def test_list(): c1 = Concept('_666') c2 = Concept('_999') l1 = Label('foo', 'en') l2 = Label('bar', 'de') lines = txt.list_concepts([c1, c2]) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == '_666\n_999\n' c1.pref_labels.append(l1) lines = txt.list_concepts([c1, c2]) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == 'foo\n_999\n' c1.alt_labels.append(l2) lines = txt.list_concepts([c1, c2]) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == 'foo\n_999\n' c2.alt_labels.append(l1) lines = txt.list_concepts([c1, c2]) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == 'foo\n_999\n'
def test_build_df(self): concepts_list = [ Concept(0, 'title0', ['a', 'b', 'c']), Concept(1, 'title1', ['b', 'c']), Concept(2, 'title2', ['x', 'c']), ] index_by_word = {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'x': 3} expected = [1, 2, 3, 1] actual = dbb.build_df(index_by_word, concepts_list) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_bulid_word_index(self): concepts_list = [ Concept(0, 'title0', ['a', 'b', 'c']), Concept(1, 'title1', ['b', 'c']), Concept(2, 'title2', ['x', 'c']), ] expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'x'] actual = dbb.build_word_index(concepts_list) self.assertEqual(set(expected), set(actual))
def json_to_concept(json_data): """Convert a JSON dict into a Concept object.""" concept_obj = Concept(fact=json_to_fact(json_data['fact']), user_id=json_data['userId'], concept_id=json_data['id'], creation_timestamp=json_data['createdAt'], update_timestamp=json_data['updatedAt']) return concept_obj
def get_creator(environ, start_response): response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html')] start_response(HTTP['200'], response_headers) template = ENV.get_template('edit_concept.html') return template.generate( title='Concept Creator', concept=Concept(), root_uri='/', # XXX: root_uri hardcoded; breaks encapsulation form_uri=environ['SCRIPT_NAME']) # XXX: SCRIPT_NAME correct?
def _seed(): import json print 'INFO: seeding database' # TODO: use logger with open('data.json') as fp: for doc in json.load(fp): concept = Concept().from_document(doc) STORE.add(concept) print concept._id, concept
def retrieve(self, collection, *args, **kwargs): """ collection argument is a string, remaining arguments are passed through to PyMongo's `find` method """ if collection not in self.collections.values(): raise ValueError('invalid collection') # XXX: hard-coding concepts for now # XXX: association with models is dangerous also because we might query only for a limited selection of fields return (Concept().from_document(doc) for doc in getattr(self.db, collection).find(*args, **kwargs))
def __init__(self, front, back, user_id, card_id=None): """Initialize a new instance of the Card class.""" = card_id if card_id else str(uuid4()) self.user_id = user_id # While Tinycards originally uses a (2 element) tuple to # represent both sides, we chose to go with a more # semantic naming here. if type(front) is Side: self.front = front elif type(front) is str: self.front = Side(concepts=Concept(Fact(front), self.user_id), user_id=self.user_id) else: raise ValueError("Front property can only be of type Side") if type(back) is Side: self.back = back elif type(back) is str: self.back = Side(concepts=Concept(Fact(back), self.user_id), user_id=self.user_id) else: raise ValueError("Back property can only be of type Side")
def test_show(): c0 = Concept('_666') l1 = Label('foo', 'en') l2 = Label('bar', 'de') lines = txt.show_concept(c0) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == '_666\n\nPREFERRED LABELS\n\nALTERNATIVE LABELS\n' c0.pref_labels.append(l1) lines = txt.show_concept(c0) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == ('_666\n\n' 'PREFERRED LABELS\n [en] foo\n\n' 'ALTERNATIVE LABELS\n') c0.pref_labels.append(l2) lines = txt.show_concept(c0) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == ('_666\n\n' 'PREFERRED LABELS\n [en] foo\n [de] bar\n\n' 'ALTERNATIVE LABELS\n') c0.alt_labels.append(l2) lines = txt.show_concept(c0) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == ('_666\n\n' 'PREFERRED LABELS\n [en] foo\n [de] bar\n\n' 'ALTERNATIVE LABELS\n [de] bar\n') c0.alt_labels.append(l1) lines = txt.show_concept(c0) lines = ''.join(lines) assert lines == ('_666\n\nPREFERRED LABELS\n [en] foo\n [de] bar\n\n' 'ALTERNATIVE LABELS\n [de] bar\n [en] foo\n')
def post_creator(environ, start_response): content_type = environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '') if not content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': # XXX: TiddlyWeb uses startswith here!? raise HTTP415 # TODO: this might be encapsulated in middleware (cf. tiddlyweb.web.query) content_length = int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] or 0) content = environ['wsgi.input'].read(content_length) data = parse_qs(content, keep_blank_values=True) concept = Concept() # TODO: label language (input/selection currently missing from HTML template) for label_type in ['pref', 'alt']: key = '%s_labels' % label_type for name in data[key]: if name: label = Label(name, lang=None) getattr(concept, key).append(label) _id = STORE.add(concept) response_headers = [('Location', '/concepts/%s' % concept._id)] start_response(HTTP['302'], response_headers) return ['']
def get_concept(self): uri = self.request.values.get("uri") q = """PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX dct: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{0}> skos:prefLabel ?pl . OPTIONAL {{ <{0}> skos:definition ?d }} OPTIONAL {{ <{0}> dct:created ?created }} OPTIONAL {{ <{0}> dct:modified ?modified }} }}""".format(uri) self.s = VocBench("x", self.request)._authed_request_object() r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) metadata = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"][0] # get the concept's altLabels q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:altLabel ?al . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) altLabels = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get the concept's hiddenLabels q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:hiddenLabel ?hl . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) hiddenLabels = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get the concept's broaders q = """ PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:broader ?b . ?b skos:prefLabel ?pl . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) broaders = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get the concept's narrowers q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:narrower ?n . ?n skos:prefLabel ?pl . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) narrowers = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get exactMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:exactMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) exactMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get closeMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:closeMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) closeMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get broadMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:broadMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) broadMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get narrowMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:narrowMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) narrowMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] # get relatedMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:relatedMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = config.VB_ENDPOINT + "/SPARQL/evaluateQuery", data={ "query": q, "ctx_project": self.vocab_uri }, ) relatedMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( "utf-8"))["result"]["sparql"]["results"]["bindings"] from model.concept import Concept return Concept( self.vocab_uri, uri, metadata["pl"]["value"], metadata.get("d").get("value") if metadata.get("d") is not None else None, [x.get("al").get("value") for x in altLabels], [x.get("hl").get("value") for x in hiddenLabels], metadata.get("sc").get("value") if metadata.get("sc") is not None else None, metadata.get("cn").get("value") if metadata.get("cn") is not None else None, [{ "uri": x.get("b").get("value"), "prefLabel": x.get("pl").get("value") } for x in broaders], [{ "uri": x.get("n").get("value"), "prefLabel": x.get("pl").get("value") } for x in narrowers], [x["s"]["value"] for x in exactMatches], [x["s"]["value"] for x in closeMatches], [x["s"]["value"] for x in broadMatches], [x["s"]["value"] for x in narrowMatches], [x["s"]["value"] for x in relatedMatches], None, # TODO: replace Sem Properties sub, metadata.get("created").get("value")[:10] if metadata.get("created") else None, metadata.get("modified").get("value")[:10] if metadata.get("modified") else None, source=self, )
def get_concept(self): concept_uri = self.request.values.get("uri") q = """ PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX dct: <> SELECT ?predicate # 0 ?object # 1 ?predicateLabel # 2 ?objectLabel # 3 ?prefLabel # 4 ?lang # 5 WHERE {{ <{concept_uri}> ?predicate ?object . OPTIONAL {{ ?predicate rdfs:label ?predicateLabel . FILTER(lang(?predicateLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?predicateLabel) = "") BIND(lang(?predicateLabel) AS ?lang) }} OPTIONAL {{ ?object skos:prefLabel|rdfs:label ?objectLabel . # Don't filter prefLabel language FILTER(?prefLabel = skos:prefLabel || lang(?objectLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?objectLabel) = "") BIND(lang(?objectLabel) AS ?lang) }} }} """.format(concept_uri=concept_uri, language=self.language) result = assert result, "FILE source is unable to query concepts for {}".format( self.request.values.get("uri")) prefLabel = None related_objects = {} for r in result: predicateUri = str(r[0]) # Special case for prefLabels if predicateUri == "": predicateLabel = "Multilingual Labels" preflabel_lang = r[1].language if hasattr(r[1], "language") else "en" # Use default language or no language prefLabel as primary if (not prefLabel and not preflabel_lang) or (preflabel_lang == self.language): prefLabel = str(r[1]) # Set current language prefLabel # # Omit current language string from list (remove this if we want to show all) # if preflabel_lang in ['', self.language]: # continue # Apend language code to prefLabel literal related_object = "{} ({})".format(str(r[1]), preflabel_lang) related_objectLabel = None else: predicateLabel = (str(r[2]) if r[2] is not None else h.make_title(str(r[0]))) if not str(r[1]).startswith("http"): related_object = str(r[1]) related_objectLabel = None else: related_object = str(r[1]) related_objectLabel = (str(r[3]) if r[3] is not None else h.make_title(str(r[1]))) relationship_dict = related_objects.get(predicateUri) if relationship_dict is None: relationship_dict = {"label": predicateLabel, "objects": {}} related_objects[predicateUri] = relationship_dict relationship_dict["objects"][related_object] = related_objectLabel related_objects = OrderedDict([( predicate, { "label": related_objects[predicate]["label"], "objects": OrderedDict([(key, related_objects[predicate]["objects"][key]) for key in sorted(related_objects[predicate] ["objects"].keys())]), }, ) for predicate in sorted(related_objects.keys())]) return Concept( vocab_id=self.vocab_id, uri=concept_uri, prefLabel=prefLabel, related_objects=related_objects, semantic_properties=None, source=self, )
def get_concept(self): concept_uri = self.request.values.get('uri') vocab = g.VOCABS[self.vocab_id] q = """PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX dct: <> select * WHERE {{ {{ GRAPH ?graph {{ <{concept_uri}> ?predicate ?object . optional {{GRAPH ?predicateGraph {{?predicate rdfs:label ?predicateLabel .}} FILTER(lang(?predicateLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?predicateLabel) = "") }} optional {{?object skos:prefLabel | rdfs:label ?objectLabel . FILTER(?prefLabel = skos:prefLabel || lang(?objectLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?objectLabel) = "") # Don't filter prefLabel language }} }} }} UNION {{ <{concept_uri}> ?predicate ?object . optional {{GRAPH ?predicateGraph {{?predicate rdfs:label ?predicateLabel .}} FILTER(lang(?predicateLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?predicateLabel) = "") }} optional {{?object skos:prefLabel | rdfs:label ?objectLabel . FILTER(?prefLabel = skos:prefLabel || lang(?objectLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?objectLabel) = "") # Don't filter prefLabel language }} }} }}""".format(concept_uri=concept_uri, language=self.language) #print(q) result = Source.sparql_query(vocab.sparql_endpoint, q, vocab.sparql_username, vocab.sparql_password) assert result, 'Unable to query concepts for {}'.format( self.request.values.get('uri')) #print(str(result).encode('utf-8')) prefLabel = None related_objects = {} for row in result: predicateUri = row['predicate']['value'] # Special case for prefLabels if predicateUri == '': predicateLabel = 'Multilingual Labels' preflabel_lang = row['object'].get('xml:lang') # Use default language or no language prefLabel as primary if ((not prefLabel and not preflabel_lang) or (preflabel_lang == self.language)): prefLabel = row['object'][ 'value'] # Set current language prefLabel # Omit current language string from list (remove this if we want to show all) if preflabel_lang in ['', self.language]: continue # Apend language code to prefLabel literal related_object = '{} ({})'.format(row['object']['value'], preflabel_lang) related_objectLabel = None else: predicateLabel = (row['predicateLabel']['value'] if row.get('predicateLabel') and row['predicateLabel'].get('value') else make_title(row['predicate']['value'])) if row['object']['type'] == 'literal': related_object = row['object']['value'] related_objectLabel = None elif row['object']['type'] == 'uri': related_object = row['object']['value'] related_objectLabel = ( row['objectLabel']['value'] if row.get('objectLabel') and row['objectLabel'].get('value') else make_title( row['object']['value'])) relationship_dict = related_objects.get(predicateUri) if relationship_dict is None: relationship_dict = {'label': predicateLabel, 'objects': {}} related_objects[predicateUri] = relationship_dict relationship_dict['objects'][related_object] = related_objectLabel related_objects = OrderedDict([(predicate, { 'label': related_objects[predicate]['label'], 'objects': OrderedDict([ (key, related_objects[predicate]['objects'][key]) for key in sorted(related_objects[predicate]['objects'].keys()) ]) }) for predicate in sorted(related_objects.keys())]) #print(repr(related_objects).encode('utf-8')) return Concept( vocab_id=self.vocab_id, uri=concept_uri, prefLabel=prefLabel, related_objects=related_objects, semantic_properties=None, source=self, )
def get_concept(self, uri): q = '''PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX dct: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{0}> skos:prefLabel ?pl . OPTIONAL {{ <{0}> skos:definition ?d }} OPTIONAL {{ <{0}> dct:created ?created }} OPTIONAL {{ <{0}> dct:modified ?modified }} }}'''.format(uri) self.s = VOCBENCH('x', self.request)._authed_request_object() r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) metadata = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'][0] # get the concept's altLabels q = '''PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:altLabel ?al . }}'''.format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) altLabels = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get the concept's hiddenLabels q = '''PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:hiddenLabel ?hl . }}'''.format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) hiddenLabels = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get the concept's broaders q = ''' PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:broader ?b . ?b skos:prefLabel ?pl . }}'''.format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) broaders = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get the concept's narrowers q = '''PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:narrower ?n . ?n skos:prefLabel ?pl . }}'''.format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) narrowers = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get exactMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:exactMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) exactMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get closeMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:closeMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) closeMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get broadMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:broadMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) broadMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get narrowMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:narrowMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) narrowMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] # get relatedMatch q = """PREFIX skos: <> SELECT * WHERE {{ <{}> skos:relatedMatch ?s . }}""".format(uri) r = + '/SPARQL/evaluateQuery', data={ 'query': q, 'ctx_project': self.vocab_id }) relatedMatches = json.loads(r.content.decode( 'utf-8'))['result']['sparql']['results']['bindings'] from model.concept import Concept return Concept( self.vocab_id, uri, metadata['pl']['value'], metadata.get('d').get('value') if metadata.get('d') is not None else None, [x.get('al').get('value') for x in altLabels], [x.get('hl').get('value') for x in hiddenLabels], metadata.get('sc').get('value') if metadata.get('sc') is not None else None, metadata.get('cn').get('value') if metadata.get('cn') is not None else None, [{ 'uri': x.get('b').get('value'), 'prefLabel': x.get('pl').get('value') } for x in broaders], [{ 'uri': x.get('n').get('value'), 'prefLabel': x.get('pl').get('value') } for x in narrowers], [x['s']['value'] for x in exactMatches], [x['s']['value'] for x in closeMatches], [x['s']['value'] for x in broadMatches], [x['s']['value'] for x in narrowMatches], [x['s']['value'] for x in relatedMatches], None, # TODO: replace Sem Properties sub, metadata.get('created').get('value')[:10] if metadata.get('created') else None, metadata.get('modified').get('value')[:10] if metadata.get('modified') else None, )
def get_concept(self): vocab = g.VOCABS[self.vocab_id] q = """ PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX dct: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dc: <> PREFIX rdf: <> SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE {{ GRAPH ?g {{ {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel . # ?s skos:prefLabel|dct:title|rdfs:label ?prefLabel . # FILTER(lang(?prefLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?prefLabel) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:definition ?definition . FILTER(lang(?definition) = "{language}" || lang(?definition) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:altLabel ?altLabel . FILTER(lang(?altLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?altLabel) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:hiddenLabel ?hiddenLabel . FILTER(lang(?hiddenLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?hiddenLabel) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> dct:source ?source . FILTER(lang(?source) = "{language}" || lang(?source) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> dct:contributor ?contributor . FILTER(lang(?contributor) = "{language}" || lang(?contributor) = "") }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:broader ?broader . OPTIONAL {{ ?broader skos:prefLabel ?broaderLabel . FILTER(lang(?broaderLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?broaderLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:narrower ?narrower . OPTIONAL {{ ?narrower skos:prefLabel ?narrowerLabel . FILTER(lang(?narrowerLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?narrowerLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:exactMatch ?exactMatch . OPTIONAL {{ ?exactMatch skos:prefLabel ?exactMatchLabel . FILTER(lang(?exactMatchLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?exactMatchLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:closeMatch ?closeMatch . OPTIONAL {{ ?closeMatch skos:prefLabel ?closeMatchLabel . FILTER(lang(?closeMatchLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?closeMatchLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:broadMatch ?broadMatch . OPTIONAL {{ ?broadMatch skos:prefLabel ?broadMatchLabel . FILTER(lang(?broadMatchLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?broadMatchLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:narrowMatch ?narrowMatch . OPTIONAL {{ ?narrowMatch skos:prefLabel ?narrowMatchLabel . FILTER(lang(?narrowMatchLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?narrowMatchLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> skos:relatedMatch ?relatedMatch . OPTIONAL {{ ?relatedMatch skos:prefLabel ?relatedMatchLabel . FILTER(lang(?relatedMatchLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?relatedMatchLabel) = "") }} }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> dct:created ?created }} OPTIONAL {{ <{concept_uri}> dct:modified ?modified }} }} }}""".format(concept_uri=self.request.values.get('uri'), language=self.language) result = Source.sparql_query(vocab.sparql_endpoint, q, vocab.sparql_username, vocab.sparql_password) assert result, 'Unable to query concepts for {}'.format(self.request.values.get('uri')) prefLabel = None definition = None lang_prefLabels = {} altLabels = [] hiddenLabels = [] source = None contributors = [] concept_relationships = { 'broader': {}, 'narrower': {}, 'exactMatch': {}, 'closeMatch': {}, 'broadMatch': {}, 'narrowMatch': {}, 'relatedMatch': {}, } for row in result: preflabel_lang = row['prefLabel'].get('xml:lang') or '' # Use default language or no language prefLabel as primary if ((not prefLabel and preflabel_lang == '') or (preflabel_lang == self.language) ): prefLabel = row['prefLabel']['value'] if preflabel_lang not in ['', self.language]: lang_prefLabels[preflabel_lang] = row['prefLabel']['value'] if row.get('definition'): definition = row['definition']['value'] else: definition = None if row.get('altLabel'): if row['altLabel']['value'] is not None and row['altLabel']['value'] not in altLabels: altLabels.append(row['altLabel']['value']) if row.get('hiddenLabel'): if row['hiddenLabel']['value'] is not None and row['hiddenLabel']['value'] not in hiddenLabels: hiddenLabels.append(row['hiddenLabel']['value']) if row.get('source'): source = row['source']['value'] if row.get('contributor'): if row['contributor']['value'] is not None and row['contributor']['value'] not in contributors: contributors.append(row['contributor']['value']) for relationship, related_concepts in concept_relationships.items(): if row.get(relationship) and row[relationship].get('value'): relatedConceptLabel = (row[relationship+'Label']['value'] if row.get(relationship+'Label') and row[relationship+'Label'].get('value') else make_title(row[relationship]['value'])) # No prefLabel related_concepts[row[relationship]['value']] = relatedConceptLabel lang_prefLabels = OrderedDict([(key, lang_prefLabels[key]) for key in sorted(lang_prefLabels.keys())]) altLabels.sort() hiddenLabels.sort() contributors.sort() for relationship, related_concepts in concept_relationships.items(): concept_relationships[relationship] = OrderedDict([(key, related_concepts[key]) for key in sorted(related_concepts.keys())]) return Concept( vocab_id=self.vocab_id, uri=vocab.uri, prefLabel=prefLabel, definition=definition, altLabels=altLabels, hiddenLabels=hiddenLabels, source=source, contributors=contributors, concept_relationships=concept_relationships, semantic_properties=None, created=None, modified=None, lang_prefLabels=lang_prefLabels )
def get_concept(self): concept_uri = self.request.values.get("uri") vocab = g.VOCABS[self.vocab_id] q = """PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX skos: <> PREFIX dct: <> select * WHERE {{ {{ GRAPH ?graph {{ <{concept_uri}> ?predicate ?object . optional {{GRAPH ?predicateGraph {{?predicate rdfs:label ?predicateLabel .}} FILTER(lang(?predicateLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?predicateLabel) = "") }} optional {{?object skos:prefLabel | rdfs:label ?objectLabel . FILTER(?prefLabel = skos:prefLabel || lang(?objectLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?objectLabel) = "") # Don't filter prefLabel language }} }} }} UNION {{ <{concept_uri}> ?predicate ?object . optional {{GRAPH ?predicateGraph {{?predicate rdfs:label ?predicateLabel .}} FILTER(lang(?predicateLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?predicateLabel) = "") }} optional {{?object skos:prefLabel | rdfs:label ?objectLabel . FILTER(?prefLabel = skos:prefLabel || lang(?objectLabel) = "{language}" || lang(?objectLabel) = "") # Don't filter prefLabel language }} }} }}""".format(concept_uri=concept_uri, language=self.language) result = Source.sparql_query(vocab.sparql_endpoint, q, vocab.sparql_username, vocab.sparql_password) assert result, "Unable to query concepts for {}".format( self.request.values.get("uri")) prefLabel = None related_objects = {} for row in result: predicateUri = row["predicate"]["value"] # Special case for prefLabels if predicateUri == "": predicateLabel = "Multilingual Labels" preflabel_lang = row["object"].get("xml:lang") # Use default language or no language prefLabel as primary if (not prefLabel and not preflabel_lang) or (preflabel_lang == self.language): prefLabel = row["object"][ "value"] # Set current language prefLabel # Omit current language string from list (remove this if we want to show all) if preflabel_lang in ["", self.language]: continue # Apend language code to prefLabel literal related_object = "{} ({})".format(row["object"]["value"], preflabel_lang) related_objectLabel = None else: predicateLabel = (row["predicateLabel"]["value"] if row.get("predicateLabel") and row["predicateLabel"].get("value") else make_title(row["predicate"]["value"])) if row["object"]["type"] == "literal": related_object = row["object"]["value"] related_objectLabel = None elif row["object"]["type"] == "uri": related_object = row["object"]["value"] related_objectLabel = ( row["objectLabel"]["value"] if row.get("objectLabel") and row["objectLabel"].get("value") else make_title( row["object"]["value"])) relationship_dict = related_objects.get(predicateUri) if relationship_dict is None: relationship_dict = {"label": predicateLabel, "objects": {}} related_objects[predicateUri] = relationship_dict relationship_dict["objects"][related_object] = related_objectLabel related_objects = OrderedDict([( predicate, { "label": related_objects[predicate]["label"], "objects": OrderedDict([(key, related_objects[predicate]["objects"][key]) for key in sorted(related_objects[predicate] ["objects"].keys())]), }, ) for predicate in sorted(related_objects.keys())]) return Concept( vocab_id=self.vocab_id, uri=concept_uri, prefLabel=prefLabel, related_objects=related_objects, semantic_properties=None, source=self, )
from model.concept import Concept import unittest from test import test_utils from model import db_builder from model import stemmers from model.stemmers import StopWordsStemmer from model.semantic_interpreter import SemanticComparer #those concepts have distinct set of words distinct_concepts = [ Concept(1, "Technology", [ 'computer', 'technology', 'system', 'service', 'site', 'phone', 'internet', 'machine' ]), Concept(2, "Business", [ 'store', 'product', 'sales', 'sell', 'business', 'advertising','market', 'consumer' ]), Concept(3, "Entertainment", [ 'play', 'film', 'production', 'movie', 'theater', 'stage' 'star', 'director',