class Agent(): """Interacts with and learns from the environment.""" def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, random_seed): """Initialize an Agent object. Params ====== state_size (int): dimension of each state action_size (int): dimension of each action random_seed (int): random seed """ self.state_size = state_size self.action_size = action_size self.seed = random.seed(random_seed) # Actor Network (w/ Target Network) self.actor_local = Actor(action_size, state_size, (512, 256), random_seed).to(device) self.actor_target = Actor(action_size, state_size, (512, 256), random_seed).to(device) self.actor_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.actor_local.parameters(), lr=LR_ACTOR) # Critic Network (w/ Target Network) self.critic_local = Critic(action_size, state_size, (512, 256), random_seed).to(device) self.critic_target = Critic(action_size, state_size, (512, 256), random_seed).to(device) self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=LR_CRITIC, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY) # Noise process self.noise = OUNoise(action_size, random_seed) self.t_step = 0 # Replay memory self.memory = ReplayBuffer(action_size, BUFFER_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, random_seed, device) def step(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones): """Save experience in replay memory, and use random sample from buffer to learn.""" # Save experience / reward for state, action, reward, next_state, done in zip( states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones): self.memory.add(state, action, reward, next_state, done) # Learn every UPDATE_EVERY time steps. self.t_step = (self.t_step + 1) % UPDATE_EVERY if self.t_step == 0: # If enough samples are available in memory, get random subset and learn if len(self.memory) > BATCH_SIZE: experiences = self.memory.sample() self.learn(experiences, GAMMA) def act(self, state, add_noise=True): states = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) self.actor_local.eval() with torch.no_grad(): actions = self.actor_local(states).cpu().data.numpy() self.actor_local.train() actions += self.noise.sample() return np.clip(actions, -1, 1) def reset(self): self.noise.reset() def learn(self, experiences, gamma): """Update policy and value parameters using given batch of experience tuples. Q_targets = r + γ * critic_target(next_state, actor_target(next_state)) where: actor_target(state) -> action critic_target(state, action) -> Q-value Params ====== experiences (Tuple[torch.Tensor]): tuple of (s, a, r, s', done) tuples gamma (float): discount factor """ states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = experiences #print("states shape",states.shape) # ---------------------------- update critic ---------------------------- # # Get predicted next-state actions and Q values from target models actions_next = self.actor_target(next_states) Q_targets_next = self.critic_target(next_states, actions_next) # Compute Q targets for current states (y_i) Q_targets = rewards + (gamma * Q_targets_next * (1 - dones)) # Compute critic loss Q_expected = self.critic_local(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(Q_expected, Q_targets) # Minimize the loss self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic_local.parameters(), 1) self.critic_optimizer.step() # ---------------------------- update actor ---------------------------- # # Compute actor loss actions_pred = self.actor_local(states) actor_loss = -self.critic_local(states, actions_pred).mean() # Minimize the loss self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() # ----------------------- update target networks ----------------------- # self.soft_update(self.critic_local, self.critic_target, TAU) self.soft_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_target, TAU) def soft_update(self, local_model, target_model, tau): """Soft update model parameters. θ_target = τ*θ_local + (1 - τ)*θ_target Params ====== local_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied from) target_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied to) tau (float): interpolation parameter """ for target_param, local_param in zip(target_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): * + (1.0 - tau) *
class Agent(): def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, n_agents=1, seed=0): """Initialize an Agent object. Params ====== state_size (int): dimension of each state action_size (int): dimension of each action n_agents: number of agents it will control in the environment seed (int): random seed """ self.state_size = state_size self.action_size = action_size self.seed = np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed) self.n_agents = n_agents # Actor Network (w/ Target Network) self.actor_local = Actor(state_size, action_size, leak=LEAKINESS, seed=seed).to(device) self.actor_target = Actor(state_size, action_size, leak=LEAKINESS, seed=seed).to(device) self.actor_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.actor_local.parameters(), lr=LR_ACTOR) # Critic Network (w/ Target Network) self.critic_local = Critic(state_size, action_size, leak=LEAKINESS, seed=seed).to(device) self.critic_target = Critic(state_size, action_size, leak=LEAKINESS, seed=seed).to(device) self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=LR_CRITIC) # self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=LR_CRITIC, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY) # Noise process self.noise = OUNoise(action_size, seed) # Replay memory self.memory = ReplayBuffer(action_size, BUFFER_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, seed) self.timesteps = 0 def step(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones): """ Given a batch of S,A,R,S' experiences, it saves them into the experience buffer, and occasionally samples from the experience buffer to perform training steps. """ self.timesteps += 1 for i in range(self.n_agents): self.memory.add(states[i], actions[i], rewards[i], next_states[i], dones[i]) if (len(self.memory) > BATCH_SIZE) and (self.timesteps % 20 == 0): for _ in range(10): experiences = self.memory.sample() self.learn(experiences, GAMMA) def act(self, states, add_noise=True): """ Given a list of states for each agent it returns the actions to be taken by each agent based on the current policy. Returns a numpy array of shape [n_agents, n_actions] NOTE: clips actions to be between -1, 1 Args: states: () one row of state for each agent [n_agents, n_actions] add_noise: (bool) add noise to the actions? """ states = torch.from_numpy(states).float().to(device) self.actor_local.eval() with torch.no_grad(): actions = self.actor_local(states).cpu().data.numpy() self.actor_local.train() if add_noise: actions += [self.noise.sample() for _ in range(self.n_agents)] return np.clip(actions, -1, 1) def reset(self): self.noise.reset() def learn(self, experiences, gamma): """Update policy and value parameters using given batch of experience tuples. Q_targets = r + γ * critic_target(next_state, actor_target(next_state)) where: actor_target(state) -> action critic_target(state, action) -> Q-value Params ====== experiences (Tuple[torch.Tensor]): tuple of (s, a, r, s', done) tuples gamma (float): discount factor """ states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = experiences # ---------------------------- update critic ---------------------------- # # Get predicted next-state actions and Q values from target models actions_next = self.actor_target(next_states) Q_targets_next = self.critic_target(next_states, actions_next) # Compute Q targets for current states (y_i) Q_targets = rewards + (gamma * Q_targets_next * (1 - dones)) # Compute critic loss Q_expected = self.critic_local(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(Q_expected, Q_targets) # Minimize the loss self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic_optimizer.step() # ---------------------------- update actor ---------------------------- # # Compute actor loss actions_pred = self.actor_local(states) actor_loss = -self.critic_local(states, actions_pred).mean() # Minimize the loss self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() # ----------------------- update target networks ----------------------- # self.soft_update(self.critic_local, self.critic_target, TAU) self.soft_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_target, TAU) def soft_update(self, local_model, target_model, tau): """Soft update model parameters. θ_target = τ*θ_local + (1 - τ)*θ_target Params ====== local_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied from) target_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied to) tau (float): interpolation parameter """ for target_param, local_param in zip(target_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): * + (1.0 - tau) * @property def device(self): return device
class Agent(): """Interacts with and learns from the environment.""" def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, random_seed, learn_every): """Initialize an Agent object. Params ====== state_size (int): dimension of each state action_size (int): dimension of each action random_seed (int): random seed """ self.seed = random.seed(random_seed) # Actor Network (w/ Target Network) self.state_size = state_size self.action_size = action_size self.learn_every = learn_every self.actor_local = Actor(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.actor_target = Actor(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.actor_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.actor_local.parameters(), lr=LR_ACTOR) # Critic Network (w/ Target Network) self.critic_local = Critic(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.critic_target = Critic(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=LR_CRITIC, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY) # Noise process self.noise = OUNoise(action_size, random_seed) # Replay memory self.memory = ReplayBuffer(action_size, BUFFER_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, random_seed) def step(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done): """Save experience in replay memory, and use random sample from buffer to learn.""" # Save experience / reward self.memory.add(state, action, reward, next_state, done) def act(self, state, add_noise=True): """Returns actions for given state as per current policy.""" state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) self.actor_local.eval() with torch.no_grad(): action = self.actor_local(state).cpu().data.numpy() self.actor_local.train() if add_noise: action += self.noise.sample() return np.clip(action, -1, 1) def reset(self): self.noise.reset() def learn_from_file(self): try: file = np.random.choice(glob('data/*.*')) exps = pickle.load(open(file, 'rb')) exps = [experience(**exp) for exp in exps] exps = batch_from_sample(exps) self.learn(exps, GAMMA) except EOFError: pass def learn(self, experiences, gamma): """Update policy and value parameters using given batch of experience tuples. Q_targets = r + γ * critic_target(next_state, actor_target(next_state)) where: actor_target(state) -> action critic_target(state, action) -> Q-value Params ====== experiences (Tuple[torch.Tensor]): tuple of (s, a, r, s', done) tuples gamma (float): discount factor """ states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = experiences # ---------------------------- update critic ---------------------------- # # Get predicted next-state actions and Q values from target models actions_next = self.actor_target(next_states) Q_targets_next = self.critic_target(next_states, actions_next) # Compute Q targets for current states (y_i) Q_targets = rewards + (gamma * Q_targets_next * (1 - dones)) # Compute critic loss Q_expected = self.critic_local(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(Q_expected, Q_targets) # Minimize the loss self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic_optimizer.step() # ---------------------------- update actor ---------------------------- # # Compute actor loss actions_pred = self.actor_local(states) actor_loss = -self.critic_local(states, actions_pred).mean() # Minimize the loss self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() # ----------------------- update target networks ----------------------- # self.soft_update(self.critic_local, self.critic_target, TAU) self.soft_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_target, TAU) def soft_update(self, local_model, target_model, tau): """Soft update model parameters. θ_target = τ*θ_local + (1 - τ)*θ_target Params ====== local_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied from) target_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied to) tau (float): interpolation parameter """ for target_param, local_param in zip(target_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): * + (1.0 - tau) *
class Agent(): def __init__(self, state_size, action_size, random_seed, memory=None): self.state_size = state_size self.action_size = action_size self.seed = random.seed(random_seed) # Actor Network self.actor_local = Actor(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.actor_target = Actor(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.actor_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.actor_local.parameters(), lr=LR_ACTOR) # Critic Network self.critic_local = Critic(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.critic_target = Critic(state_size, action_size, random_seed).to(device) self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=LR_CRITIC, weight_decay=WEIGHT_DECAY) # Noise self.noise = OUNoise(action_size, random_seed) # Replay memory if memory is None: self.memory = ReplayBuffer(action_size, BUFFER_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, random_seed) else: self.memory = memory def step(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones, step): for state, action, reward, next_state, done in zip( states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones): self.memory.add(state, action, reward, next_state, done) if len(self.memory) > BATCH_SIZE and step % LEARN_EVERY == 0: for _ in range(LEARN_N_TIMES): experiences = self.memory.sample() self.learn(experiences, GAMMA) def act(self, states, add_noise=True): states = torch.from_numpy(states).float().to(device) self.actor_local.eval() with torch.no_grad(): actions = self.actor_local(states).cpu().data.numpy() self.actor_local.train() if add_noise: actions += self.noise.sample() return np.clip(actions, -1, 1) def reset(self): self.noise.reset() def learn(self, experiences, gamma): states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = experiences actions_next = self.actor_target(next_states) Q_targets_next = self.critic_target(next_states, actions_next) Q_targets = rewards + (gamma * Q_targets_next * (1 - dones)) Q_expected = self.critic_local(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(Q_expected, Q_targets) self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic_local.parameters(), 1) self.critic_optimizer.step() actions_pred = self.actor_local(states) actor_loss = -self.critic_local(states, actions_pred).mean() self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() self.soft_update(self.critic_local, self.critic_target, TAU) self.soft_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_target, TAU) def soft_update(self, local_model, target_model, tau): for target_param, local_param in zip(target_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): * + (1.0 - tau) *
class Agent(): """Interacts with and learns from the environment.""" def __init__(self, args, state_size, action_size): """Initialize an Agent object. Params ====== state_size (int): dimension of each state action_size (int): dimension of each action """ self.args = args self.state_size = state_size self.action_size = action_size self.seed = random.seed(self.args.seed) # Actor Network (w/ Target Network) self.actor_local = Actor(state_size, action_size, self.args.seed, fc1_units=self.args.hidden_1_size, fc2_units=self.args.hidden_2_size, fc3_units=self.args.hidden_3_size).to(device) self.actor_target = Actor(state_size, action_size, self.args.seed, fc1_units=self.args.hidden_1_size, fc2_units=self.args.hidden_2_size, fc3_units=self.args.hidden_3_size).to(device) self.actor_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.actor_local.parameters(), lr=self.args.lr_Actor, eps=self.args.adam_eps) # Critic Network (w/ Target Network) self.critic_local = Critic( state_size, action_size, self.args.seed, fc1_units=self.args.hidden_1_size, fc2_units=self.args.hidden_2_size, fc3_units=self.args.hidden_3_size).to(device) self.critic_target = Critic( state_size, action_size, self.args.seed, fc1_units=self.args.hidden_1_size, fc2_units=self.args.hidden_2_size, fc3_units=self.args.hidden_3_size).to(device) self.critic_optimizer = optim.Adam(self.critic_local.parameters(), lr=self.args.lr_Critic, eps=self.args.adam_eps, weight_decay=self.args.weight_decay) # Noise process self.noise = OUNoise(action_size, self.args.seed, sigma=self.args.noise_std) self.learning_starts = int(args.memory_capacity * args.learning_starts_ratio) self.learning_frequency = args.learning_frequency #self.memory = ReplayBuffer(action_size, BUFFER_SIZE, LEARNING_BATCH_SIZE, seed) def memorize(self, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones, memory): """Save experience in replay memory, and use random sample from buffer to learn.""" # Save experience / reward for state, action, reward, next_state, done in zip( states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones): #memory.add(state, action, reward, done) memory.add(state, action, reward, next_state, done) def act(self, state, add_noise=True): """Returns actions for given state as per current policy.""" state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(device) self.actor_local.eval() with torch.no_grad(): action = self.actor_local(state).cpu().data.numpy() self.actor_local.train() if add_noise: action += self.noise.sample() return np.clip(action, -1, 1) def reset(self): self.noise.reset() def learn(self, memory, timestep): """Update policy and value parameters using given batch of experience tuples. Q_targets = r + γ * critic_target(next_state, actor_target(next_state)) where: actor_target(state) -> action critic_target(state, action) -> Q-value Params ====== """ # Learn, if enough samples are available in memory and after "learning_frequency" steps since we last learnt # if memory.num_memories > self.learning_starts and timestep % self.learning_frequency == 0: # idxs, states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones, _ = memory.sample(self.args.batch_size) if len( memory ) > self.learning_starts and timestep % self.learning_frequency == 0: states, actions, rewards, next_states, dones = memory.sample() # ---------------------------- update critic ---------------------------- # # Get predicted next-state actions and Q values from target models actions_next = self.actor_target(next_states) Q_targets_next = self.critic_target(next_states, actions_next) # Compute Q targets for current states (y_i) Q_targets = rewards + ( * Q_targets_next * (1 - dones)) # Compute critic loss Q_expected = self.critic_local(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(Q_expected, Q_targets) # Minimize the loss self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic_local.parameters(), self.args.reward_clip) self.critic_optimizer.step() # ---------------------------- update actor ---------------------------- # # Compute actor loss actions_pred = self.actor_local(states) actor_loss = -self.critic_local(states, actions_pred).mean() # Minimize the loss self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() self.actor_optimizer.step() # memory.update_priorities(idxs, actor_loss.detach()) # Update priorities of sampled transitions # ----------------------- update target networks ----------------------- # # if timestep % self.args.target_update == 0: # Every time there is a leartning process happening, let's update self.soft_update(self.critic_local, self.critic_target, self.args.tau) self.soft_update(self.actor_local, self.actor_target, self.args.tau) def soft_update(self, local_model, target_model, tau): """Soft update model parameters. θ_target = τ*θ_local + (1 - τ)*θ_target Params ====== local_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied from) target_model: PyTorch model (weights will be copied to) tau (float): interpolation parameter """ for target_param, local_param in zip(target_model.parameters(), local_model.parameters()): * + (1.0 - tau) *