예제 #1
def createEdgeType(level, description):
    Create one edge type. Construct the new tablename of type with the new type.

    @param level in which the new type is added.
    @param description of the type.
    st = ("INSERT INTO gn____edge_types(level, description) " 
        "VALUES (" + level + ", '" + description + "') " 
        "RETURNING ID;")
    id = db.query(st).getresult()[0][0]
    ret = st, id

    # Update tablename with the level and id.
    tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level)
    tag_id = genet_global.tagName(id)
    tablename = "gn_" + tag_level + "_edges_type_" + tag_id

    st = ("UPDATE gn____edge_types " 
        "SET tablename = '" + tablename + "' " 
        "WHERE id = " + str(id) + ";")
    ret = ret, st, db.query(st)

    # Create the table.
    ret = ret, db_schema.createEdgeTypeTable(tag_level, tablename)
    return ret
예제 #2
def listNodesId(level=None, node_type=None):
    """List nodes from db.

    If level is passed returns from that level only, if node type 
    is passed returns of that type only. If not all are returned.

    @param level from which the nodes are
    @param node_type
    @returns list the nodes
    list_nodes = []

    if level is None:
        st = "SELECT id FROM gn____levels;"
        list_levels = db.query(st).getresult()
        for i in list_levels:
            tag_level = genet_global.tagName(i[0])
            st = "SELECT id, idtype FROM gn_" + tag_level + "_nodes;"
            if node_type is not None:
                st = st[:-1] + " WHERE idtype = " + str(node_type) + ";"
            list_nodes += db.query(st).getresult()
        tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level)
        st = "SELECT id, idtype FROM gn_" + tag_level + "_nodes;"
        if node_type is not None:
            st = st[:-1] + " WHERE idtype = " + str(node_type) + ";"
        list_nodes = db.query(st).getresult()

    return list_nodes
예제 #3
def dropLevel(level):
    @param level id to delete.
    # Drop the layer tables.
    tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level)
    ret = db_schema.dropLevelTables(tag_level)
    # Drop all type tables in the level.
    # Edges.
    st = ("SELECT id " 
        "FROM gn____edge_types " 
        "WHERE level = " + level + ";")
    ids = db.query(st).getresult()
    if len(ids):
        for i in ids:

    # Nodes.
    st = ("SELECT id " 
        "FROM gn____node_types " 
        "WHERE level = " + level + ";")
    ids = db.query(st).getresult()
    if len(ids):
        for i in ids:

    # Delete entry into the levels table.
    st = ("DELETE FROM gn____levels " 
        "WHERE id = " + level + ";")
    ret = ret, db.query(st)
    return ret
예제 #4
def connectNodes(level_id, idnA, idnB, parent_id, parentlevel_id, type_id, attributes):
    """Create edge in db.

    Uses Edge class for the edge creation and coding for the edge type
    attributes store.

    TODO store any attributes len.

    @param level id
    @param node A id
    @param node B id
    @param parent id
    @param parentlevel id
    @param type id
    @param attributes tuple of edge attributes
    E = class_edge.edge(level_id, idnA, idnB, parent_id, parentlevel_id, type_id)
    edge_id = E.store(db)

    tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level_id)
    tag_type =  genet_global.tagName(type_id)

    st = ("INSERT INTO gn_" + tag_level + "_edges_type_" + tag_type +  
          " VALUES(" + str(edge_id) + ", '" + attributes[0] + "');")
예제 #5
def dropNodeType(id):
    @param id the type id into the table.
    st = ("SELECT tablename " 
        "FROM gn____node_types " 
        "WHERE id = " + str(id) + ";")
    tablename = db.query(st).getresult()[0][0]

    # Drop the table.
    st = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tablename + " CASCADE;"
    ret = db.query(st)

    # Delete entry into the types table.
    st = ("DELETE FROM gn____node_types " 
        "WHERE id = " + str(id) + ";")
    ret = ret, db.query(st)

    return ret
예제 #6
def restartDatabase():
    *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** 
    Restarts all the database.
    *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** *** DANGER *** 

    st = ("DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE;" 
        "CREATE SCHEMA public AUTHORIZATION genet;")
    ret = st, db.query(st)
    ret = ret, db_schema.fillSchema()
    return ret
예제 #7
def listEdgeTypes(level=None):
    """List edge types from db.

    If level is passed returns from that level only, all are returned if not.
    @param level from which the edge types are
    @returns list the node types
    st = "SELECT id, description FROM gn____edge_types;"
    if level is not None:
        st = st[:-1] + " WHERE level = " + str(level) + ";"
    return db.query(st).getresult()
예제 #8
def listLevels(level=None):
    """List levels from db.

    If level is passed returns from that level only, all are returned if not.

    @param level from which gets information
    @returns list the levels
    st = "SELECT id, description FROM gn____levels;"
    if level is not None:
        st = st[:-1] + " WHERE id = " + str(level) + ";"
    return db.query(st).getresult()
예제 #9
def createNode(level_id, parent_id, parentlevel_id, type_id, attributes):
    """Create node in db.

    Uses Node class for the node creation and coding for the node type
    attributes store.

    TODO store any attributes len.

    @param level id
    @param parent id
    @param parentlevel id
    @param type id
    @param attributes tuple of node attributes
    N = class_node.node(level_id, parent_id, parentlevel_id, type_id)
    node_id = N.store(db)

    tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level_id)
    tag_type =  genet_global.tagName(type_id)

    st = ("INSERT INTO gn_" + tag_level + "_nodes_type_" + tag_type +  
          " VALUES(" + str(node_id) + ", '" + attributes[0] + "');")
예제 #10
def createLevel(description):
    Create one level in the network data model. The level primary key is
    used to tag the table.

    @param description of the level.
    @returns queries statements and results.
    st = ("INSERT INTO gn____levels(description) " 
        "VALUES ('" + description + "') " 
        "RETURNING id;")
    level = db.query(st).getresult()[0][0]
    tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level)
    # Create the layer tables.
    ret = db_schema.createLevelTables(tag_level)
    return ret
예제 #11
def listNodesAtt(level, node_type):
    """List node attributes from db.

    Returns data from all nodes from level and type passed.

    @param level from which the nodes are
    @param node_type
    @returns list the nodes
    list_nodes = []

    tag_level = genet_global.tagName(level)
    tag_type = genet_global.tagName(node_type)

    st = ("SELECT * "
          "FROM gn_" + tag_level + "_nodes_type_" + tag_type + ";")
    list_nodes = db.query(st).getresult()

    return list_nodes
예제 #12
# Insert data.
N001 = class_node.node(1, 0, 0, 2)
print N001.store(db)

N002 = class_node.node(1, 0, 0, 2)
print N002.store(db)

N003 = class_node.node(1, 0, 0, 2)
print N003.store(db)
N003.idtype = 4
print N003.store(db)

E001 = class_edge.edge(1, N001.id, N002.id, 0, 0, 3)
print E001.store(db)

E002 = class_edge.edge(1, N002.id, N003.id, 0, 0, 3)
print E002.store(db)

E003 = class_edge.edge(1, N003.id, N001.id, 0, 0, 3)
print E003.store(db)

E004 = class_edge.edge(1, N001.id, N002.id, 0, 0, 3)
print E004.store(db)

for r in db.query("SELECT * FROM gn_01_nodes").dictresult():
    print 'id %(id)s, idtype %(idtype)s' % r

for r in db.query("SELECT * FROM gn_01_edges").dictresult():
    print 'id %(id)s, idnA %(idna)s, idnB %(idnb)s, idtype %(idtype)s' % r