy file
    # =============================================================================
    ###this keeps track of the line we're on###
    ###mostly to know the start and stop of data (probably an easier way)###
    line_num = 0

    ###load and read data to get some meta information###
    ###there is alot of information at the beginning of a file###
    ###but this only grabs some of it###
    with open(boxy_file, 'r') as data:
        for i_line in data:
            line_num += 1
            if '#DATA ENDS' in i_line:
                end_line = line_num - 1
            if 'Detector Channels' in i_line:
                detect_num = int(i_line.rsplit(' ')[0])
            elif 'External MUX Channels' in i_line:
                source_num = int(i_line.rsplit(' ')[0])
            elif 'Auxiliary Channels' in i_line:
                aux_num = int(i_line.rsplit(' ')[0])
            elif 'Waveform (CCF) Frequency (Hz)' in i_line:
                ccf_ha = float(i_line.rsplit(' ')[0])
            elif 'Update Rate (Hz)' in i_line:
                srate = float(i_line.rsplit(' ')[0])
            elif 'Updata Rate (Hz)' in i_line:
                srate = float(i_line.rsplit(' ')[0])
            elif '#DATA BEGINS' in i_line:
                start_line = line_num

    ###now let's go through and parse our raw data###
    raw_data = pd.read_csv(boxy_file, skiprows=start_line, sep='\t')

    ###detectors, sources, and data types###
    detectors = [
        'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N',
        'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
    data_types = ['AC', 'DC', 'Ph']
    sources = np.arange(1, source_num + 1, 1)

    ###since we can save boxy files in two different styles###
    ###this will check to see which style the data is saved###
    ###seems to also work with older boxy files###
    if 'exmux' in raw_data.columns:
        filetype = 'non-parsed'

        ###drop the last line as this is just '#DATA ENDS'###
        raw_data = raw_data.drop([len(raw_data) - 1])

        ###store some extra info###
        record = raw_data['record'].to_numpy()
        exmux = raw_data['exmux'].to_numpy()

        ###make some empty variables to store our data###
        raw_ac = np.zeros(
            (detect_num * source_num, int(len(raw_data) / source_num)))
        raw_dc = np.zeros(
            (detect_num * source_num, int(len(raw_data) / source_num)))
        raw_ph = np.zeros(
            (detect_num * source_num, int(len(raw_data) / source_num)))
        filetype = 'parsed'

        ###drop the last line as this is just '#DATA ENDS'###
        ###also drop the first line since this is empty###
        raw_data = raw_data.drop([0, len(raw_data) - 1])

        ###make some empty variables to store our data###
        raw_ac = np.zeros(((detect_num * source_num), len(raw_data)))
        raw_dc = np.zeros(((detect_num * source_num), len(raw_data)))
        raw_ph = np.zeros(((detect_num * source_num), len(raw_data)))

    ###store some extra data, might not need these though###
    time = raw_data['time'].to_numpy() if 'time' in raw_data.columns else []
    time = raw_data['time'].to_numpy() if 'time' in raw_data.columns else []
    group = raw_data['group'].to_numpy() if 'group' in raw_data.columns else []
    step = raw_data['step'].to_numpy() if 'step' in raw_data.columns else []
    mark = raw_data['mark'].to_numpy() if 'mark' in raw_data.columns else []
    flag = raw_data['flag'].to_numpy() if 'flag' in raw_data.columns else []
    aux1 = raw_data['aux-1'].to_numpy() if 'aux-1' in raw_data.columns else []
    digaux = raw_data['digaux'].to_numpy(
    ) if 'digaux' in raw_data.columns else []
    bias = np.zeros((detect_num, len(raw_data)))

    ###loop through detectors###
    for i_detect in detectors[0:detect_num]:

        ###older boxy files don't seem to keep track of detector bias###
        ###probably due to specific boxy settings actually###
        if 'bias-A' in raw_data.columns:
            bias[detectors.index(i_detect), :] = raw_data['bias-' +

        ###loop through data types###
        for i_data in data_types:

            ###loop through sources###
            for i_source in sources:

                ###where to store our data###
                index_loc = detectors.index(i_detect) * source_num + (
                    i_source - 1)

                ###need to treat our filetypes differently###
                if filetype == 'non-parsed':

                    ###filetype saves timepoints in groups###
                    ###this should account for that###
                    time_points = np.arange(i_source - 1,
                                            int(record[-1]) * source_num,

                    ###determine which channel to look for###
                    channel = i_detect + '-' + i_data

                    ###save our data based on data type###
                    if data_types.index(i_data) == 0:
                        raw_ac[index_loc, :] = raw_data[channel][
                    elif data_types.index(i_data) == 1:
                        raw_dc[index_loc, :] = raw_data[channel][
                    elif data_types.index(i_data) == 2:
                        raw_ph[index_loc, :] = raw_data[channel][
                elif filetype == 'parsed':

                    ###determine which channel to look for###
                    channel = i_detect + '-' + i_data + str(i_source)

                    ###save our data based on data type###
                    if data_types.index(i_data) == 0:
                        raw_ac[index_loc, :] = raw_data[channel].to_numpy()
                    elif data_types.index(i_data) == 1:
                        raw_dc[index_loc, :] = raw_data[channel].to_numpy()
                    elif data_types.index(i_data) == 2:
                        raw_ph[index_loc, :] = raw_data[channel].to_numpy()

# =============================================================================
#     read source and electrode locations from .mtg and .tol/.elp files
# =============================================================================

###set up some variables###
    chan_num = []
    source_label = []
    detect_label = []
    chan_wavelength = []
    chan_modulation = []

    ###load and read each line of the .mtg file###
    with open(mtg_file, 'r') as data:
        for i_ignore in range(2):
        for i_line in data:
            chan1, chan2, source, detector, wavelength, modulation = i_line.split(

    ###check if we are given a .tol or .elp file###
    all_labels = []
    all_coords = []
    fiducial_coords = []
    if coord_file[-3:].lower() == 'elp'.lower():
        get_label = 0
        get_coords = 0
        ###load and read .elp file###
        with open(coord_file, 'r') as data:
            for i_line in data:
                ###first let's get our fiducial coordinates###
                if '%F' in i_line:
                ###check where sensor info starts###
                if '//Sensor name' in i_line:
                    get_label = 1
                elif get_label == 1:
                    ###grab the part after '%N' for the label###
                    label = i_line.split()[1]
                    get_label = 0
                    get_coords = 1
                elif get_coords == 1:
                    X, Y, Z = i_line.split()
                    all_coords.append([float(X), float(Y), float(Z)])
                    get_coords = 0
        for i_index in range(3):
            fiducial_coords[i_index] = np.asarray(
                [float(x) for x in fiducial_coords[i_index]])
    elif coord_file[-3:] == 'tol':
        ###load and read .tol file###
        with open(coord_file, 'r') as data:
            for i_line in data:
                label, X, Y, Z = i_line.split()
                ###convert coordinates from mm to m##
                all_coords.append([(float(X) * 0.001), (float(Y) * 0.001),
                                   (float(Z) * 0.001)])

    ###get coordinates for sources###
    source_coords = []
    for i_chan in source_label:
        if i_chan in all_labels:
            chan_index = all_labels.index(i_chan)

    ###get coordinates for detectors###
    detect_coords = []
    for i_chan in detect_label:
        if i_chan in all_labels:
            chan_index = all_labels.index(i_chan)

    ###need to rename labels to make other functions happy###
    ###get our unique labels for sources and detectors###
    unique_source_labels = []
    unique_detect_labels = []
        unique_source_labels.append(label) for label in source_label
        if label not in unique_source_labels
        unique_detect_labels.append(label) for label in detect_label
        if label not in unique_detect_labels

    ###now let's label each channel in our data###
    ###data is channels X timepoint where the first source_num rows correspond to###
    ###the first detector, and each row within that group is a different source###
    ###should note that current .mtg files contain channels for multiple data files###
    ###going to move to have a single .mtg file per participant, condition, and montage###
    ###combine coordinates and label our channels###
    ###will label them based on ac, dc, and ph data###
    boxy_coords = []
    boxy_labels = []
    data_types = ['AC', 'DC', 'Ph']
    total_chans = detect_num * source_num
    for i_type in data_types:
        for i_coord in range(len(source_coords[0:total_chans])):
                        axis=0).tolist() + source_coords[i_coord] +
                detect_coords[i_coord] + [chan_wavelength[i_coord]] + [0] +
                'S' +
                str(unique_source_labels.index(source_label[i_coord]) + 1) +
                '_D' +
                str(unique_detect_labels.index(detect_label[i_coord]) + 1) +
                ' ' + chan_wavelength[i_coord] + ' ' + i_type)

    ###montage only wants channel coords, so need to grab those, convert to###
    ###array, then make a dict with labels###
    for i_chan in range(len(boxy_coords)):
        boxy_coords[i_chan] = np.asarray(boxy_coords[i_chan], dtype=np.float64)

    for i_chan in range(len(all_coords)):
        all_coords[i_chan] = np.asarray(all_coords[i_chan], dtype=np.float64)

    all_chan_dict = dict(zip(all_labels, all_coords))

    ###make our montage###
    montage_orig = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(ch_pos=all_chan_dict,

    ###for some reason make_dig_montage put our channels in a different order than what we input###
    ###let's fix that. should be fine to just change coords and ch_names###
    for i_chan in range(len(all_coords)):
        montage_orig.dig[i_chan + 3]['r'] = all_coords[i_chan]
        montage_orig.ch_names[i_chan] = all_labels[i_chan]

    ###add an extra channel for our triggers###

    ###create info structure###
    info = mne.create_info(boxy_labels, srate, ch_types='fnirs_raw')

    ###get our fiducials and transform matrix from fsaverage###
    subjects_dir = op.dirname(fetch_fsaverage())
    fid_path = op.join(subjects_dir, 'fsaverage', 'bem',
    fiducials = read_fiducials(fid_path)
    trans = coregister_fiducials(info, fiducials[0], tol=0.02)

    ###remake montage using the transformed coordinates###
    all_coords_trans = apply_trans(trans, all_coords)
    all_chan_dict_trans = dict(zip(all_labels, all_coords_trans))
    fiducial_coords_trans = apply_trans(trans, fiducial_coords)

    ###make our montage###
    montage_trans = mne.channels.make_dig_montage(

    ###let's fix montage order again###
    for i_chan in range(len(all_coords_trans)):
        montage_trans.dig[i_chan + 3]['r'] = all_coords_trans[i_chan]
        montage_trans.ch_names[i_chan] = all_labels[i_chan]

    ###add data type and channel wavelength to info###
    info.update(dig=montage_trans.dig, trans=trans)

    ###place our coordinates and wavelengths for each channel###
    for i_chan in range(len(boxy_labels) - 1):
        temp_chn = apply_trans(trans, boxy_coords[i_chan][0:3])
        temp_src = apply_trans(trans, boxy_coords[i_chan][3:6])
        temp_det = apply_trans(trans, boxy_coords[i_chan][6:9])
        temp_other = np.asarray(boxy_coords[i_chan][9:], dtype=np.float64)
        info['chs'][i_chan]['loc'] = test = np.concatenate(
            (temp_chn, temp_src, temp_det, temp_other), axis=0)
    info['chs'][-1]['loc'] = np.zeros((12, ))

    ###now combine our data types into a single array###
    all_data = np.append(raw_ac, np.append(raw_dc, raw_ph, axis=0), axis=0)

    ###add our markers to the data array based on filetype###
    if filetype == 'non-parsed':
        if type(digaux) is list and digaux != []:
            markers = digaux[np.arange(0, len(digaux), source_num)]
            markers = np.zeros(np.size(all_data, axis=1))
    elif filetype == 'parsed':
        markers = digaux
    all_data = np.vstack((all_data, markers))

    ###create our raw data object###
    raw_data_obj = mne.io.RawArray(all_data, info)

    return raw_data_obj
예제 #24
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    inputs = dict(
        sfp='FidNz 0       9.071585155     -2.359754454\n'
        'FidT9 -6.711765       0.040402876     -3.251600355\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name -5.831241498 -4.494821698  4.955347697\n'
        'Cz 0       0       8.899186843',
        '// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa: E501
        '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E31      90.000     -11.000       1.000    0.0000    0.9816   -0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E61     158.000     -17.200       1.000   -0.8857    0.3579   -0.2957  -0.00000000000000022',  # noqa: E501
        '# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'  # noqa:E501
        'NumberPositions=    68\n'
        '-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
        '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n'
        '0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
        '-86.0761 -24.9897 -67.9860\n'
        m_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n'
        'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n'  # noqa:E501
        '.0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n'
        '.08 -.02 -.04\n'
        txt='Site  Theta  Phi\n'
        'Fp1  -92    -72\n'
        'Fp2   92     72\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name       -92     72\n'
        'O2        92    -90\n',
        'EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n',
        hpts='eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\n'
        'eeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\n'
        'eeg A3 -2 -2 2\n'
        'eeg A 0 0 0',
    # Get actual positions and save them for checking
    # csd comes from the string above, all others come from commit 2fa35d4
    poss = dict(
        sfp=[[0.0, 9.07159, -2.35975], [-6.71176, 0.0404, -3.2516],
             [-5.83124, -4.49482, 4.95535], [0.0, 0.0, 8.89919]],
        mm_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
                [1e-05, 0.08681, -0.03998], [-0.08608, -0.02499, -0.06799]],
        m_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
               [1e-05, 0.00868, -0.03998], [0.08, -0.02, -0.04]],
        txt=[[-26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646], [26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646],
             [-26.25044, -80.79056, -2.96646], [0.0, -84.94822, -2.96646]],
        elp=[[-48.20043, 57.55106, 39.86971], [0.0, 60.73848, 59.4629],
             [48.1426, 57.58403, 39.89198], [41.64599, 66.91489, 31.8278]],
        hpts=[[-95, -3, -3], [-1, -1., -3.], [-2, -2, 2.], [0, 0, 0]],
    for key, text in inputs.items():
        kind = key.split('_')[-1]
        fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test.' + kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if kind in ('sfp', 'txt'):
            assert_true('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, 'test')
        if kind == 'csd':
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            poss['csd'] = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
        if kind == 'elc':
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(
                np.linalg.norm, 1, montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)
        assert_array_almost_equal(poss[key], montage.pos, 4, err_msg=key)

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = [
        "F3", "FZ", "F4", "FC3", "FCz", "FC4", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "CP3", "CPZ",
        "CP4", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "O1", "OZ", "O2"
    montage = read_montage('standard_1020', ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts')
    with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('2')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('1')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('3')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts')
    montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

    evoked = EvokedArray(data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)),
    pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

    # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in the montage
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
예제 #25
def get_head_mri_trans(bids_path,
    """Produce transformation matrix from MEG and MRI landmark points.

    Will attempt to read the landmarks of Nasion, LPA, and RPA from the sidecar
    files of (i) the MEG and (ii) the T1-weighted MRI data. The two sets of
    points will then be used to calculate a transformation matrix from head
    coordinates to MRI coordinates.

    .. note:: The MEG and MRI data need **not** necessarily be stored in the
              same session or even in the same BIDS dataset. See the
              ``t1_bids_path`` parameter for details.

    bids_path : mne_bids.BIDSPath
        The path of the electrophysiology recording.
    extra_params : None | dict
        Extra parameters to be passed to :func:`mne.io.read_raw` when reading
        the MEG file.
    t1_bids_path : mne_bids.BIDSPath | None
        If ``None`` (default), will try to discover the T1-weighted MRI file
        based on the name and location of the MEG recording specified via the
        ``bids_path`` parameter. Alternatively, you explicitly specify which
        T1-weighted MRI scan to use for extraction of MRI landmarks. To do
        that, pass a :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` pointing to the scan.
        Use this parameter e.g. if the T1 scan was recorded during a different
        session than the MEG. It is even possible to point to a T1 image stored
        in an entirely different BIDS dataset than the MEG data.
    fs_subject : str | None
        The subject identifier used for FreeSurfer. If ``None``, defaults to
        the ``subject`` entity in ``bids_path``.
    fs_subjects_dir : str | pathlib.Path | None
        The FreeSurfer subjects directory. If ``None``, defaults to the
        ``SUBJECTS_DIR`` environment variable.

        .. versionadded:: 0.8

    trans : mne.transforms.Transform
        The data transformation matrix from head to MRI coordinates.
    if not has_nibabel():  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
    import nibabel as nib

    if not isinstance(bids_path, BIDSPath):
        raise RuntimeError('"bids_path" must be a BIDSPath object. Please '
                           'instantiate using mne_bids.BIDSPath().')

    # check root available
    meg_bids_path = bids_path.copy()
    del bids_path
    if meg_bids_path.root is None:
        raise ValueError('The root of the "bids_path" must be set. '
                         'Please use `bids_path.update(root="<root>")` '
                         'to set the root of the BIDS folder to read.')

    # only get this for MEG data
    meg_bids_path.update(datatype='meg', suffix='meg')

    # Get the sidecar file for MRI landmarks
    match_bids_path = meg_bids_path if t1_bids_path is None else t1_bids_path
    t1w_path = _find_matching_sidecar(match_bids_path,
    t1w_json_path = _find_matching_sidecar(match_bids_path,

    # Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar
    with open(t1w_json_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        t1w_json = json.load(f)
    mri_coords_dict = t1w_json.get('AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates', dict())

    # landmarks array: rows: [LPA, NAS, RPA]; columns: [x, y, z]
    mri_landmarks = np.full((3, 3), np.nan)
    for landmark_name, coords in mri_coords_dict.items():
        if landmark_name.upper() == 'LPA':
            mri_landmarks[0, :] = coords
        elif landmark_name.upper() == 'RPA':
            mri_landmarks[2, :] = coords
        elif (landmark_name.upper() == 'NAS'
              or landmark_name.lower() == 'nasion'):
            mri_landmarks[1, :] = coords

    if np.isnan(mri_landmarks).any():
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'Could not extract fiducial points from T1w sidecar file: '
            f'The sidecar file SHOULD contain a key '
            f'"AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates" pointing to an '
            f'object with the keys "LPA", "NAS", and "RPA". '
            f'Yet, the following structure was found:\n\n'

    # The MRI landmarks are in "voxels". We need to convert the to the
    # neuromag RAS coordinate system in order to compare the with MEG landmarks
    # see also: `mne_bids.write.write_anat`
    if fs_subject is None:
        fs_subject = f'sub-{meg_bids_path.subject}'
    fs_subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(fs_subjects_dir, raise_error=False)
    fs_t1_fname = Path(fs_subjects_dir) / fs_subject / 'mri' / 'T1.mgz'
    if not fs_t1_fname.exists():
        raise ValueError(
            f"Could not find {fs_t1_fname}. Consider running FreeSurfer's "
            f"'recon-all` for subject {fs_subject}.")
    fs_t1_mgh = nib.load(str(fs_t1_fname))
    t1_nifti = nib.load(str(t1w_path))

    # Convert to MGH format to access vox2ras method
    t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1_nifti.dataobj, t1_nifti.affine)

    # convert to scanner RAS
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras(), mri_landmarks)

    # convert to FreeSurfer T1 voxels (same scanner RAS as T1)
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(fs_t1_mgh.header.get_ras2vox(), mri_landmarks)

    # now extract transformation matrix and put back to RAS coordinates of MRI
    vox2ras_tkr = fs_t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(vox2ras_tkr, mri_landmarks)
    mri_landmarks = mri_landmarks * 1e-3

    # Get MEG landmarks from the raw file
    _, ext = _parse_ext(meg_bids_path)
    if extra_params is None:
        extra_params = dict()
    if ext == '.fif':
        extra_params['allow_maxshield'] = True

    raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path=meg_bids_path, extra_params=extra_params)
    meg_coords_dict = _extract_landmarks(raw.info['dig'])
    meg_landmarks = np.asarray((meg_coords_dict['LPA'], meg_coords_dict['NAS'],

    # Given the two sets of points, fit the transform
    trans_fitted = fit_matched_points(src_pts=meg_landmarks,
    trans = mne.transforms.Transform(fro='head', to='mri', trans=trans_fitted)
    return trans
예제 #26
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages"""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # no pep8
    input_str = ["""FidNz 0.00000 10.56381 -2.05108
    FidT9 -7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056
    FidT10 7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056""",
    """// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates
    // Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface
      E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011
      E2      44.600      -0.880       1.000    0.7119    0.7021   -0.0154   0.00000000000000000
      E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000""",  # noqa
    """# ASA electrode file
    ReferenceLabel  avg
    UnitPosition    mm
    NumberPositions=    68
    -86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860
    85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310
    0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830
    """Site  Theta  Phi
    Fp1  -92    -72
    Fp2   92     72
    F3   -60    -51
     EEG	      F3	 -62.027	 -50.053	      85
     EEG	      Fz	  45.608	      90	      85
     EEG	      F4	   62.01	  50.103	      85
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    kinds = ['test.sfp', 'test.csd', 'test.elc', 'test.txt', 'test.elp',
    for kind, text in zip(kinds, input_str):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 3)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (3, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, op.splitext(kind)[0])
        if kind.endswith('csd'):
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            pos2 = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
            assert_array_almost_equal(pos2, montage.pos, 4)
    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal nasion -91 0 -42
    cardinal lpa 0 -91 -42
    cardinal rpa 0 91 -42
    kind = 'test_fid.hpts'
    fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
    with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('nasion')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('lpa')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('rpa')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), unit='mm')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
    apply_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    pos3 = np.array([c['eeg_loc'][:, 0] for c in info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])
예제 #27
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    inputs = dict(
        sfp='FidNz 0       9.071585155     -2.359754454\n'
            'FidT9 -6.711765       0.040402876     -3.251600355\n'
            'very_very_very_long_name -5.831241498 -4.494821698  4.955347697\n'
            'Cz 0       0       8.899186843',
        csd='// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa: E501
            '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E31      90.000     -11.000       1.000    0.0000    0.9816   -0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E61     158.000     -17.200       1.000   -0.8857    0.3579   -0.2957  -0.00000000000000022',  # noqa: E501
        mm_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'  # noqa:E501
               'NumberPositions=    68\n'
               '-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
               '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n'
               '0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
               '-86.0761 -24.9897 -67.9860\n'
        m_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n'
              'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n'  # noqa:E501
              '.0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n'
              '.08 -.02 -.04\n'
        txt='Site  Theta  Phi\n'
            'Fp1  -92    -72\n'
            'Fp2   92     72\n'
            'very_very_very_long_name       -92     72\n'
            'O2        92    -90\n',
            'EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n',
        hpts='eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\n'
             'eeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\n'
             'eeg A3 -2 -2 2\n'
             'eeg A 0 0 0',
    # Get actual positions and save them for checking
    # csd comes from the string above, all others come from commit 2fa35d4
    poss = dict(
        sfp=[[0.0, 9.07159, -2.35975], [-6.71176, 0.0404, -3.2516],
             [-5.83124, -4.49482, 4.95535], [0.0, 0.0, 8.89919]],
        mm_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
                [1e-05, 0.08681, -0.03998], [-0.08608, -0.02499, -0.06799]],
        m_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
               [1e-05, 0.00868, -0.03998], [0.08, -0.02, -0.04]],
        txt=[[-26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646], [26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646],
             [-26.25044, -80.79056, -2.96646], [0.0, -84.94822, -2.96646]],
        elp=[[-48.20043, 57.55106, 39.86971], [0.0, 60.73848, 59.4629],
             [48.1426, 57.58403, 39.89198], [41.64599, 66.91489, 31.8278]],
        hpts=[[-95, -3, -3], [-1, -1., -3.], [-2, -2, 2.], [0, 0, 0]],
    for key, text in inputs.items():
        kind = key.split('_')[-1]
        fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test.' + kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if kind in ('sfp', 'txt'):
            assert_true('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, 'test')
        if kind == 'csd':
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            poss['csd'] = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
        if kind == 'elc':
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(
                np.linalg.norm, 1,
                montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)
        assert_array_almost_equal(poss[key], montage.pos, 4, err_msg=key)

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = ["F3", "FZ", "F4", "FC3", "FCz", "FC4", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "CP3",
                "CPZ", "CP4", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "O1", "OZ", "O2"]
    montage = read_montage('standard_1020', ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_strs = ["""
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    """, """
    Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    AF7 -81 -59 -3
    AF3 -87 -41 28
    nasion -91 0 -42
    lpa 0 -91 -42
    rpa 0 91 -42

    all_fiducials = [['2', '1', '3'], ['nasion', 'lpa', 'rpa']]

    kinds = ['test_fid.hpts',  'test_fid.sfp']

    for kind, fiducials, input_str in zip(kinds, all_fiducials, input_strs):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, kind), transform=True)

        # check coordinate transformation
        pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
        nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
        lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
        rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
        fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
        trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
        pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
        idx = montage.ch_names.index(fiducials[0])
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
        idx = montage.ch_names.index(fiducials[1])
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
        idx = montage.ch_names.index(fiducials[2])
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
        pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
        montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

        # test with last
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
        assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
        assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

        info = create_info(
            montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

        evoked = EvokedArray(
            data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)
        pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
        assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
        assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

        # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in montage
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                               ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
            _set_montage(info, montage)
            assert_true(len(w) == 1)

    # Channel names can be treated case insensitive
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(['FP1', 'af7', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg'] * 3)
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 0)

    # Unless there is a collision in names
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(['FP1', 'Fp1', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg'] * 3)
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        montage.ch_names = ['FP1', 'Fp1', 'AF3']
        info = create_info(['fp1', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg', 'eeg'])
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
예제 #28
파일: test_nirx.py 프로젝트: aces/EEG2BIDS
def test_nirsport_v2():
    """Test NIRSport2 file."""
    raw = read_raw_nirx(nirsport2, preload=True)
    assert raw._data.shape == (40, 128)

    # Test distance between optodes matches values from
    # nirsite https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/86
    # figure 3
    allowed_distance_error = 0.005
    distances = source_detector_distances(raw.info)
                    [0.0304, 0.0411, 0.008, 0.0400, 0.008, 0.0310, 0.0411,
                     0.008, 0.0299, 0.008, 0.0370, 0.008, 0.0404, 0.008],

    # Test location of detectors
    # The locations of detectors can be seen in the first
    # figure on this page...
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/86
    allowed_dist_error = 0.0002
    locs = [ch['loc'][6:9] for ch in raw.info['chs']]
    head_mri_t, _ = _get_trans('fsaverage', 'head', 'mri')
    mni_locs = apply_trans(head_mri_t, locs)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][0][3:5] == 'D1'
        mni_locs[0], [-0.0841, -0.0464, -0.0129], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][2][3:5] == 'D6'
        mni_locs[2], [-0.0841, -0.0138, 0.0248], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][34][3:5] == 'D5'
        mni_locs[34], [0.0845, -0.0451, -0.0123], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    # Test location of sensors
    # The locations of sensors can be seen in the second
    # figure on this page...
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/86
    locs = [ch['loc'][3:6] for ch in raw.info['chs']]
    head_mri_t, _ = _get_trans('fsaverage', 'head', 'mri')
    mni_locs = apply_trans(head_mri_t, locs)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][0][:2] == 'S1'
        mni_locs[0], [-0.0848, -0.0162, -0.0163], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][9][:2] == 'S2'
        mni_locs[9], [-0.0, -0.1195, 0.0142], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][34][:2] == 'S8'
        mni_locs[34], [0.0828, -0.046, 0.0285], atol=allowed_dist_error)

    assert len(raw.annotations) == 3
    assert raw.annotations.description[0] == '1.0'
    assert raw.annotations.description[2] == '6.0'
    # Lose tolerance as I am eyeballing the time differences on screen
        np.diff(raw.annotations.onset), [2.3, 3.1], atol=0.1)

    mon = raw.get_montage()
    assert len(mon.dig) == 43
예제 #29
def make_mne_anatomy(subject, anatomy_path, recordings_path=None,
                     hcp_path=op.curdir, mode='minimal', outputs=(
                         'label', 'mri', 'surf')):
    """Extract relevant anatomy and create MNE friendly directory layout

    The function will create the following outputs by default:


    These can then be set as $SUBJECTS_DIR and as MEG directory, consistent
    with MNE examples.

    subject : str
        The subject name.
    anatomy_path : str
        The path corresponding to MNE/freesurfer SUBJECTS_DIR (to be created)
    hcp_path : str
        The path where the HCP files can be found.
    mode : {'minimal', 'full'}
        If 'minimal', only the directory structure is created. If 'full' the
        freesurfer outputs shipped withm HCP (see `outputs`) are symbolically
    outputs : {'label', 'mri', 'stats', 'surf', 'touch'}
        The outputs of the freesrufer pipeline shipped by HCP. Defaults to
        ('mri', 'surf'), the minimum needed to extract MNE-friendly anatomy
        files and data.
    if mode not in ('full', 'minimal'):
        raise ValueError('`mode` must either be "minimal" or "full"')
    if hcp_path == op.curdir:
        hcp_path = op.realpath(hcp_path)
    if not op.isabs(anatomy_path):
        anatomy_path = op.realpath(anatomy_path)

    this_anatomy_path = op.join(anatomy_path, subject)
    if not op.isabs(recordings_path):
        recordings_path = op.realpath(recordings_path)

    this_recordings_path = op.join(recordings_path, subject)

    if not op.exists(this_recordings_path):

    for output in outputs:
        if not op.exists(op.join(this_anatomy_path, output)):
            os.makedirs(op.join(this_anatomy_path, output))
        if output == 'mri':
            for suboutput in ['orig', 'transforms']:
                if not op.exists(
                        op.join(this_anatomy_path, output, suboutput)):
                    os.makedirs(op.join(this_anatomy_path, output, suboutput))

        files = get_file_paths(
            subject=subject, data_type='freesurfer', output=output,
            processing='preprocessed', hcp_path=hcp_path)
        for source in files:
            match = [match for match in re.finditer(subject, source)][-1]
            split_path = source[:match.span()[1] + 1]
            target = op.join(this_anatomy_path, source.split(split_path)[-1])
            if not op.isfile(target) and not op.islink(target):
                os.symlink(source, target)

    logger.info('reading extended structural processing ...')

    # Step 1 #################################################################
    # transform head models to expected coordinate system

    # make hcp trans
    transforms_fname = get_file_paths(
        subject=subject, data_type='meg_anatomy', output='transforms',
        processing='preprocessed', hcp_path=hcp_path)
    transforms_fname = [k for k in transforms_fname if
    hcp_trans = _read_trans_hcp(fname=transforms_fname, convert_to_meter=False)

    # get RAS freesurfer trans
    c_ras_trans_fname = get_file_paths(
        subject=subject, data_type='freesurfer', output='mri',
        processing='preprocessed', hcp_path=hcp_path)
    c_ras_trans_fname = [k for k in c_ras_trans_fname if
    logger.info('reading RAS freesurfer transform')
    # ceci n'est pas un .mat file ...

    with open(op.join(anatomy_path, c_ras_trans_fname)) as fid:
        ras_trans = np.array([
            r.split() for r in fid.read().split('\n') if r],

    logger.info('Combining RAS transform and coregistration')
    ras_trans_m = linalg.inv(ras_trans)  # and the inversion

    logger.info('extracting head model')
    head_model_fname = get_file_paths(
        subject=subject, data_type='meg_anatomy', output='head_model',
        processing='preprocessed', hcp_path=hcp_path)[0]
    pnts, faces = _get_head_model(head_model_fname=head_model_fname)

    logger.info('coregistring head model to MNE-HCP coordinates')
    pnts = apply_trans(ras_trans_m.dot(hcp_trans['bti2spm']), pnts)

    tri_fname = op.join(this_anatomy_path, 'bem', 'inner_skull.surf')
    if not op.exists(op.dirname(tri_fname)):
    write_surface(tri_fname, pnts, faces)

    # Step 2 #################################################################
    # write corresponding device to MRI transform

    logger.info('extracting coregistration')
    # now convert to everything meter too here
    ras_trans_m[:3, 3] *= 1e-3
    bti2spm = hcp_trans['bti2spm']
    bti2spm[:3, 3] *= 1e-3
    head_mri_t = Transform(  # we're lying here for a good purpose
        'head', 'mri', np.dot(ras_trans_m, bti2spm))  # it should be 'ctf_head'
        op.join(this_recordings_path, '%s-head_mri-trans.fif') % subject,
예제 #30
def test_scale_mri(tmpdir, few_surfaces, scale):
    """Test creating fsaverage and scaling it."""
    # create fsaverage using the testing "fsaverage" instead of the FreeSurfer
    # one
    tempdir = str(tmpdir)
    fake_home = testing.data_path()
    assert _is_mri_subject('fsaverage', tempdir), "Creating fsaverage failed"

    fid_path = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-fiducials.fif')
    assert op.exists(fid_path), "Updating fsaverage"

    # copy MRI file from sample data (shouldn't matter that it's incorrect,
    # so here choose a small one)
    path_from = op.join(testing.data_path(), 'subjects', 'sample', 'mri',
    path_to = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    copyfile(path_from, path_to)

    # remove redundant label files
    label_temp = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'label', '*.label')
    label_paths = glob(label_temp)
    for label_path in label_paths[1:]:

    # create source space
    print('Creating surface source space')
    path = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-%s-src.fif')
    src = mne.setup_source_space('fsaverage',
    mri = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    print('Creating volume source space')
    vsrc = mne.setup_volume_source_space('fsaverage',
    write_source_spaces(path % 'vol-50', vsrc)

    # scale fsaverage
    write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src, overwrite=True)
    with pytest.warns(None):  # sometimes missing nibabel
    assert _is_mri_subject('flachkopf', tempdir), "Scaling failed"
    spath = op.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'bem', 'flachkopf-%s-src.fif')

    assert op.exists(spath % 'ico-0'), "Source space ico-0 was not scaled"
    assert os.path.isfile(
        os.path.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'surf', 'lh.sphere.reg'))
    vsrc_s = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'vol-50')
    for vox in ([0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 2, 3]):
        idx = np.ravel_multi_index(vox, vsrc[0]['shape'], order='F')
        err_msg = f'idx={idx} @ {vox}, scale={scale}'
        assert_allclose(apply_trans(vsrc[0]['src_mri_t'], vox),
        assert_allclose(apply_trans(vsrc_s[0]['src_mri_t'], vox),
    scale_labels('flachkopf', subjects_dir=tempdir)

    # add distances to source space after hacking the properties to make
    # it run *much* faster
    src_dist = src.copy()
    for s in src_dist:
                 inuse=np.ones(len(s['rr']), int))
    write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src_dist, overwrite=True)

    # scale with distances
    os.remove(spath % 'ico-0')
    scale_source_space('flachkopf', 'ico-0', subjects_dir=tempdir)
    ssrc = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'ico-0')
    assert ssrc[0]['dist'] is not None
    assert ssrc[0]['nearest'] is not None

    # check patch info computation (only if SciPy is new enough to be fast)
    if check_version('scipy', '1.3'):
        for s in src_dist:
            for key in ('dist', 'dist_limit'):
                s[key] = None
        write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src_dist, overwrite=True)

        # scale with distances
        os.remove(spath % 'ico-0')
        scale_source_space('flachkopf', 'ico-0', subjects_dir=tempdir)
        ssrc = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'ico-0')
        assert ssrc[0]['dist'] is None
        assert ssrc[0]['nearest'] is not None
예제 #31
def test_nirx_15_3_short():
    """Test reading NIRX files."""
    raw = read_raw_nirx(fname_nirx_15_3_short, preload=True)

    # Test data import
    assert raw._data.shape == (26, 220)
    assert raw.info['sfreq'] == 12.5

    # Test channel naming
    assert raw.info['ch_names'][:4] == [
        "S1_D2 760", "S1_D2 850", "S1_D9 760", "S1_D9 850"
    assert raw.info['ch_names'][24:26] == ["S5_D13 760", "S5_D13 850"]

    # Test frequency encoding
    assert raw.info['chs'][0]['loc'][9] == 760
    assert raw.info['chs'][1]['loc'][9] == 850

    # Test info import
    assert raw.info['subject_info'] == dict(birthday=(2020, 8, 18),

    # Test distance between optodes matches values from
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/72
    allowed_distance_error = 0.001
    distances = source_detector_distances(raw.info)
    assert_allclose(distances[::2], [
        0.0304, 0.0078, 0.0310, 0.0086, 0.0416, 0.0072, 0.0389, 0.0075, 0.0558,
        0.0562, 0.0561, 0.0565, 0.0077

    # Test which channels are short
    # These are the ones marked as red at
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/72
    is_short = short_channels(raw.info)
    assert_array_equal(is_short[:9:2], [False, True, False, True, False])
    is_short = short_channels(raw.info, threshold=0.003)
    assert_array_equal(is_short[:3:2], [False, False])
    is_short = short_channels(raw.info, threshold=50)
    assert_array_equal(is_short[:3:2], [True, True])

    # Test trigger events
    assert_array_equal(raw.annotations.description, ['4.0', '2.0', '1.0'])

    # Test location of detectors
    # The locations of detectors can be seen in the first
    # figure on this page...
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-testing-data/pull/72
    # And have been manually copied below
    allowed_dist_error = 0.0002
    locs = [ch['loc'][6:9] for ch in raw.info['chs']]
    head_mri_t, _ = _get_trans('fsaverage', 'head', 'mri')
    mni_locs = apply_trans(head_mri_t, locs)

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][0][3:5] == 'D2'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[0], [-0.0841, -0.0464, -0.0129],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][4][3:5] == 'D1'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[4], [0.0846, -0.0142, -0.0156],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][8][3:5] == 'D3'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[8], [0.0207, -0.1062, 0.0484],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][12][3:5] == 'D4'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[12], [-0.0196, 0.0821, 0.0275],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][16][3:5] == 'D5'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[16], [-0.0360, 0.0276, 0.0778],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][19][3:5] == 'D6'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[19], [0.0388, -0.0477, 0.0932],

    assert raw.info['ch_names'][21][3:5] == 'D7'
    assert_allclose(mni_locs[21], [-0.0394, -0.0483, 0.0928],
예제 #32
def plot_visualize_mft_sources(fwdmag, stcdata, tmin, tstep, subject,
    Plot the MFT sources at time point of peak.
    print "##### Attempting to plot:"
    # cf. decoding/plot_decoding_spatio_temporal_source.py
    vertices = [s['vertno'] for s in fwdmag['src']]
    if len(vertices) == 1:
        vertices = [
            [fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno']][:, 0] <= -0.],
                fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno']][:, 0] > -0.]

    stc_feat = SourceEstimate(stcdata,
    for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']:
        brain = stc_feat.plot(surface='white',
        # use peak getter to move visualization to the time point of the peak
        tmin = 0.095
        tmax = 0.10
        print "Restricting peak search to [%fs, %fs]" % (tmin, tmax)
        if hemi == 'both':
            vertno_max, time_idx = stc_feat.get_peak(hemi='rh',
            vertno_max, time_idx = stc_feat.get_peak(hemi=hemi,
        if hemi == 'lh':
            comax = fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][vertno_max]
            print "hemi=%s: vertno_max=%d, time_idx=%d fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][vertno_max] = " %\
                  (hemi, vertno_max, time_idx), comax
        elif len(fwdmag['src']) > 1:
            comax = fwdmag['src'][1]['rr'][vertno_max]
            print "hemi=%s: vertno_max=%d, time_idx=%d fwdmag['src'][1]['rr'][vertno_max] = " %\
                  (hemi, vertno_max, time_idx), comax

        print "hemi=%s: setting time_idx=%d" % (hemi, time_idx)
        # draw marker at maximum peaking vertex
        offsets = np.append([0], [s['nuse'] for s in fwdmag['src']])
        if hemi == 'lh':
            ifoci = [
                    stcdata[0:offsets[1], time_idx] >=
                    0.25 * np.max(stcdata[:, time_idx])
            vfoci = fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno'][ifoci[0][0]]
            cfoci = fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][vfoci]
            print "Coords  of %d sel. vfoci: " % cfoci.shape[0]
            print cfoci
            print "vfoci: "
            print vfoci
            print "brain.geo['lh'].coords[vfoci] : "
            print brain.geo['lh'].coords[vfoci]
        elif len(fwdmag['src']) > 1:
            ifoci = [
                    stcdata[offsets[1]:, time_idx] >=
                    0.25 * np.max(stcdata[:, time_idx])
            vfoci = fwdmag['src'][1]['vertno'][ifoci[0][0]]
            cfoci = fwdmag['src'][1]['rr'][vfoci]
            print "Coords  of %d sel. vfoci: " % cfoci.shape[0]
            print cfoci
            print "vfoci: "
            print vfoci
            print "brain.geo['rh'].coords[vfoci] : "
            print brain.geo['rh'].coords[vfoci]

        mrfoci = np.zeros(cfoci.shape)
        invmri_head_t = invert_transform(fwdmag['info']['mri_head_t'])
        mrfoci = apply_trans(invmri_head_t['trans'], cfoci, move=True)
        print "mrfoci: "
        print mrfoci

        # Just some blops:
        bloblist = np.zeros((300, 3))
        for i in xrange(100):
            bloblist[i, 0] = float(i)
            bloblist[i + 100, 1] = float(i)
            bloblist[i + 200, 2] = float(i)
        mrblobs = apply_trans(invmri_head_t['trans'], bloblist, move=True)
        brain.save_image('testfig_map_%s.png' % hemi)
예제 #33
def plot_visualize_mft_sources(fwdmag, stcdata, tmin, tstep,
                               subject, subjects_dir):
    Plot the MFT sources at time point of peak.
    print "##### Attempting to plot:"
    # cf. decoding/plot_decoding_spatio_temporal_source.py
    vertices = [s['vertno'] for s in fwdmag['src']]
    if len(vertices) == 1:
        vertices = [fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno'][fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno']][:, 0] <= -0.],
                    fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno'][fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno']][:, 0] > -0.]]

    stc_feat = SourceEstimate(stcdata, vertices=vertices,
                              tmin=-0.2, tstep=tstep, subject=subject)
    for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']:
        brain = stc_feat.plot(surface='white', hemi=hemi, subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
                              transparent=True, clim='auto')
        # use peak getter to move visualization to the time point of the peak
        tmin = 0.095
        tmax = 0.10
        print "Restricting peak search to [%fs, %fs]" % (tmin, tmax)
        if hemi == 'both':
            vertno_max, time_idx = stc_feat.get_peak(hemi='rh', time_as_index=True,
                                                     tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
            vertno_max, time_idx = stc_feat.get_peak(hemi=hemi, time_as_index=True,
                                                     tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax)
        if hemi == 'lh':
            comax = fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][vertno_max]
            print "hemi=%s: vertno_max=%d, time_idx=%d fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][vertno_max] = " %\
                  (hemi, vertno_max, time_idx), comax
        elif len(fwdmag['src']) > 1:
            comax = fwdmag['src'][1]['rr'][vertno_max]
            print "hemi=%s: vertno_max=%d, time_idx=%d fwdmag['src'][1]['rr'][vertno_max] = " %\
                  (hemi, vertno_max, time_idx), comax

        print "hemi=%s: setting time_idx=%d" % (hemi, time_idx)
        # draw marker at maximum peaking vertex
        brain.add_foci(vertno_max, coords_as_verts=True, hemi=hemi, color='blue',
        offsets = np.append([0], [s['nuse'] for s in fwdmag['src']])
        if hemi == 'lh':
            ifoci = [np.nonzero([stcdata[0:offsets[1],time_idx]>=0.25*np.max(stcdata[:,time_idx])][0])]
            vfoci = fwdmag['src'][0]['vertno'][ifoci[0][0]]
            cfoci = fwdmag['src'][0]['rr'][vfoci]
            print "Coords  of %d sel. vfoci: " % cfoci.shape[0]
            print cfoci
            print "vfoci: "
            print vfoci
            print "brain.geo['lh'].coords[vfoci] : "
            print brain.geo['lh'].coords[vfoci]
        elif len(fwdmag['src']) > 1:
            ifoci = [np.nonzero([stcdata[offsets[1]:,time_idx]>=0.25*np.max(stcdata[:,time_idx])][0])]
            vfoci = fwdmag['src'][1]['vertno'][ifoci[0][0]]
            cfoci = fwdmag['src'][1]['rr'][vfoci]
            print "Coords  of %d sel. vfoci: " % cfoci.shape[0]
            print cfoci
            print "vfoci: "
            print vfoci
            print "brain.geo['rh'].coords[vfoci] : "
            print brain.geo['rh'].coords[vfoci]

        mrfoci = np.zeros(cfoci.shape)
        invmri_head_t = invert_transform(fwdmag['info']['mri_head_t'])
        mrfoci = apply_trans(invmri_head_t['trans'],cfoci, move=True)
        print "mrfoci: "
        print mrfoci

        # Just some blops:
        bloblist = np.zeros((300,3))
        for i in xrange(100):
            bloblist[i,0] = float(i)
            bloblist[i+100,1] = float(i)
            bloblist[i+200,2] = float(i)
        mrblobs = apply_trans(invmri_head_t['trans'], bloblist, move=True)
        brain.save_image('testfig_map_%s.png' % hemi)
예제 #34
def select_vertices_in_sensor_range(inst,
    """Find vertices within given distance to a sensor.

    inst : instance of Forward | instance of SourceSpaces
        The object to select vertices from.
    dist : float
        The minimum distance between a vertex and the nearest sensor. All
        vertices for which the distance to the nearest sensor exceeds this
        limit are discarded.
    info : instance of Info | None
        The info structure that contains information about the channels. Only
        needs to be specified if the object to select vertices from does is
        an instance of SourceSpaces.
    picks : array-like of int | None
        Indices of sensors to include in the search for the nearest sensor. If
        ``None``, the default, only MEG channels are used.
    trans : str | instance of Transform | None
        Either the full path to the head<->MRI transform ``*-trans.fif`` file
        produced during coregistration, or the Transformation itself. If trans
        is None, an identity matrix is assumed. Only needed when ``inst`` is a
        source space in MRI coordinates.
    indices: False | True
        If ``True``, return vertex indices instead of vertex numbers. Defaults
        to ``False``.
    verbose : bool | str | int | None
        If not None, override default verbose level (see :func:`mne.verbose`
        and :ref:`Logging documentation <tut_logging>` for more).

    vertices : pair of lists | list of int
        Either a list of vertex numbers for the left and right hemisphere (if
        ``indices==False``) or a single list with vertex indices.

    See Also
    restrict_forward_to_vertices : restrict Forward to the given vertices
    restrict_src_to_vertices : restrict SourceSpaces to the given vertices

    if isinstance(inst, Forward):
        info = inst['info']
        src = inst['src']
    elif isinstance(inst, SourceSpaces):
        src = inst
        if info is None:
            raise ValueError('You need to specify an Info object with '
                             'information about the channels.')

    # Load the head<->MRI transform if necessary
    if src[0]['coord_frame'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI:
        if trans is None:
            raise ValueError('Source space is in MRI coordinates, but no '
                             'head<->MRI transform was given. Please specify '
                             'the full path to the appropriate *-trans.fif '
                             'file as the "trans" parameter.')
        if isinstance(trans, string_types):
            trans = read_trans(trans, return_all=True)
            for trans in trans:  # we got at least 1
                    trans = _ensure_trans(trans, 'head', 'mri')
                except Exception as exp:
                raise exp

        src_trans = invert_transform(_ensure_trans(trans, 'head', 'mri'))
        src_trans = Transform('head', 'head')  # Identity transform

    dev_to_head = _ensure_trans(info['dev_head_t'], 'meg', 'head')

    if picks is None:
        picks = pick_types(info, meg=True)
        if len(picks) > 0:
            logger.info('Using MEG channels')
            logger.info('Using EEG channels')
            picks = pick_types(info, eeg=True)

    src_pos = np.vstack([
        apply_trans(src_trans, s['rr'][s['inuse'].astype(np.bool)])
        for s in src

    sensor_pos = []
    for ch in picks:
        # MEG channels are in device coordinates, translate them to head
        if channel_type(info, ch) in ['mag', 'grad']:
                apply_trans(dev_to_head, info['chs'][ch]['loc'][:3]))
    sensor_pos = np.array(sensor_pos)

    # Find vertices that are within range of a sensor. We use a KD-tree for
    # speed.
    logger.info('Finding vertices within sensor range...')
    tree = cKDTree(sensor_pos)
    distances, _ = tree.query(src_pos, distance_upper_bound=dist)

    # Vertices out of range are flagged as np.inf
    src_sel = np.isfinite(distances)

    if indices:
        return np.flatnonzero(src_sel)
        n_lh_verts = src[0]['nuse']
        lh_sel, rh_sel = src_sel[:n_lh_verts], src_sel[n_lh_verts:]
        vert_lh = src[0]['vertno'][lh_sel]
        vert_rh = src[1]['vertno'][rh_sel]
        return [vert_lh, vert_rh]
예제 #35
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages"""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # no pep8
    input_str = [
        'FidNz 0.00000 10.56381 -2.05108\nFidT9 -7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name 7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056',
        '// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa
        '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa
        'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa
        'E2      44.600      -0.880       1.000    0.7119    0.7021   -0.0154   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa
        'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000',  # noqa
        '# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'
        'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
        '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
        'Site  Theta  Phi\nFp1  -92    -72\nFp2   92     72\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name   -60    -51\n',
        'EEG	      F3	 -62.027	 -50.053	      85\n'
        'EEG	      Fz	  45.608	      90	      85\n'
        'EEG	      F4	   62.01	  50.103	      85\n',
        'eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0\neeg AF7 -81 -59 -3\neeg AF3 -87 -41 28\n'
    kinds = ['test.sfp', 'test.csd', 'test.elc', 'test.txt', 'test.elp',
    for kind, text in zip(kinds, input_str):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if ".sfp" in kind or ".txt" in kind:
            assert_true('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 3)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (3, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, op.splitext(kind)[0])
        if kind.endswith('csd'):
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            pos2 = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
            assert_array_almost_equal(pos2, montage.pos, 4)
    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    kind = 'test_fid.hpts'
    fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
    with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('2')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('1')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('3')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts')
    montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

    info = create_info(
        montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

    evoked = EvokedArray(
        data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)
    pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

    # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in the montage
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
예제 #36
def test_read_ctf(tmpdir):
    """Test CTF reader."""
    temp_dir = str(tmpdir)
    out_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'test_py_raw.fif')

    # Create a dummy .eeg file so we can test our reading/application of it
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos'))
    ctf_eeg_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_catch), ctf_eeg_fname)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='RMSP .* changed to a MISC ch'):
        raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_ctf, directory=ctf_eeg_fname)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)
    pos = np.random.RandomState(42).randn(len(picks), 3)
    fake_eeg_fname = op.join(ctf_eeg_fname, 'catch-alp-good-f.eeg')
    # Create a bad file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_eeg_fname)
    # Create a good file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
        for ii, ch_num in enumerate(picks):
            args = (
                str(ch_num + 1),
            ) + tuple('%0.5f' % x for x in 100 * pos[ii])  # convert to cm
            fid.write(('\t'.join(args) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
    pos_read_old = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='RMSP .* changed to a MISC ch'):
        raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_eeg_fname)  # read modified data
    pos_read = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    assert_allclose(apply_trans(raw.info['ctf_head_t'], pos),
    assert (pos_read == pos_read_old).mean() < 0.1
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_randpos_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # Create a version with no hc, starting out *with* EEG pos (error)
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'nohc'))
    ctf_no_hc_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(ctf_eeg_fname, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    remove_base = op.join(ctf_no_hc_fname, op.basename(ctf_fname_catch[:-3]))
    os.remove(remove_base + '.hc')
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='MISC channel'):
        pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    os.remove(remove_base + '.eeg')
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_nohc_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # All our files
    use_fnames = [op.join(ctf_dir, c) for c in ctf_fnames]
    for fname in use_fnames:
        raw_c = read_raw_fif(fname + '_raw.fif', preload=True)
        with pytest.warns(None):  # sometimes matches "MISC channel"
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname)

        # check info match
        assert_array_equal(raw.ch_names, raw_c.ch_names)
        assert_allclose(raw.times, raw_c.times)
        assert_allclose(raw._cals, raw_c._cals)
        assert (raw.info['meas_id']['version'] ==
                raw_c.info['meas_id']['version'] + 1)
        for t in ('dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t'):
        for key in ('acq_pars', 'acq_stim', 'bads', 'ch_names',
                    'custom_ref_applied', 'description', 'events',
                    'experimenter', 'highpass', 'line_freq', 'lowpass',
                    'nchan', 'proj_id', 'proj_name', 'projs', 'sfreq',
            assert raw.info[key] == raw_c.info[key], key
        if op.basename(fname) not in single_trials:
            # We don't force buffer size to be smaller like MNE-C
            assert raw.buffer_size_sec == raw_c.buffer_size_sec
        assert len(raw.info['comps']) == len(raw_c.info['comps'])
        for c1, c2 in zip(raw.info['comps'], raw_c.info['comps']):
            for key in ('colcals', 'rowcals'):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key])
            assert c1['save_calibrated'] == c2['save_calibrated']
            for key in ('row_names', 'col_names', 'nrow', 'ncol'):
                assert_array_equal(c1['data'][key], c2['data'][key])
        assert len(raw.info['chs']) == len(raw_c.info['chs'])
        for ii, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(raw.info['chs'], raw_c.info['chs'])):
            for key in ('kind', 'scanno', 'unit', 'ch_name', 'unit_mul',
                        'range', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type', 'logno'):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and \
                        'catch-alp-good-f' in fname and \
                        key in ('kind', 'unit', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type',
                    continue  # XXX see below...
                if key == 'coil_type' and c1[key] == FIFF.FIFFV_COIL_EEG:
                    # XXX MNE-C bug that this is not set
                    assert c2[key] == FIFF.FIFFV_COIL_NONE
                assert c1[key] == c2[key], key
            for key in ('cal', ):
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
            # XXX 2016/02/24: fixed bug with normal computation that used
            # to exist, once mne-C tools are updated we should update our FIF
            # conversion files, then the slices can go away (and the check
            # can be combined with that for "cal")
            for key in ('loc', ):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and 'catch-alp-good-f' in fname:
                if (c2[key][:3] == 0.).all():
                    check = [np.nan] * 3
                    check = c2[key][:3]
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
                if (c2[key][3:] == 0.).all():
                    check = [np.nan] * 3
                    check = c2[key][9:12]
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))

        # Make sure all digitization points are in the MNE head coord frame
        for p in raw.info['dig']:
            assert p['coord_frame'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD, \
                'dig points must be in FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD'

        if fname.endswith('catch-alp-good-f.ds'):  # omit points from .pos file
            raw.info['dig'] = raw.info['dig'][:-10]

        # XXX: Next test would fail because c-tools assign the fiducials from
        # CTF data as HPI. Should eventually clarify/unify with Matti.
        # assert_dig_allclose(raw.info, raw_c.info)

        # check data match
        raw_c.save(out_fname, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1.)
        raw_read = read_raw_fif(out_fname)

        # so let's check tricky cases based on sample boundaries
        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pick_ch = rng.permutation(np.arange(len(raw.ch_names)))[:10]
        bnd = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * raw.buffer_size_sec))
        assert bnd == raw._raw_extras[0]['block_size']
        assert bnd == block_sizes[op.basename(fname)]
        slices = (slice(0, bnd), slice(bnd - 1, bnd), slice(3, bnd),
                  slice(3, 300), slice(None))
        if len(raw.times) >= 2 * bnd:  # at least two complete blocks
            slices = slices + (slice(bnd, 2 * bnd), slice(
                bnd, bnd + 1), slice(0, bnd + 100))
        for sl_time in slices:
            assert_allclose(raw[pick_ch, sl_time][0], raw_c[pick_ch,
            assert_allclose(raw_read[pick_ch, sl_time][0], raw_c[pick_ch,
        # all data / preload
        with pytest.warns(None):  # sometimes MISC
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname, preload=True)
        assert_allclose(raw[:][0], raw_c[:][0], atol=1e-15)
        # test bad segment annotations
        if 'testdata_ctf_short.ds' in fname:
            assert 'bad' in raw.annotations.description[0]
            assert_allclose(raw.annotations.onset, [2.15])
            assert_allclose(raw.annotations.duration, [0.0225])

    pytest.raises(TypeError, read_raw_ctf, 1)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_fname_continuous + 'foo.ds')
    # test ignoring of system clock
    read_raw_ctf(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'ignore')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf,
                  op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'foo')
예제 #37
def plot_3d_montage(info,
    Plot a 3D sensor montage.

    info : instance of Info
        Measurement info.
    view_map : dict
        Dict of view (key) to channel-pair-numbers (value) to use when
        plotting. Note that, because these get plotted as 1-based channel
        *numbers*, the values should be 1-based rather than 0-based.
        The keys are of the form:

            For views like ``'left-lat'`` or ``'right-frontal'`` where the side
            For views like ``'caudal'`` that are along the midline.

        See :meth:`mne.viz.Brain.show_view` for ``view`` options, and the
        Examples section below for usage examples.
    src_det_names : None | dict | str
        Source and detector names to use. "auto" (default) will see if the
        channel locations correspond to standard 10-20 locations and will
        use those if they do (otherwise will act like None). None will use
        S1, S2, ..., D1, D2, ..., etc. Can also be an explicit dict mapping,
        for example::

            src_det_names=dict(S1='Fz', D1='FCz', ...)
    ch_names : str | dict | None
        If ``'numbered'`` (default), use ``['1', '2', ...]`` for the channel
        names, or ``None`` to use ``['S1_D2', 'S2_D1', ...]``. Can also be a
        dict to provide a mapping from the ``'S1_D2'``-style names (keys) to
        other names, e.g., ``defaultdict(lambda: '')`` will prevent showing
        the names altogether.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3
    subject : str
        The subject.
    trans : str | Transform
        The subjects head<->MRI transform.
    surface : str
        The FreeSurfer surface name (e.g., 'pial', 'white').
    subjects_dir : str
        The subjects directory.

    figure : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The matplotlib figimage.

    For a Hitachi system with two sets of 12 source-detector arrangements,
    one on each side of the head, showing 1-12 on the left and 13-24 on the
    right can be accomplished using the following ``view_map``::

        >>> view_map = {
        ...     'left-lat': np.arange(1, 13),
        ...     'right-lat': np.arange(13, 25),
        ... }

    NIRx typically involves more complicated arrangements. See
    :ref:`the 3D tutorial <tut-fnirs-vis-brain-plot-3d-montage>` for
    an advanced example that incorporates the ``'caudal'`` view as well.
    """  # noqa: E501
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    _validate_type(info, Info, 'info')
    _validate_type(view_map, dict, 'views')
    _validate_type(src_det_names, (None, dict, str), 'src_det_names')
    _validate_type(ch_names, (dict, str, None), 'ch_names')
    info = pick_info(info, pick_types(info, fnirs=True, exclude=())[::2])
    if isinstance(ch_names, str):
        _check_option('ch_names', ch_names, ('numbered', ), extra='when str')
        ch_names = {
            name.split()[0]: str(ni)
            for ni, name in enumerate(info['ch_names'], 1)
    info['bads'] = []
    if isinstance(src_det_names, str):
                      src_det_names, ('auto', ),
                      extra='when str')
        # Decide if we can map to 10-20 locations
        names, pos = zip(
        pos = np.array(pos, float)
        locs = dict()
        bad = False
        for ch in info['chs']:
            name = ch['ch_name']
            s_name, d_name = name.split()[0].split('_')
            for name, loc in [(s_name, ch['loc'][3:6]),
                              (d_name, ch['loc'][6:9])]:
                if name in locs:
                # see if it's close enough
                idx = np.where(cdist(loc[np.newaxis], pos)[0] < 1e-3)[0]
                if len(idx) < 1:
                    bad = True
                # Some are duplicated (e.g., T7+T3) but we can rely on the
                # first one being the canonical one
                locs[name] = names[idx[0]]
            if bad:
        if bad:
            src_det_names = None
            logger.info('Could not automatically map source/detector names to '
                        '10-20 locations.')
            src_det_names = locs
            logger.info('Source-detector names automatically mapped to 10-20 '

    head_mri_t = _get_trans(trans, 'head', 'mri')[0]
    del trans
    views = list()
    for key, num in view_map.items():
        _validate_type(key, str, f'view_map key {repr(key)}')
        _validate_type(num, np.ndarray, f'view_map[{repr(key)}]')
        if '-' in key:
            hemi, v = key.split('-', maxsplit=1)
            hemi = dict(left='lh', right='rh')[hemi]
            views.append((hemi, v, num))
            views.append(('lh', key, num))
    del view_map
    size = (400 * len(views), 400)
    brain = Brain(subject,
                  views=['lat'] * len(views),
    with _safe_brain_close(brain):
        brain.add_head(dense=False, alpha=0.1)
                          fnirs=['channels', 'pairs', 'sources', 'detectors'])
        add_text_kwargs = dict()
        if 'render' in _get_args(brain.plotter.add_text):
            add_text_kwargs['render'] = False
        for col, view in enumerate(views):
            plotted = set()
                            focalpoint=(0, -0.02, 0.02),
            brain.plotter.subplot(0, col)
            vp = brain.plotter.renderer
            for ci in view[2]:  # figure out what we need to plot
                this_ch = info['chs'][ci - 1]
                ch_name = this_ch['ch_name'].split()[0]
                s_name, d_name = ch_name.split('_')
                needed = [
                    (ch_names, 'ch_names', ch_name, this_ch['loc'][:3], 12,
                    (src_det_names, 'src_det_names', s_name,
                     this_ch['loc'][3:6], 8, 'Bottom'),
                    (src_det_names, 'src_det_names', d_name,
                     this_ch['loc'][6:9], 8, 'Bottom'),
                for lookup, lname, name, ch_pos, font_size, va in needed:
                    if name in plotted:
                    orig_name = name
                    if lookup is not None:
                        name = lookup[name]
                    _validate_type(name, str, f'{lname}[{repr(orig_name)}]')
                    ch_pos = apply_trans(head_mri_t, ch_pos)
                    vp.SetWorldPoint(np.r_[ch_pos, 1.])
                    ch_pos = (np.array(vp.GetDisplayPoint()[:2]) -
                    actor = brain.plotter.add_text(name,
                                                   color=(0., 0., 0.),
                    prop = actor.GetTextProperty()
                    getattr(prop, f'SetVerticalJustificationTo{va}')()
        img = brain.screenshot()
    return plt.figimage(img, resize=True).figure
예제 #38
def test_warp_montage_volume():
    """Test warping an montage based on intracranial electrode positions."""
    import nibabel as nib
    subject_brain = nib.load(
        op.join(subjects_dir, 'sample', 'mri', 'brain.mgz'))
    template_brain = nib.load(
        op.join(subjects_dir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'brain.mgz'))
    zooms = dict(translation=10, rigid=10, sdr=10)
    reg_affine, sdr_morph = compute_volume_registration(
        niter=[3, 3, 3],
        pipeline=('translation', 'rigid', 'sdr'))
    # make an info object with three channels with positions
    ch_coords = np.array([[-8.7040273, 17.99938754, 10.29604017],
                          [-14.03007764, 19.69978401, 12.07236939],
                          [-21.1130506, 21.98310911, 13.25658887]])
    ch_pos = dict(zip(['1', '2', '3'], ch_coords / 1000))  # mm -> m
    lpa, nasion, rpa = get_mni_fiducials('sample', subjects_dir)
    montage = make_dig_montage(ch_pos,
    # make fake image based on the info
    CT_data = np.zeros(subject_brain.shape)
    # convert to voxels
    ch_coords_vox = apply_trans(
        np.linalg.inv(subject_brain.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()), ch_coords)
    for (x, y, z) in ch_coords_vox.round().astype(int):
        # make electrode contact hyperintensities
        # first, make the surrounding voxels high intensity
        CT_data[x - 1:x + 2, y - 1:y + 2, z - 1:z + 2] = 500
        # then, make the center even higher intensity
        CT_data[x, y, z] = 1000
    CT = nib.Nifti1Image(CT_data, subject_brain.affine)
    ch_coords = np.array([[-8.7040273, 17.99938754, 10.29604017],
                          [-14.03007764, 19.69978401, 12.07236939],
                          [-21.1130506, 21.98310911, 13.25658887]])
    ch_pos = dict(zip(['1', '2', '3'], ch_coords / 1000))  # mm -> m
    lpa, nasion, rpa = get_mni_fiducials('sample', subjects_dir)
    montage = make_dig_montage(ch_pos,
    montage_warped, image_from, image_to = warp_montage_volume(
    # checked with nilearn plot from `tut-ieeg-localize`
    # check montage in surface RAS
    ground_truth_warped = np.array([[-0.009, -0.00133333, -0.033],
                                    [-0.01445455, 0.00127273, -0.03163636],
                                    [-0.022, 0.00285714, -0.031]])
    for i, d in enumerate(montage_warped.dig):
        assert np.linalg.norm(  # off by less than 1.5 cm
            d['r'] - ground_truth_warped[i]) < 0.015
    # check image_from
    for idx, contact in enumerate(range(1, len(ch_pos) + 1)):
        voxels = np.array(np.where(np.array(image_from.dataobj) == contact)).T
        assert ch_coords_vox.round()[idx] in voxels
        assert ch_coords_vox.round()[idx] + 5 not in voxels
    # check image_to, too many, just check center
    ground_truth_warped_voxels = np.array(
        [[135.5959596, 161.97979798, 123.83838384],
         [143.11111111, 159.71428571, 125.61904762],
         [150.53982301, 158.38053097, 127.31858407]])
    for i in range(len(montage.ch_names)):
        assert np.linalg.norm(
            np.array(np.where(np.array(image_to.dataobj) == i + 1)).mean(
                axis=1) - ground_truth_warped_voxels[i]) < 8
    # test inputs
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='`thresh` must be between 0 and 1'):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='subject folder is incorrect'):
    CT_unaligned = nib.Nifti1Image(CT_data, template_brain.affine)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='not aligned to Freesurfer'):
    bad_montage = montage.copy()
    for d in bad_montage.dig:
        d['coord_frame'] = 99
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Coordinate frame not supported'):

    # check channel not warped
    ch_pos_doubled = ch_pos.copy()
    ch_pos_doubled.update(zip(['4', '5', '6'], ch_coords / 1000))
    doubled_montage = make_dig_montage(ch_pos_doubled,
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='not assigned'):
예제 #39
def test_read_ctf():
    """Test CTF reader"""
    temp_dir = _TempDir()
    out_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'test_py_raw.fif')

    # Create a dummy .eeg file so we can test our reading/application of it
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos'))
    ctf_eeg_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_catch), ctf_eeg_fname)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified ch
        raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_ctf, directory=ctf_eeg_fname)
    assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)
    pos = np.random.RandomState(42).randn(len(picks), 3)
    fake_eeg_fname = op.join(ctf_eeg_fname, 'catch-alp-good-f.eeg')
    # Create a bad file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_eeg_fname)
    # Create a good file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
        for ii, ch_num in enumerate(picks):
            args = (str(ch_num + 1), raw.ch_names[ch_num],) + tuple(
                '%0.5f' % x for x in 100 * pos[ii])  # convert to cm
            fid.write(('\t'.join(args) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
    pos_read_old = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified channel
        raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_eeg_fname)  # read modified data
    assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    pos_read = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    assert_allclose(apply_trans(raw.info['ctf_head_t'], pos), pos_read,
                    rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
    assert_true((pos_read == pos_read_old).mean() < 0.1)
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_randpos_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # Create a version with no hc, starting out *with* EEG pos (error)
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'nohc'))
    ctf_no_hc_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(ctf_eeg_fname, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    remove_base = op.join(ctf_no_hc_fname, op.basename(ctf_fname_catch[:-3]))
    os.remove(remove_base + '.hc')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no coord tr
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    os.remove(remove_base + '.eeg')
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_nohc_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # All our files
    use_fnames = [op.join(ctf_dir, c) for c in ctf_fnames]
    for fname in use_fnames:
        raw_c = Raw(fname + '_raw.fif', add_eeg_ref=False, preload=True)
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified ch
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname)
        assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))

        # check info match
        assert_array_equal(raw.ch_names, raw_c.ch_names)
        assert_allclose(raw.times, raw_c.times)
        assert_allclose(raw._cals, raw_c._cals)
        for key in ('version', 'usecs'):
            assert_equal(raw.info['meas_id'][key], raw_c.info['meas_id'][key])
        py_time = raw.info['meas_id']['secs']
        c_time = raw_c.info['meas_id']['secs']
        max_offset = 24 * 60 * 60  # probably overkill but covers timezone
        assert_true(c_time - max_offset <= py_time <= c_time)
        for t in ('dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t'):
            assert_allclose(raw.info[t]['trans'], raw_c.info[t]['trans'],
                            rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-7)
        for key in ('acq_pars', 'acq_stim', 'bads',
                    'ch_names', 'custom_ref_applied', 'description',
                    'events', 'experimenter', 'highpass', 'line_freq',
                    'lowpass', 'nchan', 'proj_id', 'proj_name',
                    'projs', 'sfreq', 'subject_info'):
            assert_equal(raw.info[key], raw_c.info[key], key)
        if op.basename(fname) not in single_trials:
            # We don't force buffer size to be smaller like MNE-C
        assert_equal(len(raw.info['comps']), len(raw_c.info['comps']))
        for c1, c2 in zip(raw.info['comps'], raw_c.info['comps']):
            for key in ('colcals', 'rowcals'):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key])
            assert_equal(c1['save_calibrated'], c2['save_calibrated'])
            for key in ('row_names', 'col_names', 'nrow', 'ncol'):
                assert_array_equal(c1['data'][key], c2['data'][key])
            assert_allclose(c1['data']['data'], c2['data']['data'], atol=1e-7,
                        rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-7)
        assert_equal(len(raw.info['chs']), len(raw_c.info['chs']))
        for ii, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(raw.info['chs'], raw_c.info['chs'])):
            for key in ('kind', 'scanno', 'unit', 'ch_name', 'unit_mul',
                        'range', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type', 'logno'):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and \
                        'catch-alp-good-f' in fname and \
                        key in ('kind', 'unit', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type',
                    continue  # XXX see below...
                assert_equal(c1[key], c2[key], err_msg=key)
            for key in ('cal',):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key], atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
            # XXX 2016/02/24: fixed bug with normal computation that used
            # to exist, once mne-C tools are updated we should update our FIF
            # conversion files, then the slices can go away (and the check
            # can be combined with that for "cal")
            for key in ('loc',):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and 'catch-alp-good-f' in fname:
                assert_allclose(c1[key][:3], c2[key][:3], atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
                assert_allclose(c1[key][9:12], c2[key][9:12], atol=1e-6,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
        if fname.endswith('catch-alp-good-f.ds'):  # omit points from .pos file
            raw.info['dig'] = raw.info['dig'][:-10]
        assert_dig_allclose(raw.info, raw_c.info)

        # check data match
        raw_c.save(out_fname, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1.)
        raw_read = Raw(out_fname, add_eeg_ref=False)

        # so let's check tricky cases based on sample boundaries
        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pick_ch = rng.permutation(np.arange(len(raw.ch_names)))[:10]
        bnd = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * raw.info['buffer_size_sec']))
        assert_equal(bnd, raw._raw_extras[0]['block_size'])
        assert_equal(bnd, block_sizes[op.basename(fname)])
        slices = (slice(0, bnd), slice(bnd - 1, bnd), slice(3, bnd),
                  slice(3, 300), slice(None))
        if len(raw.times) >= 2 * bnd:  # at least two complete blocks
            slices = slices + (slice(bnd, 2 * bnd), slice(bnd, bnd + 1),
                               slice(0, bnd + 100))
        for sl_time in slices:
            assert_allclose(raw[pick_ch, sl_time][0],
                            raw_c[pick_ch, sl_time][0])
            assert_allclose(raw_read[pick_ch, sl_time][0],
                            raw_c[pick_ch, sl_time][0])
        # all data / preload
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified ch
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname, preload=True)
        assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
        assert_allclose(raw[:][0], raw_c[:][0])
    assert_raises(TypeError, read_raw_ctf, 1)
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_fname_continuous + 'foo.ds')
    # test ignoring of system clock
    read_raw_ctf(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'ignore')
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf,
                  op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'foo')
예제 #40
def get_head_mri_trans(bids_path, extra_params=None):
    """Produce transformation matrix from MEG and MRI landmark points.

    Will attempt to read the landmarks of Nasion, LPA, and RPA from the sidecar
    files of (i) the MEG and (ii) the T1 weighted MRI data. The two sets of
    points will then be used to calculate a transformation matrix from head
    coordinates to MRI coordinates.

    bids_path : mne_bids.BIDSPath
        The path of the recording for which to retrieve the transformation. The
        :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` instance passed here **must** have the
        ``.root`` attribute set.
    extra_params : None | dict
        Extra parameters to be passed to MNE read_raw_* functions when reading
        the lankmarks from the MEG file.
        If a dict, for example: ``extra_params=dict(allow_maxshield=True)``.

    trans : mne.transforms.Transform
        The data transformation matrix from head to MRI coordinates

    if not has_nibabel():  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
    import nibabel as nib

    if not isinstance(bids_path, BIDSPath):
        raise RuntimeError('"bids_path" must be a BIDSPath object. Please '
                           'instantiate using mne_bids.BIDSPath().')

    # check root available
    bids_path = bids_path.copy()
    bids_root = bids_path.root
    if bids_root is None:
        raise ValueError('The root of the "bids_path" must be set. '
                         'Please use `bids_path.update(root="<root>")` '
                         'to set the root of the BIDS folder to read.')
    # only get this for MEG data

    # Get the sidecar file for MRI landmarks
    bids_fname = bids_path.update(suffix='meg', root=bids_root)
    t1w_json_path = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname,

    # Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar
    with open(t1w_json_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
        t1w_json = json.load(f)
    mri_coords_dict = t1w_json.get('AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates', dict())
    mri_landmarks = np.asarray(
                             np.nan), mri_coords_dict.get('NAS', np.nan),
         mri_coords_dict.get('RPA', np.nan)))
    if np.isnan(mri_landmarks).any():
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Could not parse T1w sidecar file: "{}"\n\n'
            'The sidecar file MUST contain a key '
            '"AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates" pointing to a '
            'dict with keys "LPA", "NAS", "RPA". '
            'Yet, the following structure was found:\n\n"{}"'.format(
                t1w_json_path, t1w_json))

    # The MRI landmarks are in "voxels". We need to convert the to the
    # neuromag RAS coordinate system in order to compare the with MEG landmarks
    # see also: `mne_bids.write.write_anat`
    t1w_path = t1w_json_path.replace('.json', '.nii')
    if not op.exists(t1w_path):
        t1w_path += '.gz'  # perhaps it is .nii.gz? ... else raise an error
    if not op.exists(t1w_path):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Could not find the T1 weighted MRI associated '
            'with "{}". Tried: "{}" but it does not exist.'.format(
                t1w_json_path, t1w_path))
    t1_nifti = nib.load(t1w_path)
    # Convert to MGH format to access vox2ras method
    t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1_nifti.dataobj, t1_nifti.affine)

    # now extract transformation matrix and put back to RAS coordinates of MRI
    vox2ras_tkr = t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(vox2ras_tkr, mri_landmarks)
    mri_landmarks = mri_landmarks * 1e-3

    # Get MEG landmarks from the raw file
    _, ext = _parse_ext(bids_fname)
    if extra_params is None:
        extra_params = dict()
        if ext == '.fif':
            extra_params = dict(allow_maxshield=True)

    raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path=bids_path, extra_params=extra_params)
    meg_coords_dict = _extract_landmarks(raw.info['dig'])
    meg_landmarks = np.asarray((meg_coords_dict['LPA'], meg_coords_dict['NAS'],

    # Given the two sets of points, fit the transform
    trans_fitted = fit_matched_points(src_pts=meg_landmarks,
    trans = mne.transforms.Transform(fro='head', to='mri', trans=trans_fitted)
    return trans
예제 #41
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    inputs = dict(
        sfp="FidNz 0       9.071585155     -2.359754454\n"
        "FidT9 -6.711765       0.040402876     -3.251600355\n"
        "very_very_very_long_name -5.831241498 -4.494821698  4.955347697\n"
        "Cz 0       0       8.899186843",
        csd="// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n"  # noqa: E501
        "// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n"  # noqa: E501
        "E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n"  # noqa: E501
        "E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n"  # noqa: E501
        "E31      90.000     -11.000       1.000    0.0000    0.9816   -0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n"  # noqa: E501
        "E61     158.000     -17.200       1.000   -0.8857    0.3579   -0.2957  -0.00000000000000022",  # noqa: E501
        mm_elc="# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n"  # noqa:E501
        "NumberPositions=    68\n"
        "-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n"
        "85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n"
        "0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n"
        "-86.0761 -24.9897 -67.9860\n"
        m_elc="# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n"
        "NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n"  # noqa:E501
        ".0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n"
        ".08 -.02 -.04\n"
        txt="Site  Theta  Phi\n"
        "Fp1  -92    -72\n"
        "Fp2   92     72\n"
        "very_very_very_long_name       -92     72\n"
        "O2        92    -90\n",
        "EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n"
        "EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n"
        "EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n"
        "EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n",
        hpts="eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\n" "eeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\n" "eeg A3 -2 -2 2\n" "eeg A 0 0 0",
    # Get actual positions and save them for checking
    # csd comes from the string above, all others come from commit 2fa35d4
    poss = dict(
        sfp=[[0.0, 9.07159, -2.35975], [-6.71176, 0.0404, -3.2516], [-5.83124, -4.49482, 4.95535], [0.0, 0.0, 8.89919]],
            [-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799],
            [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
            [1e-05, 0.08681, -0.03998],
            [-0.08608, -0.02499, -0.06799],
            [-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799],
            [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
            [1e-05, 0.00868, -0.03998],
            [0.08, -0.02, -0.04],
            [-26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646],
            [26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646],
            [-26.25044, -80.79056, -2.96646],
            [0.0, -84.94822, -2.96646],
            [-48.20043, 57.55106, 39.86971],
            [0.0, 60.73848, 59.4629],
            [48.1426, 57.58403, 39.89198],
            [41.64599, 66.91489, 31.8278],
        hpts=[[-95, -3, -3], [-1, -1.0, -3.0], [-2, -2, 2.0], [0, 0, 0]],
    for key, text in inputs.items():
        kind = key.split("_")[-1]
        fname = op.join(tempdir, "test." + kind)
        with open(fname, "w") as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if kind in ("sfp", "txt"):
            assert_true("very_very_very_long_name" in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, "test")
        if kind == "csd":
            dtype = [
                ("label", "S4"),
                ("theta", "f8"),
                ("phi", "f8"),
                ("radius", "f8"),
                ("x", "f8"),
                ("y", "f8"),
                ("z", "f8"),
                ("off_sph", "f8"),
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            poss["csd"] = np.c_[table["x"], table["y"], table["z"]]
        if kind == "elc":
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)
        assert_array_almost_equal(poss[key], montage.pos, 4, err_msg=key)

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = [
    montage = read_montage("standard_1020", ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    fname = op.join(tempdir, "test_fid.hpts")
    with open(fname, "w") as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, "test_fid.hpts"), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index("2")
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index("1")
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index("3")
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, "test_fid.hpts")
    montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit="mm")
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ["eeg"] * len(montage.ch_names))
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c["loc"][:3] for c in info["chs"]])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info["ch_names"])

    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ["eeg"] * len(montage.ch_names))

    evoked = EvokedArray(data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)
    pos3 = np.array([c["loc"][:3] for c in evoked.info["chs"]])
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info["ch_names"])

    # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in the montage
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ["foo", "bar"], 1e3, ["eeg"] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
예제 #42
def get_head_mri_trans(bids_fname, bids_root):
    """Produce transformation matrix from MEG and MRI landmark points.

    Will attempt to read the landmarks of Nasion, LPA, and RPA from the sidecar
    files of (i) the MEG and (ii) the T1 weighted MRI data. The two sets of
    points will then be used to calculate a transformation matrix from head
    coordinates to MRI coordinates.

    bids_fname : str
        Full name of the MEG data file
    bids_root : str
        Path to root of the BIDS folder

    trans : instance of mne.transforms.Transform
        The data transformation matrix from head to MRI coordinates

    if not has_nibabel():  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
    import nibabel as nib

    # Get the sidecar file for MRI landmarks
    bids_fname = op.basename(bids_fname)
    t1w_json_path = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_fname, bids_root, 'T1w.json')

    # Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar
    with open(t1w_json_path, 'r') as f:
        t1w_json = json.load(f)
    mri_coords_dict = t1w_json.get('AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates', dict())
    mri_landmarks = np.asarray(
                             np.nan), mri_coords_dict.get('NAS', np.nan),
         mri_coords_dict.get('RPA', np.nan)))
    if np.isnan(mri_landmarks).any():
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Could not parse T1w sidecar file: "{}"\n\n'
            'The sidecar file MUST contain a key '
            '"AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates" pointing to a '
            'dict with keys "LPA", "NAS", "RPA". '
            'Yet, the following structure was found:\n\n"{}"'.format(
                t1w_json_path, t1w_json))

    # The MRI landmarks are in "voxels". We need to convert the to the
    # neuromag RAS coordinate system in order to compare the with MEG landmarks
    # see also: `mne_bids.write.write_anat`
    t1w_path = t1w_json_path.replace('.json', '.nii')
    if not op.exists(t1w_path):
        t1w_path += '.gz'  # perhaps it is .nii.gz? ... else raise an error
    if not op.exists(t1w_path):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Could not find the T1 weighted MRI associated '
            'with "{}". Tried: "{}" but it does not exist.'.format(
                t1w_json_path, t1w_path))
    t1_nifti = nib.load(t1w_path)
    # Convert to MGH format to access vox2ras method
    t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1_nifti.dataobj, t1_nifti.affine)

    # now extract transformation matrix and put back to RAS coordinates of MRI
    vox2ras_tkr = t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(vox2ras_tkr, mri_landmarks)
    mri_landmarks = mri_landmarks * 1e-3

    # Get MEG landmarks from the raw file
    raw = read_raw_bids(bids_fname, bids_root)
    meg_coords_dict = _extract_landmarks(raw.info['dig'])
    meg_landmarks = np.asarray((meg_coords_dict['LPA'], meg_coords_dict['NAS'],

    # Given the two sets of points, fit the transform
    trans_fitted = fit_matched_points(src_pts=meg_landmarks,
    trans = mne.transforms.Transform(fro='head', to='mri', trans=trans_fitted)
    return trans
예제 #43
def test_scale_mri():
    """Test creating fsaverage and scaling it"""
    # create fsaverage
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    assert_true(_is_mri_subject('fsaverage', tempdir),
                "Creating fsaverage failed")

    fid_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem',
    create_default_subject(update=True, subjects_dir=tempdir)
    assert_true(os.path.exists(fid_path), "Updating fsaverage")

    # copy MRI file from sample data
    path = os.path.join('%s', 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    sample_sdir = os.path.join(mne.datasets.sample.data_path(), 'subjects')
    copyfile(path % sample_sdir, path % tempdir)

    # remove redundant label files
    label_temp = os.path.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'label', '*.label')
    label_paths = glob(label_temp)
    for label_path in label_paths[1:]:

    # create source space
    path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-%s-src.fif')
    src = mne.setup_source_space('fsaverage', 'ico0', subjects_dir=tempdir,
    write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src)
    mri = os.path.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    vsrc = mne.setup_volume_source_space('fsaverage', pos=50, mri=mri,
    write_source_spaces(path % 'vol-50', vsrc)

    # scale fsaverage
    os.environ['_MNE_FEW_SURFACES'] = 'true'
    scale = np.array([1, .2, .8])
    scale_mri('fsaverage', 'flachkopf', scale, True, subjects_dir=tempdir)
    del os.environ['_MNE_FEW_SURFACES']
    assert_true(_is_mri_subject('flachkopf', tempdir),
                "Scaling fsaverage failed")
    spath = os.path.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'bem', 'flachkopf-%s-src.fif')

    assert_true(os.path.exists(spath % 'ico-0'),
                "Source space ico-0 was not scaled")
    vsrc_s = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'vol-50')
    pt = np.array([0.12, 0.41, -0.22])
    assert_array_almost_equal(apply_trans(vsrc_s[0]['src_mri_t'], pt * scale),
                              apply_trans(vsrc[0]['src_mri_t'], pt))
    scale_labels('flachkopf', subjects_dir=tempdir)

    # add distances to source space
    src.save(path % 'ico-0', overwrite=True)

    # scale with distances
    os.remove(spath % 'ico-0')
    scale_source_space('flachkopf', 'ico-0', subjects_dir=tempdir)
    ssrc = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'ico-0')
    assert_is_not(ssrc[0]['dist'], None)
예제 #44
def test_read_ctf():
    """Test CTF reader"""
    temp_dir = _TempDir()
    out_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'test_py_raw.fif')

    # Create a dummy .eeg file so we can test our reading/application of it
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos'))
    ctf_eeg_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_catch), ctf_eeg_fname)
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified ch
        raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_ctf, directory=ctf_eeg_fname)
    assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)
    pos = np.random.RandomState(42).randn(len(picks), 3)
    fake_eeg_fname = op.join(ctf_eeg_fname, 'catch-alp-good-f.eeg')
    # Create a bad file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_eeg_fname)
    # Create a good file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
        for ii, ch_num in enumerate(picks):
            args = (str(ch_num + 1), raw.ch_names[ch_num],) + tuple(
                '%0.5f' % x for x in 100 * pos[ii])  # convert to cm
            fid.write(('\t'.join(args) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
    pos_read_old = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified channel
        raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_eeg_fname)  # read modified data
    assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
    pos_read = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    assert_allclose(apply_trans(raw.info['ctf_head_t'], pos), pos_read,
                    rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
    assert_true((pos_read == pos_read_old).mean() < 0.1)
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_randpos_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # Create a version with no hc, starting out *with* EEG pos (error)
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'nohc'))
    ctf_no_hc_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(ctf_eeg_fname, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    remove_base = op.join(ctf_no_hc_fname, op.basename(ctf_fname_catch[:-3]))
    os.remove(remove_base + '.hc')
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):  # no coord tr
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    os.remove(remove_base + '.eeg')
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_nohc_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # All our files
    use_fnames = [op.join(ctf_dir, c) for c in ctf_fnames]
    for fname in use_fnames:
        raw_c = read_raw_fif(fname + '_raw.fif', preload=True)
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified ch
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname)
        assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))

        # check info match
        assert_array_equal(raw.ch_names, raw_c.ch_names)
        assert_allclose(raw.times, raw_c.times)
        assert_allclose(raw._cals, raw_c._cals)
        for key in ('version', 'usecs'):
            assert_equal(raw.info['meas_id'][key], raw_c.info['meas_id'][key])
        py_time = raw.info['meas_id']['secs']
        c_time = raw_c.info['meas_id']['secs']
        max_offset = 24 * 60 * 60  # probably overkill but covers timezone
        assert_true(c_time - max_offset <= py_time <= c_time)
        for t in ('dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t'):
            assert_allclose(raw.info[t]['trans'], raw_c.info[t]['trans'],
                            rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-7)
        for key in ('acq_pars', 'acq_stim', 'bads',
                    'ch_names', 'custom_ref_applied', 'description',
                    'events', 'experimenter', 'highpass', 'line_freq',
                    'lowpass', 'nchan', 'proj_id', 'proj_name',
                    'projs', 'sfreq', 'subject_info'):
            assert_equal(raw.info[key], raw_c.info[key], key)
        if op.basename(fname) not in single_trials:
            # We don't force buffer size to be smaller like MNE-C
        assert_equal(len(raw.info['comps']), len(raw_c.info['comps']))
        for c1, c2 in zip(raw.info['comps'], raw_c.info['comps']):
            for key in ('colcals', 'rowcals'):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key])
            assert_equal(c1['save_calibrated'], c2['save_calibrated'])
            for key in ('row_names', 'col_names', 'nrow', 'ncol'):
                assert_array_equal(c1['data'][key], c2['data'][key])
            assert_allclose(c1['data']['data'], c2['data']['data'], atol=1e-7,
                        rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-7)
        assert_equal(len(raw.info['chs']), len(raw_c.info['chs']))
        for ii, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(raw.info['chs'], raw_c.info['chs'])):
            for key in ('kind', 'scanno', 'unit', 'ch_name', 'unit_mul',
                        'range', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type', 'logno'):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and \
                        'catch-alp-good-f' in fname and \
                        key in ('kind', 'unit', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type',
                    continue  # XXX see below...
                assert_equal(c1[key], c2[key], err_msg=key)
            for key in ('cal',):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key], atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
            # XXX 2016/02/24: fixed bug with normal computation that used
            # to exist, once mne-C tools are updated we should update our FIF
            # conversion files, then the slices can go away (and the check
            # can be combined with that for "cal")
            for key in ('loc',):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and 'catch-alp-good-f' in fname:
                assert_allclose(c1[key][:3], c2[key][:3], atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
                assert_allclose(c1[key][9:12], c2[key][9:12], atol=1e-6,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
        if fname.endswith('catch-alp-good-f.ds'):  # omit points from .pos file
            raw.info['dig'] = raw.info['dig'][:-10]

        # XXX: Next test would fail because c-tools assign the fiducials from
        # CTF data as HPI. Should eventually clarify/unify with Matti.
        # assert_dig_allclose(raw.info, raw_c.info)

        # check data match
        raw_c.save(out_fname, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1.)
        raw_read = read_raw_fif(out_fname)

        # so let's check tricky cases based on sample boundaries
        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pick_ch = rng.permutation(np.arange(len(raw.ch_names)))[:10]
        bnd = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * raw.info['buffer_size_sec']))
        assert_equal(bnd, raw._raw_extras[0]['block_size'])
        assert_equal(bnd, block_sizes[op.basename(fname)])
        slices = (slice(0, bnd), slice(bnd - 1, bnd), slice(3, bnd),
                  slice(3, 300), slice(None))
        if len(raw.times) >= 2 * bnd:  # at least two complete blocks
            slices = slices + (slice(bnd, 2 * bnd), slice(bnd, bnd + 1),
                               slice(0, bnd + 100))
        for sl_time in slices:
            assert_allclose(raw[pick_ch, sl_time][0],
                            raw_c[pick_ch, sl_time][0])
            assert_allclose(raw_read[pick_ch, sl_time][0],
                            raw_c[pick_ch, sl_time][0])
        # all data / preload
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:  # reclassified ch
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname, preload=True)
        assert_true(all('MISC channel' in str(ww.message) for ww in w))
        assert_allclose(raw[:][0], raw_c[:][0])
    assert_raises(TypeError, read_raw_ctf, 1)
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_fname_continuous + 'foo.ds')
    # test ignoring of system clock
    read_raw_ctf(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'ignore')
    assert_raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf,
                  op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'foo')
예제 #45
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    inputs = dict(
        sfp='FidNz 0       9.071585155     -2.359754454\n'
            'FidT9 -6.711765       0.040402876     -3.251600355\n'
            'very_very_very_long_name -5.831241498 -4.494821698  4.955347697\n'
            'Cz 0       0       8.899186843',
        csd='// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa: E501
            '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E31      90.000     -11.000       1.000    0.0000    0.9816   -0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E61     158.000     -17.200       1.000   -0.8857    0.3579   -0.2957  -0.00000000000000022',  # noqa: E501
        mm_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'  # noqa:E501
               'NumberPositions=    68\n'
               '-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
               '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n'
               '0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
               '-86.0761 -24.9897 -67.9860\n'
        m_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n'
              'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n'  # noqa:E501
              '.0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n'
              '.08 -.02 -.04\n'
        txt='Site  Theta  Phi\n'
            'Fp1  -92    -72\n'
            'Fp2   92     72\n'
            'very_very_very_long_name       -92     72\n'
            'O2        92    -90\n',
            'EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n',
        hpts='eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\n'
             'eeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\n'
             'eeg A3 -2 -2 2\n'
             'eeg A 0 0 0',
        bvef='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n'
             '<!-- Generated by EasyCap Configurator 19.05.2014 -->\n'
             '<Electrodes defaults="false">\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>Fp1</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>-90</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>-72</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>1</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>Fz</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>45</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>90</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>2</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>F3</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>-60</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>-51</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>3</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>F7</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>-90</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>-36</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>4</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
    # Get actual positions and save them for checking
    # csd comes from the string above, all others come from commit 2fa35d4
    poss = dict(
        sfp=[[0.0, 9.07159, -2.35975], [-6.71176, 0.0404, -3.2516],
             [-5.83124, -4.49482, 4.95535], [0.0, 0.0, 8.89919]],
        mm_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
                [1e-05, 0.08681, -0.03998], [-0.08608, -0.02499, -0.06799]],
        m_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
               [1e-05, 0.00868, -0.03998], [0.08, -0.02, -0.04]],
        txt=[[-26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646], [26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646],
             [-26.25044, -80.79056, -2.96646], [0.0, -84.94822, -2.96646]],
        elp=[[-48.20043, 57.55106, 39.86971], [0.0, 60.73848, 59.4629],
             [48.1426, 57.58403, 39.89198], [41.64599, 66.91489, 31.8278]],
        hpts=[[-95, -3, -3], [-1, -1., -3.], [-2, -2, 2.], [0, 0, 0]],
        bvef=[[-26.266444, 80.839803, 5.204748e-15],
              [3.680313e-15, 60.104076, 60.104076],
              [-46.325632, 57.207392, 42.500000],
              [-68.766444, 49.961746, 5.204748e-15]],
    for key, text in inputs.items():
        kind = key.split('_')[-1]
        fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test.' + kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if kind in ('sfp', 'txt'):
            assert ('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, 'test')
        if kind == 'csd':
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            poss['csd'] = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
        if kind == 'elc':
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(
                np.linalg.norm, 1,
                montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)
        assert_array_almost_equal(poss[key], montage.pos, 4, err_msg=key)

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = ["F3", "FZ", "F4", "FC3", "FCz", "FC4", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "CP3",
                "CPZ", "CP4", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "O1", "OZ", "O2"]
    montage = read_montage('standard_1020', ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_strs = ["""
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    """, """
    Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    AF7 -81 -59 -3
    AF3 -87 -41 28
    FidNz -91 0 -42
    FidT9 0 -91 -42
    FidT10 0 91 -42
    # sfp files seem to have Nz, T9, and T10 as fiducials:
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/pull/4482#issuecomment-321980611

    kinds = ['test_fid.hpts',  'test_fid.sfp']

    for kind, input_str in zip(kinds, input_strs):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, kind), transform=True)

        # check coordinate transformation
        pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
        nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
        lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
        rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
        fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
        trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
        pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
        assert_array_equal(montage.nasion[[0, 2]], [0, 0])
        assert_array_equal(montage.lpa[[1, 2]], [0, 0])
        assert_array_equal(montage.rpa[[1, 2]], [0, 0])
        pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
        montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

        # test with last
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
        assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
        assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

        info = create_info(
            montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

        evoked = EvokedArray(
            data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)

        # test return type as well as set montage
        assert (isinstance(evoked.set_montage(montage), type(evoked)))

        pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
        assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
        assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

        # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in montage
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='position specified'):
            _set_montage(info, montage)

    # Channel names can be treated case insensitive
    info = create_info(['FP1', 'af7', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg'] * 3)
    _set_montage(info, montage)

    # Unless there is a collision in names
    info = create_info(['FP1', 'Fp1', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg'] * 3)
    assert (info['dig'] is None)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='position specified'):
        _set_montage(info, montage)
    assert len(info['dig']) == 5  # 2 EEG w/pos, 3 fiducials
    montage.ch_names = ['FP1', 'Fp1', 'AF3']
    info = create_info(['fp1', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg', 'eeg'])
    assert (info['dig'] is None)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='position specified'):
        _set_montage(info, montage, set_dig=False)
    assert (info['dig'] is None)

    # test get_pos2d method
    montage = read_montage("standard_1020")
    c3 = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("C3")]
    c4 = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("C4")]
    fz = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("Fz")]
    oz = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("Oz")]
    f1 = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("F1")]
    assert (c3[0] < 0)  # left hemisphere
    assert (c4[0] > 0)  # right hemisphere
    assert (fz[1] > 0)  # frontal
    assert (oz[1] < 0)  # occipital
    assert_allclose(fz[0], 0, atol=1e-2)  # midline
    assert_allclose(oz[0], 0, atol=1e-2)  # midline
    assert (f1[0] < 0 and f1[1] > 0)  # left frontal

    # test get_builtin_montages function
    montages = get_builtin_montages()
    assert (len(montages) > 0)  # MNE should always ship with montages
    assert ("standard_1020" in montages)  # 10/20 montage
    assert ("standard_1005" in montages)  # 10/05 montage
예제 #46
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    inputs = dict(
        sfp='FidNz 0       9.071585155     -2.359754454\n'
            'FidT9 -6.711765       0.040402876     -3.251600355\n'
            'very_very_very_long_name -5.831241498 -4.494821698  4.955347697\n'
            'Cz 0       0       8.899186843',
        csd='// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa: E501
            '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E31      90.000     -11.000       1.000    0.0000    0.9816   -0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
            'E61     158.000     -17.200       1.000   -0.8857    0.3579   -0.2957  -0.00000000000000022',  # noqa: E501
        mm_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'  # noqa:E501
               'NumberPositions=    68\n'
               '-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
               '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n'
               '0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
               '-86.0761 -24.9897 -67.9860\n'
        m_elc='# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n'
              'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n'  # noqa:E501
              '.0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n'
              '.08 -.02 -.04\n'
        txt='Site  Theta  Phi\n'
            'Fp1  -92    -72\n'
            'Fp2   92     72\n'
            'very_very_very_long_name       -92     72\n'
            'O2        92    -90\n',
            'EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n'
            'EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n',
        hpts='eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\n'
             'eeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\n'
             'eeg A3 -2 -2 2\n'
             'eeg A 0 0 0',
        bvef='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n'
             '<!-- Generated by EasyCap Configurator 19.05.2014 -->\n'
             '<Electrodes defaults="false">\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>Fp1</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>-90</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>-72</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>1</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>Fz</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>45</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>90</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>2</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>F3</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>-60</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>-51</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>3</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
             '  <Electrode>\n'
             '    <Name>F7</Name>\n'
             '    <Theta>-90</Theta>\n'
             '    <Phi>-36</Phi>\n'
             '    <Radius>1</Radius>\n'
             '    <Number>4</Number>\n'
             '  </Electrode>\n'
    # Get actual positions and save them for checking
    # csd comes from the string above, all others come from commit 2fa35d4
    poss = dict(
        sfp=[[0.0, 9.07159, -2.35975], [-6.71176, 0.0404, -3.2516],
             [-5.83124, -4.49482, 4.95535], [0.0, 0.0, 8.89919]],
        mm_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
                [1e-05, 0.08681, -0.03998], [-0.08608, -0.02499, -0.06799]],
        m_elc=[[-0.08608, -0.01999, -0.04799], [0.08579, -0.02001, -0.04803],
               [1e-05, 0.00868, -0.03998], [0.08, -0.02, -0.04]],
        txt=[[-26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646], [26.25044, 80.79056, -2.96646],
             [-26.25044, -80.79056, -2.96646], [0.0, -84.94822, -2.96646]],
        elp=[[-48.20043, 57.55106, 39.86971], [0.0, 60.73848, 59.4629],
             [48.1426, 57.58403, 39.89198], [41.64599, 66.91489, 31.8278]],
        hpts=[[-95, -3, -3], [-1, -1., -3.], [-2, -2, 2.], [0, 0, 0]],
        bvef=[[-2.62664445e-02,  8.08398039e-02,  5.20474890e-18],
              [3.68031324e-18,  6.01040764e-02,  6.01040764e-02],
              [-4.63256329e-02,  5.72073923e-02,  4.25000000e-02],
              [-6.87664445e-02,  4.99617464e-02,  5.20474890e-18]],
    for key, text in inputs.items():
        kind = key.split('_')[-1]
        fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test.' + kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        unit = 'mm' if kind == 'bvef' else 'm'
        montage = read_montage(fname, unit=unit)
        if kind in ('sfp', 'txt'):
            assert ('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, 'test')
        if kind == 'csd':
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            poss['csd'] = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
        if kind == 'elc':
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(
                np.linalg.norm, 1,
                montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)
        assert_array_almost_equal(poss[key], montage.pos, 4, err_msg=key)

    # Bvef is either auto or mm in terms of "units"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='be "auto" or "mm" for .bvef files.'):
        bvef_file = op.join(tempdir, 'test.' + 'bvef')
        read_montage(bvef_file, unit='m')

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = ["F3", "FZ", "F4", "FC3", "FCz", "FC4", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "CP3",
                "CPZ", "CP4", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "O1", "OZ", "O2"]
    montage = read_montage('standard_1020', ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_strs = ["""
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    """, """
    Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    AF7 -81 -59 -3
    AF3 -87 -41 28
    FidNz -91 0 -42
    FidT9 0 -91 -42
    FidT10 0 91 -42
    # sfp files seem to have Nz, T9, and T10 as fiducials:
    # https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/pull/4482#issuecomment-321980611

    kinds = ['test_fid.hpts', 'test_fid.sfp']

    for kind, input_str in zip(kinds, input_strs):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, kind), transform=True)

        # check coordinate transformation
        pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
        nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
        lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
        rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
        fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
        trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
        pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
        assert_array_equal(montage.nasion[[0, 2]], [0, 0])
        assert_array_equal(montage.lpa[[1, 2]], [0, 0])
        assert_array_equal(montage.rpa[[1, 2]], [0, 0])
        pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
        montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
        assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

        # test with last
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
        assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
        assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

        info = create_info(
            montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

        evoked = EvokedArray(
            data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)

        # test return type as well as set montage
        assert (isinstance(evoked.set_montage(montage), type(evoked)))

        pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
        assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
        assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

        # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in montage
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='position specified'):
            _set_montage(info, montage)

    # Channel names can be treated case insensitive
    info = create_info(['FP1', 'af7', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg'] * 3)
    _set_montage(info, montage)

    # Unless there is a collision in names
    info = create_info(['FP1', 'Fp1', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg'] * 3)
    assert (info['dig'] is None)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='position specified'):
        _set_montage(info, montage)
    assert len(info['dig']) == 5  # 2 EEG w/pos, 3 fiducials
    montage.ch_names = ['FP1', 'Fp1', 'AF3']
    info = create_info(['fp1', 'AF3'], 1e3, ['eeg', 'eeg'])
    assert (info['dig'] is None)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='position specified'):
        _set_montage(info, montage, set_dig=False)
    assert (info['dig'] is None)

    # test get_pos2d method
    montage = read_montage("standard_1020")
    c3 = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("C3")]
    c4 = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("C4")]
    fz = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("Fz")]
    oz = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("Oz")]
    f1 = montage.get_pos2d()[montage.ch_names.index("F1")]
    assert (c3[0] < 0)  # left hemisphere
    assert (c4[0] > 0)  # right hemisphere
    assert (fz[1] > 0)  # frontal
    assert (oz[1] < 0)  # occipital
    assert_allclose(fz[0], 0, atol=1e-2)  # midline
    assert_allclose(oz[0], 0, atol=1e-2)  # midline
    assert (f1[0] < 0 and f1[1] > 0)  # left frontal

    # test get_builtin_montages function
    montages = get_builtin_montages()
    assert (len(montages) > 0)  # MNE should always ship with montages
    assert ("standard_1020" in montages)  # 10/20 montage
    assert ("standard_1005" in montages)  # 10/05 montage
예제 #47
def test_fit_point_cloud():
    """Test fit_point_cloud: fitting a set of points to a point cloud"""
    # evenly spaced target points on a sphere
    u = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)
    v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 150)

    x = np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    y = np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v)).reshape((-1, 1))
    z = np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v)).reshape((-1, 1)) * 3

    tgt_pts = np.hstack((x, y, z))
    tgt_pts = _decimate_points(tgt_pts, .05)

    # pick some points to fit
    some_tgt_pts = tgt_pts[::362]

    # rotation only
    trans = rotation(1.5, .3, -0.4)
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts,
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation.")

    # rotation and translation
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), translation(.3, .2, -.2))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts,
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
    assert_array_less(err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and "

    # rotation and 1 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.5, 1.5))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts,
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
        err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 1 scaling "

    # rotation and 3 scale parameter
    trans = np.dot(rotation(0.5, .3, -0.4), scaling(1.5, 1.7, 1.1))
    src_pts = apply_trans(trans, some_tgt_pts)
    trans_est = fit_point_cloud(src_pts,
    est_pts = apply_trans(trans_est, src_pts)
    err = _point_cloud_error(est_pts, tgt_pts)
        err, .1, "fit_point_cloud with rotation and 3 scaling "
def get_sensor_pos_from_fwd(inst, info=None, picks=None, trans=None):
    from mne import SourceSpaces, Forward
    from mne.io.constants import FIFF
    from six import string_types
    from mne.transforms import read_trans, _ensure_trans, invert_transform, Transform, apply_trans
    from mne.io.pick import channel_type, pick_types

    if isinstance(inst, Forward):
        info = inst['info']
        src = inst['src']
    elif isinstance(inst, SourceSpaces):
        src = inst
        if info is None:
            raise ValueError('You need to specify an Info object with '
                             'information about the channels.')

    # Load the head<->MRI transform if necessary
    if src[0]['coord_frame'] == FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_MRI:
        if trans is None:
            raise ValueError('Source space is in MRI coordinates, but no '
                             'head<->MRI transform was given. Please specify '
                             'the full path to the appropriate *-trans.fif '
                             'file as the "trans" parameter.')
        if isinstance(trans, string_types):
            trans = read_trans(trans, return_all=True)
            for trans in trans:  # we got at least 1
                    trans = _ensure_trans(trans, 'head', 'mri')
                except Exception as exp:
                raise exp

        src_trans = invert_transform(_ensure_trans(trans, 'head', 'mri'))
        src_trans = Transform('head', 'head')  # Identity transform

    dev_to_head = _ensure_trans(info['dev_head_t'], 'meg', 'head')

    if picks is None:
        picks = pick_types(info, meg=True)
        if len(picks) > 0:
            print('Using MEG channels')
            print('Using EEG channels')
            picks = pick_types(info, eeg=True)

    sensor_pos = []
    for ch in picks:
        # MEG channels are in device coordinates, translate them to head
        if channel_type(info, ch) in ['mag', 'grad']:
                apply_trans(dev_to_head, info['chs'][ch]['loc'][:3]))
    sensor_pos = np.array(sensor_pos)

    return sensor_pos
예제 #49
def test_read_ctf():
    """Test CTF reader."""
    temp_dir = _TempDir()
    out_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'test_py_raw.fif')

    # Create a dummy .eeg file so we can test our reading/application of it
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos'))
    ctf_eeg_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_catch), ctf_eeg_fname)
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='RMSP .* changed to a MISC ch'):
        raw = _test_raw_reader(read_raw_ctf, directory=ctf_eeg_fname)
    picks = pick_types(raw.info, meg=False, eeg=True)
    pos = np.random.RandomState(42).randn(len(picks), 3)
    fake_eeg_fname = op.join(ctf_eeg_fname, 'catch-alp-good-f.eeg')
    # Create a bad file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
    pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_eeg_fname)
    # Create a good file
    with open(fake_eeg_fname, 'wb') as fid:
        for ii, ch_num in enumerate(picks):
            args = (str(ch_num + 1), raw.ch_names[ch_num],) + tuple(
                '%0.5f' % x for x in 100 * pos[ii])  # convert to cm
            fid.write(('\t'.join(args) + '\n').encode('ascii'))
    pos_read_old = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='RMSP .* changed to a MISC ch'):
        raw = read_raw_ctf(ctf_eeg_fname)  # read modified data
    pos_read = np.array([raw.info['chs'][p]['loc'][:3] for p in picks])
    assert_allclose(apply_trans(raw.info['ctf_head_t'], pos), pos_read,
                    rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-5)
    assert (pos_read == pos_read_old).mean() < 0.1
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_randpos_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'randpos', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # Create a version with no hc, starting out *with* EEG pos (error)
    os.mkdir(op.join(temp_dir, 'nohc'))
    ctf_no_hc_fname = op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', ctf_fname_catch)
    shutil.copytree(ctf_eeg_fname, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    remove_base = op.join(ctf_no_hc_fname, op.basename(ctf_fname_catch[:-3]))
    os.remove(remove_base + '.hc')
    with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='MISC channel'):
        pytest.raises(RuntimeError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_no_hc_fname)
    os.remove(remove_base + '.eeg')
    shutil.copy(op.join(ctf_dir, 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_nohc_raw.fif'),
                op.join(temp_dir, 'no_hc', 'catch-alp-good-f.ds_raw.fif'))

    # All our files
    use_fnames = [op.join(ctf_dir, c) for c in ctf_fnames]
    for fname in use_fnames:
        raw_c = read_raw_fif(fname + '_raw.fif', preload=True)
        with pytest.warns(None):  # sometimes matches "MISC channel"
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname)

        # check info match
        assert_array_equal(raw.ch_names, raw_c.ch_names)
        assert_allclose(raw.times, raw_c.times)
        assert_allclose(raw._cals, raw_c._cals)
                     raw_c.info['meas_id']['version'] + 1)
        for t in ('dev_head_t', 'dev_ctf_t', 'ctf_head_t'):
            assert_allclose(raw.info[t]['trans'], raw_c.info[t]['trans'],
                            rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-7)
        for key in ('acq_pars', 'acq_stim', 'bads',
                    'ch_names', 'custom_ref_applied', 'description',
                    'events', 'experimenter', 'highpass', 'line_freq',
                    'lowpass', 'nchan', 'proj_id', 'proj_name',
                    'projs', 'sfreq', 'subject_info'):
            assert_equal(raw.info[key], raw_c.info[key], key)
        if op.basename(fname) not in single_trials:
            # We don't force buffer size to be smaller like MNE-C
            assert raw.buffer_size_sec == raw_c.buffer_size_sec
        assert_equal(len(raw.info['comps']), len(raw_c.info['comps']))
        for c1, c2 in zip(raw.info['comps'], raw_c.info['comps']):
            for key in ('colcals', 'rowcals'):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key])
            assert_equal(c1['save_calibrated'], c2['save_calibrated'])
            for key in ('row_names', 'col_names', 'nrow', 'ncol'):
                assert_array_equal(c1['data'][key], c2['data'][key])
            assert_allclose(c1['data']['data'], c2['data']['data'], atol=1e-7,
                        rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-7)
        assert_equal(len(raw.info['chs']), len(raw_c.info['chs']))
        for ii, (c1, c2) in enumerate(zip(raw.info['chs'], raw_c.info['chs'])):
            for key in ('kind', 'scanno', 'unit', 'ch_name', 'unit_mul',
                        'range', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type', 'logno'):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and \
                        'catch-alp-good-f' in fname and \
                        key in ('kind', 'unit', 'coord_frame', 'coil_type',
                    continue  # XXX see below...
                assert_equal(c1[key], c2[key], err_msg=key)
            for key in ('cal',):
                assert_allclose(c1[key], c2[key], atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
            # XXX 2016/02/24: fixed bug with normal computation that used
            # to exist, once mne-C tools are updated we should update our FIF
            # conversion files, then the slices can go away (and the check
            # can be combined with that for "cal")
            for key in ('loc',):
                if c1['ch_name'] == 'RMSP' and 'catch-alp-good-f' in fname:
                if (c2[key][:3] == 0.).all():
                    check = [np.nan] * 3
                    check = c2[key][:3]
                assert_allclose(c1[key][:3], check, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))
                if (c2[key][3:] == 0.).all():
                    check = [np.nan] * 3
                    check = c2[key][9:12]
                assert_allclose(c1[key][9:12], check, atol=1e-6, rtol=1e-4,
                                err_msg='raw.info["chs"][%d][%s]' % (ii, key))

        # Make sure all digitization points are in the MNE head coord frame
        for p in raw.info['dig']:
            assert_equal(p['coord_frame'], FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD,
                         err_msg='dig points must be in FIFF.FIFFV_COORD_HEAD')

        if fname.endswith('catch-alp-good-f.ds'):  # omit points from .pos file
            raw.info['dig'] = raw.info['dig'][:-10]

        # XXX: Next test would fail because c-tools assign the fiducials from
        # CTF data as HPI. Should eventually clarify/unify with Matti.
        # assert_dig_allclose(raw.info, raw_c.info)

        # check data match
        raw_c.save(out_fname, overwrite=True, buffer_size_sec=1.)
        raw_read = read_raw_fif(out_fname)

        # so let's check tricky cases based on sample boundaries
        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        pick_ch = rng.permutation(np.arange(len(raw.ch_names)))[:10]
        bnd = int(round(raw.info['sfreq'] * raw.buffer_size_sec))
        assert_equal(bnd, raw._raw_extras[0]['block_size'])
        assert_equal(bnd, block_sizes[op.basename(fname)])
        slices = (slice(0, bnd), slice(bnd - 1, bnd), slice(3, bnd),
                  slice(3, 300), slice(None))
        if len(raw.times) >= 2 * bnd:  # at least two complete blocks
            slices = slices + (slice(bnd, 2 * bnd), slice(bnd, bnd + 1),
                               slice(0, bnd + 100))
        for sl_time in slices:
            assert_allclose(raw[pick_ch, sl_time][0],
                            raw_c[pick_ch, sl_time][0])
            assert_allclose(raw_read[pick_ch, sl_time][0],
                            raw_c[pick_ch, sl_time][0])
        # all data / preload
        with pytest.warns(None):  # sometimes MISC
            raw = read_raw_ctf(fname, preload=True)
        assert_allclose(raw[:][0], raw_c[:][0], atol=1e-15)
        # test bad segment annotations
        if 'testdata_ctf_short.ds' in fname:
            assert 'bad' in raw.annotations.description[0]
            assert_allclose(raw.annotations.onset, [2.15])
            assert_allclose(raw.annotations.duration, [0.0225])

    pytest.raises(TypeError, read_raw_ctf, 1)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf, ctf_fname_continuous + 'foo.ds')
    # test ignoring of system clock
    read_raw_ctf(op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'ignore')
    pytest.raises(ValueError, read_raw_ctf,
                  op.join(ctf_dir, ctf_fname_continuous), 'foo')
예제 #50
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # no pep8
    input_str = [
        'FidNz 0.00000 10.56381 -2.05108\nFidT9 -7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name 7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056\nDmy 7.0 0.0 1.0',
        '// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa: E501
        '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E2      44.600      -0.880       1.000    0.7119    0.7021   -0.0154   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E4      52.700      12.000       1.000    0.7084    0.7504    0.1508   0.00000000000000000',  # noqa: E501; dummy line
        '# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'
        'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
        '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
        '85 -20 -48\n'
        '# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n'
        'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n'
        '.0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n'
        '.08 -.02 -.04\n'
        'Site  Theta  Phi\nFp1  -92    -72\nFp2   92     72\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name   -60    -51\n'
        'dummy -60 -52\n',
        'EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n',
        'eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\neeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\neeg A3 -2 -2 2\neeg A 0 0 0'

    kinds = [
        'test.sfp', 'test.csd', 'test_mm.elc', 'test_m.elc', 'test.txt',
        'test.elp', 'test.hpts'
    for kind, text in zip(kinds, input_str):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if ".sfp" in kind or ".txt" in kind:
            assert_true('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, op.splitext(kind)[0])
        if kind.endswith('csd'):
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            pos2 = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
            assert_array_almost_equal(pos2[:-1, :], montage.pos[:-1, :], 4)
        if kind.endswith('elc'):
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(
                np.linalg.norm, 1, montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = [
        "F3", "FZ", "F4", "FC3", "FCz", "FC4", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "CP3", "CPZ",
        "CP4", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "O1", "OZ", "O2"
    montage = read_montage('standard_1020', ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    kind = 'test_fid.hpts'
    fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
    with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('2')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('1')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('3')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts')
    montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

    evoked = EvokedArray(data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)),
    pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

    # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in the montage
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
예제 #51
def test_scale_mri():
    """Test creating fsaverage and scaling it."""
    # create fsaverage using the testing "fsaverage" instead of the FreeSurfer
    # one
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    fake_home = testing.data_path()
    create_default_subject(subjects_dir=tempdir, fs_home=fake_home,
    assert _is_mri_subject('fsaverage', tempdir), "Creating fsaverage failed"

    fid_path = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-fiducials.fif')
    create_default_subject(update=True, subjects_dir=tempdir,
    assert op.exists(fid_path), "Updating fsaverage"

    # copy MRI file from sample data (shouldn't matter that it's incorrect,
    # so here choose a small one)
    path_from = op.join(testing.data_path(), 'subjects', 'sample', 'mri',
    path_to = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    copyfile(path_from, path_to)

    # remove redundant label files
    label_temp = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'label', '*.label')
    label_paths = glob(label_temp)
    for label_path in label_paths[1:]:

    # create source space
    print('Creating surface source space')
    path = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'bem', 'fsaverage-%s-src.fif')
    src = mne.setup_source_space('fsaverage', 'ico0', subjects_dir=tempdir,
    mri = op.join(tempdir, 'fsaverage', 'mri', 'orig.mgz')
    print('Creating volume source space')
    vsrc = mne.setup_volume_source_space(
        'fsaverage', pos=50, mri=mri, subjects_dir=tempdir,
    write_source_spaces(path % 'vol-50', vsrc)

    # scale fsaverage
    for scale in (.9, [1, .2, .8]):
        write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src, overwrite=True)
        os.environ['_MNE_FEW_SURFACES'] = 'true'
        with pytest.warns(None):  # sometimes missing nibabel
            scale_mri('fsaverage', 'flachkopf', scale, True,
                      subjects_dir=tempdir, verbose='debug')
        del os.environ['_MNE_FEW_SURFACES']
        assert _is_mri_subject('flachkopf', tempdir), "Scaling failed"
        spath = op.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'bem', 'flachkopf-%s-src.fif')

        assert op.exists(spath % 'ico-0'), "Source space ico-0 was not scaled"
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempdir, 'flachkopf', 'surf',
        vsrc_s = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'vol-50')
        pt = np.array([0.12, 0.41, -0.22])
            apply_trans(vsrc_s[0]['src_mri_t'], pt * np.array(scale)),
            apply_trans(vsrc[0]['src_mri_t'], pt))
        scale_labels('flachkopf', subjects_dir=tempdir)

        # add distances to source space after hacking the properties to make
        # it run *much* faster
        src_dist = src.copy()
        for s in src_dist:
            s.update(rr=s['rr'][s['vertno']], nn=s['nn'][s['vertno']],
            s.update(np=len(s['rr']), ntri=len(s['tris']),
                     inuse=np.ones(len(s['rr']), int))
        write_source_spaces(path % 'ico-0', src_dist, overwrite=True)

        # scale with distances
        os.remove(spath % 'ico-0')
        scale_source_space('flachkopf', 'ico-0', subjects_dir=tempdir)
        ssrc = mne.read_source_spaces(spath % 'ico-0')
        assert ssrc[0]['dist'] is not None
예제 #52
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages"""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # no pep8
    input_str = ["""FidNz 0.00000 10.56381 -2.05108
    FidT9 -7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056
    FidT10 7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056""",
    """// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates
    // Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface
      E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011
      E2      44.600      -0.880       1.000    0.7119    0.7021   -0.0154   0.00000000000000000
      E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000""",  # noqa
    """# ASA electrode file
    ReferenceLabel  avg
    UnitPosition    mm
    NumberPositions=    68
    -86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860
    85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310
    0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830
    """Site  Theta  Phi
    Fp1  -92    -72
    Fp2   92     72
    F3   -60    -51
     EEG	      F3	 -62.027	 -50.053	      85
     EEG	      Fz	  45.608	      90	      85
     EEG	      F4	   62.01	  50.103	      85
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    kinds = ['test.sfp', 'test.csd', 'test.elc', 'test.txt', 'test.elp',
    for kind, text in zip(kinds, input_str):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 3)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (3, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, op.splitext(kind)[0])
        if kind.endswith('csd'):
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            pos2 = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
            assert_array_almost_equal(pos2, montage.pos, 4)
    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    kind = 'test_fid.hpts'
    fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
    with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('2')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('1')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('3')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts')
    montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

    info = create_info(
        montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

    evoked = EvokedArray(
        data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)
    pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

    # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in the montage
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)
예제 #53
def get_head_mri_trans(bids_path,
    """Produce transformation matrix from MEG and MRI landmark points.

    Will attempt to read the landmarks of Nasion, LPA, and RPA from the sidecar
    files of (i) the MEG and (ii) the T1-weighted MRI data. The two sets of
    points will then be used to calculate a transformation matrix from head
    coordinates to MRI coordinates.

    .. note:: The MEG and MRI data need **not** necessarily be stored in the
              same session or even in the same BIDS dataset. See the
              ``t1_bids_path`` parameter for details.

    bids_path : BIDSPath
        The path of the electrophysiology recording. If ``datatype`` and
        ``suffix`` are not present, they will be set to ``'meg'``, and a
        warning will be raised.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.10
           A warning is raised it ``datatype`` or ``suffix`` are not set.
    extra_params : None | dict
        Extra parameters to be passed to :func:`mne.io.read_raw` when reading
        the MEG file.
    t1_bids_path : BIDSPath | None
        If ``None`` (default), will try to discover the T1-weighted MRI file
        based on the name and location of the MEG recording specified via the
        ``bids_path`` parameter. Alternatively, you explicitly specify which
        T1-weighted MRI scan to use for extraction of MRI landmarks. To do
        that, pass a :class:`mne_bids.BIDSPath` pointing to the scan.
        Use this parameter e.g. if the T1 scan was recorded during a different
        session than the MEG. It is even possible to point to a T1 image stored
        in an entirely different BIDS dataset than the MEG data.
    fs_subject : str
        The subject identifier used for FreeSurfer.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.10
           Does not default anymore to ``bids_path.subject`` if ``None``.
    fs_subjects_dir : path-like | None
        The FreeSurfer subjects directory. If ``None``, defaults to the
        ``SUBJECTS_DIR`` environment variable.

        .. versionadded:: 0.8
    kind : str | None
        The suffix of the anatomical landmark names in the JSON sidecar.
        A suffix might be present e.g. to distinguish landmarks between
        sessions. If provided, should not include a leading underscore ``_``.
        For example, if the landmark names in the JSON sidecar file are
        ``LPA_ses-1``, ``RPA_ses-1``, ``NAS_ses-1``, you should pass
        ``'ses-1'`` here.
        If ``None``, no suffix is appended, the landmarks named
        ``Nasion`` (or ``NAS``), ``LPA``, and ``RPA`` will be used.

        .. versionadded:: 0.10

    trans : mne.transforms.Transform
        The data transformation matrix from head to MRI coordinates.
    if not has_nibabel():  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError('This function requires nibabel.')
    import nibabel as nib

    if not isinstance(bids_path, BIDSPath):
        raise RuntimeError('"bids_path" must be a BIDSPath object. Please '
                           'instantiate using mne_bids.BIDSPath().')

    # check root available
    meg_bids_path = bids_path.copy()
    del bids_path
    if meg_bids_path.root is None:
        raise ValueError('The root of the "bids_path" must be set. '
                         'Please use `bids_path.update(root="<root>")` '
                         'to set the root of the BIDS folder to read.')

    # if the bids_path is underspecified, only get info for MEG data
    if meg_bids_path.datatype is None:
        meg_bids_path.datatype = 'meg'
            'bids_path did not have a datatype set. Assuming "meg". This '
            'will raise an exception in the future.',
    if meg_bids_path.suffix is None:
        meg_bids_path.suffix = 'meg'
            'bids_path did not have a suffix set. Assuming "meg". This '
            'will raise an exception in the future.',

    # Get the sidecar file for MRI landmarks
    t1w_bids_path = ((meg_bids_path if t1_bids_path is None else
    t1w_json_path = _find_matching_sidecar(bids_path=t1w_bids_path,
    del t1_bids_path

    if t1w_json_path is not None:
        t1w_json_path = Path(t1w_json_path)

    if t1w_json_path is None or not t1w_json_path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f'Did not find T1w JSON sidecar file, tried location: '
    for extension in ('.nii', '.nii.gz'):
        t1w_path_candidate = t1w_json_path.with_suffix(extension)
        if t1w_path_candidate.exists():
            t1w_bids_path = get_bids_path_from_fname(fname=t1w_path_candidate)

    if not t1w_bids_path.fpath.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f'Did not find T1w recording file, tried location: '
            f'{t1w_path_candidate.name.replace(".nii.gz", "")}[.nii, .nii.gz]')

    # Get MRI landmarks from the JSON sidecar
    t1w_json = json.loads(t1w_json_path.read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
    mri_coords_dict = t1w_json.get('AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates', dict())

    # landmarks array: rows: [LPA, NAS, RPA]; columns: [x, y, z]
    suffix = f"_{kind}" if kind is not None else ""
    mri_landmarks = np.full((3, 3), np.nan)
    for landmark_name, coords in mri_coords_dict.items():
        if landmark_name.upper() == ('LPA' + suffix).upper():
            mri_landmarks[0, :] = coords
        elif landmark_name.upper() == ('RPA' + suffix).upper():
            mri_landmarks[2, :] = coords
        elif (landmark_name.upper() == ('NAS' + suffix).upper()
              or landmark_name.lower() == ('nasion' + suffix).lower()):
            mri_landmarks[1, :] = coords

    if np.isnan(mri_landmarks).any():
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'Could not extract fiducial points from T1w sidecar file: '
            f'The sidecar file SHOULD contain a key '
            f'"AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates" pointing to an '
            f'object with the keys "LPA", "NAS", and "RPA". '
            f'Yet, the following structure was found:\n\n'

    # The MRI landmarks are in "voxels". We need to convert them to the
    # Neuromag RAS coordinate system in order to compare them with MEG
    # landmarks. See also: `mne_bids.write.write_anat`
    if fs_subject is None:
            'Passing "fs_subject=None" has been deprecated and will raise '
            'an error in future versions. Please explicitly specify the '
            'FreeSurfer subject name.', DeprecationWarning)
        fs_subject = f'sub-{meg_bids_path.subject}'

    fs_subjects_dir = get_subjects_dir(fs_subjects_dir, raise_error=False)
    fs_t1_path = Path(fs_subjects_dir) / fs_subject / 'mri' / 'T1.mgz'
    if not fs_t1_path.exists():
        raise ValueError(
            f"Could not find {fs_t1_path}. Consider running FreeSurfer's "
            f"'recon-all` for subject {fs_subject}.")
    fs_t1_mgh = nib.load(str(fs_t1_path))
    t1_nifti = nib.load(str(t1w_bids_path.fpath))

    # Convert to MGH format to access vox2ras method
    t1_mgh = nib.MGHImage(t1_nifti.dataobj, t1_nifti.affine)

    # convert to scanner RAS
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras(), mri_landmarks)

    # convert to FreeSurfer T1 voxels (same scanner RAS as T1)
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(fs_t1_mgh.header.get_ras2vox(), mri_landmarks)

    # now extract transformation matrix and put back to RAS coordinates of MRI
    vox2ras_tkr = fs_t1_mgh.header.get_vox2ras_tkr()
    mri_landmarks = apply_trans(vox2ras_tkr, mri_landmarks)
    mri_landmarks = mri_landmarks * 1e-3

    # Get MEG landmarks from the raw file
    _, ext = _parse_ext(meg_bids_path)
    if extra_params is None:
        extra_params = dict()
    if ext == '.fif':
        extra_params['allow_maxshield'] = True

    raw = read_raw_bids(bids_path=meg_bids_path, extra_params=extra_params)

    if (raw.get_montage() is None or raw.get_montage().get_positions() is None
            or any([
                raw.get_montage().get_positions()[fid_key] is None
                for fid_key in ('nasion', 'lpa', 'rpa')
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'Could not extract fiducial points from ``raw`` file: '
            f'The ``raw`` file SHOULD contain digitization points '
            'for the nasion and left and right pre-auricular points '
            'but none were found')
    pos = raw.get_montage().get_positions()
    meg_landmarks = np.asarray((pos['lpa'], pos['nasion'], pos['rpa']))

    # Given the two sets of points, fit the transform
    trans_fitted = fit_matched_points(src_pts=meg_landmarks,
    trans = mne.transforms.Transform(fro='head', to='mri', trans=trans_fitted)
    return trans
예제 #54
def test_montage():
    """Test making montages."""
    tempdir = _TempDir()
    # no pep8
    input_str = [
        'FidNz 0.00000 10.56381 -2.05108\nFidT9 -7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name 7.82694 0.45386 -3.76056\nDmy 7.0 0.0 1.0',
        '// MatLab   Sphere coordinates [degrees]         Cartesian coordinates\n'  # noqa: E501
        '// Label       Theta       Phi    Radius         X         Y         Z       off sphere surface\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E1      37.700     -14.000       1.000    0.7677    0.5934   -0.2419  -0.00000000000000011\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E2      44.600      -0.880       1.000    0.7119    0.7021   -0.0154   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E3      51.700      11.000       1.000    0.6084    0.7704    0.1908   0.00000000000000000\n'  # noqa: E501
        'E4      52.700      12.000       1.000    0.7084    0.7504    0.1508   0.00000000000000000',  # noqa: E501; dummy line
        '# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    mm\n'
        'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-86.0761 -19.9897 -47.9860\n'
        '85.7939 -20.0093 -48.0310\n0.0083 86.8110 -39.9830\n'
        '85 -20 -48\n'
        '# ASA electrode file\nReferenceLabel  avg\nUnitPosition    m\n'
        'NumberPositions=    68\nPositions\n-.0860761 -.0199897 -.0479860\n'
        '.0857939 -.0200093 -.0480310\n.0000083 .00868110 -.0399830\n'
        '.08 -.02 -.04\n'
        'Site  Theta  Phi\nFp1  -92    -72\nFp2   92     72\n'
        'very_very_very_long_name   -60    -51\n'
        'dummy -60 -52\n',
        'EEG\t      F3\t -62.027\t -50.053\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      Fz\t  45.608\t      90\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      F4\t   62.01\t  50.103\t      85\n'
        'EEG\t      FCz\t   68.01\t  58.103\t      85\n',
        'eeg Fp1 -95.0 -3. -3.\neeg AF7 -1 -1 -3\neeg A3 -2 -2 2\neeg A 0 0 0'

    kinds = ['test.sfp', 'test.csd', 'test_mm.elc', 'test_m.elc', 'test.txt',
             'test.elp', 'test.hpts']
    for kind, text in zip(kinds, input_str):
        fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
        with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
        montage = read_montage(fname)
        if ".sfp" in kind or ".txt" in kind:
            assert_true('very_very_very_long_name' in montage.ch_names)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), 4)
        assert_equal(len(montage.ch_names), len(montage.pos))
        assert_equal(montage.pos.shape, (4, 3))
        assert_equal(montage.kind, op.splitext(kind)[0])
        if kind.endswith('csd'):
            dtype = [('label', 'S4'), ('theta', 'f8'), ('phi', 'f8'),
                     ('radius', 'f8'), ('x', 'f8'), ('y', 'f8'), ('z', 'f8'),
                     ('off_sph', 'f8')]
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skip_header=2, dtype=dtype)
            except TypeError:
                table = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2, dtype=dtype)
            pos2 = np.c_[table['x'], table['y'], table['z']]
            assert_array_almost_equal(pos2[:-1, :], montage.pos[:-1, :], 4)
        if kind.endswith('elc'):
            # Make sure points are reasonable distance from geometric centroid
            centroid = np.sum(montage.pos, axis=0) / montage.pos.shape[0]
            distance_from_centroid = np.apply_along_axis(
                np.linalg.norm, 1,
                montage.pos - centroid)
            assert_array_less(distance_from_centroid, 0.2)
            assert_array_less(0.01, distance_from_centroid)

    # Test reading in different letter case.
    ch_names = ["F3", "FZ", "F4", "FC3", "FCz", "FC4", "C3", "CZ", "C4", "CP3",
                "CPZ", "CP4", "P3", "PZ", "P4", "O1", "OZ", "O2"]
    montage = read_montage('standard_1020', ch_names=ch_names)
    assert_array_equal(ch_names, montage.ch_names)

    # test transform
    input_str = """
    eeg Fp1 -95.0 -31.0 -3.0
    eeg AF7 -81 -59 -3
    eeg AF3 -87 -41 28
    cardinal 2 -91 0 -42
    cardinal 1 0 -91 -42
    cardinal 3 0 91 -42
    kind = 'test_fid.hpts'
    fname = op.join(tempdir, kind)
    with open(fname, 'w') as fid:
    montage = read_montage(op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts'), transform=True)
    # check coordinate transformation
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    nasion = np.array([-91, 0, -42])
    lpa = np.array([0, -91, -42])
    rpa = np.array([0, 91, -42])
    fids = np.vstack((nasion, lpa, rpa))
    trans = get_ras_to_neuromag_trans(fids[0], fids[1], fids[2])
    pos = apply_trans(trans, pos)
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos)
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('2')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [0, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('1')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    idx = montage.ch_names.index('3')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[idx, [1, 2]], [0, 0])
    pos = np.array([-95.0, -31.0, -3.0])
    montage_fname = op.join(tempdir, 'test_fid.hpts')
    montage = read_montage(montage_fname, unit='mm')
    assert_array_equal(montage.pos[0], pos * 1e-3)

    # test with last
    info = create_info(montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))
    _set_montage(info, montage)
    pos2 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos2, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, info['ch_names'])

    info = create_info(
        montage.ch_names, 1e3, ['eeg'] * len(montage.ch_names))

    evoked = EvokedArray(
        data=np.zeros((len(montage.ch_names), 1)), info=info, tmin=0)
    pos3 = np.array([c['loc'][:3] for c in evoked.info['chs']])
    assert_array_equal(pos3, montage.pos)
    assert_equal(montage.ch_names, evoked.info['ch_names'])

    # Warning should be raised when some EEG are not specified in the montage
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        info = create_info(montage.ch_names + ['foo', 'bar'], 1e3,
                           ['eeg'] * (len(montage.ch_names) + 2))
        _set_montage(info, montage)
        assert_true(len(w) == 1)