예제 #1
def authenticate_user():
	"""checks to see if the user is in the database and checks password"""

	#TODO: More sophisticated authenication process. Hash passwords, etc. IMPORTANT
	# for deployment. 

	# gets email and password
	email = request.form.get("email")
	password = request.form.get("password")
	user = model.get_user_by_email(email)

	# if email not in the database, redirects to a sign up page.
	if user == None:
		flash("Please sign up!")
		return redirect("/new_user")
	# if password does not match what is in the database, asks user to try again.  
	if user.password != password:
		flash("The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.")

		return redirect("/")
	# adds email to session. Redirects to run_log. 
	flask_session["email"] = model.get_user_by_email(email).email
	flash("Successfully logged in!")

	return redirect("/user_landing")
예제 #2
def add_goal():
	"""Adds a goal to the database when the user submits the new goal form."""
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	goal = request.form.get("goal")
	fitness_level = request.form.get("fitness_level")
	run_length_history = request.form.get("run_length_history")
	set_date = datetime.now()
	race_data = request.form.get("race")
	if race_data != None:
		race_data = json.loads(race_data)
		race_url = str(race_data[0])
		event_date = datetime.strptime(str(race_data[1]), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
		id_for_api = str(race_data[2])
		new_goal = model.Goal(user_id = user.id, description=goal, fitness_level=fitness_level, run_length_history=run_length_history, set_date=set_date, race_url = race_url, event_date = event_date, id_for_api = id_for_api)

		goal_date = request.form.get("goal_date_no_race")
		goal_date = datetime.strptime(goal_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
		new_goal = model.Goal(user_id = user.id, description=goal, fitness_level=fitness_level, run_length_history=run_length_history, set_date=set_date, event_date = goal_date)


	goal_obj = model.get_most_recent_goal(user)

	# Adding subgoals

	for subgoal in model.subgoal_dictionary[goal_obj.description]:
		subgoal_to_add = model.Subgoal(goal_id = goal_obj.id, description = subgoal)

	return redirect("/goals")
예제 #3
def update_goal():
	"""Will register a subgoal  or goal as complete."""
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	goal_id = request.args.get("goal_id")
	current_goal = model.get_goal_by_id(goal_id)
	# list of all subgoals associated with the goal we are viewing. 
	possible_subgoals = model.get_subgoals_by_goal_id(goal_id)

	# creating a list of subgoals to mark as completed.
	subgoal_to_commit = []

	for subgoal in possible_subgoals:
		subgoal_id = request.args.get(subgoal.description)
		# If the box is checked, it will register the subgoal as complete. 
		if subgoal_id != None:
			subgoal_obj = model.get_subgoal_by_id(int(subgoal_id))
			subgoal_obj.date_completed = datetime.now()

	# Determines if the goal was marked as complete. If it was, it updates the database.

	goal_complete = request.args.get("final_goal")
	if goal_complete != None:
		current_goal.date_completed = datetime.now()

	#TODO: redirect back to the goal that was being viewed, not to the goal list. 

	return redirect("/goals")
예제 #4
def show_movie(movie_id):
    cur_movie = model.get_movie(movie_id)
    ratings = cur_movie.ratings

    rating_nums = []
    user_rating = None
    user = model.get_user_by_email(session["email"])
    for r in ratings:
        if r.user_id == user.id:
            user_rating = r
    avg_rating = float(sum(rating_nums))/len(rating_nums)

    # Prediction code: only predict if the user hasn't rated it.

    prediction = None
    if not user_rating:
        prediction = user.predict_rating(cur_movie)
    # End prediction

    if session.get("email"):
        email = True
        email = False
    # return render_template("movie.html", movie=cur_movie, ratings=ratings,email=email)
    return render_template("movie.html", movie=cur_movie, ratings=ratings,
     avg_rating=avg_rating, email=email, prediction=prediction)
예제 #5
def add_route_to_db():
	"""Adds the new route to the database"""

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	# Getting info from form. 

	route_title = request.form.get("route_title")
	location_description = request.form.get("location_description")
	route_distance = request.form.get("route_distance")
	user_notes = request.form.get("user_notes")
	map_embed = request.form.get("map_embed")

	# creating a route object. 
	route = model.Route(user_id = user.id, title = route_title, location_description = location_description, notes = user_notes, distance = route_distance, html_embed = map_embed)

	# adding object to the database. 


	flash("Added Route to Collection")

	return redirect("/routes")
예제 #6
 def get(self):
     user_email = self.request.get('user_email')
     user = model.get_user_by_email(user_email)
     if user:
         self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
         self.response.out.write('No image')
예제 #7
def add_run():
	# User Object
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	# Getting info from the form. 
	date_run = request.form.get("new_run_date_and_time")
	date_run = datetime.strptime(date_run, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
	zipcode = request.form.get("zipcode")
	distance = float(request.form.get("distance"))
	duration = int(request.form.get("duration"))
	route = request.form.get("route")
	pre_run = int(request.form.get("pre_run"))
	during_run = int(request.form.get("during_run"))
	post_run = int(request.form.get("post_run"))
	energy = int(request.form.get("energy"))
	feeling = request.form.get("feeling")
	location = request.form.get("location")
	terrain = request.form.get("terrain")
	route_type = request.form.get("route_type")
	thoughts = request.form.get("thoughts")
	instagram_html = request.form.get("instagram_embed")
	commit_date = datetime.now()

	if instagram_html == None:
		instagram_html = "<p></p>"

	# Creating a new run and adding it to the database.

	new_run = model.Run(user_id = user.id, date_run = date_run, zipcode=zipcode, approx_dist = distance, approx_time = duration, commit_date = commit_date, route = route)
	new_run_object = model.get_latest_run(user)

	# Creating rating objects. 

	pre_run = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 1, numeric_ans = pre_run)
	during_run = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 2, numeric_ans = during_run)
	post_run = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 3, numeric_ans = post_run)
	energy = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 4, numeric_ans = energy)
	feeling = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 5, select_ans = feeling)
	location = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 6, select_ans = location)
	terrain = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 7, select_ans = terrain)
	route_type = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 8, select_ans = route_type)
	thoughts = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 9, text_ans = thoughts)
	instagram_embed = model.Rating(user_id=user.id, run_id=new_run_object.id, question_id = 10, text_ans = instagram_html)
	# Adding rating objects to database.
	ratings = [pre_run, during_run, post_run, energy, feeling, location, terrain, route_type, thoughts, instagram_embed]
	for rating in ratings:


	redirect_url = "/view_run.html?run_id=" + str(new_run_object.id)
	flash("Run Successfully added!")
	return redirect(redirect_url)
예제 #8
 def get(self):
     user_email = self.request.get('user_email')
     user = model.get_user_by_email(user_email)
     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
     response_content = {
         'display_name': user.display_name,
         'credit': user.credit,
         'rating': user.rating
예제 #9
def new_goal():
	"""Renders the form the user completes to add a goal."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	page = "goals"
	return render_template("new_goal.html", user=user, page = page)
예제 #10
def new_run():
	"""Renders the form the user completes to add a run."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "run"
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	routes = model.get_user_routes(user)
	return render_template("new_run.html", page = page, routes = routes)
예제 #11
def heat_map_data():
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	runs = model.find_all_runs(user)

	run_dictionary = {}

	for run in runs:
		run_dictionary[(run.date_run - datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds()] = run.approx_dist 

	run_dictionary = json.dumps(run_dictionary)

	return run_dictionary
예제 #12
def commute_profile():
    if session['email']:
        email = session['email']
        user_id = model.get_user_by_email(email)
    startaddrform = request.form.get("depart")
    destaddrform = request.form.get("destination")
    starttimeform = request.form.get("starttime")
    endtimform = request.form.get("endtime")
    mobileform = request.form.get("mobile")
    workform = request.form.get("work")
    homeform = request.form.get("home")
    model.complete_commute_profile(user_id, startaddrform,destaddrform,starttimeform,endtimform,mobileform,workform,homeform)
    return redirect(url_for("testmap"))
예제 #13
def view_user_route():
	"""Lets the user view details about a single route."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "route"
	current_route_id = request.args.get("route_id")
	current_route = model.get_route_by_id(current_route_id)

	return render_template("view_route.html", page = page, route = current_route)
예제 #14
def view_route_library():
	"""Will display the user's collection of routes."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "route"
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	routes = model.get_user_routes(user)
	return render_template("routes.html", page = page, routes = routes)
예제 #15
def after_mood():
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	number_of_runs = request.args.get("number_of_runs")

	after_rating_list = model.get_after_ratings(user, runs_to_get = number_of_runs)

	feelings_ratings = {"name": "Root", "children": [{"name": "After Run", "children": [], "size": 800}], "size": 1000}
	for i in range (len(after_rating_list)):
		feelings_ratings["children"][0]["children"].append({"name": str(after_rating_list[i][0]), "size": after_rating_list[i][1], "score": after_rating_list[i][0]})

	json_feelings = json.dumps(feelings_ratings)
	return json_feelings
예제 #16
def set_goals():
	"""Lists all of the goals the user has set."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	goals = user.goals

	page = "goals"

	return render_template("goal_log.html" , goals = goals, goal_dictionary = model.goal_dictionary, page = page)
예제 #17
def review_movie(movie_id):
    print "#"*80 
    user = model.get_user_by_email(session.get("email"))
    print user
    print "#"*80
    user_id = user.id
    movie_rating = request.form.get("ratings")

    model.add_movie_rating(user_id=user_id, movie_id=movie_id, rating=movie_rating)

    cur_movie = model.get_movie(movie_id)
    ratings = model.get_ratings_by_movie_id(movie_id)

    email = True
    return render_template("movie.html", movie=cur_movie, ratings=ratings, email=email)
예제 #18
파일: carpool.py 프로젝트: johnsonc/Carpool
def commute_profile():
    if session['email']:
        email = session['email']
        user_id = model.get_user_by_email(email)
    startaddrform = request.form.get("depart")
    destaddrform = request.form.get("destination")
    starttimeform = request.form.get("starttime")
    endtimform = request.form.get("endtime")
    mobileform = request.form.get("mobile")
    workform = request.form.get("work")
    homeform = request.form.get("home")
    start_addr_id, dest_addr_id = model.complete_commute_profile(
        user_id, startaddrform, destaddrform, starttimeform, endtimform,
        mobileform, workform, homeform)
    return redirect(
        url_for("match") + "?start_addr_id=%d&dest_addr_id=%d" %
        (start_addr_id, dest_addr_id))
예제 #19
def flare_data():
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	number_of_runs = request.args.get("number_of_runs")

	if number_of_runs == None:
		number_of_runs = 5

	during_rating_list = model.get_during_ratings(user, runs_to_get = number_of_runs)

	feelings_ratings = {"name": "Root", "children": [{"name": "During Run", "children": [], "size": 800}], "size": 1000}
	for i in range (len(during_rating_list)):
		feelings_ratings["children"][0]["children"].append({"name": str(during_rating_list[i][0]), "size": during_rating_list[i][1]})
	json_feelings = json.dumps(feelings_ratings)
	return json_feelings
예제 #20
def actually_login():
    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    #user = model.session.query(model.User).filter_by(email=temail).first()
    user = model.get_user_by_email(email, password)

    if user is None:
        flash("User does not exist")
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
    elif user == "incorrect password":
        flash("Incorrect password")
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
        session['email'] = user.email
        session['id'] = user.id
        session['logged_in'] = True
    return redirect(url_for("main_page"))
예제 #21
def actually_login():
    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")

    #user = model.session.query(model.User).filter_by(email=temail).first()
    user = model.get_user_by_email(email, password)

    if user is None:
        flash("User does not exist")
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
    elif user == "incorrect password":
        flash("Incorrect password")
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
        session['email'] = user.email
        session['id'] = user.id
        session['logged_in'] = True
    return redirect(url_for("main_page"))
예제 #22
def display_log():
	"""Displays links to review the previous runs."""


	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	runs = model.find_all_runs_desc(user)

	number_of_runs = len(runs)

	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "run"

	return render_template("run_log.html", user = user, runs = runs, page = page, number_of_runs = number_of_runs)
예제 #23
def signup():
    if session.get("username"):
        return redirect(url_for("search"))

    if request.method == "POST":
        username = request.form["username"]
        email = request.form["email"]
        password = request.form["password"]
        password = generate_password_hash(password)

        if get_user_by_name(username):
            flash("Пользователь с таким именем уже зарегистрирован!")
            return redirect(url_for("signup"))
        elif get_user_by_email(email):
            flash("Пользователь с такой почтой уже зарегистрирован!")
            return redirect(url_for("signup"))
            add_user(username, email, password)
            session["username"] = username
        return redirect(url_for("search"))

    return render_template("signup.html")
예제 #24
def register_user():
    """Register or sign up user"""

    #post requests mean they've submitted form on register.html
    if request.method == 'POST':
        user_email = request.form.get('email')
        user_password = request.form.get('password')
        user_age = int(request.form.get('age'))
        user_zipcode = request.form.get('zipcode')
        result = get_user_by_email(user_email) #querying DB for username

        if result:
            ##SHOW ALERT, "username exists"
            flash('That %s already exists. Please login or use a different email' % user_email)
            return redirect('/register')
            add_user(user_email, user_password, user_age, user_zipcode)
            flash('%s has been successfully registered and logged in.' % user_email)
            session['user_id'] = result.user_id
            return redirect('/')
        # coming from link on homepage.html
        return render_template("register.html")
예제 #25
def bar_chart():
	"""Will send the relevant information to the run graph 
	page in order to construct a bar chart that will show the
	users last five runs."""

	number_of_runs = request.args.get("number_of_runs")

	if number_of_runs == None:
		number_of_runs = 5

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	runs = model.get_collection_of_runs(user.id, runs_to_get = number_of_runs)

	run_list_of_dictionaries = []

	#Changing date in order to jsonify
	for run in runs:
		 run_list_of_dictionaries.append({'date': run[0].strftime("%m-%d-%Y"), 'distance': run[1], "score": run[2]})

	json_runs = json.dumps(run_list_of_dictionaries)

	return json_runs
예제 #26
def view_goal():
	"""Views a goal that the user previously set."""

	# TODO goals should be able to be shown as complete, just like subgoals do at the moment.

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	current_goal_id = request.args.get("goal_id")
	current_goal = model.get_goal_by_id(current_goal_id)
	subgoals = model.get_subgoals_by_goal_id(current_goal_id)
	outstanding_subgoals = model.get_outstanding_subgoal_by_goal_id(current_goal_id)
	runs_after_date = model.get_runs_after_date(user, current_goal.set_date)

	possible_matches = []

	for subgoal in outstanding_subgoals:
		for run in runs_after_date:
			if run.approx_dist >= model.distance_int_dictionary[subgoal.description]:
				possible_matches.append((subgoal, run))

	update_button = False

	if not current_goal.date_completed:
			update_button = True
			days_left = (current_goal.event_date - datetime.now()).days
		days_left = "Goal Complete!"

	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "goals"

	return render_template("view_goal.html", goal=current_goal, goal_dictionary = model.goal_dictionary, subgoals = subgoals, update_button = update_button, days_left = days_left, possible_matches = possible_matches, page = page)
예제 #27
def actually_login():
    print "something else"
    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")
    print password
    #user = model.session.query(model.User).filter_by(email=temail).first()

    user = model.get_user_by_email(email, password)

    if user is None:
        print "none"
        flash("User does not exist")
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
    #elif user.password != password:
    elif user == "incorrect password":
        flash("Incorrect password")
        print "incorrectpw"
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
        session['email'] = user.email
        session['id'] = user.id
        session['logged_in'] = True
        print "loggedin???"
    return redirect(url_for("dashboard"))
예제 #28
def actually_login():
    print "something else"
    email = request.form.get("email")
    password = request.form.get("password")
    print password
    #user = model.session.query(model.User).filter_by(email=temail).first()
    user = model.get_user_by_email(email, password)

    if user is None:
        print "none"
        flash("User does not exist")
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
    #elif user.password != password:
    elif user == "incorrect password":
        flash("Incorrect password")
        print "incorrectpw"
        return redirect(url_for('actually_login'))
        session['email'] = user.email
        session['id'] = user.id
        session['logged_in'] = True
        print "loggedin???"
    return redirect(url_for("dashboard"))
예제 #29
def display_ideal():
	""""Will display the conditions under which the user experiences the best runs."""
	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])
	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "ideal"
	runs = model.find_all_runs(user)
	# Making a generalization about your running habits only makes sense after a certain number of runs. 
	# If you haven't logged a certain number of runs, it will render a template that 
	# will tell you that this functionality will appear after more runs are logged. 

	if len(runs) < 10:
		return render_template("go_run.html", page = page)

	run_dictionary = {}

	for run in runs:
		run_dictionary[run.id] = run

	# Finding user's average score and max score. 
	max_score = 0
	average_score = 0
	for run_key in run_dictionary.keys():
		run_score = model.get_run_score(run_key)
		if run_score > max_score:
			max_score = run_score
		average_score = average_score + run_score

	average_score = average_score/len(run_dictionary.keys())

	# Determining the threshold of what is a "highly rated run" for the indivual user. 

	high_rated_run_threshold = (max_score + average_score) * 0.5

	# Building the highly rated dictionary. 
	run_dictionary_high_score = {}

	for run_key in run_dictionary.keys():
		run_score = model.get_run_score(run_key)
		if run_score >= high_rated_run_threshold:
			run_dictionary_high_score[run_key] = run_dictionary[run_key]

	# Finding the average distance of highly rated runs.
	average_dist_high_rated_runs = 0

	for run_key in run_dictionary_high_score.keys():
		average_dist_high_rated_runs = average_dist_high_rated_runs + run_dictionary_high_score[run_key].approx_dist

	average_dist_high_rated_runs = average_dist_high_rated_runs / len(run_dictionary_high_score.keys())

	# Finding the average distance of all user runs. 
	average_dist_run = 0

	for run_key in run_dictionary.keys():
		average_dist_run = average_dist_run + run_dictionary[run_key].approx_dist

	average_dist_run = average_dist_run / len(run_dictionary.keys())

	# Finding the conditions that you prefer. 

	locations = []
	terrains = []
	routes = []

	for run_key in run_dictionary_high_score.keys():

	prefered_terrain = {}

	# iterates through all the terrain conditions. 
	for key in model.terrain_dictionary.keys():
		# If the prefered terrain dictionary is empty it adds the key to it. 
		if prefered_terrain == {}:
			prefered_terrain[key] = (model.terrain_dictionary[key], terrains.count(key))
		# If the prefered terrain dictionary is not empty, it adds the terrain we are currently
		# on if they have the same counts. If the current terrain has a higher count, it replaces the
		# dictionary with one where the current key is the only key. If the count is less than 
		# what is currently in the dictionary, it moves along. 
		elif  terrains.count(key) == terrains.count(prefered_terrain.keys()[0]):
			prefered_terrain[key] = (model.terrain_dictionary[key], terrains.count(key))
		elif terrains.count(key) > terrains.count(prefered_terrain.keys()[0]):
			prefered_terrain = {}
			prefered_terrain[key] = (model.terrain_dictionary[key], terrains.count(key))


	prefered_route = {}

	# Iterates through all the route conditions.
	for key in model.route_dictionary.keys():
		# If the prefered route dictionary is empty it adds the key to it. 
		if prefered_route == {}:
			prefered_route[key] = (model.route_dictionary[key], routes.count(key))
		# If the prefered route dictionary is not empty, it adds the route we are currently
		# on if they have the same counts. If the current route has a higher count, it replaces the
		# dictionary with one where the current key is the only key. If the count is less than 
		# what is currently in the dictionary, it moves along. 
		elif routes.count(key) == routes.count(prefered_route.keys()[0]):
			prefered_route[key] = (model.route_dictionary[key], routes.count(key))
		elif routes.count(key) > routes.count(prefered_route.keys()[0]):
			prefered_route = {}
			prefered_route[key] = (model.route_dictionary[key], routes.count(key))


	prefered_location = {}

	# Iterates through all the location conditions.
	for key in model.location_dictionary.keys():
		# If the prefered location dictionary is empty it adds the key to it. 
		if prefered_location == {}:
			prefered_location[key] = (model.location_dictionary[key], locations.count(key))
		# If the prefered location dictionary is not empty, it adds the location we are currently
		# on if they have the same counts. If the current location has a higher count, it replaces the
		# dictionary with one where the current key is the only key. If the count is less than 
		# what is currently in the dictionary, it moves along. 
		elif locations.count(key) == locations.count(prefered_location.keys()[0]):
			prefered_location[key] = (model.location_dictionary[key], locations.count(key))
		elif locations.count(key) > locations.count(prefered_location.keys()[0]):
			prefered_location = {}
			prefered_location[key] = (model.location_dictionary[key], locations.count(key))


	# Determines the days of the week that tend to have your higher rated runs. 

	weekdays = []
	weekday_string_list = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

	# makes a list of weekdays with highly rated runs. 
	for run_key in run_dictionary_high_score.keys():

	prefered_weekday = {}

	for weekday in range(7):
		if prefered_weekday == {}:
			prefered_weekday[weekday] = weekdays.count(weekday)

		elif weekdays.count(weekday) == weekdays.count(prefered_weekday.keys()[0]):
			prefered_weekday[weekday] = weekdays.count(weekday)

		elif weekdays.count(weekday) > weekdays.count(prefered_weekday.keys()[0]):
			prefered_weekday = {}
			prefered_weekday[weekday] = weekdays.count(weekday)


	prefered_weekday_string = {}

	# creates a dictionary with a the weekdays as strings instead of 0-6. 
	for key in prefered_weekday.keys():
		prefered_weekday_string[weekday_string_list[key]] = prefered_weekday[key]

	prefered_weekday_keys = prefered_weekday.keys()
	prefered_location_keys = prefered_location.keys()
	prefered_terrain_keys = prefered_terrain.keys()
	prefered_route_keys = prefered_route.keys()

	location_image_dictionary = model.location_badges_dictionary
	terrain_image_dictionary = model.terrain_badges_dictionary
	route_image_dictionary = model.route_badges_dictionary

	weekday_image_dictionary = model.weekday_badges_dictionary

	return render_template("ideal.html", high_distance = average_dist_high_rated_runs, average_distance = average_dist_run, prefered_terrain = prefered_terrain, prefered_route = prefered_route, prefered_location = prefered_location, prefered_weekday = prefered_weekday_string, page = page, len_day = len(prefered_weekday_string), len_location = len(prefered_location), len_terrain = len(prefered_terrain), len_route = len(prefered_route), prefered_weekday_keys=prefered_weekday_keys, prefered_route_keys = prefered_route_keys, prefered_location_keys = prefered_location_keys, prefered_terrain_keys = prefered_terrain_keys, location_images = location_image_dictionary, terrain_images = terrain_image_dictionary, route_images = route_image_dictionary, weekday_images = weekday_image_dictionary)
예제 #30
def validate_existing_user(item):
    usernamecase = model.get_user_by_username(item.username)
    emailcase = model.get_user_by_email(item.email)
    return not bool(usernamecase) and not bool(emailcase)
예제 #31
def dashboard():
	"""Displays relevant info for the user, that he or she will
	see upon logging in."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	runs = model.get_collection_of_runs(user.id, runs_to_get = 4)
	instagrams = []
	for run in runs:
		instagram = model.get_instagram(run[3])
		if len(instagram[0].text_ans) > 20:

	#looks for more instagrams if the first search didn't return very many
	if len(instagrams) < 4:
		instagrams = []
		runs = model.get_collection_of_runs(user.id, runs_to_get = 8)
		for run in runs:
			instagram = model.get_instagram(run[3])
			if len(instagram[0].text_ans) > 20:

	if len(instagrams) > 4:
		instagrams = instagrams[:4]

	#gets outstanding subgoals 

	outstanding_subgoals = model.get_outstanding_subgoals(user)

	possible_matches = []

	for subgoal in outstanding_subgoals:
		runs_after_date = model.get_runs_after_date(user, subgoal.goal.set_date)
		for run in runs_after_date:
			if run.approx_dist >= model.distance_int_dictionary[subgoal.description]:
				possible_matches.append((subgoal, run))

	# gets outstanding goals

	outstanding_goals = model.get_outstanding_goals(user)

	possible_goal_matches = []

	for goal in outstanding_goals:
		for run in runs_after_date:
			if run.approx_dist >= model.distance_int_dictionary[goal.description]:
				possible_goal_matches.append((goal, run))

	# The page variable determines which tabs are active.
	page = "user_landing"	

	return render_template("user_landing.html", instagrams=instagrams, possible_matches = possible_matches, possible_goal_matches = possible_goal_matches, goal_dictionary = model.goal_dictionary, page = page)
예제 #32
def update_run_on_database():
	"""Updates the editied run on the database."""

	if flask_session.get("email") == None:
		flash("You must sign in to view that page.")
		return redirect("/")

	# Getting all the relevant info.
	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"]) 
	run_id = request.form.get("run_id")
	run_object = model.get_run_by_id(run_id)
	date_run = request.form.get("new_run_date_and_time")

	if date_run == "":
		date_run = run_object.date_run
		date_run = datetime.strptime(date_run, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
	zipcode = request.form.get("zipcode")
	distance = float(request.form.get("distance"))
	duration = int(request.form.get("duration"))
	pre_run = int(request.form.get("pre_run"))
	during_run = int(request.form.get("during_run"))
	post_run = int(request.form.get("post_run"))
	energy = int(request.form.get("energy"))
	feeling = request.form.get("feeling")
	location = request.form.get("location")
	terrain = request.form.get("terrain")
	route = request.form.get("route")
	thoughts = request.form.get("thoughts")
	instagram_html = request.form.get("instagram_embed")

	# modifying run
	run_object.zipcode = zipcode
	run_object.approx_dist = distance
	run_object.approx_time = duration
	if date_run != " ":
		run_object.date_run = date_run

	# Modifying ratings. 

	ratings = model.get_ratings_for_run(run_id)

	ratings[0].numeric_ans = pre_run
	ratings[1].numeric_ans = during_run
	ratings[2].numeric_ans = post_run
	ratings[3].numeric_ans = energy
	ratings[4].select_ans = feeling
	ratings[5].select_ans = location
	ratings[6].select_ans = terrain
	ratings[7].select_ans = route


	#checking to see if there are new text entries and commiting them 
	# if they have been updated. 

	instagram_html = request.form.get("instagram_embed")

	if len(instagram_html)< 20:
		ratings[9].text_ans = instagram_html

	if len(thoughts) < 2 or thoughts == None:
		ratings[8].text_ans = thoughts
	redirect_url = "/view_run.html?run_id=" + str(run_id)
	flash("Run Successfully Updated!")
	return redirect(redirect_url)
예제 #33
def pie_chart():
	""" Will return the data required to the run graph page
	to create a chart that will show the user the percentage of 
	their runs occur in different locales. """

	user = model.get_user_by_email(flask_session["email"])

	number_of_runs = request.args.get("number_of_runs")

	if number_of_runs == None:
		number_of_runs = 5
	location_ratings = model.get_location_ratings(user, runs_to_get = number_of_runs)

	location_dictionary = {}

	for rating in location_ratings:
		if location_dictionary.get(rating.select_ans) == None:
			location_dictionary[rating.select_ans] = 1
			location_dictionary[rating.select_ans] = location_dictionary[rating.select_ans] + 1

	location_list = []

	for each_key in location_dictionary.keys():
		location_list.append({"condition": each_key.upper(), "occurances": location_dictionary[each_key], "color": model.location_color_dictionary[each_key] })

	terrain_ratings=model.get_terrain_ratings(user, runs_to_get = number_of_runs)

	terrain_dictionary = {}

	for rating in terrain_ratings:
		if terrain_dictionary.get(rating.select_ans) == None:
			terrain_dictionary[rating.select_ans] = 1
			terrain_dictionary[rating.select_ans] = terrain_dictionary[rating.select_ans] + 1

	terrain_list = []

	for each_key in terrain_dictionary.keys():
		terrain_list.append({"condition": each_key.upper(), "occurances": terrain_dictionary[each_key], "color": model.terrain_color_dictionary[each_key] })

	route_ratings=model.get_route_ratings(user, runs_to_get = number_of_runs)

	route_dictionary = {}

	for rating in route_ratings:
		if route_dictionary.get(rating.select_ans) == None:
			route_dictionary[rating.select_ans] = 1
			route_dictionary[rating.select_ans] = route_dictionary[rating.select_ans] + 1

	route_list = []

	for each_key in route_dictionary.keys():
		route_list.append({"condition": each_key.upper(), "occurances": route_dictionary[each_key], "color": model.route_color_dictionary[each_key] })

	json_conditions = json.dumps([location_list, terrain_list, route_list])

	return json_conditions