예제 #1
    def __init__(self, field_list, max_depth=7):
        if not os.path.exists(field_list):
            raise IOError("Cannot find file %s" % field_list)
        self.fields_df = pd.read_csv(field_list)
        self.max_depth = max_depth

        self.region_list = regions.ShapeList()
        self.moc = MOC()
        for _, field in self.fields_df.iterrows():
            center = SkyCoord(ra=field.RA, dec=field.Dec, unit="hourangle,deg")
            sep = np.hypot(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) / 2.0
                    self.ASKAP_ROTATION + (field.Rotation * u.deg),
            self.vertices = SkyCoord([
                    self.ASKAP_ROTATION + pa + (field.Rotation * u.deg), sep)
                for pa in [45, 135, 225, 315] * u.deg
            self.moc = self.moc.union(
예제 #2
def get_bkg_npixels(src_center, nside, npixels=100):
    order = np.log2(nside).astype(int)
    bkg_moc_outer = MOC.from_cone(src_center.ra, src_center.dec,
                                  120 * u.arcsec, order)
    bkg_moc_inner = MOC.from_cone(src_center.ra, src_center.dec, 60 * u.arcsec,
    bkg_moc = bkg_moc_outer.difference(bkg_moc_inner)
    bkg_npixels = flatten_pixels(bkg_moc._interval_set._intervals, order)

    return rng.choice(bkg_npixels, size=npixels, replace=False).tolist()
예제 #3
def moc_watchlist(watchlist, max_depth):
    Take a "watchlist" dictionary and builds a MOC at given max_depth, by approximating the
    disk around a source as a hexagon.
    s = 0.5 * math.sqrt(3)
    moc = None
    ralist = watchlist['ra']  # ra list of the watchlist, degrees
    delist = watchlist['de']  # dec list of the watchlist, degrees
    radius = watchlist['radius']  # radius list in degrees
    for i in range(len(ralist)):
        ra = ralist[i]
        de = delist[i]
        q = radius[i]
        r = q / math.cos(de * math.pi / 180)

        # make a hexagon
        lon = [
            ra + q, ra + 0.5 * r, ra - 0.5 * r, ra - r, ra - 0.5 * r,
            ra + 0.5 * r
        ] * u.deg
        lat = [de, de + s * q, de + s * q, de, de - s * q, de - s * q] * u.deg

        # make a moc from the hexagon
        newmoc = MOC.from_polygon(lon, lat, max_depth=max_depth)

        # union with previous hexagons
        if moc: moc = moc.union(newmoc)
        else: moc = newmoc
    return moc
def main(args=None):
    p = parser()
    opts = parser().parse_args(args)

    import astropy_healpix as ah
    import astropy.units as u

        from mocpy import MOC
    except ImportError:
        p.error('This command-line tool requires mocpy >= 0.8.2. '
                'Please install it by running "pip install mocpy".')

    from ..io import read_sky_map

    # Read multi-order sky map
    skymap = read_sky_map(opts.input.name, moc=True)

    uniq = skymap['UNIQ']
    probdensity = skymap['PROBDENSITY']

    level, ipix = ah.uniq_to_level_ipix(uniq)
    area = ah.nside_to_pixel_area(

    prob = probdensity * area

    # Create MOC
    contour_decimal = opts.contour / 100
    moc = MOC.from_valued_healpix_cells(
        uniq, prob, cumul_from=0.0, cumul_to=contour_decimal)

    # Write MOC
    moc.write(opts.output, format='fits', overwrite=True)
예제 #5
    def create_moc(self):
        Multi-Order coverage map (MOC) of sky area enclosed within a contour plot
        at a given confidence level.
        (Function adapted from Giuseppe Greco github repository)

        #reading skymap
        hpx = hp.read_map( self.path+self.filename, verbose = False )
        npix = len( hpx )
        nside = hp.npix2nside( npix )
        # Save nside
        self.nside = nside

        sort = sorted( hpx, reverse = True )
        cumsum = np.cumsum( sort )
        index, value = min( enumerate( cumsum ), key = lambda x: abs( x[1] - self.percentage ) )

        # finding ipix indices confined in a given percentage 
        index_hpx = range( 0, len( hpx ) )
        hpx_index = np.c_[ hpx, index_hpx ]

        sort_2array = sorted( hpx_index, key = lambda x: x[0], reverse = True )
        value_contour = sort_2array[ 0:index ]

        j = 1 
        table_ipix_contour = [ ]

        for i in range ( 0, len( value_contour ) ):
            ipix_contour = int( value_contour[i][j] )
            table_ipix_contour.append( ipix_contour )
        # from index to polar coordinates
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang( nside, table_ipix_contour )

        # converting these to right ascension and declination in degrees
        ra = np.rad2deg( phi )
        dec = np.rad2deg( 0.5 * np.pi - theta )

        # Save ra, dec of the pixel associated with highest probability
        self.RA, self.DEC = ra[0], dec[0]

        # creating an astropy.table with RA[deg] and DEC[deg] ipix positions
        contour_ipix = Table([ ra, dec ], names = ('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]'), 
                             meta = {'ipix': 'ipix table'})

        # setting MOC order
        moc_order = int( log( nside, 2 ) )

        # creating a MOC map from the contour_ipix table
        #moc = MOC.from_table( contour_ipix, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', moc_order )
        moc = MOC.from_lonlat(contour_ipix['RA[deg]'].T * u.deg, contour_ipix['DEC[deg]'].T * u.deg,moc_order)

        # writing MOC file in fits
        #moc.write(path=short_name + '_MOC_' + str( percentage ) +'.json',format='json')

        # Serialise to json dictionary
        self.moc = moc.serialize(format='json')
예제 #6
    def create_moc(self):
        """Creating a MOC map from the contour_ipix table."""

        self.moc = MOC.from_table(self.contour_ipix, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]',

        return self.moc
예제 #7
def test_set_fromtable_areafrommoc_mags():
    from mocpy import MOC
    from astropy.table import Table

    mocfile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_2.moc')
    moc = MOC.from_fits(mocfile)

    datafile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_2.fits')
    data = Table.read(datafile)

    mag_cols = ['uMag', 'gMag']
    cat = Catalogue(data,
                    coord_cols=['RA', 'DEC'],
                    poserr_cols=['raErr', 'decErr'],

    assert cat.name == 'test'
    assert cat.area > 0
    assert cat.poserr_type == 'rcd_dec_ellipse'
    assert isinstance(cat.coords, SkyCoord)
    assert isinstance(cat.poserr, SkyCoordErr)

    assert len(cat) == len(data)
    assert len(cat.coords) == len(data)
    assert len(cat.poserr) == len(data)
    assert len(cat.mags) == len(data)
    assert len(cat.mags.colnames) == len(mag_cols)
예제 #8
    def _set_area(self, area):
        Returns the area covered by the catalogue and the corresponding
        MOC, if defined.

        area : ``str``, ``MOC`` or ``Quantity``
            area can be defined as a path to the catalogue MOC, a mocpy
            ``MOC`` object or an Astropy ``Quantity`` with units consistents
            with square deg.
        # If area is a string, we assume is the path for a moc file
        if isinstance(area, str):
            moc = MOC.from_fits(area)
            area = moc.sky_fraction * ALLSKY_AREA_DEG

        elif isinstance(area, MOC):
            moc, area = area, area.sky_fraction * ALLSKY_AREA_DEG

        elif isinstance(area, Quantity):
            area = area.to(u.deg**2)
            moc = None

            raise ValueError('Invalid `area` value!')

        return area, moc
예제 #9
def load_ztf():
    log.info('downloading and reading ZTF field list')
    url = 'https://github.com/ZwickyTransientFacility/ztf_information/raw/master/field_grid/ZTF_Fields.txt'
    with get_readable_fileobj(url, show_progress=False) as f:
        first_line, *lines = f
        names = re.split(r'\s\s+', first_line.lstrip('%').strip())
        table = Table.read(lines, format='ascii', names=names)

    log.info('building footprint polygons')
    lon, lat = get_ztf_footprint_corners()
    centers = SkyCoord(table['RA'] * u.deg, table['Dec'] * u.deg)
    vertices = get_footprints_grid(lon, lat, centers)

    log.info('building MOCs')
    mocs = [MOC.from_polygon_skycoord(verts) for verts in vertices]

    log.info('creating ORM records')
    telescope = Telescope(telescope_name='ZTF',
                              Field.from_moc(moc, field_id=field_id)
                              for field_id, moc in zip(table['ID'], mocs)
예제 #10
def get_polygon_moc(row):
    print('{} ({} {}) {}'.format(row['obs_id'], row['s_ra'], row['s_dec'], row['s_region']))
    lon = u.Quantity(row['coords']['ra'] * u.deg)
    lat = u.Quantity(row['coords']['dec'] * u.deg)
    temp_moc = MOC.from_polygon(lon, lat, max_depth=MAX_DEPTH)

    return temp_moc
예제 #11
def read_area_cache_files(cache_dir):
    This function reads all the files in the cache directories and keeps them in memory
    in a list called "arealist". Each area is a dictionary:
        ar_id: the id from tha database
        moc  : the ingestred moc

    arealist = []
    for ar_file in os.listdir(cache_dir):
        # every file in the cache should be of the form ar_<nn>.fits
        # where nn is the area id
        tok = ar_file.split('.')
        if tok[1] != 'fits': continue
        try:     ar_id = int(tok[0][3:])
        except:  continue

        gfile = cache_dir + '/' + ar_file
        moc = MOC.from_fits(gfile)
        area = {'ar_id':ar_id, 'moc':moc}
    return arealist
예제 #12
파일: moc.py 프로젝트: tahumada/gwemopt
def Fov2Moc(params, config_struct, telescope, ra_pointing, dec_pointing, nside):
    """Return a MOC in fits file of a fov footprint.
       The MOC fov is displayed in real time in an Aladin plan.

           ra--> right ascention of fov center [deg]
           dec --> declination of fov center [deg]
           fov_width --> fov width [deg]
           fov_height --> fov height [deg]
           nside --> healpix resolution; by default 

    moc_struct = {}
    if config_struct["FOV_type"] == "square": 
        ipix, radecs, patch, area = gwemopt.utils.getSquarePixels(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, config_struct["FOV"], nside)
    elif config_struct["FOV_type"] == "circle":
        ipix, radecs, patch, area = gwemopt.utils.getCirclePixels(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, config_struct["FOV"], nside)

    if params["doChipGaps"]:
        npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        pixel_index = np.arange(npix)
        RAs, Decs = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixel_index, lonlat=True, nest=False)

        if telescope == "ZTF":
            Z = gwemopt.quadrants.ZTFtile(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, config_struct)
            #ipix = np.where(Z.inside_nogaps(RAs, Decs))[0]  # Ignore chip gaps
            ipix = np.where(Z.inside(RAs, Decs))[0]
            raise ValueError("Requested chip gaps with non-ZTF detector, failing.")

    moc_struct["ra"] = ra_pointing
    moc_struct["dec"] = dec_pointing
    moc_struct["ipix"] = ipix
    moc_struct["corners"] = radecs
    moc_struct["patch"] = patch
    moc_struct["area"] = area

    if False:
    #if len(ipix) > 0:
        # from index to polar coordinates
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix)

        # converting these to right ascension and declination in degrees
        ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
        dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)

        box_ipix = Table([ra, dec], names = ('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]'),
                 meta = {'ipix': 'ipix table'})

        moc_order = int(np.log(nside)/ np.log(2))
        moc = MOC.from_table( box_ipix, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', moc_order )

        moc_struct["moc"] = moc
        moc_struct["moc"] = []

    return moc_struct
예제 #13
def test_polygon_issue_50():
    from mocpy import MOC
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from astropy import units as u
    coords = SkyCoord([(353.8156714, -56.33202193), (6.1843286, -56.33202193),
                       (5.27558041, -49.49378172),
                       (354.72441959, -49.49378172)],
    moc = MOC.from_polygon_skycoord(coords)
    assert not moc.empty()
예제 #14
    def test_moc_order_param(self, moc_order):
        moc_region = MOC.from_json({'0': [1]})

        result = cds.query_region(region=moc_region,
                                  # return a mocpy obj

        assert isinstance(result, MOC)
예제 #15
    def test_moc_order_param(self, moc_order):
        moc_region = MOC.from_json({'0': [1]})

        result = cds.query_region(region=moc_region,
                                  # return a mocpy obj

        assert isinstance(result, MOC)
예제 #16
    def create_mocpy_object_from_json(json_moc):
        # TODO : just call the MOC.from_json classmethod to get the corresponding mocpy object
        uniq_interval = IntervalSet()
        for n_order, n_pix_l in json_moc.items():
            n_order = int(n_order)

            for n_pix in n_pix_l:
                uniq_interval.add(__class__.orderipix2uniq(n_order, n_pix))

        moc = MOC.from_uniq_interval_set(uniq_interval)
        return moc
예제 #17
def get_polygon_moc(row):
    print('{} ({} {}) {}'.format(row['obs_id'], row['s_ra'], row['s_dec'],
    lon = u.Quantity(row['coords']['ra'] * u.deg)
    lat = u.Quantity(row['coords']['dec'] * u.deg)
    temp_moc = MOC.from_polygon(lon, lat, max_depth=MAX_DEPTH)  #,
    # inside=SkyCoord(ra=row['s_ra'] * u.deg, dec=row['s_dec'] * u.deg))


    return temp_moc
예제 #18
    def create_moc(self):
        """Creating a MOC map from the contour_ipix table."""
        import sys
        from mocpy import MOC
        import astropy.units as u
        self.moc = MOC.from_lonlat(self.contour_ipix['RA[deg]'].T * u.deg,
                                   self.contour_ipix['DEC[deg]'].T * u.deg,

        return self.moc
예제 #19
class ASKAPSurvey:
    ASKAP_ROTATION = 45 * u.deg  # may not be an appropriate assumption!
    # full width (diameter)
    WIDTH = 2 * 4.1 * u.deg

    def __init__(self, field_list, max_depth=7):
        if not os.path.exists(field_list):
            raise IOError("Cannot find file %s" % field_list)
        self.fields_df = pd.read_csv(field_list)
        self.max_depth = max_depth

        self.region_list = regions.ShapeList()
        self.moc = MOC()
        for _, field in self.fields_df.iterrows():
            center = SkyCoord(ra=field.RA, dec=field.Dec, unit="hourangle,deg")
            sep = np.hypot(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) / 2.0
                    self.ASKAP_ROTATION + (field.Rotation * u.deg),
            self.vertices = SkyCoord([
                    self.ASKAP_ROTATION + pa + (field.Rotation * u.deg), sep)
                for pa in [45, 135, 225, 315] * u.deg
            self.moc = self.moc.union(

    def to_moc(self, filename):
        self.moc.write(filename, overwrite=True)

    def to_reg(self, filename):
        regions.write_ds9(self.region_list, filename, coordsys="fk5")
예제 #20
def test_randomise_withmoc():
    from mocpy import MOC

    mocfile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_1.moc')
    moc = MOC.from_fits(mocfile)

    datafile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_1.fits')
    cat = Catalogue(datafile, area=moc, name='test')

    numrepeat = 3
    rndcat = cat.randomise(numrepeat=numrepeat)

    assert len(rndcat) > len(cat)
    assert all(moc.contains(rndcat.coords.ra, rndcat.coords.dec))
예제 #21
def test_set_fromfile_areafrommoc_nomags():
    from mocpy import MOC

    datafile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_1.fits')
    mocfile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_1.moc')
    moc = MOC.from_fits(mocfile)

    cat = Catalogue(datafile, area=moc, name='test')

    assert cat.name == 'test'
    assert cat.area > 0
    assert cat.poserr_type == 'circle'
    assert isinstance(cat.coords, SkyCoord)
    assert isinstance(cat.poserr, SkyCoordErr)
    assert cat.mags is None
예제 #22
    def from_polygon(cls, polygon, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new instance from a polygon.

        polygon : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord
            The vertices of the polygon.

            A list of Tile instances.
        moc = MOC.from_polygon_skycoord(polygon)
        return cls.from_moc(moc, *args, **kwargs)
예제 #23
def mocFilter(apiobjects, moc_path):
    # Use object table with only unique OIDs
    unique_df = apiobjects.drop_duplicates(subset=['oid'])

    # Stipulation if object table is empty
    if len(unique_df) == 0:
        return unique_df

    # Running mocpy filter
    mocLocation = moc_path
    moc = MOC.from_fits(mocLocation)
    mask_in_moc = moc.contains(unique_df['meanra'] * u.deg,
                               unique_df['meandec'] * u.deg)
    ztfobjects = Table.from_pandas(unique_df[mask_in_moc])

    return ztfobjects
예제 #24
파일: moc.py 프로젝트: ishuihan/gwemopt
def Fov2Moc(config_struct, ra_pointing, dec_pointing, nside):
    """Return a MOC in fits file of a fov footprint.
       The MOC fov is displayed in real time in an Aladin plan.

           ra--> right ascention of fov center [deg]
           dec --> declination of fov center [deg]
           fov_width --> fov width [deg]
           fov_height --> fov height [deg]
           nside --> healpix resolution; by default 

    moc_struct = {}
    if config_struct["FOV_type"] == "square": 
        ipix, radecs, patch, area = gwemopt.utils.getSquarePixels(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, config_struct["FOV"], nside)
    elif config_struct["FOV_type"] == "circle":
        ipix, radecs, patch, area = gwemopt.utils.getCirclePixels(ra_pointing, dec_pointing, config_struct["FOV"], nside)

    moc_struct["ra"] = ra_pointing
    moc_struct["dec"] = dec_pointing
    moc_struct["ipix"] = ipix
    moc_struct["corners"] = radecs
    moc_struct["patch"] = patch
    moc_struct["area"] = area

    if False:
    #if len(ipix) > 0:
        # from index to polar coordinates
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, ipix)

        # converting these to right ascension and declination in degrees
        ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
        dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)

        box_ipix = Table([ra, dec], names = ('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]'),
                 meta = {'ipix': 'ipix table'})

        moc_order = int(np.log(nside)/ np.log(2))
        moc = MOC.from_table( box_ipix, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', moc_order )

        moc_struct["moc"] = moc
        moc_struct["moc"] = []

    return moc_struct
예제 #25
def test_polygon2_issue_44():
    from astropy import units as u
    from mocpy import MOC
    import numpy as np

    ra = [
        174.75937396073138, 185.24062603926856, 184.63292896369916,
    dec = [
        -49.16744206799886, -49.16744206799887, -42.32049830486584,

    moc = MOC.from_polygon(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg)

    assert not moc.empty()
예제 #26
def _mockcat_area(**kwargs):
    geometry = kwargs['geometry']

    if geometry == 'allsky':
        area = ALLSKY_AREA_DEG

    elif geometry == 'cone':
        r = kwargs['r'] * u.deg
        area = np.pi * r**2

    elif geometry == 'moc':
        area = MOC.from_fits(kwargs['mocfile'])

        raise ValueError('Unknown geometry: {}'.format(geometry))

    return area
예제 #27
def test_apply_moc():
    from mocpy import MOC

    datafile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_2.fits')
    mocfile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_2.moc')
    cat = Catalogue(datafile,
                    poserr_cols=['raErr', 'decErr'],

    mocfile = get_pkg_data_filename('data/testcat_moc_1.moc')
    moc = MOC.from_fits(mocfile)
    newcat = cat.apply_moc(moc)

    assert len(cat) > len(newcat)
    assert moc.intersection(newcat.moc) is not None
예제 #28
def get_data():
    query = "SELECT top 1000 * FROM obsPointing WHERE obs_collection='K2' AND dataproduct_type='image'"
    df = query_db(CAOM, query)
    if len(df) == 0:
        return None

    df['coords'] = df.apply(lambda x: parse_s_region(x['s_region']), axis=1)

    # Generate MOC
    results = [get_polygon_moc(row) for _, row in df.iterrows()]

    # Union of MOCs
    if len(results) > 1:
        moc = MOC.union(*results)
        moc = results

    return moc
예제 #29
def load_decam():
    log.info('downloading and reading DECam field list')
    url = 'https://github.com/growth-astro/growth-too-marshal/raw/master/growth/too/input/DECam.tess'
    table = Table.read(url, names=['field_id', 'ra', 'dec'], format='ascii')

    log.info('building MOCs')
    mocs = [
        MOC.from_cone(row['ra'] * u.deg, row['dec'] * u.deg, 1.1 * u.deg, 10)
        for row in table

    log.info('creating ORM records')
    telescope = Telescope(telescope_name='DECam',
                              Field.from_moc(moc, field_id=field_id)
                              for field_id, moc in zip(table['field_id'], mocs)
예제 #30
def get_data(sector):
    query = "SELECT top 1000 * FROM obsPointing WHERE obs_collection='TESS' AND dataproduct_type='image' " \
            "AND sequence_number={}".format(sector)
    df = query_db(CAOM_OPS, query)

    df['coords'] = df.apply(lambda x: parse_s_region(x['s_region']), axis=1)

    # Generate MOC
    start_time = time.time()
    pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
    results = list(pool.map(get_polygon_moc, [row for _, row in df.iterrows()]))
    end_time = time.time()
    print('Total time : {} seconds'.format(end_time - start_time))

    # Union of MOCs
    start_time = time.time()
    moc = MOC.union(*results)
    end_time = time.time()
    print('Total time : {} seconds'.format(end_time - start_time))

    return moc
예제 #31
    def from_ipixs_to_moc(self, time_input):
        """Return ipix table with the associated airmass"""

        prob = self.moc.read_prob(self.user.get_skymap())
        percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get()) / 100.0
        ipixs = self.moc.ipixs_in_percentage(prob, percentage)
        nside = int(self.user.get_nside())
        ra, dec = self.moc.sky_coords(ipixs, nside)

        sky_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg, frame='icrs')
        altaz = sky_coord.transform_to(
            AltAz(obstime=time_input, location=self.observatory))
        airmass_values = altaz.secz

        contour_ipix = Table([ra, dec, airmass_values, ipixs],
                             names=('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', 'airmass', 'ipix'),
                             meta={'ipix': 'ipix table'})  # astropy table

        mask = (contour_ipix['airmass']) >= 1  # clearing
        obs1 = contour_ipix[mask]

        mask2 = (obs1['airmass']) <= float(
            self.entry_airmass.get())  # airmass user values
        obs = obs1[mask2]

        # test
        print obs

        nside = self.user.get_nside()

        if len(obs) == 0:
            tkMessageBox.showinfo('MOC visibility',
                                  'No region for the selected  airmass')
            moc_order = self.moc.moc_order(nside)
            moc = MOC.from_table(obs, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]',
                                 moc_order)  # moc creation
            moc.write('obs_airmass_', format='fits')  # fit file

            return aladin.send_file('obs_airmass_')
    def from_ipixs_to_moc(self, time_input):
        """Return ipix table with the associated airmass"""

        prob = self.moc.read_prob(self.user.get_skymap())       
        percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get())/100.0    
        ipixs = self.moc.ipixs_in_percentage(prob, percentage )
        nside = int(self.user.get_nside())       
        ra, dec = self.moc.sky_coords(ipixs, nside)
        sky_coord = SkyCoord(ra = ra*u.deg,dec=dec*u.deg, frame='icrs')
        altaz = sky_coord.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=time_input, location=self.observatory))
        airmass_values = altaz.secz
        contour_ipix = Table([ ra, dec, airmass_values, ipixs ],
                             names = ('RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', 'airmass', 'ipix'),
                             meta = {'ipix': 'ipix table'})             # astropy table       

        mask = (contour_ipix['airmass']) >= 1 # clearing
        obs1 = contour_ipix[mask]

        mask2 = (obs1['airmass']) <= float(self.entry_airmass.get())  # airmass user values
        obs = obs1[mask2]

        # test
        print obs
        nside = self.user.get_nside()

        if len(obs)==0:
            tkMessageBox.showinfo('MOC visibility',
                                  'No region for the selected  airmass')
            moc_order = self.moc.moc_order(nside)
            moc = MOC.from_table( obs, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]',
                                  moc_order )                # moc creation
            moc.write( 'obs_airmass_', format = 'fits' )     # fit file
            return aladin.send_file('obs_airmass_')
예제 #33
파일: plot_SDSS_r.py 프로젝트: tboch/mocpy
from mocpy import MOC, WCS
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
import astropy.units as u
# Load a MOC
filename = './../../resources/P-SDSS9-r.fits'
moc = MOC.from_fits(filename)
# Plot the MOC using matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(111, figsize=(15, 10))
# Define a astropy WCS easily
with WCS(fig, 
        fov=200 * u.deg,
        center=SkyCoord(0, 20, unit='deg', frame='icrs'),
        rotation=Angle(0, u.degree),
        projection="AIT") as wcs:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=wcs)
    # Call fill with a matplotlib axe and the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` wcs object.
    moc.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="green")
    moc.border(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, color="black")
plt.title('Coverage of P-SDSS9-r')
plt.grid(color="black", linestyle="dotted")
예제 #34
                    [ 7.32238541,  6.44905255],
                    [ 0.807265  ,  6.53399616],
                    [ 1.08855146,  3.51294225],
                    [ 2.07615384,  0.7118289 ],
                    [ 3.90690158, -1.61886929],
                    [ 9.03727956,  2.80521847],
                    [ 9.22274427, -4.38008174],
                    [10.23563378,  4.06950324],
                    [10.79931601,  3.77655576],
                    [14.16533992,  1.7579858 ],
                    [19.36243491,  1.78587203],
                    [15.31732084,  5.        ]])
skycoord = SkyCoord(vertices, unit="deg", frame="icrs")
# A point that we say it belongs to the inside of the MOC
inside = SkyCoord(ra=10, dec=5, unit="deg", frame="icrs")
moc = MOC.from_polygon_skycoord(skycoord, max_depth=9, inside=inside)
moc.write('polygon_moc.fits', format='fits', overwrite=True)
# Plot the MOC using matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(111, figsize=(10, 10))
# Define a astropy WCS easily
with WCS(fig, 
        fov=20 * u.deg,
        center=SkyCoord(10, 5, unit='deg', frame='icrs'),
        rotation=Angle(0, u.degree),
        # The gnomonic projection transforms great circles into straight lines. 
        projection="TAN") as wcs:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=wcs)
    # Call fill with a matplotlib axe and the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` wcs object.
    moc.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="red", linewidth=1)
예제 #35
from mocpy import MOC, WCS
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
import astropy.units as u
# Load Galex and SDSS
sdss = MOC.from_fits('./../../resources/P-SDSS9-r.fits')
galex = MOC.from_fits('./../../resources/P-GALEXGR6-AIS-FUV.fits')
# Compute their intersection
inter = sdss.intersection(galex)
union = sdss.union(galex)
# Plot the MOC using matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(111, figsize=(10, 10))
# Define a astropy WCS easily
with WCS(fig, 
        fov=160 * u.deg,
        center=SkyCoord(0, 0, unit='deg', frame='icrs'),
        rotation=Angle(0, u.degree),
        projection="AIT") as wcs:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=wcs)
    # Call fill with a matplotlib axe and the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` wcs object.
    union.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="red", linewidth=0, label="Union")
    union.border(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=1, color="red")

    inter.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="green", linewidth=0, label="Intersection")
    inter.border(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=1, color="green")

plt.title('Logical operations between SDSS and GALEX')
    def moc_obs(self):
        """Creating a MOC region in which the airmass is less than a value defined by users."""

        percentage = float(self.entry_percentage.get())/100.0

        hpx = hp.read_map(self.user.get_skymap(), verbose = False)
        sort = sorted(hpx, reverse = True)
        cumsum = np.cumsum(sort)
        index, value = min(enumerate(cumsum), key = lambda x: abs(x[1] - percentage))
        value = round(value, 1) # value --> threshold
        print percentage
        print index, value

        # finding ipix indices confined in a given percentage 
        index_hpx = range(0, len(hpx))
        hpx_index = np.c_[hpx, index_hpx]

        sort_2array = sorted(hpx_index, key = lambda x: x[0], reverse = True)
        value_contour = sort_2array[0:index]

        j = 1 
        table_ipix_contour = [ ]

        for i in range (0, len(value_contour)):
            ipix_contour = int(value_contour[i][j])
        # from index to polar coordinates
        theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(self.user.get_nside(), table_ipix_contour)

        # converting these to right ascension and declination in degrees
        ra = np.rad2deg(phi)
        dec = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.pi - theta)

        #print ra

        # airmass calculation
        obs_time = Time(self.user.get_obs_time())

        observatory = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation(
           lat=self.user.get_latitude()*u.deg, lon=self.user.get_longitude()*u.deg,height=self.user.get_altitude()*u.m)

        sky_coord = SkyCoord(ra = ra*u.deg,dec=dec*u.deg, frame='icrs')

        altaz = sky_coord.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=self.user.get_obs_time(),

        airmass_values = altaz.secz
        print airmass_values
        # creating an astropy.table with RA[deg] and DEC[deg] ipix positions
        contour_ipix = Table([ ra, dec, airmass_values ], names = (
           'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', 'airmass'), meta = {'ipix': 'ipix table'})

        mask = (contour_ipix['airmass']) >1 # clear


        mask2 = (obs1['airmass']) <= float(self.entry_airmass.get())  # user values

        obs = obs1[mask2]

        # setting MOC order
        from math import log
        moc_order = int(log( self.user.get_nside(), 2))

        # creating a MOC map from the contour_ipix table
        moc = MOC.from_table( obs, 'RA[deg]', 'DEC[deg]', moc_order )

        # writing MOC file in fits
        moc.write( 'obs_airmass_'+self.entry_airmass.get()+'MOC_'+str(percentage), format = 'fits' )
        print type(self.entry_airmass.get())
예제 #37
파일: core.py 프로젝트: astropy/astroquery
    def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=False):
        Parsing of the response returned by the MOCServer.

        response : `~requests.Response`
            The HTTP response returned by the MOCServer.
        verbose : bool, optional
            False by default.

        result : `astropy.table.Table` or `mocpy.MOC`
            By default an astropy table of the data-sets matching the query. If ``return_moc`` is set to True, it gives
            a MOC object corresponding to the union of the MOCs from all the matched data-sets.
        if not verbose:

        result = response.json()

        if not self.return_moc:
            The user will get `astropy.table.Table` object whose columns refer to the returned data-set meta-datas.
            # cast the data-sets meta-datas values to their correct Python type.
            typed_result = []
            for d in result:
                typed_d = {k: self._cast_to_float(v) for k, v in d.items()}

            # looping over all the record's keys to find all the existing keys
            column_names_l = []
            for d in typed_result:

            # remove all the doubles
            column_names_l = list(set(column_names_l))
            # init a dict mapping all the meta-data's name to an empty list
            table_d = {key: [] for key in column_names_l}
            type_d = {key: None for key in column_names_l}

            masked_array_d = {key: [] for key in column_names_l}
            # fill the dict with the value of each returned data-set one by one.
            for d in typed_result:
                row_table_d = {key: None for key in column_names_l}

                for k, mask_l in masked_array_d.items():
                    entry_masked = False if k in d.keys() else True

                for k, v in row_table_d.items():
                    if v:
                        type_d[k] = type(v)


            # define all the columns using astropy.table.MaskedColumn objects
            columns_l = []
            for k, v in table_d.items():
                    if k != '#':
                        columns_l.append(MaskedColumn(v, name=k, mask=masked_array_d[k], dtype=type_d[k]))
                except ValueError:
                    # some metadata can be of multiple types when looking on all the datasets.
                    # this can be due to internal typing errors of the metadatas.
                    columns_l.append(MaskedColumn(v, name=k, mask=masked_array_d[k], dtype=object))

            # return an `astropy.table.Table` object created from columns_l
            return Table(columns_l)

        The user will get `mocpy.MOC` object.
        # remove
        empty_order_removed_d = {}
        for order, ipix_l in result.items():
            if len(ipix_l) > 0:
                empty_order_removed_d.update({order: ipix_l})

        # return a `mocpy.MOC` object. See https://github.com/cds-astro/mocpy and the MOCPy's doc
        return MOC.from_json(empty_order_removed_d)
예제 #38
from mocpy import MOC, WCS
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle

from matplotlib.path import Path
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch

import astropy.units as u

moc = MOC.from_fits('polygon_moc.fits')
skycoords = moc.get_boundaries()

# Plot the MOC using matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(111, figsize=(10, 10))
# Define a astropy WCS easily
with WCS(fig, 
        fov=20 * u.deg,
        center=SkyCoord(10, 5, unit='deg', frame='icrs'),
        rotation=Angle(0, u.degree),
        # The gnomonic projection transforms great circles into straight lines.
        projection="TAN") as wcs:
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=wcs)
    # Call fill with a matplotlib axe and the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` wcs object.
    moc.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="red", linewidth=1)
    moc.border(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=1, color="red")

    # Plot the border
    from astropy.wcs.utils import skycoord_to_pixel
    x, y = skycoord_to_pixel(skycoords[0], wcs)
    p = Path(np.vstack((x, y)).T)