class GUI: "Views - everything user sees" def __init__(self): # dictionary of key, val of key is string, val is int self.set_default_settings() self.job = None # this will be of class Job type, so not included in class diagram # but draw association arrow to Job Class # self.render() # display GUI when this class instantiates def set_default_settings(self): self.settings = DEFAULT self.video_path = '' def get_settings(self): # get settings currently in text boxes of GUI return {"video": self.video_path, "settings": self.settings} def set_settings(self, values, path): #Sets the settings of the GUI and includes the video path file. #values is a dictionary in the following format: # 'conf': float, # 'poll': int, # 'anti': int, # 'search': list of strings # } # 'conf': confidence interval for image classification. Must be a value between 0 and 1 # 'poll': the framerate poll (frequency of frames to classify). Must be a value >= 0 # 'anti': the treshold for how long a clip can contain frames not containing the search question # (anything longer will be the bounds of the clip). Must be a value >= 0 # 'search': a list of search terms to use. Must contain at least one string. # path is the video_input path #if not os.path.exists(path): # print('Here1') #self.set_default_settings() # return False #print(len(values['search'])) #print(values['search'][0]) #print(path) #print(type(path)) expected_keys = ['conf', 'poll', 'anti', 'runtime', 'search'] missing = [x for x in expected_keys if x not in values.keys()] if len(missing) > 0: self.set_default_settings() return False extra = [x for x in values.keys() if x not in expected_keys] if len(extra) > 0: self.set_default_settings() return False try: if not (isinstance(values['conf'], (int, float)) and isinstance( values['poll'], int) and isinstance(values['anti'], int) and isinstance(values['runtime'], int)): raise TypeError if not isinstance(path, str): raise TypeError if len(values['search']) != 0: for term in values['search']: if not isinstance(term, str): raise TypeError except TypeError: self.set_default_settings() return False if (values['conf'] < 0 or values['conf'] > 1 or values['poll'] < 0 or values['anti'] < 0 or values['runtime'] < 0 or values['search'] == []): self.set_default_settings() return False #print('values: ' + str(values)) self.settings = values # be sure that values are always in the same order. Do validation #print('self.settings: ' + str(self.settings)) self.video_path = path # where values is a dictionary return True def start_job(self): try: self.job = Job(self.get_settings()) return True except: return False def kill_job(self): try: self.job.kill() return True except: return False def render(self): # display GUI, including text fields, choose file, and start button # also calls set_settings and start_job when start button is pressed win = Tk() win.title("Intravideo Search") win.geometry("960x540") win_header = Frame(win) win_header.pack() win_content = Frame(win) win_content.pack() lbl1 = Label(win_header, text="Welcome to Intravideo Search!", font=("Times New Roman", 50), anchor="w") lbl1.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=3) lbl2 = Label(win_content, text="Upload a video file", justify=LEFT) lbl2.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=1) def open_file(): filename = askopenfilename() self.video_path = str(filename) temp_lbl3.configure(text="Video path: " + str(filename)) button1 = Button(win_content, text="Upload", anchor="w", command=open_file) button1.grid(column=1, row=1) #acknowledge that a file has been uploaded lbl0 = Label(win_content, text="or enter a YouTube link:", justify=LEFT) lbl0.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=2) entry0 = Entry(win_content, width=30) entry0.grid(sticky=W, column=1, row=2, pady=10) def add_youtube_link(): self.video_path = entry0.get() entry0.delete(first=0, last=100) def del_youtube_link(): entry0.delete(first=0, last=100) button0 = Button(win_content, text="Add", anchor='w', command=add_youtube_link) button0.grid(sticky=W, column=3, row=2) button00 = Button(win_content, text="Clear", anchor='w', command=del_youtube_link) button00.grid(sticky=W, column=4, row=2) def change_confidence(val): self.settings['conf'] = float(val) / 100 settings_display_update() def change_polling(val): self.settings['poll'] = int(val) settings_display_update() def change_anti(val): self.settings['anti'] = int(val) settings_display_update() lbl3 = Label(win_content, text="Confidence:", justify=LEFT) lbl3.grid(sticky=E, column=0, row=3, padx=10) slider1 = Scale(win_content, from_=0, to=100, length=200, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=change_confidence) slider1.set(self.settings['conf'] * 100) slider1.grid(sticky=W, column=1, row=3) lbl4 = Label(win_content, text="Polling Rate:", justify=LEFT) lbl4.grid(sticky=E, column=0, row=4, padx=10) slider2 = Scale(win_content, from_=0, to=200, length=200, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=change_polling) slider2.set(self.settings['poll']) slider2.grid(sticky=W, column=1, row=4) lbl5 = Label(win_content, text="Anti:", justify=LEFT) lbl5.grid(sticky=E, column=0, row=5, padx=10) slider3 = Scale(win_content, from_=0, to=200, length=200, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=change_anti) slider3.set(self.settings['anti']) slider3.grid(sticky=W, column=1, row=5) lbl6 = Label(win_content, text="Search Terms:", justify=LEFT) lbl6.grid(sticky=E, column=0, row=7, padx=10) entry1 = Entry(win_content, width=30) entry1.grid(sticky=W, column=1, row=7, pady=10) def update_search_display(): temp_lbl2.configure(text="Search: " + search_display_terms()) def search_display_terms(): str1 = '' for ele in self.settings['search']: if ele and not ele.isspace(): str1 += ele str1 += ', ' return str1 def settings_display_update(): temp_lbl1.configure(text="Settings: " + str(self.settings['conf']) + ", " + str(self.settings['poll']) + ", " + str(self.settings['anti']) + ", " + str(self.settings['runtime'])) temp_lbl1 = Label(win_content, text="Settings: " + str(self.settings['conf']) + ", " + str(self.settings['poll']) + ", " + str(self.settings['anti']) + ", " + str(self.settings['runtime'])) temp_lbl1.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=95) temp_lbl1.grid_remove() str1 = search_display_terms() temp_lbl2 = Label(win_content, text="Search: " + str1) temp_lbl2.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=96) temp_lbl2.grid_remove() temp_lbl3 = Label(win_content, text="Video path: " + self.video_path, wraplength="200px", justify=LEFT) temp_lbl3.grid(sticky=W, column=0, row=97, columnspan=2) temp_lbl3.grid_remove() def entry1_delete(): entry1.delete(first=0, last=100) def get_search_term(): my_string = entry1.get() result = [x.strip() for x in my_string.split(',')] self.settings['search'] = result def hide_settings(): temp_lbl1.grid_remove() temp_lbl2.grid_remove() temp_lbl3.grid_remove() display_settings_button.configure(text="Display Settings", command=display_settings) def display_settings(): display_settings_button.configure(text="Hide Settings", command=hide_settings) temp_lbl1.grid() temp_lbl2.grid() temp_lbl3.grid() display_settings_button = Button(win_content, text="Display Settings", command=display_settings) display_settings_button.grid(column=0, row=99, pady=10) kill_button = Button(win_content, text="Kill this window", command=win.destroy) kill_button.grid(column=0, row=100) def display_errors(title, message): w = Tk() w.title(title) w.geometry("800x170") content = Frame(w) content.pack() lbl = Label(content, text=message, font=("Times New Roman", 14), justify=LEFT) lbl.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=5) kill_button = Button(content, text="Ok", command=w.destroy) kill_button.grid(column=2, row=2) def run_the_job(): update_search_display() get_search_term() start_button.config(state="disabled") bl, msg = self.run_job() if bl is False: display_errors(str(bl), msg) start_button.config(state="normal") else: msg2 = "Job cancelled" func = lambda: [ self.job.kill, cancel_button.config(state="disabled"), display_errors("Cancelled", msg2) ] cancel_button = Button(win_content, text="Cancel", command=func) cancel_button.grid(column=2, row=93) #kill this button once pressed? start_button.config(state="normal") try: self.job.do_the_job( ) #We need to parallelize with the progress bar display_errors("Success", "Processed Successfully") ## add something about saving clips maybe cancel_button.config(state="disabled") except e: #capture any errors that may occur display_errors("Error", e) start_button = Button(win_content, text="Start", command=run_the_job) start_button.grid(column=1, row=93) win.mainloop() return 0 def run_job(self): """ Validates the settings of the GUI and makes sure that they are valid Ensures that the video path given is a valid video and can be opened by the application Returns a tuple: (bool, msg) where bool is True if everything is valid and a Job was started and False otherwise, and msg is a success or error message """ settings = self.settings path = self.video_path msg = "" condition1 = self.set_settings(settings, path) if condition1 is False: msg += "One or more of your settings parameters are invalid. Please double check your settings and try again\n" #maybe which settings are off? condition2 = os.path.isfile(path) if condition2 is False and not "" in path: msg += "You entered an invalid file path. Please double check your input video and try again\n" if not condition1 or not condition2: return (False, msg) self.job = Job(self.get_settings()) return (True, "Success")
class GUI: "Views - everything user sees" def __init__(self, master=None): # default settings self.set_default_settings() self.job = None self.process = None self.seer = Seer() self.prog_num = 0 self.prog_len = 100 self.master = master self.queue = q # create builder self.builder = builder = pygubu.Builder() # load ui builder.add_from_file('src/gui.ui') # create root app if master: self.main_window = builder.get_object('Main_Window', master) # make gui unresizable master.resizable(0, 0) # connect callbacks builder.connect_callbacks(self) # default checkmark state check = self.builder.get_object('Multi') if sys.platform == 'darwin': check.state(['disabled']) self.multi = None else: check.state(['!alternate']) check.state(['selected']) self.multi = True self.has_master = True else: self.has_master = False def set_default_settings(self): self.settings = DEFAULT self.video_path = '' def get_settings(self): # get settings currently in text boxes of GUI return {"video": self.video_path, "settings": self.settings} def on_browse_click(self): filename = str(askopenfilename()) if filename: self.video_path = filename self.change_path_label(filename) self.update_log(f'Selected Video: {filename}') print(f'Selected Video: {self.video_path}') def change_path_label(self, filename): path_label = self.builder.get_object('Path_Label') if not self.check_yt_link(filename): filename = os.path.basename(filename) path_label.configure(text=filename) def check_yt_link(self, link): return '' in link or '' in link def add_youtube_link(self): yt_entry = self.builder.get_object('YouTube_Entry') link = str(yt_entry.get()).strip() if self.check_yt_link(link): self.video_path = link self.change_path_label(link) else: print('Not a valid YouTube link.') self.update_log('ERROR: Please enter a valid YouTube link.') return print(f'Selected Video: {self.video_path}') def del_youtube_link(self): yt_entry = self.builder.get_object('YouTube_Entry') yt_entry.delete(0, tk.END) if self.check_yt_link(self.video_path): self.video_path = None self.change_path_label('None') print('YouTube link cleared from job.') else: print('YouTube link cleared from entry field.') def change_poll(self, val): val = int(float(val)) poll = self.builder.get_object('Poll_Num') poll.configure(text=f'{val} sec') self.settings['poll'] = val def change_conf(self, val): val = round(float(val) / 100, 2) conf = self.builder.get_object('Conf_Level') conf.configure(text=f'{int(val * 100)}%') self.settings['conf'] = val def parse_search_terms(self): search_entry = self.builder.get_object('Search_Entry') terms = str(search_entry.get()) search = [term.strip() for term in terms.split(',')] self.settings['search'] = search print(search) self.update_log(f'Detected search terms: {search}') def handle_check_box(self): check_box = self.builder.get_object('Multi') checked = check_box.instate(['selected']) # if checked: # check_box.state(['!selected']) # else: # check_box.state(['selected']) if self.multi is not None: if checked: self.update_log('Multiprocessing enabled. Have fun :)') print('Multiprocessing enabled. WARNING: Fire possible.') self.multi = True else: self.update_log('Multiprocessing disabled. Afraid of fun?') print('Multiprocessing disabled. CRISIS AVERTED.') self.multi = False # need to add handler for multiprocessing checkmark # and make multi attribute for job that is true by default def handle_caption_btn(self): btn = self.builder.get_object('Caption_Button') text = self.builder.get_object('Caption_Text') if btn['text'] == 'Choose Clip': self.get_caption(btn, text) else: self.clear_caption(btn, text) def clear_caption(self, btn, text): text.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) text.delete(1.0, tk.END) text.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) btn['text'] = 'Choose Clip' def get_caption(self, btn, text): filename = str(askopenfilename()) if filename: video = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) total_frames = video.get(7) video.set(1, total_frames / 2) ret, frame = if ret: frame = Image.fromarray(frame) caption = str(self.seer.tell_us_oh_wise_one(frame)) text.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) text.delete(1.0, tk.END) text.insert(1.0, caption) text.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) btn['text'] = 'Clear Caption' def update_log(self, update): text = self.builder.get_object('Log') text.configure(state=tk.NORMAL) text.delete(1.0, tk.END) text.insert(1.0, update) text.configure(state=tk.DISABLED) def verify_settings(self): settings = self.settings video_path = self.video_path conf = settings['conf'] poll = settings['poll'] search = settings['search'] success = True msg = '' if not isinstance(conf, float) or conf < 0.0 or conf > 1.0: msg = f'ERROR: Invalid confidence level ({conf}).' success = False elif not isinstance(poll, int) or poll < 0 or poll > 60: msg = f'ERROR: Invalid polling rate ({poll}).' success = False elif (not isinstance(video_path, str) or not os.path.isfile(video_path) and not self.check_yt_link(video_path)): msg = f'ERROR: Invalid source video filepath or YouTube link ({video_path}).' success = False elif (not isinstance(search, list) or not len(search) or not any('[A-Za-z]', term) for term in search)): msg = f'ERROR: Invalid search terms detected ({search}).' success = False else: msg = f'SUCCESS: Settings {settings} verified.' if self.has_master: self.update_log(msg) return success def start_btn_handler(self): if self.job or self.process: self.kill_job() else: self.start_job() def get_progress(self): pbar = self.builder.get_object('Progressbar_1') job = self.job process = self.process if self.process: exitcode = self.process.exitcode if exitcode is not None: print('Process exited.') self.process.terminate() self.process.join() self.job.kill() self.job = None self.process = None self.builder.get_object('Start')['text'] = 'Start Job' pbar['value'] = 100 num_vids = self.queue.get() if num_vids == 0: self.update_log( 'SUCCESS: Job completed. No relevant clips found.') self.builder.get_object('Status')['text'] = 'Done.' elif num_vids == -1: self.update_log( 'OH DEAR: Some YouTube videos have squirrley encodings and this is one of them. Please try a different link.' ) self.builder.get_object('Status')['text'] = 'Aborted.' else: self.update_log( f'SUCCESS: Job completed. {num_vids} clips saved in source video path.' ) self.builder.get_object('Status')['text'] = 'Done.' return else: self.prog_num += 1 val = int(round(self.prog_num % 100 / self.prog_len, 2) * 100) pbar['value'] = val else: pbar['value'] = int((self.prog_num / self.prog_len) * 100) self.master.after(50, self.get_progress) def kill_job(self): if self.job or self.process: try: print('Killing...') self.update_log('Killing...') self.process.terminate() self.job.kill() self.job = None self.process = None self.prog_num = 0 print('Job killed successfully.') self.update_log('Job killed successfully.') self.builder.get_object('Start')['text'] = 'Start Job' self.builder.get_object('Status')['text'] = 'Waiting...' except: self.update_log('ERROR: Job could not be killed.') def start_job(self): self.parse_search_terms() if self.verify_settings(): settings = self.get_settings() self.job = Job(settings, self.multi) self.update_log( f'PROCESSING: Processing job with settings: {settings}') btn = self.builder.get_object('Start') try: self.process = Process(target=self.job.do_the_job, args=(self.queue, )) btn['text'] = 'Cancel' self.builder.get_object('Status')['text'] = 'Working...' self.process.start() self.master.after(50, self.get_progress) except Exception as e: self.update_log(f'ERROR: Exception {e} occurred.') def set_settings(self, values, path): # Sets the settings of the GUI and includes the video path file. expected_keys = ['conf', 'poll', 'anti', 'runtime', 'search'] missing = [x for x in expected_keys if x not in values.keys()] if len(missing) > 0: self.set_default_settings() return False extra = [x for x in values.keys() if x not in expected_keys] if len(extra) > 0: self.set_default_settings() return False try: if not (isinstance(values['conf'], (int, float)) and isinstance( values['poll'], int) and isinstance(values['anti'], int) and isinstance(values['runtime'], int)): raise TypeError if not isinstance(path, str): raise TypeError if len(values['search']) != 0: for term in values['search']: if not isinstance(term, str): raise TypeError except TypeError: self.set_default_settings() return False if (values['conf'] < 0 or values['conf'] > 1 or values['poll'] < 0 or values['anti'] < 0 or values['runtime'] < 0 or values['search'] == []): self.set_default_settings() return False self.settings = values # be sure that values are always in the same order. Do validation self.video_path = path # where values is a dictionary return True def construct_job(self): try: self.job = Job(self.get_settings()) return True except: return False def remove_job(self): try: self.job.kill() return True except: return False def close(self): if self.job: self.kill_job() self.master.destroy()