def editAlbum(webin): """ Handles the api/editAlbum request """ cks = webin.checkSessionResponse() if cks: return cks sess = webin.session user = sess.user cob = json.loads(webin.content()) Logr.log("api", "COB: " + str(cob)) topic = cob.get("topic", None) albumD = album.loadAlbumD(topic, webin.pageStore) Logr.log("api", "ALBUM: " + str(album.__dict__)) if albumD.owner != user: return failResponse("notOwner") Logr.log("api", "EDITING ALBUM " + topic) caption = cob.get("caption", None) if caption == None: caption = "unnamed" description = cob.get("description", None) if description == None: description = "" albumD.caption = caption albumD.description = description albumD.externalLink = cob.get("externalLink", None) albumD.dynsave() albumD.updateS3() return okResponse(albumD.__dict__)
def loadAlbum(u, inm, aid, altCaption=None): tp = albumTopic(u, inm, aid) albumList.append(tp) vprint("loading ", tp) #albums[u+"_"+inm+"_"+aid] = models.loadAlbumD(tp) alb = album.loadAlbumD(tp) if alb == None: print "MISSING ", tp if altCaption != None: alb.caption = altCaption albums[tp] = alb.__dict__
def deleteAlbum(webin): cks = webin.checkSessionResponse() if cks: return cks sess = webin.session user = sess.user cob = json.loads(webin.content()) Logr.log("api", "DELETE SNAP COB: " + str(cob)) topic = cob["topic"] albumD = album.loadAlbumD(topic, webin.pageStore) if not albumD: return okResponse("already deleted") if user != albumD.owner: return failResponse("notOwner") """ todo :delete the snaps db file """ albumD.delete() #snaps.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return okResponse()
def publishAlbum(webin): cks = webin.checkSessionResponse() if cks: return cks sess = webin.session user = sess.user cob = json.loads(webin.content()) Logr.log("api", "COB: " + str(cob)) topic = cob.get("topic", None) albumD = album.loadAlbumD(topic, webin.pageStore) if albumD.owner != user: failResponse("notOwner") Logr.log("api", "EDITING ALBUM " + topic) albumD.publish() #compressJs=constants.compressJs) #snaps.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return okResponse()
def editImage(webin): """ Handles the api/addSnap request; this is used for editing snaps too """ cks = webin.checkSessionResponse() if cks: return cks sess = webin.session user = sess.user uname = models.pathLast(user) # Logr.activeTags = ["dispatch","api"] #Logr.log("api",str(napi.__dict__)) cob = json.loads(webin.content()) Logr.log("api", "COB: " + str(cob)) imagetopic = cob["image"] albumTopic = cob.get("albumTopic", None) albumTitle = cob.get("albumTitle", "") albumDescription = cob.get("albumDescription", "") imD = image.loadImageD(imagetopic, webin.pageStore) Logr.log("api", "IMD " + str(imD.__dict__)) imowner = getattr(imD, "owner", None) Logr.log("api", "OWNER " + str(imowner)) if not imowner: imowner = getattr(imD, "user", None) imD.owner = imowner if user != imowner: return failResponse("notOwner") imD.title = cob["title"] imD.description = cob["description"] = cob.get("author", None) imD.year = cob.get("year", None) imD.externalLink = cob.get("externalLink", None) imD.isPublic = cob.get("isPublic", None) imD.license = cob.get("license", None) imD.tags = cob.get("tags", None) imD.dynsave() if albumTopic: albumD = album.loadAlbumD(albumTopic, webin.pageStore) albumD.caption = albumTitle albumD.description = albumDescription albumD.dynsave() return okResponse({"title": imD.title, "description": imD.description})
def emitJson(webin): itm = time.time() sess = getattr(webin, "session", None) user = None if sess: user = sess.user jsonMimeType = "application/json" #jsonMimeType = "text/plain"; jsonMissing = json.dumps({"status": "error", "id": "missing"}) path = webin.path parsedPath = parseApiPath(webin.path) name = category = parsedPath.category owner = parsedPath.owner vprint("category", category) if category == "image": imageTopic = "/image/" + owner + "/" + name #albumTopic = "/album/"+imowner+"/"+imname+"/"+album; Logr.log("api", "imageTopic=" + imageTopic) im = image.loadImageD(imageTopic, webin.pageStore) if not im: #todo add error page here return WebResponse('200 OK', jsonMimeType, jsonMissing) #Logr.log("api","IMAGE "+str(im.__dict__)) #print "IMAGE",im.__dict__ imob = {} improps = [ "topic", "externalLink", "dimensions", "author", "title", "owner", "tags", "description", "name", "year", "tilingDepth", "license", "shared", "beenTiled", "atS3", "current_item_create_time", "source", "isPublic", "s3Storage" ] misc.setDictPropsFromObject(imob, im, improps) #imob = {"id":im.topic,"dimensions":im.dimensions,"title":getattr(im,"title",""),"owner":"/user/"+owner, # "author":getattr(im,"author",""),"source":getattr(im,"source",""),"externalLink":getattr(im,"externalLink","")} #js = json.dumps(im.__dict__) #Logr.log("api","IMAGEJS"+js) js = json.dumps(imob) Logr.log("api", "IMAGEJS2" + js) return WebResponse('200 OK', jsonMimeType, js) if category == "album": """ the album id "-" means the snaps album of the current user """ imname = getattr(parsedPath, "name", None) id = getattr(parsedPath, "id", None) if not id: js = json.dumps({"status": "error", "id": "bad_path"}) return WebResponse('200 OK', jsonMimeType, js) albumTopic = "/album/" + owner + "/" + imname + "/" + id imTopic = "/image/" + owner + "/" + imname #ofl = open("/mnt/ebs0/imagediverdev/static"+albumTopic+"/topic.json","w") if id == "-": # the snaps album, if any if not user: return failResponse("missing") sna = dynamo.getSnapsAlbumTopic(imTopic, user) if sna: albumTopic = sna else: return failResponse("missing") albumD = album.loadAlbumD(albumTopic, webin.pageStore) js = albumD.compute_json(wrapInStatus=True) #snapst.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return WebResponse('200 OK', jsonMimeType, js) if category == "snap": imname = getattr(parsedPath, "name", None) id = getattr(parsedPath, "id", None) subid = getattr(parsedPath, "subid", None) if (not id) or (not subid): js = json.dumps({"status": "error", "id": "bad_path"}) return WebResponse('200 OK', jsonMimeType, js) snapTopic = "/snap/" + owner + "/" + imname + "/" + id + "/" + subid #ofl = open("/mnt/ebs0/imagediverdev/static"+albumTopic+"/topic.json","w") snapD = snapm.loadSnapD(snapTopic, webin.pageStore) js = snapD.compute_json(wrapInStatus=True) #snapst.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return WebResponse('200 OK', jsonMimeType, js) OBSOLETE() #ds = dstore.DStore(constants.descriptorStore) #imds = ds.descriptor(topicpath,'/type/imageD') snaps = models.snapsInAlbum(albumTopic) #theStore.topicsWithPropertyValue('/type/snapD','album',albumTopic) albums = models.albumsForImage(imageTopic) Logr.log("image", "snaps: " + str(snaps)) Logr.log("image", "image: " + str(im.__dict__)) Logr.log("image", "albums: " + str(albums)) snapDs = theStore.descriptor(snaps, '/type/snapD') albumDs = theStore.descriptor(albums, '/type/albumD') Logr.log("image", "albumDs" + str(albumDs)) thisAlbumD = None for albumD in albumDs: if albumD["topic"] == albumTopic: thisAlbumD = albumD break if im: otxt = pg0 + \ "<script>" + \ "var imD="+json.dumps(im.__dict__)+";\n" + \ "var snapDs="+json.dumps(snapDs)+";\n" + \ "var albumDs="+json.dumps(albumDs)+";\n"+ \ "var albumD="+json.dumps(thisAlbumD)+";\n"+ \ "var loggedInUser='******';\n" if forHomePage: otxt += "page.thisIsHomePage=1;\n" otxt += pg1 else: otxt = "NO SUCH IMAGE for " + topicpath snapst.closeStore(webin.pageStore) #Logr.log("image","description: "+str(imds)) return WebResponse('200 OK', 'text/html', otxt)
def emitAlbumPage(webin, parsedPath, parsedQuery, forHomePage): pageStore = {} import model.album album = model.album vprint("parsedQuery " + str(parsedQuery)) vprint("emitAlbumPage") sess = webin.session if sess == None: user = "" else: user = sess.user qs = getattr(webin, "queryString", None) published = 0 # is this the published version? """ now, if we're here its unpublished if qs: qsp = urlparse.parse_qs(qs) published = 0 if qsp.get('unpublished',False) else 1 """ name = Logr.log("newdb", str(name)) if len(name) < 3: return gen.emitNotFound(webin) #return gen.genStaticPage(webin,"ImageDiver Message"," <center><b>404</b></center><p><center>No such page</center></p>"); imowner = name[0] imname = name[1] albumname = name[2] albumTopic = "/album/" + imowner + "/" + imname + "/" + albumname imageTopic = "/image/" + imowner + "/" + imname if albumname == "-": albumD = "-" else: albumD = album.loadAlbumD(albumTopic, webin.pageStore) if not albumD: #todo add error page here return gen.genStaticPage(webin, "ImageDiver Message", "<center><b>No such album</b></center>") im = image.loadImageD(imageTopic, webin.pageStore) imHasAlbums = album.hasAlbums( imageTopic, user) # does this user have albums on this image imDict = models.toDict(im, [ "dimensions", "title", "name", "author", "year", "externalLink", "description", "owner", "topic", "tilingDepthBump", "zoomDepthBump", "source" ]) if albumD == "-": ownerD = models.loadUserD(user, webin.pageStore) ownerName = getattr(ownerD, "name", None) options = { "imageD": imDict, "imageTopic": imageTopic, "loggedInUser": user, "ownerName": ownerName, "albumOwner": user, "published": False } otxt = genAlbumPage(options) return htmlResponse(otxt) #print "IMDICT ",imDict author = getattr(im, "author", None) if author == None: author = "" else: author = ", " + author ttl = getattr(im, "title", "") albowner = albumD.owner vprint("OWNER ", albowner, user) if (not constants.devVersion) and (albowner != user): return gen.genStaticPage( webin, "ImageDiver Message", "<center><b>This is an unpublished album</b></center>") beenPublished = getattr(albumD, "published", 0) vprint("beenPublished", beenPublished) ownerD = models.loadUserD(albowner, webin.pageStore) ownerName = getattr(ownerD, "name", None) apub = getattr(albumD, "published", None) if published and (not apub): return gen.genStaticPage( webin, "ImageDiver Message", "<center><b>This album has not yet been published</b></center>") #imageTopic = albumD.image #options = {"imageD":imDict,"albumOwner":albumD.owner,"albumOwnerName":ownerName,"loggedInUser":user,"hasAlbums":imHasAlbums, # "albumTopic":albumD.topic,"published":published,"beenPublished":beenPublished,"path":"/"} options = { "imageD": imDict, "albumOwner": albumD.owner, "albumOwnerName": ownerName, "loggedInUser": user, "imTitle": ttl, "imAuthor": author, "albumTopic": albumD.topic, "imageTopic": imageTopic, "published": published, "beenPublished": beenPublished, "path": webin.path } vprint("OPTIONS", options) otxt = genAlbumPage(options) #snaps.closeStore(webin.pageStore) return htmlResponse(otxt)
ii = tl.findIntersectingTiles(rct,5,[]) print [ for t in ii] imdir = imd.imDir() ofl = imdir+"cfoob.jpg" afl = imdir+"afoob.jpg" #tl.assembleTiles(ii,ofl) tl.cropFromTiles(ofl,rct,targetWidth=500,targetHeight=None,targetArea=None,asmFile=afl) til = tl.tiles[0] ifl = til.filename() pim = image.openImageFile(ifl) aa = album.loadAlbumD('/album/4294b0e/the_dutch_proverbs/1') dyn.assertPublished(aa,True) cnts = image.albumCounts() albumD = aa published = getattr(albumD,"published",False) if published and not force: return albumD.published = 1 saveAlbum(albumD) im = albumD.image ii = dyn.getImageToAlbumsItem(albumD) tab = getTable("ImageToAlbums") ii["published"] = 1 ii.put()
import model.models models = model.models import model.image image = model.image import model.album album = model.album from model.image import Point,Rect import store.snaps snaps = store.snaps import jobs = import api.job ajob = api.job import ops.logs logs = ops.logs import store.log logstore = store.log albumD = album.loadAlbumD('/album/test22/t14/12') js = albumD.compute_json() print js albumD.publish()