예제 #1
    def sendPressed(self, inp=None):

            text = self.input.get()
            index = int(self.listbox.curselection()[0])
            if (self.checkWhisper.get()):
                message = Message(text, self.manager.myIp, 'whisper')
                users = self.manager.contactManager.users
                user = users[self.usersListBox[index]].nickname()
                self.sendToUI("You -> " + user + ": " + message.content())

                message = Message(self.input.get(),
                                  self.manager.contactManager.mySelf, "say")
                if (int(self.listbox.curselection()[0]) != 0):
                    message._to = self.usersListBox[
            self.input.delete(0, 'end')

        except Exception as e:
            print "Error on sendPressed: ", e
예제 #2
class TestMessageData(TestSuite):
    message1_dict = {
        'message_id': 3,
        'username': "******",
        'first': "Andrew",
        'last': "Jarombek",
        'group_name': 'alumni',
        'time': datetime.fromisoformat('2019-11-25'),
        'content': "Test Message 1",
        'deleted': None

    message2_dict = {
        'message_id': 4,
        'username': "******",
        'first': "Andrew",
        'last': "Jarombek",
        'group_name': 'alumni',
        'time': datetime.fromisoformat('2019-11-25'),
        'content': "Test Message 2",
        'deleted': True

    message1 = MessageData(Message(message1_dict))
    message1copy = MessageData(Message(message1_dict))

    message2 = MessageData(Message(message2_dict))

    def test_message_data_str(self) -> None:
        Prove that the human readable string representation of a MessageData object is as expected.
        log_str = 'MessageData: [message_id: 3, username: andy, first: Andrew, last: Jarombek, ' \
            "group_name: alumni, time: 2019-11-25 00:00:00, content: Test Message 1, deleted: None]"

        self.maxDiff = None
        self.assertEquals(str(self.message1), log_str)
        self.assertEquals(self.message1.__str__(), log_str)

    def test_message_data_repr(self) -> None:
        Prove that the machine readable string representation of a MessageData object is as expected.
        self.assertEquals(repr(self.message1), "<MessageData 3>")
        self.assertEquals(self.message1.__repr__(), "<MessageData 3>")

    def test_message_data_eq(self) -> None:
        Prove that two MessageData objects with the same property values test positive for value equality.
        self.assertTrue(self.message1 == self.message1copy)

    def test_message_data_ne(self) -> None:
        Prove that two MessageData objects with different property values test negative for value equality.
        self.assertTrue(self.message1 != self.message2)
예제 #3
	def update(self):
		# If there is any input from network, relay onto message bus
			data = self.sock.recv(256).decode('utf-8')
			data = data.split('~')
			if data[0] == "KEYDOWN":
				msg = Message(sender=self, target=None, msgType=MsgType.eMsgType_KeyPressed, data=data[1])
			elif data[0] == "KEYUP":
				msg = Message(sender=self, target=None, msgType=MsgType.eMsgType_KeyReleased, data=data[1])
			'''no data yet..'''
예제 #4
 def update(self):
     for event in tdl.event.get():  # Iterate over recent events.
         if event.type == 'KEYDOWN':
             if event.keychar not in IGNORED_INPUTS:
                 msg = Message(sender=self,
         if event.type == 'KEYUP':
             if event.keychar not in IGNORED_INPUTS:
                 msg = Message(sender=self,
예제 #5
 def test_to_tuple_with_correct_data(self):
     message = Message("[21.10.17, 16:19:29] Christian: Hello Testing")
             "Christian", "Hello Testing",
             datetime(2017, 10, 21, 16, 19, 29)
예제 #6
 def move(self, entity, vector2D):
     msg = Message(sender=self,
                       "entity": entity,
                       "vector2D": vector2D
예제 #7
 def test_init_with_correct_data(self):
     message = Message(
         "[21.10.17, 16:19:29] Christian: Ähm i büd ma ei i hob gsogt i wü kan tequila mea, oba ds büd i ma wsl nua ei😂🙈"
         "Ähm i büd ma ei i hob gsogt i wü kan tequila mea, oba ds büd i ma wsl nua ei😂🙈"
     self.assertEqual(message.date_time, datetime(2017, 10, 21, 16, 19, 29))
     self.assertEqual(message.writer, "Christian")
예제 #8
	def keyPressed(self, key):
		if key.upper() in MOVEMENT_KEYS:
			self.move(self.player, MOVEMENT_KEYS[key.upper()])
		elif key.upper() in ACTION_KEYS:
			self.action(self.player, ACTION_KEYS[key.upper()])
		elif key.upper() == "SHIFT":
			self.shiftModifier = True
		elif key.upper() == "Q":
			msg = Message(sender=self, target=None, msgType=MsgType.eMsgType_Quit)
def decodeTemporaryMessage(dict):
    message = Message(dict['message_id'],1, dict['intervention_session_id'])
    message.miniplan_id = dict['miniplan_temporary_id']
    message.time = dict['range_hour_start']
    message.channel = dict['channel']
    message.date = dict['range_day_start']
    message.attached_audio = dict['audio']
    message.attached_media = dict['media']
    message.message_text = dict['text']
    message.URL = dict['url']
    return message
예제 #10
	def init(self):

		# Init state of the game...
		self.player = Player(50, 50, "@", self.msgBus)#, aiType=AIType.AIType_Zombie)

		# Force camera to follow player entity
		msg = Message(sender=self, target=None, msgType=MsgType.eMsgType_CameraFollowEntity, data=self.player)

		self.generateMap(100, 100)
예제 #11
	def removeEntityAt(self, x, y):
		toRemove = []
		for entity in self.entities:
			if entity.x == x and entity.y == y:
				msg = Message(sender=self, target=None, msgType=MsgType.eMsgType_RemoveEntity, data=entity)

				# Mark for removal

		# Remove all entities from local cache
		for entity in toRemove:
예제 #12
 def _send_messages(self, me: Wizard, move: Move):
     if me.master:
         teammates = [
             w for w in self.W.wizards
             if w.faction == self.FRIENDLY_FACTION and not w.me
         self.log('found %d teammates' % len(teammates))
         if teammates:
             direction = [
                 Message(LaneType.MIDDLE, None, None),
                 Message(LaneType.TOP, None, None),
                 Message(LaneType.BOTTOM, None, None)
             index = 0
             msgs = []
             for i in range(0, len(teammates)):
                 index += 1
                 if index >= len(direction):
                     index = 0
             self.log('send %d msgs' % len(msgs))
             move.messages = msgs
예제 #13
 def init(self, me, move, world):
     self.x = me.x
     self.y = me.y
     self.target_point_x, self.target_point_y = self.x, self.y
     self.faction = me.faction
     if self.faction == Faction.ACADEMY:
         self.enemy_faction = Faction.RENEGADES
         self.enemy_faction = Faction.ACADEMY
     if me.master:
         move.messages = [
             Message(LaneType.MIDDLE, None, None),
             Message(LaneType.BOTTOM, None, None),
             Message(LaneType.BOTTOM, None, None),
             Message(LaneType.BOTTOM, None, None)
         self.lane = LaneType.TOP
     '''Get enemy towers coordinates. Mirror own towers coordinate.
     for i in world.buildings:
         if i.faction == self.faction:
             [world.width - i.x, world.width - i.y])
     self.enemy_towers_coordinates = [[1687.8740025771563, 50.0],
                                      [2629.339679648397, 350.0],
                                      [2070.710678118655, 1600.0],
                                      ], [3650.0, 2343.2513553373133],
                                      [3950.0, 1306.7422221916627]]
     for i in range(0, 17):
         if i <= 8:
             self.waypoints_TOP.append([200, 4000 - i * 400 - 250])
             self.waypoints_BOT.append([i * 400 + 250, 3750])
             self.waypoints_TOP.append([(i - 8) * 400 + 250, 250])
             self.waypoints_BOT.append([3750, 4000 - (i - 8) * 400 - 250])
     for i in range(0, 9):
         self.waypoints_MID.append([i * 400 + 250, 4000 - i * 400 - 250])
def mapMessage(message_dict):
    message = Message(message_dict['message_id'], message_dict['user_id'], message_dict['intervention_session_id'])
    message.URL = message_dict['URL']
    message.attached_media = message_dict['attached_media']
    message.attached_audio = message_dict['attached_audio']
    message.channel = message_dict['channel']
    message.message_text = message_dict['message_text']
    message.miniplan_id = message_dict['miniplan_id']
    message.pilot_id = message_dict['pilot_id']
    if message_dict['date'] != '':
        message.date = datetime.strptime(message_dict['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
    if message_dict['time'] != '':
        message.time = datetime.strptime(message_dict['time'], '%H:%M:%S')
    return message
예제 #15
 def __init__(self, initialX, initialY, char, msgBus, aiType=None):
     self.x = initialX
     self.y = initialY
     self.char = char
     self.aiType = aiType
     self.msgBus = msgBus
     self.moves = [[0, 1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1]]
     self.sightRange = 5
     if aiType != None:
         msg = Message(sender=self,
def decodeMessage(dict):
    message = Message(dict['message_id'], dict['user_id'], dict['intervention_session_id'])
    message.miniplan_id = dict['miniplan_id']
    message.pilot_id = dict['pilot_id']
    message.time_2 = dict['time_2']
    message.time_1 = dict['time_1']
    message.time = dict['time']
    message.channel = dict['channel']
    message.date = dict['date']
    message.expiration_date = dict['expiration_date']
    message.attached_audio = dict['attached_audio']
    message.attached_media = dict['attached_media']
    message.message_text = dict['message_text']
    message.URL = dict['URL']
    return message
예제 #17
    def get_message(self, msg_id):
        # possible formats: ['full', 'metadata', 'minimal', 'raw']
        subject = None
        msg = self.service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=msg_id).execute()

        # parse date
        date = float(msg['internalDate']) / 1000
        date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(date)

        # parse subject
        headers = msg['payload']['headers']
        for header in headers:
            if header['name'] == 'Subject':
                subject = header['value']

        # parse attachments
        attachments_raw = []
        for part in msg['payload']['parts']:
            if part['filename']:
                attachments_raw.append((part['filename'], part['body']['attachmentId']))

        attachments = []
        for attachment in attachments_raw:
            att = self.service.users().messages().attachments().get(
                userId='me', id=attachment[1], messageId=msg_id).execute()
            data = att['data']

            file_data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data.encode('UTF-8'))

            attachments.append(Attachment(attachment[0], file_data))

        # parse body
        parts = msg['payload']['parts']

        data = self._get_data(parts)
        clean = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(clean, "lxml")
        body = soup.find_all('p')[0].text

        return Message(date, subject, body, attachments)
예제 #18
def schedulePeriodic(request, resource, template, aged):
    print "Schedule Day"
    errors = {}

    if type(request.from_date) is not datetime:
        times = convertDatetime(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        expirationtime = times[3]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = timedelta(days=template.period * 7)
        expirationtime = resource.to_date
        if expirationtime == None:
            expirationtime = endtime

    valid_interval = endtime - startime
    if valid_interval > period:
        endtime = startime + period

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax

    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages:
        messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages)
        msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    day_of_event = mapDay(resource.on_day)
    if day_of_event == None:
        errors['ErrorNoDay'] = 'Error no day specified for periodic messages'
        miniplan = []
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    c = 0
    i = 0
    current_date = startime.date()
    while current_date < endtime.date():
        if current_date.weekday() == day_of_event - 1:
            if c % int(resource.every) == 0:
                if i > lenloop:
                miniplan[i].date = current_date
                miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None)
                miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio']
                miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media']
                miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL']
                miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel']
                miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'],
                i += 1
            c += 1

        current_date += timedelta(days=1)

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #19
def scheduleEDPPendulum(request, resource, template, aged):
    print "_______________SCHEDULEEDPPENDULUM_______________"
        Returns the miniplan with the temporal interval between the msgs divided equally with Pendulum
        :param request: a request class
        :param template: a template class
        :param aged: a user class
        :return: a miniplan that is a list of messages class with all the fields completed
    errors = {}
    miniplanID = uuid.uuid4()

    u = generateXMLDoc(aged)
    r = generateXMLDoc(resource)
    c = None  # per ora non usato
    #todo: tenuta provvisoria per la demo, bisogna stabilire una struttura standard
    templateInfo = {}
    templateInfo['tags'] = template.message_structure
    templateInfo['tone'] = "Neutral"

    if type(request.from_date) is not Pendulum:
        times = convertPendulum(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = pendulum.Period(startime, startime.add(weeks=template.period))

    valid_interval = endtime - startime
    if valid_interval > period:
        errors['Interval changed'] = 'Duration of the template(' + str(
            period) + ') less than interval set by the care giver'
        valid_interval = period

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax and template.nmsgmax > template.nmsgmin:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax

    # creates miniplan that is a list of messages
    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    messages = getResourceMessages(resource.resource_id)

    if messages is None:
        errors = {'Error': 'Messages not found'}
        miniplan = {}
        return errors, miniplan

    msgs_tosend = selectMessages(messages, nmsg, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, None, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    step_send_msg = valid_interval / lenloop

    date = startime + (step_send_msg / 2)
    for i in range(0, lenloop):
        miniplan[i].miniplan_id = miniplanID
        miniplan[i].date = date.date()
        miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None)

        miniplan[i].message_text = buildMessage(aged, msgs_tosend[i])
        message_body = msgs_tosend[i]['Text']
        m = createMessageJson(message_body, templateInfo)
        miniplan[i].message_text = composeMessage(u, r, c, m)

        miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i].audio
        miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i].media
        miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i].url
        miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i].channels[0]['channel_name']
        miniplan[i].time_1 = date.date()
        miniplan[i].time_2 = date.add(days=1).date()
        miniplan[i].intervention_session_id = request.intervention_session_id
        miniplan[i].pilot_id = request.pilot_id

        date += step_send_msg

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #20
 def test_replacing_commas_without_commas(self):
     message = Message("[21.10.17, 16:19:29] Christian: Hello Testing")
     self.assertEqual(message.body, "Hello Testing")
예제 #21
def scheduleLPendulum(request, resource, template, aged):
    print "_______________SCHEDULEPENDULUM_______________"
    Returns the miniplan scheduled with more frequency at the end of the interval
    It divides the interval for every msg with logaritmic growth:1 1/2 1/3 1/4
    Check on period(valid weeks): if request interval is larger that period then user period as interval
    Last message always sent the day before the event
    With Pendulum
    :param request: a request class
    :param template: a template class
    :param aged: a user class
    :return: a miniplan that is a list of messages class with all the fields completed
    errors = {}
    miniplanID = uuid.uuid4()

    u = generateXMLDoc(aged)
    r = generateXMLDoc(resource)
    c = None  # per ora non usato
    # todo: tenuta provvisoria per la demo, bisogna stabilire una struttura standard
    templateInfo = {}
    templateInfo['tags'] = template.message_structure
    templateInfo['tone'] = "Neutral"

    if type(request.from_date) is not Pendulum:
        times = convertPendulum(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        expirationtime = times[3]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = pendulum.Period(startime, startime.add(weeks=template.period))
        expirationtime = resource.to_date
        if expirationtime == None:
            expirationtime = endtime

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax

    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    valid_interval = endtime - startime
    if valid_interval > period:
        errors['Interval changed'] = 'Duration of the template(' + str(
            period) + ') less than interval set by the care giver'
        valid_interval = period

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    messages = getResourceMessages(resource.resource_id)

    if messages is None:
        errors = {'Error': 'Messages not found'}
        miniplan = {}
        return errors, miniplan

    msgs_tosend = selectMessages(messages, nmsg, channels)

    with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages:
        messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages)
        msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    for i in range(0, lenloop):
        date = endtime - valid_interval

        miniplan[i].miniplan_id = miniplanID

        miniplan[i].date = date.date()
        miniplan[i].time_1 = date.date()
        miniplan[i].time_2 = date.add(days=1).date()

        miniplan[i].time = scheduleHourFromDate(aged, date).time()

        # miniplan[i].message_text = buildMessage(aged, msgs_tosend[i])
        message_body = msgs_tosend[i]['Text']
        m = createMessageJson(message_body, templateInfo)
        miniplan[i].message_text = composeMessage(u, r, c, m)

        miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i].audio
        miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i].media
        miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i].url
        miniplan[i].message_id = msgs_tosend[i].message_id

        miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i].channels[0]['channel_name']

        miniplan[i].intervention_session_id = request.intervention_session_id
        miniplan[i].pilot_id = request.pilot_id

        valid_interval = valid_interval / (i + 2)

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDayPendulum(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #22
def schedule(request, resource, template, aged):
    print "_______________SCHEDULE_______________"
    errors = {}

    if type(request.from_date) is not Pendulum:
        times = convertPendulum(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        expirationtime = times[3]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = pendulum.Period(startime, startime.add(weeks=template.period))
        expirationtime = resource.to_date
        if expirationtime == None:
            expirationtime = endtime

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax and template.nmsgmax > template.nmsgmin:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax

    # creates miniplan that is a list of messages
    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages:
        messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages)
        msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels)

    messages = getResourceMessages(resource.resource_id)

    msgs_tosend = selectMessages(messages, nmsg, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, None, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    for i in range(0, lenloop):
        miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'], msgs_tosend[i]['URL'])
        miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio']
        miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media']
        miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL']
        miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel']

    miniplan = ED(miniplan, lenloop, startime, endtime, period, aged)

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #23
 def test_to_tuple_with_empty_body(self):
     message = Message("[21.10.17, 16:19:29] Christian:")
         tuple(["Christian", "",
                datetime(2017, 10, 21, 16, 19, 29)]))
예제 #24
 def test_init_with_empty_message_line(self):
     message = Message("")
     self.assertEqual(message.body, "")
     self.assertEqual(message.date_time, None)
     self.assertEqual(message.writer, "")
예제 #25
def schedulePPendulum(request, resource, template, aged):
    errors = {}

    u = generateXMLDoc(aged)
    r = generateXMLDoc(resource)
    c = None  # per ora non usato
    templateInfo = {}
    templateInfo['tags'] = template.message_structure
    #todo il tone e' da aggiungere come parametro alla classe template--> template.tone
    #templateInfo['tone'] = template.tone
    templateInfo['tone'] = "Neutral"

    if type(request.from_date) is not Pendulum:
        times = convertPendulum(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        expirationtime = times[3]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = pendulum.Period(startime, startime.add(weeks=template.period))
        expirationtime = resource.to_date
        if expirationtime == None:
            expirationtime = endtime

    valid_interval = endtime - startime
    if valid_interval > period:
        valid_interval = period

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax

    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    miniplanID = uuid.uuid4()

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages:
        messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages)
        msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    day_of_event = mapDay(resource.on_day)
    if day_of_event == None:
        errors['ErrorNoDay'] = 'Error no day specified for periodic messages'
        miniplan = []
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    c = 0
    i = 0
    for dt in valid_interval.range("days"):
        if dt.day_of_week == day_of_event:
            if c % int(resource.every) == 0:
                if i > lenloop:
                miniplan[i].miniplan_id = miniplanID
                miniplan[i].date = dt.date()
                miniplan[i].time_1 = dt.date()
                miniplan[i].time_2 = dt.subtract(days=1).date()
                miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None)
                miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio']
                miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media']
                miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL']

                miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel']
                #miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'],msgs_tosend[i]['URL'])
                message_body = msgs_tosend[i]['Text']
                m = createMessageJson(message_body, templateInfo)
                miniplan[i].message_text = composeMessage(u, r, c, m)

                miniplan[i].intervention_session_id = request.intervention_session_id
                miniplan[i].pilot_id = request.pilot_id

                i += 1
            c += 1

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #26
def parse_messages(fp):
    messages = extract_messages_lines(fp)
    messages = [Message(message) for message in messages]
    return messages
예제 #27
def scheduleLogarithmic(request, resource, template, aged):
    Returns the miniplan scheduled with more frequency at the end of the interval
    It divides the interval for every msg with logaritmic growth:1 1/2 1/3 1/4
    Check on period(valid weeks): if request interval is larger that period then user period as interval
    Last message always sent the day before the event
    :param request: a request class
    :param template: a template class
    :param aged: a user class
    :return: a miniplan that is a list of messages class with all the fields completed
    print "Schedule Day"
    errors = {}

    if type(request.from_date) is not datetime:
        times = convertDatetime(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        expirationtime = times[3]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = timedelta(days=template.period * 7)
        expirationtime = resource.to_date
        if expirationtime == None:
            expirationtime = endtime

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax

    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    valid_interval = endtime - startime
    if valid_interval > period:
        valid_interval = period

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages:
        messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages)
        msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, expirationtime, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    valid_interval = timedelta(seconds=valid_interval.total_seconds())
    for i in range(0, lenloop):
        date = endtime - valid_interval

        miniplan[i].date = date.date()

        miniplan[i].time = scheduleHourFromDate(aged, date).time()

        miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'], msgs_tosend[i]['URL'])

        miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio']
        miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media']
        miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL']
        miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel']

        valid_interval = timedelta(seconds=valid_interval.total_seconds() / (i + 2))

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #28
def scheduleEquallyDividedPeriod(request, resource, template, aged):
    Returns the miniplan with the temporal interval between the msgs divided equally
    :param request: a request class
    :param template: a template class
    :param aged: a user class
    :return: a miniplan that is a list of messages class with all the fields completed
    print "Schedule Day"
    errors = {}

    if type(request.from_date) is not datetime:
        times = convertDatetime(request, template, resource)
        startime = times[0]
        endtime = times[1]
        period = times[2]
        startime = request.from_date
        endtime = request.to_date
        period = timedelta(days=template.period * 7)

    valid_interval = endtime - startime
    if valid_interval > period:
        valid_interval = period

    if template.nmsgmin != template.nmsgmax:
        nmsg = rnd.randrange(template.nmsgmin, template.nmsgmax + 1)
        nmsg = template.nmsgmax
    step_send_msg = valid_interval / nmsg

    # creates miniplan that is a list of messages
    miniplan = [Message(count, aged.aged_id, intervention_session_id=1) for count in xrange(nmsg)]

    channels = getChannelsAvailable(template, aged)

    with open('csv/prova_import_messages.csv') as csvmessages:
        messages = csv.DictReader(csvmessages)
        msgs_tosend = getListMessages(messages, nmsg, resource, channels)

    er = checkForErrors(errors, endtime, None, startime, miniplan, nmsg, len(msgs_tosend))
    errors = er[0]
    miniplan = er[1]
    if er[2]:
        endtime = er[3]
        return errors, miniplan

    # length of the loop depending on the msgs found
    if len(msgs_tosend) < nmsg:
        lenloop = len(msgs_tosend)
        lenloop = nmsg

    # for nmsg fill the miniplan msgs
    date = startime
    for i in range(0, lenloop):
        miniplan[i].date = date.date()
        miniplan[i].time = scheduleHour(aged, None)
        miniplan[i].message_text = generate_message_text(aged, msgs_tosend[i]['Text'], msgs_tosend[i]['URL'])
        miniplan[i].attached_audio = msgs_tosend[i]['Audio']
        miniplan[i].attached_media = msgs_tosend[i]['Media']
        miniplan[i].URL = msgs_tosend[i]['URL']
        miniplan[i].channel = msgs_tosend[i]['Channel']

        date += step_send_msg

    miniplan = checkMsgsOneDay(miniplan, endtime)

    return errors, miniplan
예제 #29
    def read_message(self):
        if not self.read_boolean():
            return None

        return Message(self.read_enum(LaneType), self.read_enum(SkillType),
예제 #30
 def test_init_with_empty_body(self):
     message = Message("[21.10.17, 16:19:29] Christian:")
     self.assertEqual(message.body, "")
     self.assertEqual(message.date_time, datetime(2017, 10, 21, 16, 19, 29))
     self.assertEqual(message.writer, "Christian")