def save(self): connector = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "insert into " + Model.table_name(self) + " (" for k, v in Model.attributes(self).items(): value = getattr(self, k) if k == "id" and value is Column: continue sql += k + "," sql = sql[0:-1] + ") values(" for k, v in Model.attributes(self).items(): value = getattr(self, k) if k == "id" and value is Column: continue if isinstance(getattr(self, k), int): sql += str(value) + "," else: if value is not None and value.__class__ is not Column: sql += "\"" + str(value) + "\"," else: sql += "null," sql = sql[0:-1] + ")" cursor.execute(sql) connector.commit() pass except Exception as e: print('type:' + str(type(e))) print('args:' + str(e.args)) finally: cursor.close() finally: connector.close()
def create(self): self.initialize() connector = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" + Criteria.table_name( self) + "`;\n" cursor.execute(sql) sql = "create table `" + Criteria.table_name(self) + "` (\n" sql += " `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n" for k, v in Criteria.attributes(self._klass).items(): if k == "id": continue if v.type == Type.tinyint: sql += " `" + k + "` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == sql += " `" + k + "` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.bigint: sql += " `" + k + "` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.float: sql += " `" + k + "` float DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.double: sql += " `" + k + "` double DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.text: sql += " `" + k + "` text,\n" elif v.type == Type.varchar: sql += " `" + k + "` varchar(" + str( v.length) + ") DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == sql += " `" + k + "` date NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.datetime: sql += " `" + k + "` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.timestamp: sql += " `" + k + "` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n" elif v.type == Type.time: sql += " `" + k + "` time NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n" sql += " PRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n" sql += ") ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;\n" cursor.execute(sql) sql = "LOCK TABLES `" + Criteria.table_name(self) + "` WRITE;" cursor.execute(sql) finally: cursor.close() finally: connector.commit() connector.close()
def query(self, where=[], order=[], limit=None): self.initialize() connector = None ret = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "select * from " + Criteria.table_name(self) if len(where) > 0: sql += " where" for i, v in enumerate(where): if i > 0: sql += " and" sql += " " + v if len(order) > 0: sql += " order by" for v in order: sql += " " + v if limit is not None: sql += " limit 0," + str(limit) sql += ";" cursor.execute(sql) ret = [ dict(line) for line in [ zip([column[0] for column in cursor.description], row) for row in cursor.fetchall() ] ] finally: cursor.close() pass finally: connector.close() for r in ret: c = self._klass() for k, v in Criteria.attributes(self._klass).items(): setattr(c, k, r[k]) self._lst.append(c) return self
def delete(self): connector = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "delete from " + Model.table_name( self) + " where id = " + str(getattr(self, "id")) + ";" cursor.execute(sql) connector.commit() pass except Exception as e: print('type:' + str(type(e))) print('args:' + str(e.args)) finally: cursor.close() finally: connector.close()
def add_column(self, name, column): connector = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "alter table " + Criteria.table_name(self) if name == "id": return elif column.type == Type.varchar: sql += " add " + name + " " + column.type + "(" + str( column.length) + ")" else: sql += " add " + name + " " + column.type cursor.execute(sql) finally: cursor.close() finally: connector.commit() connector.close()
def is_exist_table(self): flag = True connector = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "show tables;" cursor.execute(sql) ret = [d[0] for d in cursor.fetchall()] if Criteria.table_name(self) not in ret: flag = False except Exception as e: print('type:' + str(type(e))) print('args:' + str(e.args)) finally: cursor.close() finally: connector.close() return flag
def difference(self, attributes): diff = {} connector = None try: connector = Database.connector() cursor = connector.cursor() try: sql = "show columns from " + Criteria.table_name(self) cursor.execute(sql) ret = {d[0] for d in cursor.fetchall()} for a in attributes: if a not in ret: diff[a] = "new" except Exception as e: print('type:' + str(type(e))) print('args:' + str(e.args)) finally: cursor.close() finally: connector.close() return diff