def test_export_raw_edf(tmp_path, dataset, format): """Test saving a Raw instance to EDF format.""" if dataset == 'test': fname = _resource_path('', 'test_raw.fif') raw = read_raw_fif(fname) elif dataset == 'misc': fname = op.join(misc.data_path(), 'ecog', 'sample_ecog_ieeg.fif') raw = read_raw_fif(fname) # only test with EEG channels raw.pick_types(eeg=True, ecog=True, seeg=True) raw.load_data() orig_ch_names = raw.ch_names temp_fname = op.join(str(tmp_path), f'test.{format}') # test runtime errors with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='The maximum'), \ pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Data has a non-integer'): raw.export(temp_fname, physical_range=(-1e6, 0)) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='The minimum'), \ pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Data has a non-integer'): raw.export(temp_fname, physical_range=(0, 1e6)) if dataset == 'test': with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='Data has a non-integer'): raw.export(temp_fname) elif dataset == 'misc': with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning, match='EDF format requires'): raw.export(temp_fname) if 'epoc' in raw.ch_names: raw.drop_channels(['epoc']) raw_read = read_raw_edf(temp_fname, preload=True) assert orig_ch_names == raw_read.ch_names # only compare the original length, since extra zeros are appended orig_raw_len = len(raw) # assert data and times are not different # Due to the physical range of the data, reading and writing is # not lossless. For example, a physical min/max of -/+ 3200 uV # will result in a resolution of 0.09 uV. This resolution # though is acceptable for most EEG manufacturers. assert_array_almost_equal(raw.get_data(), raw_read.get_data()[:, :orig_raw_len], decimal=4) # Due to the data record duration limitations of EDF files, one # cannot store arbitrary float sampling rate exactly. Usually this # results in two sampling rates that are off by very low number of # decimal points. This for practical purposes does not matter # but will result in an error when say the number of time points # is very very large. assert_allclose(raw.times, raw_read.times[:orig_raw_len], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
import numpy as np from numpy.testing import (assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal) from mne import (read_epochs_eeglab, Epochs, read_evokeds, read_evokeds_mff, Annotations) from mne.datasets import testing, misc from mne.export import export_evokeds, export_evokeds_mff from import (read_raw_fif, read_raw_eeglab, read_raw_edf, read_raw_brainvision) from mne.utils import (_check_eeglabio_installed, requires_version, object_diff, _check_edflib_installed, _resource_path, _check_pybv_installed) from mne.tests.test_epochs import _get_data fname_evoked = _resource_path('', 'test-ave.fif') fname_raw = _resource_path('', 'test_raw.fif') data_path = testing.data_path(download=False) egi_evoked_fname = op.join(data_path, 'EGI', 'test_egi_evoked.mff') misc_path = misc.data_path(download=False) @pytest.mark.skipif(not _check_pybv_installed(strict=False), reason='pybv not installed') @pytest.mark.parametrize(['meas_date', 'orig_time', 'ext'], [ [None, None, '.vhdr'], [ datetime(2022, 12, 3, 19, 1, 10, 720100, tzinfo=timezone.utc), None, '.eeg' ],