torch.manual_seed(opt.manualSeed) if opt.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(opt.manualSeed) cudnn.benchmark = True if torch.cuda.is_available() and not opt.cuda: print("WARNING: You have a CUDA device, so you should probably run with --cuda") # load data data = util.DATA_LOADER(opt) print("# of training samples: ", data.ntrain) netG = model.MLP_G(opt) netMap = model.Embedding_Net(opt) netD = model.MLP_CRITIC(opt) F_ha = model.Dis_Embed_Att(opt) model_path = './models/' + opt.dataset if not os.path.exists(model_path): os.makedirs(model_path) if len(opt.gpus.split(','))>1: netG=nn.DataParallel(netG) netD = nn.DataParallel(netD) netMap = nn.DataParallel(netMap) F_ha = nn.DataParallel(F_ha) contras_criterion = losses.SupConLoss_clear(opt.ins_temp)
def __init__(self, opt, attributes, unseenAtt, unseenLabels, seen_feats_mean, gen_type='FG'): ''' CLSWGAN trainer Inputs: opt -- arguments unseenAtt -- embeddings vector of unseen classes unseenLabels -- labels of unseen classes attributes -- embeddings vector of all classes ''' self.opt = opt self.con_real = ConLossReal(seen_feats_mean) self.gen_type = gen_type # self.Wu_Labels = np.array([i for i, l in enumerate(unseenLabels)]) self.Wu_Labels = unseenLabels #np.array([i for i, l in enumerate(unseenLabels)]) print(f"Wu_Labels {self.Wu_Labels}") self.Wu = unseenAtt self.unseen_classifier = ClsUnseen(unseenAtt) self.unseen_classifier.cuda() self.con_loss = SupConLoss() self.con_att_feats = AttFeatsCon() # self.unseen_classifier = loadUnseenWeights(opt.pretrain_classifier_unseen, self.unseen_classifier) self.classifier = ClsModel(num_classes=opt.nclass_all) self.classifier.cuda() self.classifier = loadFasterRcnnCLSHead(opt.pretrain_classifier, self.classifier) for p in self.classifier.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False for p in self.unseen_classifier.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False self.ntrain = opt.gan_epoch_budget self.attributes = print(f"# of training samples: {self.ntrain}") # initialize generator and discriminator self.netG = model.MLP_G(self.opt) self.netD = model.MLP_CRITIC(self.opt) if self.opt.cuda and torch.cuda.is_available(): self.netG = self.netG.cuda() self.netD = self.netD.cuda() print( '\n\n#############################################################\n' ) print(self.netG, '\n') print(self.netD) print( '\n#############################################################\n\n' ) # classification loss, Equation (4) of the paper self.cls_criterion = nn.NLLLoss() = torch.FloatTensor([1]) self.mone = * -1 if self.opt.cuda: = self.mone = self.mone.cuda() self.cls_criterion.cuda() self.optimizerD = optim.Adam(self.netD.parameters(),, betas=(self.opt.beta1, 0.999)) self.optimizerG = optim.Adam(self.netG.parameters(),, betas=(self.opt.beta1, 0.999))