def compute_ECM_loss(source_ids, target_ids, sequence_mask, choice_qs, embeddings, enc_num_layers, enc_num_units, enc_cell_type, enc_bidir, dec_num_layers, dec_num_units, dec_cell_type, state_pass, num_emo, emo_cat, emo_cat_units, emo_int_units, infer_batch_size, beam_size=None, max_iter=20, attn_num_units=128, l2_regularize=None, name="ECM"): """ Creates an ECM model and returns CE loss plus regularization terms. choice_qs: [batch_size, max_time], true choice btw generic/emo words emo_cat: [batch_size], emotion categories of each target sequence Returns CE: cross entropy, used to compute perplexity total_loss: objective of the entire model train_outs: (cell, log_probs, alphas, final_int_mem_states) alphas - predicted choices infer_outputs: namedtuple(logits, ids), [batch_size, max_time, d] """ with tf.name_scope(name): # build encoder encoder_outputs, encoder_states = build_encoder(embeddings, source_ids, enc_num_layers, enc_num_units, enc_cell_type, bidir=enc_bidir, name="%s_encoder" % name) # build decoder: logits, [batch_size, max_time, vocab_size] cell, train_outputs, infer_outputs = build_ECM_decoder( encoder_outputs, encoder_states, embeddings, dec_num_layers, dec_num_units, dec_cell_type, num_emo, emo_cat, emo_cat_units, emo_int_units, state_pass, infer_batch_size, attn_num_units, target_ids, beam_size, max_iter, name="%s_decoder" % name) g_logits, e_logits, alphas, int_M_emo = train_outputs g_probs = tf.nn.softmax(g_logits) * (1 - alphas) e_probs = tf.nn.softmax(e_logits) * alphas train_log_probs = tf.log(g_probs + e_probs) with tf.name_scope('loss'): final_ids = tf.pad(target_ids, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=1) alphas = tf.squeeze(alphas, axis=-1) choice_qs = tf.pad(choice_qs, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=0) # compute losses g_losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=g_logits, labels=final_ids) - tf.log(1 - alphas) e_losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=e_logits, labels=final_ids) - tf.log(alphas) losses = g_losses * (1 - choice_qs) + e_losses * choice_qs # alpha and internal memory regularizations alpha_reg = tf.reduce_mean(choice_qs * -tf.log(alphas)) int_mem_reg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(int_M_emo, axis=1)) losses = tf.boolean_mask(losses[:, :-1], sequence_mask) reduced_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) + alpha_reg + int_mem_reg # prepare for perplexity computations CE = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=train_log_probs, labels=final_ids) CE = tf.boolean_mask(CE[:, :-1], sequence_mask) CE = tf.reduce_sum(CE) train_outs = (cell, train_log_probs, alphas, int_M_emo) if l2_regularize is None: return CE, reduced_loss, train_outs, infer_outputs else: l2_loss = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if not ('bias' in ]) total_loss = reduced_loss + l2_regularize * l2_loss return CE, total_loss, train_outs, infer_outputs
def compute_loss(source_ids, target_ids, sequence_mask, embeddings, enc_num_layers, enc_num_units, enc_cell_type, enc_bidir, dec_num_layers, dec_num_units, dec_cell_type, state_pass, infer_batch_size, infer_type="greedy", beam_size=None, max_iter=20, attn_wrapper=None, attn_num_units=128, l2_regularize=None, name="Seq2seq"): """ Creates a Seq2seq model and returns cross entropy loss. """ with tf.name_scope(name): # build encoder encoder_outputs, encoder_states = build_encoder(embeddings, source_ids, enc_num_layers, enc_num_units, enc_cell_type, bidir=enc_bidir, name="%s_encoder" % name) # build decoder: logits, [batch_size, max_time, vocab_size] train_logits, infer_outputs = build_decoder(encoder_outputs, encoder_states, embeddings, dec_num_layers, dec_num_units, dec_cell_type, state_pass, infer_batch_size, attn_wrapper, attn_num_units, target_ids, infer_type, beam_size, max_iter, name="%s_decoder" % name) # compute loss with tf.name_scope('loss'): final_ids = tf.pad(target_ids, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=1) losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=train_logits, labels=final_ids) losses = tf.boolean_mask(losses[:, :-1], sequence_mask) reduced_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) CE = tf.reduce_sum(losses) if l2_regularize is None: return CE, reduced_loss, train_logits, infer_outputs else: l2_loss = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if not ('bias' in ]) total_loss = reduced_loss + l2_regularize * l2_loss return CE, total_loss, train_logits, infer_outputs
def compute_loss(source_ids, target_ids, sequence_mask, choice_qs, embeddings, enc_num_layers, enc_num_units, enc_cell_type, enc_bidir, dec_num_layers, dec_num_units, dec_cell_type, state_pass, num_emo, emo_cat, emo_cat_units, emo_int_units, infer_batch_size, spectrogram, word_config, num_per, person_ids, per_cat_units, spectrogram_config, loss_weight, lstm_int_num, is_train, is_pretrain, lexicons_ids, beam_size=None, max_iter=20, attn_num_units=128, l2_regularize=None, name="PEC", is_0le=False): """ Creates an ECM model and returns CE loss plus regularization terms. choice_qs: [batch_size, max_time], true choice btw generic/emo words emo_cat: [batch_size], emotion categories of each target sequence Returns CE: cross entropy, used to compute perplexity total_loss: objective of the entire model train_outs: (cell, log_probs, alphas, final_int_mem_states) alphas - predicted choices infer_outputs: namedtuple(logits, ids), [batch_size, max_time, d] """ with tf.name_scope(name): # build encoder encoder_outputs, encoder_states = build_encoder(embeddings, source_ids, enc_num_layers, enc_num_units, enc_cell_type, bidir=enc_bidir, name="%s_encoder" % name) # gain lexicons embeddings if is_pretrain or is_0le: lexicons_embeddings = tf.zeros( [embeddings.shape[0].value, embeddings.shape[1].value]) lexicons_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( lexicons_embeddings, lexicons_ids) else: lexicons_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( embeddings, lexicons_ids) lex_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(lexicons_embeddings, person_ids) # extract multi-modal feature word_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, source_ids) p_model = PWrapper(word_embeddings, spectrogram, person_ids, word_config, spectrogram_config, lstm_int_num, is_train) multimodal_outputs = p_model.build_p() # build decoder: logits, [batch_size, max_time, vocab_size] cell, train_outputs, infer_outputs = build_PEC_decoder( encoder_outputs, encoder_states, multimodal_outputs, lex_emb, embeddings, num_per, person_ids, per_cat_units, dec_num_layers, dec_num_units, dec_cell_type, num_emo, emo_cat, emo_cat_units, emo_int_units, state_pass, infer_batch_size, attn_num_units, target_ids, beam_size, max_iter, is_pretrain, name="%s_decoder" % name) g_logits, e_logits, alphas, int_M_emo = train_outputs g_probs = tf.nn.softmax(g_logits) * (1 - alphas) e_probs = tf.nn.softmax(e_logits) * alphas train_log_probs = tf.log(g_probs + e_probs) with tf.name_scope('loss'): final_ids = tf.pad(target_ids, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=1) alphas = tf.squeeze(alphas, axis=-1) choice_qs = tf.pad(choice_qs, [[0, 0], [0, 1]], constant_values=0) CE = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=train_log_probs, labels=final_ids) # compute losses g_losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=g_logits, labels=final_ids) - tf.log(1 - alphas) e_losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=e_logits, labels=final_ids) - tf.log(alphas) losses = g_losses * (1 - choice_qs) + e_losses * choice_qs # prepare for perplexity computations and person classifier target_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, final_ids) word_pros = -1 * tf.log( tf.reduce_sum( tf.one_hot(final_ids, int(train_log_probs.shape[-1])) * tf.nn.softmax(train_log_probs, axis=-1), axis=-1)[:, :-1]) # word_pros = CE[:, :-1] Ewe = tf.reshape(word_pros, [-1, int(word_pros.shape[-1]), 1]) \ * tf.reshape(tf.cast(sequence_mask, tf.float32), [-1, int(sequence_mask.shape[-1]), 1]) \ * target_embeddings[:, :-1] classsifier = tf.layers.Dense(num_per, activation=None) Ewe = classsifier(tf.reduce_mean(Ewe, axis=1)) # tmp_embeddings = tf.concat([embeddings, embeddings], 0) # infer_log_pro = infer_outputs.logits # infer_onehot = tf.one_hot(infer_outputs.ids, infer_outputs.logits.shape[-1].value) # infer_log_pro = -1 * tf.reduce_sum(infer_log_pro * infer_onehot, axis=-1)[:, :, 0] # infer_log_pro = tf.expand_dims(infer_log_pro, axis=-1) # infer_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(tmp_embeddings, infer_outputs.ids[:, :, 0]) # infer_emb = infer_log_pro * infer_emb # person_probs = tf.nn.softmax(classsifier(tf.reduce_mean(infer_emb, axis=1)), axis=-1) # person_onehot = tf.one_hot(person_ids, num_per) # score = tf.reduce_sum(person_probs * person_onehot, axis=-1) infer_ids = infer_outputs.ids[:, :, 0] % int(embeddings.shape[0]) infer_emb = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, infer_ids) infer_log_pro = tf.exp(infer_outputs.logits[:, :, 0]) infer_gen_pro, infer_emo_pro = tf.split(infer_log_pro, [42003, 42003], -1) infer_pro = tf.log(infer_gen_pro + infer_emo_pro) infer_word_pros = -1 * tf.log( tf.reduce_sum(tf.one_hot(infer_ids, int(infer_pro.shape[-1])) * tf.nn.softmax(infer_pro, axis=-1), axis=-1)) infer_sequence_mask = tf.not_equal(infer_ids, 1) infer_Ewe = tf.expand_dims(infer_word_pros, -1)\ * tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(infer_sequence_mask, tf.float32), -1) \ * infer_emb infer_Ewe = classsifier(tf.reduce_sum(infer_Ewe, axis=1) / 40) score = tf.exp(-1 * tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=infer_Ewe, labels=person_ids)) # alpha and internal memory regularizations person_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=Ewe, labels=person_ids)) alpha_reg = tf.reduce_mean(choice_qs * -tf.log(alphas)) int_mem_reg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(int_M_emo, axis=1)) losses = tf.boolean_mask(losses[:, :-1], sequence_mask) if is_pretrain: reduced_loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) + alpha_reg + int_mem_reg else: reduced_loss = tf.reduce_mean( losses ) + alpha_reg + int_mem_reg + loss_weight * person_loss train_outs = (cell, train_log_probs, alphas, int_M_emo) CE = tf.boolean_mask(CE[:, :-1], sequence_mask) CE = tf.reduce_sum(CE) if l2_regularize is None: return CE, reduced_loss, loss_weight * person_loss, train_outs, infer_outputs, score else: l2_loss = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if not ('bias' in ]) total_loss = reduced_loss + l2_regularize * l2_loss return CE, total_loss, loss_weight * person_loss, train_outs, infer_outputs, score