예제 #1
    def post(self):
        email = self.request.get('email', '')
        password = self.request.get('password', '')
        other_username = self.request.get('other-user')

        logging.info('%s, %s' % (email, other_username))

        user = User.user_from_email(email)

        if not user:
            logging.info('not a valid email address')
            self.render('error.html', **{'error_msg': 'You cannot do this'})
        if not self.validate_user(user, password):
            logging.info('username password fail')
            self.render('error.html', **{'error_msg': 'You cannot do this'})
        if not user.admin:
            logging.info('Need to be admin to login as other user')
            self.render('error.html', **{'error_msg': 'You cannot do this'})

        other_user = User.user_from_name(other_username)
        logging.info('Other user: %s' % other_user)

        if not other_user:
            logging.info('cannot find other user')
            self.render('error.html', **{'error_msg': "Can't find other user"})

        self.redirect('/user/%d' % other_user.key.id())
예제 #2
    def post(self):
        '''When the user clicks the submit button.'''
        email = self.request.get('email', '')
        password = self.request.get('password', '')

        # collect the errors
        errors = []

        # data for the page if it has to be re-rendered because of invalid login
        data = {
            'errors': errors,
            'email': email,
            'page_title': 'Login'

        # catch errors in the form
        if not email:
            errors.append('You forgot to enter an email address.')
        if not password:
            errors.append('You forgot to enter a password.')
        if errors:
            self.render('login.html', **data)

        logging.warning('This is the email address: %s' % repr(email))

        user = User.user_from_email(email)

        # invalid email address or password
        if not user or not self.validate_user(user, password):
            errors.append('Invalid email address or password.')
            self.render('login.html', **data)

            log_msg = 'Login: invalid email address or password. %s'
            logging.warning(log_msg, user)


        # unverified user
        if not user.verified:
                'Your account has not yet been verified. '
                'You should have received an email with a verification link. '
                'Please check your mail (and your spam folder). If you have '
                'not received the email, please contact admin.'
            data['contact'] = True
            self.render('login.html', **data)
            logging.warning('Login: unverified user attempted login. %s', user)

        # reward time
        user.login_count += 1

        # user exists - set cookie and redirect
        self.redirect('/user/%d' % user.key.id())
예제 #3
    def post(self):
        email = self.request.get('email')
        logging.info('Reset password for email: %s', email)

        errors = []
        messages = []
        data = {
            'page_title': 'Reset Password',
            'errors': errors,
            'messages': messages

        if not email:
                'You forgot to enter an email address.'
            user = User.user_from_email(email)
            if not user:
                    'There is no account for this email address. Please check '
                    'that you typed in the correct email address.'
                data['email'] = email
                expire = datetime.datetime.now()
                expire += datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
                code = generate_random_string(length=30)
                user.pass_reset_code = code
                user.pass_reset_expire = expire

                subject = 'HMPC: request to change password'
                logging.info('generated verify code: %s' % code)
                body = (
                    'This is an automated email form HMPC.\n\n'
                    'Please click the following link (or paste it into the '
                    'browser address bar) to change your password. This code '
                    'is valid for only one hour.\n\n'
                    'When you reset your password, you will be redirected to '
                    'the login page to login.\n\n'
                    body % code

                msg = (
                    'An email has been sent to the following email address: %s.'
                    ' Follow the instructions in the email to change your '
                messages.append(msg % email)

        self.render('reset.html', **data)
예제 #4
    def input_errors(self, username, password, validate, email):
        '''Return a list of errors with user registration data.'''
        # collect error text strings
        errors = []

        # username errors
        if not username:
            errors.append('You forgot to enter a username.')
            logging.warning('Register: forgot username.')
        elif not self.valid_name(username):
                'A Valid user name can contain only the characters '
                'a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ (underscore) and - (dash) and must be at '
                'least 3 characters long.'
            logging.warning('Register: invalid username: %s.', username)

        user = User.user_from_name(username)
        if user:
            # user name already exists
                'That user name already exists, please choose another one.'
            logging.warning('Register: username already in use. %s', user)

        # email errors
        if not email:
            errors.append('You forgot to enter an email address.')
            logging.warning('Register: forgot email.')
        elif not self.valid_email(email):
                'Check your email address - it may not '
                'be correct.')
            logging.warning('Register: invalid email: %s', email)
            # maybe the email address is being used by another user - can't
            # have more than one user with the same email address because the
            # email address is used as login id
            user = User.user_from_email(email)
            if user:
                # email address is attached to other user
                    'This email address is used by another user.'
                msg = 'Register: email address already in use: %s'
                logging.warning(msg, email)

        # password errors
        if not password or not validate:
            errors.append('You forgot to enter your password twice.')
            logging.warning('Register: forgot to enter password twice.')
        elif password != validate:
            msg = "Your password confirmation doesn't match your password."
            logging.warning('Register: validate != password.')
        if not self.valid_pass(password):
                'Not a valid password - it must contain at least '
                '3 characters.')
            logging.warning('Register: invalid password.')

        return errors