예제 #1
def make_approximation_f(name, approx_perc, approx_abs, approx_abs_S,
                         max_value, max_value_S, ndp):
    F = ndp.get_ftype(name)
    ndp_before = get_approx_dp(F, name, approx_perc, approx_abs, approx_abs_S,
                               max_value, max_value_S)

    name2ndp = {NAME_ORIGINAL: ndp, NAME_APPROX: ndp_before}
    fnames = ndp.get_fnames()
    rnames = ndp.get_rnames()

    connections = []
    connections.append(Connection(NAME_APPROX, name, NAME_ORIGINAL, name))

    for fn in fnames:
        F = ndp.get_ftype(fn)
        fn_ndp = dpwrap(Identity(F), fn, fn)
        fn_name = get_name_for_fun_node(fn)
        name2ndp[fn_name] = fn_ndp
        if fn == name:
            connections.append(Connection(fn_name, fn, NAME_APPROX, fn))
            connections.append(Connection(fn_name, fn, NAME_ORIGINAL, fn))

    for rn in rnames:
        R = ndp.get_rtype(rn)
        rn_ndp = dpwrap(Identity(R), rn, rn)
        rn_name = get_name_for_res_node(rn)
        name2ndp[rn_name] = rn_ndp
        connections.append(Connection(NAME_ORIGINAL, rn, rn_name, rn))

    return CompositeNamedDP.from_parts(name2ndp, connections, fnames, rnames)
예제 #2
def check_compose():
    from mocdp.example_battery.dp_bat import BatteryDP
    from mocdp.example_battery.dp_bat2 import Mobility

    actuation = dpwrap(Mobility(), 'weight', 'actuation_power')

    check_ftype(actuation, 'weight', R_Weight_g)
    check_rtype(actuation, 'actuation_power', R_Power)

    battery = dpwrap(BatteryDP(energy_density=100.0),
                     'capacity', 'weight')

    check_ftype(battery, 'capacity', R_Energy)
    check_rtype(battery, 'weight', R_Weight_g)

    times = dpwrap(Product(R_Time, R_Power, R_Energy),
                   ['mission_time', 'power'], 'energy')

    check_ftype(times, 'mission_time', R_Time)
    check_ftype(times, 'power', R_Power)
    check_rtype(times, 'energy', R_Energy)

    c = Connection('actuation', 'actuation_power', 'times', 'power')
    x = dpconnect(dict(actuation=actuation, times=times), [c])

    print('WE have obtained x')
    print('x = %s' % x)
    print('x fun: %s' % x.get_dp().get_fun_space())
    print('x res: %s' % x.get_dp().get_res_space())

    # "battery.capacity >= x.energy"
    c = Connection('x', 'energy', 'battery', 'capacity')
    _y = dpconnect(dict(battery=battery, x=x), [c])
예제 #3
def check_compose2_generic():
    actuation = dpwrap(Mobility(),
                       'weight', 'actuation_power')

    battery = dpwrap((BatteryDP(energy_density=100.0)),
                     'capacity', 'battery_weight')

    times = dpwrap((Product(R_Time, R_Power, R_Energy)),
                   ['mission_time', 'power'], 'energy')

    c1 = Connection('actuation', 'actuation_power', 'times', 'power')
    c2 = Connection('times', 'energy', 'battery', 'capacity')
    c3 = Connection('battery', 'battery_weight', 'actuation', 'weight')

    y = dpgraph(dict(actuation=actuation, times=times, battery=battery),
              [c1, c2, c3], split=[])

    print y.desc()

    assert y.get_fnames() == ['mission_time'], y.get_fnames()
    assert y.get_rnames() == [], y.get_rnames()

    check_ftype(y, 'mission_time', R_Time)

    dp = y.get_dp()
    funsp = dp.get_fun_space()
    ressp = dp.get_res_space()
    assert funsp == R_Time, funsp
    assert ressp == PosetProduct(()), ressp
예제 #4
def make_approximation_f(name, approx_perc, approx_abs, approx_abs_S,
                         max_value, max_value_S, ndp):
    F = ndp.get_ftype(name)
    ndp_before = get_approx_dp(F, name, approx_perc, approx_abs, approx_abs_S, 
                               max_value, max_value_S)

    name2ndp = {NAME_ORIGINAL: ndp, NAME_APPROX: ndp_before}
    fnames = ndp.get_fnames()
    rnames = ndp.get_rnames()

    connections = []
    connections.append(Connection(NAME_APPROX, name, NAME_ORIGINAL, name))

    for fn in fnames:
        F = ndp.get_ftype(fn)
        fn_ndp = dpwrap(Identity(F), fn, fn)
        fn_name = get_name_for_fun_node(fn)
        name2ndp[fn_name] = fn_ndp
        if fn == name:
            connections.append(Connection(fn_name, fn, NAME_APPROX, fn))
            connections.append(Connection(fn_name, fn, NAME_ORIGINAL, fn))

    for rn in rnames:
        R = ndp.get_rtype(rn)
        rn_ndp = dpwrap(Identity(R), rn, rn)
        rn_name = get_name_for_res_node(rn)
        name2ndp[rn_name] = rn_ndp
        connections.append(Connection(NAME_ORIGINAL, rn, rn_name, rn))

    return CompositeNamedDP.from_parts(name2ndp, connections, fnames, rnames)
예제 #5
def cndp_remove_one_child(cndp, to_remove):
        Removes a child from NDP. 
        Assumes ndp connected.
        Dangling arrows are substituted with top/bottom.
    print('removing %r' % to_remove)


    name2ndp = cndp.get_name2ndp()
    assert to_remove in name2ndp
    connections = cndp.get_connections()
    fnames = cndp.get_fnames()
    rnames = cndp.get_rnames()

    name2ndp_i = dict((k, v) for k, v in name2ndp.items() if k != to_remove)
    filter_c = lambda c: not c.involves_any_of_these_nodes([to_remove])
    connections_i = filter(filter_c, connections)
    ndp2 = CompositeNamedDP.from_parts(name2ndp=name2ndp_i,
                                        fnames=fnames, rnames=rnames)

    unconnected_fun, unconnected_res = get_missing_connections(ndp2.context)

    for r in [CResource(*_) for _ in unconnected_res]:
        R = ndp2.context.get_rtype(r)
        values = R.get_maximal_elements()
        dp = LimitMaximals(R, values)
        new_ndp = dpwrap(dp, 'limit', [])
        name = ndp2.context.new_name('_limit_r')
        ndp2.context.add_ndp(name, new_ndp)
        c = Connection(dp2=name, s2='limit', dp1=r.dp, s1=r.s)

    for f in [CFunction(*_) for _ in unconnected_fun]:
        F = ndp2.context.get_ftype(f)
        values = F.get_minimal_elements()
        dp = ConstantMinimals(F, values)
        new_ndp = dpwrap(dp, [], 'limit')
        name = ndp2.context.new_name('_limit_f')
        ndp2.context.add_ndp(name, new_ndp)

        c = Connection(dp1=name, s1='limit', dp2=f.dp, s2=f.s)


    return ndp2
예제 #6
def get_approx_dp(S, name, approx_perc, approx_abs, approx_abs_S, max_value,
    from mcdp_posets.types_universe import express_value_in_isomorphic_space

    approx_abs_ = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(S1=approx_abs_S,
    max_value_ = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(S1=max_value_S,

    if approx_perc > 0:  # pragma: no cover
        raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, 'Approx_perc not implemented')

    dps = []

    if max_value > 0:
        dp_max = FuncNotMoreThan(S, max_value_)

    if approx_abs_ > 0:
        dps.append(makeLinearCeilDP(S, approx_abs_))

    dp = wrap_series(S, dps)

    ndp = dpwrap(dp, name, name)
    return ndp
예제 #7
파일: optimization.py 프로젝트: rusi/mcdp
    def get_providers(self, R, lb):
            Returns a list of (name, fname) that implements R, with lb
            being a lower bound. 
        options = []
        # check that if it is a bottom
        if len(lb.minimals) == 1:
                bot = R.get_bottom()
            except NotBounded:
                if R.equal(bot, list(lb.minimals)[0]):
                    # we can provide an "unused" box
                    dp = Limit(R, bot)
                    ndp = dpwrap(dp, 'limit', [])
                    def sanitize(s):
                        import re
                        s = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '_', s)
                        return s
                    newname = sanitize('limit_%s' % R)
                    options.append((newname, 'limit'))
                    self.additional[newname] = ndp

        type_options = self.get_providers_for_type(R)
        for id_ndp, fname in type_options:
            if self.does_provider_provide(id_ndp, fname, R, lb):
                options.append((id_ndp, fname))

        print('Options for %s >= %s: %r' % (R, lb, options))
        return options
예제 #8
def wrap_change_name_resource(ndp, rn, rn2):
    from mocdp.comp.wrap import dpwrap

    R = ndp.get_rtype(rn)
    tmpname = '__tmp_%s' % rn
    second = dpwrap(Identity(R), tmpname, rn2)
    from mocdp.comp.connection import connect2
    connections = set([Connection('-', rn, '-', tmpname)])
    return connect2(ndp, second, connections, split=[])
예제 #9
 def reorder_resources(ndp, rnames):
     R = ndp.get_rtypes(rnames)
     ndp2 = dpwrap(Identity(R), rnames, rnames)
     connections = [Connection('*', rn, '*', rn) for rn in rnames]
     return connect2(res,
예제 #10
def wrap_change_name_function(ndp, fn, fn2):
    from mocdp.comp.wrap import dpwrap

    F = ndp.get_ftype(fn)
    tmpname = '__tmp_%s' % fn
    first = dpwrap(Identity(F), fn2, tmpname)
    from mocdp.comp.connection import connect2
    connections = set([Connection('-', tmpname, '-', fn)])
    return connect2(first, ndp, connections, split=[])
예제 #11
 def reorder_functions(ndp, rnames):
     F = ndp.get_ftypes(rnames)
     ndp0 = dpwrap(Identity(F), rnames, rnames)
     connections = [Connection('*', fn, '*', fn) for fn in rnames]
     return connect2(ndp0,
예제 #12
def ignore_some(ndp, ignore_fnames, ignore_rnames):
    """ Ignores some functionalities or resources """
    fnames0 = ndp.get_fnames()
    rnames0 = ndp.get_rnames()
    for fname in ignore_fnames:
        check_isinstance(fname, str)
        if not fname in fnames0:
            msg = 'Could not find functionality %r in %r.' % (fname, fnames0)
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, fname=fname, fnames=fnames0)
    for rname in ignore_rnames:
        check_isinstance(rname, str)
        if not rname in rnames0:
            msg = 'Could not find resource %r in %r.' % (rname, rnames0)
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, rname=rname, rnames=rnames0)

    c = Context()
    orig = '_orig'
    c.add_ndp(orig, ndp)

    for fname in ndp.get_fnames():
        F = ndp.get_ftype(fname)

        if fname in ignore_fnames:
            dp = Constant(F, F.get_bottom())
            n = '_const_f_%s' % fname
            c.add_ndp(n, dpwrap(dp, [], fname))
            n = c.add_ndp_fun_node(fname, F)
        con = Connection(n, fname, orig, fname)

    for rname in ndp.get_rnames():
        R = ndp.get_rtype(rname)

        if rname in ignore_rnames:
            dp = LimitMaximals(R, R.get_maximal_elements())
            n = '_const_r_%s' % rname
            c.add_ndp(n, dpwrap(dp, rname, []))
            n = c.add_ndp_res_node(rname, R)
        con = Connection(orig, rname, n, rname)

    return CompositeNamedDP.from_context(c)
예제 #13
def ignore_some(ndp, ignore_fnames, ignore_rnames):
    """ Ignores some functionalities or resources """
    fnames0 = ndp.get_fnames()
    rnames0 = ndp.get_rnames()
    for fname in ignore_fnames:
        check_isinstance(fname, str)
        if not fname in fnames0:
            msg = 'Could not find functionality %r in %r.' % (fname, fnames0)
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, fname=fname, fnames=fnames0)
    for rname in ignore_rnames:
        check_isinstance(rname, str)
        if not rname in rnames0:
            msg = 'Could not find resource %r in %r.' % (rname, rnames0)
            raise_desc(ValueError, msg, rname=rname, rnames=rnames0)

    c = Context()
    orig = '_orig'
    c.add_ndp(orig, ndp)

    for fname in ndp.get_fnames():
        F = ndp.get_ftype(fname)

        if fname in ignore_fnames:
            dp = Constant(F, F.get_bottom())
            n = '_const_f_%s' % fname
            c.add_ndp(n, dpwrap(dp, [], fname))
            n = c.add_ndp_fun_node(fname, F)
        con = Connection(n, fname, orig, fname)

    for rname in ndp.get_rnames():
        R = ndp.get_rtype(rname)

        if rname in ignore_rnames:
            dp = LimitMaximals(R, R.get_maximal_elements())
            n = '_const_r_%s' % rname
            c.add_ndp(n, dpwrap(dp, rname, []))
            n = c.add_ndp_res_node(rname, R)
        con = Connection(orig, rname, n, rname)

    return CompositeNamedDP.from_context(c)
예제 #14
 def add_ndp_res_node(self, rname, R):
     """ returns the name of the node """
     if '-' in rname:
         raise ValueError(rname)
     ndp = dpwrap(ResourceNode(R, rname), rname, rname)
     name = get_name_for_res_node(rname)
     # self.info('Adding new resource %r as %r ' % (str(name), rname))
     self.add_ndp(name, ndp)
     return name
예제 #15
파일: context.py 프로젝트: AndreaCensi/mcdp
 def add_ndp_res_node(self, rname, R):
     """ returns the name of the node """
     if '-' in rname:
         raise ValueError(rname)
     ndp = dpwrap(ResourceNode(R, rname), rname, rname)
     name = get_name_for_res_node(rname)
     # self.info('Adding new resource %r as %r ' % (str(name), rname))
     self.add_ndp(name, ndp)
     return name
예제 #16
파일: context.py 프로젝트: AndreaCensi/mcdp
 def add_ndp_fun_node(self, fname, F):
     """ Returns the name of the node (something like _fun_****) """
     if '-' in fname:
         raise ValueError(fname)
     ndp = dpwrap(FunctionNode(F, fname), fname, fname)
     name = get_name_for_fun_node(fname)
     # print('Adding new function %r as %r.' % (str(name), fname))
     self.add_ndp(name, ndp)
     return name
예제 #17
 def add_ndp_fun_node(self, fname, F):
     """ Returns the name of the node (something like _fun_****) """
     if '-' in fname:
         raise ValueError(fname)
     ndp = dpwrap(FunctionNode(F, fname), fname, fname)
     name = get_name_for_fun_node(fname)
     # print('Adding new function %r as %r.' % (str(name), fname))
     self.add_ndp(name, ndp)
     return name
예제 #18
def check_compose2_fail():
    """ Fails because there is a recursive constraint """

    actuation = dpwrap((Mobility()),
                       'weight', 'actuation_power')

    battery = dpwrap((BatteryDP(energy_density=100.0)),
                     'capacity', 'weight')

    times = dpwrap((Product(R_Time, R_Power, R_Energy)),
                   ['mission_time', 'power'], 'energy')

        c1 = Connection('actuation', 'actuation_power', 'times', 'power')
        c2 = Connection('times', 'energy', 'battery', 'capacity')
        c3 = Connection('battery', 'weight', 'actuation', 'weight')
        dpconnect(dict(actuation=actuation, times=times, battery=battery),
                  [c1, c2, c3])
    except TheresALoop:
예제 #19
    def abstract(self):
        n0 = self.ndp.abstract()
        dp0 = n0.get_dp()
        dp = LabelerDP(dp0, self.recursive_name)
        fnames = self.get_fnames()
        rnames = self.get_rnames()
        if len(fnames) == 1:
            fnames = fnames[0]
        if len(rnames) == 1:
            rnames = rnames[0]

        return dpwrap(dp, fnames, rnames)
예제 #20
파일: labelers.py 프로젝트: rusi/mcdp
    def abstract(self):
        n0 = self.ndp.abstract()
        dp0 = n0.get_dp()
        dp = LabelerDP(dp0, self.recursive_name)
        fnames = self.get_fnames()
        rnames = self.get_rnames()
        if len(fnames) == 1:
            fnames = fnames[0]
        if len(rnames) == 1:
            rnames = rnames[0]

        return dpwrap(dp, fnames, rnames)
예제 #21
파일: corner_case.py 프로젝트: rusi/mcdp
def test_exc_connect_resources_to_outside():
    F1 = parse_poset('s')
    R1 = parse_poset('s')
    dp = Template(F1, R1)
    ndp = dpwrap(dp, 'f1', 'r1')
    ndp_name = 'name'
    name2ndp = {ndp_name: ndp}
    connections = []
    rnames = ['r1', 'notpresent']

    assert_raises(ValueError, connect_resources_to_outside, name2ndp,
                  connections, ndp_name, rnames)
예제 #22
def check_compose2_loop2():
    actuation = dpwrap(Mobility(),
                       'weight', 'actuation_power')

    battery = dpwrap((BatteryDP(energy_density=100.0)),
                     'capacity', 'battery_weight')

    times = dpwrap((Product(R_Time, R_Power, R_Energy)),
                   ['mission_time', 'power'], 'energy')

    # 'times.power >= actuation.actuation_power',
    c1 = Connection('actuation', 'actuation_power', 'times', 'power')
    c2 = Connection('times', 'energy', 'battery', 'capacity')
    x = dpconnect(dict(actuation=actuation, times=times, battery=battery),

    y = dploop0(x, 'battery_weight', 'weight')

    print y.desc()

    assert y.get_fnames() == ['mission_time'], y.get_fnames()
    assert y.get_rnames() == ['battery_weight'], y.get_rnames()

    check_ftype(x, 'mission_time', R_Time)
#     check_ftype(x, 'weight', R_Weight)
    check_rtype(x, 'battery_weight', R_Weight_g)

    dp = y.get_dp()

    funsp = dp.get_fun_space()
    ressp = dp.get_res_space()
    print('funsp: %s' % funsp)
    print('ressp: %s' % ressp)
    assert funsp == R_Time, funsp
    assert ressp == R_Weight_g, ressp
예제 #23
def connect_resources_to_outside(name2ndp, connections, ndp_name, rnames):
        For each function in fnames of ndp_name,
        create a new outside function node and connect it to ndp_name.
    assert ndp_name in name2ndp
    ndp = name2ndp[ndp_name]

    if not set(rnames).issubset(ndp.get_rnames()):
        msg = 'Some of the resources are not present.'
        raise_desc(ValueError, msg, rnames=rnames, ndp=ndp)

    for rn in rnames:
        nn = get_name_for_res_node(rn)
        R = ndp.get_rtype(rn)
        name2ndp[nn] = dpwrap(Identity(R), rn, rn)
        connections.append(Connection(ndp_name, rn, nn, rn))
예제 #24
def connect_resources_to_outside(name2ndp, connections, ndp_name, rnames):
        For each function in fnames of ndp_name,
        create a new outside function node and connect it to ndp_name.
    assert ndp_name in name2ndp
    ndp = name2ndp[ndp_name]

    if not set(rnames).issubset(ndp.get_rnames()):
        msg = "Some of the resources are not present."
        raise_desc(ValueError, msg, rnames=rnames, ndp=ndp)

    for rn in rnames:
        nn = get_name_for_res_node(rn)
        R = ndp.get_rtype(rn)
        name2ndp[nn] = dpwrap(Identity(R), rn, rn)
        connections.append(Connection(ndp_name, rn, nn, rn))
예제 #25
def connect_functions_to_outside(name2ndp, connections, ndp_name, fnames):
        For each function in fnames of ndp_name,
        create a new outside function node and connect it to ndp_name.
    assert ndp_name in name2ndp
    ndp = name2ndp[ndp_name]

    if not set(fnames).issubset(ndp.get_fnames()):
        msg = 'Some of the functions are not present.'
        raise_desc(ValueError, msg, fnames=fnames, ndp=ndp)

    for fname in fnames:

        F = ndp.get_ftype(fname)
        nn = get_name_for_fun_node(fname)
        name2ndp[nn] = dpwrap(Identity(F), fname, fname)

        connections.append(Connection(nn, fname, ndp_name, fname))
예제 #26
def connect_functions_to_outside(name2ndp, connections, ndp_name, fnames):
        For each function in fnames of ndp_name,
        create a new outside function node and connect it to ndp_name.
    assert ndp_name in name2ndp
    ndp = name2ndp[ndp_name]

    if not set(fnames).issubset(ndp.get_fnames()):
        msg = "Some of the functions are not present."
        raise_desc(ValueError, msg, fnames=fnames, ndp=ndp)

    for fname in fnames:

        F = ndp.get_ftype(fname)
        nn = get_name_for_fun_node(fname)
        name2ndp[nn] = dpwrap(Identity(F), fname, fname)

        connections.append(Connection(nn, fname, ndp_name, fname))
예제 #27
def get_approx_dp(S, name, approx_perc, approx_abs, approx_abs_S, max_value, 
    from mcdp_posets.types_universe import express_value_in_isomorphic_space

    approx_abs_ = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(S1=approx_abs_S, s1=approx_abs, S2=S)
    max_value_ = express_value_in_isomorphic_space(S1=max_value_S, s1=max_value, S2=S)

    if approx_perc > 0:
        raise_desc(DPNotImplementedError, 'Approx_perc not implemented')

    dps = []
    if max_value > 0:
        dp_max = FuncNotMoreThan(S, max_value_)

    if approx_abs_ > 0:
        dps.append(makeLinearCeilDP(S, approx_abs_))
    dp = wrap_series(S, dps)
    ndp = dpwrap(dp, name, name)
    return ndp
예제 #28
def compact_context(context):
        If there are two subs with multiple connections,
        we take the product of their wires.
    from .context_functions import find_nodes_with_multiple_connections
    from mcdp_dp import Mux
    from mocdp.comp.wrap import dpwrap
    from mocdp.comp.connection import connect2

    s = find_nodes_with_multiple_connections(context)
    if not s:
        return context
        name1, name2, their_connections = s[0]
        logger.debug('Will compact %s, %s, %s' % s[0])

        # establish order
        their_connections = list(their_connections)
        s1s = [c.s1 for c in their_connections]
        s2s = [c.s2 for c in their_connections]
        # print 'compacting', their_connections
        ndp1 = context.names[name1]
        ndp2 = context.names[name2]
        sname = '_'.join(sorted(s1s))
        #  space -- [mux] -- R -- [demux]
        space = ndp1.get_rtypes(s1s)

        N = len(their_connections)
        mux = Mux(space, [list(range(N))])
        muxndp = dpwrap(mux, s1s, sname)

        R = mux.get_res_space()

        coords = [(0, i) for i in range(N)]
        demux = Mux(R, coords)
        R2 = demux.get_res_space()
        assert space == R2, (space, R2)

        # example: R = PosetProduct((PosetProduct((A, B, C)),))
        demuxndp = dpwrap(demux, sname, s2s)

        replace1 = connect2(ndp1, muxndp,
                            connections=set([Connection('*', s, '*', s) for s in s1s]),
                            split=[], repeated_ok=False)

        replace2 = connect2(demuxndp, ndp2,
                            connections=set([Connection('*', s, '*', s) for s in s2s]),
                            split=[], repeated_ok=False)

        context.names[name1] = replace1
        context.names[name2] = replace2

        context.connections = [x for x in context.connections
                                    if not x in their_connections]

        c = Connection(name1, sname, name2, sname)
        return compact_context(context)
예제 #29
def compact_context(context):
        If there are two subs with multiple connections,
        we take the product of their wires.
    from .context_functions import find_nodes_with_multiple_connections
    from mcdp_dp import Mux
    from mocdp.comp.wrap import dpwrap
    from mocdp.comp.connection import connect2

    s = find_nodes_with_multiple_connections(context)
    if not s:
        return context
        name1, name2, their_connections = s[0]
        logger.debug('Will compact %s, %s, %s' % s[0])

        # establish order
        their_connections = list(their_connections)
        s1s = [c.s1 for c in their_connections]
        s2s = [c.s2 for c in their_connections]

        # print 'compacting', their_connections
        ndp1 = context.names[name1]
        ndp2 = context.names[name2]
        sname = '_'.join(sorted(s1s))

        #  space -- [mux] -- R -- [demux]
        space = ndp1.get_rtypes(s1s)

        N = len(their_connections)
        mux = Mux(space, [list(range(N))])
        muxndp = dpwrap(mux, s1s, sname)

        R = mux.get_res_space()

        coords = [(0, i) for i in range(N)]
        demux = Mux(R, coords)
        R2 = demux.get_res_space()
        assert space == R2, (space, R2)

        # example: R = PosetProduct((PosetProduct((A, B, C)),))
        demuxndp = dpwrap(demux, sname, s2s)

        replace1 = connect2(ndp1,
                                [Connection('*', s, '*', s) for s in s1s]),

        replace2 = connect2(demuxndp,
                                [Connection('*', s, '*', s) for s in s2s]),

        context.names[name1] = replace1
        context.names[name2] = replace2

        context.connections = [
            x for x in context.connections if not x in their_connections

        c = Connection(name1, sname, name2, sname)
        return compact_context(context)
예제 #30
def cndp_abstract_loop2(ndp):
    """ Abstracts the dp using the canonical form """
    from .composite_makecanonical import get_canonical_elements

    res = get_canonical_elements(ndp)

    cycles = res['cycles']
    if len(cycles) > 1:
        msg = (
            'I expected that the cycles were already compacted, while %s remain.'
            % cycles)
        raise_desc(NotImplementedError, msg, res=res)

    inner = res['inner']

    inner_dp = inner.get_dp()

    extraf = res['extraf']
    extrar = res['extrar']

    # print 'ndp', ndp.get_fnames(), ndp.get_rnames()
    # print 'inner', inner.get_fnames(), inner.get_rnames()
    # print 'extra', extraf, extrar
    # print 'cycles', res['cycles']
    assert extraf == ndp.get_fnames(), (extraf, ndp.get_fnames())
    assert extrar == ndp.get_rnames(), (extrar, ndp.get_rnames())

    # We use the ndp layer to create a dp that has

    F1 = ndp.get_ftypes(extraf)
    R1 = ndp.get_rtypes(extrar)

    #     if len(cycles) > 1:
    #         msg = 'Expected there would be at most one cycle, found: %d.' % len(cycles)
    #         raise_desc(Exception, msg, ndp=ndp)

    if len(cycles) == 0:
        # raise NotImplementedError()
        mcdp_dev_warning('this needs much more testing')
        dp = inner_dp
        fnames = extraf
        rnames = extrar
        if len(fnames) == 1:
            fnames = fnames[0]
        if len(rnames) == 1:
            rnames = rnames[0]
        from mocdp.comp.wrap import dpwrap
        return dpwrap(dp, fnames, rnames)

    F2 = inner.get_rtype(cycles[0])
    R2 = F2

    dp0F = PosetProduct((F1, F2))

    coords1 = []
    for inner_fname in inner.get_fnames():
        if inner_fname in extraf:
            coords1.append((0, extraf.index(inner_fname)))
    if len(coords1) == 1:
        coords1 = coords1[0]
    mux1 = Mux(dp0F, coords1)

    assert mux1.get_res_space() == inner_dp.get_fun_space()

    mux0F = inner_dp.get_res_space()
    coords2extra = []
    for rname in extrar:
        i = inner.get_rnames().index(rname)
        if len(inner.get_rnames()) == 1:
            i = ()

    j = inner.get_rnames().index(cycles[0])
    if len(inner.get_rnames()) == 1:
        j = ()
    coords2 = [coords2extra, j]

    mux2 = Mux(mux0F, coords2)

    dp0 = make_series(make_series(mux1, inner_dp), mux2)
    dp0R_expect = PosetProduct((R1, R2))
    assert dp0.get_res_space() == dp0R_expect

    dp = DPLoop2(dp0)

    # this is what we want to obtain at the end
    F = ndp.get_ftypes(ndp.get_fnames())
    if len(ndp.get_fnames()) == 1:
        F = F[0]
    R = ndp.get_rtypes(ndp.get_rnames())
    if len(ndp.get_rnames()) == 1:
        R = R[0]

    if len(extraf) == 1:
        dp = make_series(Mux(F, [()]), dp)
    if len(extrar) == 1:
        dp = make_series(dp, Mux(PosetProduct((R, )), 0))

    tu = get_types_universe()
    tu.check_equal(dp.get_fun_space(), F)
    tu.check_equal(dp.get_res_space(), R)

    fnames = extraf
    rnames = extrar
    if len(fnames) == 1:
        fnames = fnames[0]
    if len(rnames) == 1:
        rnames = rnames[0]
    # now dp has extra (1) and (1)
    return SimpleWrap(dp, fnames=fnames, rnames=rnames)
예제 #31
def cndp_abstract_loop2(ndp):
    """ Abstracts the dp using the canonical form """
    from .composite_makecanonical import get_canonical_elements

    res = get_canonical_elements(ndp)

    cycles = res['cycles']
    if len(cycles) > 1:
        msg = ('I expected that the cycles were already compacted, while %s remain.' %
        raise_desc(NotImplementedError, msg, res=res)

    inner = res['inner']

    inner_dp = inner.get_dp()

    extraf = res['extraf']
    extrar = res['extrar']

    # print 'ndp', ndp.get_fnames(), ndp.get_rnames()
    # print 'inner', inner.get_fnames(), inner.get_rnames()
    # print 'extra', extraf, extrar
    # print 'cycles', res['cycles']
    assert extraf == ndp.get_fnames(), (extraf, ndp.get_fnames())
    assert extrar == ndp.get_rnames(), (extrar, ndp.get_rnames())

    # We use the ndp layer to create a dp that has 
    F1 = ndp.get_ftypes(extraf)
    R1 = ndp.get_rtypes(extrar)
#     if len(cycles) > 1:
#         msg = 'Expected there would be at most one cycle, found: %d.' % len(cycles)
#         raise_desc(Exception, msg, ndp=ndp)

    if len(cycles) == 0:
        # raise NotImplementedError()
        mcdp_dev_warning('this needs much more testing')
        dp = inner_dp
        fnames = extraf
        rnames = extrar
        if len(fnames) == 1:
            fnames = fnames[0]
        if len(rnames) == 1:
            rnames = rnames[0]
        from mocdp.comp.wrap import dpwrap
        return dpwrap(dp, fnames, rnames)

    F2 = inner.get_rtype(cycles[0])
    R2 = F2
    dp0F = PosetProduct((F1,F2))
    coords1 = []
    for inner_fname in inner.get_fnames():
        if inner_fname in extraf:
            coords1.append((0, extraf.index(inner_fname)))
    if len(coords1) == 1:
        coords1 = coords1[0]
    mux1 = Mux(dp0F, coords1)

    assert mux1.get_res_space() == inner_dp.get_fun_space()

    mux0F = inner_dp.get_res_space()
    coords2extra = []
    for rname in extrar:
        i = inner.get_rnames().index(rname)
        if len(inner.get_rnames()) == 1:
            i = ()
    j = inner.get_rnames().index(cycles[0])
    if len(inner.get_rnames()) == 1:
        j = ()
    coords2 = [coords2extra, j]
    mux2 = Mux(mux0F, coords2)

    dp0 = make_series(make_series(mux1, inner_dp), mux2)
    dp0R_expect = PosetProduct((R1, R2))
    assert dp0.get_res_space() == dp0R_expect

    dp = DPLoop2(dp0)

    # this is what we want to obtain at the end
    F = ndp.get_ftypes(ndp.get_fnames())
    if len(ndp.get_fnames()) == 1:
        F = F[0]
    R = ndp.get_rtypes(ndp.get_rnames())
    if len(ndp.get_rnames()) == 1:
        R = R[0]

    if len(extraf) == 1:
        dp = make_series(Mux(F, [()]), dp)
    if len(extrar) == 1:
        dp = make_series(dp, Mux(PosetProduct((R,)), 0))

    tu = get_types_universe()
    tu.check_equal(dp.get_fun_space(), F)
    tu.check_equal(dp.get_res_space(), R)

    fnames = extraf
    rnames = extrar
    if len(fnames) == 1:
        fnames = fnames[0]
    if len(rnames) == 1:
        rnames = rnames[0]
    # now dp has extra (1) and (1)
    return SimpleWrap(dp, fnames=fnames, rnames=rnames)