def main(args): # append extension to filename if needed try: assert args.submission_name[-4:] == '.csv' except AssertionError: args.submission_name += '.csv' # load necessaries from checkpoint check = torch.load(args.checkpoint) model_name = check['model'] state_dict = check['state_dict'] # enable cuda if available and desired args.use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if args.use_cuda else "cpu") # torch dataset and dataloader mnist_transform = transforms.Normalize((0.1307, ), (0.3081, )) dataset = KaggleMNIST(args.data_folder, train=False, transform=mnist_transform) loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=len(dataset)) # construct checkpoint's corresponding model type if model_name == 'linear': model = Softmax().to(device) elif model_name == 'neuralnet': model = TwoLayer().to(device) else: model = ConvNet().to(device) # load trained weights into model model.load_state_dict(state_dict) # make predictions with trained model on test data # loader has only one element (e.g. batch), so we don't need a loop # this won't work for large datasets; use a loop in those cases imgs, _ = next(iter(loader)) imgs = logits = model(imgs) _, preds = torch.max( logits, dim=1) # returns max prob and argmax (e.g. corresponding class) # when dim is supplied # construct numpy array with two columns: ids, digit predictions # we'll use that array to create our text file using the np.savetxt function ids = (np.arange(len(preds)) + 1).reshape(-1, 1) preds = preds.view(-1, 1).numpy() submission = np.concatenate((ids, preds), axis=1) # writing submisison array to text file with proper formatting np.savetxt(args.data_folder + args.submission_name, submission, fmt='%1.1i', delimiter=',', header='ImageId,Label', comments='')
def make_basic_cnn(nb_filters=64, nb_classes=10, input_shape=(None, 28, 28, 1)): layers = [Conv2D(nb_filters, (8, 8), (2, 2), "SAME"), ReLU(), Conv2D(nb_filters * 2, (6, 6), (2, 2), "VALID"), ReLU(), Conv2D(nb_filters * 2, (5, 5), (1, 1), "VALID"), ReLU(), Flatten(), Linear(nb_classes), Softmax()] model = MLP(nb_classes, layers, input_shape) return model
def make_madry_ngpu(nb_classes=10, input_shape=(None, 28, 28, 1), **kwargs): """ Create a multi-GPU model similar to Madry et al. (arXiv:1706.06083). """ layers = [Conv2DnGPU(32, (5, 5), (1, 1), "SAME"), ReLU(), MaxPool((2, 2), (2, 2), "SAME"), Conv2DnGPU(64, (5, 5), (1, 1), "SAME"), ReLU(), MaxPool((2, 2), (2, 2), "SAME"), Flatten(), LinearnGPU(1024), ReLU(), LinearnGPU(nb_classes), Softmax()] model = MLPnGPU(nb_classes, layers, input_shape) return model
def main(args): # reproducibility # need to seed numpy/torch random number generators if args.seed is not None: torch.manual_seed(args.seed) np.random.seed(args.seed) # need directory with checkpoint files to recover previously trained models if not os.path.isdir(args.checkpoint): mkdir_p(args.checkpoint) checkpoint_file = args.checkpoint + args.model + str([:-10] # decide which device to use; assumes at most one GPU is available args.use_cuda = not args.no_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if args.use_cuda else "cpu") # decide if we're using a validation set; # if not, don't evaluate at end of epochs evaluate = args.train_split < 1. # prep data loaders if args.train_split == 1: train_loader, _, test_loader = prepare_data(args) else: train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = prepare_data(args) # build model if args.model == 'linear': model = Softmax().to(device) elif args.model == 'neuralnet': model = TwoLayer().to(device) else: model = ConvNet().to(device) # build optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, amsgrad=args.amsgrad) # setup validation metrics we want to track for tracking best model over training run best_val_loss = float('inf') best_val_acc = 0 # set up tensorboard logger logger = LoggerX('test_mnist', 'mnist_data', 25) # loop over epochs for epoch in range(args.epochs): print('\n================== TRAINING ==================') model.train() # set model to training mode # set up training metrics we want to track correct = 0 train_num = len(train_loader.sampler) # metrics from logger model_metrics = CalculateMetrics(batch_size=args.batch_size, batches_per_epoch=len(train_loader)) for ix, (img, label ) in enumerate(train_loader): # iterate over training batches img, label =, device) # get data, send to gpu if needed optimizer.zero_grad( ) # clear parameter gradients from previous training update output = model(img) # forward pass loss = F.cross_entropy(output, label) # calculate network loss loss.backward() # backward pass optimizer.step( ) # take an optimization step to update model's parameters pred = output.max( 1, keepdim=True)[1] # get the index of the max logit # correct += pred.eq(label.view_as(pred)).sum().item() # add to running total of hits # convert this data to binary for the sake of testing the metrics functionality label[label < 5] = 0 label[label > 0] = 1 pred[pred < 5] = 0 pred[pred > 0] = 1 ###### scores_dict = model_metrics.update_scores(label, pred) if ix % args.log_interval == 0: # log the metrics to tensorboard X, track best model according to current weighted average accuracy logger.log(model, optimizer, loss.item(), track_score=scores_dict['weighted_acc'] /, scores_dict=scores_dict, epoch=epoch,, batches_per_epoch=model_metrics.batches_per_epoch) print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format( epoch,, model_metrics.batches_per_epoch, ( / model_metrics.batches_per_epoch) * 100, loss.item())) # print whole epoch's training accuracy; useful for monitoring overfitting print('Train Accuracy: ({:.0f}%)'.format(model_metrics.w_accuracy * 100)) if evaluate: print('\n================== VALIDATION ==================') model.eval() # set model to evaluate mode # set up validation metrics we want to track val_loss = 0. val_correct = 0 val_num = len(val_loader.sampler) # disable autograd here (replaces volatile flag from v0.3.1 and earlier) with torch.no_grad(): # loop over validation batches for img, label in val_loader: img, label =, device) # get data, send to gpu if needed output = model(img) # forward pass # sum up batch loss val_loss += F.cross_entropy(output, label, size_average=False).item() # monitor for accuracy pred = output.max( 1, keepdim=True)[1] # get the index of the max logit val_correct += pred.eq( label.view_as(pred)).sum().item() # add to total hits # update current evaluation metrics val_loss /= val_num val_acc = 100. * val_correct / val_num print( '\nValidation set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.0f}%)\n' .format(val_loss, val_correct, val_num, val_acc)) # check if best model according to accuracy; # if so, replace best metrics is_best = val_acc > best_val_acc if is_best: best_val_acc = val_acc best_val_loss = val_loss # note this is val_loss of best model w.r.t. accuracy, # not the best val_loss throughout training # create checkpoint dictionary and save it; # if is_best, copy the file over to the file containing best model for this run state = { 'epoch': epoch, 'model': args.model, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state': optimizer.state_dict(), 'val_loss': val_loss, 'best_val_loss': best_val_loss, 'val_acc': val_acc, 'best_val_acc': best_val_acc } save_checkpoint(state, is_best, checkpoint_file) print('\n================== TESTING ==================') # load best model from training run (according to validation accuracy) check = torch.load(logger.best_path) model.load_state_dict(check['state_dict']) model.eval() # set model to evaluate mode # set up evaluation metrics we want to track test_loss = 0. test_correct = 0 test_num = len(test_loader.sampler) test_metrics = CalculateMetrics(batch_size=args.batch_size, batches_per_epoch=test_num) # disable autograd here (replaces volatile flag from v0.3.1 and earlier) with torch.no_grad(): for img, label in test_loader: img, label =, output = model(img) # sum up batch loss test_loss += F.cross_entropy(output, label, size_average=False).item() pred = output.max( 1, keepdim=True)[1] # get the index of the max logit test_scores = test_metrics.update_scores(label, pred) logger.log(model, optimizer, test_loss, test_scores['weighted_acc'], test_scores, phase='test') test_loss /= test_num print('Test set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: ({:.0f}%)\n'.format( test_loss, test_metrics['weighted_acc'] * 100)) print('Final model stored at "{}".'.format(checkpoint_file + '-best.pth.tar'))
def __init__(self, conf, inference=False, embedding_size=512): conf.embedding_size = embedding_size print(conf) if conf.use_mobilfacenet: self.model = MobileFaceNet(conf.embedding_size).cuda() else: self.model = Backbone(conf.net_depth, conf.drop_ratio, conf.net_mode).cuda() print('{}_{} model generated'.format(conf.net_mode, conf.net_depth)) parameter_num_cal(self.model) self.milestones = conf.milestones self.loader, self.class_num = get_train_loader(conf) self.step = 0 self.agedb_30, self.cfp_fp, self.lfw, self.calfw, self.cplfw, self.vgg2_fp, self.agedb_30_issame, self.cfp_fp_issame, self.lfw_issame, self.calfw_issame, self.cplfw_issame, self.vgg2_fp_issame = get_val_data( self.loader.dataset.root.parent) self.writer = SummaryWriter(conf.log_path) if not inference: self.milestones = conf.milestones self.loader, self.class_num = get_train_loader(conf) self.writer = SummaryWriter(conf.log_path) self.step = 0 if conf.multi_sphere: if conf.arcface_loss: self.head = ArcfaceMultiSphere( embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num, num_shpere=conf.num_sphere, m=conf.m).to(conf.device) elif conf.am_softmax: self.head = MultiAm_softmax( embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num, num_sphere=conf.num_sphere, m=conf.m).to(conf.device) else: self.head = MultiSphereSoftmax( embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num, num_sphere=conf.num_sphere).to(conf.device) else: if conf.arcface_loss: self.head = Arcface(embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num).to( conf.device) elif conf.am_softmax: self.head = Am_softmax(embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num).to( conf.device) else: self.head = Softmax(embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num).to( conf.device) paras_only_bn, paras_wo_bn = separate_bn_paras(self.model) if conf.use_mobilfacenet: if conf.multi_sphere: self.optimizer = optim.SGD([{ 'params': paras_wo_bn[:-1], 'weight_decay': 4e-5 }, { 'params': [paras_wo_bn[-1]] + self.head.kernel_list, 'weight_decay': 4e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) else: self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': paras_wo_bn[:-1], 'weight_decay': 4e-5 }, { 'params': [paras_wo_bn[-1]] + [self.head.kernel], 'weight_decay': 4e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) else: if conf.multi_sphere: self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': paras_wo_bn + self.head.kernel_list, 'weight_decay': 5e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) else: self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': paras_wo_bn + [self.head.kernel], 'weight_decay': 5e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) print(self.optimizer) self.scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( self.optimizer, patience=40, verbose=True) print('optimizers generated') self.board_loss_every = len(self.loader) // 100 self.evaluate_every = len(self.loader) // 10 self.save_every = len(self.loader) // 5 self.agedb_30, self.cfp_fp, self.lfw, self.calfw, self.cplfw, self.vgg2_fp, self.agedb_30_issame, self.cfp_fp_issame, self.lfw_issame, self.calfw_issame, self.cplfw_issame, self.vgg2_fp_issame = get_val_data( self.loader.dataset.root.parent) else: self.threshold = conf.threshold
class face_learner(object): def __init__(self, conf, inference=False, embedding_size=512): conf.embedding_size = embedding_size print(conf) if conf.use_mobilfacenet: self.model = MobileFaceNet(conf.embedding_size).cuda() else: self.model = Backbone(conf.net_depth, conf.drop_ratio, conf.net_mode).cuda() print('{}_{} model generated'.format(conf.net_mode, conf.net_depth)) parameter_num_cal(self.model) self.milestones = conf.milestones self.loader, self.class_num = get_train_loader(conf) self.step = 0 self.agedb_30, self.cfp_fp, self.lfw, self.calfw, self.cplfw, self.vgg2_fp, self.agedb_30_issame, self.cfp_fp_issame, self.lfw_issame, self.calfw_issame, self.cplfw_issame, self.vgg2_fp_issame = get_val_data( self.loader.dataset.root.parent) self.writer = SummaryWriter(conf.log_path) if not inference: self.milestones = conf.milestones self.loader, self.class_num = get_train_loader(conf) self.writer = SummaryWriter(conf.log_path) self.step = 0 if conf.multi_sphere: if conf.arcface_loss: self.head = ArcfaceMultiSphere( embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num, num_shpere=conf.num_sphere, m=conf.m).to(conf.device) elif conf.am_softmax: self.head = MultiAm_softmax( embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num, num_sphere=conf.num_sphere, m=conf.m).to(conf.device) else: self.head = MultiSphereSoftmax( embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num, num_sphere=conf.num_sphere).to(conf.device) else: if conf.arcface_loss: self.head = Arcface(embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num).to( conf.device) elif conf.am_softmax: self.head = Am_softmax(embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num).to( conf.device) else: self.head = Softmax(embedding_size=conf.embedding_size, classnum=self.class_num).to( conf.device) paras_only_bn, paras_wo_bn = separate_bn_paras(self.model) if conf.use_mobilfacenet: if conf.multi_sphere: self.optimizer = optim.SGD([{ 'params': paras_wo_bn[:-1], 'weight_decay': 4e-5 }, { 'params': [paras_wo_bn[-1]] + self.head.kernel_list, 'weight_decay': 4e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) else: self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': paras_wo_bn[:-1], 'weight_decay': 4e-5 }, { 'params': [paras_wo_bn[-1]] + [self.head.kernel], 'weight_decay': 4e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) else: if conf.multi_sphere: self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': paras_wo_bn + self.head.kernel_list, 'weight_decay': 5e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) else: self.optimizer = optim.SGD( [{ 'params': paras_wo_bn + [self.head.kernel], 'weight_decay': 5e-4 }, { 'params': paras_only_bn }],, momentum=conf.momentum) print(self.optimizer) self.scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( self.optimizer, patience=40, verbose=True) print('optimizers generated') self.board_loss_every = len(self.loader) // 100 self.evaluate_every = len(self.loader) // 10 self.save_every = len(self.loader) // 5 self.agedb_30, self.cfp_fp, self.lfw, self.calfw, self.cplfw, self.vgg2_fp, self.agedb_30_issame, self.cfp_fp_issame, self.lfw_issame, self.calfw_issame, self.cplfw_issame, self.vgg2_fp_issame = get_val_data( self.loader.dataset.root.parent) else: self.threshold = conf.threshold def save_state(self, conf, accuracy, to_save_folder=False, extra=None, model_only=False): if to_save_folder: save_path = conf.save_path else: save_path = conf.model_path self.model.state_dict(), save_path / ('model_{}_accuracy:{}_step:{}_{}.pth'.format( get_time(), accuracy, self.step, extra))) if not model_only: self.head.state_dict(), save_path / ('head_{}_accuracy:{}_step:{}_{}.pth'.format( get_time(), accuracy, self.step, extra))) self.optimizer.state_dict(), save_path / ('optimizer_{}_accuracy:{}_step:{}_{}.pth'.format( get_time(), accuracy, self.step, extra))) def get_new_state(self, path): state_dict = torch.load(path) from collections import OrderedDict new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): if 'module' not in k: k = 'module.' + k else: k = k.replace('features.module.', 'module.features.') new_state_dict[k] = v return new_state_dict def load_state(self, save_path, fixed_str, model_only=False): self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load(save_path / 'model_{}'.format(fixed_str))) if not model_only: self.head.load_state_dict( torch.load(save_path / 'head_{}'.format(fixed_str))) self.optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(save_path / 'optimizer_{}'.format(fixed_str))) print(self.optimizer) def board_val(self, db_name, accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info): self.writer.add_scalar('{}_accuracy'.format(db_name), accuracy, self.step) self.writer.add_scalar('{}_best_threshold'.format(db_name), best_threshold, self.step) self.writer.add_image('{}_roc_curve'.format(db_name), roc_curve_tensor, self.step) self.writer.add_scalar('{}_same_pair_angle_mean'.format(db_name), angle_info['same_pair_angle_mean'], self.step) self.writer.add_scalar('{}_same_pair_angle_var'.format(db_name), angle_info['same_pair_angle_var'], self.step) self.writer.add_scalar('{}_diff_pair_angle_mean'.format(db_name), angle_info['diff_pair_angle_mean'], self.step) self.writer.add_scalar('{}_diff_pair_angle_var'.format(db_name), angle_info['diff_pair_angle_var'], self.step) def evaluate(self, conf, carray, issame, nrof_folds=10, tta=False, n=1): self.model.eval() idx = 0 embeddings = np.zeros([len(carray), conf.embedding_size // n]) i = 0 with torch.no_grad(): while idx + conf.batch_size <= len(carray): batch = torch.tensor(carray[idx:idx + conf.batch_size]) if tta: fliped = hflip_batch(batch) emb_batch = self.model( + self.model( embeddings[idx:idx + conf.batch_size] = l2_norm( emb_batch).cpu()[:, i * conf.embedding_size // n:(i + 1) * conf.embedding_size // n] else: embeddings[idx:idx + conf.batch_size] = self.model([:, i * conf.embedding_size // n:(i + 1) * conf.embedding_size // n] idx += conf.batch_size if idx < len(carray): batch = torch.tensor(carray[idx:]) if tta: fliped = hflip_batch(batch) emb_batch = self.model( + self.model( embeddings[idx:] = l2_norm( emb_batch).cpu()[:, i * conf.embedding_size // n:(i + 1) * conf.embedding_size // n] else: embeddings[idx:] = self.model( conf.device)).cpu()[:, i * conf.embedding_size // n:(i + 1) * conf.embedding_size // n] tpr, fpr, accuracy, best_thresholds, angle_info = evaluate( embeddings, issame, nrof_folds) buf = gen_plot(fpr, tpr) roc_curve = roc_curve_tensor = trans.ToTensor()(roc_curve) return accuracy.mean(), best_thresholds.mean( ), roc_curve_tensor, angle_info def find_lr(self, conf, init_value=1e-8, final_value=10., beta=0.98, bloding_scale=3., num=None): if not num: num = len(self.loader) mult = (final_value / init_value)**(1 / num) lr = init_value for params in self.optimizer.param_groups: params['lr'] = lr self.model.train() avg_loss = 0. best_loss = 0. batch_num = 0 losses = [] log_lrs = [] for i, (imgs, labels) in tqdm(enumerate(self.loader), total=num): imgs = labels = batch_num += 1 self.optimizer.zero_grad() embeddings = self.model(imgs) thetas = self.head(embeddings, labels) if conf.multi_sphere: loss = conf.ce_loss(thetas[0], labels) for theta in thetas[1:]: loss = loss + conf.ce_loss(theta, labels) else: loss = conf.ce_loss(thetas, labels) #Compute the smoothed loss avg_loss = beta * avg_loss + (1 - beta) * loss.item() self.writer.add_scalar('avg_loss', avg_loss, batch_num) smoothed_loss = avg_loss / (1 - beta**batch_num) self.writer.add_scalar('smoothed_loss', smoothed_loss, batch_num) #Stop if the loss is exploding if batch_num > 1 and smoothed_loss > bloding_scale * best_loss: print('exited with best_loss at {}'.format(best_loss)) plt.plot(log_lrs[10:-5], losses[10:-5]) return log_lrs, losses #Record the best loss if smoothed_loss < best_loss or batch_num == 1: best_loss = smoothed_loss #Store the values losses.append(smoothed_loss) log_lrs.append(math.log10(lr)) self.writer.add_scalar('log_lr', math.log10(lr), batch_num) #Do the SGD step #Update the lr for the next step loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() lr *= mult for params in self.optimizer.param_groups: params['lr'] = lr if batch_num > num: plt.plot(log_lrs[10:-5], losses[10:-5]) return log_lrs, losses def model_evaluation(self, conf): self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(conf.pretrained_model_path)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.agedb_30, self.agedb_30_issame, tta=True) print('age_db_acc:', accuracy) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.lfw, self.lfw_issame, tta=True) print('lfw_acc:', accuracy) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.cfp_fp, self.cfp_fp_issame, tta=True) print('cfp_acc:', accuracy) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.calfw, self.calfw_issame, tta=True) print('calfw_acc:', accuracy) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.cplfw, self.cplfw_issame, tta=True) print('cplfw_acc:', accuracy) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.vgg2_fp, self.vgg2_fp_issame, tta=True) print('vgg2_acc:', accuracy) def train(self, conf, epochs): self.model.train() running_loss = 0. if conf.pretrain: self.model_evaluation(conf) sys.exit(0) logging.basicConfig( filename=conf.log_path / 'log.txt', level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %a') '\n******\nnum of sphere is: {},\nnet is: {},\ndepth is: {},\nlr is: {},\nbatch size is: {}\n******' .format(conf.num_sphere, conf.net_mode, conf.net_depth,, conf.batch_size)) for e in range(epochs): print('epoch {} started,all is {}'.format(e, epochs)) if e == self.milestones[0]: self.schedule_lr() if e == self.milestones[1]: self.schedule_lr() if e == self.milestones[2]: self.schedule_lr() for imgs, labels in tqdm(iter(self.loader)): self.model.train() imgs = labels = embeddings = self.model(imgs) thetas = self.head(embeddings, labels) if conf.multi_sphere: loss = conf.ce_loss(thetas[0], labels) for theta in thetas[1:]: loss = loss + conf.ce_loss(theta, labels) else: loss = conf.ce_loss(thetas, labels) running_loss += loss.item() self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() if self.step % self.board_loss_every == 0 and self.step != 0: loss_board = running_loss / self.board_loss_every self.writer.add_scalar('train_loss', loss_board, self.step) running_loss = 0. if self.step % self.evaluate_every == 0 and self.step != 0: accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.agedb_30, self.agedb_30_issame) print('age_db_acc:', accuracy) self.board_val('agedb_30', accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info)'agedb_30 acc: {}'.format(accuracy)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.lfw, self.lfw_issame) print('lfw_acc:', accuracy) self.board_val('lfw', accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info)'lfw acc: {}'.format(accuracy)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.cfp_fp, self.cfp_fp_issame) print('cfp_acc:', accuracy) self.board_val('cfp', accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info)'cfp acc: {}'.format(accuracy)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.calfw, self.calfw_issame) print('calfw_acc:', accuracy) self.board_val('calfw', accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info)'calfw acc: {}'.format(accuracy)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.cplfw, self.cplfw_issame) print('cplfw_acc:', accuracy) self.board_val('cplfw', accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info)'cplfw acc: {}'.format(accuracy)) accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info = self.evaluate( conf, self.vgg2_fp, self.vgg2_fp_issame) print('vgg2_acc:', accuracy) self.board_val('vgg2', accuracy, best_threshold, roc_curve_tensor, angle_info)'vgg2_fp acc: {}'.format(accuracy)) self.model.train() self.step += 1 def schedule_lr(self): for params in self.optimizer_corr.param_groups: params['lr'] /= 10 for params in self.optimizer.param_groups: params['lr'] /= 10 print(self.optimizer) def infer(self, conf, faces, target_embs, tta=False): ''' faces : list of PIL Image target_embs : [n, 512] computed embeddings of faces in facebank names : recorded names of faces in facebank tta : test time augmentation (hfilp, that's all) ''' embs = [] for img in faces: if tta: mirror = trans.functional.hflip(img) emb = self.model( conf.test_transform(img).to(conf.device).unsqueeze(0)) emb_mirror = self.model( conf.test_transform(mirror).to(conf.device).unsqueeze(0)) embs.append(l2_norm(emb + emb_mirror)) else: embs.append( self.model( conf.test_transform(img).to(conf.device).unsqueeze(0))) source_embs = diff = source_embs.unsqueeze(-1) - target_embs.transpose( 1, 0).unsqueeze(0) dist = torch.sum(torch.pow(diff, 2), dim=1) minimum, min_idx = torch.min(dist, dim=1) min_idx[minimum > self.threshold] = -1 # if no match, set idx to -1 return min_idx, minimum