def train(task_id, data, mnet, hnet, device, config, shared, writer, logger): """Train the hyper network using the task-specific loss plus a regularizer that should overcome catastrophic forgetting. :code:`loss = task_loss + beta * regularizer`. Args: task_id: The index of the task on which we train. data: The dataset handler. mnet: The model of the main network. hnet: The model of the hyper network. May be ``None``. device: Torch device (cpu or gpu). config: The command line arguments. shared (argparse.Namespace): Set of variables shared between functions. writer: The tensorboard summary writer. logger: The logger that should be used rather than the print method. """ start_time = time() print('data: ', data) print('data.num_classes: ', data.num_classes) print('data.num_train_samples: ', data.num_train_samples)'Training network ...') mnet.train() if hnet is not None: hnet.train() ################# ### Optimizer ### ################# # Define the optimizers used to train main network and hypernet. if hnet is not None: theta_params = list(hnet.theta) if config.continue_emb_training: for i in range(task_id): # for all previous task embeddings theta_params.append(hnet.get_task_emb(i)) # Only for the current task embedding. # Important that this embedding is in a different optimizer in case # we use the lookahead. emb_optimizer = get_optimizer([hnet.get_task_emb(task_id)],, momentum=config.momentum, weight_decay=config.weight_decay, use_adam=config.use_adam, adam_beta1=config.adam_beta1, use_rmsprop=config.use_rmsprop) else: theta_params = mnet.weights emb_optimizer = None theta_optimizer = get_optimizer(theta_params,, momentum=config.momentum, weight_decay=config.weight_decay, use_adam=config.use_adam, adam_beta1=config.adam_beta1, use_rmsprop=config.use_rmsprop) ################################ ### Learning rate schedulers ### ################################ if config.plateau_lr_scheduler: assert (config.epochs != -1) # The scheduler config has been taken from here: # # Note, we use 'max' instead of 'min' as we look at accuracy rather # than validation loss! plateau_scheduler_theta = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( \ theta_optimizer, 'max', factor=np.sqrt(0.1), patience=5, min_lr=0.5e-6, cooldown=0) plateau_scheduler_emb = None if emb_optimizer is not None: plateau_scheduler_emb = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( \ emb_optimizer, 'max', factor=np.sqrt(0.1), patience=5, min_lr=0.5e-6, cooldown=0) if config.lambda_lr_scheduler: assert (config.epochs != -1) def lambda_lr(epoch): """Multiplicative Factor for Learning Rate Schedule. Computes a multiplicative factor for the initial learning rate based on the current epoch. This method can be used as argument ``lr_lambda`` of class :class:`torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR`. The schedule is inspired by the Resnet CIFAR-10 schedule suggested here Args: epoch (int): The number of epochs Returns: lr_scale (float32): learning rate scale """ lr_scale = 1. if epoch > 180: lr_scale = 0.5e-3 elif epoch > 160: lr_scale = 1e-3 elif epoch > 120: lr_scale = 1e-2 elif epoch > 80: lr_scale = 1e-1 return lr_scale lambda_scheduler_theta = optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( theta_optimizer, lambda_lr) lambda_scheduler_emb = None if emb_optimizer is not None: lambda_scheduler_emb = optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR( emb_optimizer, lambda_lr) ############################## ### Prepare CL Regularizer ### ############################## # Whether we will calculate the regularizer. calc_reg = task_id > 0 and not config.mnet_only and config.beta > 0 and \ not config.train_from_scratch # Compute targets when the reg is activated and we are not training # the first task if calc_reg: if config.online_target_computation: # Compute targets for the regularizer whenever they are needed. # -> Computationally expensive. targets_hypernet = None prev_theta = [p.detach().clone() for p in hnet.theta] prev_task_embs = [p.detach().clone() for p in hnet.get_task_embs()] else: # Compute targets for the regularizer once and keep them all in # memory -> Memory expensive. targets_hypernet = hreg.get_current_targets(task_id, hnet) prev_theta = None prev_task_embs = None # If we do not want to regularize all outputs (in a multi-head setup). # Note, we don't care whether output heads other than the current one # change. regged_outputs = None if config.cl_scenario != 2: # FIXME We assume here that all tasks have the same output size. n_y = data.num_classes regged_outputs = [ list(range(i * n_y, (i + 1) * n_y)) for i in range(task_id) ] # We need to tell the main network, which batch statistics to use, in case # batchnorm is used and we checkpoint the batchnorm stats. mnet_kwargs = {} if mnet.batchnorm_layers is not None: if config.bn_distill_stats: raise NotImplementedError() elif not config.bn_no_running_stats and \ not config.bn_no_stats_checkpointing: # Specify current task as condition to select correct # running stats. mnet_kwargs['condition'] = task_id ###################### ### Start training ### ###################### iter_per_epoch = -1 if config.epochs == -1: training_iterations = config.n_iter else: assert (config.epochs > 0) iter_per_epoch = int(np.ceil(data.num_train_samples / \ config.batch_size)) training_iterations = config.epochs * iter_per_epoch summed_iter_runtime = 0 for i in range(training_iterations): ### Evaluate network. # We test the network before we run the training iteration. # That way, we can see the initial performance of the untrained network. if i % config.val_iter == 0: test(task_id, data, mnet, hnet, device, shared, config, writer, logger, train_iter=i) mnet.train() if hnet is not None: hnet.train() if i % 200 == 0:'Training step: %d ...' % i) iter_start_time = time() theta_optimizer.zero_grad() if emb_optimizer is not None: emb_optimizer.zero_grad() ####################################### ### Data for current task and batch ### ####################################### batch = data.next_train_batch(config.batch_size) X = data.input_to_torch_tensor(batch[0], device, mode='train') T = data.output_to_torch_tensor(batch[1], device, mode='train') # Get the output neurons depending on the continual learning scenario. n_y = data.num_classes if config.cl_scenario == 1: # Choose current head. task_out = [task_id * n_y, (task_id + 1) * n_y] elif config.cl_scenario == 2: # Always all output neurons, only one head is used. task_out = [0, n_y] else: # Choose current head, which will be inferred during inference. task_out = [task_id * n_y, (task_id + 1) * n_y] ######################## ### Loss computation ### ######################## if config.mnet_only: weights = None else: weights = hnet.forward(task_id=task_id) Y_hat_logits = mnet.forward(X, weights, **mnet_kwargs) # Restrict output neurons Y_hat_logits = Y_hat_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] assert (T.shape[1] == Y_hat_logits.shape[1]) # compute loss on task and compute gradients if config.soft_targets: soft_label = 0.95 num_classes = data.num_classes soft_targets = torch.where( T == 1, torch.Tensor([soft_label]), torch.Tensor([(1 - soft_label) / (num_classes - 1)])) soft_targets = loss_task = Classifier.softmax_and_cross_entropy( Y_hat_logits, soft_targets) else: loss_task = Classifier.logit_cross_entropy_loss(Y_hat_logits, T) # Compute gradients based on task loss (those might be used in the CL # regularizer). loss_task.backward(retain_graph=calc_reg, create_graph=calc_reg and \ config.backprop_dt) # The current task embedding only depends in the task loss, so we can # update it already. if emb_optimizer is not None: emb_optimizer.step() ############################# ### CL (HNET) Regularizer ### ############################# loss_reg = 0 dTheta = None if calc_reg: if config.no_lookahead: dTembs = None dTheta = None else: dTheta = opstep.calc_delta_theta( theta_optimizer, False,, detach_dt=not config.backprop_dt) if config.continue_emb_training: dTembs = dTheta[-task_id:] dTheta = dTheta[:-task_id] else: dTembs = None loss_reg = hreg.calc_fix_target_reg( hnet, task_id, targets=targets_hypernet, dTheta=dTheta, dTembs=dTembs, mnet=mnet, inds_of_out_heads=regged_outputs, prev_theta=prev_theta, prev_task_embs=prev_task_embs, batch_size=config.cl_reg_batch_size) loss_reg *= config.beta loss_reg.backward() # Now, that we computed the regularizer, we can use the accumulated # gradients and update the hnet (or mnet) parameters. theta_optimizer.step() Y_hat = F.softmax(Y_hat_logits, dim=1) classifier_accuracy = Classifier.accuracy(Y_hat, T) * 100.0 # print('train T: ',Y_hat.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=False)) # print('train T: ',T.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=False)) # print('train Y_hat: ',Y_hat.size()) # print('train T: ',T.size()) ######################### # Learning rate scheduler ######################### if config.plateau_lr_scheduler: assert (iter_per_epoch != -1) if i % iter_per_epoch == 0 and i > 0: curr_epoch = i // iter_per_epoch'Computing test accuracy for plateau LR ' + 'scheduler (epoch %d).' % curr_epoch) # We need a validation quantity for the plateau LR scheduler. # FIXME we should use an actual validation set rather than the # test set. # Note, uses the test # set to compute the validation loss. We use the "validation" # accuracy instead. # FIXME We increase `train_iter` as the print messages in the # test method suggest that the testing has been executed before test_acc, _ = test(task_id, data, mnet, hnet, device, shared, config, writer, logger, train_iter=i + 1) mnet.train() if hnet is not None: hnet.train() plateau_scheduler_theta.step(test_acc) if plateau_scheduler_emb is not None: plateau_scheduler_emb.step(test_acc) if config.lambda_lr_scheduler: assert (iter_per_epoch != -1) if i % iter_per_epoch == 0 and i > 0: curr_epoch = i // iter_per_epoch'Applying Lambda LR scheduler (epoch %d).' % curr_epoch) lambda_scheduler_theta.step() if lambda_scheduler_emb is not None: lambda_scheduler_emb.step() ########################### ### Tensorboard summary ### ########################### # We don't wanna slow down training by having too much output. if i % 50 == 0: writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/class_accuracy' % task_id, classifier_accuracy, i) writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/loss_task' % task_id, loss_task, i) writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/loss_reg' % task_id, loss_reg, i) ### Show the current training progress to the user. if i % config.val_iter == 0: msg = 'Training step {}: Classifier Accuracy: {:.3f} ' + \ '(on current training batch).' logger.debug(msg.format(i, classifier_accuracy)) iter_end_time = time() summed_iter_runtime += (iter_end_time - iter_start_time) if i % 200 == 0:'Training step: %d ... Done -- (runtime: %f sec)' % \ (i, iter_end_time - iter_start_time)) if mnet.batchnorm_layers is not None: if not config.bn_distill_stats and \ not config.bn_no_running_stats and \ not config.bn_no_stats_checkpointing: # Checkpoint the current running statistics (that have been # estimated while training the current task). for bn_layer in mnet.batchnorm_layers: assert (bn_layer.num_stats == task_id + 1) bn_layer.checkpoint_stats() avg_iter_time = summed_iter_runtime / config.n_iter'Average runtime per training iteration: %f sec.' % \ avg_iter_time)'Elapsed time for training task %d: %f sec.' % \ (task_id+1, time()-start_time))
def train_class_one_t(dhandler_class, dhandlers_rp, dec, d_hnet, net, device, config, writer, t): """Train continual learning experiments on MNIST dataset for one task. In this function the main training logic is implemented. After setting the optimizers for the network and hypernetwork if applicable, the training is structured as follows: First, we get the a training batch of the current task. Depending on the learning scenario, we choose output heads and build targets accordingly. Second, if ``t`` is greater than 1, we add a loss term concerning predictions of replayed data. See :func:`get_fake_data_loss` for details. Third, to protect the hypernetwork from forgetting, we add an additional L2 loss term namely the difference between its current output given an embedding and checkpointed targets. Finally, we track some training statistics. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train_tasks`. t: Task id. """ # if cl with task inference we have the classifier empowered with a hnet if config.training_with_hnet: net_hnet = net[1] net = net[0] net.train() net_hnet.train() params_to_regularize = list(net_hnet.theta) optimizer = optim.Adam(params_to_regularize, lr=config.class_lr, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) c_emb_optimizer = optim.Adam([net_hnet.get_task_emb(t)], lr=config.class_lr_emb, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) else: net.train() net_hnet = None optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=config.class_lr, betas=(0.9, 0.999)) # dont train the replay model if available if dec is not None: dec.eval() if d_hnet is not None: d_hnet.eval() # compute targets if classifier is trained with hnet if t > 0 and config.training_with_hnet: if config.online_target_computation: # Compute targets for the regularizer whenever they are needed. # -> Computationally expensive. targets_C = None prev_theta = [p.detach().clone() for p in net_hnet.theta] prev_task_embs = [p.detach().clone() for p in \ net_hnet.get_task_embs()] else: # Compute targets for the regularizer once and keep them all in # memory -> Memory expensive. targets_C = hreg.get_current_targets(t, net_hnet) prev_theta = None prev_task_embs = None dhandler_class.reset_batch_generator() # make copy of network if t >= 1: net_copy = copy.deepcopy(net) # set training_iterations if epochs are set if config.epochs == -1: training_iterations = config.n_iter else: assert (config.epochs > 0) training_iterations = config.epochs * \ int(np.ceil(dhandler_class.num_train_samples / config.batch_size)) if config.class_incremental: training_iterations = int(training_iterations / config.out_dim) # Whether we will calculate the regularizer. calc_reg = t > 0 and config.class_beta > 0 and config.training_with_hnet # set if we want the reg only computed for a subset of the previous tasks if config.hnet_reg_batch_size != -1: hnet_reg_batch_size = config.hnet_reg_batch_size else: hnet_reg_batch_size = None for i in range(training_iterations): # set optimizer to zero optimizer.zero_grad() if net_hnet is not None: c_emb_optimizer.zero_grad() # Get real data real_batch = dhandler_class.next_train_batch(config.batch_size) X_real = dhandler_class.input_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[0], device, mode='train') T_real = dhandler_class.output_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[1], device, mode='train') if i % 100 == 0 and config.show_plots: fig_real = _plotImages(X_real, config) writer.add_figure('train_class_' + str(t) + '_real', fig_real, global_step=i) ################################################# # Choosing output heads and constructing targets ################################################# # If we train a task inference net or class incremental learning we # we construct a target for every single class/task if config.class_incremental or config.training_task_infer: # in the beginning of training, we look at two output neuron task_out = [0, t + 1] T_real = torch.zeros((config.batch_size, task_out[1])).to(device) T_real[:, task_out[1] - 1] = 1 elif config.cl_scenario == 1 or config.cl_scenario == 2: if config.cl_scenario == 1: # take the task specific output neuron task_out = [t * config.out_dim, t * config.out_dim + config.out_dim] else: # always all output neurons, only one head is used task_out = [0, config.out_dim] else: # The number of output neurons is generic and can grow i.e. we # do not have to know the number of tasks before we start # learning. if not config.infer_output_head: task_out = [0, (t + 1) * config.out_dim] T_real =, t * config.out_dim)).to(device), T_real), dim=1) # this is a special case where we will infer the task id by another # neural network so we can train on the correct output head direclty # and use the infered output head to compute the prediction else: task_out = [t * config.out_dim, t * config.out_dim + config.out_dim] # compute loss of current data if config.training_with_hnet: weights_c = net_hnet.forward(t) else: weights_c = None Y_hat_logits = net.forward(X_real, weights_c) Y_hat_logits = Y_hat_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] if config.soft_targets: soft_label = 0.95 num_classes = T_real.shape[1] soft_targets = torch.where(T_real == 1, torch.Tensor([soft_label]).to(device), torch.Tensor([(1 - soft_label) / (num_classes - 1)]).to(device)) soft_targets = loss_task = Classifier.softmax_and_cross_entropy(Y_hat_logits, soft_targets) else: loss_task = Classifier.softmax_and_cross_entropy(Y_hat_logits, T_real) ############################ # compute loss for fake data ############################ # Get fake data (of all tasks up until now and merge into list) if t >= 1 and not config.training_with_hnet: fake_loss = get_fake_data_loss(dhandlers_rp, net, dec, d_hnet, device, config, writer, t, i, net_copy) loss_task = (1 - config.l_rew) * loss_task + config.l_rew * fake_loss loss_task.backward(retain_graph=calc_reg, create_graph=calc_reg and \ config.backprop_dt) # compute hypernet loss and fix embedding -> change current embs if calc_reg: if config.no_lookahead: dTheta = None else: dTheta = opstep.calc_delta_theta(optimizer, config.use_sgd_change, lr=config.class_lr, detach_dt=not config.backprop_dt) loss_reg = config.class_beta * hreg.calc_fix_target_reg(net_hnet, t, targets=targets_C, mnet=net, dTheta=dTheta, dTembs=None, prev_theta=prev_theta, prev_task_embs=prev_task_embs, batch_size=hnet_reg_batch_size) loss_reg.backward() # compute backward passloss_task.backward() if not config.dont_train_main_model: optimizer.step() if net_hnet is not None and config.train_class_embeddings: c_emb_optimizer.step() # same stats saving if i % 50 == 0: # compute accuracies for tracking Y_hat_logits = net.forward(X_real, weights_c) Y_hat_logits = Y_hat_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] Y_hat = F.softmax(Y_hat_logits, dim=1) classifier_accuracy = Classifier.accuracy(Y_hat, T_real) * 100.0 writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/class_accuracy' % t, classifier_accuracy, i) writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/loss_task' % t, loss_task, i) if t >= 1 and not config.training_with_hnet: writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/fake_loss' % t, fake_loss, i) # plot some gradient statistics if i % 200 == 0: if not config.dont_train_main_model: total_norm = 0 if config.training_with_hnet: params = net_hnet.theta else: params = net.parameters() for p in params: param_norm = total_norm += param_norm.item() ** 2 total_norm = total_norm ** (1. / 2) # TODO write gradient histograms? writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/main_params_grad_norms' % t, total_norm, i) if net_hnet is not None and config.train_class_embeddings: total_norm = 0 for p in [net_hnet.get_task_emb(t)]: param_norm = total_norm += param_norm.item() ** 2 total_norm = total_norm ** (1. / 2) writer.add_scalar('train/task_%d/hnet_emb_grad_norms' % t, total_norm, i) if i % 200 == 0: msg = 'Training step {}: Classifier Accuracy: {:.3f} ' + \ '(on current training batch).' print(msg.format(i, classifier_accuracy))
def get_fake_data_loss(dhandlers_rp, net, dec, d_hnet, device, config, writer, t, i, net_copy): """ Sample fake data from generator for tasks up to t and compute a loss compared to predictions of a checkpointed network. We must take caution when considering the different learning scenarios and methods and training stages, see detailed comments in the code. In general, we build a batch of replayed data from all previous tasks. Since we do not know the labels of the replayed data, we consider the output of the checkpointed network as ground thruth i.e. we must compute a loss between two logits.See :class:`mnets.classifier_interface.Classifier` for a detailed describtion of the different loss functions. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train_tasks`. t: Task id. i: Current training iteration. net_copy: Copy/checkpoint of the classifier network before learning task ``t``. Returns: The loss between predictions and predictions of a checkpointed network or replayed data. """ all_Y_hat_ls = [] all_targets = [] # we have to choose from which embeddings (multiple?!) to sample from if config.class_incremental or config.single_class_replay: # if we trained every class with a different generator emb_num = t * config.out_dim else: # here samples from the whole task come from one generator emb_num = t # we have to choose from which embeddings to sample from if config.fake_data_full_range: ran = range(0, emb_num) bs_per_task = int(np.ceil(config.batch_size / emb_num)) else: random_t = np.random.randint(0, emb_num) ran = range(random_t, random_t + 1) bs_per_task = config.batch_size for re in ran: # exchange replay data with real data to compute upper bounds if config.upper_bound: real_batch = dhandlers_rp[re].next_train_batch(bs_per_task) X_fake = dhandlers_rp[re].input_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[0], device, mode='train') else: # get fake data if config.replay_method == 'gan': X_fake = sample_gan(dec, d_hnet, config, re, device, bs=bs_per_task) else: X_fake = sample_vae(dec, d_hnet, config, re, device, bs=bs_per_task) # save some fake data to the writer if i % 100 == 0: if X_fake.shape[0] >= 15: fig_fake = _plotImages(X_fake, config, bs_per_task) writer.add_figure('train_class_' + str(re) + '_fake', fig_fake, global_step=i) # compute soft targets with copied network target_logits = net_copy.forward(X_fake).detach() Y_hat_ls = net.forward(X_fake.detach()) ############### # BUILD TARGETS ############### od = config.out_dim if config.class_incremental or config.training_task_infer: # This is a bit complicated: If we train class/task incrementally # we skip thraining the classifier on the first task. # So when starting to train the classifier on task 2, we have to # build a hard target for this first output neuron trained by # replay data. A soft target (on an untrained output) would not # make sense. # output head over all output neurons already available task_out = [0, (t + 1) * od] # create target with zero everywhere except from the current re zeros = torch.zeros(target_logits[:, 0:(t + 1) * od].shape).to(device) if config.hard_targets or (t == 1 and re == 0): zeros[:, re] = 1 else: zeros[:, 0:t * od] = target_logits[:, 0:t * od] targets = zeros Y_hat_ls = Y_hat_ls[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] elif config.cl_scenario == 1 or config.cl_scenario == 2: if config.cl_scenario == 1: # take the task specific output neuron task_out = [re * od, re * od + od] else: # always all output neurons, only one head is used task_out = [0, od] Y_hat_ls = Y_hat_ls[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] target_logits = target_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] # build hard targets i.e. one hots if this option is chosen if config.hard_targets: soft_targets = torch.sigmoid(target_logits) zeros = torch.zeros(Y_hat_ls.shape).to(device) _, argmax = torch.max(soft_targets, 1) targets = zeros.scatter_(1, argmax.view(-1, 1), 1) else: # loss expects logits targets = target_logits else: # take all neurons used up until now # output head over all output neurons already available task_out = [0, (t + 1) * od] # create target with zero everywhere except from the current re zeros = torch.zeros(target_logits[:, 0:(t + 1) * od].shape).to(device) # sigmoid over the output head(s) from all previous task soft_targets = torch.sigmoid(target_logits[:, 0:t * od]) # compute one hots if config.hard_targets: _, argmax = torch.max(soft_targets, 1) zeros.scatter_(1, argmax.view(-1, 1), 1) else: # loss expects logits zeros[:, 0:t * od] = target_logits[:, 0:t * od] targets = zeros # choose the correct output size for the actual Y_hat_ls = Y_hat_ls[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] # add to list all_targets.append(targets) all_Y_hat_ls.append(Y_hat_ls) # cat to one tensor all_targets = Y_hat_ls = if i % 200 == 0: classifier_accuracy = Classifier.accuracy(Y_hat_ls, all_targets) * 100.0 msg = 'Training step {}: Classifier Accuracy: {:.3f} ' + \ '(on current FAKE DATA training batch).' print(msg.format(i, classifier_accuracy)) # dependent on the target softness, the loss function is chosen if config.hard_targets or (config.class_incremental and t == 1): return Classifier.logit_cross_entropy_loss(Y_hat_ls, all_targets) else: return Classifier.knowledge_distillation_loss(Y_hat_ls, all_targets)
def test(dhandlers, class_nets, infer_net, device, config, writer, task_id=None): """ Test continual learning experiments on MNIST dataset. This can either be splitMNIST or permutedMNIST. Depending on the method and cl scenario used, this methods manages to measure the test accuracy of a given task or all tasks after training. In order to do so, correct targets need to be constructed and output heads need to be set (or inferred). Furthermore, this method distinguises between classification accuracy on a task or on the accuracy to infer task id's if applicable. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train_tasks`. task_id: (optional) If not None, the method will compute and return test acc for the the given task id, not all tasks. Returns: Scalar represting the test accuracy for the given task id. If ``task_id`` is None, the accuracy of the last task of the cl experiment is returned. """ # get hnet if this option is given if class_nets is not None: if config.training_with_hnet: c_net_hnet = class_nets[1] c_net = class_nets[0] c_net.eval() c_net_hnet.eval() else: c_net = class_nets if infer_net is not None: infer_net.eval() with torch.no_grad(): overall_acc = 0 overall_acc_list = [] overall_task_infer_accuracy = 0 overall_task_infer_accuracy_list = [] # choose tasks to test if task_id is not None: task_range = range(task_id, task_id + 1) else: task_range = range(config.num_tasks) # iterate through all old tasks for t in task_range: print("Testing task: ", t) # reset data if task_id is not None: dhandler = dhandlers[0] else: dhandler = dhandlers[t] # create some variables N_processed = 0 test_size = dhandler.num_test_samples # is task id has to be inferred, for every x we have to do that # and therefore have one h(e) = W per data point - this is only # possible with batch size one, for now if (config.infer_task_id and infer_net is not None) or \ config.infer_with_entropy: curr_bs = 1 else: curr_bs = config.test_batch_size classifier_accuracy = 0 task_infer_accuracy = 0 Y_hat_all = [] T_all = [] # go through test set while N_processed < test_size: # test size of tasks might be "arbitrary" if N_processed + curr_bs > test_size: curr_bs = test_size - N_processed N_processed += curr_bs # get data real_batch = dhandler.next_test_batch(curr_bs) X_real = dhandler.input_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[0], device, mode='inference') T_real = dhandler.output_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[1], device, mode='inference') # get short version of output dim od = config.out_dim ####################################### # SET THE OUTPUT HEAD / COMPUTE TARGETS ####################################### # get dummy for easy access to the output dim of our main # network as a dummy, only needed for the first iteration if class_nets is not None: if config.training_with_hnet: weights_dummy = c_net_hnet.forward(0) Y_dummies = c_net.forward(X_real, weights_dummy) else: Y_dummies = c_net.forward(X_real) else: Y_dummies = infer_net.forward(X_real) # build one hots if this option was chosen # here we build targets if only have one neuron per task # which we set to 1 if config.class_incremental: task_out = [0, config.num_tasks] T_real = torch.zeros((Y_dummies.shape[0], config.num_tasks)).to(device) T_real[:, t] = 1 # compute targets - this is a bit unelegant, cl 3 requires hacks elif config.cl_scenario == 1 or config.cl_scenario == 2: if config.cl_scenario == 1: # take the task specific output neuron task_out = [t * od, t * od + od] else: # always all output neurons (only one head is used) task_out = [0, od] else: # This here is the classic CL 3 scenario # first we get the predictions, this is over all neurons task_out = [0, config.num_tasks * od] # Here we build the targets, this is zero everywhere # except for the current task - here the correct target # is inserted # build the two zero tensors that surround the targets zeros1 = torch.zeros(Y_dummies[:, 0:t * od].shape). \ to(device) zeros2 = torch.zeros(Y_dummies[:, 0:(config.num_tasks \ - 1 - t) * od].shape).to(device) T_real =[zeros1, T_real, zeros2], dim=-1) ################# # TASK PREDICTION ################# # get task predictions if config.cl_scenario != 1: if infer_net is not None: # get infer net to predict the apparent task id task_pred = infer_net.forward(X_real) task_pred = task_pred[:, 0:config.num_tasks] task_pred = torch.sigmoid(task_pred) _, inf_task_id = torch.max(task_pred, 1) # measure acc of prediction task_infer_accuracy += (inf_task_id == t).float() elif config.infer_with_entropy and class_nets is not None \ and config.training_with_hnet: entropies = [] if task_id is not None: entrop_to_test = range(0, task_id + 1) else: entrop_to_test = range(config.num_tasks) # infer task id through entropy of softmax outputs of # different models for e in entrop_to_test: weights_c = c_net_hnet.forward(e) Y_hat_logits = c_net.forward(X_real, weights_c) if config.cl_scenario == 2: task_out = [0, od] else: task_out = [e * od, e * od + od] Y_hat = F.softmax(Y_hat_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] / config.soft_temp, -1) entropy = -1 * torch.sum(Y_hat * torch.log(Y_hat)) entropies.append(entropy) inf_task_id = torch.argmin(torch.stack(entropies)) task_infer_accuracy += (inf_task_id == t).float() if config.cl_scenario == 3 and config.infer_output_head: task_out = [inf_task_id * od, inf_task_id * od + od] else: # if task id is known, task inference acc is 100% task_infer_accuracy += 1 inf_task_id = t if class_nets is not None: # from the given inf_task_id we try to produce the # correct model for that tasks if config.training_with_hnet: weights_c = c_net_hnet.forward(inf_task_id) Y_hat_logits = c_net.forward(X_real, weights_c) else: Y_hat_logits = c_net.forward(X_real) ################# # CLASSIFICATION ################# if class_nets is not None: # save predictions of current batch Y_hat_logits = Y_hat_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] Y_hat = F.softmax(Y_hat_logits, dim=1) if config.cl_scenario == 3 and config.infer_output_head: # this is the special case where the output head is # inferred. Here we compute the argmax of the single # head and add the number of previous neurons such that # it coincides with the argmax of a hot enc target # that is build for all heads. Example: we detect that # task 3 is present, and every task consist of two # classes. The argmax of Y_hat will either give us 0 # or 1, since Y_hat_logits was already cut to two # dimensions. Now we have to add 3*2 to the argmax # of Y_hat to get a prediction between class 0 and # num_tasks*class_per_task. Y_hat = Y_hat.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=False) + \ inf_task_id * od Y_hat_all.append(Y_hat) T_all.append(T_real) if class_nets is not None: # append predictions Y_hat_all = T_all = # check if all test samples are used assert (Y_hat_all.shape[0] == dhandler.num_test_samples) # compute class acc's if config.cl_scenario == 3 and class_nets is not None and \ config.infer_output_head: # this is a special case, we compare the targets = T_all.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=False) classifier_accuracy = (Y_hat_all == targets).float().mean() else: classifier_accuracy = Classifier.accuracy(Y_hat_all, T_all) classifier_accuracy *= 100. print("Accuracy of task: ", t, " % ", classifier_accuracy) overall_acc_list.append(classifier_accuracy) overall_acc += classifier_accuracy # compute task inference acc"s ti_accuracy = task_infer_accuracy / dhandler.num_test_samples * 100. if config.training_task_infer or config.infer_with_entropy: print("Accuracy of task inference: ", t, " % ", ti_accuracy) overall_task_infer_accuracy += ti_accuracy overall_task_infer_accuracy_list.append(ti_accuracy) # testing all tasks if task_id is None: if class_nets is not None: print("Overall mean acc: ", overall_acc / config.num_tasks) if config.training_task_infer or config.infer_with_entropy: print("Overall task inf acc: ", overall_task_infer_accuracy / \ config.num_tasks) config.overall_acc_list = overall_acc_list config.acc_mean = overall_acc / config.num_tasks config.overall_task_infer_accuracy_list = \ overall_task_infer_accuracy_list config.acc_task_infer_mean = \ overall_task_infer_accuracy / config.num_tasks print(config.overall_task_infer_accuracy_list, config.acc_task_infer_mean) return classifier_accuracy
def get_fake_data_loss(dhandlers_rp, net, dec, d_hnet, device, config, writer, t, i, net_copy): """ Sample fake data from generator for tasks up to t and compute a loss compared to predictions of a checkpointed network. We must take caution when considering the different learning scenarios and methods and training stages, see detailed comments in the code. In general, we build a batch of replayed data from all previous tasks. Since we do not know the labels of the replayed data, we consider the output of the checkpointed network as ground thruth i.e. we must compute a loss between two logits.See :class:`mnets.classifier_interface.Classifier` for a detailed describtion of the different loss functions. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train_tasks`. t: Task id. i: Current training iteration. net_copy: Copy/checkpoint of the classifier network before learning task ``t``. Returns: The loss between predictions and predictions of a checkpointed network or replayed data. """ all_Y_hat_ls = [] all_targets = [] # we have to choose from which embeddings (multiple?!) to sample from if config.class_incremental or config.single_class_replay: # if we trained every class with a different generator emb_num = t * config.out_dim else: # here samples from the whole task come from one generator emb_num = t # we have to choose from which embeddings to sample from if config.fake_data_full_range: ran = range(0, emb_num) bs_per_task = int(np.ceil(config.batch_size / emb_num)) else: random_t = np.random.randint(0, emb_num) ran = range(random_t, random_t + 1) bs_per_task = config.batch_size # print('config.upper_bound: ',config.upper_bound) # print('config.num_embeddings: ',config.num_embeddings) for re in ran: # exchange replay data with real data to compute upper bounds if config.upper_bound: real_batch = dhandlers_rp[re].next_train_batch(bs_per_task) #15 X_fake = dhandlers_rp[re].input_to_torch_tensor( real_batch[0], device, mode='train') #each batch 128 else: # get fake data if config.replay_method == 'gan': X_fake = sample_gan(dec, d_hnet, config, re, device, bs=bs_per_task) else: X_fake = sample_vae(dec, d_hnet, config, re, device, bs=bs_per_task) # print('X_fake: ',X_fake.size()) # save some fake data to the writer # if i % 100 == 0: # if X_fake.shape[0] >= 15: # fig_fake = _plotImages(X_fake, config, bs_per_task) # writer.add_figure('train_class_' + str(re) + '_fake', # fig_fake, global_step=i) # compute soft targets with copied network target_logits = net_copy.forward(X_fake).detach() Y_hat_ls = net.forward(X_fake.detach()) ############### # BUILD TARGETS ############### if config.cl_scenario == 1: # take the task specific output neuron task_out = [sum(config.dims[:re]), sum(config.dims[:re + 1])] Y_hat_ls = Y_hat_ls[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] target_logits = target_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] # build hard targets i.e. one hots if this option is chosen if config.hard_targets: soft_targets = torch.sigmoid(target_logits) zeros = torch.zeros(Y_hat_ls.shape).to(device) _, argmax = torch.max(soft_targets, 1) targets = zeros.scatter_(1, argmax.view(-1, 1), 1) else: # loss expects logits targets = target_logits # add to list all_targets.append(targets) all_Y_hat_ls.append(Y_hat_ls) # cat to one tensor # all_targets = # Y_hat_ls = all_targets = all_targets Y_hat_ls = all_Y_hat_ls if i % 200 == 0: classifier_accuracy = Classifier.accuracy(Y_hat_ls, all_targets) * 100.0 msg = 'Training step {}: Classifier Accuracy: {:.3f} ' + \ '(on current FAKE DATA training batch).' print(msg.format(i, classifier_accuracy)) # dependent on the target softness, the loss function is chosen if config.hard_targets or (config.class_incremental and t == 1): return Classifier.logit_cross_entropy_loss(Y_hat_ls, all_targets) else: return Classifier.knowledge_distillation_loss(Y_hat_ls, all_targets)
def test(dhandlers, class_nets, infer_net, device, config, writer, task_id=None): """ Test continual learning experiments on MNIST dataset. This can either be splitMNIST or permutedMNIST. Depending on the method and cl scenario used, this methods manages to measure the test accuracy of a given task or all tasks after training. In order to do so, correct targets need to be constructed and output heads need to be set (or inferred). Furthermore, this method distinguises between classification accuracy on a task or on the accuracy to infer task id's if applicable. Args: (....): See docstring of function :func:`train_tasks`. task_id: (optional) If not None, the method will compute and return test acc for the the given task id, not all tasks. Returns: Scalar represting the test accuracy for the given task id. If ``task_id`` is None, the accuracy of the last task of the cl experiment is returned. """ # get hnet if this option is given if class_nets is not None: if config.training_with_hnet: c_net_hnet = class_nets[1] c_net = class_nets[0] c_net.eval() c_net_hnet.eval() else: c_net = class_nets if infer_net is not None: infer_net.eval() with torch.no_grad(): overall_acc = 0 overall_acc_list = [] overall_task_infer_accuracy = 0 overall_task_infer_accuracy_list = [] # choose tasks to test if task_id is not None: task_range = range(task_id, task_id + 1) else: task_range = range(config.num_tasks) # iterate through all old tasks for t in task_range: print("Testing task: ", t) # reset data if task_id is not None: dhandler = dhandlers[0] else: dhandler = dhandlers[t] # create some variables N_processed = 0 test_size = dhandler.num_test_samples # is task id has to be inferred, for every x we have to do that # and therefore have one h(e) = W per data point - this is only # possible with batch size one, for now if (config.infer_task_id and infer_net is not None) or \ config.infer_with_entropy: curr_bs = 1 else: curr_bs = config.test_batch_size classifier_accuracy = 0 task_infer_accuracy = 0 Y_hat_all = [] T_all = [] # go through test set while N_processed < test_size: # test size of tasks might be "arbitrary" if N_processed + curr_bs > test_size: curr_bs = test_size - N_processed N_processed += curr_bs # get data real_batch = dhandler.next_test_batch(curr_bs) X_real = dhandler.input_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[0], device, mode='inference') T_real = dhandler.output_to_torch_tensor(real_batch[1], device, mode='inference') # get short version of output dim ####################################### # SET THE OUTPUT HEAD / COMPUTE TARGETS ####################################### # build one hots if this option was chosen # here we build targets if only have one neuron per task # which we set to 1 # compute targets - this is a bit unelegant, cl 3 requires hacks if config.cl_scenario == 1: # take the task specific output neuron task_out = [sum(config.dims[:t]), sum(config.dims[:t + 1])] ################# # TASK PREDICTION ################# # if task id is known, task inference acc is 100% task_infer_accuracy += 1 inf_task_id = t if class_nets is not None: # from the given inf_task_id we try to produce the # correct model for that tasks if config.training_with_hnet: weights_c = c_net_hnet.forward(inf_task_id) Y_hat_logits = c_net.forward(X_real, weights_c) else: Y_hat_logits = c_net.forward(X_real) ################# # CLASSIFICATION ################# if class_nets is not None: # save predictions of current batch print('task_out: ', task_out) Y_hat_logits = Y_hat_logits[:, task_out[0]:task_out[1]] Y_hat = F.softmax(Y_hat_logits, dim=1) Y_hat_all.append(Y_hat) T_all.append(T_real) if class_nets is not None: # append predictions print('Y_hat_all: ', [x.size() for x in Y_hat_all]) print('T_all: ', [x.size() for x in T_all]) Y_hat_all = T_all = # check if all test samples are used assert (Y_hat_all.shape[0] == dhandler.num_test_samples) classifier_accuracy = Classifier.accuracy(Y_hat_all, T_all) classifier_accuracy *= 100. print("Accuracy of task: ", t, " % ", classifier_accuracy) overall_acc_list.append(classifier_accuracy) overall_acc += classifier_accuracy # compute task inference acc"s ti_accuracy = task_infer_accuracy / dhandler.num_test_samples * 100. if config.training_task_infer or config.infer_with_entropy: print("Accuracy of task inference: ", t, " % ", ti_accuracy) overall_task_infer_accuracy += ti_accuracy overall_task_infer_accuracy_list.append(ti_accuracy) # testing all tasks if task_id is None: if class_nets is not None: print("Overall mean acc: ", overall_acc / config.num_tasks) if config.training_task_infer or config.infer_with_entropy: print("Overall task inf acc: ", overall_task_infer_accuracy/ \ config.num_tasks) config.overall_acc_list = overall_acc_list config.acc_mean = overall_acc / config.num_tasks config.overall_task_infer_accuracy_list = \ overall_task_infer_accuracy_list config.acc_task_infer_mean = \ overall_task_infer_accuracy/config.num_tasks print(config.overall_task_infer_accuracy_list, config.acc_task_infer_mean) return classifier_accuracy