예제 #1
def get_metrics(profs_preds_logits, counts_preds, num_runs):
    profs_preds_logs = profs_preds_logits - scipy.special.logsumexp(
        profs_preds_logits, axis=3, keepdims=True)
    profs_preds_logs_o = profs_preds_logs[:, 0]
    counts_preds_o = counts_preds[:, 0]
    profs_preds_o = np.exp(profs_preds_logs_o) * np.broadcast_to(
        counts_preds_o[:, :, np.newaxis, :], profs_preds_logs_o.shape)
    # print(profs_preds_logs_o.shape) ####
    # print(counts_preds_o.shape) ####
    # print(profs_preds_o.shape) ####
    metrics = {}
    for i in range(1, num_runs + 1):
        profs_preds_logs_a = profs_preds_logs[:, i]
        counts_preds_a = counts_preds[:, i]
        # print(profs_preds_logs_o.shape) ####
        # print(profs_preds_logs_a.shape) ####
        metrics_run = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
        metrics_run["counts_diff"] = counts_preds_a - counts_preds_o
        for k, v in metrics_run.items():
            metrics.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

    return metrics
def train_model(loaders, trans_id, params, _run):
    Trains the network for the given training and validation data.
        `train_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the training data
        `val_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the validation data
        `test_summit_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the test data, with
            coordinates centered at summits
        `test_peak_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the test data, with
            coordinates tiled across peaks
        `test_genome_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the test data, with
            summit-centered coordinates augmented with sampled negatives
    Note that all data loaders are expected to yield the 1-hot encoded
    sequences, profiles, statuses, source coordinates, and source peaks.
    num_epochs = params["num_epochs"]
    num_epochs_prof = params["num_epochs_prof"]
    learning_rate = params["learning_rate"]
    early_stopping = params["early_stopping"]
    early_stop_hist_len = params["early_stop_hist_len"]
    early_stop_min_delta = params["early_stop_min_delta"]
    train_seed = params["train_seed"]

    train_loader_1 = loaders["train_1"]
    val_loader_1 = loaders["val_1"]
    train_loader_2 = loaders["train_2"]
    val_loader_2 = loaders["val_2"]
    test_genome_loader = loaders["test_genome"]
    test_loaders = [
        (loaders["test_summit_union"], "summit_union"),
        (loaders["test_summit_to_sig"], "summit_to_sig"),
        (loaders["test_summit_from_sig"], "summit_from_sig"),
        (loaders["test_summit_to_sig_from_sig"], "summit_to_sig_from_sig"),
        (loaders["test_summit_to_insig_from_sig"], "summit_to_insig_from_sig"),
        (loaders["test_summit_to_sig_from_insig"], "summit_to_sig_from_insig"),

    run_num = _run._id
    output_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, f"{trans_id}_{run_num}")
    os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

    if train_seed:

    device = torch.device(f"cuda:{params['gpu_id']}") if torch.cuda.is_available() \
        else torch.device("cpu")

    # torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False ####
    # torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True ####

    model = create_model(**params)
    model = model.to(device)

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

    if early_stopping:
        val_epoch_loss_hist = []

    best_val_epoch_loss = np.inf
    best_model_state = None
    best_model_epoch = None

    for epoch in range(num_epochs_prof):
        if torch.cuda.is_available:
            torch.cuda.empty_cache()  # Clear GPU memory

        t_batch_losses, t_corr_losses, t_att_losses, t_prof_losses, \
            t_count_losses = run_epoch(
                train_loader_1, "train", model, epoch, optimizer=optimizer, seq_mode=False
        train_epoch_loss = np.nanmean(t_batch_losses)
        print("Pre-Train epoch %d: average loss = %6.10f" %
              (epoch + 1, train_epoch_loss))
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_train_epoch_loss", train_epoch_loss)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_train_batch_losses", t_batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_train_corr_losses", t_corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_train_att_losses", t_att_losses)

        v_batch_losses, v_corr_losses, v_att_losses, v_prof_losses, \
            v_count_losses = run_epoch(
                val_loader_1, "eval", model, epoch
        val_epoch_loss = np.nanmean(v_batch_losses)
        print("Pre-Valid epoch %d: average loss = %6.10f" %
              (epoch + 1, val_epoch_loss))
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_val_epoch_loss", val_epoch_loss)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_val_batch_losses", v_batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_val_corr_losses", v_corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_val_att_losses", v_att_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_val_prof_corr_losses", v_prof_losses)

        # Save trained model for the epoch
        savepath = os.path.join(output_dir,
                                "model_aux_ckpt_epoch_%d.pt" % (epoch + 1))
        util.save_model(model, savepath)

        # Save the model state dict of the epoch with the best validation loss
        if val_epoch_loss < best_val_epoch_loss:
            best_val_epoch_loss = val_epoch_loss
            best_model_state = model.state_dict()
            best_model_epoch = epoch

        # If losses are both NaN, then stop
        if np.isnan(train_epoch_loss) and np.isnan(val_epoch_loss):

        # Check for early stopping
        if early_stopping:
            if len(val_epoch_loss_hist) < early_stop_hist_len + 1:
                # Not enough history yet; tack on the loss
                val_epoch_loss_hist = [val_epoch_loss] + val_epoch_loss_hist
                # Tack on the new validation loss, kicking off the old one
                val_epoch_loss_hist = \
                    [val_epoch_loss] + val_epoch_loss_hist[:-1]
                best_delta = np.max(np.diff(val_epoch_loss_hist))
                if best_delta < early_stop_min_delta:
                    break  # Not improving enough

    _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_best_epoch", best_model_epoch)

    # Compute evaluation metrics and log them
    # for data_loader, prefix in [
    #     (test_summit_loader, "summit"), # (test_peak_loader, "peak"),
    #     # (test_genome_loader, "genomewide")
    # ]:
    for data_loader, prefix in test_loaders:
        print("Computing pretraining test metrics, %s:" % prefix)
        # Load in the state of the epoch with the best validation loss first
        batch_losses, corr_losses, att_losses, prof_losses, count_losses, \
            true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts, coords, \
            input_grads, input_seqs, true_profs_trans, true_counts_trans = run_epoch(
                data_loader, "eval", model, 0, return_data=True
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_aux_test_{prefix}_att_losses", att_losses)

        metrics = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
            true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts)
        if prefix == "summit_union":
            metrics_savepath = os.path.join(output_dir, "metrics_aux.pickle")
            metrics_savepath = None

            metrics, f"{trans_id}_aux_{prefix}", _run, \
            savepath=metrics_savepath, counts=(true_counts, true_counts_trans), coords=coords

    if early_stopping:
        val_epoch_loss_hist = []

    best_val_epoch_loss = np.inf
    best_model_state = None
    best_model_epoch = None

    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        if torch.cuda.is_available:
            torch.cuda.empty_cache()  # Clear GPU memory

        t_batch_losses, t_corr_losses, t_att_losses, t_prof_losses, \
            t_count_losses = run_epoch(
                train_loader_2, "train", model, epoch, optimizer=optimizer, seq_mode=True
        train_epoch_loss = np.nanmean(t_batch_losses)
        print("Train epoch %d: average loss = %6.10f" %
              (epoch + 1, train_epoch_loss))
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_train_epoch_loss", train_epoch_loss)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_train_batch_losses", t_batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_train_corr_losses", t_corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_train_att_losses", t_att_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_train_prof_corr_losses", t_prof_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_train_count_corr_losses", t_count_losses)

        v_batch_losses, v_corr_losses, v_att_losses, v_prof_losses, \
            v_count_losses = run_epoch(
                val_loader_2, "eval", model, epoch
        val_epoch_loss = np.nanmean(v_batch_losses)
        print("Valid epoch %d: average loss = %6.10f" %
              (epoch + 1, val_epoch_loss))
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_val_epoch_loss", val_epoch_loss)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_val_batch_losses", v_batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_val_corr_losses", v_corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_val_att_losses", v_att_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_val_prof_corr_losses", v_prof_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_val_count_corr_losses", v_count_losses)

        # Save trained model for the epoch
        savepath = os.path.join(output_dir,
                                "model_ckpt_epoch_%d.pt" % (epoch + 1))
        util.save_model(model, savepath)

        # Save the model state dict of the epoch with the best validation loss
        if val_epoch_loss < best_val_epoch_loss:
            best_val_epoch_loss = val_epoch_loss
            best_model_state = model.state_dict()
            best_model_epoch = epoch

        # If losses are both NaN, then stop
        if np.isnan(train_epoch_loss) and np.isnan(val_epoch_loss):

        # Check for early stopping
        if early_stopping:
            if len(val_epoch_loss_hist) < early_stop_hist_len + 1:
                # Not enough history yet; tack on the loss
                val_epoch_loss_hist = [val_epoch_loss] + val_epoch_loss_hist
                # Tack on the new validation loss, kicking off the old one
                val_epoch_loss_hist = \
                    [val_epoch_loss] + val_epoch_loss_hist[:-1]
                best_delta = np.max(np.diff(val_epoch_loss_hist))
                if best_delta < early_stop_min_delta:
                    break  # Not improving enough

    _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_best_epoch", best_model_epoch)

    # Compute evaluation metrics and log them
    # for data_loader, prefix in [
    #     (test_summit_loader, "summit"), # (test_peak_loader, "peak"),
    #     # (test_genome_loader, "genomewide")
    # ]:
    for data_loader, prefix in test_loaders:
        print("Computing test metrics, %s:" % prefix)
        # Load in the state of the epoch with the best validation loss first
        batch_losses, corr_losses, att_losses, prof_losses, count_losses, \
            true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts, coords, \
            input_grads, input_seqs, true_profs_trans, true_counts_trans = run_epoch(
                data_loader, "eval", model, 0, return_data=True
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_test_{prefix}_batch_losses", batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_test_{prefix}_corr_losses", corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar(f"{trans_id}_test_{prefix}_att_losses", att_losses)

        metrics = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
            true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts)

        if prefix == "summit_union":
            metrics_savepath = os.path.join(output_dir, "metrics.pickle")
            metrics_savepath = None

            metrics, f"{trans_id}_{prefix}", _run, \
            savepath=metrics_savepath, counts=(true_counts, true_counts_trans), coords=coords
예제 #3
def test_all_metrics_on_different_predictions():
    batch_size, num_tasks, prof_len = 50, 2, 1000

    # Make some random true profiles that have some "peaks"
    true_profs = np.empty((batch_size, num_tasks, prof_len, 2))
    ran = np.arange(prof_len)
    for i in range(batch_size):
        for j in range(num_tasks):
            pos_peak = (prof_len / 2) - np.random.randint(50)
            pos_sigma = np.random.random() * 5
            pos_prof = np.exp(-((ran - pos_peak)**2) / (2 * (pos_sigma**2)))
            neg_peak = (prof_len / 2) + np.random.randint(50)
            neg_sigma = np.random.random() * 5
            neg_prof = np.exp(-((ran - neg_peak)**2) / (2 * (neg_sigma**2)))
            count = np.random.randint(50, 500)
            true_profs[i, j, :, 0] = neg_prof / np.sum(neg_prof) * count
            true_profs[i, j, :, 1] = pos_prof / np.sum(pos_prof) * count
    true_profs = np.nan_to_num(true_profs)  # NaN to 0
    true_counts = np.sum(true_profs, axis=2)

    _run = FakeLogger()
    epsilon = 1e-50  # The smaller this is, the better Spearman correlation is

    # Make some "perfect" predicted profiles, which are identical to truth
    print("Testing all metrics on some perfect predictions...")
    pred_profs = true_profs
    pred_prof_probs = pred_profs / np.sum(pred_profs, axis=2, keepdims=True)
    pred_prof_probs = np.nan_to_num(pred_prof_probs)
    log_pred_profs = np.log(pred_prof_probs + epsilon)
    pred_counts = true_counts
    log_pred_counts = np.log(pred_counts + 1)

    metrics = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
        true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts)
    profile_performance.log_performance_metrics(metrics, "Perfect", _run)

    # Make some "good" predicted profiles by adding Gaussian noise to true
    print("Testing all metrics on some good predictions...")
    pred_profs = np.abs(true_profs + (np.random.randn(*true_profs.shape) * 3))
    pred_prof_probs = pred_profs / np.sum(pred_profs, axis=2, keepdims=True)
    log_pred_profs = np.log(pred_prof_probs + epsilon)
    pred_counts = np.abs(true_counts +
                         (np.random.randn(*true_counts.shape) * 10))
    log_pred_counts = np.log(pred_counts + 1)

    metrics = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
        true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts)
    profile_performance.log_performance_metrics(metrics, "Good", _run)

    # Make some "bad" predicted profiles which are just Gaussian noise
    print("Testing all metrics on some bad predictions...")
    pred_profs = np.abs(np.random.randn(*true_profs.shape) * 3)
    pred_prof_probs = pred_profs / np.sum(pred_profs, axis=2, keepdims=True)
    log_pred_profs = np.log(pred_prof_probs + epsilon)
    pred_counts = np.abs(np.random.randint(200, size=true_counts.shape))
    log_pred_counts = np.log(pred_counts + 1)

    metrics = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
        true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts)
    profile_performance.log_performance_metrics(metrics, "Bad", _run)
        "Warning: note that profile Spearman correlation is not so high, " +\
        "even in the perfect case. This is because while the true profile " +\
        "has 0 probability (or close to it) in most places, the predicted " +\
        "profile will never have exactly 0 probability due to the logits. "
예제 #4
def train_model(
    train_loader, val_loader, test_summit_loader, test_peak_loader,
    test_genome_loader, num_epochs, learning_rate, early_stopping,
    early_stop_hist_len, early_stop_min_delta, train_seed, _run
    Trains the network for the given training and validation data.
        `train_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the training data
        `val_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the validation data
        `test_summit_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the test data, with
            coordinates centered at summits
        `test_peak_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the test data, with
            coordinates tiled across peaks
        `test_genome_loader` (DataLoader): a data loader for the test data, with
            summit-centered coordinates augmented with sampled negatives
    Note that all data loaders are expected to yield the 1-hot encoded
    sequences, profiles, statuses, source coordinates, and source peaks.
    run_num = _run._id
    output_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR, str(run_num))
    if train_seed:

    device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() \
        else torch.device("cpu")

    model = create_model()
    model = model.to(device)

    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

    if early_stopping:
        val_epoch_loss_hist = []

    best_val_epoch_loss, best_model_state = float("inf"), None

    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        if torch.cuda.is_available:
            torch.cuda.empty_cache()  # Clear GPU memory

        t_batch_losses, t_corr_losses, t_att_losses, t_prof_losses, \
            t_count_losses = run_epoch(
                train_loader, "train", model, epoch, optimizer=optimizer
        train_epoch_loss = np.nanmean(t_batch_losses)
            "Train epoch %d: average loss = %6.10f" % (
                epoch + 1, train_epoch_loss
        _run.log_scalar("train_epoch_loss", train_epoch_loss)
        _run.log_scalar("train_batch_losses", t_batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("train_corr_losses", t_corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("train_att_losses", t_att_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("train_prof_corr_losses", t_prof_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("train_count_corr_losses", t_count_losses)

        v_batch_losses, v_corr_losses, v_att_losses, v_prof_losses, \
            v_count_losses = run_epoch(
                val_loader, "eval", model, epoch
        val_epoch_loss = np.nanmean(v_batch_losses)
            "Valid epoch %d: average loss = %6.10f" % (
                epoch + 1, val_epoch_loss
        _run.log_scalar("val_epoch_loss", val_epoch_loss)
        _run.log_scalar("val_batch_losses", v_batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("val_corr_losses", v_corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("val_att_losses", v_att_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("val_prof_corr_losses", v_prof_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("val_count_corr_losses", v_count_losses)

        # Save trained model for the epoch
        savepath = os.path.join(
            output_dir, "model_ckpt_epoch_%d.pt" % (epoch + 1)
        util.save_model(model, savepath)

        # Save the model state dict of the epoch with the best validation loss
        if val_epoch_loss < best_val_epoch_loss:
            best_val_epoch_loss = val_epoch_loss
            best_model_state = model.state_dict()

        # If losses are both NaN, then stop
        if np.isnan(train_epoch_loss) and np.isnan(val_epoch_loss):

        # Check for early stopping
        if early_stopping:
            if len(val_epoch_loss_hist) < early_stop_hist_len + 1:
                # Not enough history yet; tack on the loss
                val_epoch_loss_hist = [val_epoch_loss] + val_epoch_loss_hist
                # Tack on the new validation loss, kicking off the old one
                val_epoch_loss_hist = \
                    [val_epoch_loss] + val_epoch_loss_hist[:-1]
                best_delta = np.max(np.diff(val_epoch_loss_hist))
                if best_delta < early_stop_min_delta:
                    break  # Not improving enough

    # Compute evaluation metrics and log them
    for data_loader, prefix in [
        (test_summit_loader, "summit"), # (test_peak_loader, "peak"),
        # (test_genome_loader, "genomewide")
        print("Computing test metrics, %s:" % prefix)
        # Load in the state of the epoch with the best validation loss first
        batch_losses, corr_losses, att_losses, prof_losses, count_losses, \
            true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts, coords, \
            input_grads, input_seqs = run_epoch(
                data_loader, "eval", model, 0, return_data=True
        _run.log_scalar("test_%s_batch_losses" % prefix, batch_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("test_%s_corr_losses" % prefix, corr_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("test_%s_att_losses" % prefix, att_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("test_%s_prof_corr_losses" % prefix, prof_losses)
        _run.log_scalar("test_%s_count_corr_losses" % prefix, count_losses)

        metrics = profile_performance.compute_performance_metrics(
            true_profs, log_pred_profs, true_counts, log_pred_counts
        profile_performance.log_performance_metrics(metrics, prefix,  _run)