def main(argv): """ A simple example of using the the application scripting framework in a workbench. """ # Create the GUI. gui = GUI() # Create the workbench. workbench = ExampleScript(state_location=gui.state_location) window = workbench.create_window(position=(300, 300), size=(400, 300)) # Create some objects to edit. # FIXME v3: The need to explicitly set the style to its default value is # due to a bug in the implementation of Scriptable. label = Label(text="Label", style='normal') label2 = Label(text="Label2", style='normal') # Edit the objects. window.edit(label) window.edit(label2) # Start the GUI event loop. gui.start_event_loop() return
def _get_label_id(self, name): """ Get or create a database label object, return the ID. """ print('Label name to add:{}'.format(name), flush=True) db_session = worker.get_session() redis = worker.get_redis() label = db_session.query(Label).filter_by(name=name.lower().strip()).first() if label: print('Found Label :{}'.format(, flush=True) return else: label = Label(name=name.lower().strip()) db_session.add(label) try: db_session.commit() except IntegrityError: db_session.rollback() raise except AssertionError: db_session.rollback() raise ValueError( 'Label "{}" contains non-alphanumeric character' .format(name) ) redis.publish('label', json.dumps(label.as_dict())) print('Created label :{}'.format(, flush=True) return
def apply_action(mails): # we are going to do actions according to this list # actions = ["Mark as read", "mark as unread", "Archive message", "Add label"] print("Enter your action: ") for i, value in enumerate(actions): print("For " + value.upper() + " Enter " + str(i)) action_choice = int(raw_input("Enter your choice number: ")) if action_choice == 0: # mark as read for x in mails: label_objects = session.query(Label).filter_by(mail_id=x.mail_id) for label in label_objects: if label.mail_label == "UNREAD": session.delete(label) session.commit() elif action_choice == 1: # mark as unread for x in mails: label_objects = session.query(Label).filter_by(mail_id=x.mail_id) applied = False for label in label_objects: if label.mail_label == "UNREAD": applied = True if not applied: # if contrast label is not available, let's add this to file new_label_object = Label(mail_label="UNREAD", mail_id=x.mail_id) session.add(new_label_object) session.commit() elif action_choice == 2: # archieved message for x in mails: newArcheiveObj = Archive(mail_id=x.mail_id, mail_time=x.mail_time, mail_from=x.mail_from, mail_to=x.mail_to, subject=x.subject, text_of_body=x.text_of_body) session.add(newArcheiveObj) session.commit() # let's delete from mail file session.delete(x) session.commit() elif action_choice == 3: # add label label = raw_input("Enter your label name: ") for x in mails: newObj = Label(mail_label=label, mail_id=x.mail_id) session.add(newObj) session.commit() print("Congratulation, It has been applied. Aregorn")
def get(self, pageId): p = Paginator(Article.all(self.db), 5) page = isAdmin = self.isAdmin() label_list = self.render('index.html', articles=page.object_list, label_list=label_list, isAdmin=isAdmin, page=page, home_title=options.home_title, user=options.user,
def post(self): title = self.get_argument('title') content_md = self.get_argument('content') pattern = r'\[[^\[\]]+\]' labels = re.findall(pattern, self.get_argument('labels')) content_html = markdown.markdown(content_md, ['codehilite']) try: article_id = Article.create(self.db, title, content_md, content_html) for label in labels: detail = label[1:-1].strip() Label.create(self.db, article_id, detail) self.redirect('/', permanent=True) except: error = "The post data invalid" self.render('error.html', error=error, home_title=options.home_title)
def listLabelsInPage(self, page): """List all Labels available for a given pageId (can be also used to list Labels for any ContentEntityObject ID) @type page: string, or Page object @param page: page id, or Page object @rtype: list of Labels @return: Labels """ return tuple(Label.create(labelDict, self._modelDataManager) for labelDict in self.pm_getSpaceManager().getLabelsById(self._unbox(page)))
def listLabelsInSpace(self, space, maxLabelsToReturn = 20): """List all Labels available for a given Space @type space: string, or Space object @param space: space key, or Space object @param maxLabelsToReturn: maximum number of labels to return @rtype: list of Labels @return: Labels """ return tuple(Label.create(labelDict, self._modelDataManager) for labelDict in self.pm_getSpaceManager().getLabelsInSpace(self._unbox(space), maxLabelsToReturn))
def add_label(label_name, user_id, project_id): label = Label(label_name=label_name, user_id=user_id, project_id=project_id) db.session.add(label) db.session.commit() return label
def listLabelsInPage(self, page): """List all Labels available for a given pageId (can be also used to list Labels for any ContentEntityObject ID) @type page: string, or Page object @param page: page id, or Page object @rtype: list of Labels @return: Labels """ return tuple( Label.create(labelDict, self._modelDataManager) for labelDict in self.pm_getSpaceManager().getLabelsById( self._unbox(page)))
def get(self, id): article = Article.get(self.db, id) if article is None: error = '404: Page Not Found' self.render('error.html', error=error, home_title=options.home_title) else: isAdmin = self.isAdmin() label_list = blog_hostname = options.blog_hostname self.render('article.html', article=article, label_list=label_list, blog_hostname=blog_hostname, isAdmin=isAdmin, home_title=options.home_title, user=options.user,
def listLabelsInSpace(self, space, maxLabelsToReturn=20): """List all Labels available for a given Space @type space: string, or Space object @param space: space key, or Space object @param maxLabelsToReturn: maximum number of labels to return @rtype: list of Labels @return: Labels """ return tuple( Label.create(labelDict, self._modelDataManager) for labelDict in self.pm_getSpaceManager().getLabelsInSpace( self._unbox(space), maxLabelsToReturn))
def main(argv): """ A simple example of using the the undo framework in a workbench. """ # Create the GUI. gui = GUI() # Create the workbench. workbench = ExampleUndo(state_location=gui.state_location) window = workbench.create_window(position=(300, 300), size=(400, 300)) # Create some objects to edit. label = Label(text="Label") label2 = Label(text="Label2") # Edit the objects. window.edit(label) window.edit(label2) # Start the GUI event loop. gui.start_event_loop()
def get(self): key = self.get_argument('key', '').strip() pageId = int(self.get_argument('page', '1')) if len(key) == 0: results = Article.all(self.db) else: results = Search.all(self.db, key) p = Paginator(results, 5) page = isAdmin = self.isAdmin() label_list = self.render('search.html', articles=page.object_list, label_list=label_list, isAdmin=isAdmin, page=page, home_title=options.home_title, user=options.user,
def main(): """Shows basic usage of the Gmail API. Creates a Gmail API service object and stores some message in database from the user's Gmail account. """ credentials = get_credentials() http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) service ='gmail', 'v1', http=http) #let's get messages from google server try: response = service.users().messages().list(userId='me', maxResults=500).execute() for x in response['messages']: mail_id = x['id'] #let's get the message from server headers = ['X-Original-To', 'Message-ID', 'Date', 'Delivered-To'] message = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=mail_id, format='full').execute() date_of_mail_long_ms = message['internalDate'] #let's get all the labeles of this mail mail_labels = message["labelIds"] #let's get headers for subject, to, and from headers = message['payload']['headers'] # we need to convert unicode to string so we can save them into database for x in headers: if x['name'].decode('unicode_escape') == "Subject": mail_subject = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', x['value']).encode( 'ascii', 'ignore') for x in headers: if x['name'].decode('unicode_escape') == "From": mail_from = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', x['value']).encode( 'ascii', 'ignore') for x in headers: if x['name'].decode('unicode_escape') == "To": mail_to = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', x['value']).encode( 'ascii', 'ignore') # Gmail api's sends different response, depending on the mail format, so # we have to deal with different responses if message['payload']['body'].get('data'): mail_text = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( message['payload']['body']['data'].encode("UTF8")) elif message['payload']['parts'][0]['body'].get('data'): mail_text = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( message['payload']['parts'][0]['body']['data'].encode( "UTF8")) else: messages = message['payload']['parts'][0]['parts'] for x in messages: if x['mimeType'].decode('unicode_escape') == 'text/plain': mail_text = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( x['body']['data'].encode("UTF8")) newMailObj = MailTable( mail_id=mail_id, mail_time=date_of_mail_long_ms, mail_from=mail_from, mail_to=mail_to, subject=mail_subject, text_of_body=mail_text.decode('unicode_escape')) session.add(newMailObj) session.commit() #now lets add label for this mail for x in mail_labels: label = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', x).encode('ascii', 'ignore') new_Label_obj = Label(mail_label=label, mail_id=mail_id) session.add(new_Label_obj) session.commit() except errors.HttpError, error: print('An error occurred: %s' % error)
def put(self, id_): ''' Update the profile identified by `id` with submitted data. The following attribute are modifiable: * is_interesting * lables **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: json { "is_interesting": true, "labels": [ {"name": "male"}, {"name": "british"}, ... ], ... } **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: json { "avatar_url": "https://quickpin/api/file/1", "avatar_thumb_url": "https://quickpin/api/file/2", "description": "A human being.", "follower_count": 71, "friend_count": 28, "id": 1, "is_stub": false, "is_interesting": true, "join_date": "2012-01-30T15:11:35", "labels": [ { "id": 1, "name": "male" }, { "id": 2, "name": "british" }, ], "last_update": "2015-08-18T10:51:16", "location": "Washington, DC", "name": "John Doe", "post_count": 1666, "private": false, "site": "twitter", "site_name": "Twitter", "time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)", "upstream_id": "11009418", "url": "https://quickpin/api/profile/1", "username": "******", "usernames": [ { "end_date": "2012-06-30T15:00:00", "start_date": "2012-01-01T12:00:00", "username": "******" }, ... ] } :<header Content-Type: application/json :<header X-Auth: the client's auth token :>json bool is_interesting: whether profile is marked as interesting :>json list labels: whether profile is marked as interesting :>header Content-Type: application/json :>json str avatar_url: URL to the user's current avatar :>json str avatar_thumb_url: URL to a 32x32px thumbnail of the user's current avatar :>json str description: profile description :>json int follower_count: number of followers :>json int friend_count: number of friends (a.k.a. followees) :>json int id: unique identifier for profile :>json bool is_stub: indicates that this is a stub profile, e.g. related to another profile but has not been fully imported :>json bool is_interesting: indicates whether this profile has been marked as interesting. The value can be null. :>json str join_date: the date this profile joined its social network (ISO-8601) :>json list labels: list of labels for this profile :>json int label[n].id: the unique id for this label :>json str label[n].name: the label :>json str last_update: the last time that information about this profile was retrieved from the social media site (ISO-8601) :>json str location: geographic location provided by the user, as free text :>json str name: the full name provided by this user :>json int post_count: the number of posts made by this profile :>json bool private: true if this is a private account (i.e. not world- readable) :>json str site: machine-readable site name that this profile belongs to :>json str site_name: human-readable site name that this profile belongs to :>json str time_zone: the user's provided time zone as free text :>json str upstream_id: the user ID assigned by the social site :>json str url: URL endpoint for retriving more data about this profile :>json str username: the current username for this profile :>json list usernames: list of known usernames for this profile :>json str usernames[n].end_date: the last known date this username was used for this profile :>json str usernames[n].start_date: the first known date this username was used for this profile :>json str usernames[n].username: a username used for this profile :status 202: accepted for background processing :status 400: invalid request body :status 401: authentication required ''' redis = worker.get_redis() # Get profile. id_ = get_int_arg('id_', id_) current_avatar_id = self._current_avatar_subquery() profile, avatar = g.db.query(Profile, Avatar) \ .outerjoin(Avatar, == current_avatar_id) \ .filter( == id_).first() if profile is None: raise NotFound("Profile '%s' does not exist." % id_) request_json = request.get_json() # Validate put data and set attributes # Only 'is_interesting' and 'labels' are modifiable if 'is_interesting' in request_json: if isinstance(request_json['is_interesting'], bool): profile.is_interesting = request_json['is_interesting'] elif request_json['is_interesting'] is None: profile.is_interesting = None else: raise BadRequest("Attribute 'is_interesting' is type boolean," " or can be set as null") # labels expects the string 'name' rather than id, to avoid the need to # create labels before adding them. if 'labels' in request_json: labels = [] if isinstance(request_json['labels'], list): for label_json in request_json['labels']: if 'name' in label_json: label = g.db.query(Label) \ .filter(['name']) \ .first() if label is None: try: label = Label( name=label_json['name'].lower().strip() ) g.db.add(label) g.db.flush() redis.publish( 'label', json.dumps(label.as_dict()) ) except IntegrityError: g.db.rollback() raise BadRequest('Label could not be saved') except AssertionError: g.db.rollback() raise BadRequest( '"{}" contains non-alphanumeric character' .format( label_json['name'] ) ) labels.append(label) else: raise BadRequest("Label 'name' is required") profile.labels = labels else: raise BadRequest("'labels' must be a list") response = profile.as_dict() response['url'] = url_for('ProfileView:get', # Save the profile try: g.db.commit() redis.publish('profile_update', json.dumps(profile.as_dict())) except DBAPIError as e: g.db.rollback() raise BadRequest('Profile could not be saved') # Create usernames list. usernames = list() for username in profile.usernames: if username.end_date is not None: end_date = username.end_date.isoformat() else: end_date = None if username.start_date is not None: start_date = username.start_date.isoformat() else: start_date = None usernames.append({ 'end_date': end_date, 'username': username.username, 'start_date': start_date, }) response['usernames'] = usernames # Create avatar attributes. if avatar is not None: response['avatar_url'] = url_for( 'FileView:get', ) response['avatar_thumb_url'] = url_for( 'FileView:get', ) else: response['avatar_url'] = url_for( 'static', filename='img/default_user.png' ) response['avatar_thumb_url'] = url_for( 'static', filename='img/default_user_thumb.png' ) # Send response. return jsonify(**response)
def put(self, id_): ''' Update the profile identified by `id` with submitted data. The following attributes are modifiable: * is_interesting * labels * score **Example Request** .. sourcecode:: json { "is_interesting": true, "labels": [ {"name": "male"}, {"name": "british"}, ... ], "score": 2323.0, ... } **Example Response** .. sourcecode:: json { "avatar_url": "https://quickpin/api/file/1", "avatar_thumb_url": "https://quickpin/api/file/2", "description": "A human being.", "follower_count": 71, "friend_count": 28, "id": 1, "is_stub": false, "is_interesting": true, "join_date": "2012-01-30T15:11:35", "labels": [ { "id": 1, "name": "male" }, { "id": 2, "name": "british" }, ], "last_update": "2015-08-18T10:51:16", "location": "Washington, DC", "name": "John Doe", "post_count": 1666, "private": false, "score": "-2.0621606863", "site": "twitter", "site_name": "Twitter", "time_zone": "Central Time (US & Canada)", "upstream_id": "11009418", "url": "https://quickpin/api/profile/1", "username": "******", "usernames": [ { "end_date": "2012-06-30T15:00:00", "start_date": "2012-01-01T12:00:00", "username": "******" }, ... ] } :<header Content-Type: application/json :<header X-Auth: the client's auth token :<json bool is_interesting: whether profile is marked as interesting :<json list labels: list of profile labels :<json float score: profile score :>header Content-Type: application/json :>json str avatar_url: URL to the user's current avatar :>json str avatar_thumb_url: URL to a 32x32px thumbnail of the user's current avatar :>json str description: profile description :>json int follower_count: number of followers :>json int friend_count: number of friends (a.k.a. followees) :>json int id: unique identifier for profile :>json bool is_stub: indicates that this is a stub profile, e.g. related to another profile but has not been fully imported :>json bool is_interesting: indicates whether this profile has been marked as interesting. The value can be null. :>json str join_date: the date this profile joined its social network (ISO-8601) :>json list labels: list of labels for this profile :>json int label[n].id: the unique id for this label :>json str label[n].name: the label :>json str last_update: the last time that information about this profile was retrieved from the social media site (ISO-8601) :>json str location: geographic location provided by the user, as free text :>json str name: the full name provided by this user :>json int note[n].id: the unique id for this note :>json int note[n].category: the user-defined category of this note :>json int note[n].body: the user-defined text-body of this note :>json int post_count: the number of posts made by this profile :>json bool private: true if this is a private account (i.e. not world- readable) :>json str score: user-defined score for this profile. Can be null. :>json str site: machine-readable site name that this profile belongs to :>json str site_name: human-readable site name that this profile belongs to :>json str time_zone: the user's provided time zone as free text :>json str upstream_id: the user ID assigned by the social site :>json str url: URL endpoint for retriving more data about this profile :>json str username: the current username for this profile :>json list usernames: list of known usernames for this profile :>json str usernames[n].end_date: the last known date this username was used for this profile :>json str usernames[n].start_date: the first known date this username was used for this profile :>json str usernames[n].username: a username used for this profile :status 202: accepted for background processing :status 400: invalid request body :status 401: authentication required ''' redis = worker.get_redis() # Get profile. id_ = get_int_arg('id_', id_) profile, avatar = g.db.query(Profile, Avatar) \ .outerjoin(Profile.current_avatar) \ .filter( == id_).first() if profile is None: raise NotFound("Profile '%s' does not exist." % id_) request_json = request.get_json() # Validate put data and set attributes # Only 'is_interesting', 'score', and 'labels' are modifiable if 'is_interesting' in request_json: if isinstance(request_json['is_interesting'], bool): profile.is_interesting = request_json['is_interesting'] elif request_json['is_interesting'] is None: profile.is_interesting = None else: raise BadRequest("'is_interesting' is a boolean (true or false.") if 'score' in request_json: if request_json['score'] is None: profile.score = None else: try: profile.score = float(request_json['score']) except: raise BadRequest("'score' must be a decimal number.") # labels expects the string 'name' rather than id, to avoid the need to # create labels before adding them. if 'labels' in request_json: labels = [] if isinstance(request_json['labels'], list): for label_json in request_json['labels']: if 'name' in label_json: label = g.db.query(Label) \ .filter(['name']) \ .first() if label is None: try: label = Label( name=label_json['name'].lower().strip() ) g.db.add(label) g.db.flush() redis.publish( 'label', json.dumps(label.as_dict()) ) except IntegrityError: g.db.rollback() raise BadRequest('Label could not be saved') except AssertionError: g.db.rollback() raise BadRequest( '"{}" contains non-alphanumeric character' .format( label_json['name'] ) ) labels.append(label) else: raise BadRequest("Label 'name' is required") profile.labels = labels else: raise BadRequest("'labels' must be a list") response = profile.as_dict() response['url'] = url_for('ProfileView:get', # Save the profile try: g.db.commit() redis.publish('profile', json.dumps(profile.as_dict())) except DBAPIError as e: g.db.rollback() raise BadRequest('Profile could not be saved') # Create usernames list. usernames = list() for username in profile.usernames: if username.end_date is not None: end_date = username.end_date.isoformat() else: end_date = None if username.start_date is not None: start_date = username.start_date.isoformat() else: start_date = None usernames.append({ 'end_date': end_date, 'username': username.username, 'start_date': start_date, }) response['usernames'] = usernames # Create avatar attributes. if avatar is not None: response['avatar_url'] = url_for( 'FileView:get', ) response['avatar_thumb_url'] = url_for( 'FileView:get', ) else: response['avatar_url'] = url_for( 'static', filename='img/default_user.png' ) response['avatar_thumb_url'] = url_for( 'static', filename='img/default_user_thumb.png' ) # Send response. return jsonify(**response)
def execute(self, app): with app.app_context(): users = User.query.filter_by(googleEmailAccess=True, wunderListAccess=True).all() for user in users: app.logger.debug("Scanning transactions for %s", #Get google credentials of user try: googlecredentials = TransactionScheduler.getGoogleCredentials( app, user) except Exception as e: app.logger.error( "Error getting Google credentials of user " + user.googleEmailAccess = False continue #Create Gmail object gmail = GMail(googlecredentials, supportedLabels = set(["Bank/SC"]) userLabels = Label.query.filter_by( userLabelsName = set(map(lambda u:, userLabels)) notAddedLabels = supportedLabels - userLabelsName if len(notAddedLabels) > 0: #Fetch labels from remote remoteLabels = gmail.getLabels() for label in remoteLabels: if label['name'] in notAddedLabels: newLabel = Label() = label['name'] newLabel.label_id = label['id'] user.labels.append(newLabel) userLabels = Label.query.filter_by( for label in userLabels: messageIds = gmail.getMessageIdsByLabel([label.label_id]) lastReadMessage = label.last_message_read if label.last_message_read else -1 for messageId in messageIds: if messageId["id"] == lastReadMessage: break #Set last read message to top of the list label.last_message_read = messageIds[0]["id"] message = gmail.getMessage(messageId["id"]) if == "Bank/SC": curr, amount, place = self.handleSCMessages( message) if curr is not None: self.createReminder(app, user, curr + " " + amount, place) app.logger.debug("Scanning transactions completed for %s",
def add_label(self, text: str, pos: tp.Tuple[int, int], colour: str = "red"): self._labels.append(Label(text, pos, colour))