예제 #1
class MemoryMonitorServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol):
   This is simple memory monitor server protocol.

   As with other server classes model is created, when new connection
   is established, and deleted when client closes websocket connection

   uri = "http://system-monitor.com"

   def onSessionOpen(self):
      When connection is established, we create our
      model instances and register them for RPC. that's it.

      # all websocket signals and slots must use
      # current protocol as the communication channel,
      # so pass 'self' to signalNamespace method of models

      # first of all, create and setup chart models
      self.memoryChartVirt = MemoryChart("virt")
      self.memoryChartVirt.signalNamespace(self, "memoryChartVirt")
      self.registerMethodForRpc(self.uri + '/memoryChartVirt.data', self.memoryChartVirt, self.memoryChartVirt.data)

      self.memoryChartSwap = MemoryChart("swap")
      self.memoryChartSwap.signalNamespace(self, "memoryChartSwap")
      self.registerMethodForRpc(self.uri + '/memoryChartSwap.data', self.memoryChartSwap, self.memoryChartSwap.data)

      # thereafter, setup memory info models
      self.memoryInfoVirt = MemoryInfo("virt")
      self.memoryInfoVirt.signalNamespace(self, "memoryInfoVirt")
      self.registerMethodForRpc(self.uri + '/memoryInfoVirt.getCounters', self.memoryInfoVirt, lambda i: self.memoryInfoVirt.getCounters())

      self.memoryInfoSwap = MemoryInfo("swap")
      self.memoryInfoSwap.signalNamespace(self, "memoryInfoSwap")
      self.registerMethodForRpc(self.uri + '/memoryInfoSwap.getCounters', self.memoryInfoSwap, lambda i: self.memoryInfoSwap.getCounters())

   def connectionLost(self, reason):
      When connection is gone (i.e. client close window, navigated
      away from the page), stop the model timer, which holds last
      reference to model, and delete the model
      WampServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)

      self.memoryChartVirt = None

      self.memoryChartSwap = None

      self.memoryInfoVirt = None

      self.memoryInfoSwap = None
예제 #2
class MemoryMonitorServerProtocol(WampServerProtocol):
   Demonstrates creating a simple server with Autobahn WebSockets that
   responds to RPC calls.

   uri = "http://example.com/simple"

   def onSessionOpen(self):

      Signal.wampProtocol = self
      Slot.wampProtocol = self

      # when connection is established, we create our
      # model instances and register them for RPC. that's it.

      # first of all, create and setup chart models
      self.memoryChartVirt = MemoryChart("virt")
      self.registerMethodForRpc(self.uri + '/memoryChartVirt.data', self.memoryChartVirt, self.memoryChartVirt.data)

      self.memoryChartSwap = MemoryChart("swap")
      self.registerMethodForRpc(self.uri + '/memoryChartSwap.data', self.memoryChartSwap, self.memoryChartSwap.data)

      # thereafter, setup memory info models
      self.memoryInfoVirt = MemoryInfo("virt")

   def connectionLost(self, reason):
      WampServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)

      self.memoryChartVirt = None

      self.memoryChartSwap = None