def open_comment(self): """ This method opens the comment pop-up to add a comment/ or edit an exiting comment.Afterwards it updates the information to the detailed point of interest in the database. :return: none """ item = self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.currentItem() value = DBConnection.search_by_item(item) project_db = DBConnection.get_collection(Singleton.get_project()) if item.toolTip() == "Functions": db_info = project_db["functions"] elif item.toolTip() == "Strings": db_info = project_db["string"] if value is not None: id = value["_id"] cmt = value["comment"] if cmt is None: cmt = "" pop_up = CommentDialog(self.analysis_tab, cmt) comm = pop_up.exec_() index = {"_id": id} new_value = {"$set": {"comment": comm}} db_info.update_one(index, new_value) self.detailed_poi(item) new_font = QtGui.QFont() new_font.setBold(True) item.setFont(new_font)
def open_output(self): """ Grabs the output file from the plugin and gets the selcted pois and runs the file with the pois as arguments. :return: none """ try: plugin = Plugin.get_file(self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.currentText()) cmd = ["python3", plugin] pois = [] for i in range(self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.count()): item = self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.item(i) if item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: value = DBConnection.search_by_item(item) out = Plugin.get_output(item.text(), self.analysis_tab.plugin_comboBox.currentText()) poi = {"name": item.text(), "from": value["from"], "out": out} pois.append(poi) sort = sorted(pois, key=lambda i: i["from"]) for s in sort: cmd.append(str(s)) subprocess.check_call(cmd) x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, "Finished creating output", "Output") x.exec_() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: text = "" if e.returncode == 1: text = f"Error executing {plugin} file" elif e.returncode == 2: text = f"{plugin} file not found" x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, text, "Error in Output") x.exec_() except Exception as e: x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, str(e), "Error in Output") x.exec_()
def detailed_poi(self, item): """ This method gets the information of an existing poi in the database and displays it top the detail point of interest edit box. :param item: current selected poi :return: none """ value = DBConnection.search_by_item(item) if value is not None: del value["_id"] y = value self.analysis_tab.poi_content_area_textEdit.setText(format_poi(y))
def dynamic(self): """ This method asks the user for parameters, creates a list with the selected pois and stats dynamic analysis thread with the list of pois and parameters as arguments. :return: """ if self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.count() == 0: x = ErrorDialog(self.analysis_tab, "Please run Static analysis first", "Error in DYnamic analysis") x.exec_() return global input input, ok_pressed = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getText(self.analysis_tab, "Dynamic analysis", "Args to pass:"******"") if ok_pressed: += 1 pois_checked = [] r2 = model.analysis.StaticAnalysis.static_all(Singleton.get_path()) self.terminal('r2 > \n') self.terminal(r2.cmd("doo %s" % input)) for i in range(self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.count()): item = self.analysis_tab.poi_listWidget.item(i) if item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked: if item.toolTip() == "Functions": value = DBConnection.search_by_item(item) poi = {"name": item.text(), "from": value["from"], "type": item.toolTip(), "rtnPara": [], "rtnFnc": ""} pois_checked.append(poi) sort = sorted(pois_checked, key=lambda i: i["from"]) global thread try: = 1 self.dynamic_started.emit() thread = model.analysis.DynamicThread.DynamicThread(rlocal=r2, pois=sort) thread.textSignal.connect(lambda x: self.terminal(x)) thread.listSignal.connect(lambda x: self.return_funcitions(x)) thread.errorSignal.connect(lambda x: self.error_thread(x)) thread.start() except Exception as e: print(e)