def test_get_episode(self): ''' Tests getting episode from video's field. ''' configure_for_unittest() from model import Video, Show, Season, Episode show = Show(title='House of Cards').save() season1 = Season(show=show, number=1).save() season2 = Season(show=show, number=2).save() episode1 = Episode(season=season1, number=1, release_date=dt(2010, 1, 1)).save() episode2 = Episode(season=season1, number=2).save() episode3 = Episode(season=season2, number=1).save() video = Video(link='').save() show.seasons.connect(season1) show.seasons.connect(season2) season1.episodes.connect(episode1) season1.episodes.connect(episode2) season2.episodes.connect(episode3) episode1.videos.connect(video) video.refresh() self.assertEqual(video.episode.get().number, 1)
def main(): with TransactionManager.transaction(): User.init_table() Video.init_table() Config.init_table() print("Succeeded to init db.") return 0
def extract_video_tweets(twapi_search_response: dict) -> List[Video]: video_list = [] for tweet in twapi_search_response: selected_video = select_video_url_from_tweet(tweet) if selected_video is None: continue else: video_url = selected_video[0] video_type = selected_video[1] if "retweeted_status" in tweet or "quoted_status" in tweet: if "retweeted_status" in tweet: video_source_tweet = tweet["retweeted_status"] elif "quoted_status" in tweet: video_source_tweet = tweet["quoted_status"] author = User( user_id=video_source_tweet["user"]["id"], name=video_source_tweet["user"]["name"], screen_name=video_source_tweet["user"]["screen_name"], thumbnail_url=video_source_tweet["user"]["profile_image_url_https"]) retweeter = User( user_id=tweet["user"]["id"], name=tweet["user"]["name"], screen_name=tweet["user"]["screen_name"], thumbnail_url=tweet["user"]["profile_image_url_https"]) vid = Video( tweet_id=tweet["id"], author=author, retweeted_user=retweeter, body=video_source_tweet["full_text"], created_at=twitter_date_to_datetime(tweet["created_at"]), video_url=video_url, video_type=video_type) else: author = User( user_id=tweet["user"]["id"], name=tweet["user"]["name"], screen_name=tweet["user"]["screen_name"], thumbnail_url=tweet["user"]["profile_image_url_https"]) vid = Video( tweet_id=tweet["id"], author=author, retweeted_user=None, body=tweet["full_text"], created_at=twitter_date_to_datetime(tweet["created_at"]), video_url=video_url, video_type=video_type) video_list.append(vid) return video_list
def test_create_duplicates(self): ''' Tests raise exception with trying to create duplicates. ''' configure_for_unittest() from model import Video from neomodel import UniqueProperty video1 = Video(link='').save() video2 = Video(link='') with self.assertRaises(UniqueProperty):
def stabilization(optical_flow_method, debug: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Perform video stabilization using the given optical flow method. Idea: test some metric using a known logo. Using ORB matching we could detect if it moves. :param optical_flow_method: the optical flow method to use :param debug: whether to show debug plots """ video = Video('../datasets/stabilization/piano') feature_params = dict(maxCorners=500, qualityLevel=0.3, minDistance=7, blockSize=7) previous_frame = None accum_flow = np.zeros(2) count = 0 for i, frame in tqdm(enumerate(video.get_frames()), total=len(video), file=sys.stdout): rows, cols, _ = frame.shape if previous_frame is not None: if i % 4 == 0: p0 = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(cv2.cvtColor( previous_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), mask=None, **feature_params) flow = optical_flow_method(previous_frame, frame, p0) if debug: show_optical_flow_arrows(previous_frame, flow) m = np.mean(flow[np.logical_or(flow[:, :, 0] != 0, flow[:, :, 1] != 0)], axis=(0, 1)) if not np.isnan(accum_flow).any(): accum_flow += -m transform = np.float32([[1, 0, accum_flow[0]], [0, 1, accum_flow[1]]]) frame2 = cv2.warpAffine(frame, transform, (cols, rows)) if debug: plt.figure() plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(frame2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) plt.axis('off') cv2.imwrite("../video/block/OrigianlFrame%04d.jpg" % count, frame) # save frame as JPEG file cv2.imwrite("../video/block/StabilizedFrame%04d.jpg" % count, frame2) # save frame as JPEG file count += 1 previous_frame = frame
def upload(): if 'video' not in request.files: return json_error("Video file not found") video_file = request.files['video'] filename = secure_filename(video_file.filename) ext = filename.split('.')[-1] new_filename = generate_random_string() + '.' + ext['UPLOAD_DIR'], new_filename)) video = Video(filename=new_filename) return jsonify(video.to_dict())
def gaussian_model(video: Video, frame_start: int, background_mean: np.ndarray, background_std: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 2.5, pixel_value: PixelValue = PixelValue.GRAY, total_frames: int = None, disable_tqdm=False) -> Iterator[np.ndarray]: for im in tqdm(video.get_frames(frame_start), total=total_frames, file=sys.stdout, desc="Non-adaptive gaussian model...", disable=disable_tqdm): if pixel_value == PixelValue.GRAY: im_values = np.mean(im, axis=-1) / 255 elif PixelValue.HSV: im_values = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[:, :, 0] / 180 else: raise Exception mask = (np.abs(im_values) - background_mean) >= (alpha * (background_std + (5 / 255))) yield im, mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255
def get_video(vid): video = Video.get_or_none(id=vid) if video is None: return json_error("Video not found", 404) return jsonify(video.to_dict())
def gaussian_model_adaptive(video: Video, train_stop_frame: int, background_mean: np.ndarray, background_std: np.ndarray, alpha: float = 2.5, rho: float = 0.1, pixel_value: PixelValue = PixelValue.GRAY, total_frames: int = None, disable_tqdm=False) -> Iterator[np.ndarray]: for im in tqdm(video.get_frames(train_stop_frame), total=total_frames, file=sys.stdout, desc='Adaptive gaussian model...', disable=disable_tqdm): if pixel_value == PixelValue.GRAY: im_values = np.mean(im, axis=-1) / 255 elif PixelValue.HSV: im_values = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[:, :, 0] / 180 else: raise Exception mask = (np.abs(im_values) - background_mean) >= (alpha * (background_std + 5 / 255)) background_mean = rho * im_values + (1 - rho) * background_mean background_std = np.sqrt(rho * np.power((im_values - background_mean), 2) + (1 - rho) * np.power(background_std, 2)) yield im, mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255
def get_background_model(video: Video, train_stop_frame: int, total_frames: int = None, pixel_value: PixelValue = PixelValue.GRAY, disable_tqdm=False) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): background_list = None i = 0 for im in tqdm(video.get_frames(0, train_stop_frame), total=total_frames, file=sys.stdout, desc='Training model...', disable=disable_tqdm): if background_list is None: background_list = np.zeros( (im.shape[0], im.shape[1], train_stop_frame), dtype=np.int16) if pixel_value == PixelValue.GRAY: background_list[:, :, i] = np.mean(im, axis=-1) elif PixelValue.HSV: background_list[:, :, i] = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)[:, :, 0] else: raise Exception i += 1 if pixel_value == PixelValue.GRAY: background_mean = np.mean(background_list, axis=-1) / 255 background_std = np.std(background_list, axis=-1) / 255 elif PixelValue.HSV: background_mean = np.mean(background_list, axis=-1) / 180 background_std = np.std(background_list, axis=-1) / 180 else: raise Exception return background_mean, background_std
def import_from_lines(self, lines): """ 从多行数据录入数据库 :param lines: 待处理数据 :return: 读取到的记录数量,成功录入的记录数量 """ (total, succ) = (0, 0) for line in lines: total += 1 items = line.strip().split('\t') # 如果所读取的文件编码不为 utf-8,则需要 line.encode('<the_coding_of_str>').decode('utf-8').strip().split('\t') if len(items) < 7: 'line format error: {0}'.format(line)) continue tmp_video = Video(0, items[0], items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4], items[5], items[6]) if not self.insert_one_video(tmp_video): 'insert line failed: {0}'.format(line)) else: succ += 1 return total, succ
def put_video_in_queue(): if 'video_id' not in request.json: return json_error("Video not found") if 'qualities' not in request.json: return json_error("Target qualities not found") qualities = request.json['qualities'] video_id = request.json['video_id'] video = Video.get_or_none(id=video_id) if video is None: return json_error("Video not found") video_queue = WaitingQueue.get_or_none( == video) if video_queue is not None: return json_error("Already in queue") video_queue = WaitingQueue(video=video) success = save_video_qualities(video, qualities) if not success: video_queue.delete_instance() return jsonify(video.to_dict())
def add(user_id, video_id): #Taking the old video ti present it to the user and also to mention the video last publisher to post it #Interactivly user = session.query(User).filter_by(id = user_id).first() curr_video = session.query(Video).filter_by(id = video_id).first() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('add.html', user_id = user_id, video_id = video_id) #Adding the video with refrence to the old one else: video = request.form.get('video') description = request.form.get('description') owner = curr_video.other_video = video publish = False new_vid = Video(video = video, description = description, publish = publish, owner = owner) session.add(new_vid) session.commit() return redirect(url_for('homepage',user_id = user_id))
def load_videos(): """Load videos from seed data into database""" with open("seed_data/videos.txt") as videos: for row in videos: video = row.rstrip().split("|") youtube = True if video[4] == "True" else False hidden = True if video[5] == "True" else False kwargs = dict( video_id = video[0], user_id = video[1], video = video[2], category = video[3], youtube = youtube, hidden = hidden ) keys_to_remove = [] for key in kwargs.keys(): if kwargs[key] == "": keys_to_remove.append(key) for key in keys_to_remove: del kwargs[key] video = Video(**kwargs) db.session.add(video) db.session.commit()
def openFile(self, filename): filetype = filename.split('.')[-1] self.generateButton.setText("Loading...") self.infoLabel.setText("File opened: " + filename) print("Opening " + filename) # start the video player or start a worker thread depending on file type if filetype in self.videofiletypes: self.currentFile = Video(filepath=filename, colortype="rgb") self.generateButton.setText("Generate images from video") self.generateButton.setDisabled(False) self.startVideoPlayer() elif filetype in self.metadatatypes: self.metafilename = filename self.startWorker(ip.loadCsv, self.setCurrentFrames, self.fillGallery, self.metafilename, self.currentFrames) elif filetype == 'pkl': self.currentFile = filename self.startWorker(ip.loadPickle, self.setCurrentFrames, self.fillGallery, self.currentFile) elif filetype == 'h5': self.currentFile = filename self.startWorker(ip.loadhdf5, self.setCurrentFrames, self.fillGallery, self.currentFile, self.currentFrames) else: # invalid file type selected self.showWarning('FileType')
def main(): alpha_values = np.linspace(1.5, 3, 20) rho_values = np.logspace(-2, -0.1, 20) # Ensure cache video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/frames") get_background_model(video, int(2141 * 0.25), total_frames=int(2141 * 0.25), disable_tqdm=False) # Best alpha: 1.75 # mAP_list = Parallel(n_jobs=4)(delayed(w2_map_alpha)(alpha) for alpha in tqdm(alpha_values)) mAP_list = Parallel(n_jobs=3)(delayed(w2_map_alpha)(1.75, rho) for rho in tqdm(rho_values)) """mAP_list = [0.18656629994209614, 0.23257430508572247, 0.2333781161367368, 0.18301435406698566, 0.1773032336790726, 0.1762025561112319, 0.12792207792207794, 0.17066218427456575, 0.12438077386530996, 0.12091293755609694, 0.11872632575757576, 0.1189064558629776, 0.15132634758802985, 0.157589106928314, 0.26284443191338397, 0.39380709780347006, 0.43192630414348515, 0.357941584643725, 0.3186317361126976, 0.20596422790608496]""" plt.figure() plt.plot(rho_values, mAP_list) plt.xlabel(r'$\rho$ threshold') plt.ylabel('mAP')
def create_video(link, title, notes = ""): """Create and return a video.""" video = Video(link = link, title = title, notes = notes) db.session.add(video) db.session.commit() return video
def get(self): q = Video.all() template_values = { 'list_videos' } template = jinja_environment.get_template('/templates/video_list.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def thead_list(play_list_id): play = PlayList.get_by_id(play_list_id) while True: first_video = play.videos\ .where(Video.is_progress == 0) \ .where(Video.is_completed == 0) \ .first() if first_video is None: break updated = Video.update(is_progress=1) \ .where(Video.is_progress == 0) \ .where( == if updated == 1: client = Bilibili() client.download_by_id( Video.update(is_completed=True).where( ==
def download_by_id(self, video_id): video = == video_id).first() play = == video.play_list_id).first() print("开始下载" + video.title + ",视频集:" + play.title) download_path = Bilibili.download_path + '/' + play.title if os.path.exists(download_path) is False: os.mkdir(download_path) self.get_url(video.cid, video.title, download_path)
def create_video(video_path, description, date_posted): """Create new video (info).""" video = Video(video_path=video_path, description=description, date_posted=date_posted) db.session.add(video) db.session.commit() return video
def videolist_since(): select_params = {} if "since_id" in flask.request.args: select_params["since_id"] = int(flask.request.args["since_id"]) if "count" in flask.request.args: select_params["count"] = int(flask.request.args["count"]) videos = Video.select_since(**select_params) videos_dict = [video.to_dict() for video in videos] videos_dict = FilterPluginExecutor.get_instance()(videos_dict) return flask.Response(response=json.dumps(videos_dict))
def upload_video(): """Handle file uploads""" # if it's a get - render registration form if request.method == "GET": """Load form for user to upload new video""" case_id = request.args.get('case_id') return render_template('upload-video.html', case_id=case_id) # otherwise register user in db if request.method == "POST": """Uploads video to aws""" print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", request, "\n\n\n\n\n\n" video_file = request.files['media'] print "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", video_file, "\n\n\n\n\n\n" case_id = request.form.get('case_id') # video_file = request.files.get("rawvid") video_name = video_file.filename try: transcript_file = request.files.get("tscript") except: transcript_file = None user_id = g.current_user.user_id #get deponent name and recorded date deponent = request.form.get('name') recorded_at = request.form.get('date-taken') # add the video to the db date_added = new_vid = Video(case_id=case_id, vid_name=video_name, added_by=user_id, added_at=date_added, deponent=deponent, recorded_at=recorded_at) db.session.add(new_vid) db.session.commit() if transcript_file: script_text = transcript_file.readlines() new_script = Transcript(vid_id=new_vid.vid_id, text=script_text) db.session.add(new_script) db.session.commit() # send the upload to a separate thread to upload while the user moves on upload = threading.Thread(target=upload_aws_db, args=(video_file, video_name, case_id, user_id, socketio)).start() return jsonify(case_id)
def update_episode_urls(episode): urls, new_urls = get_episode_urls(episode), [] for url in urls: try: v = Video(link=url).save() episode.videos.connect(v) new_urls.append(urls) except neomodel.UniqueProperty: pass return new_urls
def create_video(channel_name, web_title, youtube_title): video = Video(channel_name=channel_name, web_title=web_title, youtube_title=youtube_title) db.session.add(video) db.session.commit() return video
def get_url(self, cid, filename, path): """获取每个链接并下载""" html = self.get_response_by_cid(cid=cid) print(html) video_list = [] if len(html['durl']) == 1: # 如果只有一个链接,则表示单视频 print(html['durl'][0]) Video.update(size=html['durl'][0]['size']).where( Video.cid == cid).execute()['durl'][0]['url'], path + '/' + filename + '.mp4', self.next_headers) else: # 否则是列表 temps = [] for i in html['durl']: print(i) exit() temp = path + '/' + filename + '.tmp' temps.append(temp)['url'], temp, self.next_headers) return video_list
def w2_map_alpha(alpha): video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/frames") frames = [] ious = [] for im, mask, frame in week2_nonadaptive(video, alpha, disable_tqdm=True): frames.append(frame) ious.append(frame.get_detection_iou_mean(ignore_classes=True)) mAP = mean_average_precision(frames) print('alpha', alpha, 'mAP', mAP, 'mean IoU', np.mean(ious)) return mAP
def add_video(): """add video to database""" user_id = session["current_user"] category = request.form.get("category") youtube = request.form.get("youtube") print(category) print(youtube) if youtube: kwargs = dict(user_id=user_id, video=youtube, category=category, youtube=True) db.session.add(Video(**kwargs)) db.session.commit() print("added youtube") else: video = functions.save_photo("video") print(video) kwargs = dict(user_id=user_id, video=video, category=category, youtube=False) db.session.add(Video(**kwargs)) db.session.commit() print("added vid") user = User.query.get(user_id) for vid in user.videos: print(, vid.category, return redirect("/users/{}/my_videos".format(user_id))
def create_video(video_title, video_duration, video_url, playlist_id): """Create and return a new video to a playlist""" video = Video( video_title=video_title, video_duration=video_duration, video_url=video_url, playlist_id=playlist_id, ) db.session.add(video) db.session.commit() return video
def post(self): title = TString.trim( self.request.get('txtTitle') ) link = TString.trim( self.request.get('txtLink') ) priority = TString.trim( self.request.get('txtPriority') ) #self.response.out.write(title + ";" + link + ";" + priority) m ='(http:\/\/)?\w\w\w\.[a-z]+\.[a-z]*.*',link) link ="v=")[1] vc = RegisterContext() template = jinja_environment.get_template('/templates/video_form.html') if priority.isdigit(): priority = int(priority) vc.success_flag = ( priority >= 1 and priority<=5 ) else: vc.success_flag = False if vc.success_flag: new_v = Video(vd_title=title,vd_link=link,vd_priority=int(priority) ) new_v.put() self.response.out.write(template.render({'video_ctx':vc}))
def test_get_episode(self): ''' Tests getting episode from video's field. ''' configure_for_unittest() from model import Video, Show, Season, Episode show = Show(title='House of Cards').save() season1 = Season(show=show, number=1).save() season2 = Season(show=show, number=2).save() episode1 = Episode(season=season1, number=1, release_date=dt(2010,1,1)).save() episode2 = Episode(season=season1, number=2).save() episode3 = Episode(season=season2, number=1).save() video = Video(link='').save() show.seasons.connect(season1) show.seasons.connect(season2) season1.episodes.connect(episode1) season1.episodes.connect(episode2) season2.episodes.connect(episode3) episode1.videos.connect(video) video.refresh() self.assertEqual(video.episode.get().number, 1)
def play(play_id): play_list = == play_id).first() videos = == play_id) video_dict = models_to_dict(videos) client = Bilibili() for video in video_dict: file = Bilibili.download_path + '/' + play_list.title + "/" + video[ 'title'] + '.mp4' if video['size'] == 0: html = client.get_response_by_cid(video['cid']) if 'durl' in html.keys() and len(html['durl']) == 1: # 如果只有一个链接,则表示单视频 print(html['durl'][0]) Video.update(size=html['durl'][0]['size']).where( Video.cid == video['cid']).execute() print(html) if os.path.exists(file) is True: video['file_size'] = os.path.getsize(file) else: video['file_size'] = 0 return render_template("play.html", play=play_list, videos=video_dict)
def fine_tune_yolo(debug=False): video = Video("../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/frames") detection_transform = DetectionTransform() classes = utils.load_classes('../config/coco.names') hyperparams = parse_model_config('../config/yolov3.cfg')[0] learning_rate = float(hyperparams["learning_rate"]) momentum = float(hyperparams["momentum"]) decay = float(hyperparams["decay"]) burn_in = int(hyperparams["burn_in"]) model = Darknet('../config/yolov3.cfg') print(model) model.load_weights('../weights/yolov3.weights') model.train() for module_def, module in zip(model.module_defs, model.module_list): if module_def["type"] == "yolo": break module.train(False) if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() optimizer = Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=1e-5) gt = read_annotations( '../datasets/AICity_data/train/S03/c010/m6-full_annotation.xml') dataset = YoloDataset(video, gt, classes, transforms=detection_transform) data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=16, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) for epoch in tqdm(range(10), file=sys.stdout, desc='Fine tuning'): for images, targets in tqdm(data_loader, file=sys.stdout, desc='Running epoch'): if torch.cuda.is_available(): images = images.cuda() targets = targets.cuda() optimizer.zero_grad() loss = model(images, targets) loss.backward() optimizer.step() print('Training finished. Saving weights...') model.save_weights('../weights/fine_tuned_yolo_freeze.weights') print('Saved weights')