예제 #1
class Post:

    topic = Topic("", None, None)
    user = User("", "", "")
    postDate = ""
    content = ""

    def __init__(self, postDate, content, topic, user):
        self.topic = topic
        self.user = user
        self.postDate = postDate
        self.content = content

    def creationPost(content, idTopic, idUser):
        return bdd.creationPost(content, idTopic, idUser)

    def listePost(idTopic):
        return bdd.listePost(idTopic)

    def suppressionPost(idPost):
        return bdd.suppressionPost(idPost)

    def miseAjourPost(idPost, content):
        return bdd.miseAjourPost(idPost, content)
예제 #2
def step_impl(context):
    # Setup environment
    # Setup Topic object
    context.pose = Topic(u"/odometry/base_raw/pose")
    # Begin capture of Topic Echo for 10 lines
    context.starting_echo = context.pose.echo(10)
    # Map return value from echo to object of type msgs/nav_msgs/Odometry
    starting_position = Odometry(context.starting_echo)
    # Store starting position to shared context
    context.starting_position = starting_position
예제 #3
    print("Класс",klass1.get_number_today(), klass1.get_letter())

    teacher1 = Teacher(first_name="Иванова", second_name="Мария", patronymic="Петровна")
    teacher2 = Teacher(first_name="Гунёва", second_name="Раисия", patronymic="Петровна")

    subject1 = Subject(item_name="Математика", teacher=teacher1)
    subject2 = Subject(item_name="Биология", teacher=teacher2)
    """Темы занятий"""
    topic1 = Topic(name_topic="Дроби")
    topic2 = Topic(name_topic="Рациональные числа")
    topic3 = Topic(name_topic="Анатомия человека")
    topic4 = Topic(name_topic="Физиология человека")

    studying1 = Studying(hour=2, klas=klass1, syllabus=syllabus1, subject=subject1, teacher=teacher1)
    sub_topic = Subtheme(studying=studying1, topic=topic1)
    sub_topic1 = Subtheme(studying=studying1, topic=topic2)
    sub_topic2 = Subtheme(studying=studying1, topic=topic3)
    sub_topic3 = Subtheme(studying=studying1, topic=topic4)
    studying1.get_sub_themes().extend([sub_topic, sub_topic1, sub_topic2, sub_topic3])
예제 #4
def step_impl(context, velocity_command, orientation_command):
    context.cmd_vel = Topic(u"/twist_mux/cmd_vel")
    # Publish supplied command to the topic and watch for feedback marker
    context.cmd_vel.rostopic_pub(u"geometry_msgs/Twist", velocity_command, orientation_command,
                                 u"publishing and latching message.")