예제 #1
파일: fixtures.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def get_fixture_subject(self):
			fixture_subject = Setting.get_by_key_name('fixture_subject').status
			from model.proficiency import Proficiency
			this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(fixture_subject)
			assert this_subject is not None
			return Proficiency.get_by_key_name(fixture_subject)
			DEFAULT_SUBJECT = "Smart Grid"
			logging.error('unable to load fixture subject - returning default: %s', DEFAULT_SUBJECT)
예제 #2
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
  def sponsor_settings(self): 	
	PLEDGE_NUM = 500 
	# get employer
	this_employer = Employer.get_by_key_name(self.request.get('sponsor'))
	# save message
	this_employer.sponsorship_message = self.request.get('sponsorship_message')
	#save quiz subjects
	this_employer.quiz_subjects = [ self.request.get('quiz_subject') ]
	# also save it in the profile_image
	from model.user import Profile
	this_user = Profile.get_by_key_name(this_employer.unique_identifier)
	from model.proficiency import Proficiency
	this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(self.request.get('quiz_subject'))

    # TODO: Should changing your sponsored subject cancel out your existing auto pledges? 
    # old_pledges = AutoPledge.gql("WHERE employer = :1 AND proficiency != :2", % (this_employer, this_proficiency))
	#this_user.sponsored_subjects.append( Proficiency.get_by_key_name(self.request.get('quiz_subject')) )  -- Multiple Entries
	this_user.sponsored_subjects = [ this_proficiency.key() ]
	# create auto_pledge
	from model.employer import AutoPledge
	# save sponsor account
  	new_pledge = AutoPledge(key_name = this_employer.unique_identifier + "_" + this_proficiency.name,
  	                        employer = this_employer,
  	                        proficiency = this_proficiency,
  	                        count = PLEDGE_NUM)

	db.put([this_employer, this_user, new_pledge])
	return "OK"
예제 #3
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def update_subject_blurb(self):
	  from model.proficiency import Proficiency
	  subject_name = self.request.get('subject_name')
	  this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name)
	  if this_subject is None: 
		  logging.error('no subject found when saving blurb for subject_name %s ', subject_name)
		  return "no subject found"
	  this_subject.blurb = self.request.get('new_blurb')
	  return "OK"
예제 #4
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def upload_subject_img(self):
	  subject_name = self.request.path.split('/subject_img/')[1].replace('%20',' ')
	  from model.proficiency import Proficiency
	  this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name)
	  new_image = this_subject.new_image(self.request.get('subject_img'))
	  db.put([this_subject, new_image])
	  logging.info('saved new image for subject %s' % (this_subject.name))
	  from utils.webapp import template
	  path = tpl_path(EDITOR_PATH +'load_subject_images.html')
	  template_values = {'s': {"subject": this_subject, "is_member": "admin" }} # Only admins can upload photos, for now. 
	  return template.render(path, template_values)
예제 #5
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def remove_link(self):
		from model.proficiency import Proficiency, Link 
		subject_name = self.request.get('subject_name')
		this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name) 
		this_link = Link.get( self.request.get('link_key') )
		logging.info('removed link: %s', this_link.url )
		from utils.webapp import template
		path = tpl_path(EDITOR_PATH +'subject/links_list.html')
		template_values = {'s': {"subject": this_subject, "is_member": "admin" }} # Only admins can edit links, for now. 
		return template.render(path, template_values)	
예제 #6
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def delete_subject_image(self):
		from model.proficiency import Proficiency, SubjectImage
		subject_name = self.request.get('subject_name')
		this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name) 
		this_img = SubjectImage.get( self.request.get('img_key') )
		logging.info('removed img for subject %s', this_subject.name )
		from utils.webapp import template
		path = tpl_path(EDITOR_PATH +'load_subject_images.html')
		template_values = {'s': {"subject": this_subject, "is_member": "admin" }} # Only admins can edit links, for now. 
		return template.render(path, template_values)	
예제 #7
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
 def make_scores(self, *args):
 	if len(args) < 2: return "Specify A Proficiency, and Correct Ratio"
 	from utils.appengine_utilities.sessions import Session
 	self.session = Session()
 	from model.proficiency import Proficiency
 	this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(args[0])
 	correct_prob = args[1]
 	if not self.session['user']: return "Not Logged In"
 	this_user = self.session['user']
 	from dev.fixtures import Scores
 	scores = Scores()
 	save_scores = scores.make_scores(this_user, this_proficiency, correct_prob, SCORE_NUM = 10)
예제 #8
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
  def working(self, *args):

  	from model.proficiency import Proficiency, ProficiencyTopic
  	q = Proficiency.get_by_key_name("QuiztheBill")
  	save = []
  	pts = ProficiencyTopic.all().fetch(1000)
  	for p in pts:
  		if p.subject is None: 
  		    p.subject = q
  		    print p.name
예제 #9
파일: views.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
  def get_test(self):
    if len(self.request.path.split('/sponsor/')[1]) > 0:
		employer = Employer.gql('WHERE name = :1', self.request.path.split('/quiz/')[1].lower())
		try: these_proficiencies = employer.get().proficiencies
		except: return None
		proficiencies = []
		for p in these_proficiencies:
		   this_p = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(p)
		return [proficiencies, employer.get()]        
		#except: return [proficiency.name for proficiency in all_proficiencies.fetch(4)]
    if self.request.get('proficiencies'):
        proficiencies = self.request.get('proficiencies')
        return [eval(proficiencies,{"__builtins__":None},{}), self.get_default_vendor()]  
	return None
예제 #10
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def change_video(self):
		from model.proficiency import Proficiency
		subject_name = self.request.get('subject_name')
		this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name) 
		if "p=" not in self.request.get('new_video_url'):
			logging.info('video url %s is not recognizable as video playlist link', self.request.get('new_video_url'))
			return "error"
		video_code = self.request.get('new_video_url').split("p=")[1]
		this_subject.video_html = video_code
		logging.info('changed video for subject %s to %s' % (this_subject.name,video_code) )
		from utils.webapp import template
		path = tpl_path(EDITOR_PATH +'subject/video_object.html')
		template_values = {'s': {"subject": this_subject, "is_member": "admin" }} # Only admins can edit links, for now. 
		return template.render(path, template_values)	
예제 #11
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def add_link(self):
		from model.proficiency import Proficiency, Link 
		subject_name = self.request.get('subject_name')
		this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name) 
		try: new_link = Link(key_name = subject_name + "_" + self.request.get('link_url'),
		                  url = self.request.get('link_url'), 
		                 title = self.request.get('link_title'), 
		                 subject = this_subject )
		except BadValueError: return "error"
		logging.info('new link with url %s and title %s for subject %s' % (this_subject.name, str(new_link.url), new_link.title ) )
		from utils.webapp import template
		path = tpl_path(EDITOR_PATH +'subject/links_list.html')
		template_values = {'s': {"subject": this_subject, "is_member": "admin" }} # Only admins can edit links, for now. 
		return template.render(path, template_values)	
예제 #12
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
 def add_auto_pledge(self, *args):
 	if not args: return "Specify A Business Identifier, Proficiency Name, and Number of Pledges."
 	if len(args) > 3: return "Specify A Business Identifier, Proficiency Name, and Number of Pledges."
 	business_name = args[0]
 	from model.employer import Employer
 	this_employer = Employer.get_by_key_name(business_name)
 	if not this_employer: return "employer does not exist"
 	proficiency_name = args[1]
 	from model.proficiency import Proficiency
 	#import string -- Capwords sucks, darnit.
 	#this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(string.capwords(proficiency_name))
 	this_proficiency = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(proficiency_name)
 	pledge_num = int(args[2])
 	from model.employer import AutoPledge
 	new_pledge = AutoPledge(employer = this_employer,
 	                        proficiency = this_proficiency,
 	                        count = pledge_num)
 	return encode(new_pledge)                       
예제 #13
파일: rpc.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def change_rights(self):
		from utils.appengine_utilities.sessions import Session
		self.session = Session()
		from model.proficiency import Proficiency
		from model.user import SubjectMember
		subject_name = self.request.get('subject_name')
		this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name) 
		this_change = self.request.get('rights_action')
		this_membership = SubjectMember.gql("WHERE subject = :1 AND user = :2", this_subject, self.session['user']).get()
		if this_change == "make_admin":
			logging.info('make admin')
			this_membership.is_admin = True
		if this_change == "remove_admin":
			this_membership.is_admin = False
		logging.info('user %s has had admin status set to %s for subject %s' % (self.session['user'].unique_identifier, str(this_membership.is_admin), this_subject.name))
		from utils.webapp import template
		path = tpl_path(EDITOR_PATH +'subject/admin_rights.html')
		template_values = {'s': {"subject": this_subject}}
		return template.render(path, template_values)	
예제 #14
파일: views.py 프로젝트: jamslevy/PQ
	def get_subject(self):
		# Get subject from path
			import string #string.capwords() 
			subject_name = self.request.path.split('/edit/')[1].replace("%20"," ")  #TODO - instead of capwords, make all subject names lowercase
			self.this_subject = Proficiency.get_by_key_name(subject_name)
			assert self.this_subject is not None