def umount(image_file): loop_device = get_mount_loop_device(image_file) if loop_device != "": print(run_shell('udisksctl loop-delete -b ' + loop_device)) print(run_shell('udisksctl unmount -b ' + loop_device + 'p1')) print(run_shell('udisksctl unmount -b ' + loop_device + 'p2')) print(run_shell('udisksctl unmount -b ' + loop_device + 'p3'))
def mount_point(image_file, pat): loop_device = get_mount_loop_device(image_file) if loop_device != "": point = run_shell('udisksctl info -b ' + loop_device + 'p' + str(pat) + ' | grep MountPoints | awk \'{print $2}\'').strip( '\n') return point return None
def gen_symbols(file, target_file, force): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(target_file))) except FileExistsError: pass if os.path.exists(cache_file_name) and not force: cache_file = open(cache_file_name, "r") cache_line = cache_file.readlines() if len(cache_line) == 1: line = cache_line[0].split("?") filename = line[0].strip() if len(line) > 1 and filename == file: time = line[1].strip() if time == datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(file)).strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"): print("ksybs is cached. do nothing.") cache_file.close() return None cache_file.close() smps = run_shell("nm \"" + file + "\" -C | sort | uniq", None, False) lines = smps.splitlines(False) output = open(target_file, 'wb') output.write(struct.pack("Q", 0xF0EAEACC)) # magic output.write(struct.pack("Q", 1)) # version output.write(struct.pack("Q", len(lines))) # list count print("revice %d symbols" % len(lines)) offset = 0 list = [] for line in lines: v = line.split(" ") addr = v[0].strip() name = " ".join(v[2:]) type_name = v[1].strip() output.write(struct.pack("Q", int(addr, 16))) output.write(struct.pack("Q", offset)) list.append((name, offset, type_name)) offset += len(name.encode("utf-8")) + 2 for it in list: output.write(struct.pack("c", it[2].encode("utf-8"))) # type output.write( struct.pack(str(len(it[0]) + 1) + "s", it[0].encode('utf-8'))) # name output.close() cache_file = open(cache_file_name, "w") cache_file.write(file + "?" + datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getmtime(file)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) cache_file.close() print("make %s success" % (os.path.realpath(target_file)))
def mount(image_file): image_file = os.path.realpath(image_file) current_loop_device = get_mount_loop_device(image_file) if current_loop_device == "": current_loop_device = run_shell('udisksctl loop-setup -f ' + image_file + " | awk '{print $5}'").strip('\n') config = configparser.ConfigParser() if config.has_section(image_file) == False: config.add_section(image_file) config.set(image_file, "loop_device", "") assert current_loop_device != '' current_loop_device = current_loop_device[0:-1] config.set(image_file, "loop_device", current_loop_device) config.write(open(cfg_file_name, 'w')) run_shell("udisksctl mount -b " + current_loop_device + "p1").strip('\n') run_shell("udisksctl mount -b " + current_loop_device + "p2").strip('\n') print(current_loop_device)
def get_mount_loop_device(image_file): image_file = os.path.realpath(image_file) config = configparser.ConfigParser() if config.has_section(image_file): dev = config.get(image_file, "loop_device") if dev == "": return "" point = run_shell('udisksctl info -b ' + dev + ' | grep BackingFile | awk \'{print $2}\'', print_command=False).strip('\n') if point != image_file: config.set(image_file, "loop_device", "") config.write(open(cfg_file_name, 'w')) return "" return dev return ""
"--source", action='store_true', help="show source code") parser.add_argument("component", type=str, nargs="+", choices=choices, help="the component want to decompile") args = parser.parse_args() cmd = "objdump " if args.detail: cmd += "-l " if args.source: cmd += "-S " cmd += "-d --section=.text -C -l -m" targets = args.component for target in targets: tp = fileMap.get(target, "") if tp != "": print("find target at ", tp) run_shell(cmd + "i386:x86-64 " + tp + " > " + os.path.split(tp)[0] + "/" + target + ".dbg.S") print("%d target(s) is generated." % (len(targets))) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() parser.print_help() exit(-1)
action='store_true', help="try don't show window") parser.add_argument("emulator_name", type=str, choices=["q", "b", "v"], help="q: run qemu\nb: run bochs\nv: run virtual box") base_mnt = mount_point("../run/image/disk.img", 2) args = parser.parse_args() if base_mnt == "" or base_mnt == None: print("Mount disk before run.\n try 'python mount'") exit(-1) try: run_shell('cp -R ../build/bin/system/* ' + base_mnt + '/boot/') run_shell('sync') tp = args.emulator_name if tp == 'q': if args.nographic: print('run qemu without graphic') run_shell(qemu_headless) else: print("run qemu") run_shell(qemu) elif tp == 'b': print('run bochs') run_shell_input(bochs) elif tp == 'v': print('run VBox')