예제 #1
def test_manifest_check_download(tmpdir, n_have, monkeypatch):
    """Test our manifest downloader."""
    pooch = _soft_import('pooch', 'download datasets')
    monkeypatch.setattr(pooch, 'retrieve', _fake_zip_fetch)
    destination = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'empty')
    manifest_path = op.join(str(tmpdir), 'manifest.txt')
    with open(manifest_path, 'w') as fid:
        for fname in _zip_fnames:
            fid.write('%s\n' % fname)
    assert n_have in range(len(_zip_fnames) + 1)
    assert not op.isdir(destination)
    if n_have > 0:
        os.makedirs(op.join(destination, 'foo'))
        assert op.isdir(op.join(destination, 'foo'))
    for fname in _zip_fnames:
        assert not op.isfile(op.join(destination, fname))
    for fname in _zip_fnames[:n_have]:
        with open(op.join(destination, fname), 'w'):
    with catch_logging() as log:
        with use_log_level(True):
            # we mock the pooch.retrieve so these are not used
            url = hash_ = ''
            _manifest_check_download(manifest_path, destination, url, hash_)
    log = log.getvalue()
    n_missing = 3 - n_have
    assert ('%d file%s missing from' % (n_missing, _pl(n_missing))) in log
    for want in ('Extracting missing', 'Successfully '):
        if n_missing > 0:
            assert want in log
            assert want not in log
    assert op.isdir(destination)
    for fname in _zip_fnames:
        assert op.isfile(op.join(destination, fname))
예제 #2
import shutil
import zipfile

import numpy as np
import pytest

from mne.io.constants import (FIFF, FWD, _coord_frame_named, _ch_kind_named,
                              _ch_unit_named, _ch_unit_mul_named,
                              _ch_coil_type_named, _dig_kind_named,
from mne.forward._make_forward import _read_coil_defs
from mne.utils import requires_good_network
from mne.utils.check import _soft_import

# import pooch library for handling the dataset downloading
pooch = _soft_import('pooch', 'dataset downloading', strict=True)

# https://github.com/mne-tools/fiff-constants/commits/master
REPO = 'mne-tools'
COMMIT = 'aae5960007ee8a67dfc07535ea37d421d37dfe1b'

# These are oddities that we won't address:
iod_dups = (355, 359)  # these are in both MEGIN and MNE files
tag_dups = (3501, )  # in both MEGIN and MNE files

_dir_ignore_names = (