예제 #1
    def build_character_default(cls):
        assert type(cls) is type, "Must call as classmethod"
        """Construct a character to play with"""
        # BUILD HENRI (sort of)
        c = Character()
        c.base.str_score = 19
        c.base.dex_score = 12
        c.base.con_score = 13
        c.base.cha_score = 14

        c.BAB = 5

        greatsword = Weapon("Greatsword",
                      Attack(atk=+0, dmg_roll=DamageRoll.fromString("2d6"),
                             crit_range=[19,20], crit_mult=2, two_handed=True))
        #c.equipment.main_hand = greatsword

        # Add in dual-wield for testing
        tidewater_cutless = Weapon("Tidewater Cuttless +1",
                      Attack(atk=+1, dmg_roll=DamageRoll.fromString("1d6+1"),
                             crit_range=[18,19,20], crit_mult=2))
        c.equipment.main_hand = tidewater_cutless
        masterwork_handaxe = Weapon("Masterwork Handaxe",
                              Attack(atk=1, dmg_roll=DamageRoll.fromString("1d6"),
                                     crit_range=[20,], crit_mult=3))

        c.equipment.off_hand = masterwork_handaxe

        cls.c = c

        # Buffs
        cls.possible_buffs_list = \
            [Buff('Favored Enemy (Human)',4,4),
             Buff('Favored Enemy (Monstrous Humanoid)',2,2),

        bulls_strength = Buff("Bull's Strength")
        bulls_strength.str_score = 4

        # Update UIC Model
        cls.uic._model = cls.c
예제 #2
    def build_character(self):
        """Construct a character to play with"""
        # BUILD HENRI
        c = Character()
        c.base.str_score = 19
        c.base.dex_score = 12
        c.base.con_score = 13
        c.base.cha_score = 14

        c.BAB = 5

        greatsword = Weapon("Greatsword",
                      Attack(atk=+0, dmg_roll=DamageRoll.fromString("2d6"),
                             crit_range=[19,20], crit_mult=2, two_handed=True))
        c.equipment.main_hand = greatsword
        attacks = c.attacks

        self.c = c
예제 #3
if 'Character' not in locals().keys():
    from model import (Character, RPGClass, Equipment, Weapon, Attack,
                       Buff, Feat, auditable)

class Ranger(RPGClass):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Ranger, self).__init__()
        self.hit_die = 10
        self.fort = 5       # TODO: Scale will level
        self.ref = 5
        self.will = 2

c = Character()
c.name = 'Clement'
c.lvl = 6
c.BAB = 6
c.rpg_class = Ranger()

# Ability Scores
c.base.str_score = 19
c.base.dex_score = 16
c.base.con_score = 14
# All the others are the default value of 10

# Armor
breastplate = Equipment("Mithral Chain Shirt +2")
breastplate.AC = 6
breastplate.ACP = 0

cr = Equipment("Ammulute of Natural Armor +2")
예제 #4
if 'Character' not in locals().keys():
    from model import (Character, RPGClass, Equipment, Weapon, Attack,
                       Buff, Feat, auditable)

class Cavalier(RPGClass):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Cavalier, self).__init__()
        self.hit_die = 10
        self.fort = 7      # TODO: Scale will level
        self.ref = 3
        self.will = 3

c = Character()
c.name = 'Henri (Level 11)'
c.lvl = 11
c.BAB = 11
c.rpg_class = Cavalier()

# Ability Scores
c.base.str_score = 20
c.base.dex_score = 12
c.base.con_score = 13
c.base.cha_score = 16
# All the others are the default value of 10

# Armor
breastplate = Equipment("Mytheral Breastplate of Speed")
breastplate.AC = 10
breastplate.ACP = -3